PAGE TWO T141P MICHI °_"-AN "ATIv _ i rT 1.. Ii 1l.ti.A 11 T' A T13L Y FRIIDAY, MAY 19, 1944 I Fifty-Fourth Year I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. , , = c r . , sr f . r !.t i ; a,.. ; ::z i'..: iD- s' - ., t / ' "Y .. ..:_ ' a : oS,.: . ] ,. //1' z; f /r f , _ i , F c ! a ," _. ,' a . .... ,jw r, 9 T k' ,sue. ' _ ., i;. 3'" . $".w < Y -. P r : :,s r' ° -t az , ' a ' r p ' + , .. ., , y .7 5..-. . I/. .I " L DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, , : .: ..I' ~ f R.. 7 ,1 + . T rY; iF ti ' k Z _..... . : "A _ :Y 4 _ ,: .t / .. ,., ~ik~ . f ;--i + } '^ >~5 ; ' :" .Edi Jane Farrant . Claire Sherman Stan Wallace . Evelyn Phillips Harvey Frank Bud Low . Jo-Ann Peterson Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarin Marjorie Hall . itorial Staff . . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . City Editor . , . . Associate Editor . . . .Sports Editor . . -Associate Sports Editor * . Associate Sports Editor . . Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor isiness Staff . . . . Business Manager . Associate Business Manager F ,. - btz, ,% ". it I II 17 -I;"d r-v~~ 4 .,. ,.. ._. ; 1 Bu Elizabeth A. Carpenter -Margery Batt . Y ,,>. ,_ . Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the -use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All tights of repub- licntiox of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by-car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. 'Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 NIGHT EDITOR: NEVA NEGREVSKI Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Censoring the Record REPS. Clare Hoffman and John Rankin are up to their old tricks again. Tuesday they opened a-campaign to keep all criticism of them and defense of. their critics out of the Congressional Record. Their first move was to block the- attempt of Rep. Martin Kennedy to place in the .Record 'Walter Win- chell's reply to Martin. Dies' attack on him. This, although the Dies' attack has already ;been printed. Second, they 'moved to have John Roy Carlson's defense of himself..-against attacks made on him in Congress, inserted in the Record by Rep. -Herman Eberharter, stricken from it. Not content with this, they forced an ad- jeurnment of the house, preventing the de- livery of a speech in defense of Carlson by Rep. Arthur Klein. Nathan Robertson in PM Wednesday reported that Hoffman .-and Ran- kin as much as announced :that they would not permit any more attacks on members of Congress to be printed in the Congressional Record. Of course, Hoffman and Rankin-' obviously did not mean that they therefore would cease making attacks on such men as Carlson and Winchell. Certainly not, for while campaigning to censor the Record, Hoffman and Rankin are continu- ing to make virulent attacks upon these very men and others who dare to criticize their ections. The freedom which Congressmen enjoy under their immunity is not anirresponsible freedom. If certain Congressmen must make attacks upon private citizens, those citizens }should have the right to -answer them. And if other Congress- men insert these answers into the Congressional Record, so that charges and answers -can ap- pear together, they have the right to do so. Kathie Sharfman . 5-, iB .xs1Y.P. . : . e .-,,; ! . .-< :.. , .. , . ; F f r yyy M ,yy .it* f #W i^ ".t:' "You Can't Do This to Me!" Southerner Gives Views on Race Problem Editor's Note: We present this letter to you because we think it covers a question that needs an airing, one that can't be discussed too much. The writer, in the letter, states and hopes his ideas will bring some replies. In this spirit, then, we pass it on to you. To the Editor: In the several months that I've been in Ann Arbor, I have read The Daily with interest, especially the editorials and letters dealing with the racial problem. I represent a point of view that usually gets kicked around in these parts; in fact, invariably does. In other words, I grew -up in the South, was educated there, and intend to goback after the war. I inherited my tradition, just as you did yours, and while most .of your contributors would not agree, I'm afraid, the Southern way is not indefensible. In fact, I consider that we in the South face fundamental facts more honestly than those'of you who are victims of the humanitar- ian or perfectibility fallacy. It is true that many Southern politicians have used mammy oratory and:shaky rationalization to support views they hold for irrational reasons, .and that is a mistake. But *their, big mistake is to suppose that beliefs must be founded on reason, and are not respectable if they can't be proved to be rational. Some things, like gravitation, are just existent, and we have to put up with them the best we can. What are the irreducible facts that the ex- tremist racial agitators ignore? Well, as the Southerner ,sees it, there are several. One is that by no means are human beings equal. A -large number, perhaps the majority of pepple, are trash, to .use an ugly word. Therefore free or unqualified democracy is a concept which if realized would lead to a chaos. Democracy is a dream ani a word to conjure with, but we don't want it and\ if you were realists, I don't think you would either. Notice, when I say some people are better than others, I'm not referring to color distinctions. There is white trash and black trash, as well as ex- cellent men in both races. But that is not the important fact. What about the black and white races, considered for a moment as entities? I am quite willing to ad- mit that in any measurable way Negroes are the equals of whites. As a matter of fact, the white mane has usually felt himself to be superior to the black one, but that is a matter of historical accident. It is quite conceivable that under'some circumstances the black race might have felt itself to be the superior. Only an ignorant man would still try to claim that Negroes are some- how intrinsically inferior. I should use another word---"different." My point is that under any conceivable circum- stances, the two races will always be alien races, separated by nature, which is not rational. In other words, the Negro is not simply a white man who happens to be black. He is different, and as I construe it, this is what the white Southern- er feels.- This feeling goes down below reason, and it is not amenable to education. After all, there are comparatively few Negroes outside the South, and I suppose it is true that the con- tributors I have read in The Daily have actual- Iy-known only a few. There are social researchers who visit Missis- sippi and often through months' work, prepare reports. But be honest, and admit that a strang- er cannot come into a place and understand it, and then go read William Faulkner, if you want to encounter a man who has a deep awareness of what it is to live in a region shared by two alien races. This gets too long, I'm afraid, but the es- sential point is made. An immensely compli- cated superstructure has been erected, or better, grown of itself on this foundation of difference in the races. Admittedly there have been many cases of injustice from white to black. Equally lamentable is the fact that two different and therefore mutually suspicious races have had to occupy the same region. But the hard fact is th they have had to do so, and in my opinion, shown remarkable tolerance-of each other. The South is a white man's country, and the Negroes "have their place," which is unfor- tunate in that they have no great say in what is done with the country. But the obverse side is often-forgotten. If the Negro has his place; so has the white man his place and duty. I grew up in Mississippi: I know and respect many Negroes there. I would not call them my "friends"; all of us would be embarrassed if I did, because our code of behavior does not allow it and neither of us has any desire to go beyond it. I ,know what to expect of them, and they know I will treat them fairly. It may sound ridiculous to Yankee readers, but there is a feeling of "noblesse oblige" on both sides. And if there's ever been anything else that made people be decent to each other in a similar situ- ation, I don't know what it is. .I personally;have no desire to change the status quo, as far as trying to abolish the dis- tinction between the races goes. It can't be done -by education; it can't be done by force- it can't be done at all. If it can't be, and the two continue to be separate, I cannot see how the Negro and his humanitarian white sym- pathizer can ever get what they apparently want-which is to move in a white world with no distinction at all. I would suggest, along with certain leaders in Southern circles, that as near to an ideal solu- tion as we can ever come is to have parallel civilizations, which we have in the South to a certain extent already. If anybody has stuck this far, I should ap- preciate a reply, and if any is forthcoming, please try to remember that the racial problem in the South is complicated far beyond what you would ever dream. What appears so beautifully simple =up here, almost diagram- matic, is down there fearfully gnarled. Also remember that there are some problems which are incapable of solution, and that it is better to take the world straight, remembering that it has been, is, and will very probably con- tinue to be a hell of a place, than to put on optimist's glasses and see it as a possible para- dise, easily realized if only a few stupid Simon Legreeish Southerners were put out of the way. --Donald Scott FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 121 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: There will be a meeting of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts in Rm. 1025, Angell Hall, May 1, 1944 at 4:15 p.m. Notices of this meeting and the proposed agenda and reports have been distributed through campus mail. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: Mid-semester re- ports are due not later than Satur- day, April 29. Report cards are being distributed. to all departmental offices. Green cards are being provided for fresh- man reports; they should be returned to the Qffice of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards, for reporting sophomores, juniors and seniors should be returned to 1220 Angell Hall. Mid-semester reports should name those students, freshmen and upper- classmen, whose standing at mid- semester is D or E, not merely those who receive D or E in so-called mid- semester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or colleges of the University should be reported to the school ordcollege in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell Hall.- College of Architecture and De- sign, School of Education, School of Forestry; and Conservation, School of Music, School of Public Health: Mid- semester reports indicating students enrolled in these units doing unsatis- factory work in any unit of the Uni- versity are due in the office of the school or college by April 29th at noon. Report blanks for this pur- pose may be secured from the office of the school or college or from Room 4, University Hall. The ten-weeks' grades for Marine and Navy trainees (other than Engi- neers) will be due May 13. Only D and E grades need be reported. The Office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall, will receive these reports and transmit them to the proper officers. If more blue cards are needed, please call at 108 Mason Hall or telephone 613 and they will be sent by campus mail. The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information has a re- quest from one of the better boys' camps for two college men to work as supervisors during the summer. The salary is $100 a month plus maintenance. For further details, call at the office of THE BUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS AND OCCUPA- TIONAL INFORMATION, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours are 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. Mrs. Faris of the Columbus, O. chapter of the American Red Cross will be in our office on May 1, 1944 to interview girls who are interested in social work in Columbus, O. Call our office Ext. 371 for appointments or stop in at 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appointments. Miss Stickney will be in our office on May 1 and May 2 for the purpose of recruiting Girl Scout Professional workers in the Chicago area. Girls who would like to talk to her call our office for appointments Ext 371 Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, Lectures Food Handler's Lectures: Two se- ries of lectures for food handlers will be given by Melbourne Murphy, Health Service Sanitarian, in the Lecture Room of the Health Service on the following days. The lectures will include slides and films. Series I Lecture I-Tues., April 25-2 p.m. Lecture II-Tues., May 2, 2 p.m. Series II1 Lecture I-Thurs., April 27, 2 p.m. Lecture II-Thurs., May 4, 2 p.m.] All persons concerned with food service to University students who have not previously attended are asked to attend one of the present series. Other interested persons are1 cordially invited to attend. La Sociedad Hispanica: Change of ' date for Dr. Itriago's lecture. Thist lecture will take place Monday, May 1, instead of previous date. Place: Rackham Amphitheatre. Time: 8 pm. Academic Notices Students, College of Engineering: The final day for removal of IN- COMPLETES will be Saturday, April 29. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for DROPPING COUR- SES WITHOUT RECORD will be Saturday, April 29. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instructor. School of Education Freshmen: Courses dropped after Saturday, April 29, will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordin- ary circumstances. No course is con- sidered dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Regis- trar, Rm. 4, University Hall. Freshmen, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Freshmen may not drop courses without "E" grade after Saturday, April 29. Only stu- dents with less than 24 hours' credit are affected by this regulation. They must be recommended by their Aca- demic Counselor for this extraordi- nary privilege. Medical Aptitude Test: The Medi- cal Aptitude Test of the Association of American Colleges, a normal re- quirement for admission to practi- cally all medical schools, will be given today throughout the United States. The test, which will require . about two hours, will be given in Ann Arbor in the Rackham Amphitheatre from 3 to 5 p.m. Any student planning to enter a medical school and who has not pre- viously taken the Aptitude Test should do so at this time. You are requested to be in your seats prompt- ly and to bring with you two well- sharpened pencils. Doctoral Students: The thesis dead- line for students expecting to receive. degrees in June has been changed to May 1. We cannot guarantee that students can complete the require- ments for their degrees by the end of the Spring Term. Doctoral Examination for Chao- Lan Kao, Physics; thesis: "The Infra- Red Absorption Spectra of Difluoro- methane and Fluoroform," today, East CouncilCRoom, Rackham Build- ing, 3 p.m. Chairman, E. F. Barker. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend this ex- amination, and he may grant per- mission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. Zoology 156, Fisheries Biology: Spe- cial field trip Saturday. Cars leave at 4 a.m. from North University en- trance of Natural Science Bldg. Make1 transportation reservations in Zo- ology Department office before today noon. Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will present a program of compositions for the carillon at 7 o'clock tonight. I Student Recital: Jeannette Haien,f pianist, will present a recital in par-l tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Musict at 8:30 p.m., Sunday, April 30, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A stu-c dent of John Kollen, Miss Haien willi play compositions , by Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt and Schuman.s The public is cordially invited. v Exhibitionsj The Twenty-First Annual Exhibi- tion by artists of Ann Arbor and vicinity, presented by the Ann Arbor Art Association, in the galleries of1 the tRackham Building, April -22 through May 12, datly except Sunday,1 afternoons 2 to 5 and evenings 7 tol 10. The public is cordially invited. Exhibit: Original plans and per- spectives for the proposed civic cen- ter of Madison, Wisconsin, designed by the architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground floor corridor, Architecture Building. On exhibit until May 1. vents Today Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held on Friday, April 28 at 4 p.m.F in Rm. 319 West Medical Building. 'Some Problems of the Physiological Relationships of Amino Acids" will be f discussed. All interested are invited. r Dr. Karl W. Deutsch of the Massa-v chusetts Institute of Technology will - address the members of the Post-War, Council and other interested students 13e Right By Samuel Grafton NEW YORK, April 27.-There is something so naked about the Smith Committee's report to the House that the effect is one of almost charming candor. The committee wants higher prices, higher rents and lower wages. That is all. It is as one-sided and as innocently arrogant as a child's Christmas list. The Hon. members of the commit- tee have simply put down on paper everything that their hearts pine for. They want a bicycle with red wheels, and they want the government to guarantee every businessman a profit. The Hon. members have written down -their day-dreams and called it a report. One proposal says that if a business man's costs go up, his prices must be allowed to go up, too, regardless of his profits. But another proposal says that if cer- tain workers in any industry are receiving substandard wages, they must go right on receiving substan- dard wages, which are on no ac- count to be raised. The document is as primitive as that. And Mr. Smith is the hero of a similar episode, dating back to 1939, when he first introduced a resolution to investigate the National Labor Relations Board. His resolution called the Board so many bad names that it made a minor scandal in the House. It was there pointed out to Mr. Smith that, in the ordinary course of events, conclusions are supposed to follow an investigation, not precede it. Mr. Smith hastily withdrew his resolution and wrote a more polite one. In a sense, his new report is an outgrowth of that incident, for Mr. Smith was, actually, not empowered to investigate the question of infla- tion, but only'to investigate the day- to-day workings of the government agencies. Instead, he has come in and placed on teacher's desk a plan for a wholly new economic program, and one, as has been remarked, which is so naked that, in common decency, a policeman's coat ought to be clapped hastily around the shivering thing. At a time when priests are Par. tisans and when Eric Johnstons speak up for organized labor; at a time when civilized men all over the world are learning the hard lesson of compromise as the alter- -native to chaos, one cannot really beangry, one can only be amazed at the sight of these men bringing in their bald plan for higher- prices and lower wages. There is some- -thing -close to innocence about it all. These men want to have their own way. And they are so happy about it. They are utterly delighted, as if they had just thought of something brand-new, and perfectly wonderful. Their eyes shine, and they haven't a doubt in the world. This is perhalis the most impressive demonstration of naive single-mindedness ever seen' in Washington, and one hesitates to spoil it by reciting the facts of life to them. I think their hearts might break. (Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate) day Night Dance will be held as usual at the Club beginning at 8 p.m. The Ann Arbor Library Club will meet tonight at 7:45 in Rm. 110, University Library. Miss Agnes N. Tyss. will talk o Microfilms, and Dr. B. A. Uhlendorf will discuss Offset Printing. MicrQ- film reading machines will be on ex- hibit. Refreshments will be served by staff members of the Departmen- ta and Coiegiate Libraries. All library staff members as well as others interested in library work are invited to become members of the Ann A bor Library Club. Dues tre seventy-five cents a -year. Members who have not already lone so are urgently requested to pay their dues to the treasurer, Mr. Harrell, as fonds are running low. Conservative Services will be held at the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen will speak at 8:30. Reform Services begin at 8:45 p.m. Refreshments and a social hour will follow. Coming Events the Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public from 9 to 11 Saturda y evening, April 29, in case the sky is clear or nearly so. The moon and the planet Jupiter will be shown through the telescopes. Chil- dren must be accompanied by adults. Hillel Foundation will present "The Forgotten Village" a movie based on John Steinbeck's book tomorrow (Saturday), There will be two per- formances, at 8 p.m. and at 9 p.m. "They Find a Home," a short feature released by United PalestineAppeal, will also be shown. Dancing, games and refreshments will follow the movie. There is no admission charge. Everyone is invited to attend.. s ' IPe 1) , =/1 ' Most of the civilian dent and ned students, as well as practically all senior engineers on campus are already lifetime members of the Michigan Union by virtue of having attended this university for eight semesters. As such they are entitled to all the privileges the Union has to offer. Yet five:dollars from the tuition of each for every semester he re- mains in school goes to the Union as a mem- bershiip fee. The cashier's office reports that it cannot distinguish between those life members and others when they transfer the part of the tuition to the Union, but that the Union could refund a portion to those students who are already life- time hmembers, if it wishes. Does it wish? -Harvey Frank Democracy in Action An ingenious suggestion . . . was made today i BARNABY By Crockett Johnson I - -, mosim 7 h, f " milk 10 Whaever made your dad Shas o Bishop Berkley! 'l!) Pop's in the living room now. cRoc T1 I - f II 30 HN ofijSuppose I brush up for an