i .i LI 1 T ..ESDY..h1i._ 1s 7.a ' , 1q 44 ° G Fifty-Fourth Year SRather BeRight BySAMUEL GRAFTON GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty AU sIC r I t.: St , i A c MlL~M~T Us Edited and man gec by student. o the University of Michigan under the authity of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every mnori iing except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tues day during1the summer session. ,Membr of The AsiocIated Press TheAssciaed res isexcusielyentitled to the use for repiblication of ul! news dispaltehes credited to it or otherwise erediled in ihi newaper A rights of repuib- llcatlon o W al other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Pos 5O1icr at An Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail ma tte- Subscriptions during the rey shool year by ear- rier $4.25, by mal $52l Member, Asmsciated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 E ddiorial Staff Jane Farnt . Claire Sherman , Stan Wallace . Marjorie iorradaile Evolyn Phillips Harv'y Frank B Tud Low . . .. Mary Anne Olson.. Marjorie Rosmarin ~1isaeth 'irpc-n ici . . .Managing Editor . di1oria1 Director . . . . City Editor . - . . Associate Editor Associate Editor . Associate Sports Editor Asociate Sports Editor Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff A:,- t Business Manager Telephone 23-244 NIGHT EDITOR: DORIS PETERSON Edi/orials Iblished ifi The Michigan Daily j are iri//rn by memb1Cers of Th 1)aily staff and represenl /he vis of // wri/ers only.I PREVIEW: Daily Enters Seventh Wartime Semester WITH THIS ISSUE, The Daily goes into its seventh semester of wartime publication. Although conditions have assumed a wartime normalcy, the probem of giving University stu- dents a true and unbiased picture of a campus and world at war, remains extremely difficult. The tendency toward wartime hysteria, coupled with the vastness of news that must hcs covered, raises innumerable problems, espe- cially for a newspaper with a university scope. It is our responsibility to present the facts to the University students, and to reflect their views on current problems., We, the senior editors for the coming semester, will endeavor to maintain The Daily standards of the past, and to see that The Daily serves the University in its capacity as a student news- paper. Janie Farrant Stan Wallace Claire Sherman Marjorie Borradaile Evelyn Phillips T1HE ()LONE1 - llarkie'y lives 1l11) It) Name of Wheeihorse 'TNCE 'I 'H I' last IpUbl i0,ioi othis newspaper, TNC a n aaedBarkley has;lwcoflie a national h erowith appropr atecairtOons celebrating his ascent to the to> by aictorial representation of the somewhat roug--he9ri and politically- worn Kentucky gentleman as a sort of 1944 Winged Victory. And how did he achieve the transitory fame and favor of tic widely differentiated politicos as Wendell Wikiee andi Tom Conn lly l y very simply coning out from his depend- ept post at the nation's capital long enough ti indicate that he is , Southern Democrat at heart and that ie iAst ran the President's errands as long as it wai politically expedient. To read into his,; :;onieWimO11 ridicuilouis speech anything further is clImilly ridiculous. Ken- ticky had (elected a ie(publN I governor and Biarkley is tifor re-elu ion. The Democrati' inajori ty was si ilniit;-; ata ,i splitting sinmul- tOlneosly and meri lad to ebo ose sides. The tax bill was asafe issoe and t ' President had given one * rong reaon for the righit ieing. Barkley very simply decided that eing right amd liberal was all very ""well.bt that he wanted to be On te popular side wen they started counting poll tax ballots. o WILLKIE, despite the fact that he saw the terrible need for higher taxes, grinned glee- fully as indeed le ight when Democratic strength goes 10 he l And Dewey managed to make even his Chlesire Cat1r1i0e finger in the atmosphere for several d Connally and 1,e other Democrats welcomed Barkley back from tie ranks of the New Deal into their increasifn Y reactionary body with a resounding voe of conidence. Between these two groups Dear Alben has received enough praise. lIe is the wheelhorse i hv hh ehasb eencaled in the nast by friend NEW YORK, March 6.-A number of observ- ers have reported that our fighting men seem "muddled" as to what the war is al about, and Mr. Hanson W. Baldwin, military commentator of the New York Times, has just written on the subject. The consensus is that our servicemen's con- versation rarely touches on the ideals for which this war is being fought. In other words, the amazing discovery has been made that soldiers talk exactly like commuters and Congressmen. Now, of course, the obvious answer to this is that we ought to have "more classes" for our troops, to explain to them that they are fighting for human freedom. The theory is that if, later on, in battle, a man happens to wonder how he got into this fix, he will remember the explana- tion he had heard last Thursday morning (read, perhaps, rather haltingly, out of a manual, by a bored lieutenant) and then he will feel better and fight like hell. I am sorry, but this approach seems to me a short-cut to nowhere. I give you the un- palatable fact that, since ours is a democratic army, it accurately reflects the national mood; and if our armed services are not singing hymns to human freedom, neither is Congress, neither is the State Department, and neither is the President of the United States. The mood at the top is a mood of expediency, and moods are catching. We cannot smirk, at the top, over smart deals we have made with the relicts of a dead Europe, and have the men at 'ABSUJDIT Y: Conference Coun ni tttee Approves Cmpromise WHILE WE STUDENTS happily spent the days of our between-terms vacation, the House-Senate conference committee recom- mended that Congress pass a restricted federal ballot bill for soldiers--a bill that CIO President Philip Murray Sunday termed a "technical ab- surdity" which would disenfranchise those sol diers now able to vote. Under the provisions of the measure which the conference group approved, federal ballots are restricted to the use of the men and wo- men overseas, and then only if they "are authorized by the law of the states." Radford Mobley in the Free Press has declared that "it is apparent that the new bill would not permit any more servicemen to vote than the present law." Specifically, the bill provides that 1) service- men and women stationed in the United States may not use federal ballots, 2) those overseas may use the federal ballot only if state legisla- tures approve and if they have applied for a state ballot by Sept. 1 and have not received it by Oct. 1. President Roosevelt has hinted at a possible veto if the bill is passed. He is applying the rigid test which the Congressional conference apparently refused to consider. -Will the new bill permit more servicemen and women to vote than existing statutes? N DECIDING this question, the president must consider the following facts: 1) that registra- tion and payment of poll taxes, waived by an existing statute for members of the armed forces whether stationed in the country or overseas, will be required of all servicemen stationed in the country if these requirements are part of the state laws; 2) that while the compromise bill authorizes a federal ballot under certain condi- tions for servicemen overseas, it leanv ii up to the states to accept or reject them. Among the states the situation today is this: out of ten state legislatures which have com- pleted action on soldier vote legislation, Cali- fornia's is the only one which has declared that the federal ballot is legal. Though tak- ing no steps to validate a federal ballot, nine other states have declared that no new soldier vote legislation is necessary. Students have shown their support :f an effective federal soldier-vote )ill in the all- campus poll taken by MYDA and The Daily and in the resolution approved by such groups as the Post-War Council, Assembly, Panhel., and the Union. As citizens students munst make use of the democratic machinery available to them. --Write your senators and representatives and urge them to support and fight for a soldier- vote bill which will giiarantee to as many serv- icemen and women as possible the'ir colstitii- tional right to cast a ballot and have their say in the government of their country. -Kathie Slarfma the bottom blaze with aspirations for a new Europe. We cannot ask the G. I.'s to burn with a hard, gemlike flame, while our diplomats re- main unignited. To ride one of Marshal Badogio's fascist generals out of Naples on a rail would be better than all the pro-democratic orientation courses conceivable, important as they are. To let him stay in Naples cancels the courses. And we cannot have much better orientation courses, because chapter one in the book would have to say that many of the things we are doing are wrong. And can we expect our men to be clear when we are not? This is our army; it is part of us; its muddle is part of our muddle, as its flesh is part of our flesh. T-HE PROBLEM of army morale, therefore, is a national problem, not just a G. I. problem. And at home we have just had a blazing, irrel- evant revival of domestic strife. No Congress- man had time to make a speech against Hitler on the day Senator Barkley thrilled us so by breaking with the President. The atmosphere of domestic bitterness is not calculated to make Mr. Roosevelt bold in tossing a Badoglio aside, either; the step might be interpreted as "radical." He pauses. We pause. The army, flesh of our flesh, pauses, too. Not in a book, but in our hearts, will we find the answers to the questions raised by observers of Army morale. If anyone supposes I am going to end this piece by offering a solution to the problem, he is out of his mind. Unfortunate nations some- times have to crawl on their bellies for a genera- tion to find answers to these hard questions. I hope and pray we may not. But the answer, definitely, is not mere instruc- tion by an army officer who was probably picked, in the first place, precisely because of his total lack of interest in political problems; a procedure that is one more testimonial to the doubts we live with. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) DREW PEARSON'S MERRY-GO-ROUND, WASHINGTON, March 6.-The last thing you would ever expect in the staid old State Depart- ment is a strike. Yet the threat of a strike has hung over Secretary Hull's head for several weeks-and it looks as if it has worked. The strike of career diplomats is directed against Dr. Stanley Hornbeck, former Harvard professor, who, ever since the Coolidge Adminis- tration, has implanted his opinionated and fre- quently erroneous views on the Far Eastern Division of the State Department. His job has been to tell successive Secre- taries of State-Kellogg, Stimson and Hull- what was going to happen in Japan and China. And he has been so wrong regarding both that, on November 22, 1941, just 15 days before Pearl Harbor, he wrote an important memorandum to the Secretary of State advis- ing that Japan never would attack the United States. THENCAME new Under-Secretary Ed Stet- tiniuswith some ideas on State Department reorganization. He set up three new divisions: One on Japan, headed by Earl R Dickeman; one on the Southwest Pacific, 'headed by Lawr- ence Salisbury; one on China, headed by Frank P. Lockhart, veteran U.S. consul in China. All these were slated to operate under Dr. Hornbeck. This was what started the strike. Hitherto, Hornbeck had been an adviser on political relations and was not supposed to meddle in administration, though he frequently did. But; under Stet~tinius' new reorganization he was in charge of the whole Par East. Whereupp the prospective chiefs of the three new divisions struck. They wrot a memo to Secretary Hull declining to accept their new jobs if they had to serve under Hornbeck. Finally, as a compromise in the recent dispute, it was decided that Hornbect should' remain, but perhaps be promoted to the more rarefied atmosphere of Assistant Secretary of State or be allowed to take a university professorship at his convenience. (Copyright. 1944, United Features Syndicate) EZIO PINZA presented Ann Arbor with a flawless program last night, bringing to an end this sea- son's Choral Union Series with a memorable and highly enjoyable eve- ning. It was evident from the very first that Mr. Pinza had the tradi- tional Italian voice and love for sing- ing; this, coupled with his impec- cable artistry was sure to bring about just the sort of exquisite per- formance as was heard here last night. His program consisted chiefly of Xtalian, 'French and English art songs; and this fact itself is a chal- lenge to one who has sung opera so consistently and so well. There is great contrast in the way that these two forms of vocal music are written and presented. Opera is a large many-sided pro- duction in which the artist is provid- ed with and generally aided by the scenery, makeup, orchestral colors and other artists. In the art song the singer is alone except for the piano, and has only a small, limited amount of time to produce his effect. He may rely on nothing but his own abilities. An analogy may be drawn if one considers a small perfectly cut diamond, the effect such a tiny but beautiful stone may have, and the amount of exact and painstaking effort that went into producing that gem. Compare this to a larger stone that is placed with other jewels in a large and grandiose setting; it may have as brilliant an effect as the smaller stone but one that is gen- erally produced by the reflection of other gems. The program shone to the fullest in the light of Gibner King's ac- companiment. Such work is an art in itself and lrr. King certain- ly has mastered that art, for his P t 1944, cbkago Times. Inc. -A "This soldier vote business has gone to Harold's head-all he wants to talk about now is politics!" definite and sympathetic playing served as a fine backdrop for, the artist's voice. Mr. Pinza opened his program with several arias by Handel and some Italian folk-songs. These were fol- lowed by a group of French songs which were beautifully done; he had completely relaxed here and, singing with assurance and precision, dem- onstrated his fine breath control and delicate pianissimos. Carefully selected English songs comprised the next group. Cato's Adice by Huhn finished it with a rollicking spirit which led to the music of Mr. Pinza's homeland. Fi- occa la Neve by Cimara was substi- tuted towards the end, and he con- cluded the program with several en- cores" an aria from Mozart's Don Giovanni, and "The Flea" by Mous- sorgsky. -Jeant Athay , : : !/+ : . r K X1 o , n s ,. _ : y _ ^a Y ' ' a. ' . , . . . + .' q DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN s I (Continued from Page 3) effective since June, 1943, and will continue for the duration of the war. Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The University Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representative, (3) The Director of Physical Education and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by stu- dents in this College should be ad- dressed by freshmen to Professor Arthur Van Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Assis- tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall). Except under very extraordinary, circumstances no petitions will be considered after the end of the third week of the Spring Term. Health Lectures for Men: The re- quired series of Health Lectures for, Freshman men will be given in Rm. 35, Angell Hall, at 5:00 p.m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m., March 7, 8, 9, 13, 14. Successful completion of this series of lectures is required of all men students except those who have en- tered the University with two years of advanced standing. Freshmen and other men students who for any reason have failed to complete this requirement for grad- uation are asked to do so during the coming series. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Schools of Education, For- estry, Music, and Public Health: Stu- dents who received marks of I or X at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by April 6. Students wishing an ex- tension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the ap- propriate official in their school with Rm. 4, U.H., where it will be trans- mitted. If you wish to finance the purchase of a home, or if you have purchased. improved property on a land con- tract and owe a balance of approxi- mately 60 per cent of the value of the property, the Investment Office, 100 South Wing of University. Hull, would be glad to discuss financing through the medium of a first mort- gage. Such financing may effect a substantial saving in interest. Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information: Notice has been received in the Bureau concern- ing examinations to be given April 12 and 13, 1944, to applicants for positions in the Newark, N.J. school system for the year 1944-1945. Anyone interested may get further' information at 201 Mason Hall. Iureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information: Notice has been received in the Bureau concern- ing examinations to be given March 20, to applicants for positions in the Toledo school system for the year 1944-1945. Anyone interested may get further information at 201 Mason Hall. Scholarships-College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts: Students who wish to apply for scholarships in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, should obtain applica- tion blanks in the office of Asst. Dean. L. S. Woodburne, 1208 Angel Hall. and return to this office no larci than March 21 Mr. Raul Benedicto will lecture on "Puerto Rico y su politica," under the auspices of La Sociedad Hispanica, in the Rackham amphitheatre on Wed- nesday, March 8, at 8 p.m. Admis- sion by ticket or uniform. Madame Ioo Lecture Cancelled: The Oratorical Association Lecture Course number scheduled for Wed - nesday night, March 8, has been can- celled due to 'Madame IKoo's absence from the country. Pierre Clemenceau will speak here on Thursday, March 16, on the suhbject "France-Today and T 6morrow."' Tickets issued for the Madame Koo lecture will admit. English 150 . (Playwriting) will meet at 7:30 Wednesday evening, March 8, in 3217 A.H. Political Science 272, Administra- tive Management, formerly restricted to graduate students, is now open to upper classmen in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, and other schools of the University. The course is given for 3 hours credit on Thursdays, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Those interested register now. Philosophy 37: MWF 11, 103 Ec. Philosophy 198:,M 4, 202 MH. History 11, Lecture Group III, sec- tion 10 will meet MF 10-:00, in 101 Ec. instead of in Rm. G, HH as scheduled. History 39 will meet in Rm. G, HH instead of in Rm. 101 Ec. as an- nounced in the Supplement. Exhibiti6s Exhibit: Museun of Art and Ar- chaeology, Newberry Hall. The'Ar- thur 0. Cummer Memorial Collection of Arms. March 5-19. Week days, 9-5:; 7(0-9:30. Sundays, 3-5. Junior lResearch Club: The March meeting of the Club will be held at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the amphithea- tre of the Rackham Building. The prograim will be given by Oren C. Mohler of the Department of Astron- omy, and by Frank L. Schwartz of the Department of Mechanical Engineer- in°g. _..onng Events J)'acul y Members: A showing of the motion picture film, "Military Training," prepared by the Signal Corps, U.S.A. to illustrate teaching methods approved in Army military tgaining, has been arranged for mem- hers oif Ihe vn tricau facilties at 4:15 BARNABY By Crockett Johnson It's a letter from Aunt Ernma in Washington. Probably offering to put you up while you're there on the negotiations for that don,. Open it and see.j 7?I Well, I'm off, m'boy. I'll have Congress rush through a big appropriation for this dam- wih I could go. hi like to see you Possing laws and- A fne idea. I'll arrange such a trip. At once.. But, goodbye now, m'boy. Swell .'Bye, Mr O Malley. t'py gI i 44 s ~.+