SIX i v Nf fi r T r AlT rat A T 'r -r imyTitpoirt A IV X irl"TT art i AJ A A IJtV lYltlL.CT1t' A 11 Ef A TT'I1 r'qiURwntNflAY, AFIL 27,no 1941 I Blokestein To Study School System Here Dutch Educator Will Confer on Post-War Plans with Ruthven RAT RACE IN LANE HALL: Inter-Guild To Present Annual Carnival Cabaret on Saturday ASSOCIATED PRESS Dr. Gerrit Blokestein, minister of education in the Netherlands, wil come to Ann Arbor tomorrow to in spect the facilities of the School of Education and confer with President Alexander G. Ruthven and other University officials. Greatly in favor of adopting Anglo- Saxon methods in the school systems of the Netherlands, Dr. Blokestein will discuss plans for post-war ex- change professorships and scholar- ships between the United States and the Netherlands. He is also interest- ed in making the English language a secondary tongue in the Netherlands. Dr. Blokestein has held his post as minister of education since nine months before the Nazi invasion of Holland. When the government moved to London, Blokestein made a thorough study of the British educa- tional system. At various times, he has comment- ed on the danger of German occupa- tion touching the spirit of Holland's young people and affecting the out- look of the coming generation. How- ever, he has stressed the fact that Dutch parents were doing their ut- most each night to counteract what the Nazis did during the day in the schools. Philippine Art Exhibit ShowS common Bond The Salgado art exhibit in Detroit is a good demonstration that we have more in common with the Philippines' than merely the battle of Bataan, George Hall, assistant to the director of the International Center, said yes- terday. The exhibit is in The Children's Museum in Detroit and is the work of Mrs. Pacita Salgado. It is under the supervision of Miss Crystal Thomp- son, director of the University Mu- seum. It also includes paintings by the Phiiippino artist, Eduardo Sal- gado. Hall represented the Inter- national Center at the official open- ing of the exhibit Monday evening at which a program was presented by the Philippinos at the University and those working in Detroit. "The exhibit," he said, "has a con- tinuity so well arranged that it is a pleasure for adults as well as chil- dren. Much of the cultural value of the exhibit lies in the fact that any- one viewing the artistry on display can never feel again that he is a stranger to the Philippines-not only in their art, but in their industry and agriculture as well." He praised the speakers on the pro- gram for their quick thinking, hu- mor and sincerity. The exhibit will continue until Oct. 1 and Hall added that "every- one within the Detroit area has much to gain by attending it." ike Licenses To Be Issued Registration for 1944 bicycle li- censes will start Monday, Police Headquarters announced yesterday. All bicycle owners are urged to pur- chase licenses, Police stated. The registration of bicycles helps the po- lice to return any bikes that are stolen. In 1943 over 311 bicycles were sto- len, and only 233 returned. The re- turn of 19 of them involved arrests. The sum of $7,014 wvas involved in the robberies. Police submitted a simple solution to all bike owners to prevent the stealing of bikes, and the aid in the recovery of those that are stolen. 1. When not using your bike, be sure to lock it. 2. Know the serial number of your bike, so that police can trace it, if it should be stolen. 3. Register your bike now, so that police can have a record of it on file. 4. Report the disappearance of a bike immediately. Lane Hall will be completely taken over Saturday night at 8:15 when the Inter-Guild Council presents its an- nual Carnival Cabaret. . Fred McKinney, '44, is head of the carnival committee which has plan- f ned games of skill, square dancing, a 1 table - tennis tournament, fortune - - telling and rat races for the evening's rr r Fry Declines - As Candidate For Governtor Democratic Nominee To Be Chosen Today LANSING, April 26 -(P)- Refusal of Theodore I. Fry, State Liquor Con- trol Commissioner, to allow himself f to be "drafted" to run for the Dem- ocratic nomination for Governor left the party's leaders as far as ever to- night from finding a candidate ac- ceptable to them to carry their stan- dard into the election campaign. A board of strategy composed of ranking Democrats conferred for hours, however, and annonunced through Byron L. Ballard, Lansing attorney who called the meeting, that it would have "two strong candidates to run for Governor and Lieutenant Governor before we leave here to- night." .In Detroit, William J. Cody, Cir- cuit Court Commissioner, was circu- lating petitions as a Democratic gu- bernatorial aspirant, but established party leadership has declined to ac- cept him as its choice. Fry sent a telegram to the "strate- gists" declaring he'would not make the race. He was in Detroit, attend- ing a Liquor Control Commission' meeting. Efforts to draft him were started at the recent Democratic State Convention in Detroit, but Fry sent word that Mrs. Fry was in ill health and that he did not feel suffi- ciently well to undertake a campaign for Governor.1 He had been irritated because the leaders failed to rally behind him andF obtain his election at the State con- vention as a delegate-at-large to the Democratic National Convention, butl did not indicate whether this was a1 factor in his decision not to run for Governor. The conferees explored a wide field of possible gubernatorial candidates, and reports from the closed meetings indicated there was a strong move-~ ment under way to induce Mauricet Eveland of Mayville, former State Banking Commisisoner, to make the run. Eveland has said repeatedly he did not want the nomination, and gave no indication that he had changed1 his mind. State Representative ClarkT J. Adams of Pontiac, was being men-1 tioned as a possible candidate for governor or lieutenant governor, andY Democratic State Chairman EarnestI C. Brooks of Holland was mentioned for lieutenant governor.s F DRII , CuirtinE Agree to erms WASHINGTON, April 26.-- (I)-o Prime Minister Curtin of Australiav said tonight that he and Presidentr Roosevelt, in a review of war andI post-war problems in the Pacific,7 found themselves in "complete har-a mony."I In an address prepared for an NBC broadcast, Curtin also said that Aus-l tralia "will look to the United Statesr in the future, as it will look to thev other great powers with the greatera resources, to work out, internation- ally, the salvation of human beings" but that Australia's voice will bev heard in the Pacific. and it willo accept its responsibilities... The Australian Prime Minister'sw remarks appeared intended to giver the United States reassurance ont the Australia-New Zealand pact al-b though he did not mention it directly.d Curtin spoke, too, of the contribu- tion Australians are making to vic-d tory. Curtin stopped here on his way to t London for next month's conferencet of prime ministers of the British Commonwealth. He flew to the Presi-v dent's southern vacation site to con- fer with the President yesterday. functions. There will also be enter- tainment furnished by the Interna- tional Center according to Marjorie Cavins, president of the Council. The Inter-Guild Council, which is composed of representatives from the Protestant student religious groups in Ann Arbor, will turn the proceeds overto the World Student Service Fund. The WSSF is now a part of the National War Fund. It's purpose is the raising of funds to help students and faculty who are victims of war in all parts of the world. WSSF is organized in colleges, universities, preparatory schools and theological seminaries in the United States, and is sponsored by the United States sections of the World's Student Chris- tian Federation and the Student Service of America, Inc. This relief is given to students to be used for the pursuit of their stduies despite the hazards of war. The WSSF was the first organization to see the importance of meeting the intellectual and spiritual needs of students and professors. The organ- ization is attempting to build student solidarity around the world. The WSSF has been working for this cause since 1937 when they raised money for students in war-torn China. Sgt. Kelly Did Throw Those Hand Grenades By KENNETH L. DIXON Associated Press Correspondent WITJI THE AEF IN ITALY, April 19 (Delayed)-You can put it down in your little book that Sgt. Kelly did sling those 60 mm. mortar shells like grenades at the Germans at Altavilla, regardless of what the experts say. And if you want to argue the mat- ter, argue it with the 36th Division yourself, I won't. Those Texans just love to convince somebody. I'm c-c- c-convinced. Commando' Kelly Is His Name Kelly, you may recall, is Tech. Sgt. Charles Edward Kelly, otherwise known as "Commando" Kelly, "Kil- ler" Kelly and "Slaughter" Kelly. The story about his decorations said he knocked out five of the Ger- mans by tossing 60 mm. mortar shells out a window at them and then the argument started. Some experts said it couldn't be done. Others said "but not under those circumstances." Still others said, "Oh, that's just another tall Texas tale." Protests Are Mistake Which was a mistake. By this time Kelly had departed for the States on rotation but the honor of the 36th Division was at stake so today they staged a demonstration with a Texan named Lt. Salvatore Uzze of Chicago, Ill., officiating at the TNT table. In order to keep from eliminating all the witnesses to the .emonstra- tion Uzze removed the half pound of explosives from the shells but left the detonator charge in place. Even experts agree that as goes the deto- nator so goes the whole shell. Then while strong men flinched he grabbed the thin missile around its fat middle and banged its bottom against a nearby concrete wall, whereupon more technicaL develop- ments transpired. The second safety lock was knocked out by the jar. Then he dropped the shell on its nose and the detonator exploded. Kelly Knew What He Did He also explained that Sgt. Kelly, besides knowing his mortar shells, must have known what a chance he was taking banging the loaded ones around. One of them might have hit a pebble and gone off in his hands in which case any Kelly award would of necessity have been posthumous. Or just the propulsion charges would have gone off, which would have scorched the Sergeant more than somewhat. However, he had burned out all his guns and the Ger- mans were coming, and he probably decided it was six of one and half a dozen of another. Anyhow the honor of Kelly and the 36th Division has been saved (not that it ever needed saving) by the Texan from Chicago who con- vinced the experts here today that the Texan from Pittsburgh could have done it. -And any ther doubting experts haven't got a leg left to stand on- for they weren't there at Altavilla, and Commando Kelly was. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) POCTU RE NEWSVVN A I R F I E L D U N D E R C O N S T R U C T ION=Chinese laborers use buckets, baskets, bar- rows, and carts to carry rock, from pile at left to construct an airfield runway bed in China. S W I M M E R --Screen actress Dolores Moran wears a flowered bathing suit as she prepares for first swim of season W I N D W A S H E R-Pfe. R. F. Purdum, 21, Dewey, Okla., Marine, shows off the wind-driven washing machine he built out of junk on Roi Island, Kwajalein atoll in the Marshalls. Materials for the washer were boards and an oil drum. F A I R E X C H A N C E-To conserve gasoline cans along the Allied front in Italy signs like this one were erected, offering to give a full container in return for an "empty." A Fifth Army soldier pauses to read. PO U N D -Lt, Comdr. G. D. Pound (above) is son of Britain's late first Sea Lord, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Dudley Pound,' T R A-N S P 0 R T V E R S 1 0 N-Stripped of armament and bomb carrying equipment, the Con- Orlolidated Vultee Coronado PB2Y-3 has been turned into a transport ship for Navy service,r _ ,I pring Orenirlq OF 'r rE GQNLkQ'I THURSDAY, APR IL 27 at the, \A/ A C l ir~r~t\ A \ A/ / i i K li~r- \ / r a i inA Hostess. All Junior Hostesses are in- vited. Sunday Morning Breakfast: The USO Sunday Morning Breakfast will .: _*