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April 27, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-27

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Fifty-Fourth Year

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the autiority of the Board in Control
of Student, Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
liceatfon of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered atthe Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mnail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by nail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

Editorial Staff

Jane Farrant- ,
Claire Sherman.
Stan Walgee
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Prank
Bud Low . .
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson ,
Marjorie Rosmarin
Marjorie Hall

- . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
S . .Associate Editor
* . .. Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
* Associate Sports Editor
* . . . Women's Editor
. . Associate Women's Editor
Associate Women's'Editor
siness Staff
. . . . Business Manager

Elizabeth A. Carpenter

Maigery Batt . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Ediforials published in The Michigan Daily
are writ/en by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
General Misses Points
In PCbli Statements
LT. GEN. GEORGE S. PATTON evidently has
fully developed the gentle art of putting his
foot in his mouth and then stepping on it.
His explosive personality is exactly suited to
the battlefield where the object is to get the
blankety-blank enemy at all costs, but his
public statements miss the point like nice
spring weather misses Ann Arbor.
Patton's blurb on Tuesday that it is the destiny
of the American, British and Russian peoples
to rule the world directly refutes all the war aims
we've had pounded into us via the Atlantic Char-
ter and the Teheran and Cairo Conferences. All
this talk about international cooperation and liv-
ing in a common world of international decency
and mutual understanding after the war seems to
have passed through the good general's ears
without making an impression.
Undoubtedly Patton's snap judgments work
well on the battlefield where he can say, "o
this," and it's done before anyone has a chance
to say it won't work. But his skill is limited to
the blood and thunder of the fighting front and
just doesn't go over in the comparatively calm
atmosphere of/the outside world.
Patton should learn to keep his mouth shut
and let authorized, silvery-tongued Allied spokes-
men tell the world what the United Nations
intend to do. General Patton should stick to
his guns. -Ray Dixon

I'd Rather
Be Right__
NEW YORK-April 26.-Oh, fudge, now we
have to go through the whole business again, this
time with the Greeks.
It's going to be just what it was with the
French, with the Italians, with the Yugoslavs.
We're going to have Greek Girauds and Greek
de Gaulles, and Greek Titos, the whole thing.
Here we go again: Greek sailors, hoisting the
banner of the Eam movement, one of the three
Greek guerrilla outfits, have seized three Greek
warships somewhere in the Mediterranean. They
have been overcome in pitched battle by Greek
soldiers of the King, with the help of several
British warships. The British vessels did no
shooting, but hovered about, frowning upon the1
scene like Mr. Churchill himself.
One may now, with utmndst confidence, pre-
dict the future course of Greek events.
It will be announced that we must preserve
order among the Greeks. Overlooking the fact
that King George's policies have led, not to
order, but to mutiny, Prime Minister Churchill
will support the Greek King. He will do so ini
one of those dark-brown speeches in which
the quality of his prose drops so curiously
below the level it attains when lie is attacking
THERE are three Greek guerrilla movements,
the Eam, the Edes and.the Ekka. The Eam
(or Elas) is described as Communist; at any rate,
it is supported by the Soviet radio. Details on
the three movements are vague, for the Allied
Middle East censorship on the subject is so thick
that you have to kind of swim your way through
a fog to reach any facts at all. Right now we are
in about the stage which we had reached with
relation to Tito's Partisans two years ago; that
is, we know, something is going on in Greece, but
we don't know much about it, except that it is
against the exiled government, and that a lot of
dirty names are being applied to it. It is called
a movement of bandits, communists, reds and
mutineers. It also happens to be the biggest of
the three Greek guerrilla movements. It wants
a place in the government. It has won the sup-
port of the Ekka, and now Eam and Ekka are
allied against Edes.
There is a distinct chance that, soon after we
shall have learned to call the Eam bandits, mu-
tineers, reds and robbers, we shall wake up one
fine morning, as we did in the case of Tito of
Yugoslavia, and find that we have to learn a
whole new vocabulary; that the Earn really con-
sists of patriots, popular leaders and priests.
We shall then twist our tongues trying to make
a quick enough terminological turn.
But look, we've been here before. Can't we
skip the whale dreary process and have a
formal conference of all :Greek factions and
work out a program for unity? The British
have tried to get the guerrillas to work togeth-
er. But if a place in the government is their
desire, why can't it be arranged? Do we now
have to chew the cud over that, after going
through precisely the same dreariness about
the French and the Italians?
We have been cold enough toward the people
of Europe; we have been resolutely unaware,
with a kind of determined official unawareness,
of what the people of the occupied countries
want in the way of progressive leadership. Now
we are still at it, walking down the street swing-
ing a club, like a cop keeping order, with no
never-mind about what may be breaking in the
hearts of the people.
Can't we shorten the process, just once? Do
we have to go through the same arguments and
shoutings and hesitations in each country we
come to, as if it were always brand-new and
always a surprise?
(Copyrigt, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

WASHINGTON, April 27.-Trouble is seething
inside the War Labor Board again and this time
it has nothing to do with John L. Lewis. On the
contrary, it is the employer members and their
backstage friends, the National Association of
Manufacturers and the U.S. Chamber of Com-
merce who are causing the ferment.
For a long time, a frank, friendly and coopera-
tive attitude existed between the three wings of
the War Labor Board, representing industry, the
public and labor. Roger Lapham head of the
American-Hawaiian Steamship Company, and
George Mead, head of The Mead Corporation,
paper company of Dayton Ohio, were especially
cooperative. But now, Lapham has left to be
Mayor of San Francisto, while Mead has been
virtually shunted off the board as a result of
wire-pulling from the U.S. Chamber and the
National Manufacturers Association.
These two organizations have decided to
dominate the industry members on the War
Labor Board. Fred Crawford, former presi-
dent of the Manufacturers Association, whose
Thompson Products, Inc., of Cleveland, has a
reactionary labor record, has now organized a
,joint committee of the NAM and U.S. Chamber.
As a result of all this, tension between industry
members on one side and public-labor WLB
members on the other has steadily increased.
It reached a boiling point recently over the
question of the "maintenance of membership"
clause in labor contracts.
This is a compromise whereby employers agree
that, if a worker joins the union, he must remain
in the union for the period of the labor contract,
or one year. However, there is nothing to compel
him to join the union. He may work indefinite-
ly as a non-union man, and he is even given
two weeks to resign from the union before the
"union maintenance" agreement takes effect.
Previously, industry WLB members have
voted for this as a fair war-time compromise.
But recently a hot fight has developed over the
case of the Humble Oil Company, a subsidiary
of Standard of New Jersey. And for the first
time, industry members have deviated from
their previous desire to cooperate with labor
on union maintenance.
This time, obviously acting on instructions
from the new joint committee .of the Manufac-
turers Association and the U.S. Chamber, the in-
dustry members have prepared a blistering min-
ority report urging Humble Oil to defy the War
Labor Board and go to court. Their minority
decision hasn't been made public yet. But unless
they change their minds, the WLB will be pretty
much in open warfare when it is.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)
IT'S WHAT the men are saying at the front in
Italy and Burma, what the Russians sing on
their way to Berlin, what the Chinese and Am-
ericans march to in the Pacific: Keep Moving.
It's what Tom Paine and Wendell Phillips and
Lincoln Steffens and Heywood Broun have al-
ways told us: That the earth is moving, and we'll
be pushed backward if we try to stand still. It's
not enough to look at things in "the right light"
and say they're "not so bad"; distorted illumin-
ation is no excuse for doing nothing.
We have to keep moving in our struggle for
more liberty and equality; in our war against
fascism wherever we find it. And we can't
use sweet and quiet words in describing these
Once before in American history we were
fighting the same kind of battle against the en-
slavement of one group of men by another and
the destruction of men's rights.uAt that time
William Lloyd Garrison began publishing "Te
Liberator" in Boston. In 1831, when he stood

for immediate freedom and enfranchisement of
the slaves, people complained that he wrote too
harshly. He replied: "I am accused of using
hard language. I admit the charge. I have not
been able to find a soft word to describe villainy.
or to identify the perpetrator of it."
Nor can we sweetly describe the seditionists
now on trial in Washington for aiding fascism
in this country. Nor the poll-tax southerners
and northern Republicans who oppose HR7, the
Anti-Poll Tax Bill coning up in the Senate next
week. They plan to defeat the motion for clo-
ture when it is made, and to filibuster the bill
to death.
THEY FEEL that it is none of our business who
can vote in their eight states. That it is all
right for a Bilbo, a Dies, a McKellar, a "Cotton
Ed" Smith to be sent to Congress by three per
cent of the population, and, once there, to defeat
legislation supported by men much more truly
representative of their constituents. Now that
the .Supreme Court has made "white primaries"
unconstitutional, it is possible for a little political
democracy to lift its head south of the Mason-
Dixon line. The passage of the Anti-Poll Tax
Bill can increase this possibility.
This doesn't mean that things are going to
become perfect, all at once. But these two ac-
tions, plus a few more, can be a start. We can

VOL. LIV No. 120
Al notices for the Daily Official Bui-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 21:30 a.m.
'To All Departments: The Army
Intelligence has requested a com-
plete list of all University employes
of Japanese origin, giving their
names, positions held and their local
home addresses. This information
in three copies should be forwarded
at once to F. C. Shiel, 201 South
Wing, and should be furnished by
all departments who have not done
so since April 16.
Shirley W. Smith
Vice-President and Secretary
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: There will be a
meeting of the Faculty of the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts
in Room 1025 Angell Hall, May 1,
1944, at 4:10 p.m.
Notices of this meeting and the
proposed agenda and reports have
been distributed through campus
Edward H. Kraus

1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meetings of April 3 and 10, 1944,
pages 1065-1072, which have been
distributed by campus mail.
2. Consideration of the reports sub-
mitted with the call to. this meeting.
a. ExecutiveCommittee-Profes-
sor D. L. Dumond
b. Executive Board of the Grad-
uate School-Professor V. W. Crane
c: University Council-no report
d. Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs-Professor A. S.
e. Deans' Conference-Dean E.H.
3. Correspondence Study
4. New Business
5. Announcements
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: Mid-semester re-
ports are due not later than Satur-
day, April 29.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for fresh-
man reports; they should be returned
to the Office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards,
for reporting sophomores, juniors
and seniors should be returned to
1220 Angell Hall.
Mid-semester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
classmen, whose standing at mid-
semester is D or E, not merely those'
who receive D or E in so-called mid-
semester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or colleges'
of the University should be reported'
to the school or college in which
they are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
College of Architecture and De-
sign, School of Education, School of
Forestry and Conservation, School of
Music, School of Public Health: Mid-
start distributing the pamphlet,
"The Races of Mankind," to com-
bat Gene Talmadge's "white su-
premacy" propaganda, and to make
scientific facts more widely cir-
culated than pro-Aryan race the-
Wecan next pass the Anti-Lynch
Bill, so that the growing number of
forward-looking leaders now in ex-
istence aren't "liquidated" by mob
rule. We can pass national education
appropriation bills so that southern
youth will be capable of handling
their problems in a more efficient
manner. We can investigate the pe-
onage in existence, not only in south-
ern states, but among migratory la-
borers right here in Michigan, and
then we can make health laws pro-
hibiting inhuman treatment of work-
ing men and women.

semester reports indicating students
enrolled in these units doing unsatis-
factory work in any unit of the Uni-
versity are due in the office of the
school or college by April 29th at
noon. Report blanks for this pur-
pose may be secured from the office
of the school or college or from Room
4, University Hall..
Choral Union Ushers: The follow-
ing ushers please report at Hill Audi-
torium 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. today,
April 27, for your May Festival usher
cards: GuItekin Aga-Oglu, Marjorie
Beckwith, Eva Boenheim, Eugene
Brody, Dawn Carlson, Patri cia
Fearnley, Betty Finlayson, Frances
Glennon, Phyllis Gorbott, Mary Alice
Hahn, Fred Kalmus, Mary Kirch-
gessner, Charlotte LaRue, Charlotte
MacMullan, Viola Maile, Jerome Met-
tetal, Marion Mondshein, George W.
Morley, Roy Plotkin, Frances Pop-
kins, Dorothy Potts, Jeanette Ray-
mond, Jane Richardson, Bernard
Rosenberg, Adele Sherman, Pat Ty-
ler, Margaret Walker, Frances Weber,
Phyllis Wilman, Dorothy Worose,
Anne Yung-Kwai.
Mrs. Faris of the Columbus,.O
chapter of the American Red Cross
will be in our office on May 1, 1944 to
interview girls who are interested in
social work in Columbus, O. Call our
office Ext. 371 for appointments or
stop in at 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of
Miss Stickney will be in our office
on May 1 and May 2 for the purpose
of recruitirfg Girl Scout Professional
workers in the Chicago area. Girls
who would like to talk'to her call our
office for appointments, Ext. 371.
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Food Handler's Lectures: Two se-
ries of lectures for food handlers will
be given by Melbourne Murphy,
Health Service Sanitarian, in the
Lecture Room of the Health Service
on the following days. The lhetures.
will include slides and films.

April 28, East Council Room, Rack-
ham Building, 3 p.m. Chairman, E.F.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend this ex-
amination, and he may grant per-
mission to those who for sufficient
reason might wish to be present.
Exi b tons
The Twenty-First Annual Exhibi-
tion by artists of Ann Arbor and
vicinity, presented by the Ann Arbor
Art Association, in the galleries of
the Rackham Building, April 22
through May 12, daily except Sunday,
afternoons 2 to 5 and evenings 7 to
10. The public is cordially invited.
Exhibit: Original plans and per-
spectives for the proposed civic cen-
ter of Madison, Wisconsin, designed
by the architect, Frank Lloyd Wright.
Ground floor corridor, Architecture
Building. On exhibit until May 1.
Events Today
Tea at International Center is
served each week on Thursday from
4 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign students,
faculty, townspeople, and American
student friends of foreign students.
A.S.M.E., A.S.C.E.: Joint meeting
today, 7:30 p.m. at the Union.
Mr. F. W. Oakes, Training Super-
visor of the Wolverine Tube Cpm-
pany, will speak on "Uses of a Per-
sonnel Department."
The Regular Thursday Evening
Concert will be held in the Men's
Lounge of the Rackham Building at
7:45 p.m. and will include Sibelius'
Symphony No. 2, "Daphnis and
Chloe" by Ravel, and an album of
Chopin Waltzes. Servicemen and
graduate students are cordially in-
Senior Night will take place in
Lydia Mendelssohn in the Women's
League this evening at 7:30. Seniors

-vI~D ---
--- -
?~ '&

Series I graduating this June must wear caps
Lecture I-Tues., April 25-2 p.m and gowns; seniors graduating in
Lecture II-Tues., May 2, 2 p.m. October and February must bring
their id tnifion~n ti rr

Students Can Show True International
Spirit by Attending Carnival at Lane Hall

Series II
Lecture I-Thurs., April 27, 2 p.m.
Lecture II--Thurs., May 4, 2 p.m.
All persons concerned with fqod
service to University students who
have not previously attended are
asked to attend one of the present
series. Other interested persons are
cordially invited to attend.
La Sociedad Hispanica: Change of
date for" Dr. Itriago's lecture. This
lecture will take place Monday, May
1, instead of previous date. Place:
Rackham Amphitheatre. Time: 8

Leir icen uca on cards.
Commg Events
Dr. Karl W. Deutsch of the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology will
address the members of the Post-War
Council and other interested students
at 7:30 p.m. Friday in Rm. 316 of the
Union. The subject of his talk will
be "Europe's Small Nations and the
Price of Peace" and the public is
cordially invited to attend.
The Ann Arbor Library Club will

A MERICAN students have frequently been ac-
cused of living in an ivory-tower world. They,
have been pictured as gaily flitting from class
to class, from party to dance-completely un-
concerned about what is going on around them.
While such a picture is obviously distorted, it
contains a grain of truth.
They find it far too easy to live in their own
little spheres. In a vague sort of way they real-
ize that other students, in China, in France, in
Russia or Switzerland are enduring hardships
which would shock them.
This Saturday every student on the Univer-
sity campus will have a chance to do more
than think about the situation. Inter-Guild,
an organization of Protestant students, is spon-
soring an "International Carnival" for the
benefit of the World Student Service Fund.
WSSF, as it is known, is an organization that
sends books, money and clothing to students all
over the world, toprisoners of war, to internees
and to refugees. It aids in reconstruction through
modifying the attitudes both of those who give
and of those who receive aid.
In making his appeal to the students of Am-
erica, Sidney Lovett, chairman of the general
committee of the WSSF, said, "The World Stu-
dent Service' Fund was started by students who
have APO numbers now-men on Guadalcanal
and in Sicily, men in prison camps in Germany

Italy wrote, "I acknowledge with thanks the
receipt of your letter and books. I am deeply
indebted to you for the trouble you have taken.
I am entering upon my seventh month of im-
prisonment and yours is the only mail I have
Last year $160,000 was raised for WSSF. This
money was used to aid students in Russia, China,
Canada, India, to help prisoners of war in the
Far East, and to assist in relocating Japanese
American students.
Proceeds from the International Night Car-
nival to be held Saturday at Lane Hall will be
turned over to the WSSF. Not only is every
student and serviceman given an opportunity
to aid in a worthwhile cause, but everyone
should have a thoroughly enjoyable evening
with carnival booths, square dancing, and en-
tertainment furnished by the International
If they believe that education is important,
and they must if they are in school, then they
should be willing to hell) the less fortunate.
Virginia Rock


pIt isn't enough to talk. And it P.m. reet on Friday, April 28, 1944, at
tisn't enough to talk.reAndit ~- 7:45 p.m. in Rm. 110, University Li-
isn't enough to be unprejudiced 'ry
personally to say "some of my best Academic Notices M
friends are poor whites." Nor is it Miss Agnes N. Tysse will talk or
time to pack your carpetbag and Students, College of Engineering: Microfilms, and Dr. B. A. Uhlendorf
start south. The final day for removal of IN- will discuss Offset Printing. Micro-
But it is time to see that the South COMPLETES will be Saturday, April film reading machines will be on ex-
B29. hibit. Refreshments will be served
can solve its problems if the socially- _ _by staff members of the Departme-
minded citizens are given a chance aiinColgteLbres
there. The Anti-Poll Tax Bill is a Students, College of Engineering: tai :d Colegiate Libraries.
beginning. Agreed that 1944 is a The final day for DROPPING COUR- All library staff members as well as
little late to begin to solve a prob- SES WITHOUT RECORD will be others interested in library work are
lem that should never have arisen in Saturday, April 29. A course may be invited to become members of the
1618. But 1944 is the year we have dropped only with the permission of Ann A bor Library Club. Dues io
the classifier after conference with seventy-five cents a year. Members
right here to use . .. and we have to+E
-r-oa e n he instructor, who have not already done so are
start now so that we don't go back- __urgently requested to pay their dues
wards by standing still, for the earth Freshmen College of Literature to the treasurer, Mr. Harreil, as
is moving, and so must we. Fesmesoaee runningrlow,
Sfien atnd the Arts: Fros;hmn may [L tA, s are running lor.

-Ann Fagan


By Crockett Johnson

not drop courses without "E" grade
after Saturday, April 29. Only stu-
dents with less than 24 hours' credit
are affected by this regulation. They
must be recommended by their Aca-
demic Counselor for this extraordi-
nary privilege.

Jane has persuaded me to do
my amazing card trick, m'boy.
... Remember your cort4 Jane.

And here's the card you
picked! Ace of Hearts!

Mr. O'Maoley! Pop says
youcan't possibly exist!

I'm sure i can convince him
do exist. With my command of
logic. . . Is your father home

j Dancing Lessons: Beginners Dan-
cing Class will start this Friday, April
28 and continue for six lessons. These
lessons will be held every Friday
night at 7 p.m. under the direction
of Lt. Flegal.

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