U !i fri i~1a 4a mili Weather Showers VOL. LIV No. 120 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Allies Launch New Attacks at Anzio Troops Break Lull at Bridgehead; Yank Planes Bomb Roads to Rome Reds Blast Axis near Sevastopol Russians Open Mass Offensive on Ronanian Front; Nazi Ships Sunk Americans Seize Two Air Bases In Attack on Jap-Held Hollandia; Nipons Losing Ground in Burma By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NAPLES, April 26 Allied troops have broken the lull on the Anzio bridgehead, improved their positions and have taken prisoners in several limited attacks launched after a combined artillery and propaganda barrage, Allied Headquarters an- nounced today. The Allies lashed out to strengthen their, lines as American fliers report- ed heavy movements of enemy motor transport on the highways near Rome and as official reports told of enemy replacements from the Rus- sian front reaching the beachhead front. Gains Increasing The gains were scored in the past three days, headquarters announced, a mile and a half northeast of Car- ano, where the Germans launched their latest big qffensive against the bridgehead forces. The Allies first directed a propaganda talk at the German lines through amplifiers, and 50 prisoners were taken. Nazis Massed in Rome Pilots of American light bombers attacking roads in the .Rome area reported the enemy troop concentra- tions around Rome, the second time in two weeks such enemy moves have been noted. The significance re- mained unexplained, but it was clear that the Allieswere taking no chan- ces on being caught unprepared. Official sources quoted Nazi pris- oners as declaring that some of the National News InlBrief'... By The Associated Press Lend-Lease Extended . . WASHINGTON, April 26. - The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted unanimously today to extend' the $22,500,000,000 lend-lease pro- gram another year, after a 60-minute session in which it was described as a vital factor in pre-invasion strategy. Asserting he will seek to call up the House-approved Lend-Lease Exten- sion Bill in the Senate next week, Chairman Connally (Dem., Tex.) said the committee accepted the program as an "established war policy." Grants Opposed ... WASHINGTON, April 26.-Ob- jections were voiced before the House Roads Committee today to proposed federal grants in the $3, 000,000,000 Post - War Highway Authorization Bill; one witness as- serting that federal aid programs were "the rock on which federal bureaucracy was founded." Petrillo Summoned . . WASHINGTON, April 26. - The War Labor Board today summoned officials of the AFL American Federa- tion of Musicians to a hearing on Monday to explain why strikes at radio stations in Chicago and St. Paul have not been terminated. Telegrams were addressed to James C. Petrillo, International president; Edward Benkert, local union secre- tary at Chicago; and George Murk, president of the Minneapolis local union. Statement Disowned,. . WASHINGTON, April 26.-The War Department today pointedly disowned Lt. Gen. George S. Pat- ton's remark that Americans, Brit- ish and Russians are destined "to rule the world." Reacting swiftly to the statement, which caused a fresh flurry of criticism of the General in Con- gress, Secretary Stimson issued a memorandum stating: "General Patton was expressing his own personal views. He was not speaking for the War Department." Titus Hutzel Dies After Long Illness Titus F. Hutzel, one of Ann Arbor's pioneer businessmen, died at his home yesterday after a long period of illness. German troops transferred from the Russian front were suffering from frozen feet and that many had con- tracted trenchfoot. Prisoners taken in the bridgehead action also said the Germans' water was bad and their food had deteriorated in recent weeks. They reported German casualties had been heavy. The land fronts in Italy except for the bridgehead were quiet, but 15th Air Force Liberator bombers were disclosed to have shifted their attack from the Balkans yesterday and cov- ered the Aeritalia aircraft plant and adjacent airfields at Turin with heavy bombs, also combing over rail- road facilities at Parma and Ferrara in northern Italy, junction points for German supply trains. RIAF Bombs German Cities In Night Raid Yanks Hit Brunswick In 13th Day of Attack; No Allied Planes Lost By The Associated Press LONDON, April 27, Thursday. - Heavy bombers of the RAF carried the Allied air offensive against German Europe into its thirteentht onsecu- tive day today, striking with massive force by moonlight at the German armaments city of Essen and else- where in a methodical follow-up to a1 1,000-plane American daylight raid on Brunswick and other targets. The Americans lost not a single1 bomber, but six fighters failed to return from the widespread and di- versified daylight operations. Details Not Revealed Details of the RAF night attack; were not available, but it was stated authoritatively that the big bombers were out "in great strength."£ Essen, a frequent target, last was subjected to a heavy raid by more than 750 RAF four-engined bombers on March 26, and was hit by Mos- quito bombers April 8. It has been called the Pittsburgh of Germany. R The major American daylight raid did not encounter any fighter op-1 position. Between 250 and 500 Fort-, resses and Liberators made the 900- mile round trip to Brunswick, dump- ing 1,500 tons of bombs. A commun- ique said the escort of from 500 to 750 Mustangs, Lightnings and Thun- derbolts made no contact with Ger- man interceptors. Nazy Fortresses Hit1 Other aircraft hammered at Hitler's European fortress at many points. A supper-time fleet of light bomb-i ers plastered military objectives in northern France and Belgium under[ Thunderbolt and Spitfire escort. Ninth Air Force medium Maraud- ers, A-20 Havoc light-bombers, andi Thunderbolt fighter-bombers hit rail f centers at Louvain and Saint Chis-I lain while Bostons and Mitchells1 concentrated on Saint Ghislain. I Coastal Defenses Bombed; Another stab at coastal defensesi was carried out before dark by Mos- quitoes and Typhoon fighter-bomb- ers. RAF Spitfires, equipped with longt range gasoline tanks, made their first1 penetration of Germany this after- noon, hitting parked gliders. Theye returned without loss. Bruswick, 110 miles west of Berlin,. has been one.of the costliest targetsI on the American list-60 bombersi were lost on a daylight attack on Bruswick and other central German targets Jan. 11 when 15 Nazi fighters were destroyed. By The Associated Press LONDON, April 27, Thursday. - Japs Lte} Blasting at an Axis fleet presumably tt attempting to evacuate largenumbers I of the besieged forces at Sevastopol the Russians have sunk fiveGerman and Romanian transports and dam- S aged two others in the past 24 hours, h Moscow announced tonight. The Soviet daily communique re- By The Associat ported once again "there were no SOUTHEAST ASIA essential changes at the front" during TERS, Kandy, ceylo the day, but official German and Ro- manian announcements said the Red Waves of Japanese jut Army had broken the land lull by throwing themselves opening a large-scale offensive yes- against Allied road bl terday on the Romanian front, scor- Burma and are "peris ing local break-throughs which were sealed off.a they try to break t Activity Rages near Stanislawow clamped on their'coma A supplement to the Soviet com- thousands of airborne munique referred to continued activ- Allied spokesman ann ity southeast of Stanislawow in old Preceded by heavy Poland, where skirmishing has been mortar fire and supp reported the past few days. It said tanks, the yelling, yov about a company of Germans were are charging into the2 wiped out and some important heights through mine fields were captured by Russian tankmen. points on a broken 100 In another sector, unidentified, 800 are being mown dow Germans were reported killed and American and Indiant 300 wounded and 20 tanks or self- There was no Indic propelled guns smashed in one of enemy, moved by desp the bloodiest small engagements since to try to crush the Al the Sevastopol lull set in. tween his two big base Ships Sunk in Barents Sea i and Myitkyina, had t In addition to the action off Sevas- the Allied blocks onI topol, the Russians announced that coland rir rohr in the Barents Sea in the Arctic, So- Air Forces hold contro viet aircraft had encountered "a large the scattered fightings group of German transports sailing giving active support under convoy of warships, cutters and tied Allied ground troo fighters" and that despite bad visi- transported by gliders bility the Russian airmen sank four the original landing of the transports totalling 20,000 the enemy lines, the s1 tons. The Russians did not say which (The Japanese radio way this convoy was moving. a dispatch dated fro In the two naval-air clashes 2,000 front, said "Admira miles apart the Russians reported a Mountbatten now hay total of nine German transports to- units on his hands, th talling 33,000 tons sunk, with numer- corps in the Imphal I ous smaller vessels 'sunk and dam- and airborne troops in aged. troops are 'daily gazin Soviet planes and warships of the the approach of thei Black Sea fleet cooperated to rip the advent of the rains apart the Axis vessels off Sevastopol, become extremely dif Moscow said. The air force during Allied Air Force tot the night bombed Axis ships and supplies and ammunit stores in the port of Sevastopol and iKaahy Bay a evils tpo the south, starting fires and explosions, 1 iiixt, "including two of enormous strength." The five enemy transports, with a Send IeW total displacement of 13,000 tons, were sunk reportedly with a barge' and two patrol ships along the Axis To W ashi lines of communication. -npt Allied old ed Press HEADQUAR- n, April 26 - ngle troops are desperately ocks in centralI hing in droves" ;he stranglehold imunications by "Chindits," an ounced today. artillery and ported by light wling Japanese Allied wire and at numerous -mile front and wn by British, troops, he said. ation that the erate necessity lied "box" be- s at Mandalay broken any of railroad, high- rtation: n's Commando I of the air over arenas and are to the embat- ips, whom they and planes to points behind pokesman said. o, broadcasting )m the Burma l Lord Louis s two isolated e fourth Army Basin in India Burma. These g skyward for rain, but with y season it will ficult for the transport even ion."a 'JABBERWACKEY!' Seniors Will Be Honored at Opening Night of Junior Play gates Ington Pc £a if ic Tonahmerah - Bay 'Cyc osd -COLLANDl Humboldi -° HIanda lb, ,/ABay - - - ake :_ Sentoni 0Tama 15-_ -G-- STATUTE MILSU .IN. A DRIVES AT HOLLANDIA-Arrows show American pincers moves at Hollandia, before capturing three airdromes. U.S. and Dutch troops closed in on the main Hollandia air base and on two other fields, in the area. Representatives from Michigan K eIi Kd . Youth for Democratic Action and 1il Inter-Racial Association will leave, dil , today for Washington to speak to A to O1IIS1Ia Michigan's Senators concerning the psaeof the Anti-Poll Tax Bill. OlMYDA and IRA have been obtain- One man was killed and another' ing signatures on petitions for the injured at 6:55 a.m. yesterday in the past week calling for the passage of second fatal truck and automobile I the bill and a cloture vote to prevent' accident in less than a month at filibuster. More than 1,000 students Stadium Blvd. and Packard Street. and faculty men have signed these' Gerald Keihl, 25 years old, of Darl- petitions, and the representatives will ington, died of internal injuries be- show them to the Senators as an in- fore he could be taken to the hospital, dication of student sentiment on Meredith Gillam of 2915 Kimberly campus. Road, a passenger in the car which MYDA representatives are Aggie was driven by Keihl, suffered from Miller, president; Martha Kirkpat- serious internal injuries, and was rick, and Lee Landy. Mrs. Lola rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital. Branchfield and Margaret Stevens,' John Barnett, driver of the truck, co-chairmen, will represent IRA. The was uninjured. He was released aft- funds for train fare for the students er questioning by the police, and told was raised by individual contribu- to appear before Prosecutor Francis tions from students and faculty. Senior Night, which will be held at patrons and special guests will be 7:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men- admitted to the theatre tonight. delssohn Theatre, will be followed by In observing Senior Night tradi- the opening performance of "Jabber- tions, married coeds will blow out wackey," original two-act musical candles, those ho a e engaged will comedy, at 8:30 p.m., according to men will put a penny in the "wishing Mary Ann Jones, '45A, chairman of well" for each year in which they the production. have been "unattached," according The new presidents of Women's to Miss Buck, who yesterday an- War Council and of Women's Judi- nounced that a special feature would ciary Council will be announced to- be added for coeds wearing fraternity night, according to Marilyn Mayer, pins. '44, present head of the Judiciary Tickets Still 'Available Council. Other events of the evening Tickets may still be purchased on include the traditional senior cere- the Diagonal and at the Lydia Men- monies, songs and newly-added fea- delssohn Theatre box office for the tures, according to Phyl Buck, '44A public performance of "Jabberwack- assistant chairman of arrangements. ey," at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow, according Caps and Gowns Needed to Shelby Dietrich, '45, chairman of Graduating senior women only are See JGP, Page 5 admitted to the first floor of the theatre, and they must wear caps and Bar.fI gowns, which can still be obtained at M rruc ia7VUs Moe Sport Shop at 711 N. University. Senior coeds who will graduate in M ilion D l lahs October or in February will be ad- mitted to the balcony if they present identification cards. Otherwise, only To Research MANEW YORK, April 26.-(IP)-Ber- M enefee Attacks nard M. Baruchtoday gave $1,100,000 to extend the oldest branch of the Fngine Uni01ns healing arts, physical medicine, which started among cave men with the "laying on of hands." "Heterogeneous unions do not pro- Simultaneously the Baruch Com- mote the professional idea," Professor mittee on Physical Medicine, headed Ferdinand N. Menefee said in a talk by Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur of Stan- on "Unionism and Engineering" be- ford University, recommended a na- fore members of Sigma Rho Tau, tionwide,'scientific boost of this art, yesterday. particularly for returning soldiers. The American Society of Civil En- The committee defined physical gineers, Menefee explained, has in- medicine as use of light, heat, water, vestigated the War Labor Board, cold, electricity, massage, manipula- which has upheld laws that force the tion, exercise, spas, climatology and professional engineer to join the in- hydrology, the latter specializing in dustrial union, if he has not formed baths, sprays and the like. his own bargaining group. "I believe "I am convinced," Baruch said, that the Society was justified," Men- "that returning men and women now efee declared, "because this policy is in the armed services will need the not square with the engineer's tradi- advantages of physical medicine, and tional interest in public welfare." I feel this program will help restore The investigator, continued Mene- discharged soldiers to normal physi- fee, reported that all employes will be cal and mental condition. My inter- forced to adopt colective bargaining. est has been heightened by my desire "I don't think that collective bar- to do something for the 700,000 re- gaining is ethical or democratic," turning soldiers-men and women- said Menefee, "and I don't believe every month. I want to do that some- that anvthing fiavm+a11,r p thing now, before I get older." Capture of Third Airdrome Near; Madang Falls By The Associated Press ADVANCED ALLIED HEADQUAR- TERS, NEW GUINEA, April 27, Thursday.-American invasion forces have captured two of Hollandia's air- dromes in their mighty assault on the northern coast of New Guinea. Five hundred miles to the south- east along the New Guinea coast, Australian forces have seized the Jap- anese supply base of Madang. Gen. Douglas MacArthur in his communique today said the Cyclopes and Santani fields in the Hollandia area had been captured and that the third airdrome, Hollandia, was only a short distance from the invading spearheads. Aussies Seize Madang The Aussies who swept up the Ra- mu Valley to seize Madang captured quantities of supplies and equipment, the communique said. Enemy resistance has ceased in the Aitape sector, 150 miles southeast of Hollandia, also invaded in the gigan- tic Saturday dawn operation. Bomb- ers and fighters are using the Tadji airdrome there in support of the Hollandia campaign. Junction is imminent between the Hollandia invaders who landed 34 miles apart at Humboldt and Tanah- merah Bays, MacArthur said. They are nearing each other on a road at the base of the towering Cyclops Mountains situated between the water and the airdrome areas. No Damage Reported The first enemy action of any weight against the invaders was an attack by 12 Japanese torpedo planes on a destroyer off Hollandia. Mac- Arthur reported no damage. Cyclops airdrome is 11 miles west of the town of Hollandia, seized the second day of the invasion, and Sen- tani airdrome, also known as Tami, is 12 miles to the southeast of the town, near Sentani Lake. The Japanese had developed these airdromes exten- sively. Robert Eunson, Associated Press War Correspondent, reported that no- where in the Hollandia and Aitape invasion sectors was there any evi- dence of organized enemy resistance in the first two days of the invasion. "Where did they go?" was the query on every man's tongue as they looked for the 14,000 or more Japanese es- timated to have been in the inva- sion sectors prior to the landings last Saturday. Danes Arrested In Copenhagen Widespread Sabotage Rages Agamst Nazis STOCKHOLM, April 26.- (W)- Hundreds of Danes have been arrest- ed in Copenhagen and German arm- ored cars are patrolling the capital's streets amid sporadic bursts of gun- fire, Danish underground sources re- ported tonight from that German- occupied and newly-isolated country. These reports, impossible to check for accuracy, said widespread- sabo- tage against the Germans was in progress despite Nazi threats of sum- mary executions. Telegraph and postal communica- tions between Denmark and Sweden remained broken for the second day, and only Germans were allowed to use the ferries. Even Swedish diplo- mats were forbidden to travel be- tween the two countries. The German effort to wipe out the underground patriot organization be- gan Monday with hundreds of ar- rests, the Free Danish Press Service said, and about 300 more were arrest- ed today, with all facing a threat of execution if resistance to the Nazi rule continues. CIO Asks Strikers To Return to Work DETROIT, April 26.-A)-Interna- Kamman Tuesday. Barnett claimed that he was trav-: eling 30 miles per hour at the time{ of the accident, and that the KeihlI car, approaching north of Packard, halted at the intersection directly in front of the truck. Barnett also stated that he had the right of way, since the traffic light had turned green before he proceeded through the intersection. Hume Elected to Board ... Robert Hume was elected student representative to the Board of Con- trol of Student Publications in the all-campus elections yesterday. Hume will hold his position on the Board of Control for two sem- esters, replacing retiring member, Warren Burgess. l aigW ng will remain." MASSACHUSETTS WANTS FDR. Dewey Favored in Pennsylvania Primaries J-1 By D. HAROLD OLIVER Associated Press Staff Writer Pennsylvania Republicans in nearly complete returns yesterday from Tuesday's Presidential Primary gave Gov. Thomas E. Dewey at least 16 times as many write-in votes as his nearest contended in a field of seven and installed him a heavy favorite P -- I, -o ~n' 1n .,1iadA aMa- pledged delegates with only two convention votes out of the state's 34, plus an indefinite few unpledged but known Ely supporters. The remainder are unpledged but a big majority are placed by party lead-, ers in the Roosevelt column. The 35 Republican delegates elect-i ed Tuesday in Massachusetts also are ard was reelected national commit- teeman.j The relative standing today of the Republican presidential candidate' prospects in pledged delegates and delegates claimed for them publicly was: Gov. Dewey ................ 249 I Lt. Comdr. Stassen........ ..34 from, although Bricker himself told New York reporters some of it would be in New England and Southern delegations. Democratic delegate standing to date: Roosevelt.363 Ely .......................... 3 Unpledged and unclaimed ..., 64 Free Education Is Advocated CHICAGO, April 26.-IP)-Floyd W. Reeves, professor of administration at the University of Chicago, today advocated "free education with an allowance for maintenance" for "all youth whom it could benefit." In an address before the American Association of Collegiate Registrars, Reeves proposed such a program- "should be provided in the post-war period, not only for veterans but #for all youth who can benefit by such nAmi annand whn nornnfanri