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April 25, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-25

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Fiftyiglt at
Fifty-Fourth Year

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Pd Rather BeAight

" "T4""'""""" " - --. -...
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rightdof repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

NEW YORK, April 24.--The isolationists don't
like the word "isolationist" any more. They now
call themselves "nationalists." They have switch-
ed over from the belief that America ought mere-
ly to keep itself to itself, to the belief that the
rest of the world ought to go take a flying leap.
They no longer think America should stand
alone. Their present thought is that the rest
of the world should drop dead.
This is, no doubt, a larger conception than
the original isolationist idea of a few years back.
We might say that the isolationists have
progressed from mere indifference to the rest
of the world to active hostility toward it. There
once was something almost sweet about isola-
tion; there was a moral note in its opposition
to the munitions business; there was a kind
of garden touch in its concept of America as
a withdrawn and secluded paradise of reason
in an unreasoning world.
But now, in its new "nationalist" mood, isola-
tion has suddenly sprouted long, sharp teeth.
It slavers about the big peace-time navy and
army we are going to have. It wants universal
compulsory military service. It demands bases
and territory around the world. It is expan-
sionist and annexationist.
Its own mother wouldn't recognize it in its
new mood. The men who once voted against
fortifying Guam because "we had no business
there" now want to detach and keep farflung
bits of the British Empire. Those who once
hated now want to elect a general as president.
ISOLATION was rather negative; nationalism
is virulently positive. Isolation used to make
its alliances with pacifists, anti-munitioneers,

and other moral folk. Nationalism makes its
alliances with an entirely different class of peo-
ple, with England-haters, Russia-haters, Jew-
haters, and other curious specimens, all dis-
tinguished by a certain gleam in their eye.
Isolation used to be progressive. Its ad-
herents really believed in the garden-of-dem-
ocracy idea. The hard core of Republican
liberalism, with the great Senator Norris and
the late Senator Borah as conspicuous ex-
But nationalism has an equal contempt for
collective security abroad and social security at
home. It is filled with almost as much bitterness
and rage in discussing home affairs as when it
is discussing world affairs. It has something like
the same skeptical approach to the American
community as it has to the world community.
It sees visions of unrest and turmoil in the
one, just as it does in the other.
Isolation used to believe that Americans, at
least, could get along with each other; there
was a note of something like love of. one's own
in it. This is absent in its nationalist succes-
sors. These see as many bogeys at home as
they do abroad, and are just as jumpy about
the "menace" of labor, of Hollywood, of radio,
of what-you-will, as they are about the menace
of foreign chancelleries. Isolation was toler-
ant, and optimistic; nationalism is profoundly
pessimistic, it is afflicted with a vast demonol-
olgy, in all of which it enthusiastically believes,
down to the last little hobgoblin.
Yes, maybe we ought to stop calling them
"isolationists." They don't really deserve the
name. 'Something new has been added.
(Copyright, 1944. New York Post Syndicate)

Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace.
EIelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Bud Low .
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson,
Marjorie Rosmarin


al Stafff
. . . Managing Editor
. Editbrial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
- . .. . Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
. Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
Eizabeth A. Carpenter . . . . Business Manager
Margery Batt . . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Defeat on Home Front
Is Imminent Dangerr
AMERICA at the present time is faced with
the possibility of defeat on the home front. A
war cannot be won without personal privations
and many Americans, even after two years of
war, are not willing to make any sacrifices to
hasten victory.
When our government needed money, it had
to use propaganda to encourage people to pur-
chase war bonds. 'The black markets continue
to do a florishing business because Americans
are not willing to do without any of the lui-
uries to which they have been accustomed.
These are only two of the many examples that
can be found to demonstrate the apathy of
our civilian population.
Now that the second front is imminent, our
civilian population is giving up. Working on-the
assumption that the war is almost, over, many
people are cashing in their war bonds and paying
enormous prices for articles they have done with-
out for a short while. They feel that they have
sacrificed enough already.
If our men who are in England preparing for
the second front were to lay down their arms
now, the war would be lost. Can we blame them
for being discouraged when they read about the
people at home giving up?
The winning of the wear has been postponed
because we got in too late. Let us hope that
hope that we do not lose because we got out
too soon.
Only through bitter experience have the men
in our armed forces learned the necessity of
fighting for what they believe. Let us hope that
t will not take the rule of a foreign power to
teach the rest of our population.
-Doris Peterson
Democracy Neglected by
New York Chain-Stores
A spokesman for the Credit Bureau of Greater
New York, in an address to top executives of a
chain-store organization, suggested that Negroes
be discouraged from coming into the stores by
cancelation of their charge accounts.
His suggestion was rejected on the grounds
that it was un-Christian.
Not to mention the fact that the suggestion is
also un-democratic.
-Aggie Miller
SStrike J s-tfted ,
F EVER a breach of the non-strike agreement
appears justified, it is in the case of the em-
ployes of Montgomery Ward's Chicago branch.
Shortly before the expiration of a contract withf
Local 20 of the United Mail Order, Warehouse
and Retail Employes Union, CIO, the company
notified the union that they would not negotiate
a new contract. The matter came before the
War Labor Board, whichs ordered the company
to extend the contract.
Ward's then refused the WLB order, contend-
ing that the union no longer represented a

50 ilte 6ditop
Pro and Con
Senior Editors:
Your answers to the charges made
by Donald Vance interested me not
because of the issue involved but
rather because of the methods used
in substantiating your statements.
To begin with, I have been a
student on the campus for the
whole of my college career and I
have watched with a somewhat
negative interest your bouncing ed-
itorial policies. To say that our
editorial page has been unsuccess-
ful merely because I feel that your
editorials are steeped in immaturity
serves to prove nothing. To say
that the impetuousness and mis-
directed curiosity of your budding
journalists has been a liability rath-
er than an asset again proves ab-
solutely nothing.
To throw a little more spice into
this article I could offer as proof
some of the serious blunders made by
your staffs in the past. The "psy-
chological ineptness" charge hurled
at President Ruthven is, undoubted-
ly, the best of such examples. The
row raised over the faculty board in
charge of student publications could
also be submitted. -
However, I choose to support my
statements by evidence that would be
more applicable to the present staff.
Also, I propose a plan that could be
followed by The Daily in giving a
much fairer presentation of current
events to the campus. One that would
supply the needs of the developing
minds of the student body. Also, in-
cidentally, one that would serve to
give experience that will prove more
beneficial to you aspiring journalists.
Let's for the moment analyze your
column that "answered" the charges
made by Mr. Vance. You began your
article by calling his statements
"laughable" and in the same breath
attempted to miscontrue his state-
ments by making them appear ridic-
ulous. My antagonism to this type of
proof, I will admit, is personal. For
this reason let's continue to the three
important "facts" set up by you.
Your first statement reads as fol-
lows: "Editorials, duly printed on this
editorial page constitute honest,
straight forward opinion, and as such,
no matter how one-sided, have every
right to appear,"
In this statement you have made
some gross assumptions which need
to be clarified. First, it can be said
that no one is entitled to an opin-
ion until he or she has applied the
scientific method of proof to the
statement in question. old state-
ments cannot be put forth without
due consideration to concreteness
and application to the proof sub-
mitted. The sincerity and honesty
of the opinionator is irrelevant be-
cause the scientific approach leaves
no room for exaggeration.
Your next assumption is that the
editorial page of The Daily belongs

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By Lichty


A r..®

". . and don't
. .remember

promise your office force the first vegetables of the season
that last May you had to go out and buy $10 worth of
radishes, lettuce and carrots!"












WASHINGTON, April 24.-For 32 long years in
Congress, blustery mountaineer Kenneth Mc-
Kellar, the Senatorial gentleman from Tennes-
see, has been famous for two things-his temper
and his patronage.
When it comes to temper, the Senator from
Tennessee surpasses any other man on Capitol
Hill. Most of his colleagues remain in awe of
McKellar's lashing tongue, some even in fear.
They remember the occasion when McKellar
pulled a ksnife, and charged a colleague on the
Senate floor, until he was disarmed. They also
know the vengeance McKellar can wreck on any
colleague who opposes him. For the gentleman
from Tennessee is acting chairman of the pow-
erful Appropriations Committee, where he can
kill the pet projects of Senators who oppose him.
Probably it is' partly the fear of McKellar's
hill-billy vengeance that has caused the Ten-
nesseean to win the first important round of
his battle to turn the Tennessee Valley Author-
ity into a McKellar empire.
The 75-year-old Tennesseean, during the past
several years,'has seen to it that members of
his own family got lush rewards from the pa-
tronage gravy. Highest paid of them is brother
Hugh C. McKellar, who draws down $7,000 a
year as postmaster at Memphis.
Another brother, Don McKellar, is the Sena-
tor's secretary in Washington and draws from
the taxpayers the not insignificant salary of
$4,500 a year.
Finally, Mrs. Don McKellar is also on the
public payroll, drawing $2,800 as an assistant
clerk of the Committee on Post Offices and Post
Roads, of which McKellar is chairman. (Mc-
Kellar is stronger in regard to patronage than
any other Senator, since he's not only chairman
of the Post Offices Committee, but also acting
chairman of the Appropriations Committee as
the result of Senator Glass's illness.)
More McKellar Gravy ---
Not content with this gravy grab, however,
McKellar now has one of the biggest patronage
schemes in the U.S.A. awaiting approval by the
House of Representatives. He has bull-dozed
through the Senate a proviso in the Tennessee
Valey appropriations bill whereby all TVA em-
ployes paid more than $4,500 a year would be
subject to Senate confirmation.
This is just another way of saying that Mc-
Kellar himself henceforth would pick all TVA
officials drawing more than $4,500 a year-if
the bill finally receives House blessing.
The power of Senate confirmation is tre-
mendous and gives a. Senator from the State
affected the virtual veto of any appointee to
whom he may have personal objections. Other
Senators don't especially inquire what those
objections are, but gang together to preserve
their long-cherished system of keeping a throt-
tle-hold on patronage.
McKellar makes no bones about admitting
his political motives. Ile tells friends that it
is necessary to bring TVA personnel under his
thumb in order to con lrol David Lilienthal,

TVA chairman, who long has
knuckle under to McKellar.

refused to

The gentleman from Tennessee is more evasive
when it comes to his cut-throat provision which
would require all TVA income to go back to the
Treasury and be voted out again by Congress.
This is the equivalent;of forcing the Pennsyl-
vania Railroad or Standard Oil to pay all their
rail receipts or gasoline sales into the Treasury,
then awaiting an Act of Congress to decide what
railroad equipment could be bought or what
pipeline could be repaired with their own money.
Actually, the General Accounting Office, which
is an arm of Congress, gives TVA funds a strict
scrutiny every year and could far better detect
any irregularity. But this makes no difference
to McKellar, who wants the frozen-funds pro-
vision in the bill in order to augment his plans
for the McKellar empire in Tennessee.
Grilling General Hershey ...
Draft director Lewis B. Hershey and man-
power boss Paul McNutt came in for some rough
handling regarding the bungled draft situation
at a closed-door meeting of the House Military
Affairs Committee the other day. Members took
their hair down and said a lot of things that
have been rankling in their bosoms about con-
flicting draft orders.
After the meeting adjourned, the committee
announced that it had refused to approve a labor
draft bill. Inside fact, however, is that formal
action against the labor draft was taken only
after the committee had heard a furious gren-
ading against the Hershey-McNutt team, includ-
ing a demand that both be fired and replaced
by a single draft czar.
Chairman Andrew J. May of Kentucky, Rep-
resentative Walter G. Andrews of New York,
ranking committee Republican, and Repre-
sentatives Ewing Thomason of Texas, John M.
Costello of California, Leslie Arends of Illinois
and Forest Harness of Indiana all got in some
forthright licks against the fumbling of the
manpower and draft program.
Thomason supplied the knockout punch with
a motion, adopted unanimously, that the com-
mittee felt that national service legislation wasn't
needed at this time, even if it could be pushed
through Congress. There was also general
agreement that such a bill wouldn't get to first
"I'm getting tired of this constant bickering
between McNutt and Hershey," asserted Thom-
ason. "It's time we centered authority in one
responsible head. I don't care who he is as long
as he can do the .ob. McNutt and Hershey have
demonstrated clearly that they can't."
Costello of. California interposed that this
would be the sense of a report his manpower
subcommittee would submit. The meeting was
called to consider labor draft legislation urged
by Hershey, but no supporting arguments were
offered-not even by glamorous Representative
Clare Luce of Connecticut, who had a bill on the
table to draft 4-F's into "work battalions."
(Copyright. 1944, United Features Syndicate)

to your staff. I will agree with you
that the editorial page of any news-;
paper is the only place where its
owners can express well-founded;
opinions. However, I challenge your
your sole pwnership of The Daily. In
the event that you, as have other
staffs in the past forgotten, I would;
like to remind you that The Daily+
belongs to the student body as a;
whole. It is only your duty to present
to us in a concise, readable, and un-
biased form the trend of all events.
This point will be referred to again+
in my proposal for a better Michigan+
Then you go on to say that second-
ly: "If there are any shortcomings in
supporting the elected President of
this nation when the need for unity
is great, they are still far more de-
sirable and commendable than at-
tacking and shouting, "Politics!" at
every executive move made, be it only
a loosening of a collar button."
Much cold water can be thrown
on this statement by asking whether
we are supposed to do as you say or+
as you, do. In more explicit words
why don't you practice what you
preach? The answer is simple when
we appreciate that unity is one thing
and blind following another. We;
don't expect youto follow blindly
every policy set forth by the govern-
ment. Likewise, we too can sow food
for mental thought and digestion.'
The point here is proven by your
challenge of the discarding of plans+
for an International Police Force by+
our State Department, which appears
on the same page.
In your third statement, you say1
that: "The charge that pro-Roose-
velt editorials dominate the editorial
page almost makes us out to be crim-
Here' again, you make the very,
bad assumption that the editorial

page of The Daily can be used by a
staff as an instrument for furthering
its opinions. Not forgetting that you
are being criminal in using our paper
for furthering your ideas, let's be
farsighted for a minute. According
to your plan the editorial page is
susceptible to approximately eight
changes in four years. Rank confu-
sion will be the only fruits of all your
labors. Add the antipathy which re-
sults in the developing mind of the
average student and the possibility
of stimulating any thought whatso-
ever is dead.
Now, my proposal is simply the
application of an old and tested
idea. Abolish one-sided editorial
stands and substitute the "pro" and
"con" method used by The Reader's
Digest. We are not' interested in
your opinions because this is our
paper. We represent a fairly in-
telligent group of people, so give
us all the facts on both sides and
let us formulate our own opinions.
Have two reporters write on the
opposite sides of one policy. We are
interested not in quantity but in
quality. In doing so your reporters
will develop "the search for truth"
attitude that will be more beneficial
than all of the verbosity in the world.
In closing I would like to thank
you for bearing with me throughout
this article. I do want you, the staff,
to know that we do appreciate the
effort and responsibility involved in
editing our newspaper. However,
those that do accept a task also ac-
cept the responsibility of seeing that
the job is done right.
-Jerry E. Cardillo
Editor's Note: To Mr. Cardillo, and
those who feel as he does, we repeat:
any student who so desires may work
on The Daily staff and present his
views on the editorial page.

VOL. LIV No. 118
All notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted bye11:30 a.m.
To All Departments: The Army
Intelligence has requested a com-
plete list of all University employes
of Japanese origin, giving their
names, positions held and their local
home addresses. This information
in three copies should be forwarded
at once to F. C. Shiel, 201 South
Wing, and should be furnished by
all departments who have not done
so since April 16.
Shirley W. Smith
Vice-President and Secretary
Forestry Assembly: There will be
an assembly of students and faculty
of the School of Forestry and Con-
servation at 9 a.m., Wednesday, April
26, 1944, in the Amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building. Professor Harley
W. Blartlett, of the Department of
Botany, will be the speaker
All forestry and pre-forestry stu-
dents are expected to be present;
others who are interested are wel-
come to attend.
College. of Architecture and De-
sign, School of Education, School of
Forestry and Conservation, School of
Music, School of Public Health: Mid-
semester reports indicating students

enrolled in these units doing unsatis-
factory work in any unit of the Uni-
versity are due in the office of the
school or college by April 29th at
noon. Report blanks for this pur-
pose may be secured from the office
of the school or college or from Room
4, University Hall.
There will be a meeting of the stu-
dents of the College of Pharmacy at
7:30 on Wednesday, April 26, in the
East Conference Room in the Rack-
ham Building. The faculty is invited.
Senior Night will take place in
Lydia Mendelssohn in the Women's
League, Thursday evening, April 27,
at 7:30. Seniors graduating this June
must wear caps and gowns; seniors
graduating in October and February
must bring their identification card.
If you wish to finance the pur-
chase of a home, or if you have pur-
chased improved property on a land
contract and owe a balance of ap-
proximately 60 per cent of the value
of the property, the investment Of-
fice, 100 South Wing of University
Hall, would be glad to discuss finan-
cing through the medium of a first
mortgage. Such financing may effect
a substantial saving in interest.
Food Handler's Lectures: Two se-
ries of lectures for food handlers will
be given by Melbourne Murphy,
Health Service Sanitarian, in the
Lecture Room of the Health Service
on the following days. The lectures
will include slides and films.
Series I
Lecture I-Tues., April 25--2 p.m.'
Lecture II-Tues., May 2, 2 p.m.
Series II
Lecture I-Thurs., April 27, 2 p.m.
TeturI TT-Thurs..May 4. 2 n rm

tificate are cordially invited to meet
the critic teachers of the University
Laboratory Schools at a tea to be
given in the University Elementary
School Library on Wednesday, April
26, at 4:15 o'clock.
Attention Former Students of Ge-
ology 12: If you have copies of
Hussey's Syllabus, "Geological His-
tory of North America," we shall
appreciate your turning them in,
either for sale or rent, to Rm. 2851,
Natural Science Bldg., as soon as
possible. These outlines are out of
print, our enrollment this term is
large, and the need for them is acute.
E. Delabar, Secy., Ext. '617.
Sophomore Engineers: An impor-
tant meeting of the Sophomore Class
will be held in Rm. 348, West Engi-
neering Building this evening at 7
o'clock. 'All members of the class
should arrange to attend.
Doctoral Students: The thesis dead-
line for students expecting to receive
degrees in June has been changed to
May 1 We cannot guarantee that
students can complete the require-
ments for their degrees by the end of
the Spring Term.
Speeded Reading Course: The short
course in speeded reading will start
today. The class meets at 5, Tuesday
and Thursday, Rm. 4009, University
High Sch'ool Building. There is no
charge for this course.
Exhibit: Original plans and per-
spectives for the proposed civic cen-
ter of Madison, Wisconsin, designed
by the architect, Frank Lloyd Wright.
Ground floor, corridor, Architecture
Building. On exhibit until May 1.
The Twenty-,.eAr nnaxl mih

.. And you see why this little

By Crockett Johnson

rTake other children. Take your

That's why Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy

Look... This trick is amazina.

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