SUNDAY, APRIL231, 1944 THliEAiHi 1G A N D A ILY P'AGE SEVEN Honors Convoeation Names Annued yr+ '^Y^.'--yV-v-"q^.q ^. .-y-.v - -__ v _T -. "I'TT- T Y V -Y v v'> TT T Y T 1"^ f C IIISI TRY Fabian Charles Adler Forrest Donald Andersen George Aronowitz Russell Constantinos Atsalis Benjamin Solomon Bergman Melvin Joseph Berman Kendall Albert Birr Irwin Wesley Black Paul Eugene Blakely Wayne Rynning Bohrnstedt Preston William Byington Angelo Thomas Capriotti Bernert S. Carter James George Cassanos Robert Leon L. Chilenskas Paul Frederick Clark William Patrick Creedon Joseph Francis Dingman ENGINE IERING COvURSES William Emerson Fletcher James Kenneth Franks Donald Sharp Fredrickson Howard Edmonds Gerlaugh Lawrence Allcn Goldmuntz D~onald Roy Gotthold Irving Green Thomas Richard Hancock Harry Lee Hauser Carroll Merton Flawkes Alfred Carl Johnson Abner Kaplan Alvan Gene Karraker John La Capra Herman Irwin Leon George Munro Lindeman David Bowven Lull Thomas John Mahler f {} iJ 4L"y I! r "' r < _ Kenneth R. Mahurin Milton Markman Geoffrey Michael Melmoth D)onald Charles Mendoza Kenneth Charles Naylor Isadore Nusbaumn Oakley TI. Neau Griffith Ray John Michael Salzer Zalec Irving Skolnik Stephen Bruce Smart, Jr. Arthur Edward Sobey, Jr. John Edward Solbrig Earl Norman Solon Eugene Edward Sterling Thomas Joseph Tully William Karl Vogel Donald Kessler Weaver, Jr. Arthur G. Anderson, A.B., M.S., Jean Chien-Han Chu, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.,,~ Barbour Scholar John Aurie- Dean, B.S.(Chem.) , M.S.Chem., ' John Raymond Dice, B.S.,M.S. Robert Flint Edgerton, A.B., M.S., I)AT, 1- Richard EugIene Field, L.S. (Chemn.), . I.8Clzen., '['AT, Hlarm= Freun d, B.S., IMIS., (PAT, ArnonHarr, Albert l-evn, B.S. (Chem.), M.S.Chem., (iAT , :' George lDana Johnson, B.A., Lcitoy Henry Klemm, 1L.S. APRONS' .1 GFd~T 1' t MOTHlERf ]> ~ltcn NMot her's wvork in the kitchen .-glv e her <1 gay new% apron. Long and short styles comn MbuAth percales and sheers. H ankies and dainty linens also make grand gifts for ;mOTHER'S DAY. Robert Lou is Livingston, B.S.Ed., M.S.Chem., Ph.D., 41, Virginia Capron Livingston, B.S, Gloria D. Manalo, B.S.P.H., M.S., ~, B arbour Scholar Peter Alan Somervail Smith, B.S., M.S.Chem., 4,TA, Z PK, iI\'arccI Goldenberg, 1B.S.E. (MetE.) ,I'' Albert A. Grau, B.S., M.S., ,4'EK, ~ ,4K4' Ida Roettinger Kaplan, Dipl. Math., Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 14 Maurice Joseph Sinnott, B .S.E. OF I Reduced SELECTED FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK FOR SPECIAL SELLING Douglas Vincent Doane, Margaret Elizabeth Bertsch, A.B., A.M., 4K- P Robert Mitchell Biggs, A.B., A.M., r413K, t4,4 Kathleen Ethelwyn Butcher, B.A., A.M. Celia Hwaguen Chao, B.Mus. (Piano), A.B., A.M., I43K, 4K4, Barbour Scholar Gloria D. Manalo, B.S.P.H., M.S., MA , Barbour Scholar Harriet Louise Mehaffey, B.S. Marie Evelyn Nymen, A.B., M.A. Edith Jean Omer, A.B. Henry Popkin, B.A. Eugene Roberts, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., UNIVERSITY FELLOWSIP IS Helen Laura Foster, B.S., M.S., fi3K, I-, (K(I Alumni Scholar Albert A. Grau, B.S., M.S., 443K, Marie Elfrieda Haefner, B.A. Sara Jeanne Hauke, B.S., M.S., 4':,2:, K(4, Alumni Scholar Loraine Vista Shepard, B .A., M .Ed. Ruth Caridad Silva, A.B., A.M. Cedomir M. Sliepcevich. B.S.E. IHrry Herman Steinhauser, Jr., UNIVERSITY SCIIOLARSITIPS Erne'sto Gomez, Civ. Eng., Uni- versidad dle Chile Robert Earl Hayden, A.B. George Herman, AB., M .S., 4K'I' Thomas Paul Imse, Ph.B., M.A., AK[A William Hartley Jeff rey, A.B. Evelyn Kossoff, B.A. Kathryn Mary Lancaster, A.B. Robert Green McCloskey, B.A., A.M. Betty Jane Meggcrs, A,.. STATE COLLEGE SCHIOLARSIPIS Solveig Margaret Larsson, A.B. George Peter Martin, B.Ch.E. Jennie Ellen Master, 1B.S. Virginia Elizabeth Rciberg, A .B. Allyn Marsh Hlerrick, B.S., M.F., N Joan Emily Hirsh, A.B., A.M. Mary *Noka Hood, B.S., A.M., +112 Leonard Gustave Johnson, ARB, AM., 44,B Karl Otto Kuersteiner, B.M., M.M. Emma Loll Thornbrough, A.B., A.M., '143K, 44,4 Chi-.Mou Tsang, B.S.M.E., M.S. Suzanne Elisabeth A. vanDyke, John Winkelman, A.B., M.S.Ed. Hlideo Yoshihara, B.S.E. (Ae.E.), MS., T'll, I -, (4,K4 OR I ELT.I. LCIVIL.ZATIONS Maud Eva Callis. Grad., Pet rigvymnasium, ILeipzig ; Cand.Med., University of Leipzig; Certificat d'etudes de frangais, University of Geneva; A.M., 413K PIIARMIACEU'IICAL CHEMlISTIRY Mlakepeace Uho Tsaio, B.S., M.S., uZ PI[1"SICs Chcug Sh0 Wang (Cbang, 1B.S., M.S., +B1 K, 1-4', Harbour Scholar PSYC'HOLOGY Hlarland Neil Cisney, A.B., Wilma Louise Eldersveld, A.B., M.Clin.Psychol., 41, : Syril Aurelia Greene, A.B., 4'2;, Sara Jeanne Haukc, 1B.5., M.S., ''S:,1:5, ' D1', Alumni Scholar Ililda Agnes Johnson, A.B., , Earlbara Jean Marshall, B.S., M.Clin.Psychol., 1111, 2: mster 1Dudley Roberts. A.M., 7N N Samuel Waldfogel, B.5., A.M., Robert S. Waldrop, A.B., B.D., Stanley Eugene Wimberly, A.B., " PASTELS " PLAIDS " CHECKS JUNIORS -- MLSS' " TAILORED " CARDIGAN " COSTUME - WYOFIVhLS SIZES ZOOL.OGY Suzanne Helen Backus, AB, ,P1K, 'K4b) AAA Arselia Marie Block, B.A. Roma Ratner Bordon, A.B. Gloria Gwendolyn Brontman, B.A. Felice Hilda Davidson, A.B. Marianne Steiff Finton, A.B.Ed. Arthur Clark Gibson, B.S.E. (C.E.) Elaine Glass, B.S., 'P BK, (I)K4', AAA Donald Herbert Boumna, A.B, A.M., AKA Florence Louise Drake, B.A. Edith Ellen Klaaren, B,A. Cecil Ross Hardy,. E.S., M.S., Guy Norman Loofbou rrow, A.B1., RobIert Rush M1INiller, A.B., A.M., Sidney VMittlor, ES. .SPh.D., Robert Thomas Nieset. A .B., ES . A., '-- Grace Louise Orton, B.S., M.S., 1rarnces Van Every 1Morfoot, ARB Gladys *Ruth Reid, B.A., M.A. Carlos Rodriguez. Civ. long., Uni- vcrsi'lad (de Chile Ethel Ruth Seligman, A.B. Alphonse Paul Snyder, B.S.E;. (C.) Ann Elizabeth Stauffer, B.S. D~avid Hlarry Stevenson, A.B., D~orothv Eloise Westlund, B.A. .-. ... .-.. -U .-- -..-. I OLLINS=- R EC IPIIENTS O[ SPECI1AL AWARDS Based on cu/st an;dlig achieve at ent in Particular fields. ALPHJA CIII SIGMA CHEMISTRY AWARD Raymnondl Eugene Tate, B.S.E.(ChE&) , T HT, 'PAT, 44?4 P'AUL F. k \,ICYVSC[UM A'RSII 1'I N CHE-MISTRY oisCRobert [reimiller, Ct'1) LIJ3IK"RT ' AT A YNArRD -- - Clip Here And Mail To A U. off M. Man In The Armed Forces--- Barbara 1Dorothy Smnith~, 1.S. June Elaine Stephens, A... L,. Marie Turner, A.B, HAO Alien iC. lolnmes, A B ALLIED CHEMICAL AND I) CCORPIORATION FEiLLOWSIIII Lyle Frederick Albright, B.SE.(Ch.E.), M.S., -PAT, : ANTERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE FELLOWSIIP Donald Olcutt Niederhauser, A.B., M.S., 'P)AT, 4)Z 'K4) EMMA J. COLE FELLOWSHIP IN BOT'1ANY Martha EdAith Springer, A.B., AM., w-:,2: COMMUNITY FUND OF D)ETROIiT SCIIOtARSII II'S Elsie Bederin, A.B. A. Nissley. Brandt, A.B., KTA lDavidWnee, A.13. Winifred Bell, A.B., AKA, '1K, Marrika Kutrovska Cahill, 1B.S. Dorothy Robinson Wineman, A.B. AA A EDWIN F". CONICL.Y' SCIIOLARSIJ LI' IN GOVICRN MICN I RuthI Caridad Silva, AlB., A.M.. DUPONT PSI'STrIA I UA'IC -.FFLLO( WSH IP I I"C fI C" [AL. I N :[C1 NG Frcd If. Poettromi, 1.S.,NIMS. ICIVIN C. IIINSOA111 M( l 1)\ 1~ ' LIBRAXRY SERVICE 1T;LOX\ ,Ill!' M~argaret Fink Walker, &A., 1B.S. AIINNI:SOTA MINING; AND) MANUJAC1T:KlN(;(COMP[ANY (IF '"T'I ATI. 1, ,IIt)\V11 'ti1 B . R g r R s , B S , 4 . M S ( I e . I AF . C . A N D SU SA N E A S T M A\N N 1CW C O M 1 IC E LI.iO W 1II ' IN P L T N F P HY SIO L O GY Solon Albert Gordon, B.S., M.F§. AIARGARICT KRAUIz .MSI)ICL1I F.LOWlI III' James Raymond Terrell, A.13., 11t"' Alumni Scholai FREDERICK STEARNS AND COMPANY FELLOtWSIP I N PHIARM ACY Makepeace liho Tsao, 1.S., M.S., N~ Other lionior St~uJdent s '111141", DavidI Stliel' ,, I";l (l'Jiv's.) ANA lOMIY E d wv a r d \ V i l l a d L a e r , 1 . . , A . Ml . , ' l ) . '1'I '; , 2 :1BA C ' I ' h ' I ' Ruth Lofgren, B.A., M.A., 'P2: 2 BIIOLOG ICAL CliI EM ST RY Benjamin Morrison Quigg, Jr., B.S. BRON OtX-Tf[OM.\S PRIZE IIN G;ERMAN Sarah Elsegood Smythe Shelby Lee Dietrich, AAA WILLIAM frNN INGa i;IC\.\N I.ICIN [POLITlICAL 'SCIENCE Ioh1111 1t(Vi b.klc off nan, A.B., 'PBK,' +K+ ITSNRY M. (C\MISIBI.I C.AS;I:CLUB AWARD)S IN THlE LAW SCHtOOL Robert Mlson Barton, All. Phil~ip I'Ana1imel l ianna, AlI. W. Thcodorc 1Alarkvwood, A.B. Williamn Taft Patrick, Jr., A.B. CIIt)I.A11ZIIII ) 'OFI El F 111AtM NlI R 1 'IC :SOCrHIV OF ANN AR'BORZ II \ i )< II ,\ Vli I I) ,,'T1IlONlAL SIN DEBATE 1M1argaret MaylFarumer Barbara Hubar Levine, AA A 1 )z lot ViXirginia 151uirzck, l)orothy Ainn Servis Joyce Marilyn Siegan, AAA SERVICE EDITION ANN ARBOP,, J.1ilCII. SUNT VISCOUNT HALIFAX spoke here tained di Friday at the 21st annual Honors knew notl Convocation. The British Ambas- he had n+ sador to the United States pleaded and estal for unity among nations in- win- on the dE ning the peace as well as in win- about Yt ning the war. After praising the Since tli University he spoke of the un- was in Ju fortunate state of European uni- Mairquett( versities at the present time. Hle son State said that after the war there will be many differences among the TIRE 5( nations and times when we will opeedit, feel like quitting altogether. This, last Thux he said, we must not do; we must annual Ir finish the work. Future genera- 2.500 teac tions rightly would never forgive all overt us for losing faith. he said, and the meet pointed to the impossibility of Halifax, isolationism. After the speech he Convocxti wvas presented with an hoii(,ra y spec~Wi aa Doctor of Laiw degree by D~r. John jahbj)ic(' n G. Winter, chairman of t he do - n'to Ipartment of Latin. In conclisur, , ;s ()Io to' the audience, which complet ely r'him loHar filled Hill Auditorium, sang "The ofteN Yellow and Blue" and "God Savej of the Lea the King."... The Convocation{ was held this year to honor toe outstanding scholastic achieve - V ICTO1 ments of 613 students at the Uni- (liffieulti' versity. Of this number 122 arc it fliedd seniors, have at least a B average However, and rank in the highest ten pcer in cyiclenc cent of the class, 58 juniors, 61 Courimitte sophomores and 97 freshmen who dent Ale, have at least a half A and half B plainingt average with 99 members of the also sent Army Specialized Training Pro- Board of gram. There were 87 graduate after obj students who received fellowships mund C. and scholarships who were hon- cellation< orcd, 61 oftier honor students and las't nig4h 68 students who have received the war special awards. sponsoredC substitute fered by WILLIAM H~. PADGE'1'T is back the stude at Jackson State Prison now. For{ diversion a jury of eleven men and one serviceme woman handed down a verdict of campus." guilty of the first degree murder of enterte against him in Ann Arbor Circuit atres, tav Court Wednesday. Padgett, who League ax is 50 years old, was on retrial for gram of the murder of Clifford A. Stang. the servic Ann Arbor patrolman, at the Con- sity hasf P'IAY, APRIL 23, 1944 tiuring the trial that he thing about the store, that never been in Ann Arbor, ablished his whereabouts ay of the crime as in or ork or Harrisburg, Pa. ae previous trial, which rne, 1936, he has been in te State Prison and Jack- R Prison. (111OOLMJAS'.[ERS' CLUB is annual convention here irsday. It was the 58th mleeting of the club and Lchers and educators from the- state were to attend tings. Besides Viscount who spoke at the Honors tion, were Willys R. Peck, assistant in the office of iformnation in the Depart- State and former aniabas- Thailand, and Carl Joa- tmbro, formerly president rrwegian Parliament and vague of Nations Assembly. MY VARIETIES and the [s, involved in presenting down a little last week. reverberations were still ce. The Victory Varieties -e sent a letter to Presi- exander G. Ruthven ex- their stand. Copies were tto the members -of the )f Regents. It was sent jections by Regent Ed- Shields had forced can- of part of the show g~ven ht.. The letter said that has curtailed student- d entertainment, "yet no 1e has previously been of- ,either the University or ents to provide week-end zfor the large number of en now stationed on this ~It said that three forms Gainment are offered, the- Lveins and dances at the .nd."unless a wider pro- entertainment is offered icemen here, the Univer- failed to meet its obliga- MIOSES C(A)5I',R ECH~Ot..\tSIhll' IN C11ISIsRV I )a xu in A 1I 'l'yxivur 1.S. (Chcer.) , Alumni Scholar JANE I{IE;t3I I;A XAKI) IN D)ECORATIE DESIGN ,Jifarrv Buchanan Smith, Jr., l12 IU N. II II AAR( .N II NSDALE AWARD Wiliam L(-'<