$4~~~*Y, ilL 2 , i44 THE -AHiCiHIGAN - DAILY PAGE F1Vt _ v .r Final Plans for Senior Night Are Revealed! Tickets for Friday's Show To Be Available on Diagonal; Barb Smith To Head Occasion Final plans for Junior Girls Play, which will be given at 8:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, were an- nounced yesterday by Mary Ann Jones, '45A, chairman of the produc- tion. Tickets are being sold for Friday's performance now, and are now on sale in coed residences and will con- tinue to be sold next week on the Diagonal, according to Shelby Die- trich, '45, tickets chairman. Miss Dietrich announced yesterday that all ticket representatives and mem- bers of the tickets committee must turn in money and unsold tickets to the League Undergraduate Office before 5 p.m. Tuesday. Tickets now being sold must be exchanged by the purchaser for re- served seats, which may be secured at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office before 5 p.m. Thursday, after which tickets will not be good. The box office will be open from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday.- Senior Night, Thursday Senor night, headed by Barbara Smith, '44, will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, preceding the play. All graduating senior women will be ad- mitted to the first floor of the thea- tre, while coeds who will graduate in October or February may be admitted with identification cards, acording to Miss Smith. The senior class will 'perform the traditional ceremonies, supplemented by songs, cheers and special features which will be announced later. Lemons Will Be Sucked! Senior women who are as yet "un- attached" will put a penny in the "wishing well" for each year during which they have been unattached. Married women will blow out candles, while special arrangements, as yet unannounced, are being made for senior coeds wearing fraternity pins. Custom dictates pinning with safety- pins, but wartime conditions have forced initiation of a new custom, for there are no safety-pins on the mar- ket in Ann Arbor. "But there's no shortage of lem- ons," Phyl Buck, '44, assistant chair- man of senior arrangements, said yesterday. Engaged seniors must suck lemons during the senior cere- monies. Cast Is Announced Faye Bronstein, '45, heads the cast, which includes Joan Selmir, '44; Betty Pochert, '45; Anne Neprud, '45; Marjorie Rosmarin, '45; Shirley Robin, '45; Pat Coul'ter, '45; Clarice Givens, '46, and Mavis Kennedy, '45. Elizabeth Taylor, '45; Margaret Hamilton, '44; Margaret Beckton, '45; Betty Ann Kucher, '45; Audrey Sheridan, '45; Virginia Bishop, '45; Cynthia Lewin, '45; Marilyn Moore, '45; Betty Jones, '45; Marge Brown, '45, and Shelby Dietrich, '45, also have speaking roles. Singing Chorus Singing and dancing in the play are Georgianna Leslie, '44A; Eleanor MacLaughlin, '45; Doris Chapman, '45; June Willard, '45; Marion Gil- breath, '45; Jean Harkness, '45; Bar- bara Eddy, '45; June Nieboer, '45; Mickey Kuechenmeister, '45; Maurine Harwood, '45; Gultekin Aga-Oglu, '45; Jean Wick, '45; Peg Pilliod, '45, and Jean Gaffney, '45. Additional singers are Joyce Den- Harder, '45; Betsy Follin, '45; Alice Pyle, '45; Jean Colley, '45; Kay Shil- son, '45; Barbara Fitch, '45; Frances Goldberg, '46; Mary Ecklis, '45; Jerry Psciuk, '45; Phyllis Crawford, '45SM, and Marcia Netting, '45SM. Dancers Are Listed Dancers are Rudy Bailes, '45; Fran- ces Popkins, '45; Jean Aldridge, '45; Peg Laubengayer, '45; Anne Stanton, '45; Jane Gourley, '45; Jane Shute, '45; Pam Watts, '45; Mary Jane Jan- iga, '45; Margaret Saults, '45, and Ronnie Leitner, '45. Also Beverly Gotschall, '45; Shirley Keddy, '45; Betsy Perry, '45; Ruth McMorrison, '45; Eleanor Wetmore, '45; Phyllis Sauberns, '45; Betsy Whitehouse, '45, Josephine Holmes, '45. and Char Haas, '44. The production is being directed by Blanche Holpar, '44, asisted by Bethine Clark, '45. Dee Lesser, '45, is stage manager, and Frances Gold- berg, '46, and Cam Fisher, '46, are in charge of make-up. Other Committees Properties, a collection of strange objects now filling up the League Undergraduate Office, are being made by a committee directed by Marge Hall, '45, while Marcia Sharpe, '45A, is in charge of scenery. Rae Lar on, '44, and Beverly Wittan, '46, direct the dancing, while Marcia Net- ting, '45SM, and Phyllis Crawford, '45SM, direct singing. Louise Comins, '45, who wrote lyr- ics for the Junior Girls Project skits throughout the year, also wrote lyrics for the play. Original music is by Evie Horelick, '45, and Lee Tartow- Coeds in World War II Join Land Army, Make Surgical Dressings By MARIAN SIPES How to make 21 kinds of surgical dressings was one of the classes of- fered in war-time on U. of M.'s cam- pus-'17 war-time. That was the year wide striped skirts were just enough above the ankle to let the most stylish check- ered hose be seen. For dates, a Daily ad featured "Lovely satin dresses- models in black, brown and Navy. 2eaturing sash belts and bows, silk cringes, loop panels and silk soutache )raid embroidery. Styles which as- ure one of smartness." Summer school women in '17 be- ame members of the Land Army. 3roups of well chaperoned coeds took veekly or monthly trips to neighbor- rig orchards to pick cherries. Hap- :ily, or unhappily, a group of 50 nen, unfit for service because of lat feet, decided to go. cherry picking oo--in a neighboring orchard. Soon, according to a reporter of "Wolver- .ne," a forerunner of The Daily, methods of clipping cherries were ;eing discussed over the fence, and its wasn't too long before the gate vas found." There was no statement made as to how production decreased after the finding of the gate. Could Canoe Until 9:.30 But all was not surgical dressings md cherry picking for the Ann Ar- or coeds of World War I. They were illowed to go canoeing until 9:301 >.m.; they were permitted to attend noving pictures every day but Sun- -lay; and they swooned not to Sin- .tra but to their amorous canoeing partner who serenaded "Goodnight' Sweetheart." Sousa himself brought his military band to Hill Auditorium and Galli- 'urci was the star of the May Festi- val. Moral issues were the flaming news f the day. Movies shown in the .vinter of 1918 had vivid titles such is, "A Mother's Sin," "The Splendid Sinner." "Daughter of the Gods She Outdid Venus)," "Thais," "The Natural Law," "The Moral Law" and "Her Silent Sacrifice." Nor were Ann Arbor women just content to watch such things appear at the noving picture houses. The Ann Ar- )or Women's Club rebelled on Theda Bara's portrayal of "Cleopatra." The Mayor could do nothing to close the picture, "at least until I view one performance." Lloyd C. Douglas, who was then pastor of the Congrega- tional Church, was in agreement with the women's clubs. Women Supervised Strictly Although the movies seemed to in- dulge in a bit of flaming youth, the University women were kept in strict supervision. Ten-thirty permissions -n Friday and Saturday nights were the, rule. Just as now, pleas were'published daily for women to work in surgical dressing units, to aid at the Hospital, join the Nurse Corps, sew for the Red Cross and buy war bonds and stamps, but it will take more work for us of '44 to catch up with the record set by the women of '18. All the campus war loan drives went over the top and knitted goods were flooding the battlefields of France. However, there was one unfortunate incident concerning the latter. Some of the women knitting the grey sweaters for servicemen Were inclin- ed to give the finished product to local civilian swains. This proced- ure was rapped angrily in Wolverine editorials. Meatless Days Then, Too Hardships that come with every war were noticeable then too. Dorm- itories observed wheatless and meat- less days; women as well as men stu- dents had classes at 7:30 a.m. in- stead of 8 a.m. And the wool situa- tion was so precarious as to prompt a member of the DAR to state. "The time will come when it will be un- patriotic to own any more than one sweater." All this was. Ann Arbor 20-odd years ago when the World War had only the number 1 after it. Lectures Stress Recreational Leadership With the dual purpose of adjusting to wartime needs and of giving cam- pus women a fuller understanding of the value of physical fitness, the physical education department has this year instituteda series of rela- tive lectures and has devised a new' program of exercises, according to Mrs. Dorothy Beise Miller, associate supervisor of physicgl education. Recreational leadership in the family and community are being stressed in this semester's lectures. When the weather does not permit outdoor sports, there are special "rainy day" programs. The "rainy day" programs are designed especial- ly with the idea of group entertain- ment for various age groups. - While coeds march to "The Vic- tors," bicycle in time with "A Bicycle Built for Two," jump to "Pistol Pack- in' Mamma," and rest to the soothing strains of "Star Dust," they are, and not just incidentally, working to- wards agility, endurance and strength. The exercises are designed to improve fitness and the specific purpose of each exercise is pointed out. Previously the year of physical ed- uca tion was made up of four seasons, during each of which a different sport was followed. This year, the student remains in one class for the entire semester. Mrs. Miller expressed the belief that a sounder grasp of one sport might be more desirable than an introduction to two of them. Student Tutors Needed Tutorial Committee has announced a demand particularly for tutors in economics' and fine arts and an all- over demand for tutors, who may register for the course for which they are qualified in the Undergraduate Office of the League, according to Jane Faggan, chairman. The Tutorial Committee requires that tutors have received a grade of B and preferably A in the course they wish to teach, and are paid for their services. Petitioning To Continue independent Coeds To Petition For Revised Assembly Board' Petitioning for the reorganized As- sembly Board is going on now and will continue through Wednesday, ac- cording to Doris Barr, president of1 Assembly. The positions on the board will in- elude those of president; two vice- presidents, one in charge of dormi- tories and the other in charge of league houses; publicity chairman and secretary-treasurer. Serious Shortage of Teachers Is Noted in Particular Areas i i Petitions are available in Miss Eth- el McCormick's office in the League. Interviewing will take place from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Thurgday and Friday and from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday. Applicants should sign up for their interviews when they hand in their petitions. The president must be a senior by next year. The vice-president in charge of league houses should either be living in a league house now or have lived in one before, so that she will be acquainted with the league house situation. Under the new plan, both of the vice-presidents will head boards of their own: The vice-president in charge of dormitories will head a board consisting of the house presi- dents of every dormitory and auxil- iary dormitory.. The vice-president in charge of league houses will have a board, which will include a repre- sentative from each zone. Rifle Club Wins The University Women's Rifle Club defeated Northwestern in a tele- graphic match recently by the close score of 480-478, according to Joan Kintzing, '45, manager of the club. Eight women who have consistently made 'the lowest scores during the regular club shooting periods niade up the team, scores being turned in by the following Rifle Club mem- bers: Emilene Wallace, Jane Zabel, Betty Grimes, Bernice Grimes, Fran- ces Covitt, Joyce Ludovic, Betty Mit- chell and Joar Kintzing. Would-Be War Brides Advised To Take Step Young women should not be too timid or cautious about marrying their soldier, sailor or marine sweet- heart if they have known him for a reasonable length of time, Dr. Gul- ielma F. Alsop, physician for Barnard College in New York and co-author of a book on marriage, advised would- be war brides recently. "Once assured in your own mind, marry him before he goes to war. Young people today are romantic, idealistic and ready for any kind of devotion. The heightened emotion that sweeps the youth of a nation in wartime makes for permanence in marriage," she explained. Young war brides have definite responsibilities to meet. "You will now be judged as a member of a partnership, not as an isolated indi- vidual. You must reflect your hus- band's ideals as well as your own. You have become a part of the war. Win the war with him," Dr. Alsop stressed. War brides should not date other men, but should devote leisure hours to war work or to entertaining ser- vicemen at properly conducted com- munity parties. Dr. Alsop, who has had many years of association with girls at Barnard, cautioned against week-end mar- riages. The young woman who meets a soldier on Friday, marries him on Saturday. and parts with him on Monday may have serious difficulties ahead. (Associated College Press) Corporation Calls For Women Trainees A call for women with aptitude for engineering training has been sent out by the airplane division of the Curtiss-Wright Corporation of Buf- falo, N.Y., to which interested coeds are asked to write for further infor- mation. Applications, together with a pic- ture and a transcript of grades, should be sent to the Cadette Train- ing Department of the company, The importance of good teaching in the schools of the United States is greater today than ever before. Yet at this moment there exists a serious shortage of competent teachers prop- erly trained and equipped to prepare our 24,000,000 school children for the problems they will be forced to face in the world of tomorrow. Men and women alike, influenced by patriotic appeals and often by superior earning opportunities, have left the schools to enter the armed forces, war industries, government services or other non-teaching occu- pations. Thus a great shortage of experienced teachers have developed, forcing some states to issue emer- gency certificates, double up on clas- ses, drop courses from the curricu- lum, and, in some cases, even to close schools. Naturally, the situation is more critical in some teaching fields and in some geographical areas than in others. The American Council on Education reports show that at the secondary school level, teacher short- ages are greatest in the fields of in- dustrial arts, agriculture, physical education, physics, chemistry, mathe- matics,- commercial education and home economics. Losses from the elementary schools have been scattered through all the To Open Interviews Applicants for the co-chairman- ship of the 1944-45 Bomber Scholar- ship Committee will be interviewed at 4 p.m. Monday in the student of- fices of the Union, according to Jean Bisdee, '44, chairman of Bomber Scholarship. One man and one coed will com- prise the co-chairmanship, and other positions on the committee will be decided later. Students who wish to work on the committe in some other capacity than as chairman are asked to apply at the same time. Those who have not yet handed in petitions may bring petitions to the interview. Petitions may be secured from the League social director from 10 a.m. to noon tomorrow. grades. Shortages tend to be worst in rural areas and small towns but the pinch is being increasingly felt even by systems paying better salar- ies and offering more favorable con- ditions of employment. It is, of course, to the teachers colleges, unive'sities and liberal arts colleges that the schools in general ordinarily look for their supply of new teachers. Unfortunately, how- ever, enrollments in teachers colleges have declined. Education has been named by the War Manpower Commission as an essential occupation. The President has stated that education must be maintained at a high level. COMlE TO Wkeddings Sand - engagemen ts FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Ave. William P. Lemon, D.D., James Van Pernis, Ministers E. Gertrude Campbell, Director of Education Christian Mr. and Mrs. Harlow O. Whitte- more of Ann Arbor announce the marriage of their daughter, Jean, to Theodore Sharp, son of Mr. and-Mrs. Floyd Sharp of Detroit. Both Miss Whittemore and Mr. Sharp graduated from the University of Michigan. The former Miss Whittemore graduated last February and is a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. While on the campus she was on the Women's War Council as head of the Surgical Dressings, Jun- ior Editor of the Ensian, member of Wyvern and Mortarboard and secre- tary of the Senior Class. Mr. Sharp graduated last June and was a member of Theta Delta Chi fraternity. He was on the Union Men's Council and was the chairman of the last Junior Hop. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Edmonds of Detroit, Mich. recently announced the engagement of their daughter, Jane Cornelia, to Midshipman Robert Durward Reynolds, son of Mr. Paul E. Reynolds of Cuylerville, N.Y. Miss Edmonds attended the Uni- versity and was active in Play Pro- duction. She also took part in several tennis tournaments. Midshipman Reynolds was a stu- dent in the Engineering School of the University. He is now a first classman at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. Interviewing for the eight posi- tions available on the committe for Assembly Ball will continue, from 9 a.m. to noon todayin the League. Applicants may bring their peti- tiong to the interview.{ 6716 Calls for Gibbs Secretaries t etaries ar requested tan are 9:30 A.M.: Church School, Junior, Intermediate and Senior departments. Young Married Couples class and Men's class. 10:45 A.M.: Nursery, Beginner and Primary de- partrncnts. Also Junior Choir rehearsal. 10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. "A World To Live In." Sermon by Dr. Lemon. 5:00 P.M.: Westminster Student Guild. Mr. Van Pernis will review Dr. Fosdick's book, "On Being a Real Person." Supper will follow. 6:00 P.M.: Tuxis Society Installation of New 0fficers. 7ta esti'Pain o EDDY HOWvvAIRD ad his fonlouS orce -~ p-yn tcool Army, Navy and Marine Training Schools University of Michigan, Ann Saturday, April 22, IN THE 0 1 UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor (Missouri Synod) 1511 Washtenaw Ave. 11:00 a.m. Divine Service. Sermon topic, "Jesus -the Good Shepherd." 3.00 p.m. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club Bowling Party. Meet at the Center. 5:00 p.m. Gamma Delta Supper Meeting, with supper a 5:30. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 120 South State Street Ministers: Charles W. Brashares and Ralph G. Dunlop Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director Mary McCall Stubbins, organist 9:30 a.m. Class for University Students. Wes- ley Foundation Lounge. Prof. Kenneth G. Hance. leader. 10:40 a.m. Church School for Nursery, Begin- ners and Primary Departments where young children may be left during worship service. 10:40 a.m. Worship Service. Dr. Brashares' subject is "Church and State." :00 p.m. Wesleyan Guild Meeting for Univer- sity Students and college-age young people. Supper and Fellowship Hour. 7:00 p.m. Young Married People's Society Dis- c(s.ion C Group meets in Parlors. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION Sponsored jointly by the Zion arWd Trinity Lutheran Churches Zion Lutheran Church East Washington and S. Fifth Ave. 10:30 A.M.: Worship Service. Sermon by Ed- ward Baseler, Vicar. Trinity Lutheran Church East William and South Fifth Ave. 10:30 A.M.: Worship Service. Sermon by the Rev. Henry O. Yoder. Lutheran Student Association Trinity Lutheran Church, Corner of East William and South Fifth Ave. 5:30 P.M.: Fellowship hour. 6:00 P.M.: Supper - program following. The Rev. E. C. Stellhorn will continue discussion of the catechism. THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY IN ANN ARBOR * The Theosophical Society in Ann Arbor study class in Theosophy, topic to be discussed, "The Conquest of Illusion." Class conducted by S. H. Wylie, Sunday, April 23, 3:00 P.M. Public cor- dially invited. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division st. 10:30 a.mn. Sunday lesson sermon. 11:45 a.m. Sunday School. This church maintains a free Reading Room at 106 E. Washington St., which is open daily except Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturdays until 9:00 p.m. Here the Bible and Christian Science literature including all of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy's works may be read, borrowed or purchased. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 306 North Division St. The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector The Rev. Robert M. Muir, Jr., Student Chaplain Maxine J. Westphal, Counsellor for Women Students Philip Malpas, Organist and Choirmaster 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by Mr. Muir. 11:00 a.m. Junior 'hurch. 3:30 p.m. Hi-Squarc Club, Page Hall. 5:00 p.m. Evening Prayer and Commentary. 6:00 p.m. Canterbury Club for students and 1 AOS. MARK VICTORY PARADE OF SpotightBands BROADCAST OVER THE BLUE NETWORK ROADAST V ERN YUtz D AL STATION WXYZ- ... 1270 ON yO Every week-day night a famous Coca-Cola Spotlight Band visits a new army camp, naval training base or war production iii State and Huron Streets f!I 1i'