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April 22, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-22

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Fifty-Fourth Year
911 . .w,.~

Editorial Poicy Is Sincere

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this4 newspaper. All rights of repub-
licaton of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44
Editorial Staff
Jane Tarrant . . . . . Managing Editor
Claire Sherman . . . . Editorial Director
Stan Wallace . . . . . . . City Editor
Evelyn Phillips . . . . . Associate Editor
Iiarvey Frank . . . . . Sports Editor
Bud Low . . . . . Associate Sports Editor
Jo Ann Peterson . . . Associate Sports Editor
Mary Anne Olson . . . . . Women's Editor
Marjorie Rosmarin . . Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . . Business Manager
Margery Batt . . . Associate Business Manager*
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
National Armies Will
Scuttle World Peace
plans for an International Police Force which
might have been the basis for the building of a
peaceful world.
They plan to substitute separate national
forces, having a half dozen or more powers
maintain strong national forces, which, they
hope, would join to put down international
disturbances threatening general 'var.
The plan which they have drawn up contains
one of the main faults of the League of Nations.
When Italy invaded Ethiopia, the members of the
League did a lot of talking but no one bothered
to stop her. Great Britain and France could
not see-how their interests were being jeopar-
dized by this action.
The same thing will happen in the future
if we have a series of national forces rather
than ONE international police force. The plan
which is being prepared proposes that the
national forces would be used only by inter-
national agreement. Yet if a couple of Bal-
kan nations started fighting, it is very reason-
able to envisage that this dispute would not
be considered important enough to call for
the use of other national armies.
Great Britain. France, the United States and
Russia might perhaps have averted the present
war if they had stopped Hitler when he first
started his policy of aggression. Hitler was not
afraid to act because he knew that no nation
would be willing to make the sacrifice necessary
to stop him. If there had been an international
police force ready and able to act at the time,
Mr. Hitler might never have marched into the
small countries which were unable to defend
It is Pollyanish to hope that after this war
things will completely change. Hitler was able
to get a head start not because we could not
stop him, but because we would not stop him.
The person who thinks that in the future any
nation will be willing to act when its own inter-
ests are not thlreatene.d is being extremely op-
' HEOFFICIALS who were chosen to study the
problem were too easily discouraged. They

discarded the idea of a single International Po-
lice Force because of the complicated new issues
of how to supply, man, finance, base and operate
a totally new kind of military establishment
which would face extra-ordinary difficulties of
language, training and customs.
Naturally there would be great problems in-
volved in establishing such a body. However,
there are none of the problems which the offi-
cials listed that could not be solved. Such a
force in which the men of all nations live to-
gether and are trained together, could be theJ
very basis for better feeling between nations and
consequently the type of world we claim to be
fighting for.
There is one important thing to remember
when we talk about selecting various nations
to maintain large police forces. These coun-
tries may be our friends now, but are they
going to be on the same side in the future?
History has often shown that nations may be

IN AN adjacent column appears one of the most
laughable charges ever directed at The Michi-
gan Daily. The charge is, specifically, that the
editorial writers of The Daily are "guilty" of
favoring President Roosevelt.
The writer, Donald Vance, claims that The
Daily is "completely dominated by fourth-term,
anti-Republican propaganda in the form of staff
and student editorials." Mr. Vance fails to take
into account three important facts:
First: Editorials, duly printed on this editorial
page, constitute honest, straight-forward opin-
ion, and as such, no matter how one-sided, have
every right to appear. That is the purpose of
an editorial page and that is the place for any
so-called "anti-Republican propaganda."
Second: If there are any shortcomings in
supporting the elected President of this na-
tion when the need for unity is great, they are
still far more desirable and commendable than
attacking and shouting "Politics!" at every
executive move made, be it only a loosening
of a collar button.
Third: The charge that pro-Roosevelt edi-
torials dominate the editorial page almost makes
us out to be criminal. Does Mr. Vance plan to
have the Dies Committee investigate us because
the majority of our staff supports the President?
Indeed, who can Mr. Vance suggest as a better
man to support?
If by "dominate," Mr. Vance means to infer
that there is a master plan guiding a Michigan
Daily editorial policy, then he deserves a sharp
rebuke. All editorials appearing in the Michigan
Daily are the opinions of the individual writers
and represent their views only. If there is a
preponderance of pro-Roosevelt sentiment on
our editorial page, it is because there is a striking
lack of social conscience on the part of Republi-
can students on campus. At any rate, they have
not chosen to voice their opinions in The Daily.
THERE is no point in answering Mr. Vance's
individual criticism of the President. Suffice
it to say that this administration brought the
nation two of its longest needed social and ec-
onomic reforms: social security and collective
bargaining. The Republicans, presenting one of
the most negativistic platforms the country has
ever known, offer nothing but a throw-back to
the twenties. This is their last chance to wrest
away all of the reforms of the past decade.
If Mr. Vance really wants to know what
those who should know how the war is being
conducted think, the front line soldiers, let
him read Frank Gervasi's recent statement
about the Italian campaign. Gervasi, who has
just returned from Italy said in Detroit last
week that the soldiers overseas would vote al-
most in a body for Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Mr. Vance's argument has the same inherent
fault that has appeared throughout the Repub-
lican press campaign. It belittles every support
given to the President and offers absolutely
nothing in return.
In reference to our hitting below the belt by
not labeling Gerald L. K. Smith, Martin Dies
and Col. McCormick fascists, Mr. Vance reaches
'a height of illogical reasoning. We shall con-
tinue to judge men by their actions and not be
content to dub them with names. As far as
Smith, Dies and McCormick are concerned, they
have all been guilty of misdirecting public opin-
ion from the vital issues of the war. If anything,
The Daily has not hit these men enough.
-The Senior Editors
Be RiJD nght__
NEW YORK, April 21.--A number of subtle
changes have come over American controversy
because of the approaching elections, and maybe
we ought to have a look, yes?
You will notice, right off, that the hot cam-
paigns against the labor unions have grown
first tepid, then cold. But most Congressmen

show an increasing tendency to step off the
floor for a haircut, or something, when the
issue comes up these days, and the winter has
passed without a single one of those strange,
periodic anti-labor frenzies, which used to
shake the Capitol for weeks at a time and make
blue sparks fly from all the doorknobs in
An impartial observer will note, also, a new
tendency to remark upon President Roosevelt's
fine personal qualities. I even read in a Hearst
editorial the other day where it said that Mr.
Roosevelt was personally an attractive and am-
iable fellow, whose human warmth has endeared
him to many Americans. Of course, the piece
went on to say that three endearments were
plenty, and that a fourth endearment would be
a case of entirely too much lovin'. everything
This new appreciation of the President's per-
sonal qualities is accompanied by a kind of or-
ganized campaign to put him to bed. Senator
Wheeler has joined those journalists who are
trotting out the theme that the President hasn't
really been looking well lately, and that what he

Letter to the Editor.
To the Editor:
Is the Michigan Daily pledged to support
Roosevelt for a fourth term? I have been follow-
ing the editorials for some time with a great deal
of interest and growing amazement that a paper
subsidized by a state university which is sup-
ported by taxes paid by Republicans as well as
Democrats seems to be so completely dominated
by fourth-term, anti-Republican propaganda in
the form of staff and student editorials.
To be more specific, take Miss Kathie Sharf-
man's article of April 18, in which she lauds
Roosevelt as the only logical man to lead the
United States through the remainder of the
war, the reconstruction and. reconversion per-
iod, and may I add, "ad infinitum."
Miss Sharfman may have been sincere in her
belief, but in several instances I found the proof
she offered for her points quite inadequate and
open to attack. I should like to take a few of
these points, one by one, .and present some of
the pertinent information which I feel was
First. she would like us to believe that President
Roosevelt and his cohorts are the only ones plan-
ning for post-war conversion, soldier re-employ-
ment, and prevention of a general depression.
The only evidence offered to support this state-
ment was reference to "the committee on ire-
employment of soldiers;"
May I point out that there are hundreds of
individuals, companies and organizations plan-
ning exactly the same things; for example, Henry
Ford, who just announced that his 25,000 en
in the service will be given first priority on jlobs
in his industries after the war, Henry J. Kaiser,
who has often stated that there is no need for a
depression and has vast post-war plans under
way, the National Association of Manufacturers
which is planning for reconversion, and count-
less others who are working toward the same
goad. Their ideas are their own, irrespective of
political party. Your reference, Miss Sharfman,
that the Demo&rats are the only ones planning
for a better post-war America is fallacious.
Second, you set Mr. Roosevelt up as the great
"Emancipator of Races." You refer to "groups
of Americans-labor, youth, Jews, Negroes who
have found their places in our America of
1944." Maybe you were thinking of the NYA,
for example. I am, for I can remember when
I worked in an NYA shipyard which was sup-
osedly training youth for jobs. The fellows
on more than one occasion were told that if
they took a day off to look for a job that they
wouldn't be allowed back in the shipyard if
they were unsuccessful. The object was to
keep them from leaving. The training was so
poor that few shipyards would hire them.
When you spoke of Negro emancipation, were
you possibly thinking of the South, predomin-
ately composed of Democrats, where the poll-
tax still flourishes and Negroes are deprived of
their vote? As leader of the Democratic party,
I have never heard of Roosevelt taking action
to abolish the poll-tax.
I think you strike a typical New Deal blow
"below the belt" when by your subtle innuendoes
you infer that such men as Gerald L. K. Smith,
Martin Dies and Col. McCormick are fascists.
If you believe this, why' not muster up your
nerve and call them fascists outright and then
take your chances on possible libel charges?
You say Roosevelt is the man to "protect the
rights of the minority." He has even failed
to protect the rights of the majority. Do you
think the blind, blundering policies of Selective
Service (and you'll note that I used the plural,
for we have a new policy each week) have
shown any signs of protecting the rights of1
men who have been completely bewildered by
its "cat and mouse" policies? You can't de-
tach the blame for a great deal of this from
Roosevelt, for he has always had the power
and authority to make such changes as were1
necessary to straighten out the situation, but
has consistetitly failed to do so.1
You tell us he and his New Dealers have been
responsible for such traditions as "the right of all
Americans not to starve to death in the midst
of millions of dollars of unused productive ca-
pacity." Surely you remember how .people were1
going hungry at the same time the "Criple A",
(AAA) was out shooting and burying hogs, burn-1

ing huge piles of fruit, paying farmers not to
raise food?
No, Miss Sharfman, Mr. Roosevelt has some
good Qualities, but he isn't as white an angel
as you would have us believe. He has his faults
--grave ones-and it is my contention that all
this fourth term talk is coming from a bunch
of panicky New Dealers who are like the sales-
man extolling the virtues of his only pair ofc
shoes left in stock-"What if it is an old style,
Madam, doesn't fit, and isn't genuine leather--
it's all I have to offer."
-Donald H. Vance

MR MULLENDORE, in an editorial
not long ago, referred to what he
termed *'New Deal antics," calling
them by inference insane. There we
have a choice example of Landon
language. One can but hope that the
Republican presidential candidate
will be sufficiently out of touch with
reality to campaign along the same
lines. Then perhaps the pride of
Topeka, Kan., will not be remember-
ed as having been on the short end
of .the gre'atest landslide in United
States history. This is a distinction
worthy of someone like John Bricker.
Every night before I lay me .down
to sleep, I offer up a solemn prayer
that . John Bricker be nominated
in Chicago next July. I pray that
he duly pour forth the right amount
.of politically distilled dribble of
New Deal antics and before he re-
sumes the task of balancing his
state's budget by siphoning off ter-
rific federal appropriations, that
his name be indelibiy recorded for
signal service to the nation.
Let's by all means have more bald-
er-dash from the GOP. Think what
a labor saving device this would be!
for National Democratic Chairman
Robert Hannegan. One ounce of Re-
publican gibberish is worth the labor
of five Democratic precinct workers.
Do you favor FDR in '44? Then
bestir yourselves. Write to Joe Pew.
Ask him to have Bricker tell us moreE
about the glories of free enterprise.
Or how about laissez-faire? Why not 1
a higher restrictive tariff? We might
even remove the bones of Cal Coolidgek
and set them up in the cloak-rooms
at Chicago next June-so that his
influence will emanate outwards over
the delegates.
[EVISE the program, Republicans:1
let Herbert Hoover make the key-
note speech while Alf Landon leads an
accompanying chant that goes "Two
Chickens in Every Pot," and Clare
Boothe Luce does a strip tease-till
all that remains is a chemise bear-
ing the inscription "Globaloney."
Harrison Spangler should be accord-
ed special honors. He and Publish-


By Lichty

"Ti {s ucovrIonpridfhe ecuag4hecidrnt
tnyyl ao
"This is out-'conversation h period' when Yencourage the cildren to
talk about lanything they like-usually it's aibout whiat goes on at

er Gannett can play paddy cakes in
a spotlighted corner of the Blackstone
Hotel and crack Abbot and Costello
jokes about Hottentots being given
bottles of milk by starry-eyed Henry
Representative Ham Fish can de-
liver a much needed funeral ora-
tion about his former colleague,
Senator Lundeen, whose affilia-
tions with Nazi agents the conven-
tion should gratefully forget. What I
if H1am Fish's secretary took the
rap? Martin, Barton and Fish
should fling their arms about one
another and sigh a three cornered
sigh of relief that Wendell Willkie
has gone the way of all liberal (sic)
Republican flesh.
Let no one interrupt this trio by
whispering the name of Peter Syl-
vester Viereck. Senator Taft, the
right honorable Senator Taft, who,j
out of his overflowing fraternal spirit,
has sacrificed himself in favor of
Ohio's other Favorite Son, its blessed
governor, will, if this nightmarf4
comes to pass, present a keen politi-
cal analysis of the sort with Which he
honors Congress. On 'a coast to coast

network with television if possible, to
convey the fearful gestures he can
make when wrought up, let him ex-
plain to the nation how the soldier-
vote bill is a carefully disguised
scheme to let uniformed citizens vote
so that they can elect That Man in
the White House. Let Taft and Lead-
er Joe Martin alternate in reading
off the long, consistent, glorious rec-
ord of Republican partisanship in
favor of impeding preparations for
the war all the 'way from the fight
against the over-age destroyer deal
to Lend Lease.
Bertie McCormick can write a
plank in the platform on his pro-
posal for the annexation of the
Britis-h Isles. Clare Hoffman can
inject a religious tone into these
deliberations by repeating his name
for the President, "Judas." Gerald
L. K. Smith can sing a hill-billy
:gong and then get down to the
business of divulging the way in
which he helped swing the elec-
tion for Dewey in Wisconsin only
to be repudiated by that "ingrate."
And so on ad nauseam-
-Bernard Rosenberg

(Continued from Page 2)
Saturday, April 29. A course may be
dropped only with the permission of
the classifier after conference with
the instructor.
Freshmen, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Freshmen may
not drop courses without "E" grade
after Saturday, April 29. Only stu-
dents with less than 24 hours' credit
are affected by this regulation. They
must be recommended by their Aca-
demic Counselor for this extraordi-
nary privilege.
Attention Former Students of Ge-
ology 12: If you have copies of
Hussey's Syllabus, "Geological His-
tory of North America," we shall
appreciate your turning them in,
either for sale or rent, to Rm. 2051,
Natural Science Bldg., as soon as
possible. These outlines are out of
print, our enrollment this term is
large, and the need for them is acute.
E. Delabar, Secy., Ext. 617.
Doctoral Students: The thesis dead-
line for students expecting to receive
degrees in June has been changed to
May 1. We cannot guarantee that
students can complete the require-
ments for their degrees by the end of
the Spring.Term.
Sophomore Engineers: An impor-
tant meeting of the SophomoreClass
will be held in Rm. 348, West Engi-
neering Building, on Tuesday eve-
ning, April 25, at 7 p.m. All members
of the class should arrange to attend.
Speeded Reading Course: The short
course in speeded reading will start
April 25, Tuesday. The class meets
at 5:00, 'Tuesday and Thursday, Rm.
4009, University High School Build-
ing. There is no charge for this
Percival Price, University Carillon-
neur, will be heard in a recital at
3 p.m. Sunday, April 23. His program
will include Haydn't Andante from
the "Surprise" Symphony, a group of
old French airs, Fantaisie for caril-
lon by Professor Price, four hymns
and Mendelssohn's War March of
the Priests.
Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, a member
of the faculty of the School of Music,
will be heard in a program of organ
music at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, April 23,
in Hill Auditorium. She will play


1~onrs ongess.On cost t cost Bernrd osebeI

compositions by Couperin and Bach,
as well as Sowerby's modern sym-
phony in G major for organ.
The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Betty Sue Lamb,
a student of Joseph Brinkman. will
present a piano recital at 8:30 p.m.,
Sunday, April 23, in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. Given in -artial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music, the
program will be open to the public
v ithout charge.
Exhibit: Original plans and per-
spectives for the proposed civic cen-
ter of Madison, Wisconsin, designed
by the architect, Frank Lloyd Wright.
Ground floor corridor, Architecture
Building. On exhibit until May 1.
The Twenty-First Annual Exhibi-
tion by artists of Ann Arbor and
vicinity, presented by the Ann Arbor
Art Association, in the galleries of
the Rackham Building, April 22
through May 12, daily except Sunday,
afternoons 2 to 5 and evenings 7 to
10. The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
The Michigan Sailing Club and all
interested in sailing this spring will
meet at 1 in the Union.
Saturday Night Dance: The theme
of the Saturday Night Dance held at
the USO Club April 22 will be "Circus
Night." There will be &aiiwinig l'rofm
8 to miiihiiglht.
Coming Events
Music Hour: A Classical Music
Hour will be held at the USO Club,
Sunday, April 23, starting at 2 p.m.
There will be a program of Classical
Music followed by the NBC sym-
Roger Williams Guild: Sunday eve-

hibit. Refreshments will be served
by staff members of the Departmen-
t ai ::nd Coliegiate Libraries.
All library staff members as well as
others interested in library work are
invited to become members of the
Ann A bor Library Club. Dues 'iae
seventy-five cents a year. Members
who have not already done so are
urgently requested to pay their dues
to the treasurer, Mr. Harrell, as
fnds are running low.
Ch urches
Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
pies): 11 a.m., Morning worship. Rev.
J. Leslie French will be guest speaker.
5 p.m., Guild Sunday Evening Hour.
Disciple students, servicemen and
their friends will join with Congrega-
tional students at the Congregational
Church. Prof. Peter A. Ostafin, who
was unable to appear last Sunday,
will speak on FEAR AND THE PER-
SONALITY. Discussion will follow
the address. Cost supper.
The LutheranStudent Association
will meet Sunday, April 23, at 5:30
o'clock in Trinity Lutheran Church,
corner of E. William St. and S. Fifth
Ave. Please note the change of meet-
ing place for this Sunday. Supper will
be served at 6 o'clock and the pro-
gram will follow. The Rev. E. C.
Stellhorn will continue the discussion
and study of the Creeds in the cate-
Trinity Lutheran Church and Zion
Lutheran Church welcome students
and servicemen to their regular Sun-
day morning wor'ship services at
10:30 o'clock.
FirstdCongregational Church: Rev.
Leonard A. Parr, Minister; Rev. H. L.
Pickerill, Director of Student Work;
Wilson Sawyer, Director of Music.
Church School Departments at 9:15
and 10:45 a.m. Public Worship at
10:45 a.m. Dr. Parr will speak on the
subject, "The Art of Growing Up."
Student Guild at 5. Prof. Peter A.
Ostafin wil speak on "Fear and the


' 1

needs, poor fellow, is a long rest. Four to eight
years would be about right.
If you give the above trends a light go-over,
you will be struck by the fact that they are, in
general, amiable trends. There is actually less
wild-man stuff in Congress and more reserve just
before an election than right after one, which
before an election than right after one. All this
is part of democratic process, too, and, mm-mh!,
I love it to pieces.
(Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)


O"s1fn will speak on"Fearadthet "
ning at 5 Reverend H. J. DeVries will
speak on the "Fundamentalist As-
pects ofnReligion." The meeting will First Presbyterian Church: Wash-
be followed by a light supper and a tenaw: 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship
fellowship hour. Service. Dr. Lemon's sermon, "A
World To Live In." 5 p.m., Westmins-
Lecture on Hindu Thought: The ter Student Guild will hear Mr. Van
Rev. William P. Lemon will speak on Pernis review Dr. Fosdick's book, "On
"Hindu Thought" at the Interna- Being a Real Person." Supper will
tional Center on Sunday, April 23, I follow at 6 p.m. in the Social Hall.




By Crockett Johnson


Pop doesn't think you ought
to bother the WPB for rubber


I've decided that too, m' boy. .. Because
as t, continue tofro'w in statr,ITl

So, intriguing as the thought
is of a colossal statue of your

at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments follow at
9 p.m. Anyone interested may attend.
Stamp Collectors Attention: A joint
meeting of the International Center
and the Ann Arbor Stamp Clubs will

University Lutheran Chapel's Sun-
day Service begins at 11 a.m. The
Rev. Alfred Scheips will have as his
sermon subject, "Jesus-the GOOD




I mmmm

The idea is being written




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