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April 22, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-22

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Key German Rail



Tariff Policy
Imperial Preferential
Rate Plan Will Not Be
Hampered After War
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 21.-Prime Min-
ister Churchill assured the States of
the British Empire today that they
would emerge from the war with
their imperial preference plan of mu-
tually advantageous tariff rates un-
hampered by the Atlantic Charter or
by the 1942 Anglo-American Lend-
Lease agreement.
He told an approving House of
Commons that President Roosevelt
had assured him that "we were no
more committed to abolition of im-
perial preference than the American
government was committed to aboli-
tion of their protective tariff." I
No Clash of Unity Seen
The Prime Minister said there need
be no clash between the unity of
the Commonwealth and Empire and
their assications with the United
States and Russia, and added :
"There must be a wholehearted
endeavor begun in good time to pro-
mote the greatest interchange of
goods and services between various
communities of the world.
Speaks of Atlantic Charter
With a meeting of Empire Premiers
approaching, Churchill said:
"At my first meeting with the
President of the United States in
Newfoundland at the time of the so-
called Atlantic Charter, and before
the United States had entered the
war-a meeting on very anxious and
critical matters-I asked for inser-
tion of the following words in the
Atlantic Charter which can be read
in that document:
"'With due respect for their exist-
ing obligations .
"These are the limiting words and
they were inserted for the express
purpose of retaining to this House
and to the Dominions the fullest
possible rights and liberties over the
question of Imperial preference.
"Again in February, 1942, when the
United States was our closest ally I
did not agree to article seven of the
Mutual Aid (Lend-Lease) agreement
without having previously obtained
from the President a definite assur-
ance that we were no more committed
to the abolition of Imperial prefer-
ence than the American government
was committed to abolition of their
protective tariffs."

Board of Regents Gives Green Light'
To Future University Entertainment'

That future campus entertainment
programs will be put on without in-
terference was assured yesterday by'
a resolution passed by the Board of
Regents in their regular meeting.
The resolution, clarifying Regen-
tial policy came as a result of a let-
ter asking a state-
ment of policy by
the student cor-
mittee for Victory
Varieties. The
committee letter
grew out of objec-
tions to portions of
tomorrow night's
show voiced by Re-
gent Edmund C.
E. C. SHIELDS Shields.
The text of the resolution follows:
"That the Dean of Students or
other proper University authorities
be authorized to put on such en-
tertainment as they think best for
the advantage of the student body
without profit and without finan-
cial responsibility to the Univer-
Two weeks ago Regent Shields,
counsel for the Butterfield Theatre
chain which operates five shows in
town, objected to student stage pro-
ductions which "enter commercial
As a,-result of his assertions, the
student committee pointed out, the
entire show with- the exception of
Officials View
Ford Dispute
WINDSOR, ONT., April 21.-P)-
Federal Conciliation Officers, under
instructions from the Canadian War-
time Labor Relations Board, late to-
day went into conference to decide
a method of approach to problems
of settling a dispute at the Ford
Motor Company of Canada plant here
which has left more than 14,000 em-
ployes idle since yesterday.
J. S. McCullough, senior conciliator
of the Board, arrived by plane from
Ottawa this afternoon and immedi-
ately went into conference with F. J.I
Ainsborough, another department of-
ficer who arrived yesterday. Mc-
Cullough said he was "just getting
the story."
"When I have all the details we will
decide how we will proceed," he said.
Meanwhile, at all gates to the
plant, picket lines were being main-
tained by strikers, most of whom are
members of Local 200 of the United
Automobile Workers of America

the national radio broadcast had to
be cancelled.
The student committee hailed the
resolution as a "positive step in the
right direction," and added that
"granted campus support, more en-
tertainment will be arranged in the
At the same time the Board of
Regents accepted $2,758 for the Un-
iversity in gifts including two $1,0001
John W. Edwards of Ann Arbor1

tendered the University $1,000 for
the specific use of the Clements
Memorial Library for the purchase of
books while an anonymous donor gaveI
$1,000 for the Martha Speechley El-
liott Scholarships.
In addition, the Regents approved
$28,275 worth of new and renewalx
.contracts for the engineering re-
search laboratories.
Of the total, $12;500 is for new
projects while $9,00 is for renewal of
See REGENTS, Page 2

Victory Varieties To Feature
Eddy Howard's Orchestra

Open to the public without charge,
a sparkling Victory Varieties pro-
gram will feature Eddy Howard and

9:30 to 9:55 p.m. as part of the Coca-
Cola Company's "Victory Parade of
Spotlight Bands."
The first floor of the auditorium
will be reserved for servicemen, stu-
dents with identification cards their
guests and members of the faculty
until 8:10 p.m.
Howard's chief claim to fame is
through the popular songs he has
composed. Among these are, "A Mil-
lion Dreams Ago," "Now I Lay Me
Down To Dream," "Careless," "My
Last Goodbye," and "If I Knew
Then." His first job was with George
Olsen and later he sang with Dick
Jurgens.After doing commercial ra-
dio work, he organized his own or-
chestra and has become well known
through his work in theatres, hotels
and on the radio and records. How-
ard, a native of California, attended
San Jose State College. He was a
member of Phi Sigma Chi fraternity
and worked his way through school
with the college orchestra singing and
playing the guitar.
The Spotlight Bands program is
heard six nights a week from military
training and war production areas
all over the country. Harrison Jones.
chairman of the board of directors of
the Coca-Cola Company, and William
J. Young, Jr., president of the Detroit
branch, are both graduates of the
Reds Repulse
Nazi Attacks;
Kill 1,500 Men-
LONDON, April 22, Saturday.-(P)
-The Soviet High Command an-
nounced early today that Marshal
Gregory K. Zhukov's First Ukraine
Army killed 1,500 enemy troops and
destroyed 68 tanks yesterday in a
violent battle spreading through the
Carpathian foothills southeast of
Stanislawow in old Poland, where the
Germans apparently sought to dis-
rupt a fresh Russian offensive time-
Moscow's midnight bulletin, which
again did not mention besieged Sev-
astopol, where the enemy has been
squeezed into a 50-square-mile tip
of the Crimea, said the fighting near
Stanislawow was precipitated by re-
newed German attacks. One Soviet
unit alone repulsed seven consecutive

CHAIRMAN HARRISON E. SPANGLER (left) of the Republican
National Committee, and Harold W. Mason (right), secretary of the
committee lead an elephant across carpeted lobby of the Stevens Hotel
in Chicago to lend emphasis to party's adoption of the hotel as head-
quarters for the National Convention in June. Behind Spangler is
Walter S, Hallanan, acting chairman of the GOP arrangement com-
---- --------------
Lord Halifax Warns Against
Repeatig Errors of 1919

U.S. Bombers
Blast Capital
Of Romania
Over 1,100 Aircraft
Take Part in British
Raid; 16 Planes Lost
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 21.-The RAF in
its strongest blow of the war poured
more than 5,000 tons of bombs last
night on Cologne and three other
key railway centers behind the Nazis'
'invasion front, and today American
heavy bombers were reported by Ber-
lin to have carried out a "major
attack" on Bucharest and other tar-
gets in southeastern Europe.
More than 1,100 aircraft, the lar-
gest number of planes ever sent out
by the British bomber command.
ripped apart the enemy's four rail
centers, presumably busy with last-
minute preparations for strengthen-
ing the vaunted Atlantic wall against
the forthcoming Allied invasion. Six-
teen of the bombers were lost.
RAF Hits Lens
Besides Cologne, described by the
Air Ministry as being by far the most
important railway center in western
Germany, the RAF shattered and
burned Lens, in the Pas-de-Calais
"invasion coast" area, Ottignies, in
Belgium about 15 miles southeast of
Brussels, and La Chapelle, on the
outskirts of Paris.
In addition RAF Mosquitos capable
of carrying two-ton blockbusters de-
livered a sharp night attack on Ber-
From Britain American light and
medium bombers hammered again at
the Atlantic wall targets, Marauders
and Havocs making repeated flights
during the day. Five of the bombers
were lost as the Nazis sent up fighters
for the first time in more than a
month in this area.
Italian Bases Used
The American heavyweight blow
reported by Germany presumably
was from bases in Italy. Berlin said
the Romanian capital of Bucharest
was raided at noon and that bombs
also were dropped in south Romana
.and Serbia.
Last night was the second time in
four days that the giant British
bombers had broken the record for
the greatest tonnage of bombs
dropped on a single operation. In a
raid on four other railroad centers in
France Tuesday night more than
4,400 tons were cascaded.
Cologne, hit by 1,800 tons of bombs,
still was hidden by smoke from fires
on both sides of the Rhine this morn-
Western State
Takes Debate

his orchestra at 8:15 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
As a special salute to Army, Navy
and Marine trainees stationed on
campus, the show will be broadcast
over a coast-to-coast network from

Warning against making the same
mistakes that were made after the
last war, Viscount Halifax told an
Honors Convocation audience jammed
into Hill Auditorium yesterday that
"Posterity will forgive us much; but
it will rightly never forgive us if we
lose faith and let go the work to
which we have set our hands."
After his speech, the University
awarded Viscount Halifax an hono-
rary Doctor of Laws degree. The
citation was read by Prof. J. G.
Winter, chairman of the Latin de-
Sound International Order Needed
Held to recognize the scholastic
achievements of more than 600 stu-
dents, the Honors Convocation audi-
ence heard the British Ambassador
plead for a sound international order
after the war with a "force behind
it sufficent and ready to prevent its
The peoples of the world must rev-
olutionize their thinking, he said, in
order to build a durable peace. He
maintained that this was not the
"conclusion of starry-eyed idealism,
but the verdict of plain common
No Magic in Victory
"There is no magic in victory which
by itself will set the world to rights,"
Ni pon Forces
Encircle China
Rail Junction
By The Associated Press

the ambassador said. He pointed out
that in 1919 statesmen used much the
same words they are using today, but
that their good intentions were not
enough to prevent the recurrence of
Viscount Halifax called peace
treaties a "dangerous illusion" unless
they are based "upon the wisdom, the
goodwill, the determination, of each
one of us." Without this determina-
tion to make the peace real, he said,
A complete list of all students
cited at yesterday's Honors Con-
vocation will appear in tomorrow's
the security which treaties offer will
be "about as good as the shelter giv-
en by an umbrella against falling
Must Guard Against Split
At a press conference yesterday af-
ternoon, Viscount Halifax said that,
although the allies have "got hold
of the good end of the rope" now, we
must guard against an axis-inspired
split in the United Nations. He said
that any general approach to the
war should be "in no way under-
rating the cost, but in complete con-
fidence in the outcome."
Hie refused to commit himself on

Sign Trophies


Willys Peck Anticipates Closer
Cultural Relations with China

Willys R. Peck of the State De-
partment looked forward to closer
cultural relations with China in a
speech yesterday before the School-
masters' Club.
Legislation is now before Congress,
he said, which would expand our
official relations with China beyond
the purely political into the cultural
field. It would mark the centennial
of the first Chinese-American treaty
which was signed in July, 1944. If this
legislation is passed, he said it would
permit a program similar to that in
use with the Latin American coun-
State Department Measure Practical
He described the present measures
of the State Department to help
China as practical. About 400 Chin-
ese students have been given scholar-
ships to study here since we entered
the war, he said, and added that six
Chinese professors are here, _"all as
a means of partially counteracting
China's extremely isolated position."
Because it is so hard to send
materials to China, he said, it oc-I
curred to the Department to send
American experts to help there. "The
enthusiasm of the 23 men who volun-
teered and were appointed to go to
China is remarkable," he added.
Emphasizing the need for broad
post-war education programs after
the war, Dean Edward H. Kraus,
President of the Schoolmasters' Club,
said in yesterday morning's general

success of the student in mind, rather
than his immediate desires and pleas-
Dr. Robert C. Wallace, principal
and vice-chancellor of Queen's Uni-
versity, pointed out that education
has a long way to go to reach its goal
of "the fullest and most harmonious
functioning of the qualities with
which we have individually been
At the business meeting yesterday,
Marquis Stattock of the Detroit Pub-
lic School System was elected presi-
dent of the Michigan Schoolmasters'
Club for the coming year.
"The only hope that I can see for
education is that we make great
adaptations on a vaster scale than
before if we do not want governmentI

An urgent plea has been direc-
ted .to student trophy and sou-
venir hunters by the City Engineer
to return all "No Parking Signs,"
"Bus Stop Signs," and "Driveway
Signs" that they have taken to
add to their collections.
City Engineer, George H. San-
denburgh, outlined the following
simple plan:
1. Call the City Engineer's of-
fice, 4315.
2. Tell the location of the signs.
3. Hang up.
4. A truck will be sent to pick
up the signs.
In the Spring of 1942 City Offi-
cials broadcast a similar plea. At
that time 50 signs were returned,
-f which 22 came from one fra-
ternity house and nine from an-
The City has found it impos-
sible to replace these metal signs,
because metal now goes to the
Scrap Drive, and not for signs.
The City has also found it impos-
sible to replace metal signs with
plastic signs. The few plastic signs
that they did purchase have dis-
appeared too.


More than 50,000 of Japan's finest
soldiers were rabidly encircling the

Nazi assaults in fighting that often North China Railway junction city of
was hand-to-hand, the bulletin said. Chenghsien in their newest and most
- -- -threatening push in China but the
Wilson Ill in Mexico Nipponese invasion of India was run-
ning into so much trouble that even
MEXICO CITY, April 21.-(/P)-Dr. Tokyo radio admitted yesterday the
F. N. Wilson, University of Michigan advance was "slowing down."
heart specialist, was unable to de- Simultaneously a- dispatch from
liver an' address on heart ailments Associated Press War Correspondent
today because he fell ill of a heart Eugene Burns aboard an Allied air-
attack. He was scheduled to speak craft carrier off Sumatra disclosed
in the new Cardiological Institute-
but had to remain in his hotel. WASHINGTON, April 21-0P)-
An American destroyer division
daring what the Navy called "the
greatest concentration of guns yet
CI encountered" bombarded Japanese
installations at Kavieng and sank
seven Japanese merchant vessels in
the course of the operation.
-- -The successful mission was dis-
The agreement represents a clear- closed today in details received byI
cut American victory over British the Navy on the raid carried outI
proposals to relegate gold to a minor over two months ago against the
role in post-war currency stabiliza- strong enemy base on New Ireland.


the subjectof coming American elec- Kalamazoo Western State High
tions, but said he is quite sure that School took the state debate title by
American public is "no less deter- defeating Hazel Park High School
mined than the British to see this by a two-to-one decision in the 27th
war through." Annual Championship debate held at
8 p.m. yesterday in the Rackham
Hates Palestine Policy Lecture Hall.
As for British policy in Palestine, Western State, represented by
he said that "You can't force the Donald Griffith and William Shu-
Jews into Palestine over the bayonets maker, upheld the affirmative side
of the Arabs. It is the endeavor of of the question "Resolved: That the
the British government to follow the United States should join in recon-
mandate (of the League of Nations, stituting the League of Nations."
1919), but we can't disregard our ob- Noral McNeely and Archie Carmich-
ligations to the Arabs." ael debated for Hazel Park.
The situation in India has im- Western State now holds the
proved, Viscount Halifax said, be- championship for the second time,
cause the Indians now realize we are having debated in the finals in 1920
going to win the war and because and 1921, losing the first time and
they are beginning to appreciate the winning the second. Hazel Park made
significance of Sir Stafford Cripps' its first appearance in the finals last
proposal for self-government. night.
At the Clements Library, he exam- Dr. Donald E. Hargis, Michigan
ined papers of the first Viscount Hal- Forensic Association manager, acted
if ax to John Wilson Croker, written as chairman, substituting for Dr.
about 1855. He also looked at the C. A. Fisher, University Extension
original correspondence of George Service director who was originally
Hammond, the first British ambassa- scheduled to preside. At the conclu-
dor to the United States, with Lt. Col. sion of the debate he presented
Simcoe, governor of Canada. watches given by the Detroit Free
Press to the four debaters and Ex-
tension Service trophies to both
Badoglho Form sfinalisand semi-finalist teams.
Judges were Prof. G. E. Densmore,
Cabi et chairman of the Department of
in t Speech; Prof. Carl G. Brandt, chair-
man of the English Department, Col-
NAPLES, April 21.-(P)-Marshal lege of Eafgineering and lecturerer in
Pietro Badoglio announced the form- speech; and Dr. Franklin H. Knower,
ation of a'new Italian cabinet today professor of speech at the University
with himself as Premier and Foreign of Iowa.

ury tech
broad out
000,000 g

Nations Agree on Sta I
y The Associated Press1
INGTON, April 21.-Treas- added that he was "very hopeful" of
.o3 iRussian adherence.
nicians of 34 nations an- The fund, it was explained, would
tonight their agreement on use such methods as buying and
tlines for a proposed $8,000,- selling gold and currencies to prevent
old-based stabilization fund unhealthful gyrations in the relation-
to restore order to inter- ships between currencies and to
finance and promote world promote trade. It could provide one
country with currency of another in

Outgrowth of Unity Planningj
Outgrowth of more than a year of4
planning and discussion, the agree-
ment replaces separate proposals ad-

that United States sea and air craft

participated in Wednesday's power-
ful Allied carrier strike at Sabang.
The Chinese reported both they

Minister. He told a press conference'

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