is FACT fIZT7 fl- E; TI 1 Zll 1 r i, X N Iii~4ii~1. ~ 20. 1~44 H , High Schools To Meet in Championship Debate Western State and Hazel Park High Schools will meet in the 27th Annual Championship Debate for Michigan schools at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The question for debate is "Re- solved: That the United States should join in reconstituting the League of Nations." Western State, coached by George E. Mills, will uphold the affirmative and Hazel Park, coached U' C oOpsWill Send Delegates To Conference "Starting a Campus Cooperative" will be the topic of a panel held this week-end in Antioch College, 0., at a conference of the Mid-west Federa- tion of Campus Cooperatives. Delegates from the Michigan ICC which will take part in the confer- ence are Eleanor Hunn, '45; Mat Chernotski, '46; and Dick Farfrell, '47E. Several other members of the ICC are planning on attending the convention which will start Saturday morning and continue intermittently throughout the rest of the day and Sunday. Among the subjects which will be discussed at Antioch are the promo- tion and structure of campus co-op- eratives, and the obtaining of mem- bers. A study will be made of ques- tions of capital, patronage and own- ership of cooperatives. Delegates will exchange suggestions for improving campus cooperatives and bring up particular problems of mid-west col- leges. Play Given to Record Crowd Spares Replaced by Director Pasquariello Over 600 spectators were present at La. Sociedad Hispanica's comedy, "Sueno de una Noche," last night in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Preceding the performance, Prof. Mercardo, head of the Spanish Dept., announced that, because of the sud- den illness of Carlos Soares, the part of Mario, a brother of the heroine, would be taken by the director of the play, Prof. Anthony Pasquariello. Soares is confined to the hospital with the German measles. The day before the play, a picture of Villegas was discovered missing from the advertising board near the box office in the League. This is the second time this has occurred, and members of the cast request that the unknown admirer return at least the last picture to its owner. Economic Sanctions Applied to Ten Firms DETROIT, April 19.-AP)-Exer- cising punitive powers under the Wage Stabilization Act, the regional War Labor Board applied "economic sanctions" today against ten Michi- gan firms in an action bearing out recent WLB hints of stricter enforce- rnent of the wartime wage law. The sanctions were in the Act's prescribed form of recommending to the Internal Revenue Deparitment that specific disallowances be charg- ed against the companies in the pay- ment of the income tax. by Harold Richards, will uphold the negative. Fisher Will Preside Dr. Charles A. Fisher, director of the University Extension Service, will preside. Culminating the year's debate ac- tivities sponsored by the Extension Service and the Michigan Forensic Association, championship debate represents top honors fi forensics for high school debaters. Ninety-six high schools entered the preliminary debate series held in November and December and the 29 schools winning at least sixty per cent of their debates entered the elimination tournaments. Elimina- tion tournament winners were paired until all but the two finalists had been defeated. Wristwatches To Be Given The Detroit Free Press awarded wall plaques to schools participating in the district elimination tourna- ments, and will also present wrist- watches to the four finalists. Semi-finalist teams from Luding- ton and Lansing Eastern as well as the finalists, will receive wartime wood and gold trophies presented by the Extension Service. Dr. Donald E. Hargis of the speech department is manager of the Foren- sic Association and is in charge of arrangements for the debate.' Judges are Prof. G. E. Densmore, head of the speech department; Prof. Carl G. Brandt, chairman of the engineering English department and lecturer in speech, and Prof. Frank- lin Knower, professor of speech at the University of Iowa. Doctor of Haiti Visits University Dr. Jules Thebaud, Director Gen- eral of the Public Health Service of Haiti, was a guest of the University Tuesday and yesterday. While here he inspected the medi- cal, dental and public health schools and conferred with three Haitian students taking post graduate work in public health. The students, all from Port au Prince, are Emile Chancy, Georges Coby and Martial Pauyo. Musicale Will Featire New Composition Honor Sororities Will Push Sale of Bonds, Stamps Tomorrow "Recitative and Air," written by Miss Dorothy James, assistant pro- fessor of musical theory in Ypsilanti Normal, for the "Victory Musicale" will highlight the program to be given at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Bonds, Stamps To Be Sold "Victory Musicale," presented by Sigma Alpha Iota and Mu Phi Epsi- lon, two honorary musical sororities, has as its purpose to help in the sale of war bonds and stamps. Anyone who has bought a bond from any member of either sorority may apply for a free ticket; tickets may also be obtained at the door by the purchase of stamps or bonds. The musicale will consist entirely of modern American music and of string ensemble numbers presented by members of the active chapters. Woodwind Quintet To Play A woodwind quintet, composed of Doris Reed, oboe; Barbara Litchfield, flute; Ann Choate, French horn; Mary Laughlin, clarinet, and Sylvia Deutscher, bassoon, will play "A Little Symphony" by Carl Eppert. A women's chorus under the direc- tion of Miss Rose Marie Grentzer, instructor in music education in the School of Music, also director of vocal music in Ann Arbor High School, will sing a group of three American com- positions: "By the Waters of Baby- lon" by Philip James, "In Youth Is Pleasure" by Robert Delaney and "An Immorality" by Aaron Copland. The chorus, assisted by a string en- semble, will also perform Miss James' "Niobe." Haien To Play Jeannette Haien, Ann Arbor stu- dent at the University, will play her original "Sonata for Violin and Pia- no" with Elizabeth Ivanoff, Grad. SM, violinist. This project originated with the national organizations of the sorori- ties, and similar musicales have been given in all college towns where chapters exist. POCTU.RE ASSOCIATED PRESS NVEWIS D® OG L I B R A R Y-Mrs. Richard S. Riddell (left), president of Bide-a-Wee home for stray pets in New York, and Miss Beth Browm. look at dog book library at the home. Miss Brown is au- thor of "All Dogs Go to Heaven," first book in library. '- S T U D E N T-Metropolitan Opera soprano Eleanor Steber learns the correct words of the Chinese national anthem from Miss Kwung and Miss Hung, her instructors. Miss Steber sings the anthem at rallies and benefits in behalf of China. ANOTHER WEAPON : Gen. James Simmons Tells Of Army Medical Corps Work Work of the Army Medical Corps in keeping our men fit to fight was described by Gen. James S. Simmons, Army chief of preventive medicine, in the third of a series of public health dedicatory lectures yesterday. "Prevention of disease among troops is as basic a need as is the supply of weapons," Gen. Simmons said. He illustrated this point by telling of an outbreak of malaria in 1916 which prevented a decisive Macedonian campaign and probably lengthened World War I. Repellants and in- secticides are now beginning to prove their worth in preventing malaria, he pointed out. Home Front Threatened Although threat of disease is worse in the tropics and in invaded coun- tries it is never absent from the home front, Gen. Simmons pointed out. In- secticides have been developed to help combat certain diseases and "are likely to prove the greatest con- tribution to the human race which Tuspe in tp EDDY HOWARD and his famous orchestra playing to Navy and Marine Training Army,s of Michigan, Ann Arbor University ofA pil P.M.90 Saturday, pri 2 9 E M IN THE t A PI"M A R K VICTORY PARADE OF Spotligh Bands will come out of this war," Gen. Sim- mons said. Because of widespread preventive work, not a single epidemic of any major, disease has occurred in the Army during this war, Gen. Simmons revealed. Vaccine Developed A vaccine which has proved re- markably effective when used against influenza was developed by Dr. Thom- as Francis of the School of Public Health and will be used widely. The Army's preventive medicine, depart- ment has borrowed Dr. Francis for a month and sent him abroad to consult with doctors on the field in North Africa and Italy regarding jaundice and respiratory diseases. Commissions of civilian doctors have been sent abroad to such places as New Guinea and North Africa to investigate diseases on the fighting fronts, Gen. Simmons said. These men are now back and the results of their work are now helping to pre- vent or control diseases in the Army. Venereal Diseases Decrease Venereal diseases always increase during wartime, Gen. Simmons stat- ed, but prevalence of infection in the Army today is the lowest in history and the rate is going down. In the Army, contrary to public opinion, venereal diseases are no more preval- ent than in comparable civilian groups, he said. The lowest point on the venereal disease record of World War I is higher than the highest point in World War II, Gen. Simmons pointed out. In all, the death rate from disease in this war is one-tenth that of World War I, he added. French Club To Hold Informal Meeting The French Club will hold an in- formal meeting at 8 p.m. today in the Union. In announcing the meeting Prof. Charles E. Koella, faculty adviser of the club, said that "a special invi- tation is extended to foreign students on the campus, who would like to speak French and who are interested in meeting American students." 6716 Calls for Gibbs Secretaries I I / H I K E R--Rolling up- his trouser leg to display a fetching calf and using his cane for a thumb, W. C. Fields shows how to bitch a ride in a scene from a new movie. P 0 R T H O L E V I E W-This is a returning wounded soldier's first view of America-through a porthole of a Transportation Corps hospital ship arriving at Charleston, S. C . P O P P I E S--In a U. S. veter- fans hospital at Lyons, N. J, a patient works on some of the millions of "buddy poppies" for the annual sale of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.' V E T E R A N S B A C K 0 N j 0 B-A darts and archery contest, with Der Fuehrer as the tar- get, amuses these veteran rubber workers-all called back from retirement on pensions to active duty at the B. F. Goodrich plant in Akron, 0. Left to right they are Willis Brubaker, 69; Irvin Kep- ler, 74, oldest employe in, the plant; Peter Seiler, 69; and Charles Kittinger, 69. ,ei BROADCAST OVER STATION WXYZ- THE BLUE NETWORK -1270 ON YOUR DIAL Evev e k-d7U l.av iT r, a famous Car-ola 4nrdlipht BaP'nd aMEMMM- :;fi; :?A' "' ; r,. .,a:,w ',,a-v f r:, r:t :;;:::,.;:,+.:°.R,6h 'y7 r x _. y .' 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