-PAGE- FOUW~ TRE MICIH-I AN DAILY THURSDALY, APRIL0, 1944 ifrtha Y aily Fifty-Fourth Year y i The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON -1 -._ ._-..._r... i 'I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- 1ication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press,'1943-44 Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Stan Wallace, Evelyn Phillips Harvey Frank Bud Low . Jo Ann Peterson Mary Anne Olson . Marjorie Rosmarin Editorial Staff . . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director * . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor * . Associate Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . Business Manager Margery Batt . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: VIRGINIA ROCK Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. SUTH IN FU RY: We Must Fight Against Un-American .Institutions THERE is no doubt in my mind as to the dem- ocratic and humanitarian reasons on which the Marcantonio Anti-Poll Tax Bill is based. Signing a petition asking support of the bill and Senatorial use of cloture in limiting debate on this measure docketed for discussion April 24, shows the world that our hearts are in the right place, in the democratic institutions that are America. Such a petition is now being circulated on this campus: sign it, but don't expect your signatures or those of a million others like you to change an undemocratic South into a democratic one overnight. Even if the Senate does invoke cloture pro- ceedings, the Southern Senators, backed up by a'Southern population furious over Yankee in- tervention, are prepared to introduce one thou- sand amendments to fight till the end of this session of Congress so that "Southern democra- cy," in Senator Maybank's words, will not be unconstitutionally violated. The elimination of the poll tax will take more than enlightened North and West to secure. The people of the South are the. main stumbling block to the fulfillment of real democratic insti- tutions everywhere in this country. They lost a war popularly fought over a demo- cratic principle, but the war seems to have done little in abating their contemptible attitude to- ward the Negro. It will take a long time to change Southern attitudes. It will take a lot of hardboiled intimidation of the South to do it. We've got to keep, up the fight to help free the American Negro from the economic, polit- ical and social servitude now imposed on him in the South, and to a lesser extent in the North. After we mend. our own fences the position of those whites in political cop trol in the South will be so much more weakened. The South is angry; their Senators are willing to halt important Senate proceedings for months if it will let them keep their damnable institu- tions-the white primary, the poll tax and the Jim Crow laws. It is about time that we got tough with them. It seems evident that the South will win this time, but we must not get discouraged. We must hit again and again in our newspapers and in our social behavior by practicing racial equality ourselves, at the pseudo-democracy one section-'of our country stubbornly maintains. Someday; the momentum of our drive will bring the South around to realizing that the jig is up, but that day will only come when our de- termination to spread democratic practices to every corner in this country and to every sphere of our activities overwhelms the stubborn resist- ance of our Southern population. Long ago we beat the South militarily, let it not be long till we bring them to realize just why the Civil War was fought.g-Arthur Kraft Russian Advertising. ... ANTI-RUSSIANS in this country had been making two predictions freely and simul- taneously. Russia would stop fighting, they said, when she got to her old frontiers. Alternatively, they forecast that she will ov- errun all western Europe, bolshevizing as she irP _ThP firt ni'ediMtin w~a provd fase WASHINGTON, April 19.-Neither Farley's friends nor Farley's foes are advertising it, but the recent compromise whereby he was allowed to remain Democratic State Chairman of New York means that, after Chicago, genial Jim, who has used more green ink, chewed more gum, re- membered more names and slapped more backs than any politician in a decade, probably will step down from his long and successful role in politics. The tacit agreement is that Jim will step down if the President runs for a fourth term. If he doesn't run, obviously Jim won't step down. This was the deal by which party harmony was preserved and Farley continued as Democratic State Chairman. Behind this quiet understanding is the fact that Democratic leaders in New York had enough The Pendulum NORMAN DAMON HUMPHREY, sociologist par excellence, detached himself from his professional activities in Detroit long enough to address the Inter-Racial Association Tuesday night. Many people left that gathering with the conviction that universities could profit not a little from the addition of more men like Dr. Humphrey to their faculties. He delivered no uninspired discourse based on musty academic data, though these, too, were Oat his command. He chose instead to deal in a forthright manner with the explosive question of race. He first broke the matter down to its biological components, proceeded to explain the lunatic ill-will against Negroes as largely a matter of social definition, and castigated home-grown fascists who fatten themselves on the irrational antipathy they unloose against non-whites, whether these be Negroid, Mongoloid or mixtures. "Their previous condition of servitude does not sufficiently explain the continued debasement of the American Negro," said Dr. Humphrey. He pointed to Brazil where the dark slaves were freed later than in the United States, but where today there is no equivalent of our Jim Crowism. The matter is more definitely explainable, ac- cording to this analysis, in terms of caste, of status acquired at birth and retained for life. Chunks of our society may be divided in that way-with skin color the determining factor. A number of remedial steps can be taken. If they are not taken, if we do not make adjust- ments in the direction of furthering the democ- racy we have not yet got, the alternative is fascism. Without prescribing a weak legislative aspirin for our social ills, Dr. Humphrey did insist that bills like a Fair Employment Practice Act should be written into law. E DID NOT mention it, but this was an ex- cellent retort to another erstwhile Michigan- del, Tom Dewey, who has looked with disfavor upon certain proposals of a racial commission he created and then dropped. This group sug- gested-making discrimination illegal by statute. One could also add that Russia has stamped out mistreatment of minorities through the legal process of considering discrimination as a cap- ital offense. We could well imitate Russia in this regard. Then, concerted efforts might be made to clear out the masses of misinformation on races that clutter up the minds of a good manyaoth - erwise decent people. It can hardly be repeated too often that racial theories, other than clas- sifications arbitrarily arrived at by taxono- mists, are unadulterated hokum. Dr. Humphrey asserted that had FDR taken a stand somewhere along the line, the Red Cross segregation of Negro blood would have been discontinued. He enthusiastically favored ad- niission of Negroes in heretofore all-white Army units. He encouraged dissemination of facts frome those who know to those who do not know -even in family circles-so that the stereotype, or infantile misconception of members contained in an ethnic group, could be done away with. He favored active participation in Inter-Racial assemblages, denying that this would lead straight to inter-marriage, a development he did not, however, necessarily oppose. A dynamic society and caste system being incompatible, to paraphrase the late Professor Cooley, whom Dr. Humphrey referred to as "the sage of Haven Hall," the more we move towards real democracy, the closer we come to the elimination of this problem. But there is the difficulty: I felt as Dr. Hum- phrey does long before hearing his well-chosen words. So, I will wager did most of the collegi- ates who nodded their approval at what was be- ing said. We who believe in social justice go to lectures to hear confirmation of our beliefs- while the Sheilas who find comfort even in the columns of The Michigan Daily-and the joy boys who have all the social consciousness of a ground hog-each day don their scholastic wings, put blinkers on their eyes, and fly off into a gauzy world of unreality. -Bernard Rosenberg votes to roll Jim at last week's meeting of the State committee. Jim was actually on the verge of being ousted. And they would have rolled him if the New Dealers hadn't stepped in and saved their old critic. How it all happened was partly fluke, partly resentment against Farley by old-line leaders. Here is the inside story. It began, strangely enough, at a correspond- ents' party in Albany, where John Mooney, a local newspaper man, went up to talk to Far- ley. Jim, in a huddle with someone else, ig- nored him. Mooney got sore. Next morning, he decided Jim didn't mean anything, and he would forget it. But then came one of those famous green-ink letters from Jim, telling how sorry he was he hadn't had a chance to talk to Mooney. That meant Jim really did mean it, said Mooney, and he got sore all over again. About that time, Mooney had a talk with Dan O'Connell, Albany Democratic leader, also sore at Farley; and together they hatched rebellion. Their candidate for State Chairman was Tom Cullen, editoraof thebSpectator at Goshen, N.Y. Suddenly, almost before they knew it, a full- fledged swing against Farley had started among county leaders. Opposition newspapers atrributed it to the White House palace guard, but real fact is that the latter were just as mystified as Farley. Basic reason for the revolt was the feeling among county leaders that Jim was putting per- sonal peeve ahead of the party. Worried, Jim sent his close friend Bill Morgan out to look over the State. Prospects continued bad. Meanwhile, word came that the White House didn't want an internal New York fight. Word was passed back that Jim had .no desire to hurt the President. Young Democrat Harold Mosko- vit then persuaded Tom Cullen to step out as Farley's rival. Thus peace prevailed, instead of one of the hottest cat-and-dog fights in the Democratic party. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) c,,ele~ t te &aiiop Feldman Answered.. .. It is important that Robert Feldman's letter to the editor be answered not only because he has reached fallacious conclusions but because he has misconstrued and misrepresented almost every point made by Maurice Samuel. It is im- possible to answer here all of Feldman's errors of fact and judgment, but at least a few of his misconceptions may be corrected in this letter. Feldman attributes to Mr. Samuel the idea that "The Jew . . in order to show the world his essential worth should be concerted in his action to develop Palestine as a model of Dem- ocratic perfection and then hope that the world would recognize him again and stop per- secuting him." Mr. Samuel neither said nor implied this; he did say that the principal contribution of the Jewish people as a group to the culture of the world must be made through the development of a democratic nation in Palestine. But neith- er Mr. Samuel nor any other Zionist is so naive as to believe that this will end anti-Semitism except insofar as it will strengthen world democ- racy. In making this point Mr. Samuel did exactly what Feldman accuses him of not doing-he put Zionism in its proper context as a part of the world struggle between democratic and anti-democratic forces. Feldman's analysis of anti-Semitism as a re- sult of "hunger, deprivations and other frustra- tions" is admittedly partially correct, though characteristically oversimplified. His unique creaking -and-groaning-of-a-decaying-system in- terpretation is arguable, and seems to indicate ignorance of the constant recurrance of anti- Semitism even in periods of comparative econ- omic and political stability. The more difficult question to which Zionists are seeking the an- swer is why these aggressions react with especial and constant ferocity upon the Jews. And while it is cheap to speculate about the comparative sufferings of Jews and Negroes, the fact remains that two or three million Jews have been killed in the past five years. Can Feldman point to a persecuted minority that has "taken more a beating?" A second point made by Mr. Samuel was that the Jewish group, because it is the source and carrier of a tradition of moral values which are essentially democratic, is of necessity the focal point of anti-democratic attacks. Feldman counters with the profound observation that the German Storm-trooper does not reason thus. Whether the storm-trooper reasons at all is completely irrelevant. What Mr. Samuel was emphasizing was that fascist movements are necessarily and logically anti-Semitic, that anti-Semitism is part of a larger movement opposed to democracy. and to the entire ethical, moral and religious Ju- deo-Christian tradition. Nietzsche and Hitler DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 3) and for their parents. To permit at- tendance at the Convocation, classes with the exception of clinics, will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. Doors of the Auditorium will be open at 10:30 a.m. The public is invited. School of Education Convocation: The ninth annual Convocation of undergraduate and graduate students who are candidates for the Teacher's Certificate during the academic year will be held -in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on Thursday, April 20, at 4:15 p.m. This Convocation is spon- sored by the School of Education; and members of other faculties, stu- dents, and the general public are cordially invited. President Ruthven will preside at the Convocation and: Boyd H. Bode, Professor of Educa- tion at The Ohio State University. will give the address. Choral Union Ushers: Please sign! up at Hill Auditorium Box Office Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, April 19, 20 or 21, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. If you ushered for the winter concerts, you will need a new card for the May Festival. Men Students Graduating in June: It has been brought to our attention that students graduating in June may still secure commissions in the Navy. All those interested should go im- mediately to the Director of Naval Officer Procurement in the Book Building, Detroit, for application blanks and other information. Those who get their applications in a suffi- cient time before induction may be transferred to Midshipman Schools when their applications are finally approved. However, it is imperative that the applications be what the Navy terms "matured" by the tie the student is inducted. As this takes from three to six weeks, any students interested should get things started immediately. Lectures Dr. Robert C. Wallace, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Queens Uni- versity, Kingston, Ont., will speak on "Mineral Resources of Canada," to- night at 8 p.m., in Rm. 4054, Natural Science Building. Refreshments will be served after the lecture. All inter- ested are invited. Academic Notices Students, College of Engineering: The final day for removal of IN- COMPLETES will be Saturday, April 29. Petitions for extension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Office on or before Wednesday, April 26. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for DROPPING COUR- SES WITHOUT RECORD will be Saturday, April 29. A course may be were anti-Semites because the Jews are the physical embodiment of this tradition. But the most damaging fallacy in Feldman's letter is the assumption that the over-all revolution, "the abolishing of our senile and decrepit institutions" which he considers ba- sic in combatting persecution of min- orities is opposed to Zionism. To consider the two movements mutual- ly exclusive is to reveal a lack of real understanding of both. Zionism can not and does not exist in a vacuum but in a world of conflict between progressive and reactionary forces, and it takes an unqualified stand on the side of liberalism in its broadest sense. On the other hand, progres- sivism, whether in Russia or else- where, is not and never has been op- posed to the political concepts which are basic to Zionism. Palestine has contributed to the cause of'world liberalism by creating the largest proportion of voluntary cooperatives in the world, by being the stronghold of democracy in the' Near East, and by providing a haven for the tortured Jews of Central Eur- ope who incidentally wait for a world revolution. It is this relationship' between Zionism and democracy, be- tween Palestine and the democratic world, which Mr. Samuel so lucidly pointed out and which Feldman seems to ignore. Henry Popkin, Grad. Netta Siegel, '44 'Best Policy'? To the editor: It was with interest,abut also with a sense of dismay, that I read Bill Mullendore's editorial entitled "Best Policy." He apparently believes that economic policy alone should be in- troduced to weaken one of the pillars of strength for which we are fighting 1K1 GRIN AND BEAR IT "Im warning you guys! I ain't never read any books on Modern Methods of Child Training!" dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instructor. Students who have taken Econom- ics 72: Will those interested in inter- viewing representatives of publicac- counting firms with the view of obtaining permanent employment in this field leave their names with Mr. Wixon in Rm. 9, Economics Building. Attention Former Students of Ge- ology 12: If you have copies of Hussey's Syllabus, "Geological His- tory of North America," we shall appreciate your turning them in, either for sale or rent, to Rm. 2051, Natural Science Bldg., as soon as possible. These outlines are out of print, our enrollment this term is. large, and the need for them is acute., E. -Delabar, Secy., Ext. 617. Speeded Reading Course: To those who have signed for the short course in speeded reading: The course will meet on Tuesday and Thursday, 5, Rm. 4009, University High School Building. The first meeting will be held today at 5 oclock. If you intend to take the course be present at this meeting. Concerts Organ Recital: Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Instructor in Theory and Organ in the School of Music, will appear in recital in Hill Auditorium on Sunday afternoon, April 23, at 4:15. Her program will include works of the classic period, and the modern symphony for organ by Sowerby. The public is cordially invited. Victory Musicale, Sponsored by Sigma Alpha Iota and Mu Phi Epsi- lon, and directed by Rose Marie Grentzer, will be presented at 8:30 p.m., Friday, April 21, in Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Admission by pur- chase of United States war bond or stamps at the door. Exhibitions Exhibit: Original plans and per- spectives for the proposed civic cen- today. I am in no position to chal- lenge or support his statements on economy in the post-war world, but every one of his readers should chal- lenge his general thesis. ' He advocates that the Republi- can party should not place a can- didate in the coming electoral field. There is no constitutional or legis- lative clause thatrequires a com- petitive election, but the right to choose between candidates for of- fice is as fundamental as any writ- ten clause in democratic political principles. The whole theory of representative government is based on the peoples' right to participate in elections. The consequences of doing away with a competitive election, even for one exception, are obvious. We base our post-war reconstruction on free- dom of choice of selective govern- ment for the liberated nations. Let these nations see the right to choose between candidates disappear in the United States, regardless of the im- plications we accept, and the whole confidence being so carefully nur- tured in the United Nations would become shattered. And does he for one moment be- lieve that the American people would be desirous of an election such as he advocates? Perhaps a Republican would weaken the country; perhaps Mr. Roosevelt is the only man in a position to, occupy the presidency for four more years. But for the Republi- cans to support Mr. Roosevelt would end Republican party power, 1 ter of Madison, Wisconsin, designed by the architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground floor corridor, Architecture Building. On exhibit until May 1. Events Today Tea at International Center is served each week on Thursday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign students, faculty, townspeople, and American student friends of foreign students. Interfraternity Council: House President's meeting tonight at 7:30 in the I.F.C. office. Inter-Racial Association: There will be an important meeting at 7:30 p.m., Rm. 316, at the Union. At this time, representatives will be elected to go to Washington this week-end for the purpose of interviewing Con- gressmen and urging them to support the Anti-Poll Tax Bill. Co-ops Hold Personnel Tea: There will be a personnel tea at Stevens Cooperative, 816 Forest, this after- noon from 4' to 5:30, for all girls interested in coming into co-ops for the summer or fall semesters. The Regular Thursday Evening Record Concert held in the :Men's Lounge at 7:45 at the Rackham Graduate School will consist of Franck's Sonata for Violin and Piano and the Symphony in D Minor, the Brandenburg Concertos by Bach and De Falla's Nights in the Gardens of Spain. All Graduate Students and Servicemen are welcome. Le Cerele Francais, will hold an informal meeting in Rm. 304 of the Union at 8 o'clock. Foreign students interested in speaking French are especially invited to attend. The Hillel Surgical Dressings Unit will be open from 1 to 5 p.m. today, April 20, at the Hillel Foundation. Please wear a washable blouse or smock. The A.I.E.E. will meet this evening at 7:30 in Rm. 246 West Engineering Building. Mr. J. F. Cline will give a lecture on "Television" which will be illustrated with slides. Refreshments will be served and all electrical engi- neers are urged to attend this meet- ing. Coming Events Post-War Council: There will be a business meeting tomorrow in the Union at five o'clock. All committee chairmen and members should at- tend. All those interested in the council are also invited. Dance Symposium: Friday, April 21, 4-5:15, Dance Studio, Barbour Gymnasium. This program is de- signed to illustrate the way in which individuals use creative dance from elementary age to professional dan- cer. The University Elementary School, Ann Arbor High School, Uni- versity of Michigan Dance Group show how dance is used in education. Louise Lippold and Ann Halprin demonstrate dance on the profes- sional level. The solo numbers are as follows: Fanfare; Lost Moment (Sarabande); Two Primitive Dances: Rite, Wall; The Lonely Ones (from William Steig's book of cartoons) "I Mind My Own Business," "Forgive Me-I'm Only Human," "Very Few Understand My Works." (Open to the public.), Dancing Lessons: There will be a Dancing Class held at the USO Club Friday evening, April 21, at 7 p.m. under the direction of Lt. Flegal. Friday Night Dance: The USO Fri- day Night Dance will be held as usual By Lichty i BARNABY By Crockett Johnson Copyrght1944F f. i * And another voitve of them Is it true what I hoid, O'Malley? , Yes... So they can be blown up I CRoCKE d ' A very raiseworthy idear! 1JOHNStO