THE" MICI4IGAN DAILY' VVIENESDAY, rat i 19,1i944 ,. Y _ _ . FIl nyhau Ye{t yIfty=FPourth Year IRather Be RiJght By SAMUEL GRAFTON a tP3b~..n, S. -n.~ ~ ~-. ... - p -- l w w ! n 60M1KD M W'i*tu. of.i TVA Hi wcy.Krutrt uua nrtvzrwarw.s..w .. r Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- licaton of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. REPESENTED FOR NAIONAL AVETI"G VY National Advertising Service, til. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. EICAO BOSTON . Los ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.44 Editorial Staff Jane Farrant . . . . Managing Editor Claire Sherman . . . . Editorial Director Stan Wallace . . . . . . . City Editor Evelyn Phillips . . . . Associate Editor Harvey Frank . . . . . Sports Editor Bud Low . . . . . Associate Sports Editor Jo Ann Peterson . . Associate Sports Editor Mary Anne Olson . . . Women's Editor Marjorie Rosmarin . . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . . Business Manager Margery Batt . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: JENNIE FITCH Editorials pgblished in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. GOP PLANS: Return to Normaley' Promised by Republicans EVERYONE who wishes to get on the band- wagon back to the "good old days" has been assured by National Chairman Harrison E. Spangler that a Republican victory in the No- vember elections will lead directly to a heaven thickly populated with rugged individualists. At a press conference this week Spangler stated his paty's philosophy as being "to re- build America, unshackle business and private enterprise, take the country out of a strait- jacket and make the government quit kicking the people around." Simultaneously he an- nounced that the Republicans' chances in the coming election are the best in a decade. His confidence can hardly be based on the program and personality of some one heroic leader of the GOP, as even most Republicans admit that they have no candidate capable of developing into a superior statesman. Spangler's assertion, then, must have been made in the belief that the American people support the Re- publican philosophy. For that reason it is worth- while to examine his presentation of the GOP principles and see what future they promise us. First comes the desire to rebuild America. No one would quarrel with that, but it is not peculiarly an aim of the Republicans, for every party must first be concerned with the re- building of its country, if such rebuilding is necessary. The only difficulty here is that improving would be a better word than re- building. American cities have not been destroyed by bombs: they do not require physical reconstruc- tion. American social and political institutions, on the other hand, have suffered losses during the emergency period and will need strengthen- ing. If we are to believe the rest of the Repub- lican philosophy it promises strengthening of the interests only of a small and limited class, not of the interests of the mass of Americans. AN EXAMPLE of GOP rebuilding is contained in the second point, that of "unshackling bus- iness and private enterprise." Here the philoso- phy sounds typical of the status-quo, return-to- normalcy thing usually associated with the Re- publicans. By this statement we may take it that they mean Big Business, which fondly sup- ports the GOP, will be allowed a free reign and cartels will be the controlling factor in inter- national trade and politics. The country is to be taken out of a strait- jacket, according to the third point. In ap- plication this would bring an end to the great reform movement of the 1930's which tried to protect the individual. Labor would lose its hard-won gains, tenant farmers would be left -t the mercy of the Farm Bloc interests, and the trend toward more equitable distribution of goods would be halted. Finally, Spangler and his followers want "to makedthe government quit kicking the people around," which is nonsense. Those people who felt most abused by the New Deal regime were Qi.. my nf. flipEnn ofoi n nnmi NEW YORK, April 18.--Lillian Hellman's "The Searching Wind" has opened in New York. It is a play about how hard it is to make up one's mind. In one scene, the characters huddle in a hotel room in Rome, in 1922, when King Victor Emmanuel gives the keys of the city to a man named Mussolini. Miss Hellman's people are never in doubt as to what all this means. Their sensibilities are of the most exquisite; they know what everything means. But they do nothing. Their reasons for doing nothing are always plausible. One of the characters is an American diplomat, and he knows (he really knows, you see; and I mean he really does) that it is not up to us to organize Italy's internal life. Every- body has the most splendid ten-minute reasons for letting twenty years go to hell. The diplomat spends the next two decades trying to decide between good and evil in poli- tics, between two women in his personal life, between international morality and letting his son in for a war; he spends two decades, as I say, with his head bobbing from side to side and back again, his eyes ever swinging. It is a shocking picture, because so many of us have spent exactly the same number of years with our heads rotating on the same kind of swivel- joints, always choosing, among possibilities, and yet never really choosing. The stupefying thing about Miss Hellman's play is that her people are not "reactionaries" whom she has placed upon the stage so that she might scourge them with little whips. Miss Helman does not go in for that coarse trick of taking sides against a character, so that a play becomes as dishonest as a fixed wrest- ling match. She has, within the limits of her abilities, which are not so very limited at that, ventured out into that broad Shakespearian daylight in which the case for each man and woman is stated fully, eloquently and fairly. She does not set out to win a pipsqueak victory against a straw man, which is what usually passes for social theatre, most of whose authors shamelessly stack the deck so that they can deal themselves a royal flush just before the curtain. Nor is Miss Hellman merely having her- self a happy evening, scratching out the eyes of people whose names are in her little black book. The monstrous thing she is saying is that our best was not good enough, these last twenty years; that if the cast and the audi- ence were to change places, the play would be the same. This play has been criticized for a certain lack of form, but then, our lives haven't had much form these last twenty years; nobody has come along at the eleventh hour to pay off the mort- gage and save us; we are saving ourselves, with our own lives and pennies. And, in a certain sense, form is fraud, and part of the drama of the evening stems from the depth of feeling which has led Miss Hellman to cry out thus for people whom she loves, and in telling whose stories she had disdained to use the stolen bonds MYDA AND IRA: Everyone Should Sign Anti-Poll Tax Petition ONCE AGAIN the Anti-Poll Tax Bill, which has been hanging fire in the Senate or its Judiciary Committee for almost a year, is due to come up on the Senate floor. Friends of the bill, which passed the House 265-110 on May 25, 1943, have been fighting against the bloc of reactionary poll-tax Sena- tors to bring the measure out on the floor since that date. An arrangement was made just be- fore the vacation recess of Congress with Sen- ate leaders to have the bill on the floor shortly after Easter. Today, the Southern bloc is again exerting pressure and using its most potent weapon, threat of filibuster, to prevent it from coining up. The poll tax in eight southern states meant in 1942 that an average of only three per cent of the population voted as against 25*per cent in non-poll-tax state. In terms of potential voters this means that only 22 per cent voted in poll- tax states, while 71 per cent voted in the others. In other words, more votes were cast for the two Representatives from Rhode Island, the smallest state in the Union, than for 37 Representatives from the entire states of South Carolina, Georg- ia, Alabama and Mississippi, plus five districts in Virginia. The two districts compare in total population, respectively, 713,000 to 11,500,000. Despite widespread support for the Anti-Poll .Tax Bill, the powerful bloc of Senate poll-taxers lead by Senator Bilbo have prevented its pas- sage through threat of filibuster. A two-thirds vote for cloture which will limit debate is there- fore essential to the passage of the bill. Today members of Michigan Youth for Dem- ocratic Action and Inter-Racial Association will collect signatures on petitions calling for the passage of, the Anti-Poll Tax Bill through the use of cloture at a table in front of the library. Every student who believes that the limitations on democracy which the existence of the poll tax brings about are bad must make it his business to sign a petition. --Kathie Sharfman and blackmail which she can ordinarily use so well, in fact none better. I So we have been choosing, for twenty years, endlessly choosing the lesser of evils, and Miss Hellman's fine play shows that we have no really been choosing at all, for to choose the lesser evil is simultaneously to accept the greater. We chose between Hitler and war, and got both Hitler and war. But we might have rejected bad choices and made good ones for ourselves. And, suddenly, there is deso- lation and terror in the theatre; and the sense that both audience and actors are on the same raft, drifting on the same waters. It must hurt Miss Hellman to write so about people whom she obviously loves; choosing, choosing, and then suddenly, space crowds in, and there is not even choosing left. Nothing re- mains but to plead one's good character, and to prove, with ancient clipping and yellowing let- ter, that og has always wanted only the best, only the very best. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) e,&IICJ to the Citor Jewish Problem ... To the Editor: Realizing that it is unfair to expect a column to be the carrier of a rebuttal to a kind of per- sonal argument, I am nevertheless writing an answer to sundry accusations, half truths, and twistings of logic that were enjoyed by so many people Sunday afternoon when they went to hear Maurice Samuel talk of the Jewish prob- lem. I attempted to answer him at that time but unfortunately time did not permit getting around to my question. Mr. Samuel, in the main, developed the thesis that the Jew was terrorized and is being terror- ized today because he is the embodiment of the great Democratic foi'ces that gave us the Old and the New Testament, which in turn gave rise to the concept of Democracy as we now try to think of it. He maintained that those reaction- ary forces that are trying to reduce the world to slavery have recognized this fact, and there- fore to further their plan they realize that the Jew and what he stands for (sic) must go. The Jew, on the other hand, in order to show the world his essential worth should be con- certed in his action to develop Palestine as a model of Democratic perfection, and then hope that the world would recognize him again and stop persecuting him. Everyone in the audi- ence seemed lulled to sleep, blissful sleep, by this noble proposition, and what a great op- portunity he had to show the world his historic mission, and everyone left feeling that the Jewish question was solved even in so far as what to do with the Jewish opposition. First of all, even though the Jew may be credited for the Old and New Testament it does not follow that herein resides the cause of his persecution. It takes a pretty sophisticated per- son to figure that one out, and I doubt whether the persons who killed Jews for causing the Black Plague during the Dark Ages, or the Ger- man Storm-Trooper, or the hoodlum' that scrib- bles a swastika on a Synagogue in New York has ever heard of this notion second hand. One need not be so astute to excus his punching a Jew in the nose. As a matter of fact, the more dull he is, the more he is willing. BELIEVE that the question could be treated more basically. I think it would be valid and more fruitful in the long run to regard this phenomenon in the light of our world problem. Anti-Semitism is merely a creaking or a groan- ing as the peoples of the earth crush old insti- tutions and suffer the pains of bringing new ones into being as our social system becomes outmoded by our incessantly changing technology. To think that the attack on the Jew is a problem that could be solved by Jews by gently informing the Non-Jew of his essential worth is as misleading as the attempts of murderees to inform murderers of the wickedness of homocide, and to do so is to yield a worm's eye view to the problem. How the Jew became the victim is probably hard to tell. Originally, it might have been as Mr. Samuel contends, but now it seems that that is irrelevant, or only relevant in so far as from that original attack it was learned that the Jew was weak, a soft touch. The important thing to deal with now, as it always was, is the fact that peoples are at- tacking other peoples. The Negro in his short experience in civil society has probably taken, and is now taking, more of a beating, compara- tively, than the Jew. The fact that some peo- ple are aggressive and cruel is probably more arresting than the fate of the comparative few that have fallen as a result of it. It might be wise to search for the source of this aggres- sion and cruelty. I will even hazard a clue to its whereabouts- in the combined hunger, deprivation, hopeless- ness, and other assorted frustrations of which the world is full. These things are the necessary resultants of the forces of our institutions which are at work within the framework of our econ- omic structure. Mr. Samuel contends that the Jew who worries more about the millions of Chinese probably is DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 123 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Honors Convocation: The 21st An- nual Honors Convocation on Friday, April 21, at 11:00 a.m., in Hill Audi- torium, will be addressed by Viscount Halifax, British Ambassador to the United States. There will be no aca- demic procession. Faculty members will assemble in the dressing rooms in the rear of the Auditorium and proceed to seats on the stage. Aca- demic costume will be worn. Re- served seats on the main floor will be provided for students receiving honors for academic achievement, and for their parents. To permit at- tendance at the Convocation, classes with the exception of clinics, will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. Doors ofthe Auditorium will be open at 10:30 a.m. The public is invited. School of Education Convocation: The ninth, annual Convocation of undergraduate and graduate students who are candidates for the Teacher's Certificate during the academic year will be held in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on Thursday, April 20, at 4:15 p.m. This Convocation is spon- sored by the School of Education; and members of other faculties, stu- GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty - Y 4. "I tell ya, Mac, if they draft 4-F's, it's the end of baseball!" :f ; ; i A Simmons' subject will be "Preventive Medicine in Military Practice." General Simmons' duties embrace the preventive medicine and public health problems of our Army in all parts of the world. Interested guests are invited. dents, and the general public are cordially invited. President Ruthven AN will preside at the Convocation and Academic Notces Boyd H., Bode, Professor of Educa- Freshmen, College of Literature, tion at The Ohio State University, Science and the Arts: Freshmen may will give the address. not drop courses without "E" grade after Saturday, April 29. Only stu- Choral Union Ushers: Please sign dents with less than 24 hours' credit up at Hill Auditorium Box Office are affected by this regulation. They Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, must be recommended by their Aca- April 19, 20 or 21, from 4:30 to 5:30 demic Counselor for this extraordi- p.m. If you ushered for the winter nary privilege. concerts, you will need a new card for the May Festival. Students who have jaken Econom-{ Medical Aptitude Test: The Medi- cal Aptitude Test of the Association of American Colleges, a normal re- quirement for admission to practi- cally all medical schools, will be given on Friday, April 28, throughout the United States. The test, which will require about two hours, will be given in Ann Arbor in the Rackham Amphitheatre from 3 to 5 p.m. Any student planning to enter a medical school and who has not pre- viously taken the Aptitude Test should do so at this time. You are requested to be in your seats prompt- ly and to bring with you two well- sharpened pencils. The fee of $1.00 is payable at the Cashier's Office from April 17 through April 26. Lectures General James S. Simmons, Chief of the Department of Preventable Diseases, Office of the Surgeon Gen- eral, United States Army, will ad- dress an assembly of public health and medical students in the audi- torium of the School of Public Health at 11 a.m. today. General not worrying about the Chinese ei- ther, but by saying that he does, he excuses his indifference to Jewish suffering. It is also contended that the Jews who do not support Zion- ism, or who are indifferent to the so- called Jewish Problem, are them- selves anti-Semitic. This view is un- just. It might be said that the Jews who took part in the Russian Revo- lution (regarded in its broadest sense) did more to alleviate the suffering of the Jew than the entire history of the Zionist movement, yet we do not consider that the Russian problem was a Jewish problem for the Jews involved. A Russia was violently anti-Semitic before the revolution but the reso- lution of the basic conflict seemed to have solved the difficulty. I am not thereby arguing for revolution in the generic sense, but I am argu- ing for it in the strict sense, viz., the abolishing of our senile and de- crepit institutions, and the forma- tion of new ones more in keeping with our present technological trends. This view seems to be more in keeping with determinist phil- osophy as well. Mr. Samuel's thesis seems to be the thing made to order for bigger and better Fireside Chats and Hillel Mix- ers. This is all right as far as it goes, but to contend that these things will solve the Jewish Problem which is a small inseparable fragment of the world problem, is an innocent form of wishful thinking at best, and it is chauvinism and an expression of futility at worst. Robert S. Feldman, Grad. ics 72: Will those interested in inter-I viewing representatives of public ac- counting firms with the view of obtaining permanent employment in this field leave their names with Mr. Wixon in Rm. 9, Economics Building. Seniors: College of L.S. & A"and Schools of Education, Music and Public Health: Tentative lists of sen- iors for June graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in Rm. 4 University Hall. If your name is misspelled or the degree expected in- correct, please notify the Counter Clerk. Speeded Reading Course: To those who have signed for the short course in speeded reading: The course will meet on Tuesday and Thursday, 5, Rm. 4009, University High School Building. The first meeting will be held Thursday, April 20, 5 o'clock. If you intend to take tile course be present at this meeting. Concerts Organ Recital: Yrieda Op't Holt Vogan, Instructor in Theory and Organ in the School of Music, will appear in recital in Hill Auditorium on Sunday afternoon, April 23, at 4:15. Her program will include works of the classic period, and the modern symphony for organ by Sowerby. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Inter-Guild luncheon will be in the Fireside Room at Lane Hall at 12:10 today. Rev. R. M. Muir will speak on the "Polity of the Episcopal Church." Botanical Seminar: Volney H. Jones will speak on "Experiments with Cryptostegia Rubber in Haiti" at 4 p.m. today in Rm. 1139, Natural Science. Anyone interested may at- tend. three act modern. comedy by G. Mar- tines Sierra, at the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre tonight at 8:30. All seats are reserved. Phone 6300 for reservations. Box office opens Mon- day, April 17 at 2 p.m. The lecture tickets of "La Sociedad Hispanica" are good for 25 cents toward pur- chasing a play ticket. Coming Events The Regular Thursday Evening Record Concert held in the Men's 7..ounge at 7:45 p.m. on April 20 at the Rackham Graduate School will consist of Franck's Sonata for Violin and Piano and the Symphony in D Minor, the Brandenburg Concertos by Bach and De Falla's Nights in the Gardens of Spain. All Graduate Stu- dents and Servicemen are welcome. The A.I.E.E. will meet Thursday evening, April 20, at 7:30 in Rm. 246 West Engineering Building. Mr. J. F. Cline will give a lecture on "Tele- vision" which will be illustrated with slides. Refreshments will be served and all electrical engineers are urged to attend this meeting. Tea at International Center is served each week on Thursday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign students, faculty, townspeople, and American student friends of foreign students. Victory Musicale, sponsored by Sigma Alpha Iota and Mu Phi Epsi- lon, will be presented at 8:30 p.m., Friday, April 21, in Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. The program will include compositions by Jeannette Haien, Philip James, Robert Dela- ney, Aaron Copland, Dorothy James and Carl Eppert. The general public will be admitted upon the purchase of U.S. war bond or stamps at the door. High School Championship De- bate: The 27th Annual Championship Debate of the Michigan High School Forensic Association will be held Fri- day evening; April 21, at 8 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build- ing. The question for debate is Re- solved: That the United States Should Join in Reconstituting the League of Nations. Kalamazoo West- ern State High School will have the affirmative side of the question and Hazel Park High School will have the negative. Dr. C. A. Fisher, Director of the University Extension Service, will be Chairman of the evening. Judges for the debate will be Professors G. E. Densmore and Carl G. Brandt of the University of Michigan, and Df. Franklin H. Knower of the Univer- sity of Iowa. The public is cordially invited. International Center: The Folk Phi Beta Kappa: The Annual Ini- Dancing Club of the International tiation of the Alpha Chapter of Mich- Center will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. igan will be held in the Rackham in Rm. 305 Michigan Union. All for- Amphitheatre on Monday evening, eign students and American friends April 24, at eight o'clock. Professor are invited. i DeWitt H. Parker, Chairman of the Philosophy Department, will give the The Stump Speakers' Society of principal address. His subject is Sigma Rho Tau will present an Ox- "Being Young in an Old World." An ford Debate on "Air power nucleus informal reception and refreshments for world police" tonight at 7:30 in will follow the meeting. Rm. 318 of the Michigan Union. By All members of Phi Beta Kappa, popular demand, this is the second whether members of this Chapter or debate on this same subject. The not, are cordially invited to attend. public is again cordially invited to Please note that this event will take attend. the place of the usual Initiation Ban- quet. The Post-War Council will present a panel on "Government in Busi- Dancing Lessons: There will be a ness," at 7:30 in the League. The Dancing Class held at the USO Club public is cordially invited. Friday evening, April 21, at 7 p.m. under the direction of Lt. Flegal. Research Club: The Annual Mem- Friday Night Dance: The USO Fri- orial meeting will be held in the day Night Dance will be held as usual Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- dyNgt ac ilb eda sa ing this evening at eight o'clock. at the Club beginning at 8 p.m. Professor E. C. Case will present the memorial on "Jean Baptiste Lam- Saturday Night Dance: Thy theme arck" and Professor John W. Eaton of the Saturday Night Dance held at on "Johann Gottfried von Herder." ,the USO Club April 22 will be "Circus Night." There will be dancing from Tau Beta Pi: The examination for 8 to midnight. pledges will be held at 6 tonight.°-- BARNABY Inflated rubber statues of me will Who gets1 be an enormous success, m'boy. As . By Crockett Johnson The dimes? They'll all go into the coffers of the organizalion I shall CROCI JOHNS