THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 16,1944 I' Fifty-Fourth Year I1 I'd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON Dominie Says GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 E Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Stan Wallace-. Evelyn Phillips Harvey Frank Bud Low . .* Jo Ann Peterson Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarin Editorig :01 Staff Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . Women's Editor . Associate Women's Editor Business Stafff Elizabeth A. Carpenter. . Business Manager Margery Batt . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR; STAN WALLACE Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. SHOW SURVIVES: Victory Varieties Will Receive Hearty Support 0 THE SECOND VICTORY VARIETIES SHOW, which has barely survived attempts to crush the program, deserves and will receive enthusi- astic support from the student body. Featuring the Coca Cola Spotlight Band, the program, to be presented Saturday, is an en- core and an indication of the success of the first show on March 18, which featured a comedy novelty act from the Empire Room of Chicago's Palmer House. The Victory Varieties programs are filling a long-felt campus need for entertainment. Stu- dents have found that there are about three choices of weekend recreation: movies, danc- ing at the League or a trip to one of the town's beer taverns. The Varieties shows, de- signed especially for servicemen who may find Ann Arbor a little dull, are a welcome inno- vation. Presentation of the programs should continue each month, as originally planned, regardless of any arbitrary attempts to stop them. Dean Bursley and Dean Rea deserve the hearty thanks of students for working to perpetuate the en- tertainments. -Jennie Fitch ANTI-VICTORY: War Effort Hindered by Burning Food in Detroit THE ENTIRE WORLD faces a critical food shortage, yet there is evidence that carloads of fruits and vegetables have been burned in Detroit in order to keep prices up. Charles C. Lockwood of the Greater Detroit Consumers Council las charged the Detroit pro- duce receivers with dumping 50 carloads of potatoes, as well as carloads of oranges, grape- fruit, radishes, turnips and onions, into a DPW's incinerator. Food is a vital war material. An urgent ap- peal has been made to the farmers to grow more crops in 1944 for civilian use, to feed the men in the armed forces stationed in this country and abroad and to send to the starv- ing people of Europe. Experience has proved that there is nothing more dangerous behind battle lines than starv- ing people. There is an okl saying that a hungry man is a dangerous man. When our army cap- tures territory formerly held by the enemy one of the first tasks is to feed the people. WHEN the second front begins there will be even more people in Europe who will need food. They are looking to America to supply it. One important step towards victory will be gain- ing the friendship of the small nations. If they read that we are burning food in this country, while they do not have enough to eat, we cannot expect their friendship and cooperation. It takes a ton of food a year to feed a man in the armed service and approximately two-thirds of a ton to feed a civilian. With every advance that the army makes there are more persons to be fed. Despite a great shortage of workers and machinery the American farmer has met with the government request for increased acre- age, but his effort will have been wasted if this food is destroyed. A few years ago Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath" appeared and shocked the entire na- NEW YORK, April 15.-We need a system of "free ports" for refugees. These would be reser- vations, fenced and guarded, which any person could enter without formality, no matter how homeless or stateless he might be. Until we set up free ports for refugees, we shall be asking the refugee to stand on one foot while we solve his problem, a position in which a man can wait just so long, and a child less. No rights would be acquired by anyone who entered such a reserved area, except the right to sit down, which is a rare right at the pres- ent moment in civilization's majestic march. By an easy legal fiction, entrance into a "free port" would not constitute legal entrance into the country, and stay in the "free port" would not constitute residence in the country. We have used this same legal fiction to es- tablish free ports for goods. For reasons much too dull to tell you about here, these are of great advantage to our foreign trade in time of peace. There is a functioning free port inmthe New York City area, into which foreign mer- chandise and alien corn can be brought without payment of customs duties, parked for a while, then transshipped elsewhere. The stuff can stay here for a year without ever being considered to be in the country, and if we can use a legal fiction to make a dollar, we ought to be able to use a similar legal fidtion to save a life. There are practical difficulties in the way of such a scheme, because storage facilities for living women and children have to be a bit more complex than storage facilities for wine and corsets. YET, THESE DIFFICULTIES are hardly great enough to stun the human imagination. Any Army camp scheduled for early abandonment might do, or a fence could be put around some of the excess housing facilities we have built in eastern industrial areas. As to what agency would run the "free port" for refugees, the an- swer is, of course, the new War Refugee Board. With such a "free port" in its pocket, the War Refugee Board would be in a position to go to other members of the United Nations and ask them to establish similar facilities, and it could not be turned down. The burden would thus be distributed around the world. But if we ask other nations to set up facili- ties while we do not, the answer is going to be a low, leering laugh, accompanied by remarks about the pot and the kettle, etc. There are legal difficulties, too. But we are entertaining 130,000 Nazi prisoners of war at the moment in this country, and not one has NOT CONVINCED: Coeds Must Wake Up To Vital War Demands "BIGGEST HURDLE in the recruiting of wo- men is their failure to be convinced of the very real need of their working," states an Office of War Information report on the ne- cessity of filling 2,000,000 essential jobs by sum- mer if the pace of the war economy is to be maintained. That statement is an indictment of every woman, student or otherwise, who presents pat excuses for her failure to fight the war- yes, fight the war-for working is fighting when it is necessary for victory. There may be differences of opinion as to why we are fighting this war, but we are all agreed on the necessity of winning it. The war, how- ever, can not be won by simple agreement. Our enemies are powerful and victory demands the maximum amount of effort from every Ameri- can, and that includes us-the women of America. American women have not fulfilled their du- ties as citizens of a country at war. Data from the War Manpower Commission, War, Navy, and Labor Departments, Federal Security Hous- ing Agency, Federal Works Agency and Bureau of the Census revealed that 1,500,000 have quit since July, 1943, when the peak employment of women was recorded at 17,900,000. The war is not yet won, but those women who have left their jobs have stopped fighting. Of what significance is this to the college woman? There is a place-a battle station- for every woman. The report points out: "Agriculture and such seasonal industries as canning will require the employment of an additional 800,000 women, many of whom may be from among teachers or students free to take such work during summer months." The undergraduate with a summer recess of four4 months in sight could well fill that need. Graduating seniors among women need not ask, "But what can I do?" The Army and Navy need an additional 8,000 nurses by June, while women's military units want a minimum of 100,000 more enlistments. Hundreds of thou- sands more are needed in war and essential civilian service jobs. The United States has not yet found it neces- sary to draft labor. We have relied on the desire for victory to insure the maintenance of produc- tion. The common plaint of coeds is, "I wish this damn war were over." Their response to the call for women workers will prove that their wish for peace is accompanied by the willingness to fight for it. -Betty Roth entered under the quota. It is true that pris- oners of war have certain established rights,in- cluding the right to a safe haven, where nobody shall make funny with them. But can we really argue, with shabby earnestness, that the inno- cent victims of these Nazis are not entitled to equal rights with their deadly and malicious enemies? If we cannot give our friends at least the same rights we give our enemies, then a host of ques- tions is raised, including whither are we drifting and what is wrong with our heads. The refugees could be visited by consular and other officials of their own nations in these "free ports." they could be investigated, picked over, and perhaps, in time, outfitted with papers, and thus gradually raised to the lofty level of legal existence, as distinguished from the inconsequential level of mere physi- cal existence. Meanwhile, those Americans who do not want refugees here could have the assurance that they were not legally here at all; while Ameri- cans of a more humanitarian turn of mind and heart could have the assurance that refugees were being cared for, and this is, therefore, a democratic solution, in harmony with the tra- ditional ingenuity and resourcefulness of Anglo- Saxon law-making. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) DREW W PEARSON'S ' MERRYGOROUND WASHINGTON. April 15.-It has escaped public attention that one of the signihicant labor disputes in history is now before the War Labor Board. It involves the question of whether man- agement has the right to say whether or not its properties must keep on operating at the behest of a union after the War Production Board says that operation is no longer needed after the war. The Republic Steel Company operates the Raimund Iron Mine near Bessemer, Alabama, where there was a row over wages and working conditions with the CIO mine, mill and smelter workers. The case came before the overburdened Atlanta branch of the WLB nine months ago and was delayed for some time. In the interim, Republic Steel shut down the mine with the consent of the WPB. Meanwhile, the union got busy inside the WPB to find out why the iron ore from the Raimund Mine was not necessary to the steel program. What it discovered was that lesser officials in the WPB's iron and steel division, unknown to Chairman Donald Nelson and Vice Chairman Charles E. Wilson, had so ruled without the knowledge of their chief. Learning this, the union pressed for a further investigation as to the essentiality of the mine and, later, the Atlanta WLB received a letter from WPB's burly Vice Chairman Wilson that the mine was essential to war production, after all. Wilson Reverses Himself.. .. Elated, the union approached the WLB with this new evidence. Came the day of the re- hearing and a third communication arrived from the WPB. This one, also from Wilson, sustained ,the original findings of his assistants and re- versed his own findings that the mine's output was necessary to the war. This completely wrecked the union's case, which the Atlanta Labor Board promptly dis- missed. Now the CIO has appealed to the full Na- tional WLB in Washington, arguing that the War Production Board, not being a tripartite body of industry, labor and Government offi- cials, is not impartial and not competent to pass judgment on the essentialities of a prop- erty where a labor dispute is involved. What the union wants WLB to do is order Republic to reopen the mine against its will and provide jobs for about 150 miners who once worked there. The union's prestige is involved, also the company's business prerogatives. But more than anything else, there is involved a vital principle of the post-war period as war contracts are cancelled and facilities are no longer considered essential to the war. Britain's Indian Empire . . . Certain Senators, even including some of the President's supporters, are irked over curtail- ment of the Australian Army, simultaneous with British requests that we send more U.S. troops to India. The Britishrequest was made by Field Mar- shal Sir John Dill, former British Chief of Staff, now liaison officer in Washington. Sir John suggested to U.S. war chiefs that, in view of the Jap invasion of India, the United States might send more troops to that area. Sir John had to admit that a huge British army is spread out through India largely for the purpose of preventing internal revolt. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) ONE of the chief functions of ed ucation is the discarding of par tial metaphors, according to Profes sor F. N. Whitehead, the Harvar philosopher and mathematician. W have experience. Then we rational ize it. Then we state it, distill it chief item into a creed and finally state the creed by metaphor. Sucl is the process by which we move fron expreience to knowledge and possibly go on to wisdom. Religious person tend to get tripped at the point o creed and metaphor. These are ac cepted as final whereas they are no final, never should be so accepte( and are always the beginning (not th eAd) of a vital process. The context must give the mean- ing. For example, "Fatherhood of God" was adopted in early Chris- tianity. In that Roman period when that expression was , first used, men thought of sternness, austerity, command, severity. How- ever, since the days of Rousseau, Petsolotsi and modern education in the western civilizations, "Fath- erhood" connotes security and ten- derness. Thus the term "Father- hood of God" considered in its con- text may mean one thing. Con- sidered outside its context it may mean almost the opposite. In our day there is a tendency t probe all the pockets of experienc( and allow bulging ideas to burs forth. There are trends to this an trends to that-all trying to get ex pression. These have been accum ulating for years. Now there is bursting forth all at once, as it were Creeds must be reexamined, mad the beginnings of something new Old metaphors must be supplante by ones which say what we really mean. There is a day of spring all about, not in the herbs and trees, but in the beliefs, the convictions, the as- sociations, the aspirations and the longings of men. If you have long wanted to write, begin now. If you have an invention struggling inside of you, communicate with someone. If to you the world needs a new approach to an old problem or a religion, don't tell it to God alone, but state your conviction. If you see some solution for a prob- lem far off in a strange region, do not be afraid, but ask your tutor o professor about it and keep asking until you find some adequate test o some to that new thing. The basic law is that you shall keep close to the historic content but never stop there. Counselor in Relgious Edward W. Blakeman Education DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN - d e Is y h y f t d e e *1- iagoTimesinc "I don't 'think you ought to keep rubbing it into your father, Otis, that when he was your age, he didn't earn half as much as you!" I. SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 121 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Honors Convocation: The 21st An- nual Honors Convocation on Friday, April 21, at 11:00 a.m., in Hill Audi- torium, will be addressed by Viscount Halifax, British Ambassador to the United States. There will be no aca- demic procession. Faculty members will assemble in the dressing rooms in the rear of the Auditorium and proceed to seats on the stage. Aca- demic costume will be worn. Re- served seats on the main floor will be provided for students receiving honors for academic achievement, and for their parents. To permit at- tendance at the Convocation, classes with the exception of clinics, will be dismissed at 10:45 a.m. Doors of the Auditorium will be open at 10:30 a.m. The public is invited. Mail is being held at the Business Office of the University for the fol- lowing people: Altman, Peter; Bor- yan, Marie; Gale, Doris; Gaster, Bert D.; Grimes, Julie; Hockett, Dr. Charles F.; Kahn, Mrs. Alfred; Kel- gen, Louise; Keschman, Hannah; Prill, Paul E.; Sandler, Malcolm; Scheer, Lawrence E.; Taube, Aileen; Wescott, Joan E. Eligibility Rules for the Spring Term: First term freshmen will be allowed to participate in extra-cur- ricular activities but will have their grades checked by their academic counsellors or mentors at the end of the five-week period and at mid- semester. Continued participation after these checks will depend upon permission of the academic counsel- lors or mentors. All other students t who are not on probation or the d warned list are eligible. - Anyone on PROBATION or the - WARNED LIST is definitely ineligi- ble to take part in any public activity and a student who participates under these circumstances will be subject . to discipline by the authorities of d the school or college in which he or y she is enrolled. y Participation in a public activity is defined as service of any kind on a committee or a publication, in a public performance or a rehearsal, holding office or being a candidate for office in a class or other student organization, or any similar function. In order to keep the personnel rec- ords up to date in the Office of the Dean of Students, the president or chairman of any club or activity should submit a list of those par- ticipating each term on forms ob- tainable in Room 2, University Hall. These records are referred to con- y stantly by University authorities, r governmental agencies and industrial concerns throughout the country and the more complete they are, the more valuable they become to the Univer- sity and the student. School of Education Faculty: The regular meeting of the faculty will be s held on Monday, April 17, in Univer- sity Elementary School Library. The meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m. Medical Aptitude Test: The Medi- cal Aptitude Test of the Association of American Colleges, a normal re- quirement for admission to practi- cally all medical schools, will be given on Friday, April 28, throughout the United States. The test, which will require about two hours, will be given in Ann Arbor in the Rackham Amphitheatre from 3 to 5 p.m. Any student planning to enter a medical school and who has not pre- viously taken the Aptitude Test should do so at this time. You are requested to be in your seats prompt- ly and to bring with you two well- sharpened pencils. The fee of $1.00 is payable at the Cashier's Office from April 17 through April 26. The deadline for Hopwood MSS is Monday afternoon, April 17, at 4:30. Contestants should read over the rules of the contest to make sure they have complied with them. Lectures General James S. Simmons, Chief of the Department of Preventable Diseases, Office of the Surgeon Gen- eral, United States Army, will ad- dress an assembly of public health and medical students in the audi- torium of the School of Public Health at 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 19. General Simmons' subject will be "Preventive Medicine in Mili- tary Practice." General Simmons' duties embrace the preventive medicine and public health problems of our Army in all parts of the world. Interested guests are invited. Academic Notices There is a critical shortage of Hus- sey's syllabus used in Geology 12, "Geological History of North Amer- ica.' Any students having copiesI which they are willing to sell or rent,( please bring to Secretary in Rm. 2051t Natural Science Building. Concerts The Carillon Recital to be heardj at 3 p.m. today will consist of Airt for Carillon by Percival Price, fiveg spirituals, selections from the Magic Flute, by Mozart, and two Australian airs. The program will be presented, by Professor Price, University Caril-o lonneur.d Brahms for her recital at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 18, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. She is a student of Joseph Brinkman and is presenting the recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. The public is cordially invited. Victory Musicale, sponsored by Sigma Alpha Iota and Mu Phi Epsi- lon, will be presented at 8:30 p.m., Friday, April 21, in Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. The program will include compositions by Jeannette Haien, Philip James,DRobert Dela- ney, Aaron Copland, Dorothy James and Carl Eppert. The general public will be admitted upon the purchase of U.S. war bond 'or stamps at the door. Exhibitions Exhibit: Original plans and per- spectives for the proposed civic cen- ter of Madison, Wisconsin, designed by the architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground floor corridor, Architecture Building. On exhibit until May 1. Events Today The Michigan Christian Fellowship will, meet this afternoon at 4:30 in the Fireplace Room, Lane Hall. The Congregational-Disciples Stu- dent Guild will meet at 5:00 p.m. at the Congregational Church, State and William Streets. Professor Peter A. Ostafin of the Department of Soc- iology will speak on "Fear and the Personality." There will be oppor- tunity for discussion. Cost supper. Tau Beta Pi will hold an introduc- tory meeting for all candidates for initiation at 5 o'clock today in the Union. All actives are invited to attend. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, will have a supper meeting to- day at 5:00 at the Lutheran Student Center. Supper at 5:30, discussion at 6:10. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 5 p.m. Dean Faulkner will speak on "Bridges of Understanding." Supper and fel- lowship hour following the meeting. International Center: Prof. Mal- colm Soule of the Department of Bacteriology will speak on his recent trip to Latin America at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the International Center. Following the talk, refreshments will be available. Foreign students and their American friends are cordially invited. Coming Events Research Club: The Annual Mem- orial meeting will be held in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing, Wednesday evening, April19, at eight o'clock. Professor E. C. Case will present the memorial on "Jean Baptiste Lamarck" and Professor John W. Eaton on "Johann Gott- fried von Herder." Iota Sigma Pi meeting Monday, April 17, at 7:30 in East Lecture Room of Rackham Building. Dr. F.G. Gustafson will speak on "Chemical Aspects of Botany." Bacteriology Seminar will meet Tuesday, April 18, at 4:30 in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Sub- ject: Glycerol metabolism by an in- termediate of the coli-aerogenes group. All interested are invited. There will be a compulsory mass meeting of all Junior USO hostesses of Company X, at 7:30 p.m. on Tues- day, April 18. BARNABY By Crockett Johnson J You realize O'Malley. we I Hush, m'boy... Atlas the Mental Giant is calculating my political growth from the time I was prevailed upon to enter public You're stillgrowing, O'Malley. According to today s editorials. 0 GR~OWTH Q O ALLEY IN THE PUBLC EYE ' .,vf can't tell how large those bronze statues of you must MR II 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 " * , , ; ; i 1 A