iu' 1i.;I ~J. ~, 1S44 .Ti f iy..orlY ear Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under thg authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year. and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associaled Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of anll news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ain Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $425, by mail $5,25. tEPREgENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI3I;40 V National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON " LOS ARGRLuS * SAN F*ANCISCO Member, Associated Collegate Press, 1943-44 I'd Rather Be Right - By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, March 7.-Don't look now, buit we are becoming the enigma of the world. Rus- sia, in its most puzzling 'days, was hardly so mysterious as we are at the present moment I am desperately afraid that out of this war there may even come a legend of the brooding Ameri- can spirit, crooning to itself, endlessly sitting in the corner, waiting for the kettle to boil, for the cat to jump. Mr. Churchill has climbed down ofl the fence. He has announced that he supports Russia's claims to strong western frontiers. He has said that territory should be taken from Germany to compensate Poland for any lands which must be turned over to Russia. On this subject we, the Americans, have said exactly: "limmm!" Some reporters say they have heard a high- ranking Washington official utter the com- ment: Mmmm!" but this is unverified. We have watched the rise of de Gaulle for al- most four years. Our attitude toward him has been a little clearer than our attitude on the Polish question, some of our offcials even going so far as to say, occasionally, "Nn-nn!" not. of course, for publication. At the present moment, having watched de Gaulle make Giraud disap- pear with a pass of his hand, our attitude seems to be: "Well, what do you know?" This is valid, as an expression of surprise, but it needs more nouns and stuff in it before it can be considered a foreign policy. On Spain we have said, "So!" and on Italy we have said, "Well, now," and on Finland we have said "Aha!" There was some question about adding that saucy exclamation point to our of- ficial policy on Finland. But, what the devil, risk naught, gain naught. So, only waiting fo; peace negotiations between Finland and Russia to begin, we plunged in daringly and said that there ought to be peace negotiations. As TO HOW this dark Chekhovian mood, this grunting of meaningless monosyllables, has managed to overcome free and proud America, many books can, and undoubtedly will, be writ- ten. I have written much about a strange American "flight from reality." And now, look, London has asked us to send someone over to say just what our ideas are about the political future of Europe. Mr. Stettinius is scheduled to go. London news writers say, in kindly fashion, that they know we cannot speak as clearly as we might, on account of "constitu- tional" problems, and this being an election year, and all, but they do think it is time we said what is in our minds. They don't want to rush us, but the war is going on five years old. But it used to be Russia to which the world once addressed these earnest appeals to come Jane irrant . . Claire Sherman Stan Wallace ,Marjorie Borriadl ie kel' n PIDhUps Harvey Frank Btid Low o Au Peterson rsr Anne Olson Ma rjorie osmarin Elizabeth Carpen ter Marge Bat Teo Editorial Staff . Managing Editor *Editorial Director C ity .d itor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor s Women's Editor Associate Women's Editor Business Staff ia isiixess Mvianager Ass't Business Manager lephou.t 23-24-I NIGHT EDITOR: JENNE FITCH Fdi/orials jpblished in T/h [ Michigan Daily are writedf by eiin>ers of ihe Daily staff (111( represent /he views of the 'writers only. EUIBYERS lYE: Falange Defeats Allied A imis in La tin Aminerican 0FFICIAL circles no longer doubt that the SFranco regime is behind the political mess in Latin America today, since the subversive character of the Falange was revealed last week by Attorney General Biddle. In an official document Mr. Biddle pointed out that Generalissimo Franco headed the Fatange and controlled and dictated its poli- cies. The members of the Falange look to the establishment and preservation of a totalitar- ianstate, the unity of Spaniards throughout the world, and the restoration of the ancient rSpanish empire, continued Mr. Biddle. "The Falange claims to have organized, in all the Latin American countries and in the Philip- j-ines and Puerto Rico, groups that subscribe to these doctrines." Rep. Coffee of Washington brought to the at- tention of Congress, after Biddle's denunciation of the Falange, a series of specific cases proving 'that support was given to Nazis agcents in Latin America by Franco or his agents. The evidence compiled by these men proves once more that as long as Franco is allowed to continue as the Spanish dictator, and to move his agents into the Western Hemisphere under the protection of diplomatic relations, the Allies will suffer continuous defeat in Latin America. --Agatha Miller ~COUR AGEO IiS: Truman Report Merits National Vote of Thanks , ROWNING on all schemes to waive the anti- trust laws in the interests of reconversion, the Truman Committee urged the maintenance of free competition in our post-war economy by -a government policy which will "devise the rules -of the road but not tell the driver where he must travel" ir its annual report to the Senate Saturday. While the report included in its contents a review and criticism of the entire war effort, of great importance to the future of the nation is the committee's recommendations on our future economic policy. The creation of a stockpile of civilian goods by relaxing the controls on non-military pro- duction as soon as possible so that the immediate ;post-war demand for these commodities can be met without any drastic rise in prices, high- lighted the plans for immediate consideration. As for the war effort itself, Senator Truman repoted that, while it exceeded anything of its kind ever achieved in the history of the world, many decisions were hastily and some- ..a .. ". _, sa....r"._ _'.-t.. ,,..-,: w - a .. w r/ ra!4vp : W E'RE afraid the column won't be very in- spired today. The red tape of registration and getting on seating charts has already dulled much of the enthusiasm with which we usually start the semester. Our friends have spent some time since they returned from their vacations in repeating criti- cisms of this column they have heard, First there are the people who think the column is fairly well written, although they don't agree with a word it says. Since we don't believe in art for art's sake, the fact that people aren't convinced by the argu- ments presented proves quite definitely that the column is not written well enough to achieve its purpose.- Then there seems to be a group who think nobody never says anything, and that she's poorly informed on what she does says. The only answer to this is that we're sorry and will try to do better this semester. We already have a long list of things which we think have to be said, and hope to say them effectively. However, if you complain enough about our being In a hurry, we'll substitute Mr. Dooley every once in a while, or Adam Coaldigger, or Heywood Broun. There's one danger in going to the Uni- versity for more than one semester, and that is that you may become accustomed to it, and lose your critical faculties. Actually, the pro-. cedures change very slowly, and the things we griped about as freshien still deserve to b discussed and remedied. There's the business of large lecture sections in the beginning courses in each department. This was started as a budget-shrinking device during the depression, and even then decreased greatly the value of hours spent in class. But now, with the Army leading the way by insisting on only 20-25 students per class, there is little excuse for not returning to the original system of few students in a classroom, with more time to digest the ideas presented, to test them and to reject those which may be the professor's pet theories, but which don't seem logical to you. THERE'S the fact that we are, primarily, names and figures in card catalogs and on statistical charts, and not individual students at all, each coming to college for a slightly different reason, and each hoping to take away from college slightly different pieces of knowledge. The sec- retaries to most professors know us better than do the professors themselves. And the Deans' secretaries can hear our names and mentally picture the card regarding our grades, morals, etc., while the Deans have to see the card in front of them in order to identify us. one fundamental criticism is that we learn principles, and get no chance to practice them, either through the Antioch plan or going to school a semester and then working a semester, or by putting them into practice on camipus, in student government, for example. We object to the fact, too, that there is no time or place or professors provided to help us integrate Soc. 51 with Psych. 94 and Ec. 121 or History 43 ... That Philosophy 34 doesn't have a sequel in which we try to set up our own moral standards. And having just come through a week of final examinations, there's the justified gripe that cramming often seems to produce better grades than consistent interest in a course, and that keeping one's own opinions when they dis- agree with a professor's isn't "wise" if you need a high average. Maybe we can't change these essentials of university life right away, but we at least should remain conscious of their existence. -Doris Kuent YOU CAN HELP: Clothes Are Needed for Norwegian Rlief Drive HE American Relief for Norway drive started in the University yesterday, and students and University staff members are urged to leave clothing and shoes which they no longer need in a box in the Undergraduate Office of the League. By contributing those clothes that are hanging in your closet that you just "don't like anymore," you can prove that you are willing to help 'a democratic nation that is fighting for its free- dom. Norway is occupied by the Nazis, but the people haven't given up fighting. The clothes that you give will help them continue their fight. h-Don MacPherson 4ERRY GO ROUND. PEARSONt WASHINGTON, March 7.-WNord that grey, gaunt, grizzled Barney Baruch had "decided to recommend equally grey, gaunt, grizzled Assist- ant Secretary of Commerce Will Clayton as head of war-factory de- mobilization brought a burst of re- action from various places. Most interesting reaction came from those around the White House who recalled how economic royalist Clayton, Texas cotton magnate, had contributed several thousand dollars to the Liberty League to campaign against Roose- velt in 1936 and how his wife had sent word to the White House that she would match every penny her husband gave to defeat Roosevelt with an equal amount to help him win-she carried out her promise. More than $7,000 of her money went to FDR. Also, it was recalled how Mrs. Clay- ton telephoned Mrs. Milo Perkins during the row between Jesse Jones and Clayton on one side and Vice- President Wallace and Milo Perkins of the BEW on the other. "Tell your husband," Mrs. Clayton said, "to keep up the fight against my husband. I know your husband is absolutely right." Mrs. Clayton, incidentally, went to a little Kentucky college, Marvin at Clinton, Ky., with Senator Alben Barkley. The two became great friends. Mrs. Clayton, though mar- ried to one of the wealthiest men in. America, has been a New Dealer for a long time. S demobilization director, Clayton would decide whether the huge government-owned airplane, muni- tions and other factories built at the taxpayers' expense with Jesse Jones' _ fly X 4 O \ 1 1 yj I J f M e t~Y F3 v~ s + N ' 11 4 0 Ti s a "j,( RFC loans should be turned over to private industry, dismantled, or held by the Government. This is one of the most important problems con- fronting post-war America. Those who have worked with former Liberty Leaguer Claytuon have no illusions a"' to where he would stand. Southern Congress- men recall that, when the AAA up- 'ped the price of U.S. cotton, Clay- ton's giant cotton firm shipped seed, farm machinery and experts to Brazil, opened her up as this, country's greatest cotton competi- GRIN AND BEAR IT tor. As a result, Brazil tually shipping cotton to leans i competition with erican cotton farmer. was ac- New Or- the Am- In the Army, it is recalled that, after Pearl Harbor, Clayton, as -a director of RFC's Defense Supplies Corporation, delayed and delayed the purchase of quinine from the Dutch East Indies, until one day before the Japs seiezed Batavia. Then -too late---he ordered the entire Dutch crop. None of the order was ever delivered. (Copyright, 1944, 1i iiitd Features Synd.) "Yes, a certified public accountant helped me with this return-but he attached a sworn statement, declaring he didn't know what he was doing!" By Lichty DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1 } clean. It used to be Russia could not understand; it felt America like its own mother. How did this strange reversal that now it is the east which west to break out of the darkt light? It is so odd, to hear old which Europe that it knew come about, so calls upon the circle, into the Europe implor- ing young America to speak its mind. I no longer think, as once I did, that it is any one man's fault, Mr. Roosevelt's or Mr. hull's, or anybody's. I have a worse fear now; that this indecisiveness in foreign policy is a true and legitimate expression of a national indecisiveness; that we are so obsessed with our own political quarrel between right and left at home, that we are unable to give clear answers to questions involving the right and the left abroad; so that foreign political prob- lems find us glancing furtively at each other, and stalling desperately. Nothing is holding us back but ourselves. When you add up the price of internal disunity, be sure to put in that, at the height of the world's crisis, it placed us in the curious position of being unable to say anything better than (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syn dliea ( e For Czech Cooperationi? Interesting postscript to our recent expose of the National Geographic Magazine as the pub- lisher of a pro-Nazi article by Douglas Chandler, indicted U.S. traitor, and a series of pro-Musso- lini articles by John Patric, more recently an aeti-labor writer for Reader's Digest: The Czechoslovak ,National Council of' Am- erica has been unable to get the National Geographic to place Czechoslovakia M its new maps of the world and has issued a public pro- test. The Geographic insists on iic ludinug zCzChle- slovakia in the German Empire. -In Fact WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1944 VOL. LIV NQ. 87 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m, of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Satuirday when the no- tices should he submitted by 11:30 a.m. Noices To All Faculty Members and Oth- ers Interested: 1. Old Age Annuities. Since 1918 it has been a condition of employment as a Faculty member of the University of Michigan, except for instructors of less than three years' standing for whom the provi- sion is optional, that such Faculty member shall purchase an old-age annuity from the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association. The object of this annuity is provision for the teacher after he shall have passed the retirement age. The annuity premium payment required from each Faculty member is 5% of any annual salary not exceeding $5,0, or thus a maximum premium of $254. Faculty members nay devote as much more of their salaries to annu- ity premium as they desire. The Uni- versity matches the annuity pren- ium up to an annual sum not in excess of $250, thus wi in the 5% limit doubling the amount of the annuity purchased. 2. Any person in the employ of the University may at his own cost pur- chase annuities from the Association in any amounts. The University it- self, however, will contribute to the expense of such purchase of annui- ties only as stated in (1) above. 3. Life Insurance. Any person in the employ of the University, either as a Faculty member or otherwise, unless debarred by his medical exam- ination, may, at his own option and expense, purchase life insurance from the Teachers Insurance and Annu;y Association at its published rates. All life insurance premiums are borne by the individual himself. The Univer- sity makes no contribution toward life insurance and has nothing to do with the life insurance feature ex- cept that it will. if desired by, the insured, deduct premiums monthly and remit the same to the Associa- tion. 4. M y.o1th'y Prenium Payments. The University accounting offices will as a matter of accommodation to faculty members or employees of the University, who desire to pay either anuity premiums or insurance pre- mniurs nonthly, deduct such premi- ums from the payroll in monthly in- stallments. In the case of 'the so- called "academic rolls" premiums for the months of July, August, Septem- ber, and'October will be accumulated by the Payroll Department by deduc- tions from the salary of the preced- ing eight months of 50% more each month than the premium due for each' of those 'months. . 5. The University has no arrange- ments with any life insurance or an- nuity organization except the Teach- ers Insutance and Annuity Associa- tion of America and contributions will not be made by the University nor can premium payments be deduc- ted except in the case of mnuity or insurance policies of this Association. 6. The general administration of the 'annuity and 'insurance bfisiness has been placed in the hands of the Secretary of the University by the Regents.. Please communicate with the un- dersigned if you have not arranged for any and all annuities requ i' d under your appointment. herbert (6. Watkins T~O all Male stLulents inl tle Colleget of Literature, Science, aid the Arts By action of the Board of Regents, all male students in residence in this College must elect Physical Educa- tion for Men. This action has been effective since June, 1943, anid will continue for the duration of the war. Students may be excused from tak- ing the course by (1) The Uiest Health Service, (2) The Dean of the College or by his representativ, (3 The Director of Phiysicacl Eduicatio n and Athletics. Petitions for exemption by st- dents in this College should be ad- dressed. by freshmen to Pr~ofessor Arthur '{an Duren, Chairman of the Academic Counselors (108 Mason Hall); by all other students to Assis- tant Dean E. A. Walter (1220 Angell Hall), Except under very extraordinary circumstances no petitions will be co sidered after the end of thc thl4( week of the Spring Termn Health Lectures for Men: 'lThe re- quired series of health Leetures for Freshma 'men will be given in R1.1 35, Angell Hall, at :00 p.m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m., March 7, 8,. 9, 13, 14. Successful completion of this series of lectures is required of all men students except those who have en- were in the University ashfreshmen and who did not fulfill the require- ments are required to take and satis- factorily complete this course. Enroll for these lectures at the time of regular classification at Waterman Gymnasium. These lectures are a graduation requirement. Section No. 1: First Lecture, Mon- day, March 13, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium, Subsequent Lectures, Successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Rack- ham Auditorium; Examination (fin- 1), Monday, April 24, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium. Section No. II: First Lecture, Tues- day, March 14, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Audit-orium; Subsequent Lectures, Successive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, Rackham Auditorium; Examination 'final), Tuesday, April 25, 4:15-5:15, .Rackham Auditorium. Margaret Bell, M.D. Eligibility Rules for the Spring Term: First term freshmen will be allowed to participate in extra-cur- ricular activities but will have their grades checked by their academic counsellors or mentors at the end of the five-week period and at mid- semester. Continued participation after these checks will depend upon permission of the academic counsel- lois or mentors. All other students who are not on probation or the warned list are eligible. Anyone on PROBATION or the WARNED LAST is definitely ineligi- ble to take part in any public activity and a studeni who participates inder these -iciicmsances will be subject to discipline by the authorities of the school or college in which he or she is enrolled. Participation in a public activity is definced as service of any kind on a committee or a publication, in a public performance or a rehearsal, holding office or being a candidate fo o)fice in a lass or other student organiato, orany similar function. In order to keep the personnel rec- ords up tolate in the Office ofthe Dearn of Studecnts, the president or chairman of any club or activity ,should submit a list of those par- ticipating each term on forms ob- tainable in Roomn 2, University Hall. IThese records are referred to con- stantly by University authorities, governmental agencies and industrial concerns throughout the country and the more complete they are, the more valuable they become to the Univer- sity and the student. May Festival Tickets: The counter, sale of season tickets for the May Festival will begin Friday, March 17, at 9 o'clock at the offices of the Uni- veisity Musical Society, Burton Mem- orial Tower, and will continue as long as tickets are available. The prices for season tickets, including the present 10% tax, $8.80, $7.70 and $6.60 will continue through the month of March. Prices for single BARNABY Ellen, I hod six prints of a plan for that proposed dom here the other night. . One is missing... Did you see it? No.I fGcosh didn't. ,n I um.... a a1?)r It doesn't matter. I have enough copies. One for our congressman, J J. O'Malley -if Icon LOCATE that chronic absentee... And one for- Mr O'Molley? f t!& e.tnit final , r : The it's okay. .. Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, has his copy of it. He took it to Congress with him.. But-GOSH' ~ - CROCE"f J~ON oVN gy Crockett Johnson Lt's hurry to Washington, Pop! Mr. O'Malley is going to have Congress build it! THE WRONG DAM! . ... Tis the fad's first visit to O 1 s t Hi-ris ao ,,nre mdain~ e r 'I