rr~i ln 1f-iCdN "I'A II V qATTTtffVAV AP161T, = I-tIA& _. a iiL it 1 .171Vi31M AJ111LY i .:_.... Z5A I U nLPA 1, ArnlL 10, IUI+ t , I'd Rather Be ght By SAMUEL GRAFTON DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty NEW YORK, April 14.-Those Republicans who have been making a living by knocking' off Mr. Willkie now need other work to do. The job of knocking off Mr. Willkie saw them through the cold winter months. But now it is all fin- ished, and they had better start on another project, for we know who finds work for idle hands to do, don't we? To fight Mr. Willkie was a rather easy way to make a living. Let others ponder the veri- ties of war and peace; Colonel McCormick and his friends could write short-range editorials about Mr. Willkie. He kept them alive. He .kept them going. He was their problem. They have spent a happy and busy year solving him. But now that they have solved him, they have to go on to something else. They have removed the man who stood in their way. Now nobody stands in their way. So they have to tell us where they are going, don't they? Their battle-cry has been that if only there weren't a Willkie, they could fix everything up. Okay. No Willkie. Now fix! We wait for Colonel McCormick to drop that other shoe. They shouted that Mr. Willkie was no good, and their noisy negation has triumphed. They will now go on to complain that Mr. Roosevelt can't save the republic, either. But that is just another negation, and two negatives do not make an affirmative, in politics any more than in grammar. They have labeled Mr. Willkie 4-F and they have labeled Mr. Roosevelt 4-F. But who and what is 1-A in their books? So far, they seem to be veering to Mr. Dewey, a man who simply will not communicate his opinions on our major day-to-day problems. This turn- ing of negative minds toward a negative candidate is a point of almost alarming psy- chological significance. The men who can't give us a plan are strange- ly, fearfully attracted by the man who won't give us a plan. In Mr. Dewey, their negativism finds a local habitation and a name. IT IS fortunate that we can discuss this issue objectively, without getting into partisan poli- tics, because Mr. Dewey, after all, is not really a candidate. We have his word for that, and we can take his word. It is not incumbent upon us to do any guessing about it, or to notice any winking that may be going on in the premises. He says he's not a candidate, and that ought to settle it. He's not a candidate. He plans to be Governor of New York for the next two and one- half years. That's official. Those who &ay dif- ferently are completely unauthorized to speak for him, and responsible journalists need take no note of their ravings. So let's get on. Well, now. Here we have a group of men who are obviously in panic flight from reality. They knocked Mr. Willkie down; he had a plan. But now that they have the ball themselves, they seem lost. They keep bothering a young execu- tive who is completely occupied with the gov- ernorship of a great state, and who wishes they would let him alone. Could negativism go further? The bewildered cry out to the uncommuni- cative to lead them. Those who don't know call upon him who won't say. They search among their possessions for the most attrac- tive possible package in which to do up their doubts. Somehow, they were more convincing when they were hacking at Mr. Willkie. Just get him out of the way, the Colonel pleaded, and we would go to glory. He is out of the way. Where are you going, Colohel? (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) The Pendulum Margery MBatt . . . Associate Business Manger Telephone 23-24.1 NIGHT EDITOR: XATIE SHARF0MAN^ Editorials published yin The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. BEST POLICY: GOP Should Permit Roosevelt Reelection PERHAPS it might be to the best interests of the Republican party to withdraw completely from the 1944 presidential race and allow Roose- velt's election to a fourth term go unchallenged. Now that the only suitable GOP candidate, Wen- dell Willkie, has been forced to retire from the field by the more conservative and reactionary elements of the party, the Republicans have been left with a lack lustre 'group of potentiali- ties and personalities whose main selling points lie in such directions as successful prosecution of racketeers, good records as governors and victories on the battlefield. It seems probable to us that if Roosevelt were defeated, the new chief executive could only meet the fate of the unfortunate Herbert Hoover. Willkie, -with his liberal ideals and common sense, bitht have been able to avoid this, but the chances for Dewey, Bricker, Stassen, MacArthur and Co. seem. slim. Most economists agree that a post-war depres- sion is almost inevitable. History backs up this view. It is one of the more unpleasant charac- teristics of our economic system that periods of great prosperity such as are engendered during wartime are followed by a sharp decline which eventually resolves itself into a panic. In this case, the depression is liable to be even more cataclysmic than usual, owing to the very rocky financial status of the gove'nment. Roosevelt's "spend and borrow yourself rich" policy, while outwardly beneficial from a stand- point of immediate necessity, can only lead to economic insecurity and ultimate depression if continued. The day to pay off the staggering national debt which this policy has built up is not too far in the offing. The Republicans realize it. BUT if they institute a policy of sane economy into the government after these years of false prosperity, the American people, lulied into a sense of well-being by pump priming and other equally unsound New Deal antics, are not going to take it very well. In fact, such an event may easily mean the final death knell of the Republicans, who are only now beginning to recover their former prestige nationally. The return from national deficits to a bal- anced budget after the war is bound to have repercussions, probably in the form of an ec- onomic decline. With characteristic short- sigtedness the American pulic will undoubt- edly blaine it upon the administration then in power instead of looking back to the 12- year tenure of Roosevet and his boys, just as the depression of the '30s was attributed to Hoover instead of to his predecessors. And again the GOP will be out in the cold while another party steps in and brings about a pseudo-recovery. So, from this point of view it might be wise for. the Republicans not to contest Roosevelt's fourth term candidacy, and thus let the "great man" struggle with 'the problem. But maybe FDR is too smart for 'em.' Perhaps he already is seeing the handwriting on the wall. Maybe a job as head of a post-war world government wumdn't be such a bad idea from his viewpoint. s he (41N ted P~ei rj // JL> _ i IT SEEMS as if the Republican party is just full of big shy, blushing candidates these days. General Douglas MacArthur is the latest to join the boys. Up to now the General has been content merely to pose for newsreels showing his eagle- like profile gazing over the span of some dis- tant Pacific horizon, and every so often he has consented to be shown striding thriugh the jungle, riding crop in hand. Maybe the MacArthur button will even replace the ever useful Willkie button as a national institution. But yesterday the General pulled a George McClellan. He hit below the belt. Previously he has conducted his campaign in the current popular Republican fashion . . . by saying nothing. Yesterday he gave the public the first whiff of a political statement and as you mright have suspected it had a bad odor. "Out here," he says, "we are doing what we can with what we have. I will be glad, how- ever, when more substantial forces are placed at my disposition." The implication is clear: The administration is losing the whole war of the Pacific out of combined bungling and personal spite for Doug- las MacArthur. SURELY General MacArthur must have some conception of the magnitude of the European war. Surely he must have heard of the decision to defeat Hitler first and then turn to Japan. Surely as a competent general he must know that it is impossible to fight effectively two major wars simultaneously. But the General sulks in his tent. Maybe he only reads about the war from the Chicago Tribune. He cannot make credible, however, the picture of American forces just "hanging on" in the Pacific. It is an understatement indeed to even maintain that we are "holding our own." We have had the good fortune to have some excellent generals in this war. Eisenhower, Clark, Stillwell have all done good workman- like jobs. We have had good sound planning under General Marshall. MacArthur has chosen to violate an old military rule. He has talked politics and he has inferred bad planning on the part of his chief. He is not only in bad taste. He is taking ad- vantage of a dubiously merited national trust. -Jane Farrant SOME time ago an Anglo-Indian named Khri- shnalal Shridharani wrote "My India, My Am- erica "-an easy-going, casually philosophical fusion of East and West. Lin Yutang, in the late 30's, had penned a similarly mild-mannered book-"The Importance of Living." Bofh en- joyed wide-spread popularity. Since then much has occurred in the thinking of such men, and not a little of it may be seen in their writing. In fact the book mart, if it does nothing else, can act as a politicalseismo- graph recording the earthquake shocks of our era. These men, along with Pearl Buck and Norman Thomas and a multitude of Far Eastern observers like Vincent Sheean, present a common thesis. That thesis is that unless the white man's policy in Asia-to-wit, imperialistic exploita- tion and overlordship-meets with a radical change, this world stands in mortal danger of being plunged into a war between white man and colored man, the staggering proportions of'which would dwarf the present cataclysm and bloody the oceans of the earth as never before. In pursuance of this thesis, Shridharani came forth with a "Warning to the West" which I submit as unquestionably the most significant popular book of recent publication. And Lin Yutang expresses his dark borebodings in "Be- tween Laughter and Tears." Both books suffer stylistically in comparison with previous efforts -and both books make up for this deficiency with dire portent. We are fools if we fail to heed the words of these friendly Easterners. Listen to what they tell us: whether we like it or not the presence of "white sahibs" in the land of other men is considered an insufferable usurpation. Who- . soever can deliver a blow against any of the Western Powers receives the approval of all Asiatics-no matter how embittered they may be against each other. Shridharani explains how Japanese prestige soared sky-high after what he calls "the turn- ing point of Tsushimo, when the Russian arma- da was roundly defeated by the Japanese in 1905. This prestige has never been entirely deflated. Russia's defeat represented the first setback in modern times for a Western nation at the hands of the East. Even in 1943, after five years of the most brutal warfare, Vincent Sheean could report that more than half the Chinese High Command looked with greater favor upon Japan than England and the United States. THIS, of course, dove-tails beautifully with Japanese propaganda, with her talk about a Pan-Asiatic Co-Prosperity Sphere. Do you re- member when at the height of the recent In- dian famine, which for all -we know may still be in progress, British Tommies machine-gun- ned mobs rioting for food and a hundred thou- sand people were dying of starvation every day in Bengal? We heard stories of Japanese pilots 'dropping packets of rice from the sky for the Indians. Under such circumstances, with the Japanese playing their cards properly, one does not wonder where the Bengalese will turn to find an ally. When Burma and Malaya fell from the co- lonial clutches of Britain to the still less whole- some clutches of Japan-with the active coin- pliance of the native inhabitants-rejoicing en- sued in a goodly part of Asia. A poll to which some credence was lent revealed that Harlem- ites rejoiced too. This feeling extended to dark- est Africa where the inhabitants of Crown Colon- ies like Nigeria all of a sudden found they had a kinship for their dark brethren elsewhere: they were alike the mutilated butt of exploitation. Now, Churchill means to hold his own: ex- traterritoriality, coolie labor, Hong Kong and all. We continue tomaltreat our Negroes and Puerto Rico is no less wretched a. place than Nigeria. There is no sign of an about face. IL SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 120 All notices for the Daly Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Mail is being held at the Business Office of the University for the fol- lowing people: Altman, Peter; Bor- yan, Marie; Gale, Doris; Gaster, Bert D.; Grimes, Julie; Hockett, Dr. Charles F.; Kahn, Mrs. Alfred; Kel- gen, Louise; Keschman, Hannah; Prill, Paul E.; Sandler, 'Malcolm; Scheer, Lawrence E.; Taube, Aileen; Wescott, Joan E. May Festival Concerts: The fifty- first Annual May Festival will be held May 4 to 7 inclusive in Hill Audi- torium. The Philadelphia Orchestra will participate in all six concerts. The allocation of soloists and princi- pal works is as follows: First Concert, Thursday, 8:30: Sal- vatore Baccaloni, Bass; Eugene Orm- andy, Conductor, Symphony No. 7, Beethoven; Debussy, Afternoon of a Faun; Strauss' Tales from Vienna Woods, and numerous arias. Second Concert, Friday, 8:30: Kers- tin Thorborg, Contralto and Charles Kullman, tenor; Eugene Ormandy, conductor, Symphony No. 35, Mozart; "Das Lied von der Erde" (Song of the Earth) a symphony, Mahler. Third Concert, Saturday, 2:30: Pierre Luboshutz and Genia Nemen- off, pianists. Festival Youth Chorus; Saul Caston, Harl McDonald and Marguerite Hood, conductors. Songs of the Two Americas, orchestrated by Eric DeLamarter (Youth Chorus); McDonald's Concerto for Two Pianos. Fourth Concert, Saturday, 8:30: Bidu Sayao, soprano; Saul Caston, Conductor. Overture to "Die Meister- singer," Wagner; Symphony No. 6, Tschaikowsky and numerous arias. Fifth Concert, Sunday, 2:30: Na- than Milstein, violinist, and Gregor Piatigorsky, cellist; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. All-Brahms program- Academic Festival Overture, Concerto in A minor and Symphony No. 1. Sixth Concert, Sunday, 8:30: Men- delssohn's "Elijah," with Rose Bamp- ton, Thelma von Eisenhauer, Kerstin Thorborg, Charles Kullman, John Brownlee, University Choral Union, Palmer Christian, Organist, and Har- din Van Deursen, Conductor. A limited number of tickets for the series and for individual concerts are still available at the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. Academic Notices Students, Spring Term, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Courses dropped after today, April 15, by upperclassmen, except under extraordinary circumstances, will be recorded with the grade of E. Upon the recommendation of their Aca- demic Counselors, 'freshmen, (stu- dents with less than 24 hours' credit) may be granted the extraordinary privilege of dropping courses without penalty through the eighth week. School of Education Students, Oth- er than Freshmen: Courses dropped after today will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordin- ary circumstances.No course is con- sidered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Registrar, Rm. 4, University Hall. Seniors: College of L.S. & A and Schools of Education, Music and Public Health: Tentative lists of sen- iors for June graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in Rm. 4 University Hall. If your name is misspelled or the degree expected in- correct, please notify the Counter Clerk. Freshmen in the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts may obtain their five-week progress reports in the Academic Counselors' Office, Rm. 108, Mason Hall, from 8:30 to 12:00 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. according to the following schedule:; Surnames beginning N through Z, Thursday, April 13; Surnames begin- ning E through M, Friday, April 14; There is every sign of tired, obtuse old men wearily seeking to perpetu- ate the anachronism of imperial- ism. I ask you to look at the handwrit- ing on the wall. It spells DOOM. We can in our times live to see "The De- cline of the West." Contemplate on it for a moment: if the outlines of World War III have begun to shape themselves so clearly, what willl World War II have meant?< -Bernard Rosenberg Surnames beginning A through D, Saturday, April 15. There is a critical shortage of Plus- sey's syllabus used in Geology 12, "Geological History of North Amer- ica." Any students having copies which they are willing to sell or rent, please bring to Secretary in Rm. 2051 Natural Science Building. Concerts The Carillon Recital to be heard at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 16, will consist of Air for Carillon by Percival Price, five spirituals, selections from the Magic Flute, by Mozart, and two Australian airs. The program will be presented by Professor Price, Univer- sity Carillonneur. The University of Michigan String Orchestra, Gilbert Ross, Conductor, with Elizabeth Ivanoff, violinst, will present a program of compositions by Handel, Purcell, Bach, Tartini and Samartini, at 8:30 p.m., Sunday, April 16, in Lydia Mendelsohn Thea- tre. The public is cordially invited. Student Recital: Virginia Lowery, pianist, has planned a program of compositions by Mozart, Krenek and Brahms for her recital at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 18, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. She is a student of Joseph Brinkman and is presenting the recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Exhibit: Original plans and per- spectives for the proposed civic cen- ter of Madison, Wisconsin, designed by the architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. Ground floor corridor, Architecture Building. On exhibit until May 1. Events Today T-he Michigan Sailing Club and all interested in sailing this spring will meet in the Union at 1:00 today before going out to work on the' boats. Come dressed to work. Michigan Alumnae Club Meeting will be held this afternoon at 3 in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Mrs. Ruth Huston will speak on "A City Commissioner Looks at the Com- munity." Tea and a social hour will follow in the Assembly Room. It is to be an open meeting. The Club will be pleased to entertain as guests all who are interested. Wesley Foundation: Sessions of the State Conference of the Methodist Student Movement from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Leaders willube Mrs. James Stermer, Dean W. J. Faulkner of Fisk University and Dr. H. D. Bollinger, Executive Secretary of the Methodist Student Movement. Michigan Christian Fellowship is sponsoring a party tonight at 8 o'colck. All students and servicemen are invited to come to Lane Hall for an evening of fun. Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, is having a "Game Night" to- night at 8:15 at the Lutheran Stu- dent Center. The Westminster Student Guild will be hosts to the Ann Arbor Nisei group in the social hall of the First Presbyterian Church. Students are cordially invited, at 8:30 p.m. Roger Williams Guild: Party at the Guild House tonight at 8:30. J.G.P.: There will be a meeting of the members of the costume com- their American friends are cordially invited. There will be a regular meeting of Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity at 11 a.m. Sunday, April 16, at the Michigan Union. All members stationed on campus are urged to attend. Tau Beta Pi: All members are in- vited to meet the candidates for ini- tiation tomorrow at five o'clock in the U n ion .__________________________ Roger Williams Guild: Sunday night the group will be guests of the Wesley Foundation. Meet at the Guild House at five o'clock. Iota Sigma Pi meeting Monday, April 17, at 7:30 in East Lecture Room of Rackham Building. Dr. F.G. Gustafson will speak on "Chemical Aspects of Botany.. Churches First Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation: Student Class at 9:30 a.m. Dr. DeWitt Baldwin, director of the Lisle Fellowship, will be the leader. Morning worship service at 10:40o'clock. Dean W. J. Faulkner will speak on "A New World of God." Wesleyan Guild meeting at 5 p.m. Dean Faulkner will speak on "Bridges of Understanding."' Supper and fel- lowship hour following the meeting. First Congregational Church: 10:45 a.m., Morning worship. Rev. H. L. Pickerill will speak on "Prophetic Re- ligion." 5:00 I .m., Guild Sunday eve- ning hour. Students, servicemen and their friends will meet for an address by Professor Peter A. Ostafin on the subject "Fear and the Personality." There will be opportunity for discus- sion. Cost supper. Memorial Christian Church (Disci- pIes): 11:00 a.m., Morning worship. Dr. Edward W. Blakeman will speak on "The Deepening Conversion." 5;00, Guild Sunday evening hour. Students, servicemen arid their friends will meet with Congregational students at the Congregational Church. Professor Peter A. Ostafin will speak on "Fear and the Person- ality." A discussion will follow. Cost supper. First Presbyterian Church: Morn- ing worship at 10:45 a.m. "The Pur- pose of God" is the sermon topic. Sermon by Dr. Lemon. Westminster Student Guild at 5:00 p.m. will hear Mr. Andrew Kuroda speak. The sup- per hour will follow at 6 p.m. University Lutheran Chapel will have its regular divine service Sunday at 11:00 am., with sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips on the 'subject, "Resurrection Reflections." The Lutheran Student Association will meet at 5:30 o'clock Sunday af- ternoon in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington St. Supper will be served at 6:00 and the pro- gram will follow the supper hour. The study of the catechism will be con- tinued. Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches welcome students and ser- vicemen to their regular Sunday morning worship services at 10:30 o'clock. Unity: Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock at the Michigan League. Mrs. Greta Slimmon will speak on "The Light of the World." The Young People's Group will meet at 7:30 at the Unity Reading Rooms, 310 S. State. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division Street. Wednesday evening service at 8:00 p.m. Sunday -morning service at 10:30 a.m. Sub- ject "Doctrine of Atonement." Sun- 7 Q 1944, Chi~cago Tuies, nc. ; 4 - ,4 . i ,' i { I "Don't put any candles on my birthday cake, Mama! . . . If I know women, some of the girls who come to my party will be remembering thirty years from now, how old I was!" r T f Y 4 .p B\ f h yt 3 J BARNABY (I By Crockett Johnson r Ii FCi pia['.. - ' - /f.f . 11i 11 \\ I F _! ...- !' i 11 f t I