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April 15, 1944 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-15

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1 *

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Rain and Colder




School Entrance


Is Set

Aussies Take
Jap Outpost
Of BogadJm
MacArthur Announces
Capture as Climax
Of Six-Month March
Associated Press War Editor
Australian troops captured the
Japanese outpost of Bogadjim Thurs-
day, climaxing a gruelling six month
march over the mountains and jun-
gles of interior New Guinea, General
Douglas MacArthur announced to-
SThe Japanese garrison fled before
the Aussies entered the town.
Highway Leads to Madang
A 20 mile highway, the finest the
Nipponese built in New Guinea, leads
from Bogadjim to bomb wrecked
Madang, the closest enemy base to
the slowly advancing Allied coastal.
Two hundred miles to the north-
west Allied bombers poured 250 tons
of explosives on the Wewak air-
dromes, blowing up two munitions
dumps and destroying 60 buildings.
South Pacific air forces struck heav-
ily at Rabaul, to which Japanese on
nearby New Britain have- retreated.
Truk Softening
Army Liberators from the Marshall
Islands brought back evidence that
their bombs are definitely softening
up Truk, former supply base for New
Guinea and New Britain which now
blocks the central Pacific road to the
Philippines and the China coast.
Truk has been hit an average of
almost once a day for three weeks
by Liberatorsafrom the Marshall Is-
lands or the Solomons in the south
Japanese invaders virtually com-
pleted the isolation of Imphal, British
base in eastern India, as patrols
reached the Bishempore-Silcar trail
to the west.
House Passes
$32 Billion
Bill for Navy
WASHINGTON, April 14.- (P)-
Determined to back the fighting for-
ces with every dollar they seek, the
House unanimously passed today a
$32,647,134,336 Naval Appropriation
Bill and got ready for ra$50,000,000,-
000supply measure for the Army.
The 257 to 0 roll call that sent the
second largest appropriation bill in
history to the Senate followed a sin-
gle day - of debate highlighted by
praise of the Navy and expressions
ofdetermination tonkeep it the
world's largest.
While the largest fund ever voted
for the Navy-a fund expected to
build Uncle Sam's mighty armada up
to 6,623 ships in addition to almost
75,000 supporting and landing craft
-the appropriation fell some $27,-
000,000,000 short of the all-time rec-
ord of $59,000,000,000 voted last year
for the Army.
It boosts to approximately $362,-
000,000,000 the obligations for war
financing voted since July 1, 1940, of
which the Navy's share is estimated
at $116,000,000,000. Should the new
Army supply bill come up to expec-
tations, the war outlay since July 1,
1940, will mount close to the half-
trillion maik.
JAGs To Hear

Gent. Crammer
Maj.-Gen. Myron C. Crammer, the
Judge Advocate General of the Army;
will be the main speaker at the grad-
uation exercises of the 5th Officer
Candidate Class, the largest class in
the history of the Judge Advocate
General's School, April 29 in Hutch-
ins Hall, Col. Edward H. Young, com-
mandant,, said yesterday.
The 60 members of the class will be
commissioned as second lieutenants
in a review parade before Gen. Cram-
mer and other high ranking Army
officers April 28 in the Law Quad-
Inter-Racial Group
T, 1TCc. ;.,. nt ni t

Russians Smash to Within 18 Miles
Of Sevastopol, Taking Bakhchisarai

* *

* *

Two Soviet Armies
Overrun 500 Towns
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 5, Saturday.-
The Red Army cornered thousands
of shattered Axis troops into the last
tenth ofthe Crimea around shell-
pitted Sevastopol today with the cap-
ture of Bakhchisarai, only 18 miles
northeast of the former Soviet fleet
base, and ran their six-day string of
bedraggled German and Romanian
prisoners to 31,000, Moscow announc-
ed tonight.
Two Armies Meet
Overrunning 500 towns and villag-
es, two armies under Generals Feodor
I. Tolbushkin and Andrei I. Yere-
menko effected a junction and closed
in swiftly for the final annihilation
of German and Romanian remnants
fleeing into Sevastopol, where the
Axis suffered 300,000 casualties dur-
ing the 1941-42 siege of that fortress.
Entire Axis battalions were surren-
dering with their equipment intact,
front dispatches said.
Gen. Tolbukhin's Fourth Ukraine
Army, capturing 300 localities, struck
17 miles southwest along the railway
from- Simferopol to make the seizure
of Bakhchisarai, and also cut 25
miles southeast across the coastal
mountains and captured Alushta, on-
ly 16 miles east of the port of Yalta
on the Black Sea coast.
Gen. Tolbukhin's troops also seized
Saki, 35 miles north of Sevastopol in
a 12-mile push down the coast from
Yevpartoriya, captured Thmrsday,
and another column entered Ak-Me-
chet, on the western tip of the penin-

Xz-- - -- Ker e
Simferopol Feodosiya
Block Sea

drives through the Crimea where

CRIMEA-Arrows indicate Russian
Red Army forces have seized Simfer-

opol, Yevpatoriya and Feodosiya. Capture of the three cities was an-
nounced by Marshal Stalin in three orders of the day.

sula 40 miles northwest of Yevpator-
14,000 Prisoners Taken
Altogether aon Thursday, Tolbuk-
hin's army captured 6,000, more pri-
soners for a six-day total of 17,000,
while Gen. Yeremenko's independent
coastal army driving in from the
Kerch peninsula seized 5,000 the
same day to make its total 14,000.
Yeremenko's troops occupied Kar-
asubazar, 25 miles east of Simfero-
pol in an 11-mile inland gain, and al-
so captured Sudak on the Black Sea

coast in a 16-mile advance. The uni-
on with Tolbukhin's forces apparent-
ly occurred at Karasubazar.
The capture of Sudak by Yeremen-
ko's troops and the simultaneous sei-
zure by Tolbukhin's men of Alushta,
30 miles to the west, created another
pocket for the Axis troops caught be-
tween those two points, but the
greatest potential bag of the enemy
loomed in the investment of Sevasto-
pol, which the Russians evacuated
July 2, 1942, after an eight-month

Hillel To Sponsor Samuel in
Lecture on Future of Jews

MauricetSamuel, authority on var-
ious aspects of Jewish life, lecturer
and author, will speak on "Jewry in
the World of Tomorrow" at 3 p.m.
Sunday at the Rackham Auditorium,
under the sponsorship of the B'nai
B'rith Hillel Foundation.
Mr. Samuel1has spent the last fif-
teen years travelling throughout Eur-
ope, Africa, the Middle East and the
United States observing and inter-
preting Jewish values.
On his current lecture tour, Mr.
Samuel's topics have included "What
World News
at a Glance
By The Associated Press
Agreement Is Reached.. .
LONDON, April 14.-Russia has
agreed with, the United States and
Great Britain on the principle of
military government, after the war,
for Germany and such satellites as
choose to fight to the end, it was
reported on high authority tonight.
An American-British-Russian plan
for the handling of occupied Ger-
many is now nearing completion,
providing for an "Allied military
government with teeth in it." It
makes Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
the supreme authority in areas occu-
pied by American and British forces,
and calls for Russian military control
over areas occupied by the Red Army.
General Vatutin Dies...
LONDON, April 15, Saturday-
General Nikolai F. '(Lightning)
Vatutin, brilliant young Russian
commander whose armies had a
large share in expelling the Ger-
man invaders from his Ukraine
homeland, died last night in Kiev
after an operation, the Moscow
radio announced early today.
Giraud Loses Post,..
ALGIERS, April 14.-The shelving
of General Henri Honore Giraud as
French commander - in - chief was
completed tonight by the French
Committee of National Liberation,
which placed him on the "reserve
command list," thereby removing
him as an active commander.
n r* n .. a2 ..2_

the Jew Asks of the World," "Pales-
tine and Asia," a discussion of Pales-
tine's role in the integration of the
Middle East with the other countries
of the world, "Tomorrow's Civiliza-
tion" and "Joseph and His Brothers,"
an interpretation of Thomas Mann's
In the field of literary translation
Mr. Samuel is well known. His trans-
lations of Sholem Asch's biographies,
"The Nazarene" and "The Apostle"
are both best-sellers and those of the
works of I. J. Singer and Sholem Al-
eichem have also been widely read in
this country. 9f his own books, those
receiving the greatest attention have
been "You Gentiles," a study of the
character of Hebraic civilization and
"The Great Hatred," an analysis of
the pathologicalnature of anti-Se-
mitism. In addition, articles by Mr.
Samuel have appeared in nationally
distributed periodicals.
Admission is free and the public
is invited to attend.
Bnai B'rith Girls
To Visit Campus '
Two hundred girls, members of
the B'nai B'rith from Detroit, will
come to Ann Arbor Sunday for their
annual "pilgrimage" to the Michigan
Mecca, via the 1:30 p.m. Mercury,
accompanied by Maurice Samuels.
The Hillel Foundation chapter at
the University will honor their sister
members at the League and from
there they will proceed to Rackham
to hear Mr. Samuels.
A reception, under the direction of
Elise Zeme, '44, student director, will
be held for the visitors and for Mr.
Samuels from 4 to 6 p.m. at the
Hillel Foundation where refresh-
ments will be served.

Allied Troops
Fight Japanese
At Indian Trail
Enemy Retreats with
Casualties from Battle
Southwest of Imphal
By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI, April 14.-Front dis-
patches said tonight that Japanese
troops had reached the Bishenpur-
Silchar trail running southwest and
west of the Allied Indian base of
Imphal and suffered a dozen casual-
ties in an engagement with Allied
troops there. (This route previously
had been described as the last land
linl between the Imphal defenders
and the main Allied forces.)
At the big Allied base of Kohima
north of Imphal, the Japanese with-
drew after an initial penetration into
the hills west and northwest of the
town, the dispatches added.
Earlier, Admiral Lord Louis Mount-
batten's command announced the
Japanese had reached the vicinity
of the Bishenpur-Silchar trail. Bish-
enpur is on the western edge of the
Imphal plain. Silchar is the railhead
of a spur of the main line of the
Bengal-Assam railway-the supply
link of Allied forces in northern
Burma. It is approximately 70 miles
west of Bishenpur.
The Japanese put 30 fighter planes
over the Imphal-Ukhrul area Wed-
nesday in their biggest aerial obser-
vation show since their appearance
over the Chabua-Ledo sector Feb. 27.
Spitfires intercepted the Japanese
planes and damaged two before the
enemy scooted back into the clouds.
Allied spokesmen previously had
declared that Imphal's land supply
routes were subject to attack by the
Japanese in the difficult jungle coun-
try, but that the base itself was safe
on the wide Imphal plain, with good
communication by air.

Variety Show
Plans Remain
Student Committee
Will Meet Tomorrow
To Draft Program
Plans for the modified Victory
Varieties program to be given next
Saturday were still up in the air yes-
A final decision on the form the
program is to take and the place it
will be held will be made tomorrow
by the all-campus committee. Dean
Joseph A. Bursley and Dean Walter
B. Rea are both in Chicago discussing
the situation with a national soft-
drink company who will definitely
present their Spotlight Band broad-
cast from Ann Arbor next Saturday
featuring Eddy Howard and his or-
Choice To Be Made
The issue now is whether the band
will broadcast before a Hill Auditor-
ium audience or be presented in the
Intramural Building and be followed
by an all-campus dance.
The program, which will be pre-
sented free of charge to Army, Navy
and Marine trainees stationed on
campus, was finally approved Thurs-
day when Regent Edmund C. Shields
who is also counsel for the Butter-
field Theatres Inc. which manages
five theatres in Ann Arbor, with-
drew his priginal objections to the
program after a major portion of it
was cancelled, according to the stu-
dent committee.
Clarifies Position
Regent Shields said yesterday, in
clarifying his position, that he had
"objected to the commercial aspects
of the production" and that he did
not think it was legal to use "state
money and state equipment" to put
on a program of this kind.
"I don't mind the May Festivals
and other traditional productions
sponsored by students, but I don't
believe the school should stage pro-
ductions that enter the commercial
fields, Regent Shields said.
Maine Dele gates
Said To Favor
Governor Dewey
Associated Press Correspondent
A slant toward Governor Thomas
E. Dewey of New York for Republi-
can candidate for the presidency'ap-
peared in the Maine ranks yesterday
although the state named a 13-mem-
ber delegation to the Chicago Con-
vention without formal commitment.
Three of the thirteen were said un-
officially to favor the New Yorker at
the present time.
Meanwhile Nebraska's Republican
Delegation of 15 on the basis of Tues-
day's primary was expected to in-
clude six supporters of Commander
Harold Stassen, six pledged to Gov-
ernor Dwight Griswold and three un-
pledged delegates.
Coincident with these develop-
ments, the South Carolina General
Assembly met in extraordinary ses-
sion to expunge from the state legal
code all laws involving primaries.
A subcommittee of the State Dem-
ocratic Executive Committee had
asked Governor Olin D. Johnston to
call the special session after the Unit-
ed States Supreme Court had ruled
that Negroes were entitled to vote in
Texas primaries, and it appeared
that more than 200 laws still on
South Carolina books might -

through court procedure-make it
mandatory for the Democratic Party
to permit Negroes to vote in the pal-
metto state primaries.

Change Will Demand
July Matriculation
New Order Will Affect Approximately
55 Civilians, Dean Furstenberg States
In line with drastic changes in the overall Selective Service program,
University pre-medical students who have been accepted for the class of
Nov. 1, 1944, must matriculate in medical school on or before July 1, 1944,
Dean Albert C. Furstenberg announced last night.
This latest directive was received from nation Selective Service head-
quarters yesterday afternoon and will affect approximately 55 civilian
students on campus, Dean Furstenberg estimated.
Although these men by reason of matriculation must be bona fide
medical students on or before July 1, 1944, he said,
"Those who have not completed their pre-medical requirements
may continue their required courses in the literary college in which they
are now enrolled on this campus until the regular time of admission
(Nov. 1)." Dean Furstenberg said that according to his present infor-
mation this interpretation applies to many other medical schools in
the country.
"It will be from three weeks to two months before the undergraduate
engineers will be inducted," Dean Ivan C. Crawford said at a meeting of
undergraduates in the engineering college yesterday. He advised men re-
cently taken off the national roster to stay in school as long as possible in
order to earn all the academic credit possible before leaving for the armed
* * * *3 *
Pearson Explains Draft Status;
Students, 18- 26, To Get Physic*als
By The Associated Press
LANSING, April 14.-Limitations under which college students may
be granted draft deferments were explained today by Brig. Gen. Le Roy
Pearson, State Selective Service Director.
He said all college students between the ages of 18 and 26 would
be sent for pre-induction examinations regardless of whether they are
to be deferred or not.
Pearson said he was authorized to allow special student deferments
upon allocation by educational institutions to the following only:
1. Students who will graduate before July 1 in the following courses
in recognized universitites: Aeronautical Engineering, Agricultural Sciences,
0 Automotive Engineering ,Bacteriolo-
gy, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry,
Dr. Bollinger'S Civil Engineering, Electrical Engin-
eering, Forestry, Geology, Geophysics,
Marine Engineering, Mathematics,
Laectulre Today Mechanical Engineering, Meteorol-
gy, Mining and Metallurgical Engin-
To End M eetin eering including mineral technology,
navalarchitecture, optometry, petro-
leum engineering, pharmacy, physics,
One of the national officers of the including astronomy, radio engineer-
Methodist Student Movement, Dr. ing and sanitary engineering.
H. D. Bollinger, will give the closing 2. Students taking full time courses
speech in the two-day state confer- in Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary
ence at 4:30 p.m. today at the Wesley Medicine and Osteopathy in recog-
Foundation in the First Methodist nized schools may be deferred until
Church. graduation.
"What's New in the Student Move- Students taking full time courses
ment?" will be the topic of his ad-' in Pre - Medicine, Pre - Dentistry,
dress. A worship service will follow Pre-Veterinary Medicine, Pre-Os-
with Dr. Bollinger then installing the teopathy and Pre-Theology may be
new officers of the State Student deferred until their graduation if
Council. Dinner will be held at they have been accepted fQr admis-
6 p.m. sion in and will enter into actual
Dr. Bollinger is a graduate of class room workk in a recognized
Southwestern College, Kan., and has school by July 1.
also received his MA and BD degrees. 4. Students having completed pro-
Before coming to the national office fessional training as Medical Doctors,
as executive secretary, he was the Dentists or Osteopaths and who will
Foundation director at Purdue. become internes in recognized insti-
Among the positions he has held tutions, providing the interneship
was chairmanship of the University shall not exceed nine months.
Commission of the Council of Church Parson said that at any time prior
Boards of Education. He is also a to induction when a special petition
contributing writer to "Motive," the for deferment in these cases approved
magazine of the Methodist Student by him is received by local boards it
Movement. must reopen and reconsider the clas-
Conference events today include sification of the registrant,
breakfast at the Foundation, a trip

to the Willow Run area with lunch
in Ypsilanti and a discussion of the
morning's trip at 2 p.m. at the Foun-
dation. A business meeting and elec-
tion of officers will follow.
Members of the State Student
Council who have planned the con-
ference are Lois Moore, president,
University; Kay Huxtable, vice-presi-
dent, Albion College; Vernon Bell,
secretary, Adrian College; and Carol
Salmonson, treasurer, Michigan State
Normal. Mildred Sweet, director of
the Ann Arbor Foundation, is coun-

Maddy Attack on Petrillo Mailed to Newspapers

MYDA To Hear
CIO Discussion
"Post-War Employment" will be
discussed at a meeting of Michigan
Youth for Democratic Action at 7:45
p.m. Tuesday in the Union.
Melvin Bishop, executive i board
member of the UAW-CIO of Michi-
gan, and John Lovett, president of
the Michigan Association of Manu-
facturers, will be the principal speak-
At present regional director of the
UAW-CIO in Detroit and a member
of the Detroit War Labor Board, Mr.
Bishop has spent many years in
studying labor problems. Mr. Lovett
is a member of the Detroit Chamber
of Commerce.
* *'* *
MyDA Sponsors Petitions
For Anti-Poll Tax Measure

Prof. Joseph E. Maddy said yes-
terday that more than 800 pamphlets,
entitled "The Battle for Freedom of
the Air," containing his testimony
given before a Senate Interstate Com-
merce subcommittee March 20 have
been mailed to newspapers all over
the country.

is concerned in particular with Pet-
rillo's action in banning radio pro-
grams by Interlochen students since
July, 1942, by threat of a strike of all
union musicians serving the radio
stations in this country.
Following his testimony, a bill
drafted by the Senate legislative

president said. In his Senate testi-
mony he remarked that Petrillo "rules
the American Federation of Musi-
cians without the formality of ap-
proval of his acts by the organiza-
tion or its officers."
Prof. Maddy, a member of the A. F.
of M. since 1909, also outlined his ef-

said, and "this condition is a direct
outgrowth of the program of music
education in our public schools."
Although "members of school bands
and orchestras are in sympathy with
the general aims of the American
Federation of Musicians in obtaining
maximum employment for qualified

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