U, S., Britain
Swedes Receive
Note of Protest
Over Exports
Turkey, Spain Thwart
Allis; Hull's Program
Tested in New Dispute
TIIV. -mlri",tTlrV-AlCT "h-l-ttir
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~ lI A1n1 AI L A !L1YFRIDAY, API 14, 1944
Trade with
Teach JAGs To
LisiLn uisn.nmyAirca
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, April 13.-The Unite(
States and Britain-acting in con
cert before the opening of the west
ern front to choke off neutral trad
with Germany-called for a show
down with Sweden tonight on that
nation's export of war materials t
the Reich.
This further demonstration ofE
new "get tough" policy swiftly fol
lowed protests against increases
chrome shipments from Turkey tc
Germany and the seizure by Spain o
Allied oil stocks at Tetuan, Spanisl
Portugal May Be Next
The economic isolation of Eire war
tightened. '
Delivery of the British-American
note concerning Swedish trade with
Germany by U.S. Minister Hersche
V. Johnson at Stockholm thus put
the fourth blade in U.S. Secretary of
State Cordell Hull's new program. It
was widely expected to be followed
by a similar representation to Lisbon
on Portuguese wolfram exports to the
The Swedes recently-renewed trade
pact with the Germans provided a
reduction in iron, steel and ball-bear-
ing deliveries. The Allies now are
exerting pressure for a maximum
shut-off of supplies to Germany to
cripple Hitler's war machine.
Nazis Attempt Barter
Neutral reports to London indi-
cated that the Germans were not
taking the Allied moves lying down
and were sending delegations to Tur-
key and Portugal to preserve or boost
A report from Lisbon said that
Portuguese trade papers contained
advertisements of German offers to
barter steel and modern machine-
tools, indicating that the Nazis still
felt they could spare these items in
their strained economy in exchange
for vital raw materials such as wolf-
ram and currency for foreign trade.
The moves were made amid con-
ferences here between U.S. Under-
Secretary of State Edward R. Stet-
tinius, Jr., and British foreign offi-
cials on mutual problems, including
the question of neutrals, and with
indications that Prime Minister
Churchill soon would endorse pub-
licly Secretary of State Hull's dec-
laration against neutral economic
dealing with the enemy.
s I
TRIPLETS MEET QUADRUPLETS - Two mothers and their seven March 29. The left-to-right on the babies in this exclusive picture taken
babies presented this unusual scene in Sloane Hospital in New York as by the New York Daily News is as follows: Nancy Sue, Janet Lee and
Mrs. Muriel Bachant (left) and her triplets, born March 30, had their Karen Bachant; Elaine, Benjamin Watson, Isadora and Ellen Zarief.
picture taken alongside Mrs. Harry Zarief and her quadruplets, born
Japs Routed
From Hill Near
City of Imphal
British, Indian Troops
Meet Nip Movement
On Main Allied Bases
By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI, April 13-British and
Indian troops have driven the Japan;
ese from a hill position northwest of
Imphal in bitter hand-to-hand fight-
ing and are engaging the invaders in
a "battle of the clouds" outside Ko-
hima, it was announced today as the
Japanese pressed their attacks on the
two main Allied bases in Eastern In-
The disclosure that the enemy had
lost a position on the foothills north-
west of Imphal made it evident that
that city of some 90,000 in the center
of the fertile Manipur plain now vir-
tually has been surrounded by the
Japanese. Only to the west.of the ci-
ty has action not been officially re-
(Secretary of War Stimson said in
Washington that Allied troops hold
all strongpoints outside Imphal and
that "substantial reserves of men and
weapons are available" to the de-
Stiff fighting was reported raging
in the Naga hills just north of Kohi-
ma, where the Japanese had estab-
lished a road block on the 35-mile
highway between Kohima and the
supply station of Dimapur on the vi-
tal Bengal-Assam railway.
As a result of the Allied counterat-
tacks, the Japanese had not been
able to resume their assault on Ko-
hima itself since they were thrown
back with losses in their first charge
last week end. Kohima is 60 miles
north of Imphal.
Hillel Foundation To Hold
Religious Services Today
Religious services will be held at
7:45 p.m. today at the Hillel Foun-
At the conclusion of theservices,
Stan Wallace, '44, president of the
Foundation, will address those pres-
ent on "The Jew Today."
Refreshments will be served after1
Mr. Wallace's talk.1
Capt. Rickenbacker's Record
Smashed by Pacific AAF Ace
By The Associated Press
An Army Air Force pilot who is "tak-
ing no unnecessary chances" because
he "wants to get back," Capt. Richarc
I. Bong of Poplar, Wis., is America's
new ace of all wars, with a record of
27 Japanese planes shot out of the
A special headquarters announce-
ment tonight said he got two en-
emy planes Wednesday over Hol-
landia, Dutch New Guinea, to sur-
pass by one Capt. Eddie Ricken-
backer's World War record of 26
Army Capt. Don Gentile of Piqua,
0., recently has been hailed for his
feat of destroying 30 enemy planes in
the European theatre, but his record
included seven demolished on the
ground. Those don't count in com-
piling records in the Southwest Paci-
fic. You have to get 'em in the air.
("I am delighted," commented
Rickenbacker when notified in New
York of the new" record. He said
he expected to see his own achieve-
ment broken many times in this
war and he didn't care whether
"the boys" bagged them in the air,
on the ground or how, just so they
get them "in order to bring this
dastardly war to an earlier end.")
Captain Bong, who is flying his
seventh Lightning since coming to
New Guinea, got his wings at Luke
Field, Phoenix, Ariz. Ordered to active
duty in this area in September, 1942,1
he shot down his first Nipponese
plane over Salamaua, New Guinea,
the following Dec. 28.
When he returned in February
from a leave that took him 'to the
United States, Bong had 21 planes
to his credit. A week ago today, with
25 victories, he commented that Jap-
anese fighter pilots "are not as good
as they used to be," that they are
"dumb or something, for we can get a
bead on them pretty easy."
Into combat with the new ace
goes a large picture of his girl
friend, Miss Marge Vattendahl, of
Superior, Wis. It is painted on the
nose of his Lightning.
Perhaps that's why, last week, he
said he would like to better Ricken-
backer's mark, "but most of all I
want to be sure that I get back."
Today, having accomplished that
feat, he still wants to get back, and
adds, "I'm taking no unnecessary
Honor Students
To Hear Halifax
To Be Given,
Ann Terbrueggen Will
Star in Performance
Ann Terbrueggen, who will be re-
membered for her part in the Spanish
play, "La Independencia," given two
years ago, will again take part in the
Spanish production, "Sueno de una
Noche de Agosto," to be presented
She will portray Irene, secretary
to El Aparecido, a novelist. She is
majoring in Spanish, which she plans
to teach, and is an active member of
the Sociedad Hispanica, Martha Cook
Council, JGP, and the newly formed
Education Council.
The role of Mario, one of the
brothers, will be played by Carlos
Soares, '45, of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Soares is studying petroleum geology
here and plans to return to Brazil
upon the completion of his course to
undertake work in that field.
GOP Regresses,
Plastic replicas of bombers, fight-
ers and pursuits and transports-17
in all-are suspended from the ceil-
ing of the second floor of Hutchins
Hall as a complement to the military
training program of the Judge Advo-
cate General's School.
The miniatures are black so as to
look like the silhouettes seen in the
air. The purpose of the models is to
teach the students to distinguish be-
tween friendly and enemy aircraft.
24 Represented
Among the planes in the collection
is the B-24 Liberator which is built
at Willow Run. This high midwing
monoplane with four radial engines
is a long-range bomber and is used
in all theatres. It has high speed,
powerful armaments and is extremely
maneuverable for its size. All of
these factors reduce the number of
fighter craft needed for its protec-
The B-17 Flying Fortress is a four-
engine, low-wing monoplane designed
for high altitude day-time precision
bombing of restricted targets. The
B-17 was the first long-range Ameri-
can bomber.
Also included in the collection is a
replica of the C-54 Skymaster. This
troop and cargo carrier is the largest
troop transport. The Skymaster can
carry more than 40 fully equipped
soldiers. The C-47 Skytrain gets
its name from its use as a troop
carrier and as a glider tug.
Model of B-25 Shown
Also in the collection is the model
of the B-25 Mitchell which received
considerable publicity as the result of
its use ,in the bombing raid on Tokyo
in April, 1942. The C-60 Lodestar
model is a replica of the military ver-
sion of the world's fastest commercial
Other interesting data that can
be learned from the identification
cards that accompany the models is
that the P-39 Airacobra is rated
U' Debates Will
Be Held Today
Four non-decision debates between
Western Michigan College and Uni-
versity teams will be held before
speech classes at 11 a.m. and 1 and 2
p.m. today in Angell Hall.
The question for debate is, "Resolv-
ed: That the United States Should
Cooperate in Establishing and Main-
taining an International Police Force
on the Defeat of the Axis."
Scheduled to participate are Bar-
bara Levine, '46, and Fay Lorden, '46,
who will uphold the affirmative side
of the question at 11 a.m. in Rm.
4208; Joyce Siegan, '46, and Dorothy
Servis, '45, who will debate affirma-
tive at 1 p.m. in Rm. 4203; Margaret
Farmer, '46, and Dorothy Murzek,
'46, who will debate negative at 1 p.m.
in Rm. 4208; and Martin Shapero
and John Condylis, who will debate
negative at 2 p.m. in Rm. 4023.
All debates are open to the public.
. _
about the most graceful plane in the
air today, that the P-40E, the British
Kittyhawk, is one of the most ver-
satile, and that the P-47 Thunderbolt
is one of the largest and fastest
single-engine fighters ever built, and
that it was designed for fighting at
high altitudes.
In addition to speed, range and ex-
cellent high altitude performance,
versatility is an outstanding charac-
teristic of the P-38 Lightning.
Rli ion Topic
Of Council Panel
Clergymen, Educator
Debate Methods, Aims
"Religion can be taught in the
American public school system, ac-
cording to the Constitution, but sec-
tarianism cannot," Dr. Edward
Blakeman, student religious advisor,
said in a Post-War sponsored panel
last night on "Education for Reli-
All four of the participants in the
panel, Dr. Blakeman, Prof. Claude
Eggertsen, the Rev. C. H. Loucks and
Rabbi Jehudah Cohen agreed that
the system of release time, which
frees pupils for classes in religion is
in general undesirable.
Rabbi Cohen commented that Jews
have found particular difficulty in
obtaining religious education in addi-
tion to secular education but opposed
release time because the "Jewish
group fears a close relationship be-
tween church and state" which might
follow from religious instruction of
school children.
"Traditionally our nation has a
religious base," Rev. Loucks said, and
for this reason there should be a
place and time for religious instruc-
tion in our present day culture. He
pointed out, however, that minority
groups would be at a disadvantage,
because of lack of funds, in any
system of religious 'instruction for
school children..
Prof. Eggertsen sketched the back-
ground of education in America,
emphasizing Horace Mann's work in,
freeing education from the control
of religious groups. "The belief is
that Horace Mann's principle is still
a sound one," he said. "The educa-
tor ... views the introduction of reli-
gion into the public schools as a
danger," he added, "because the-pu
pose of education is to unite" and
not to divide the people into sects.
Will Be
Held Friday
irl V riends
SET C-9725
Hear Frankic Carle, today's
greatest rhythm pianist play
these old favorites: Ia, Liza,
Charmaine, Diane, Margie,
Ros Marie, Louise, Josephine.
Open Monday Evenings
~ -
Slcksu its
Virginia Lowery
To Give Recital
Virginia Lowery, Grad. SM, swill
present a piano recital in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for they
degree of Master of Music at 8:30
p.m. Tuesday in the Assembly Hall of
the Rackham Building.
Mozart's "Viennes Sonatina No. 1"
heads the selections on her program.
Miss Lowery will also play the Krenek
"Sonata, Op. 59" and Brahms "Sona-
ta in F minor, Op. 5."
Miss Lowery, who received her
undergraduate degree at the Mem-
phis College of Music, is now a pupil
of Joseph Brinkman. She is pledged
to Mu Phi Epsilon, national music
honor society for women.,
The recital is open to the public.
FDR Jr. Ends Course
MIAMI, Fla., April 13.-(P)-Lieut.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. completed
a six-weeks course at the subchaser
training center today and will put
o sea shortly as skipper of his own
patrol craft.
Viscount Halifax, British ambas-
sador to the United States, will ad-
dress the 21st annual honors convo-
cation to be held at 11 a.m. next Fri-
day in Hill Auditorium.
Students who earned high scholar-
ship records during the last semester
will receive special recognition at the
Students to be honored include
seniors who have a B average and are
among the highest ten per cent of
the class in each of the University's
14 schools and colleges and juniors,
sophomores and freshmen who have
a 3.5 average or better.
Others to whom recognition will be
given are the winners of scholarships
or fellowships, those students selected
for distinguished scholastic work
done in special fields at the Univer-
sity and the recipients of special
awards based on outstanding ach-
ievement in particular fields.
The address of Viscount Halifax
will be open to the public. Before and
after the first World War, the am-
bassador served as Parliamentary
Undersecretary for the Colonies,
President of the Bureau of Education,
Minister of Agriculture and Member
of Parliament. As Lord Irwin from
1926 to 1931, he acted as Viceroy of
India. In pre-war days he was Sec-
retary of State for War under Cham-
Revelli Will Judge
Band Contest Today
Prof. William D. Revelli, director of
the University Bands, is judging in-
dividual performances at a contest of
12 high school bands in Olivett, Mich.
He will also conduct a band com-
posed of 600 students from the vari-
ous high schools today.
Speakers To Discuss 'Big
Four' in Post-War Period
A deputation of members of the
Speakers Bureau will discuss the
question "Should the Big Four Rule
the World?" before the Town Forum
at 8p.m. today in Plymouth.
Bonner Crawford, adult education
consultant, will act as moderator.
Students participating include Mar-
tha Bradshaw, '46, Howard Cole, '47,
and Joyce Siegan, '46.
.7om itt
Recent Record Releases
Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 12 in A Major
Kentner with Beecha, and London Philharmonic
MM 544 .. .
Mozart: Divertimento in E Flat (K 563)
Hleifetz, Feuermnann, Primrose
DM 959 ....---.
Beethoven: Quartet No. 15, Op. 132
Budapest String Quartet
MM 545 ....
Chousson: Symphony in B Flat
Stock and Chicago Symphony
DM 950
Debussy: Images No. 1 and 3
Monteux and Sw Francisco Symphony
DM 954 -..' ... .
Thomas: Mignon Overture
Toscanini and NBC Symphony
Vic. 11-8545
Hoist: The Planets
MacMillan and Toronto Symphony
DM 929
DETROIT, April 13..-(P)-Robert
E. Hannegan, Chairman of the Na-
tional Democratic Committee, told
Michigan party followers at a $25-a-
plate Jefferson Day dinner here to-
night that the Republican Party in
Wisconsin's primary election "struck
off the last half-hearted pretense of
progressive principle from its politi-
cal future."
Hannegan said that the Republican
Party primary expression in Wiscon-
sin "showed that it wants to go back,
back to the closed-bank credo of
Herbert Hoover."
To Make Room for Our
Summer Merchandise
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2 Beige
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Suits (sizes 16 and
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Corduroy-.values to
Michigan Theatre Bldg.
$1.00 off on all others
One group odd lots
All Wool Sweaters
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announces a
Entitled: Christian Science: The Science of Divine Com pleteness
By Dr. Hendrik J. deLange, C.S.B.. of New York City
JiX ____T __ .1 t. 'D r ' s - r - ..-.-. --r
In our own "Review of Recorded Music," David Hall
presents each month an impartial evaluation of the new
record releases. If you are not on our mailing list, please
call or phone for your free copy.
/I 'b i