THlE MCiGDAILY ~'14 1 S1- China's Food' Problem Serious Says Dr. Adolph Blames Little PIre-War Industrialization for Shortages, Inflation The serious food problem in China1 is closely connected with inflation1 and the low food supplies there, Dr. William H. Adolph, formerly professor of chemistry at Yenching University in China, said in an interview yes- terday at the International Center. He said that China before the war was industrialized very little and that the people were in the habit of rais- ing their own food and as a result of this, special food habits developed among the rural population. The many methods they have used to solve this problem, he commented, make a very interesting study. ,Speaking of inflation he turned to Prof. Phillip Sullivan, who taught economics at St. John's University in Shanghai. They agreed that wages in China are not keeping -up with the inflation. Prof. Sullivan said that probably the only solution to the problem would probably be a new currency after the war. They said there is such a bad1 commodity shortage in China because people just don't want to sell the goods they have. The goods are worth more than the money, they explained. During the conversation Dr. Adolph mentioned that his son is now in western China, a lieutenant in the American Army there. CONVENTION "OPENS TODAY: College Representatives Attend Methodist Student Movement Students from many Michigan col- leges will attend the seventh annual State Methodist Student Movement which opens today at 4:30 p.m. with registration at the Wesley Founda- tion in the First Methodist Church. About 150 are expected for the two-day program that includes spea- kers, a trip to Willow Run and dis- . to speak today. cussion periods. Albion, Adrian, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan State College at East Lansing, Kalamazoo, Ypsilanti CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MISCELLANEOUS Normal College and the University will have representatives present. Dean William Faulkner will ad- dress the group at the banquet at 6:15 n.m. today. He is dean of chapel and religious life at Fisk University and Meharry Medical College. A graduate of a South Carolina school, he has also studied at the University of Chicago and Pennsylvania. He is well known as a lecturer on Negro folk lore, race relations and religion. A recreational period will follow at 9 p.m. under the direction of the Albion College students. The conference members will have breakfast at the Foundation at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow with a worship ser- vice afterwards. At 8:45 a.m. they will leave for a tour of projects in Willow Run Village and stop for lunch with the Wesley Foundation in Ypsilanti, The afternoon session will be in Ann Arbor with a discussion and evaluation of the places visited. After the business meeting, Dr. H. D. Bol- linger, executive secretary of the na- tional movement, will speak. A wor- ship service and installation of the new officers will close the meeting. Employment Is Lecture Topic MYDA To Hear Heads Of Labor, Industrry Melvin Bishop, executive board member of the UAW-CIO of Michi- gan, and John Lovett, president of the Michigan Association of Manu- facturers, will speak on "Post-War Employment" at a meeting of Michi- gan Youth for Democratic Action at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday in the Union. Mr. Bishop is also a regional direc- tor of the UAW-CIO in Detroit, and a member of the Detroit War Labor Board. Mr. Lovett, in addition to his work with the Michigan Association of Manufacturers, is a member of the Detroit Chamber of Commerce. Price To Give Recital T odayv I * Prof Percival Price, University car- illonneur, will highlight his informal carillon recital to be held at 7 p.m. today in Burton Memorial Tower with selections from Tschaikowsky's "Nutcracker Suite." Prof. Price's program will include "Theme and Variations" (for caril- lon) by Hyppolite Coomans, also Bach's "Theme and Variations" (Sheep May Safely Graze, Preludium and Minuet, composed for lute). Four anonymous "Good Neighbor" songs, "Chiapanecas," "Peruvian Planting Song," "Adios, de Digo" and "Las Altenitas" will be of particular interest to Latin American students on campus. Ross To (onuct Orchestra Sunday The University String Orchestra, conducted by Prof. Gilbert Ross and assisted by Elizabeth Ivanoff, Grad. SM, violin soloist, will present a con- cert at 8:30 p.m. Sunday in the Lydia. Mendelssohn Theatre., Concertos by Handel, Tartini and Sammartini, respectively, are the outstanding features of the program. Miss Ivanoff will play the violin solo with the orchestra in the Tartini "Concerto in E major." Five Lieutenants Added to Saff Of JAG School Graduates of Ofticer. Candidate Class Get Positions on Faculty> Five first lieutenants have beenj added to the staff and faculty of the Judge Advocate General's School, all of whom were members of the Fourth Officer Candidate Class which gradu- ated last month. Lt. Paul J. Driscoll is now in the Military Science and Tactics De- < partment; Lt. John J. Brandlin, the Military Affairs Dept. and Lts. James E. Atkins, Jr., Emerson G. Spies and: Norman Roth, the Civil Affairs Dept. One Unnamed These men were commissioned as second lieutenants on March 13 and} were promoted ten days later. Lt. Driscoll received his AB and LLB from Georgetown University. He was on the editorial staff of the Georgetown Law Journal for two ^ years. After graduating he was in general law practice until entering the Army in April, 1942. He was a platoon sergeant in infantry at Fort McClellan, Ala., before being sent to the Judge Advocate General's School, and is the only one of the five new WOMEN BATTLE ON PICKET L members of the staff and faculty change blows as pickets patrol street who isn't married Spany central mail order house and Headed Student Senate a a cle , Th against firm was called by the I Lt. Brandlin was president of the Student Senate of the University of Retail Employees Union (CIO). Illinois where he received his AB, and president of his senior law class at the University of Southern Cali- fornia. After earning his LLB heH e d ty o was in general practice for four years ;an D is ssd before entering the Army in July,H a!.,. 1942. Before coming to Ann Arbor he was a cavalry line sergeant at Dice Speaks on Work Camp Carson, Col., and chief war- . . Cl.i rant officer Judge Advocate Section,.C fUnversity Cmni in the same camp. After getting his AB and LLB from "The Problems of Human Her- Vanderbilt University, Nashville, edity" was the topic of an informal Tenn. Lt. Atkins was in.. corpora- talk delivered yesterday by Dr. Lee tion practice in Knoxville for 15 years R. Dice of the Heredity Clinic in the before entering the Army in Dec., Rak mAphter. 1942. Before being assigned tothe ackham Amphitheatre. Judge Advocate General's School, he Speaking under the auspices of was in the anti-tank infantry batal- Phi Sigma, scientific society, Dr. Dice lion at Camp Wolters, Tex. discussed the problems and methods Spies a Rhodes Scholar which the Heredity Clinic uses in Lt. Spies received a Rhodes Schol- heredity research. The University arship when he graduated romxHo- Heredity Clinic is the only clinic of University where he earned BAJ and this type in the country and is sup- BCL degrees. Lt Spies returned to ported by the Rackham Board. this country from England one month "Any family is welcome to come to before the war broke out. He taught the Clinic at any time for consulta- two years at the University of Chica- tion," Dr. Dice said, adding that the go Law School and practised in New Clinic attempts to give instruction York City for two years before enter- on heredity problems. The workers at ing the Army. He played football and the Clinic attempt to predict those tennis for Hobart and lacrosse for traits which will be transmitted to Oxford. Before being assigned here, children. he did administrative work with an Slides were shown to illustrate the MP unit in Buffalo. lecture, graphically portraying the Lt. Roth got his BBS from CCNY. various characteristics of inheritance! He received his major letter in wrest- and the many possible combinations. ling, being manager of the wrestling The Heredity Clinic has ben func- team and on the track team. While tioning for about two years and at NYU, where he earned his JD, he works in close cooperation with other was on the editorial staff of the law University departments and with the- review. He practised withFoster, University Hospital. LaGuardia aed Cutler for five years il CLA SSIFIED I RATES $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional 5 words.) Non-Contract $1.00 per 15-word insertion for three or more days. (In- crease of 25c for each additional 5 words.) Contract Rates on Request FOR SALE BICYCLE - Man's English Raleigh, three-speed gear, light, generator, basket. Like new. 8241 after six. TYPEWRITER - Corona Portable. A-1 condition. $10.00. 8565. ELECTRIC IRONS FOR SALE - Good ones, used, reconditioned. While they last, $3.00 up. 713 S. Division Street. MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State. REVLON lipsticks and wind-milled face powder, nail enamels and ac- cessories at Marshalls, next to the State Theatre. HELP WANTED STUDENT-Men and women. Good pay. Excellent meals. University Grill. 615 East Williams. Phone 9268. YOUNG LADY to assist in office' several hours daily. General office work. Good pay. Apply in person. Mademoiselle Shops, 1107 South University. LOST and FOUND LOST-Gold Hamilton wrist watch. Left by I. M. swimming pool be- tween 5:30 and 6 p.m. Tuesday. Will whoever has it please con- tact me at the West Quad, 307 Winchell. I am willing to buy it back as it is invaluable to me and irreplaceable. LOST-Parker "51" fountain pen. Grey with gold top. Near Washte- naw and Hill. Reward. Morrie Rochlin, 6367. INE-Two unidentified women ex- outside Montgomery Ward & Com- retail store in Chicago, after strike [nited Mail Order Warehouse and Moore Attends Annual Meeting Represents Music School at Cincinnati Earl V. Moore, director of the School of Music, represented the Uni- versity at the 20th annual meeting of the National Association of Schools of Music held recently at the Hotel Netherland Plaza, Cincinnati, O. The School of Music is a charter member of the Association. Dr. Moore, chairman of the Commission on Curricula of, the Association on whose program he appeared, gave an address in the general session on "Readjustments of Education in Mu- sic in the New Era." The Association, with membership consisting of 145 of the foremost col- 1 leges, universities and conservatories of music throughout the nation, is the only accrediting body for educa- tional institutions in the music field in-t United States. Discussions on the problems of the returning serviceman and forward planning in the administration of schools of music in the light of prob- able post-war developments occupied a major place in the meeting. An election of the Association officers AFL Hears Future Plans McNut Advocates More Cooperaion By The Associated Press NEW YORK'April 13.-Manpower Chairman Paul V. McNutt said to- night that the management-labor- government cooperation which has been achieved in wartime can create after the war "an economy of abund- ance that will outstrip any prosperity this country has ever known, and make it endure." He told the American Federation of Labor's conference on "Labor in the Post-War World" that the con- tined labor - management coopera- tion, coupled with "courage and im- agination," can achieve a "peacetime miracle." "We can guarantee every man and woman who wishes to work a full- time job at a fair wage," he said. "We can guarantee every farmer a steady, consistent and profitable re- turn on his crops. "And in doing thig we can give full scope to honest, private initiative- full opportunity for fair and reason- able profit." The manpower situation is "rela- tively good," McNutt reported. Man- power has been provided for muni- tions, and with certain exceptions the production programs are on schedule or ahead, "Notably the cru- cially important aircraft program," he said. Kuriles (Continued from Page 1) the third time in three days. Nimitz said Navy Venturas, attacking oft- bombed Paramushiro and Shumushu at the northern tip of the Kuriles, encountered the only opposition-in effective anti-aircraft fire. Secretary of War Stimson an- nounced that 26,000 Japanese are known to have been killed in recent months on Pacific islands from the Marshalls to New Guinea. The fig- ure doesn't include those given mass burials by their own comrades, the crews and troops lost aboard hun- dreds of ships sunk, those killed in bombing raids, nor the thousands slain in Burma and India. In an- other announcement Stimson listed 23,322 American soldiers as killed in all theatres since Pearl Harbor. Japanese troops in India have al- most surrounded the British base of Imphal. Tokyo radio claimed they were attacking from two directions within three miles of the town and trying to sever the only remaining trail. But in the strategic area to the northwest, the British reported they were making progress in cleaning upsome of the Japanese roadblocks near Kohima. There the invaders are driving toward Dimapur and the Ben- gdl-Assam railway supplying Lieut. Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell's north Bur- ROOMS for the coming year was also held. mp troops. DOUBLE rooms-twin beds, hot wat- er, near bus and restaurants. 1021 E. University. 6554. BUY WAR BONDS - INVEST IN VICTORY MAY FESTIVAL Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, May 4, 5, 6, 7 and was in practice for five years be- fore entering the Army. Loan Applications Few EAST LANSING, April 13.-(IP)- Fred T. Mitchell, Michigan State College Dean of Men and chairman of the Student Loan Fund Commit- tee, said today that applications from students for financial aid reached, a new low this spring, with only six requests filed for sums not exceeding $50. Spring Is Here! / BI PERFORMERS PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA AT ALL CONCE BIDU SAYAO, Metropolitan Opera . . . . ROSE BAMPTON, Metropolitan Opera THELMA VON EISENHAUER, Chicago Civic Opera . . . KERSTIN THORBORG, Metropolitan Opera CHARLES KULLMAN, Metropolitan Opera JOHN BROWNLEE, Metropolitan Opera SALVATORE BACCALONI, Metropolitan Opera NATHAN MILSTEIN, Russian Virtuoso . . . GREGOR PIATIGORSKY, World Renowned Performer . . . . . . . . . V RTS Soprano Soprano Soprano Contralto Tenor Baritone . Bass Violinist ioloncellist WLB Orders Strike End! WASHINGTON, April 13. - (A') - The War Labor Board notified of- ficers of the United Automobile Workers (AFL) today a strike at the Motor Wheel Corp's. No. 2 plant in Lansing "must be terminated im- mediately." WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE-DAY OR NIGHT! Continuous from 1 P.M. ANwAA~"EYS NEFY RENT A BIKE ~k A\\ IcG SCHWINN-BIJILT LIGHTWEIGHT For Extra Fun Take a Tandem For Easy Pedaling Take a 3-speed Lightweight Today and Saturday GENIA NEMENOFF ( PIERRE LUBOSHUTZ . EUGENE ORMANDY SAUL CASTON . . HARL McDONALD HARDIN VAN DEURSEN MARGUERITE HOOD . Two-Piano Team Orchestra Conductor Associate .Orchestra Conductor Guest Orchestra Conductor Choral Conductor Youth Chorus Conductor Michigan Playing through Saturday Guys Who Are Gallant... and Game! John WAYCDennis O'KEEE Susan HAYWARD Also CARTOON - NEWS Coming Next SUNDAY! I HIGH SPOTS Symphonies: Mahler, "Das Lied Von der Erde"; Brahms, No. 1; Beethoven, No. 7; Mozart, No. 35; Tchaikovsky, No. 6. Concertos: Brahms Concerto for violin and Violoncello; McDonald Concerto for Two Pianos. Choral Works: Songs of the Two Americas, orchestrated by Eric DeLamarter (Youth Chorus) ; Mendelssohn's "Elijah" ELSA LANCHESTER GORDON OLIER LENORE AUBERT BICYCLE PICNICS Pack a big lunch and stay all day! SPECIAL RATE $1.00 Baskets Furnished Open Evenings and Sundays A VACATION EVERY DAY Bicycle along the winding Huron River or through the Arboretum! Rent Your Bike by Week, Month or Scoson U s