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April 14, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-14

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Red Armies


ithin 35

Miles of Sevastopol

3,000 Planes
Hit Axis from
Britain. Italy
Air Fleets Continue
Non-Stop Bombing;
Aircraft Plants Blasted
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 14, Friday-Great
American air armadas tc lling near-
ly 3,000 bombers and fighters from
bases in both Britain and Italy
smashed at the Axis by daylight yes-
terday and they had scarcely quit the
skies before the RAF sent out another
powerful force of heavy bombers to
carry on the historic non-stop bomb-
ing of Europe.
The big British Lancasters and
Halifaxes crossed the east coast dur-
ing the night in a steady procession.
These heavyweights were preceded
by smaller RAF groups which headed
toward the Reich even while some
American units still were returning.
Daylight Raids Repeated
The U.S. daylight operations, in
which a record number of 1,000 Bri-
tain-based fighters engaged, in addi-
tion to Fortresses and Liberators of
the Eighth Air Force in Britain and
the 15th Air Force in Italy, were
directed at aircraft and industrial
centers deep in southwestern Ger-
many and in Hungary.
Between 500 and 750 heavy bomb-
ers from Britain plastered aircraft
plants at Ausburg and Oberpfoff en-
h ofea, air force installations at Lech-
feld and the big ball bearing works
at Schweinfurt-all in Germany-
while another strong force of perhaps
500 big bombers from Italian bases
smashed a Messerschmitt factory at
Guor, about 70 miles northwest of
36 Bombers Lost'
A total of 36 U.S. heavy bombers
and eight fighters failed to return to
their British bases, the Army an-
A grand total of at least 134 Nazi
planes were destroyed in the air and
on the ground in the combined oper-
ations of the Fighth. Ninth and Fif-
teenth U.S. Air Forces, it was an-
Thirty-one of these were shot down
by the American forces striking from
bases in Italy while the heavy bomb-
ers attacking from Britain with what
were officially described as excellent
results accounted for 25 and their
fighter escorts nailed 51 on the wing
and at least 27 on the ground.
Charged with
Burning Foods
DETROIT, April 13.-(A)-Charles
C. Lockwood, of the Greater Detroit
Consumers Council, asserted today
in a letter to Marvin Jones, Chairman
of the War Food Administration,
that Detroit produce distributors
were burning carload lots of fruit
and vegetables in an effort to force
up prices.
George E. Thierwechter, manager
of the Detroit Produce Terminal,
which handles the greater part of the
perishable foods sold in Detroit, said
that the charges were substantially
untrue, declaring: "The amount of
wastage is negligible, in comparison
with other years."
Lockwood, declaring "greed for ex-
orbitant profits is making a racket
out of food handling," said 50 car-
loads of potatoes, as well as carloads
of oranges, grapefruit, radishes and

onions have been dumped into city
"On April 1 an entire carload of
good turnips were dumped," Lock-
wood wrote. "On April 10, 500 cases
of useable green onions were burned
and on April 12 a carload of potatoes
was disposed of."
Lockwood said "not a single gov-
ernment agency seems concerned"
by the dumping, despite pleas to
householders to raise victory gardens
and to waste no foodstuffs."
Two Million Women
Needed, 0W Says
WASHINGTON, April 13.- (P)-
Although women now hold one out of
every three war jobs, they must fill
two million more jobs by summer if
the necessary pace of the war econ-

Altered 'Varieties'Show

Will Be Given April
Regent Edmund C. Schields Withdraws
Objections to National Radio Broadcast


An apparent conflict between stu-
dent entertainment programs and
the interests of local theatre was re-
solved when University Regent Ed-
mund C. Shields withdrew the objec-
tion of the Butterfield Theatres Inc.
to the next Victory Varieties produc-
tion, the student committee an-
nounced yesterday.
As a result of this action, a por-
tion of the originally schedule4
production, a broadcast of a na-
tional firm's Spotlight Band pro-
gram, will run as planned at 9:30
p.m. Saturday, April 22, in Hill
The all-campus student committee
representing major student interests
had planned a complete entertain-
ment program highlighted by the
broadcast, and "we were forced to
cancel everything except the radio
show because Regent Shields voiced
his objections," Roy Boucher, Presi-
dent of the Union and committee-
man, said yesterday.
"The committee was told," Hen-
ry Schmidt, President of Interfrat-
ernity Council said, "by Mr. Shields
that our show was in conflict with
the b'usintss interests of the But-
terfield Theatres here and that we
could not put it on."
Regent Shields, national Demo-
cratic comitteeman from Michigan,
is vice-president and attorney for the

Butterfield Theatre chain in Michi-
Contacted in Detroit yesterday,
Regent Shields said he objected to
students "stepping into competi-
tion with local theatres." He added
that he took his position both as
counsel for the Butterfield theatres
and as a regent.
"There is a right way and a wrong
way of doing things," he asserted.
John Linker, a member of the com-
mittee and president of Men's Judi-
ciary Council, said, "It seems that
Mr. Shields, in raising his objection
to the Victory Varieties production,
acted from a purely selfish business
point of view."
Monna Heath, president of the
Women's War Council, summed up
the committee's reaction to Regent
Shields' objections, stating, "Had
Mr. Shields had the best interests
of the University at heart, as he
should have, we would never have
had any difficulty with the show."
The Spotlight Band Program fea-
turing Eddy Howard and his orches-
tra will be broadcast over the Blue
Network from Hill Auditorium and
will be open free of charge to Army,
Navyand Marine trainees on campus.
The committee indicated that all
previous arrangements for the show
had been junked and that announce-
ment of new plans would be made
over the weekend.

MacArthur May Be fteceptive
To Nomination, Letters Reveal

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 13.-Two
letters to a Nebraska Congressman
apparently cast Gen. Doug Mac-
Arthur in the role tonight o a man
receptive to the Republican Presiden-
tial nomination-a man who is con-
cerned lest the country "slip into the
same condition internally as the one
which we fight externally."
Publication of an exchange of cor-
respondence between the Southwest
Pacific Comander and Rep. A. L.

dictions" made by Miller that the
General would be nominated by the
Republicans and "carry every state
in the nation."
2. He agreed "unreservedly" with
the "complete wisdom and states-
manship" of Miller's comments in a
letter in which the House member
said the New Deal had "crucified"
itself "on the cross of too many un-
necessary rules and regulations,"
urged MacArthur to let his friends
work for his nomination while the
General remained silent and pre-
dicted that such a nomination
would remove President Roosevelt
from the race.
3. He called "sobering" Miller's
description of home front condi-
tions, in which the congressman
asserted that "If this system of left
wingers and New Dealism is con-
tinued another four years I am cer-
tain that this monarchy which is
being established in America will
destroy the right of the common
4. He said that, like Abraham
Lincoln, he believed the people
would be depended upon to meet
national crisis if given the truth;
"The great point is to bring them
the facts."
He and his men are "doing what
we can with what we have" in the
Southwest Pacific, but he will "be
glad, however, when more substan-
tial forces are placed at my dis-
The absence in the letters of any
disclaimer b'y MacArthur of political
ambitions, as much as the General's
comment on Miller's version of in-
ternal affairs, prompted practical
politicians in Congress to declare im-
mediately that the General had made
himself available for a presidential
nomination toward which he already
has collected three convention votes.
He also rolled up an impressive vote
total in the Illinois preferential pri-
mary last Tuesday.

U.S. Bombers
Raid Kuriles
Near Japan
Planes Hit Hollandia
Sinking Cargo Ship;
Leave Nine Burning
By The Associated Press
American bombers, flying within
450 miles of Japan proper, attacked
four Kurile islands Wednesday in
their most extensive raids along the
northern road to Tokyo.
The long overwater flights through
a break in the usual Nrth Pacific
fog stood out in the oriental war de-
velopments which included an an-
nouncement that more Japanese dead
have been counted on Pacific islands
in recent months than all known
American Army fatalities for the en-
tire war.
Dutch New Guinea Hit
On the same day 200 Allied planes
attacking Hollandia, Dutch New
Guinea, on the southern flank of the
4,000 mile long Pacific theatre, shot
down eight Japanese interceptors,
sank, a cargo ship and left nine oth-
ers in flames. The crumbling enemy
base was torn by 322 tons of explo-
sives. Three Allied and three Jap-
anese planes were shot down in a
raid on Wewak, another battered
New Guinea base.
Truk was bombed for the ninth
time this month and Pialwat atoll,
lying in the eastern Carolines be-
tween the strongholds ofuTruk and
Palau, was raided by South Pacific
bombers for the first time.
All Planes Return
All planes returned to their Aleu-
tian island bases from the Kuriles,
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz announced
yesterday in reporting the new sor-
ties. Nine attacks have been made
this week on the island chain.
Shashikotan, the fifth Kurile is-
land to be bombed, was raided for the
first time by Army Liberators. Mat-
suwa, a third of the way down the
island chain and the closest target
to Tokyo, was hit by Liberators for
See KURHES, Page 2
Allied Planes
Strike Hungary
Production Centers,
Airdromes Attacked
PLES, April 13.-(P)-Pursuing the
announced intention of the Allied air
forces to destroy all that is left of
German airpower, Liberators and
Flying Fortresses of the U.S. 15th air
force attacked aircraft factories and
integratedyairdromes in four points
in Hungary today.
The daylight blows followed a new
attack on the Hungarian capital of
Budapest by RAF Wellingtons from
this theatre early today, which it-
self came after an American daylight
raid on Wiener-Neustadt, Austria,
from Italy yesterday.
The American heavy bombers, es-
corted by Lightnings and Thunder-
bolts, bombed a Messerschmitt fac-
tory, an airfield and a railroad car
and machine works at Gyor, 70 miles
from Budapest on the main line to
Vienna, and struck for the second
time at the Tokol airfield and as-
sembly plant 11 miles southwest of
Other formations bombed an air-
craft components factory near the
Budapest Vesces airdrome 10 miles
southeast of the capital.
Sawyer Will

Play at 'Hour
Of Fun' Today
Special arrangements by BillSaw-
yer and his orchestra, a comedy act,
dance routine and boogie-woogie
contest will be featured in the Union
sponsored "Hour of Fun" scheduled
from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. today in Hill
Three musical numbers, "Slant
Walk," "Hanover and Hangover" and
"Body and Soul" have been arranged
by Sawyer for the program and a
fourth, "Avalon" has been arranged
for presentation by Dewight Daly.
The jam session will be highlighted,
with a boogie-woogie contest featur-

Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, April 13.-Plans
for a single International Police
Force to guard the peace of the post-
war world have been studied exten-
sively by State Department Foreign
Policy experts, it was learned today,
but have been discarded as imprac-
Instead the experts are planning
now in terms of separate national
forces-armies, navies and air groups.
A half dozen or more powers would
maintain strong national forces and
would, it is hoped, join to suppress
or put down international disturb-
ances 'threatening general war.
Allies To Be Consulted
Proposals along this line will be
among those submitted by Secretary
Hull to the Bi-Partisan Senate Com-
mittee which he has asked Chairman
Connally (Dem., Tex.) of the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee to ap-
point to advise the State Department
on post-war policy. Once the com-
mittee has passed upon the plans
they will be put into shape for sub-
Samuel Will
To Discuss 'Jewry in
World of Tomorrow'
"Jewry in the World of Tomorrow"
will be the topic of Maurice Samuel,
noted lecturer and author, who will
speak at 3 p.m. Sunday afternoon at
the Rackham Auditorium, under the
sponsorship of the B'nai Brith Hillel
For the past decade and a half Mr.
Samuel has travelled throughout
Europe, Africa and the Middle East
gaining first hand knowledge of
Jewish life and interpreting Jewish
values through his literary works
and lectures to other peoples.
On his most recent tour his lectures
include such topics as "Palestine and
Asia," "The Nazarene," an interpre-
tation of Sholem Asch's biography of
Jesus Christ which Mr. Samuel trans-
lated in English, "Tomorrow's Civili-
zation" and "Hitler's Last Hope."
In the literary field, his most noted
contributions have been translations
of the works of Singer, the tales of
the Palestinian humorist, Sholom
Aleichem, and his translation's of
Asch's best-seller biographies, "The
Nazarene" and "The Apostle." Of
his original works, "You Gentiles"
and "The Great Hatred" have attrac-
ted the greatest attention.
A group of 200 guests of Hillel from
Detroit will attend the lecture. Ad-
mission is free and the public is cor-
dially invited to attend.
Petitions for Publicationsl

mission to other nations, initially the
war's main allies, Britain, Russia and
The idea of using force to main-
tain peace is considered by American
Foreign Policy officials to be the core
of the whole problem of building a
peaceful world. It is bound up with
all questions of organizing a World
Council or League to perpetuate the
war-born United Nations.
Complications Avoided
The national forces which the
United States is preparing to pro-
pose would be used only by inter-
national agreement and thus would
serve the same purpose as a single
International Police Force but with-
out raising complicated new issues of
how to man, supply, finance, base and
operate a totally new kind of military
establishment which would face ex-
tra-ordinary difficulties of language,
training and customs.
Ormandy Will
Lead Orchestra
At May Festival
Philadelphia Orchestra
To Be One Highlight
Of Four-Day Program
Eugene Ormandy will conduct the
Philadelphia Orchestra when it
makes its ninth consecutive May
Festival appearance Thursday, May
4 to Sunday, May 7, at Hill Auditor-
Ormandy, who began his musical
career as a violinist, first directed the
Philadelphia Orchestra when he act-
ed as substitute guest conductor for
Arturo Toscanini.
Vas Co-Conductor
In 1936 he was made co-conductor
with Leopold Stokowski and when
Stokowski left the orchestra in 1938
to become a musical director he be-
came head conductor.
Born in Budapest in 1900, the
same year that the orchestra which
he was eventually to conduct was
founded, Ormandy came . to this
country when he was 21. During the
lean years of the music world he
played the violin with the Capitol
Theatre Orchestra in New York.
Conducted Summer Concerts
As radio broadcasting developed
he was engaged to conduct some of
the Stadium Concerts in New York
and later conducted the Robin Hood
Dell summer concerts in Philadel-
One of the innovations Ormandy
has introduced is a scientific tuning
fork to displace the traditional oboe
as the tuning instrument of the
orchestra. The device, which is used
exclusively by the Philadelphia Or-
chestra, is so designed as to give
perfect pitch regardless of tempera-
t -r onrlh .m ..i

Emanuele, III (left), of Italy, has announced he will turn over the
power of his throne to his son. Umberto (right), Prince of Piedmont,
the day Allied troops enter Rome. He said he would appoint the prince
"lieutenant general of the realm" and retire from public affairs.
Sdingle .international Police Unit
Planned for Post-War Period

Axis Forces
Flee Crimea;
Capital Taken
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, April 13.In the sixth
day of a brilliant, breath-taking re-
conquest of the Crimea, the Red Army
captured in rapid succession today
the big ports of Feodosiya and Yevpa-
toriya and the capital of Simferopol,
clearing the shattered German and
Romanian defenders from about
three-fourths of the peninsula and
thrusting within 35 miles of the great
port of Sevastopol, chief prize of the
campaign, Moscow announced to-
More than 600 other Crimean towns
fell during the day to three speeding
Soviet columns, while prisoners tak-
en up to last night numbered 20,000
with today's bag yet to be counted,
the Soviet daily communique said.
Railhead Captured
On the other far-flung Russian
battle sectors, there was a compara-
tive pause except southwest of Odes-
sa, where the Russians captured the
railhead of Oviopol and drove the
Germans across the Dneister estuary.
Stalin described Simferopol, the
capital, as "the main strong point of
the enemy defenses guarding the pass
to the ports of the southern coast of
the Crimeana peninsula," suggesting
that the way now stood wide open
for an historic vengeance atSevasto-
pol, which fell to the Germans and
Romanians in July, 1942, after an
eight-month siege.
Reinforcements Reported
The alternatives of flight by sea to
Romania or of a protracted stand at
Sevastopol both seemed waning. Yet,
as recently as the first of the week,
the Germans were reported reinforc-
ing the Crimea. Today a dispatch
to Red Star, the Soviet Army paper
in Moscow, said Russian airmen had
sigthed and attacked "caravans of
enemy ships" heading away from the
Crimea, but the extent or probable
success of any mass evacuation was
highly speculatitve.
Soviet accounts said the Germans
were stealing Romanian trucks and
cars, abandoning their allies just as
they did the Italians in North Afri-
ca, and that German officers, in
turn, were abandoning their own
men in the mad scramble to get
away from the advancing Rus-
On the east, Gen. Andrei I. Yere-
menko's independent maritime army,
have cleared the enemy from the
entire Kerch peninsula, advancing 16
miles to take Feodosiya, 62 miles east
of Simferopol, and liberated more
than 100 other towns. Up to last
night they had captured more than
9,000 men.
Engineers Get
On Deferments
Graduating senior engineering stu-
dents who wish to be deferred until
the end ofthe semester and who have
been notified to report for physical
examination should mail form 42
A-Special to Lansing, Prof. Arthur
Anderson, who is in charge of defer-
ments for University students and
faculty members, told a class meet-
ing yesterday.
The form may be obtained at the
Dean's Office after Monday, he said.
Senior engineers were also advised
to apply for a short-term deferment
from their own local draft boards in
order that the University authorities
may inform the local boards that

form 42 A-Special has been filed and
that the student deserves deferment
until graduation. "This applies to all
senior engineering students whether
they are residents of the State of
Michigan or not and it also applies to
those now classified as 4-F," Prof.
Anderson said.
Dean Ivan C. Crawford invited en-
gineering students to bring any ques-
tions they might have concerning
draft deferments to his office or to
Prof. L. M. Gram in Rm. 227 in the
West Engineering Building.
Prof. Gram, who also spoke at the
meeting, said the University will do
everything in its power to see that
deserving students are able to con-
tinue their studies."
Airplane Stmn Twn

. . . breaks political silence
Miller (Rep., Neb.), a first termer
who believes in finding out things
for himself, shed this light on the po-
sition of the General, who hereto-
fore has been silent on political mat-
ters despite a presidential draft cam-
paign being waged in his behalf:
1. MacArthur did not anticipate
fulfillment of the "flattering pre-

Nazis Report Dispute Placed
Invasion Force Before FDR

TORONTO, April 13.-(P)-A pur-
ported German short-wave broadcast
heard by at least three Canadian sta-
tions tonight said that "an invasion
force headed by Canadians" was
making a landing on the Nazi-occu-
pied French coast south of Calais.
Receivers of the Toronto weather
bureau, an airfield near Toronto
and a station in London, Ont., re-
ported picking up the broadcast.

CHICAGO, April 13-(P)-The dis-
pute involving Montgomery Ward
and Company and the CIO was re-
ferred to the White House in Wash-
ington today while strikers maintain-
ed their picket lines outside the
firm's Chicago mail order plant and
retail store,
The War Labor Board in the na-
tional capital placed the matter be-
fg'rPg the WhA~ite H .1'e-,iibut.dnffininls~

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