THE MICHIGAN DAILY WJEDNESDAY, APRILL 12,19-44 - U.. . , ityFrga e aiy Fifty-Fourth Year I The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON -.. " ; ' ., iF :1 WASHINGTON, April 11.-Despite the man- power shortage and the daily drafting of thou- sands of fathers, it remains a fact that the weekly average of those receiving unemployment benefits in the United States is around 100,000. The 'latest figures available, for late February, showed 103,954 unemployed and receiving bene- fits from Social Security. This figure is about double what it was last November, when an average of 56,354 were Edited and managed by students of therUniversity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 7The Pendulum Editorial Staff Jane Farragt . Claire Sherman , Stan Wallace Evelyn Phillips Harvey Frank Bud Low . Jo Ann Peterson , Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarin Elizabeth A. Carpen . . Managing Editor . . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . . City Editor . . . . . Associate Editor . . . Assot .Sports Editor . . . Associate Sports Editor . . Associate Sports Editor SWomen's Editor Associate Women's Editor Business Staff nter SBusiness Manager Margery Batt Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: LOUISE COMINS Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by memberso f The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. wA, OBSTRUCTI(NISM: GOP Needs Something More Than Party Name GOv John W. Bricker, the only presidential candidate now touring the country on his own behalf, makes nice, broad statements that, nat- urally enough, picture the Republican party as the world's only salvation. For instance, on Monday he told a Spokane audience that nothing would bring more encour- agement to business, labor, "the boys on the battlefronts," the farmer and nations of the world than a Republican victory nationally. To say the least, this is wishful thinking. How can anyone make such a statement when there is a great deal of divergent opinion within GOP ranks-when every shade of opinion from reactionary isolationism to pas- sive internationalism is represented as being the true voice of the Republican party? Mr. Bricker is evidently trying to convince the country that Republicans should journey to Washington next year because they are Repub- licans and for no other reason. It would be a sad commentary on the thinking power of the American people if they accept this thesis and vote Republican just to get rid of the Democrats. -Ray Dixon INTOLERANCE: Nazi Racial Prejudice Initated by Americans E AMERICANS condemn the Germans for - their racial superiority doctrine at the same time that we are discriminating against the Negro. One foreign student on campus in an article which appeared in yesterday's Daily said that he could see no hope for the future of the Negro in the United States. IW we expect to get anywhere in convincing the others peoples of the world that there is no such thing as racial superiority, perhaps we )ad better start by wiping it. out at home. Foreign students studying here were shocked by the racial discrimination that exists i the United States. They say that our discrimina- tion closely resembles the German idea of Aryan superiority. After the war America will be faced with a tremendous problem, as bad if not worse than the recent race riots in Detroit. The Negro was the last to be hired in the war . prosperity-he will be the first to be fired in the post-war de- pression. At the present time there are more jobs than men to fill them. Therefore, the Negro has been allowed to rise above his customary economic status. However, after the war if jobs get scarce he will be forced to return to more menial types of labor. We are fighting a war because we are un- willing to submit to totalitarianism. We op- pose the oppression of small nations and of the more unfortunate peoples all over the world. How then can we allow the Negroes, who are just as much American as any of us, to submit to such oppression? At the battlefields all over the world the Negro soldiers are fighting. and dying beside the white soldiers. We're proud of these Americans be- - ' THE SOVIET UNION, with its land ravaged and its population decimated, has shown more common sense forbearance towards the German people than any of the other allies. Stalin him- self has said his country fights for the destruc- tiop of Hitlerite Europe and the extirpation of Naziism, not for the dismemberment of Ger- many. No such declaration has come from Churchill, Roosevelt, or the head of any other United Nation. But the German Committee for Liberation whose headquarters are in Moscow, also favors the return of a de-contaminated Ger- many to the family of nations. How much of this line is official policy and how much is propaganda, we cannot tell. But even considered as pure propaganda, it is far more clever than our own, and as such, much more likely to slhorten the war. We in America wonder how Germans are able to take the plastering Allied bombers daily ad- minister with so little apparent decline in mo- rale. We don't wonder long. For, above and beyond blind allegiance to Der Fuehrer, we know that the prospect of a harsh peace settlement continually dangled before the people by their political manipulators, causes the psychological reaction of stubborness, of total exertion. To the German faced on the one hand with the likelihood of physical sterilization, and on the other with the desperate chance of attaining mastery over the world, the dilemma of loyalty to his present leaders or to the underground is not very acute. We feel life will not be worth living so long as the Nazi vermin thrive. Just so, the propa- gandistically fed German feels life will not be worth living in a world filled with hatred against him. As our sentiment gives us a moral sanction to fight, his gives him an ani- mal ferocity in fighting a lost battle to the bitter end. A policy of humane treatment with regard to Germans after the war then, is also an act of humane treatment with regard to Americans and Russians and Englishmen, today. SECRETARY of State Hull can stutter through a million ambiguities and -pious declarative sentences, but if he or President Roosevelt does not tell us in concise language what our policy with respect to the disposition of post-war Ger- many is, blood will continue to flow an unnec- essarily long time. I write this in the knowl- edge that the State Department has attempted to draw a hard and fast distinction between the war and the post-war world. Controversial is- sues like this one, are to be settled after the last shot has been fired-and not one moment sooner. Yet, here we have a case where plainly a utterance, a stand, could be made about to- morrow that would help today when the only goal in our minds is to win as complete a vic- tory with as little bloodshed as possible. It has been bruited about that no peace con- ference will follow this war. Were we other than people with eyes that see not, it would be evi- dent to us that the peace, far from being sep- arable from the war, is being written piecemeal every day at Teheran, Cairo, Moscow, Naples, Algiers and London. If we do not know by now, in this God-awful year of 1944, that neutrality is a mirage, than we never shall. The State Department's neutral lack of policy is itself a very costly, very definite policy of no-policy. Don't let's forget that Woodrow Wilson, who did go to a peace con- ference as a Daniel in the lion's den of power politics, saw fit nevertheless, to electrify Europe with his Fourteen Points long before Versailles. Then, as now, the truth, or morsels of it, could filter through to the people. In the absence of a carefully defined plan for Ger- many before us, Herr Goebbels can run amuck with his well-oiled propaganda machine. The truth is little better than the Goebbels dis- tortion of it. I do not think the importance of this problem can be over-emphasized. Few topics have more pertinancy. I believe Hull and Roosevelt, if they do not speak out soon along unequivocal Russian lines, will be guilty of criminal blundering or horrible blindness. "Unconditional surrender" yes; but, then what? I invite whoever wishes to swing in the oppo- site direction from mine and take issue with the above opinion to write his views to The Daily. Could we stir up some real talk, perhaps others could stir up some real actions. -Bernard Rosenberg iII unemployed. But on the other hand, the Feb- ruary figure of 103,954 is about one-half what the figure was at the same time last year. In February, 1943, 208,644 were receiving unem- ployment compensation. While only 100,000 men unemployed is low, nevertheless advocates of a national service act feel that this is one illustration of the need for drafting labor. Furthermore, the figure of 100,- 000 unemployed actually represents more un- employed than appears on the surface. Each State requires an initial waiting period of one to two weeks before unemployment benefits can start and one week of waiting for 100,000 men represents four million man-hours lost. Biggest question raised by these unemployment figures is why, when industry and the Govern- ment both are crying for men, the figure should be rising as against last November. Only ex- planation offered by the Social Security Board is cut-backs. In other words, certain war plants are closing because of over-production of tanks, trucks, gunpowder. And it takes time for work- ers to shift from one job to another Enemy Alien .. . Paul Scheffer, controversial editor of the Ber- liner Tageblatt, long out on parole in the United States, recently has been locked up by the Jus- tice Department. Pressure to release him is being brought inside the Government, and a hearing will take place soon. Scheffer, an enemy alien, was interned with other Germans at the start of the war, then was released under parole to a vice president of the Chase National Bank, which later was indicted on the charge of permitting its funds used for trading with the enemy. Scheffer had been a newspaper man in the United States for many years and, under the Weimar Republic, had the reputation of being a leading liberal journalist. However, Am- bassador William E. Dodd was suspicious of him and, in later years, Scheffer had the repu- tation of playing the Nazi game. Upon being interned when the United States entered the war, Scheffer asked that he be al- lowed to remain in the United States. This re- quest was granted and he was released on parole. Later, considerable commotion was aroused when he wrote an article for the New York Times magazine section under the name "Conrad Long."' Since then, there have been demands that he be re-interned. Why the Justice Department suddenly locked him up again is not known, and officials declined any comment. Tamer Maverick .. . A few weeks ago, no one would have dreamed that Congressman Maury Maverick, as ram- bunctious as the Texas steer named after his fighting Texas family, would ever get the support of conservative Republicans. While in Congress, pugnacious, blunt-spoken Maverick authored the President's Supreme Court bill, championed all New Deal legislation, stepped on people's toes, never cared how he made enemies. But, appearing before a Senate committee the other day, Maverick had both Democratic and Republican conservatives 100 per cent for him. He was proposing an amendment whereby small businessmen holding subcontracts could be paid directly by the Government rather than waiting for payment from the prime contractor. perhaps until after the war is over. Maverick, efficient head of the Smaller War Plants Corporation, pointed out that thg are a million subcontractors and only a thousand or so prime contractors, of which only 100 big firms hold 7 per cent of theprime war con- tracts. The little companies do business with the big and, after the war, they may have to wait months for payment, or face the difficulty of collecting from a financially shaky prime contractor. Maverick therefore proposed legislation where- byrthe Government would pay subcontractors direct. Bailey and Byrd . . Friends of North Carolina's Senator Josiah Bailey tell this story as the inside on how he happened to come out for Senator Byrd for President. Bailey had had a talk with Jim Thomson, brother-in-law of Senator Bennett Clark and former publisher of the New Orleans Item. The Byrd boom has been main-springed from New Orleans, where rope manufacturer John U. Barr heads the Byrd-for-President move- ment. Thompson partially sold Senator Bailey a bill-of-goods on Byrd, according to Bailey's friends-but not entirely. The North Carolin- ian kept coming back to the fact that he had defeated Senator Furnifold Simmons after Simmons made the mistake of bolting Al Smith for Herbert Hoover, so Bailey wanted to be regular. However, Thomson later conspired with radio commentator Fulton Lewis to announce Bailey's support for Byrd as an accomplished fact. This tipped the scales, and Bailey finally decided to stand by Byrd-though with the reservation that he will support Roosevelt if nominated. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) Suanucl Graf ton's IFd Rather Be Right NEW YORK, April 11.-The Re- publican dilemma is this: Party reg- ulars decide nominations, but party irregulars decide elections. In Wisconsin, the G.O.P. threw out a leading representative of precisely those independent voters whom it must attract if it hopes to win. And the nice probiem which faces the party is how to toss out Willkie while keeping his supporters. The G.O.P. wants to eat its Willkie, and 'have him, too. It must now try to attract the point of view it has just defeated. Undoubtedly, the Republican party has made itself more acceptable to those who were going to vote for it anyway. But, as the Wisconsin jubi- lation dies down, the party must begin to wonder whether its real problem was not to make itself more acceptable to those who are unde- cided. Mr. Willkie has made himself a stronger pressure instrument in the party by withdrawing as a candidate. Withdrawals of any kind are sort of symbolic. It is always a little disturb- ing when a man reaches abruptly for his hat. They wanted hint to go, but not that fast. The Republican, party has made itself more purely Republican, as a result of the Battle of Wisconsin. But the "party purge" aspects of the Wisconsin primary, the bitter com- plaints that Mr. Willkie is "really a Democrat"' may boomerang. The par- ty has peeled itself down to its hard core, but, if it hopes to win the elec- tion, it will now find that it needs rapidly to reverse itself, to purse up its lips and begin to make cooing and seductive noises to those very elements to which it has just so delightedly given the hotfoot. It needs to beat 'em and keep 'em, and, so far, it has only beat 'em. Something tells me that somebody is going to have a talk with Colonel McCormick one of these days, and beg him, for Pete's sake, to stop say- ing in his paper (called the Chicago Tribune, I believe) that internation- alism was licked in Wisconsin. I can almost hear it. "Don't say that! It'll kill us! Write about something else, for goodness' sake!" I will not fall out of my chair if, before two months have passed, I see a friendly reference to Mr. Wendell Willkie in the McCormick paper. It is going to occur to the Republican top command that Col- onel McCormick's joyous hobby of forever throwing people out on their ears is not the way one wins elections. One wins elections by opening the door and bidding them enter. One chain of pro-Republican pap- ers is already editorially pleading with Mr. Willkie to stick around. Unfortunately, the biggest anti- Roosevelt paper in America ran a cartoon the same day, ecstatically showing Mr. W. with a shiner on his eye. So at the moment, the invitation 7~Th7s GRIN AND BEAR IT ByLichty 1 . : "Senator Snort's working on a bill to forgive people's taxes for '44, '45 and '46 . . . if they'll forgive his being senator for '41, '42 and '43." is not unanimous, and the picture is somewhat confused. Some of the more astute commen- tators saw the danger of the internal G.O.P. fight against Mr. W. even be- fore the Wisconsin primary. It had occurred to them that to cut the party down to something smaller and something narrower might not be exactly the best way to win an elec- tion. But it has been done, in a vast, excess of isolationist exuberance. Now it is the morning after, and it begins to occur to Republicans that one wins at the polls with the help of the votes'of those who. do not quite agree with one, doesn't one? It will be a kind of judgment on the isolationist philosophy, if pure isolationism, or the good old get-out- of-here spirit, turns out to be just as impractical a way to run a party as to run a country. (Copyright, 1944. N.Y. Post Syndicate) i , DAILY OFFICIAL BULLE TIN I WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 117 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. Detroit Armenian Club Scholar- ship: Undergraduate students of Armenian parentage residing in the Detroit area who have earned 30 hours of college credit are eligible to apply for the $100 scholarship offered for 1944-45 by the Detroit Armenian Women's Club. Applications must be made by May 15. For further details, inquire of Dr. F. E. Robbins, 1021 Angell Hall. Interviewing for the three positions open on the Freshman Project to all first semester freshmen, and to those second semester freshmen whose homes are in Ann Arbor, will be held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today in the Undergraduate Offices of the League. All petitioners are asked to make an appointment in the Undergraduate Offices for a time between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. William H. Adolph, Professor of Chemistry at Yenching University, China, will speak on "Nutritional Problems in China and the Orient" tonight at 8 o'clock, Rackham Amphitheatre. This lecture is given under the auspices of the Department of Biological Chem- istry. Lecture: "Faster than the Sound." Dr. Theodore von Karman, Director of the Daniel Guggenheim Graduate School of Aeronautics at the Cali- fornia Institute of Technology and a leading world authority in technical aeronautics, will lecture on the above subject at 4:15 p.m. today in the amphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing. The lecture is being given under the auspices of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and the public is invited. French Lecture: Professor Edward B. Ham of the Romance Language Department, will give the seventh and last of the French lectures spon- sored by the Cercle Francais tomor- row at 4:10 p.m; in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The title of his lec- ture is: "Quelques ennemis du Vol- tairianisme." Admission by ticket. Servicemen free. Academic Notices' Students, Spring Term, College of; Literature,dScience and the Arts:; Courses dropped after Saturday, April 15, by students other than freshmen will be recorded with the grade of E. Upon the recommenda- tion of their Academic Counselors, freshmen, (students with less than 24 hours' credit) may be granted the extraordinary privilege of dropping courses without penalty through the eighth week. Freshmen in the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts may obtain their five-week progress reports in the Academic Counselors' Office, Rm. 108, Mason Hall, from 8:30 to 12:00 am. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.3according to the following schedule: Surnames beginning N through Z, Thursday, April 13; Surnames begin- ning E through M, Friday, April 14; Surnames beginning A through D, Saturday, April 15. History 12, section 1 will meet from now on on Monday and Friday at 9:00 instead of on Monday and Thursday at 9:00. The Friday class will meet this week in the basement auditorium of Lane Hall. The Mon- day class will meet as usual in 216 NH. Any students who have conflicts becausetof this change should stop in the History Office. Concerts Student Recital: Sarah Hanby, pianist, will present a recital in par- tial fulfillment of the requirments for the degree of- Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m., Thursday, April 13, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. A student of Joseph Brink- man, Miss Hanby will play composi- tions by Cimarosa, Beethoven, Tschaikowsky and Bach. The pro- gram will be open to the general public. The University of Michigan String Orchestra, Gilbert Ross, Conductor, will be heard in its second concert at 8:30 p.m., Sunday, April 16, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The program will consist of compositions of the 17th and 18th centuries, and will be open to the general public. Percival Price, University Carillon- neur, will present a carillon recital on Friday, April 14, at 7 p.m. physiology of plants," and Salah-El- Din Taha on "Growth hormone pro- duction during sexual reproduction of higher plants." Chairman, IF. G. Gustafson. Natural Science, Rm. 1130, today at 4 p.m. The English Journal Club will meet at 8 o'clock this evening in the West Conference Room, Rackham. Miss Anna V. LaRue and Mr. Henry Popkin will present papers on the critical theories of Edmund Wilson and Kenneth Burke. Discussion -and refreshments will follow the reading of the papers. Faculty, graduate stu- dents and interested undergraduates are cordially invited to attend. The Association Music Hour will present Anton Bruckner's Massiin E minor at Lane Hall this evening at 7:30. Everyone interested is cordially invited. There will be an important Mortar Board meeting at 7:15 tonight in the League. All members are Urged to attend. "She Stoops To Conquer," comedy by Oliver Goldsmith, will be pre- sented tonight through Saturday eve- ning in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre by Play Production of the depart- ment of speech. Evening perfor- mances are at 8:30 p.m. and Saturday matinee at 2:30 p.m. Tickets for all performances are on sale daily at the theatre box office which is open from 10-1 and 2-8:30 p.m. Inter-Guild luncheon this noon in the Fireside Room at Lane Hall. Pro- fessor Preston Slosson will be the speaker. Co-Ops Hold Personnel Tea: There will be a tea at the Muriel Lester Co-Operative, 1102 Oakland today from 4 to 5:30 p.m., for all girls interested in living in a Co-Opera- tive for either the summer or fall semester. There will be a meeting of all house presidents today at 5:00 in the Wo- men's League. All presidents are urged to attend or send a representa- tive. The Stump Speaker's Society of Sigma Rho Tau will present an Ox- ford Union Forum on "Kitchen Me- chanics in a Seven Room House," this evening at 7:30. The meeting will be open and the public is cordially in- vited. Coming Events Tea at International Center* is served each week on Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign stu- dents, faculty, townspeople, and American student friends of foreign students. BARNABY . Atlas, my old pal, I've dropped . in for a quiet chat with you. Away from the cheering throng. He's abashed by a visit from so scintillating a celebrity ... He-doesn't realize, despite my Atlas, as. you are aware, the one name today on everyone's lips is "Congressman O'Malley." I daresay 3y Crockett Johnson Mr. O'Malley. Atlas doesn't