pl~GrFTWO __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __. . 2U4 C. _ L.J. -Jx.l J I%1 1.lI~ 4 4A ur,' u . ; er, ; : , : Fifty-fourth Year i . Pd RatlherB I h - By SAIMUEL GRAF [ON J i r _ GRIN AND BEAR IT *I7~y ~ichr __ l s " ae''""R ""fl*y " auer(I PU &AlA[ wr~ I-- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day, and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press Ihe Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter Subscriptions during te regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member,, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 Jane Farrant Clafre Sherman Stan Wallace Evely'n Phillips Harvey Frank Bud Low Jo Ann Peterson Mary Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarin E dtforn idi c f * . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . .ssociate Editor * . . .Sports Editor . . Associate Sports Editor . s. Associate Sports Editor S . .Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor . Y Business Staff Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . . Business Manager Margery Batt . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: DORIS PETERSON Editorials psublished in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. FOCAL POINT: U.S. Disunity Can Again Destroy World Peace N ARNING the American people against let- ting the controversies of an election year cre- ate disunity and destroy their effectiveness in world affairs, Secretary of State Cordell Hull in his speech Sunday hit the focal point of a situa- tion which may keep the United States from any world organization which is set up after the war. As Secretary Hull said, we fell, into disunity after World War I and became ineffective in world affairs because of it. Should this happen again, we will be fighting another war in 20 years. During the last world war Congress gave President Wilson the power to call a confer- ence to discuss the possibility of setting up a League of Natiofis as soon as the war was over. At that time the U.S. fully intended to become a member of such a league. However, because of petty disagreements in the country, we did NOT join. The same thing CAN happen again. We never can expect all the the nations of the world to agree when the people of one nation alone cannot get together. For a while we believed that at last, no matter what else we might adopt, that at least isolation- ism was an outmoded theory. The recent Wis- consin primary showed that this is not true. Willkie, who has so clearly expressed his inter- nationalistic views, was overwhelmingly de- feated. At the beginning of the war we realized that the United States could not again retreat into its shell after the war. Yet some people in this country give indication that they will soon forget the lesson that is now being * learned with so much bloodshed. America is committed to a policy of trying to help build a better world when the present conflict is over. Let us hope that dispute over the issues in the coming political campaign does not divide our nation so that we are unable to take our rightful place in settling world affairs. -Doris Peterson NEW YORK, April 10.-With Mr. Wilkie's exit, a great change comes over the Republican party. So long as he was a prospect, there was hope that the Republican party might turn to- ward a more cheerful and amiable conservatism than it has practiced in the past; a conservatism that smiles once in awhile, and does not go around all the time with a look saying that nobody else knows what it is to be a mother. Now that Mr. Wilkie is out, the party may fall entirely into the hands of the perpetual- plot-spotters, the masters of the ear-splitting howl. In a way. Mr. Willkie was a great convenience to what a sad dog of a Democrat I know calls the Grumpy Old Party. If the Republicans hadn't had a Willkie, it would, actually, have been smart for them to invent one, . Mr. Willkie made it impossible for critics to make any kind of a flat statement about the G.O.P. With a Mr. W., its titular head, rattling around in the, Kremlin and in London, you couldn't call the party provincial. With Mr. W. turning up at some fairly intellectual gatherings in New York, you couldn't say that the G.O.P. was out of touch with the main currents of modern thought. So long as Mr. Willkie was around, no brusque comment could be made about the Republican organization; every state- ment had to be qualified, and hedged. Even Mr. Harrison Spangler may soon have cause to ALLIED BOMBING: NaziPlanes, Industry Have Not Been Crippled THE CURRENT heavy bombings of Germany by the RAF and the U.S. 8th and 15th Air Forces, many of them unchallenged by the fighter command of the German Luftwaffe, have created a wave of optimism among the American public. The general opinion of the man on the street seems to be that German industry is vir- tually destroyed and that the Nazi Air Force has been decimated to the point where it can no longer effectively challenge Allied bombing fleets. We would like to believe that this is true. Unfortunately, however, there is every reason to believe that the American people are indul- ging in wishful thinking, rather than analyz- ing the situation in its proper light. Undoubtedly, the heavy bombing of German armament centers has crippled their capacity to some extent. But German ingenuity must be taken into consideration in estimating the dam- age done. It would be foolish to assume that German engineers have not moved a great part of their more vital industry underground just as the Bri.tish did during the blitz of 1941. That this has been done is borne out by statements of Allied generals on both the Italian and Russian fronts that the flow of German equipment to the front lines has not materially lessened. Moreover, the rate of replacement in bombed- out areas is remarkably high. RAF authorities recently stated that a factory must be almost completely destroyed at least once every three months to keep it out of operation. MUCH has also been made of the failure of German fighters to seriously challenge even the U.S. daylight attacks in recent weeks. This, too, must be approached with caution. The logical question is, where are the Nazi planes? The most reasonable probability is that they are on the ground, safely camouflaged from a^r attack. Hitler is staking his fast glimmering chance of victory on repelling the forthcoming continental invasion with terrific Allied losses. The Nazis feel that the American people will not stand for such heavy casualties, especially in defeat, and will be willing to make peace on favorable terms with the Reich. If this is true, it is logical to assume that Herr Goering is mustering every bit of air strength available to use against the invaders, even if it means fewer American and British bombers destroyed over Germany. German industry is still second only to the United States in productive capacity, and the Luftwaffe is still one of the world's most effi- cient fighting forces. We are winning the battles against them, but final victory still hangs over the horizon in the indefinite future. -- Bill Mullendore admit, I think, a lot of class. He also gave it the appearance of youth, be- cause of the very fact that he started a whale of an internal fight in its ranks. Those flushed cheeks were quite becoming. So long as the Republican party was trying to disgorge Mr. Willkie, it wore an aspect of vitality, as if its opinions were not completely cut-and-dried, as if it were actually thinking, and suffering, and trying to come to conclusions. That always looks good. THE SAME internal war spawned the engaging Stassen-Ball-Burton group of younger Re- publicans and it was nice to have a lot of differ- ert kinds of Republicans. The party was the richer for it. But these younger limbs have also been cut off in Wisconsin, along with Mr. Willkie. Republican leaders may soon find they have a new public-relations problem on their hands, that their party has become a little smaller, a little more special, a little more stan- dardized, a little naked and quite a lot duller. But actually, the party may have lost some- thing in Wisconsin, whiel it would have been statesmanship to try to retain. The party has scissored off its connecting links with large blocks of fresh-minded, independent voters. It has become a somewhat more exclusive organization than it was. It has cut some- thing o0 of itself and thrown it away, the subject of such an operation can only be smaller when it is all over, not bigger. These are some of the problems which are going to face the Republican party, as soon as its victory jubilation cools off enough for it to realize that, after all, it did not defeat the Demo- crats in Wisconsin: it only defeated a part of itself. Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) DREW e PEARSON'S " r MERRY-00-ROUND WASHINGTON, April 10.-Only a few on the inside know it, but part of our political failure in Italy, now contributing to the Italian stale- mate, goes back to this government's failure to work with Italio-Americans here at home. Inside story of what happened goes back to last summer, when several Italo-American lead- ers, met with this columnist and with Sumner Welles, then Undersecretary of State, regarding propaganda plans to help take Italy out of the war in a hurry. This was at about the time Sicily was in- vaded. These Italo-American leaders pro- posed: (1)to broadcast messages to Italy urg- ing their friends and relatives to help the Al- lies; (2) to raise about $20,000,000 in the United States from Italo-Americans to help feed and clothe the Italian people, thus free- ing the U.S. Government of a considerable burden. However, to raise money for a foreign country in wartime requires State Department sanction, and here the committee struck a snag. Charley Taft, brother of the Senator and in charge of such State Department matters, refused to ap- prove the drive to raise $20,000,000 until certain Italians were brought into the picture. He wanted to include Hollywood actor Don Ameche, child specialist Angelo Patri and or- chestra leader Arturo Toscanini. However, Taft also wanted to bar wealthy Generoso Pope from serving on the committee, because Pope was once decorated by Mussolini and was considered pro- Fascist. Finally, it leaked out that the real fight was between the Sidney Hillman and David Dubin- sky wings of the American Lallor party. Both have a great many Italian workers in their two unions. Taft tried to be fair, but he was not firm. He let the dispute drag on for months. Meanwhile. the lift to morale inside Italy has been lost, the Italian people have become apathetic, don't care much whether they are under the Allies or the Germans. (Copyright, 1944. United Features Syndicate) that Mr. Willkie gave the party sOCIA L-oo cgv To the Editor: Miss Groberg has made serious errors for a woman defending wo- men. She has attempted (1) to re- duce Mr. Rosenberg himself to an absurdity and 2) to confound the issue which he judiciously raised in thrusting Sheila into the glare of the public eye. The intellectual integrity and Thoreau-like didacticism of the gen- tleman in question have rendered her first attempt futile; you cannot reduce Truth to an absurdity-not even to an et cetera. By clarifying a. problem which she has obfuscated with personalities, I hope to counter- act the effects of her second attempt. This is not a question of Bernard's intelligence as contrasted with Shei- la's ignorance. Certainly it is not a debate as to whether or not Sheila should retain her wardrobe. It is a denunciation of Ignorance and Indifference at all times and all places. It is a plea to the wo- mhen of the world who have buried their minds in the trivia of SO- CIAL-ology to begin to shoulder their part of the world's despair. We have no right to enjoy the benefits of those who struggle for the good if we do. not arm our minds for the combat with evil. It is our duty to rip the disguise from the Sheila of today-even if she be ourselves-and make her un- worthy of Mr. Rosenberg's attack. -Natalie Vadasy AILYOFFICIAL fDAI'INN i >II '( . i l s ! i C' , 1 I C . I I k t TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 116 All notices for the D~ally Official 1Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of -the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, April 12, from 4 to 6 o'clock. If you wish to finance the purchase of a home, or if you have purchased improved property on a land con-, tract and owe a balance of approxi-' mately 60 per cent of the value of the property, the Investment Office, 100 South Wing of University Hall, would be glad to discuss financing thrcugh the medium of a first mort- gage. Such financing may effect a substantial saving in interest. Required' Hygiene Lectures for Wo- men-1944: Notice is hereby given that the required Hygiene Lectures for Women which have been given in the Rackham Auditorium, at 4:15- 5:15 on Mondays and Tuesdays, for the balance of the period will be held in the Natural Science Auditorium. The hour and days remain the same. A local manufacturing firm, having discontinued the manufacture of a liquid type duplicating machine, has offered to give to the University a limited number of these machines. Any department having a real need for a small cylinder type duplicating machine should see or write the Uni- versity Purchasing Department at once outlining the need for this' equipment. Lectures "The Shape of Wings To Come": Mr. Geoffrey F. Morgan, Manager, Speakers Bureau. DouglasMAircraft Company will discuss the role avia- tion is to play in the post-war world. His talk will be given tonight at 8:15 in the Amphitheatre of the Rack- ham Building. The public is invited. Sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the lecture is under the auspices of the Department of Aero- nautical Engineering. University Lecture: Dr. William H. Adolph, Professor of Chemistry at Yenching University, China, will speak on "Nutritional Problems in China and the Orient," Wednesday, April 12, at 8:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. This lecture is given under the auspices of the Department of Biological Chemistry. Lecture: "Faster than the Sound." Dr. Theodore von Karman, Director of the Daniel Guggenheim Graduate School of Aeronautics at the Cali- fornia Institute of Technology and a -leading world authority in technical aeronautics, will lecture on the above subject at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, Ap- ril 12, in the amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. The lecture is be- ing given under the auspices of the Department of Aeronautical Eh- gineering and the public is invited. French Lecture. Professor Edward B. Ham, of the Romance Language Department, will give the seventh and last of the French lectures spn- sored by the Cercle Francais, Thurs- day, April 13, at 4:10 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The title o his lecture is: "Quelques ennemis du Voltairianisme." Admission by ticket. Servicemen free. Food Handler's Lectures: The sec- ond of the April series of food hand- ler's lectures will be given this eve- ning in the Auditorium of the Kel- logg Building at 8 o'clock. All food handlers employed in coin- mercial establishments are required by City Ordinance to attend one series of lectures in order to obtain a permanent food handler's card, All persons concerned with food service to University students who have not previously attended are asked to attend this lecture. Academic Notices Students Spring Term, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Courses dropped after Saturday, April 15, by students other than freshmen will be recorded with the grade of E. Upon the recommenda- tion of their Academic Counselors, freshmen, (students with less than 24 hours' credit) may be granted the extraordinary privilege of dropping courses without penalty through the eighth week. Students in the College of Phar- macy: There will be an important meeting of all students in the College of Pharmacy Wednesday, April 12, at 7:15 p.m. in Rm. 300 in the Chemis- try Building. Seniors: College of L.S. & A and Schools of Education, Music and Public Health: Tentative lists of sen- iors for June graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in Rm. 4 University Hall. If your name is misspelled or the degree expected in- correct, please notify the Counte Clerk. Concerts Student Recital: Sarah Hanby, pianist, will present a recital in par- tial fulfillment of the requirments for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m., Thursday, April 13, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Building. A student of Joseph Brink- man, Miss Hanby will play composi- tions by Cimarosa, Beethoven, Tschaikowsky and Bach. The pro- gram will be open to the general public. Events Today Bacteriology Seminar will meet this afternoon at 4:30, in Rm. 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: Some microscopic phases of micro- organisms. The Romance Languages Journal Club will meet this afternoon at 4:15, in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Professor Irving A. Leonard will give a talk entitled, Perez de Monita- ban, Tomas Gutierrez and Two Book Lists: a footnote. Professor Joseph N. Lincoln will read a paper entitled, St. Ursula, the Infanta Isabel and Lope de Vega. All who are interested are cordially invited and urged to 9ttonfle . .---' ---e-- ,ick r-+ .n. ~V414. C h l4 i tTio ":Now, here's a real buy in suiperb shape . . . it was owned by an old lady who never had anything but an *A' Card!" -i lege will speak on "Applications of Group Theory to Molecular Struc- turs." The Michigan Dames' will hold their April general meeting this eve- ning at 8:15 o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League. Thee will be a meeting of all wo- menri interested in working on the Tutorial Committee this semester to- day at 5 p.m. in the Undergraduatte Office at the League! Coming Events "She Stoops to Conquer," comedy by Oliver Goldlsmith, will be present- ed in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Wednesday through Saturday by Play Production of the department of speech. Tickets are on sale daily at the theatre box office which is open from 10-1, 2-5 today and from 10-1, 2-8:30 remainder of week. The Association Music Hour will present Anton Bruckner's Mas in E minor at Lane Hall Wednesday evening, April 12, at 7:30. Everyone interested is cordially invited. inter-Guild will have its weekly luncheon at noon Wednesday, April 12, in the Fireside Room at Lane Hall. Everyone is invited; please call Doris Lee, 3470, to make reservations. Professor Slosson will be the speaker. - There will be an important 4ortir Boar d meeting at 7:15 p~m. Wednes- day, April 12, in the League. All members are urged to attend. Botanical Journal Club: Reports by Margaret Vickroy on "Influence of minor or trace elements upon the physiology of plants," and Salah-iMl. Din Taha on "Growth hormone pro- duction during sexual reproduction of higher plants." Chairman, F. G. Gustafson. Natural Science, Rn. 1130, Wednesday, April 12, at 4:00 p.m. _ The Stump Spdaker's Society of Sigma Rho Tau will present an Ox- ford Union Forum on "Kitchen Me- chanics in a Seven Room House," this Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.. The meet- ing will be open and the public is cordially invited. Co-Ops Hold Personnel Tea: There will be a tea at the Muriel Lester Co-Operative, 1102 Oakland, on Wed- nesday, April 12, from 4 to 5:30 plm., for all girls interested in living in a Co-Operative for either the summer or fall semester. Democr(atic Trend.. They were singing "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!" at Democratic headquarters the other day when the news came in from Oklahoma. Psy chologically, the Democrats had fig- ured that a great deal was at stake in the by-election race in Oklahoma's Second Congressional District. Re- sults in the other recent special races had given the Republicans too much basis for talking about a Republican "trend," so the Democrats put energy and money into this fight. The Re- publicans did the same. The issue, as agreed to by both sides, was about as clear-cut as it could be: the New Deal. The results were better than most Democrats had anticipated. W. G. Stigler, the Democratic can- didate, carried the district by 4,000 votes; in 1942, the Democratic can- didate had carried it by only 388. But experienced political observers are warning that these results in Oklahoma should not be inter- LITTLE STEEL FORMULA QUESTIONED: Report Ignores Regional Wage Differences PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT only succeeded in confusing the issue when he published a report by his top White House economic advisers which said that price rises have been checked and that the cost of living is lower now than it was a year ago. Of course, this is all well and good and very much to be desired, but it does not mean that everything is just ducky. However, FDR chooses to put on rose-colored glasses, stick his tongue in his cheek and say, "We must not jeopardize these gains by any change of policy or relaxation of effort . . . Obviously we should cling to the policies and machinery which have served us so effectively thus far." BUT, the President also said that this state- ment was based on a study of the nation as a THESE statements are not necessarily true. But they should be considered. and if found to be valid, acted upon. For instance, the CIO holds that the average steelworker is now going in the hole 79 cents a week, in spite of the highest weekly earnings in his history. This might be true and it might not be, but it should be thrashed out and, if found to be a valid claim, adjustments should be made. It's swell to be able to say that price rises have been checked. But it does not mean inequalities have been erased and that everyone has a just share of the national income. What is needed is an unprejudiced analysis of conditions in various sections of the coun- try an analysis that would be conducted on the same high plane as the Baruch report on rubber-an analysis that would be respected by the special interest groups concerned. It will probably be found that inequalities do exist and that a revision of the Little Steel Formula on a regional basis is necessary. - Ray Dixon I BARNABY Are you going to order bigger .tY-i- -f ftln - rasiu- By Crockett Johnson t3ir nsians of both C0165 Sol IE'Astrolo icaly! A precise Yn Adlf rlI