T14F NhICHIC"A DAIrIV JXrThf1nAWYAPR-T. 4- E(AX ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _TI____ LU..U 1 47' J.Jtx l'1 b~ ~ L~ £1J7Z~RAJ 7, AD~I --- e Fifty-Fourth Year i i IBd Rather Be Right BY SAMUEL GRAFToN E Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 E Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Stan Wallace. . Evelyn Phillips . Harvey Frank Bud Low,. , Jo Ann Peterson Mary Anne Olson. Marjorie Rosmarin Editoria al Staff . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor * Associate Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . . Business Manager Margery Batt . . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: JENNIE FITCH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NORWAY FIGHTS: Today Marks Fourth Year of Resistance TODAY NORWAY has been occupied for four years. For it was April 9, 1940, that thous- ands of German soldiers hidden in the hulls of apparently harmless merchant ships attacked the proud little country at 2 a.m. and bombs were dropped from airplanes on the unsuspecting towns. In spite of the disorganization and turmoil that followed, the Norwegian people declared war on Germany and fought for 60 days. With the help of some English and French troops they killed 60,000 Germans and a third of the German navy rests now at the bottom of the Norwegian fjords. Theking and part of the government took refuge in England. There they reorganized a Norwegian army, navy and air force. The air force and navy have been in the thick of the fight and the army stands ready to be called to action. Since the beginning of the war the Norwegian merchant marine has carried troops, munitions and supplies to battlefronts of the United Nations in all parts of the world. Brit- ain especially has good reason to respect this merchant marine, for when Nazi bombs were being dropped there in such numbers, Norwegian ships carried arms, oil and food from the United States to Great Britain. Inside Norway, though the county is oc- cupied, the people continue to fight. The re- sistance consists of sabotage and espionage- the kind of resistance that the vain Nazis find exasperating and uncontrollable. These Ie- ports are indicative of the spirit of the people "Four persons. . . have been arrested for sab- otage in connection with the blowing up and sinking of a large ferryboat on Tinnsjo Lake about a month ago . . . At Aal on the Bergen- Oslo railway an important bridge has been blown up. . . Gausdal Hotel in Gudbrandsdalen, one of Norway's leading resorts and since 1940 a favorite haunt of quislings, was destroyed by a fire of unknown origin ... At Tonsberg the 'authorities' have been having a good deal of trouble with people who take delight in ripping down Nazi placards as fast as the Nazi can paste or nail them up." T HESE PEOPLE have been robbed of every- thing, clothes, food and homes. A recent Nazi announcement states that the PAPER MLOTHES, now available to workmen, ARE ALSO SUBJECT TO RATIONING. But in spite of the numerous arrests and all the privations to which they are subjected, they will continue to resist until the day comes when they can rebuild their land on a basis of democracy and justice. Before the treacherous invasion, Norway was considered one of the most progressive and demo- cratic countries in the world. Illiteracy is un- known there. Social security was enjoyed by all. Literature, philosophy, the sciences and arts were encouraged to such an extent that the country was able to produce such great people as Ibsen, Bjornsen and Grieg. Today the people in Norway fear mobiliza- tion. They see in the added recruits for labor service the possibilities for such action. Nor- wegian publications state that the people will not fight against the Allied nations and against the ideals in which they believe. The Nor- wegian underground papers have therefore urged the people to disregard calls for labor service on the grounds that this may be an NEW YORK, April 8.-Bitter are the lamenta- tions over our failure to take one town, Cassino, in a pitched battle. But is this really a war of siege, a war at one pin-point on the map, one castle, one town; soldiers inside the walls and soldiers outside the walls, and a contest of en- durance between them? It would be outrageous to suggest that our military leaders take this shrunken, almost medieval view of the global war, as if it were a war for the reduction of one city, like the ancient wars of Genoa and Florence. But many of our civilian commentators take just this view; with some of them it is a case of Cassino or nothing, and they do little in their writing to suggest that in modern war a city may be won, not on the spot, but by a diversion- ary action 500 miles away. Our huge military concentration in Britain ought to be enough to suggest to even the dim- mest light that we are mobilizing a grand plan for attacks at many places, for our own equiv- alent of the Russian strategy of pulling and tor- menting enemy forces ceaselessly to threatened points, so that, in Western Europe, as in the Ukraine, they may be always running, always in motion, but never in control. THE RUSSIANS have always insisted on fight- ing the whole German army, as a totality; never have they relaxed this high conceptual grasp of their problem; never have they been willing to be flimflammed into into an all-out effort against one section of the German army The (4ited' . de SO NOW, from no other a mouthpiece than the ,we-think-we-are-so-liberal Detroit Free Press we find support for strong, silent Tom Dewey taking a new turn. I quote from an editorial in yesterday's Free Press: "Mr. Dewey cannot ex- press himself until the Republican convention has spoken. To do otherwise would be a viola- tion of his pledge to the people of New York." From this, one is led to believe that Dewey must maintain a discreet silence, keeping his views on world and domestic affairs (assuming, of course, that he has some) under his wavy black thatch, because he once declared he would not seek another office during his term as gov- ernor. The idea is, of course, that should the mous- tached Dewey come out and say anything. on international affairs, either intelligent or oth- erwise, it might be misconstrued to mean that he is campaigning for President. This is the staid, substantial trick of the ob- scurantists rearing its ugly head once more. Give the people a half-truth, and they'll believe the other half too. I know of no rule that states "As soon as one gives his views on international affairs, he is automatically a candidate for the presidency." All the statements in the world on internationalism, or isolationism, or com- munism, or states' rights, or what-have-you, do not add up to "I am a candidate." Or perhaps The Free Press and Dewey view New York as so remote from the world as to be untouched by the war outside. But the Free Press does not stop at this. The obscurantism goes still farther. I quote again: "What matters it if he does not make clear at this time his position on in- ternational affairs? Nothing that he might now say or do would in any way affect the con- duct of the war. If, as, and when he is nom- inated it will be necessary for him to declare himself. Then the people will have oppor- tunity to pass on his viewpoint; and, if they feel that they like his attitudes toward world and domestic affairs better than they do those of Mr. Roosevelt, they will say so at the polls in November." I have always assumed that it is the duty of the political parties to select as a candidate the man most suited to be President. Dewey's silence tactics are absolutely no indication that he is head and shoulders above every other candidate in the Republican ranks. Moreover, note the way the Free Press editorial takes it for granted that President Roosevelt will be running for a fourth term. All of which is blunt admission that what- ?ver Roosevelt is for, the Republicans are against. Wouldn't they be surprised if their illustrious son from Michigan should come out with Roose- veltian policies after nomination! It would seem that the Free Press and the Republicans are more concerned in "breaking a pledge" to New York's 12 million than in their duty to the other 118 million people in the country. From all this we deduce that Dewey intends to break his pledge, but not until the nomination is tightly clutched in his hand. He knows, and his supporters know, and we know, that should he break it before he wouldn't get the nomin- ation. nClaire Sherman at the particular point where it happened to be strongest. There is little of this high vision in our bitter civilian complaint of Cassino; we chatter forever, here at home, about the "total" nature of the war, but are curiously willing to drop our sights and accept the theory that this war is a series of local operations, little wars, each standing severely alone, like separate jousts in a tourna- ment. And this narrowness of view extends to the diplomacy we are erecting on the base of the war, so that our State Department, for in- stance, finds there can be no increase of de- mocracy in Italy until we take Rome. Why Rome? What special meaning can Rome have or any other single black speck on the map, during a total war? Why must it be that par- ticular city, as if we were the Doges of Venice or the Medicis of Florence, fighting in a me- dieval war, or in a bitter, localized Renaissance struggle? Under the same reasoning, the Rus- sians might have refused to recognize the Partis- an movement in Yugoslavia until Belgrade had been liberated. But it was to help liberate Belgrade that the Partisans were recognized and assisted. It is people who set cities free, not the re- verse. We insist on Rome first, Italian free- dom afterwards; we make it read backwards, that it is cities which set people free; we even hold that it is only one particular city, Rome, which has that magical power. Mr. Hull tells us aridly that too much cannot be done for Italian democracy now because we are too busy fighting for Rome. Rome, like Cassino, has fascinated us. A speck on the map has swollen and become bigger than the country it is in. We look for victory in the railroad guide, dur- ing a total war which has demonstrated that it does not matter where any city is, because the people are everywhere. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) cat~e1tePJ + tIe ClitoH Stassen M isre presented.,. To the Editor: Unintentionally, Claire Sherman's admirable editorial on the Wisconsin primary election did some injustice to one of the contestants. Lieu- tenant Commander Stassen some months ago did publish a magazine article on foreign policy in which he came out very strongly and definitely for an international union powerful enough to prevent aggression. It is unlikely, therefore, that he will have at the convention any genuine isolationist sup- port; though at the primary some isolationists may have supported him to defeat Mr. Willkie. Mr. Willkie could logically support a Stassen. ticket in November. There are other Republi- cans, also, not now active candidates, who might as "dark horses" be nominated at the convention, who are as internationally-minded as either man; for example, Senators Ball and Burton, Representatives Judd, Justice Roberts, Ambassador Winant. Unhappily, it is now most improbable that any such wise nomination will be made; and this will probably compel those who take world or- ganization seriously to support the Democratic ticket. If Mr. Willkie can see his way clear to support such a coalition of Democrats and pro- gressive-minded Republicans it will not only greatly enhance the chances of an enduring peace, but perhaps lead to the long-desired re- alignement of parties on a realistic basis of pres- ent-day issues instead of memories of the issues of Civil War days. A Roosevelt-Willkie ticket would rouse genuine enthusiasm. Preston Slosson Wo 0 0 -- -?-.g IF YOU have trouble getting even an upper berth on a Pullman, take a leaf from the big war contractors. Companies which have large war orders do not depend on 10-day advance reservations like the average traveller. They buy up whole blocks of Pullman berths on trains from New York, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles and other places one month in advance. Then they turn around and bill the Gov- ernment for this expense, under their cost- plus contracts. All meals and liquid refresh- ments on trains (though not itemized as such) also are charged to the Government. Anything goes under a cost-plus contract. Between the war contractors and service trav- ellers, Congressional investigators who have to travel out of town on short notice frequently are up against it. Not long ago, Representative Ed Izac of California tried to get 10-day ad- vance reservations for a Naval Affairs subcom- mittee, but couldn't. When he complained" to railroad officials, he was told.: "Sorry, Congress- man, but two big industrial concerns cleaned us out several weeks ago." Drew Pearson Washington Merry-Go-Round DominieSays THE youth needs of a city like Ann Arbor betray, on the one hand, active groups needing clubrooms, and on the other, eight or ten fine club- rooms standing idle a part of every week. Why must the community rent or erect a new clubhouse when many churchrooms are available? Here is a good post-Easter problem. At the bottom of this issue is the "community" and the concept "church." The formera sociologi- cal ideal, is based on human need. Need of protection, need of social life and need of a method of ex- change are always basic. But the church is not created by this type of need. Church is founded on the intention of God and man's need beyond himself and society. It is the function of priest or minister to convert persons out of the world and bring them by Divine Grace into "the church." While these two con- cepts, community and church, fall apart or fail to cohere, the kingdom of God must wait. The rationalizations which are of- fered are instructive: (1) The sociolo- gist, accepting all man to man and group to group relations as germane, focuses his gaze on the culture and those group motives by which man expects to transform society into Utopia. He insists that this can be done by altering the habits of per- sons through participation. He is be- havior bent. He is objective. (2) The churchman, accepting a man to God relation as the only one which is germane, focuses attention upon God and insists that the person and his group life can be improved only by repentance or by changing man's in- tention. This can be done when God's will becomes man's wish through faith. He is subjective. However, neither the sociologist nor the churchman will arrive without the other. They are mu- tually dependent. Yet, in our socie- ty today, there they stand, like Thompson's mule, which starved to death between two haystacks. It is to solve such problems as this that men and women are graduat- ed annually from universities and colleges. How far are our graduates actually prepared to solve such fundamental problems in a democ- racy? Edward W. Blakeman Counselor in Religious Education DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, APRIL 9, 1944 VOL. LIV No, 115 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, April 12, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Biological Station: Applications for admission to the 1944 summer ses- sion are now being received. An An- nouncement describing the courses offered can be obtained at the Office of the Summer Session, or at Rm. 1073, Natural Science Building. May Festival Tickets: A limited number of season tickets (6 con- certs), and also for individual con- certs, are now on sale and will con- tinue on sale so long as the supply lasts, daily from 9 to 12, and 1 to 5 (Saturdays 9 to 12 only) at the offices of the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Memorial Tower. Required Hygiene Lectures for Wo- men-1944: Notice is hereby given that the required Hygiene Lectures for Women which have been given in the Rackham Auditorium at 4:15- 5:15 on Mondays and Tuesdays, for the balance of the period will be held in the Natural Science Auditorium. The hour and days remain the same. Seniors and Graduate Students, who have been invited to be guests of honor at the Twenty-first Annual Honors Convocation, are requested to order caps and gowns at the Moe Sport Shop immediately. They must be ordered no later than April 11 to be delivered in time for the Convoca- tion. A local manufacturing firm, having discontinued the manufacture of a liquid type duplicating machine, has offered to give to the University a limited number of these machines. Any department having a real need GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty .C EASTER MESSAGE E ASTER, like all holidays, is a sym- bol. It stands for basic convictions which the people who observe it, hold. It is related to a specific historical event and so is brought to focus on a particular day, but it affirms truths which make up the fundamental pat- tern of life. So Easter affirms that life is eternal. Never was death so real to us. We are almost afraid to read the newspaper for fear the list of those killed in action will include the name of one of our friends. Even in our civilian life, young as well as old, at a time when they least expect it, meet death. The resurrection of Jesus symbol- izes our faith that death is but the transfer of the place of operation of life; the laying aside of one instru- ment, our body, to take up another, and continue activity. The ones we love, and we ourselves, but go on to be with former friends, and to carry on the work God has for us in a new field of endeavor. Easter, however, goes farther. It declares that evil can never per- manently destroy good. Though Jesus was crucified; he rose again, and the truths for which he stood have continued to live. In a day when hatred, exploita- tion, the power of gold and brute force seem to be in the saddle, riding mankind to destruction, Easter de- clares that justice, good will and peace cannot be permanently de- stroyed. It calls us to build our lives individually and socially on the foun- dation of beauty, truth and goodness, in the faith that a "Family of God on Earth" can be built. Observance of Easter is thus an affirmation of faith and a determi- nation to make this faith effective in our lives. -Rev. C. H. Loucks First Baptist Church :j 3' 'z; r. 'I L 4 . 4 4 b 1944 lCh]agotime;lii "You squawk about food, you scream about getting up in the morning, you shoot craps, you got pin-up girls . . . why can't you act like soldiers out here!" for a small cylinder type duplicating machine should see or write the Uni- versity Purchasing Department at once outlining the need for this equipment. Lectures "The Shape of Wings To Come": Mr. Geoffrey F. Morgan, Manager, Speakers Bureau, Douglas Aircraft Company will discuss the role avia- tion is to play in the post-war world. His talk will be given Tuesday, April L1, at 8:15 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. The pub- lic is invited. Sponsored by the Jun- ior Chamber of Commerce, the lec- ture is under the auspices of the De- partment of Aeronautical Engineer- ing. University Lecture: Dr. William H. Adolph, Professor of Chemistry at Yenching University, China, will speak on "Nutritional Problems in China and the Orient," Wednesday, April 12, at 8:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. This lecture is given under the auspices of the Department of Biological Chemistry. Lecture:"Faster than the Sound." Dr. Theodore von Karman, Director of the Daniel Guggenheim Graduate School of Aeronautics at the Cali- fornia Institute of Technology and a leading world authority in technical aeronautics, will lecture on the above subject at 4:15 p.m., Wednesday, Ap- ril 12, in the amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. The lecture is be- ing given under the auspices of the Department of Aeronautical En- gineering and the public is invited. French Lecture. Professor Edward B. Ham, of the Romance Language Department, will give the seventh and last of the French lectures spon- sored by the Cercle Francais, Thurs- day, April 13, at 4:10 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The title of his lecture is: "Quelques ennemis du Voltairianisme." Admission by ticket. Servicemen free. Food Handler's Lectures: The sec- ond of the April series of food hand- ler's lectures will be given on Tuesday evening, April 11, in the Auditorium of the Kellogg Building at 8:00 p.m. All food handlers employed in com- mercial establishments are required by City Ordinance to attend one series of lectures in order to obtain a permanent food handler's card. All persons concerned with food service to University students who have not previously attended are asked to attend this lecture. Events Today The Westminster Student Guild will hold a Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday Morning. Breakfast will fol- low at 8:15 a.m. and those who desire may attend the 9 o'clock Morning Worship Service. The Congregational - Disciples Guild will meet at the Guild House, 438 Maynard Street, at 5:00 p.m. for a brief service of worship led by Sea- man Walter Scott, followed by an open house with recorded music and refreshments. The Michigan Christian Fellowship will meet this afternoon at 4:30 in the Fireplace Room, Lane Hall. Coming Events The Inter-Cooperative Council, In- corporated will hold a meeting of the Board of Directors on Monday, April 10, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 306, Michi- gan Union. The English Journal Club will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 12, in the West Conference Room, Rackham. Miss Anna V. LaRue and Mr. Henry Popkin will present papers on the critical theories of Edmund Wilson and Kenneth Burke. Discussion and refreshments will follow the reading of the papers. Faculty, graduate stu- dents and interested undergraduates are cordially invited to attend. Becteriology Seminar will meet Tuesday, April 11, at 4:30, in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: Some macroscopic phases of micro- organisms. Mathematics Club will meet Tues- day, April 11, at 8 p.m., in the West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Professor J. S. Frame of Michigan State College will speak on "Applica- tions of Group Theory to Molecular Structures." There will be a meeting of all women interested in working on the Tutorial Committee this semester on Tuesday, April 11, at 5 p.m. in the Undergraduate office at the League! Applied Mathematics Seminar will meet Tuesday, April 11, at 4:10 p.m., in 318 West Engineering Building. Professor, J. S. Frame of Michigan State College will speak on "Mathe- matical Problems in the Bending of Hot Steam-Pipes." "She Stoops to Conquer," comedy by Goldsmith, will be presented in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Wed- nsrdav thronh Saturdav h Pla BARNABY This editorial refers to my growth in POLITICAL stature, m'bov...A flure of speech- By Crockett Johnson Did you also get Congress to pass the dam the Elves wont? For the brook in the woods? . . . The original site of the Great O'Malley Dam? They don't need a dam there anv more. nrnnbv S.. . The symbolic statues of me for the river dam!. . . Now that I've grown in stature.m'bov! .