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April 09, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-09

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Aerial Fleet
Soviets Push Germn
Russian Forces Advance
40 Miles in Rumania
Red Army Captures 480 Villages, Kill
7,000 Nazis Trapped Near Razdelnaya
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 9, Sunday.-Two powerful Red armies sweeping ahead
on a 200-mile front have hurled Axis troops back across the Hungarian-held
Czechoslovak border in the Carpathian mountains, stabbed 40 miles inside
Rumania, and captured more than 480 villages in a swift chase of a broken
enemy, Moscow announced last night.
7,000 Germans Killed
A third Russian army, surging around all land sides df Odessa, cap-
tured 30 more localities, including Gildendoef, only eight miles northeast
of the Black Sea port, and completed the liquidation of the remnants of five
or six German divisions trapped near Razdelnaya, 40 miles northwest of
Odessa, by wiping out 7,000 enemy troops and capturing 3,200, said the
n-Soviet daily communique, recorded


Nazi Plants, Airdromes

ans Across .7zech Border

1500 Planes Pound
Brunswick Targets
Air Battles Rage Along Return Route;
92 German Planes Are Destroyed
By The Associated Press
LONDON, April 8.-American aerial fleets totaling about 1,500 planes
surged over Germany today, with U.S. heavy bombers ripping two already-
battered aircraft plants at Brunswick and five airdromes north of the
Ruhr while American fighters shot down 92 German planes and destroyed
and damaged many others on the ground.
From all the day's operations, which included an attack on the Belgian
rail center of Hasselt and sweeps by Thunderbolts and Lightnings against
airdromes in the Frankfurt area, 34 U.S. bombers and 25 fighters are mis-
sing, an Army communique said.
No Opposition Over Airdromes
No fighter opposition was encountered over the airdromes, as the Ger-
man air force concentrated its, interceptors for a desperate defense of the

FDR Asked To
Lead Holy City
Proposal by Senator
Bridges Would Elect
Pope Pius Chairman
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 8.-A pro-
posal'that President Roosevelt take
the lead in a move to demilitarize
Rome through creation of a commis-
sion of United Nations and Axis rep-
resentatives under the chairmanship
of Pope Pius XII was advanced today
by Senator Bridges (Rep., N.H.)
Bridges suggested in a letter to the
President that if this were done it
might not only spare Rome from war
devastation, but also mean saving
"the lives of thousands of American
Pope Would Be Chairman
The Republican legislator, a mem-
ber of the Senate's military affairs
committee, suggested that the com-
mission might be composed of two or
more United Nations members and a
like number of enemy representatives,
with the Pope acting as "impartial
Bridges' letter, dated April 7, was
made public by the Senator's office.
It said in part:
"The press reports several bombing
attacks on military objectives in
Rome. 1 know that you are as sensi-
ble as I of the cultural, historic and
religious claims Rome has had on our
civilization, and that you share the
heartfelt wish of millions of people
that every possible effort be made to
spare Rome the ravages of war.
"I, therefore, respectfully suggest
that you propose a special commis-
sion composed of two or more mili-
tary representatives of the United
Nations and an equal number of
military representatives of the en-
emy, with the Pope as impartial
chairman, to arrange the demilitari-
zation of Rome.
Appeal Made
"I believe that this is worthy of
your most serious consideration and
early action.
"Even in the midst of this terrible
struggle, we must not forget that we
are Christians, and that we must
continue to be in the right if we are
to prevail."
Bridges said he put forward the
plan after "consultation with many
thoughtful citizens of our country,
including laymen and clergy of vari-
ous religious denominations."
Foreign Name
System Set Up
NEW YORK, April 8.--R')-A uni-
form style for foreign place names
was adopted today by the three Am-
erican news services today to make
it easier for the public to follow the
story of the war.
In an effort 'to end posible confu-
sion over places appearing in the war
news under more than one name, the
Associated Press, the United Press
and International News Service ad-
opted in general the style of the Na-
tional Geographic Society, but made
certain exceptions to conform with
American usage.
The National Geographic Society
style basically followed is that of the
«. --.-...--i.+sn..,r ,. nri-

by the Soviet monitor from a Mos-
cow broadcast.
Premier-Marshal Stalin in two Or-
Oers of the Day announced the im-
pressive victories, which carried the
Red Army banner and Czechoslovak
flag to the pre-war Czech border.
Benes Congratulates Stalin
Late last night Eduard Benes, pre-
sident of the provisional Czechoslo-
vak government in London, sent con-
gratulations to Stalin and declared
that "Czechoslovak soldiers are en-
tering the territory of our beloved
fatherland" along with the Red Ar-
Czech broadcasts from here and
Moscow radio appeals calling on the
occupants of that stricken country
to arise against the Germans and
their satellite troops, and Benes' own
declaration would indicate that the
Red Army intends to force the moun-
tain passes, if it has not already
crossed the frontier.
Marshal Gregory K. Zhukov's first
Ukraine army reached the Tatar pass
at the pre-Munich Czechoslovakian
boirder nd set his tanks And mto -
ized infantry crashing 11 miles inside
northern Rumania on a combined
124-mile front, Stalin's first Order of
the Day disclosed.
330 Towns Taken
Zhukov's men captured a total of
330 towns and villages, 30 of them in-
side Rumania, the others in the
southwestern corner of the Russian
Ukraine which includes Bucovina,
and the southeastern corner of for-
mer Poland. Among the captured lo-
calities was, Siret, 11 miles inside Ru-
mania and 24 miles south of Czerno-
witz, Bucovina capital.
The troops under Zhukov, whose
leadership saved Moscow in 1941, also
captured several localities in the poc-
ket west of Skala, 40 miles north of
See REDS, Page 6
British Press
Denies Charge
Description of News
Censorship Given
WASHINGTON; April 8.--(P)-
Congress member's comment that ev-
erything British newspapers print is
censored tonight brought a reply from
the British Information Service that
the British press is as free of govern-
ment control as the American press.
Rep. Michener (Rep., Mich.), com-
menting last night on an editorial
which appeared in the London News
Chronicle relative to United States'
politics, said the article appeared
there with "British government
knowledge and approval."
"Everything they print is censored,"
he added.
A spokesman for the British I-
formation Service tonight said:
The British government exercises
no censorship over the press of Great
Britain other than in matters affect-+
ing military security, where a system
of voluntary censorship, identical
with that practiced in the United
States isin use.

INVASION ARMADA--Coast Guardsmen shuttling landing craft between beach and anchorage at a
South Pacific atoll, bring in fighters and supplies and carry back the wounded.
Finns Reported Heaviest Night Raid on Truk
Unwilling To Atoll Climaxes Series of Attacks

Sign Armistice
Present Soviet Terms
Are Called Inadequate
By Stockholm Organ
STOCKHOLM, April 8.--UP)-The
Russian armistice terms offered to
Finland are "such that even those
most eager to get peace in Finland
consider it impossible to come to an
agreement now," a correspondent for
the Stockholm Dagens Nyheter wrote
tonight on returning from a trip to
.The correspondent, Karl Axel Tun-
berger, said the Russian terms con-
formed "to a certain degree" to re-
ports that they had been modified
from the original demands which the
Finns had rejected, but that they in-
cluded other items "of such price that
activists (those active for peace)
think that only very great cltanges
in the foreign political situation or
in the Finnish government could
bring the peace question out of the


Island Stronghold
Claims Capture of

Left Blazing; Tokyo
Kohima in East India

By The Associated Press
The heaviest night raid on Truk,
emphasizing American aerial domi-
nance over once-powerful Japanese
bases in the Pacific, was reported
today as a sharply contradictory pic-
ture of the war in India was drawn
Saturday by Allied communiques and
the Tokyo radio.
Dublon Island, in the center of the
heavily fortified Truk atoll, was left
blazing and blanketed by smoke
Thursday night by Admiral William
F. Halsey's raiders from the South
Pacific. It was the 14th blow in a
Giraud Refuses
To Step Aside,
Leaders Meet

Tunberger listed the Russian arm- . ALGIERS, April 8.-P)--Conflict-
istice terms as they stand now in- mg stories ofthe ultimate result of
clude: Gen. Charles DeGaulle's effort to re-
move Gen. Henri Honore Giraud as
1. German troops must be interned commander-in-chief of the Fighting
or driven out of Finland by the end 'French army developed late today as
of April. conferences between them and their
2. Finnish troops must retreat to representatives continued.
the March, 1940, border by stages, Members of Giraud's staff asserted
also during April. vigorously this afternoon that the
3. Russian and Allied prisoners of comander had refused to step aside
war, and interned civilians must be and accept the subordinate post of
repatriated. If a peace pact is sign- "Inspector General of the Armies."
ed, Finnish civilians will be returned (The British radio carried a report
from Russia in the same manner from Algiers that Giraud's appoint-
. 4. Finnish military forces must be ment as Inspector General had been
demobilized 50 per' cent during May announced. The broadcast was re-
and during July the demobilization corded by CBS.)
must be carried through to a point DeGaulle and Giraud held a "dis-
of only a peacetime standing army. agreeable" half-hour conference this
5. Six hundred million dollars must morning, at which the commander
be paid in the next five years for was said to have refused to quit and
material damage Finland caused Rus- chalenged the leader of the French
sia by war and occupation. This National Committee to oust him.
should be paid in cellulose, paper, tFollowing the meeting, Giraud re-
ships and machines. tired to his headquarters to deliber -
6. The Petsamo district must be ate on the situation, and during the
ceded to the Soviet. If Finland ac- afternoon sent his chief secretary,
cepts these terms the Russian gov- Gen. Chambe, to call on DeGaulle.
ernment considers the possible free Gen. Chambe also had another ap-
return of the Hangoe district to Fin- pointment with DeGaulle tomorrow
land. morning.

little more than a week at the once
feared central Carolines stronghold,
by-passed ten days ago in the dam-
aging carrier strike at Palau, Yap
and other eastern Caroline Islands.
In announcing the raid today Gen-
eral Douglas MacArthur added 13
more Japanese planes to the toll shot
down in the heaviest day raid on
Truk, last Sunday. That makes the
day's toll 38.
Southwest Pacific bombers con-
tinued their westward swing, smash-
ing at the Kai Islands, southwest of
New Guinea, while the almost useless
airdromes at Wewak, New Guinea,
Rabaul and New Britain were again
battered. Five' planes were destroyed
on the ground in these strikes.
Tokyo asserted the important town
of Kohima in eastern India was cap-
tured by Japanese troops Thursday.
rThe Allied communique said no
important engagement had been
fought near Kohima.
British commanders conceded the
invading column was continuing
pressure of a "prowling" nature in
that area. Japanese capture of
Kohima woud cut off British troops
defending Imphcal, 60 miles to the
south, fromtheir railhead. And it
would place the invading column
within striking distance of the Ben-
galassam railway which carries all
supplies for China and Allied armies
in north Burma.
Owner of Trailer
'Camp Is Arrested
DETROIT, April 8.-(IP)--Sheriff's
deputies today arrested Munroe Mc-
Intosh, 64, proprietor of the trailer
camp where 14-year-old Joyce Raul-
ston spent two nights prior to her
slaying March 27.
Chief of Detectives Russell C.
Gregory of Wayne County said a
tentative charge of operating a dis-
orderly establishment had been
placed against McIntosh and that a
formal warrant would be asked of
the courts Monday.
Prosecutor William E. Dowling has
asked police chiefs of southeastern
Michigan to a meeting here Thursday
to discuss tourist camp legislation,

Allies To Stop
Swedish Help
To Germany
Cordell Hull To Discuss
U.S. Foreign Affairs
In Radio Talk Today
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, April 8.-Evidence
that the Allies are seeking to halt
the flow of Swedish steel and man-
ufactured materials to Germany as
part of the pre-invasion blockade de-
veloped today on the eve of a major
statement on American's war and
post-war foreign policy.
Hull To Give Radio Talk
The statement will be made. by
Secretary ofeState Hull in .a 45-min-
ute radio speech (CBS) tomorrow at
6:30 p.m. Eastern War. Time. It is
exected to be the most specific and
detailed discussion of the operation
of this country's foreign affairs in
many months.
The attitude of the United States
toward European neutrals obviously
offered a fruitful subject for discus-
sion by the Secretary. In the cases
of Turkey, Spain, Ireland and Portu-
gal, the delicate task of swinging
neutrals to the Allied side of the war
has been one of the main jobs of
American and Allied diplomats since
last winter. The objective is to rob
Germany of all outside economic
props and thus weaken resistance to
the invading armies.
Switzerland Is Exception
Only Switzerland, isolated island
of democracy, appears likely to es-
cape application of Allied policies
covering neutrals.
The formula was perhaps most
clearly expressed in the case of Tur-
key. British and American military
supplies to Turkey were cut off early
this year with the explanation that
if the Turks didn't use the supplies
to kill Germans there was no longer
any point in furnishing them. Be-
yond that was the fact that the Turks
were still furnishing some chrome,
vital steel alloy, to Germany.
Sweden Acted of Necessity1
Sweden has been compelled to sup-
ply Germany with steel and steel
products in exchange for coal and
some other supplies. From the out-
side world, Sweden has obtained
principally grains and oil. The im-
ports reach her by arrangement with
blockading naval forces of the bel-
ligerent powers.
Of all the neutrals on the rim of
Europe, Sweden has had least op-
portunity for independent action
which is probably the reason efforts
to cut down her cooperation with
Germany have been delayed so long.
Now, however, it is established on
good authority that considerable at-
tention has been given to cutting
Swedish resources from the Germans.
DSR One-Day
Walkout Ends
DETROIT, April 8.-(P)-Heeding'
orders of their CIO union officers,
maintenance men employed in De-
troit's Department of Street Rail-
ways (DSR) ended a one-day walk-
out this afternoon, removing a threat
to operation of this city's municipal
transportation system.
John Mason, president of Local
312, State, County and Municipal

OBrunswick targets, where the war
bulletin said the U.S. Flying For-
tresses and Liberators bombed their
objectives "visually with good re-
Bitter air battles raged over Bruns-
wick and along the return route. Es-
corting American fighters there de-
stroyed 81 enemy aircraft. Thirty of
the missing bombers were lost in the
Brunswick operation.
Nazi Losses Unknown
No tabulation yet has been made
on the number of German aircraft
to fall before the guns of the heavy
bombers. Nearly 1,000 American Fly-
ing Fortresses, Liberators and me-
dium Marauders participated in the
widespread attacks.
The airdromes which were attacked
north of the Rhur were Oldenburg, a
base for single engine German fight-
ers; Rheine, a night fighter depot;
Achmun, an air repair depot; Quack-
enbruck, an air repairs depot; and
Handorf, a storage and repair depot,
The announced purpose of the
Brunswick attack was to disrupt the
reconstruction work the Germans had
been doing at the important fighter
reproduction center whose factories
had been damaged in previous raids
this year.
Germans Fear Berlin Raid
The Nazis probably feared the
heavy bombers were heading for Ber-
lin which is one possible reason why
they put up such a stubborn defense
over Brunswick.
Fierce battles with German inter-
ceptors were fought by the Fortresses
and Liberators spearing to within
110 miles of Berlin to rain explosives
on Brunswick's already-damaged fac-
tories for fighter aircraft.
The German radio asserted the
Americans suffered "one of their
heaviest defeats," and that the bomb-
ers were trying to attack Berlin.
The rest of the fleet of 500 to 750
four-engined bombers belted German
fighter fields in northwestern Ger-
Marauders, Thunderbolts Team Up
Some 200 medium Marauders and
Thunderbolt fighter-bombers teamed
up for the first time to strike the
Belgian rail center of Hasselt, im-
portant junction on the Antwerp-
See BOMING, Page 6
Amles Gain in
Italian Fihting
Combat Patrol Makes
Advance at Beachhead
PLES, April 8.-(/P)-An American
combat patrol blasting its way for-
ward with hand grenades into an
improved position northwest of Pad-
iglione on the Anzio beachhead gave
the Allied battlefront forces their
first gain today in about two weeks,
and providedthe first really pleasant
news from that shell-swept area in
many days.
There was no tendency here to
place undue significance on this ac-
tion, which was merely a local im-
provement of position, but it was the
first successfully aggressive Allied
ground action since the great attack
upon Cassino to the west bogged
down in failure.
Allied airmen continued hammer-
ing at Nazi supply lines, flying 1,700
sorties Friday and downing 31.enemy
Padiglione is in the central sector
of the beachhead.
Beyond this encounter, there was
little important activity on the sun-
bathed Italian front. The Germans
showed no signs of moving from their
defensive positions, and patrols

GI Easter Services Will Be Held Around the World

LONDON, April 8.-(A)-Easter
services tomorrow will bring to-
gether, in worship, America's far-
flung fighting forces.
Sunrise services are to be held all
around the world, and many will be
broadcast, reaching troops at the

ternoon Lt.-Gen. Mark W. Clark,
commander of the Fifth Army, will
read the Easter story from the
Scriptures and hymns will be sung
by a choir of 25 soldiers and WACs.
Another dawn service in a North

ceremony in London's Hyde Park to
small, intimate services in scores of
Nissen huts.
The Hyde Park services, with a
sermon by the Bishop of London,
will be one of the largest held any-
where and will be broadcast world-

however, have staged a run on
cleaners to get the garments
spruced up and the rush caused
most shops to close their doors to
additional business in mid-week.
Some American soldiers also will
celebrate Easter in Jerusalem,

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