SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1914 THE MICHIGAN DAILY a PALM I'VE &~~iRAY, APRIL 8, 1944 PAQ~ IWE I St. Joseph's WAC Officer Hospital Needs To Lead Tour Coed Workers Of Air Base Plea for Volunteers Is Made By Carol Evans, Chairman; No Uniforms Are Necessary "St. Joseph's Hospital at 326 North Ingalls is desperately in need of vol- unteer workers." Carol Evans, chair- man of Soph Project, said yesterday. "Coeds living in sorority or League Houses in the vicinity of St. Joseph's are especially urged to arrange time to contribute a few hours each week," she added. Duties Are Pleasant The duties of a volunteer are pleas- ant and workers enjoy doing it as much as patients enjoy having them there, according to Miss Evans. Vol- unteer work is designed to relieve professional staff members of duties that are important to the patient's happiness, but are not vital to their phycisal health. Arranging flowers, passing ice-water, arranging pillows, delivering messages for nurses, work- ing with records and other errands for nurses or patients constitute the work done by volunteers. No uniforms are required, but vol- unteers are asked to wear cotton dresses or blouses. Help is needed at any time, particularly at meal- time to pass trays. To Report to Director Volunteers report to the office of Miss Marie Wanzig, director of nurs- es, for assignments to floors. All hours are recorded on activity sheets in the Undergraduate Offices of the League Further information concerning work at St. Joseph's may be obtained by calling Miss Evans at 4879 or the hospital at 2-3211. Soph Project formerly sponsored only volunteer corps at University Hospital, however, both corps were combined during the fall semester. Sophomore women sponsor the proj- ect, but all Uiversity women are urged to work. Sawyer Will Play Today at League Bill Sawyer and his, orchestra will be on hand to play the latest hit tunes for all coeds, servicemen and civilians who will gather for dancing from9 p.m. to midnight today in the main ballroom of the Michigan League. Features of the evening will be a brand new arrangement of the old favorite, "Stormy Weather" and a saxophone solo played by Al Bohms entitled, "Beebe." Another feature of this week-end's dances will be the announcement of a new vocalist who will be introduced for the first time at this week-end's dance. Project Petitions Due Petitioning for the three positions on the Freshman Project, open to all first semester freshman women, and to second semester freshmen whose homes are in Ann Arbor, ends today. Petitions may be obtained at the Undergraduate Office in the League. Interviewing will be held Monday and Tuesday in the League. Romulus Air Base will be.shown to 15 women on campus April 17 when Lt. Barbara Bethel Rodgers willwcon- duct a tour for all coeds who are seriously considering joining the Air WAC. Registration for this trip is now being held in Miss McCormick's office in the League. As Army regulations prohibit too large a group of visitors on the base at one time, the first tour is limited to 15 persons. Other groups will be planned by Lt. Rodgers if more than 15 sign up this time. The complete day, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., will be spent in watching the activities of an Army Air Base. Lunch in the mess hall will be one of the day's features. Over 200 Opportunities Life in the Air WAC permits a large range of activities-more than 200 types of assignments are available for the enlisten woman. Some of the specialized jobs require Army school- ing, which is given to qualified WACs after they have completed their basi military training. Sgt. Virginia Day, stationed in the Ann Arbor Recruiting office is enthu- siastic over the opportunities for learning in the WAC that will apply to post-war positions: "A weather observer watches a test balloon through a theodolite-she is learning as she works. A control tower opera- tor brings a plane in for landing- actual experience in handling planes is a skull which she is developing each day on the job. Specific Jobs Described "A photographic technician devel- ops negatives for an aerial map-she is becoming proficient in a highly specialized field. A radio mechanic testsa plane's radio-more learning by doing. "These jobs-everything from sec- retarial work to parachute packing- are an essential part of keeping planes in the air and it's a wonderful opportunity." WAC requirements include: "20 to 50 years of age, American citizenship, two years of high school, general good health and average height and weight." Wednesday Is Petition Deadline Wednesday is the deadline for pe- titions for the 1944-45 Bomber Schol- arship Committee, for which a man or woman co-chairman will be se- lected, according to Jean Bisdee, '44, chairman of Bomber Scholarship. Applicants will be interviewed at a later date by the present Bomber Scholarship Committee, which is composed of League and Union chair- men of student activities. Bomber Scholarship this year func- tioned through committees of League and Union students, which sponsored many outstanding entertainment features and, registered 700 students in the fall acquaintance bureau. Men and women both must secure petition blanks from the Social Di- rector of the League, who office is open from 10 a.m. to 12 noon Monday through Saturday and from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. WAC AND KOALA-In Australia to plan WAC Southwest Pacific es- tablishments, Lt. Col. Mary-Agnes Brown, director of Women's Army Corps in Southwest Pacific, get acquainted with koala bears, sleepy natives of Australia. 24eck nqi and 6n 7erent --i-><-i->< ->< -0-y< -o -yo -y< -o ->< -0 New Surgical Dressings Plan Is Successful The new system inaugurated at the League Surgical Dressings Unit, whereby houses promise a specified number of hours, is proving success- ful, according to Mickey Thielen, pub- licity chairman for the unit. "Workers are needed in addition to those sent by houses," she said. "If the unit is to meet its quota as set by the Red Cross there must be en- thusiastic student support." The unit is open from 1 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Workers are asked to give at least two consecutive hours a week. Miss Thielen said that a lot of time is wasted during the first hour put- ting on headdresses and getting ma- terials, consequently only a coed who contributes two hours is really val- uable. All hours are recorded on student activities records in the Undergrad- uate Offices of the League as making surgical dressings is one of the most. important war activities sponsored by the University. Cotton blouses or dresses must be worn by workers as woolen sweaters present the danger of lint getting in the dressings. Nail polish must not be worn. Tutorial Committee To Provide, Register Tutors Next Week Tutorial Committee will begin next week providing tutors for those desir- ing them, and those wishing tutoring or who wish to tutor may register in the Undergraduate Office of the League, Jane Faggen, chairman, an-. nounced recently. Members of the Tutorial Commit- tee will meet at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the Undergraduate Office of the League to map out plans for the semester's activity. Miss Faggen stressed the importance of this meet- ing. Tutors are paid at the rate of 75 vents an hour and the committee makes arrangements for the appoint- ments. Those who tutored last year are urged to register again, because, Miss Faggen pointed out, a new list has been made for this semester. There is a need for tutoring in almost every subject. Further information may be ob- tained from Miss Faggen at 2-2591. i By NANCY GROBERG ONCE THERE was a columnist named Yearnie who wrote for the Daily Newspaper in a Mid-Western university. Now he was no ivory-tower dweller, this Yearnie, so when he wrote his column he went to town on Pertinent Issues and knocked all the Thinkers and Non-Thinkers for a loop. He was a Good Guy with the Right Ideas and everyone figured he'd have some pretty important Things to say. BUT ONE NIGHT, Yearnie went out on a beer spree and got kind of mad at a girl named Sheila. As he cried into his beer, he decided that he would write A Column about it. Sheila didn't have a chance in the world. PRETTY SOON he published a little piece about Sheila, and in the bar- gain he managed to do in every coed on campus. Of course he was very precious about it-quoting Montaigne and all that-and he had Some- thing to Say. So you see, it wasn't" fl/.Jweet Getera ; The marriage of Margaret Pet- erson, '44, to, Ensign Philip Myers III, USNR, was announced recently by her parents Prof. and Mrs. Shorcy Peterson of Ann Arbor. Miss Peterson attended Oberlin University for two years before coming to Michigan and is a Delta Gamma pledge. Ensign Myers is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Myers II of Balti- more, Md. and graduated from Swarthmore. He was stationed here with the Reserve Officers Naval Architecture Group, graduating last semester, and has been trans- ferred to Norfolk, Va. He is a member of Kappa Sigma. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Little of Andover, Mass. announced the mar- riage of their daughter, Margaret Gilbert, '45, to John R. Dice, '41, son of Dr. and Mrs. Lee R. Dice of Ann Arbor. The former Miss Little was a junior night editor on the Daily. Mr. Dice is a member of Gamma Alpha fra- ternity, and of Phi Lambda Upsilon honorary society, and is at present on a teaching fellowship in the chem- istry department. Mr. and Mrs. Dice are now living in Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. A. Chaice of New- ark, N.J., announced the engage- ment of their daughter, Lenore, to Ensign. Lewis R. Mintz, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Mintz of Norwalk, Conn. Miss Chaice is a sophomore atj the University, and is the Sopho- more Chairman of Martha Cook Dormitory. She is also contracts and Promotions Manager of The Daily Business Staff, a Captain at the Ann Arbor USO, and was Pro- gram Chairman of Assembly Rec- ognition Night. ' Ensign Mintz has recently re- ceived his commission from Abbott Hall in Chicago. He is a graduate of the University in Business Ad- ministration. Sally Elizabeth Loughead, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Loug- head of Kalamazoo, announced her engagement to Ensign Robert George Davis, son of Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Davis of Port Huron. Miss Loughead graduated from thet University, where she was a member of Collegiate Sorosis, last Febrary. Ensign Dayis graduated from the University last June and was a mem- ber of Delta Kappa Epsilon. He at- tended midshipman's school at Col- umbia University and is now sta- tioned overseas. The engagement of last year's Michiganensian editor, Dorothy Anne Johnson, to Ensign Robert Erwin Plettenberg, USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Erwin F. Plettenberg, of Farmington, was announced recently by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph C. Johnson, also of Farmington. Miss Johnson was appointed edi- ter of the 1943 Michiganensian and was a member of Mortarboard, na- tional senior women's society. She was also a member of Senior Soci- ety and helped in the societies gov- ernment canvass. Miss Johnson graduated from the University in May, 1943, receiv- ing an A.B. degree in Botany. The engagement of Martha Lin- coln Clise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Clise of Detroit to Edwin Coupland Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter 'Holbrook Allen, also of De- troit, was announced by her parents. Both Miss Clise and Mrs. Allen attended the University. Miss Clise was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and Mr. Allen belonged to Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. 2 ~N~\V*x~ v\'&\"vN>~N~~\.4 what he said, it was the way he said it. H E ACCUSED the coed of putting her wardrobe before the war, of "sitting around in the east of the lecture room and the splendor of league houses," he called her an au- tomaton, he did her in for all time. And all the coeds who read his col- umn began to wonder about Yearnie. They figured that inasmuch as there were plenty of women around who gave very little thought to anything more important than their wardrobes, there was some Truth in what Yearnie said, and he was being his Old Dis- cerning Self. But that was as far as it went. THEY put it bluntly. They said thathe was dealing in glittering generalities, that he hadn't thought too much about what he was saying, that he was, in short, going on a literary spree at the expense of every woman in the university. THEY wondered where he was when women were carrying trays over at the hospital, when they were hold- ing impromptu political debates at the dinner table, when they were condemning those among them who obviously didn't know what was going on in the world, when they were being turned away from blood bank because the month's quota had been filled, when they were running their heads off trying to jo something concrete for the Post-War Council, the Inter- Racial Association, the MYDA. THEY figured that anything he had to say could have been voiced after just a little more thinking. SO SHEILA was ruined, and the co- ed was antagonized, and Yearnie went on writing his column and say- ing Big Things. All his Wisdom and erudition was lost in a maze of fury, and people figured that something ought to be done about it. THUS came the inevitable challenge to pseudo-intellectualism: the de- mand that he get down off his intel- lectual high horse, stop trying to show up people's vocabularies, and make something more than a repulsive stab at everyone in general. Most people knew that he had the Right Ideas, and the steam behind them, but they also knew that even the Right Ideas can't get much past the steam stage when they are flung at the public packed in superficiality, pseudo-in- tellectualism, and plain everyday mud. Stamp Sales Reach New All-Time High Junior Girls Project sold an all- time record of $1,000# in stamps to campus coeds during the past week, it was announced yesterday by Cor- nelia Groefsema, '45, JGP treasurer. The Project has sold $14,430 in stamps so far this year, Miss Groef- sema added, and $5,475 in bonds. The totals are ahead of last year's sales at this point by several thou- sand dollars. As a supplement to stamp and bond sales, JGP is preparing a revival of Junior Girls Play, traditional jun- ior entertainment for senior women, which will be given Thursday, April 27, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- tre. In addition to the Play, which will be a musical comedy, Dean Alice C. Lloyd will give a skit. COME TO I II ____________________________________________ __ ___________ _ ____ -i THERE'S A BIG BONUS in store for all of you who are faithful readers of the MICHIGAN DAILY! Because the Daily, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Ave. William P. Lemon, D.D., James Van Pernis, Ministers Arnold Blackburn, Organist E. Gertrude Campbell, Director of Christian Education 7:30 A.M.: Tuxis Sunrise Service and Breakfast. 7:30 A.M.: Westminster Student Guild Sunrise Service and Breakfast in the Lewis Parlor. 9:30 A.M.: Church School Junior, Intermediate and Senior Dramatic Worship Service. 9:00 A.M.: Morning Worship. "The Everlast- ing Man," subject of sermon by Dr. Lemon. 10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship (Second Service) 10:45 A.M.: Nursery, Beginner and Primary De- partments. GRACE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP Masonic Temple 327 South Fourth Avenue Harold J. DeVries, Pastor 7 a.m. Sunrise Praise Service, under the direc- tion of the young people. The pastor will speak. Breakfast will be served at 8 o'clock for those who attend. 10 a.m. University Bible Class. Ted Groesbeck, leader. 11 ajn. Morning Worship. Sermon subject: "Something Happened." 7:30 p.m. "The Hope of Glory." Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Midweek Bible Study and Prayer Service. Mr. J. F. Linebaugh will lead. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER (Missouri Synod) 1511 Washtenaw Ave. Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor Sunday at 11:00: Divine Service, with sermon by the pastor, "What Is Easter?" FIRST UNITARIAN CIURCH LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION Sponsored jointly by the Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches Zion Lutheran Church East Washington at S. Fifth Ave. 10:30 a.m. Easter Morning Service. Sermon by the Rev. E. C. Stellhorn, "But Christ Did Rise." Trinity Lutheran Church East William at S. Fifth Ave. 6:00 Sunrise Service, "Christus Victor." 10:30 a.m. Regular Easter Morning Service. Sermon by the Rev. Henry O. Yoder, "But Christ Did Rise." Lutheran Student Association Zion Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington St. 5:30 p.m. Social half hour. 6:00 p.m. Supper with a special Easter pro- gram fcljowing. THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY IN ANN ARBOR Study Class in Theosophy: Topic to be dis- cussed : "Superman." Class conducted by S. H. Wylie, President. At Michigan League, Sunday April 9, 8 P.M. Public cordially invited. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 409 S. Division St. Sunday morning services at 10:30. Wednesday evening Testimonial meeting at 8:00. A free Reading Room is maintained by this church at 106 E. Washington St., where the Bible and authorized Christian Science lit- erature, including all of Mrs. Eddy's writings, may be read, borrowed or purchased. This room is open daily, except Sundays and holi- days, from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays to 9 p.m. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 120 South State Street Ministers: Charles W. Brashares and Ralph G. Dunlop Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director winner of the Pacemaker award for the best College newspaper for ten consecu- tive years, is going to make this the best Spring season it has ever had. YOU WILL BENEFIT immensely if you keep up with college activities. The Daily Official Bulletin, a MUST for every student, features Lectures given on the cam- pus, Academic Notices directly from the President's Office, Events Today and Coming Events. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press, carries Sports News, fashions, and a review of all College activities.' IF YOU WANT TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR DAYS IN COLLEGE, SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY NOW!