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April 08, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-08

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g m4igaz Putty
Fifty-Fourth Year

i .

I9d Rather Be Right


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
licationrof all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Menber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

NEW YORK, April 7.-The Willkie washout in
Wisconsin raises the question of how in the heck
we are ever going to sell the American people on
internationalism. Mr. Willkie didn't get many
customers. Was that the customers' fault, was
his merchandise no good, or what?
Let's begin by tearing up and throwing away
all explanations which hold that the American
people are thick in the head, or unawakened,
etc. You cannot believe in the people, and also
believe that the people are weak in the noodle.
If the people (even the Republican people of
Wisconsin) didn't vote for internationalism,
that was either because they had thought it
over and didn't want it, or because a poor case
was made out for it. The theory might be of-
fered that an inferior case was, in point of fact,
made out for internationalism in Wisconsin.
It was not a good case. It was all about how

7The Pendulum

Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace.
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Bud Low.
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin


l Stafff
Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
* . . City Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor
Business Manager
Associate Business Manager

Elizabeth A. Carpenterss
Margery Batt . .

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
FTC Inquest of Cigaret
Advertising overdue
r4E Federal Trade Commission hearings on a
false - and - deceptive advertising complaint
against R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, mak-
ers of Canrels and similar actions against other
makers of popular brands of cigarets promise to
bring to light some pretty interesting facts.
The cigaret advertising ballyhoo,vhich ranges
all the way from testimonials by socialites and
celebrities to alleged results of doctor so and so's
sc1entific research is such a familiar part of the
American scene that most of us ignore it.
It is doubtful that such testimonials by so-
cialites and "eminent scientists" have ever
made one smoked switch to a particular brand,
but the advertising goes on. Each year huge
sums of money are spent for bigger and better
billboards, -more spectacular advertisements,
more assinine radio blurbs.
Actually there is not a hair's difference among
any of the leading brands as a thorough Reader's
Digest survey proved about a year ago. The
cigaret industry has long been a classic example
of worthless competitive advertising, one of the
more vicious aspects of our economy. And in
this fact lies the significance of the hearings.
An expose of the methods of the cigaret industry
would do much toward eliminating one source
of the evil and waste of competitive advertising.
-Jennie Fitch
Drastic Rationing of
Gasoline Is Necessary
IN SPITE of recent rumors to the contrary,
Petroleum Administrator Harold I. Ickes has
announced that there is no immediate prospect
for increases in civilian gasoline rations. Still
the stories of "unlimited supplies of gas being
hoarded by the government," "gas rationing to
make the American public 'war conscious'," and
other similar bits of gossip continue to circulate
through the country.
Evidently, the average citizen cannot get it
through his head that the gasoline situation
in the United States is critical. The attitude
in the Mid-West, where, the pinch was recently
made even tighter, is especially unfavorable
toward the government's petroleum policy.
The temporary conditions of transportation
shortage which for a time cut the Eastern ration
to half that of the other states has led many
to think that rationing is due only to regional
shortages rather than a nation-wide lack of
gasoline. At the beginning of the war this was
true to a certain extent, but with the vast in-
crease in the tempo of Allied war operations,
especially in the air, the problem has become
one of a serious shortage throughout this coun-
try, and, unfortunately, on many of our fighting
*We are now shipping abroad yearly almost
as much oil as was produced in any peak year
before the war. Production of petroleum in
the meantime has shown a very small in-
crease in the same period, let alone a 10 per
cent rise which would be necessary t satisfy
the thirsty tanks of the millions of American
automobiles. Moreover, our vast industrial
expansion is consuming great quantities of

DISAGREEMENT is still rife as to why we Am-
ericans are engaged in fighting this world
war. Most people frankly admit they do not
know, and the government's stabs at enunci-
ating war aims have been so many equivocations.
But, two noble institutions, Hollywood and the
Press, or the spokesmen thereof, see almost eye
to eye on the matter. They concur by and large,
in the belief that this is simply a war of defense
against Japanese aggressors. This view is bad
enough, but its complement is worse.
The very same groups feel that our boys have
gone overseas and will continue going overseas
for the sole purpose of returning, afterwards,
to an exact replica of the U.S.A. they knew.
The movie industry pictures pre-war America
as an idyllic "Happy Land" of Boy Scouts, Don
Ameches, clean fun, joy and plenty. How
soon they forget breadlines, hoodlunts, syphilis,
smut and starvation. With what deftness do
they gloss over the sewage of racism that
dripped no less disgustingly before Pearl Har-
bor than now from the fringes of our society.
War pulled us out of our rut, just as prepar-
ation for war pulled ;Germany out of its rut.
Overnight, war solved our weighty problem of
unemployment with which a hard-working Ad-
ministration had wrestled for ten long years;
war-created sergeants fed nutritious food to boys
one third of whom ran the risk, in normal times,
of being felled by pellagra or some such malnu-
tritional disease; war took the Negro from his
Southern shanty and his squalid Northern slum,
when physical disability did not bar him from
the Army which itself was honeycombed with
Jim Crow, but anyhow, replaced his rags with
smart khaki; war and the conditions it brought
about put more money in the hands of the con-
sumer than he could use; war set the cogs of
industry in motion-doubling and trebling and
sky-rocketing our output. -
WHEN the war ends, what then?
The same old material problems will rear
their ugly heads, only in a much worse way. If
economists teach us anything it is that cyclical
depressions, when left to run their course, not
only recur but recur with increasing severity.
We may well anticipate a gray-haired President
Thomas Dewey looking, in 1948, around every
corner for a coy prosperity that will not come
around to dazzle twenty to thirty million jobless
Even with this bleak eventuality in mind,
one could be of reasonably good cheer, if the
stand pat defenders meant only what they said
or what they implied, If they did not practice
triple talk..
They claim to believe, with Alexander Pope,
that "what is, is good." In truth they believe,
"what was, was better." They claim they are
for the continuance of things as they are. They
lie. They are for things as they were. They do
not wish to stand pat. Would that they did.
They do want to move backwards, and no bones
about it. For a decade they have unwillingly
stomached social legislation, and now they want
to disgorge it-to partake of the diet a la 1924.
Already the face of our land has changed ma-
terially from the one that existed when selective
service first went into effect. The CCC existed
then, and if it existed now maybe juvenile de-
linquency would not plague us so. The NYA
existed then, and if it existed now, the deserving
poor, of whom there are still many too many,
would not be prohibited from a college education.
The WPA existed then, and God-not to say the
NAM-knows we will need it again soon enough.
It is time we laid bare the tactics of our foes.
Sen. McKeller's TVA phobia should be studied.
He does not stand for freezing what is but for
unfreezing what is and re-freezing what was in
rural electrification. And so it goes with those
responsible for the erasure of the National Re-
sources Planning Board and those toying with
the idea of emasculating the Wagner Act.
Grudgingly did the rugged individualist give
way to the commonweal; pantingly does he
await the chance to re-form (but not to
reform) the archaic lines of economic royalism
and labor peonage.
Beware the two-faced stand-patter, and his
hydra-headed propagandists.
-Bernard Rosenberg

there ought to be an international council to
settle everything, some big meeting room some-
where; how no country ought to be allowed to
do anything without the consent of Bolivia and
Luxembourg; how we all have to agree on every
border. The appeal was never stated in bread-
and-butter terms. It was an appeal for votes
for Utopia. But Utopia is not an issue in the
Te people were asked to approve our joining
some sort of elegant and stately international
club. They could not focus clearly on this club,
which is not surprising, because no one else can,
The voters know perfectly well that Russia is
not going to let an international club decide the
question of her western borders, just as they
know in their hearts that we would not accept
an international decision if it were a matter
of restoring a once-stolen Maine and New Hamp-
shire to ourselves.
THEIR sense of reality was further offended
by the old League of Nations plea that we
must help to save the world from collapse; that,
if we do not join in, like good fellows, world
affairs will go to ruin. Many of these high-
minded arguments belong to the fight for the
last peace. A world of a reborn Britain and a
Red Army is not going to collapse if we stay out.
Our own affairs might collapse. But that is a
different story. And it was not told.
The fact that Mr. Willkie could rebuff Rus-
sia's border claims while presenting "the case
for internationalism" shows that he presented
the case on an extremely rarefied and unreal
Few will die for that kind of internationalism,
or even vote for it, because nobody really knows
what it is, except for the feeling that it lacks
edges. Mr. Willkie's case was a fine moral case.
Morality is the mainspring of action in this
warm and generous man. But morality as a sub-
stitute for action is something else again.
Mr. Willkie did not give the voters a foreign
policy. He asked them to endorse his morality.
Actually, he could have made "the case for in-
ternationalism" on the score of pure, raw Ameri-
can national interest. He could have beat the
brains out of those isolationists who are quite
willing to sacrifice the American national inter-
est rather than come to an agreement with Rus-
sia; in pursuit of which endeavor they have
(against their own principles) made the Atlantic
Charter, rather than American well-being, the
issue of the moment. But if we break with
Russia, we shall have neither a Charter, nor a
frierl. Then where's our "internationalism"?
To show how the Wisconsin campaign got
off-center, we have only to realize that both
Mr. Willkie and the isolationists, from quite
different motives, made a big thing during the
primary of enforcing the Atlantic Charter
against Russia.
Actually, if you add the Stassen vote to the
Willkie vote, internationalism didn't do so badly
in Wisconsin; the total is on the heels of the
Dewey vote. That shows our hunger for an in-
ternationalist solution. But, oh, how we need
to be tougher with ourselves! How we need to
throw away some of our blueprints, and begin
to express a clean, honest fear that we're going
to have a hell of a future if we don't make some
friends abroad. That, duckies, is the base for
a foreign policy: everything else has to be built
on that.
(Copyright, 1944. New York Post Syndicate)
WASHINGTON, April 7.-Last week, this col-
umnist made a million dollars. Furthermore, I
didn't have to pay an income tax on it. But it
was not easy money, for I had to sit for two
weeks on the hard benches of a court room,
hearing myself called all sorts of names by at-
torneys for the man who lives in the famous

"Big Red House on R Street."
In other words, I was being sued for a mil-
lion dollars by John P. Monroe, the war-con-
tract lobbyist who sprang into fame just a year
ago with his dinner parties for Secretary of the
Navy Knox, Senators and Army and Navy of-
ficers at his red house on R Street. At the
end of two endless weeks, the jury, after only
30 minutes, brought in a verdict for the de-
fendants. So I was in one million dollars.
The victory was won by the fact that the
articles complained of were true. John Monroe,
the man who thought I owed him a million
dollars, is a likeable cuss and I bear him no
malice. But when a man is as busy as a bird
dog drumming up war contracts, then the public
has a right to know about his activities.
I am glad to say that the Washington Post,
co-defendant for an additional $350,000, felt
likewise, and agreed to take the ordeal of two
weeks in court rather than publish a retraction.
Of course, this columnist, being subject to
the frailties of human nature, has made mis-
takes. Sometimes I have written things about

VOL. LIV No. 114
All notices for the Day Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten frm by 3:303
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Seniors and Graduate Students,
who have been invited to be guests(
of honor at the Twenty-first Annual
Honors Convocation, are requested to
order caps and gowns at the Moe
Sport Shop immediately. They must
be ordered no later than April 11 to
be delivered in time for the Convoca-
May Festival Tickets: A limited
number of season tickets (6 con-
certs), and also for individual con-
certs, are now on sale and will con-
tinue on sale so long as the supply
lasts, daily from 9 to 12, and 1 to 5
(Saturdays 9 to 12 only) at the
offices of the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower.
A local manufacturing firm, having
discontinued the manufacture of a
liquid type duplicating machine, has
offered to give to the University a
limited number of these machines.
Any department having a real need
for a small cylinder type duplicating
machine should see or write the Uni-
versity Purchasing Department at
once outlining the need for this
Required Hygiene Lectures for Wo-
men-1944: Notice is hereby given
that the required Hygiene Lectures
for Women which have been given in
the Rackham Auditorium at 4:15-
5:15 on Mondays and Tuesdays, for
the balance of the period will be held
in the Natural Science Auditorium.
The hour and days remain the same.
Biological Station: Applications for
admission to the 1944 summer ses-
sion are now being received. An An-
nouncement describing the courses
offered can be obtained at the Office
of the Summer Session, or at Rm.
1073, Natural Science Building.
Duplicate Bridge: The Duplicate
Bridge Tournaments held at the USO
Club will be discontinued until fur-
ther notice. These tournaments were
formerly held at the Club on Sunday
"The Shape of Wings To Come":
Mr. Geoffrey F. Morgan, Manager,
Speakers Bureau, Douglas Aircraft
Company will discuss the role avia-
tion is to play in the post-war world.
His talk will be given Tuesday, April
[1, at 8:15 p.m. in the Amphitheatre
of the Rackham Building. The pub-
lic is invited. Sponsored by the Jun-
ior Chamber of Commerce, the lec-
ture is under the auspices of the De-
partment of Aeronautical Engineer-
Food Handler's Lectures: The sec-
ond of the April series of food hand-
ler's lectures will be given on Tuesday
evening, April 11, in the Auditorium
of the Kellogg Building at 8:00 p.m.
All food handlers employed in com-
mercial establishments are required
by City Ordinance to attend one
series of lectures in order to obtain a
permanent food handler's card.
All persons concerned with food
service to University students who
have not previously attended are
asked to attend this lecture.

Percival Price, University Carillon-
neur, will present a program of Eas-
ter music on Sunday afternoon, April
9, at 3 o'clock. It will consist of three
Easter hymns, the Norwegian Na-
tional Anthem, Sinding's Rustleof
Spring, Sonata for 35 bells by Profes-
sor Price, Peasants' Easter Chorus by

'HIS is the first day
the Biblical Festival


By L ihty

Historically, the holiday commem-
orates the Jewish Declaration. of In-
dependence. For on this day, more
than 3,000 years ago, the Israelites,
living as slaves in Egypt. hearkened
to the call of freedom and escaped
from their oppressors.
Passover is the oldest of Jewish
festivals. Jews observed it in the
most ancient times when they were
still nomadic shepherds in the wil-
The principal feature of Passover
is the home and community celebra-
tion called the "Seder." This is the
religious and ceremonial meal in
which participated last evening and
which they will repeat again tonight.
The "Seder" is a dramatic presen-
tation of the escape of the Israelites
from Egyptian slavery. The story
typifies the struggle for freedom of

:~$ ~
~ 7KIJ~

During Passover, Matzoh (un-
leavened cakes known as the Bread
of Affliction) is eaten instead of
bread. Bitter herbs appear on the
dinner table to symbolize the
thralldom of slavery. Also a con-
coction of apples, cinnamon and
wine serves to symbolize the mor-
tar which was used by the Israelites
when they built the pyramids for
the Egyptian Pharaohs.
The founders of the American Re-
public, greatly inspired in their strug-
gle for freedom by the drama of the
Exodus, regarded the Old Testament
as their favorite textbook.
The picture of Moses leading the
Israelites through the Red Sea was
recommended by Franklin, Jefferson
and . John Adams for. the national
seal of the United States. The seal
they designed bore the legend, "Re-
bellion to tyrants is obedience to
God." -Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen

Holy Week Message

of Passover. the Common Man throughout
of Freedom., centuries.


"But, dear, why can't I! . . . All my friends' husbands are letting
them run for Congress this year!"

Berlioz, and Gounod's Sanctus from
the Mass to St. Cecelia.
Events Today
Roger Williams Guild: Meet at the
Guild House this evening at 8:30 for
a scavenger hunt.
Wesley Foundation: Open House
tonight at 8:30, o'clock for Methodist
servicemen and students and their
Saturday Night -Dance: An Easter
Formal Dance will be- held at the
USO Club from 8200 to midnight.
Coming Events
Music Hour: A Classical Music
Hour will be held at the USO Club
Sunday, April 9, starting at 2:00 p.m.
All service personnel interested in
classical music are urged to attend.
Tie English Journal Club will meet
at 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 12, in the
West ConferenceRoom, Rackham.
Miss Anna V. LaRue and Mr. Henry
Popkin will present papers on the
critical theories of Edmund Wilson
and Kenneth Burke. Discussion and
refreshments will follow the reading
of the papers. Faculty, graduate stu-
dents and interested undergraduates
are cordially invited to attend.
The Women's Research Club will
meet in the. West Lecture Room of
Rackham Building Monday, April 10,
at 7:30 p.m. Speakers and their sub-

jects will be: Miss Ruth Lofgren,
",elapsing Fever" and Mrs. Wilma
Donahue, "Tests and Testing."
The Westminster Student Guild
will hold a Sunrise Service on Easter
Sunday Morning. Breakfast will fol-
low at 8:15 a.m. and those who desire
may attend the 9 o'clock Morning
Worship Service.
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation: Sunrise Service at 6:30
a.m. Meet at the church at 6:15 and
we will go together. Identical church
services at 8:00 and 10:40 a.m. Dr.
Charles W. Brashares will preach on
"It Began at Dawn." Wesleyan Guild
meeting at 5 p.m., followed by supper
and fellowship hour.
Grace Bible Fellowship: Masonic
Temple, 327 South Fourth Avenue.
Harold J. DeVries, Pastor.. 7 a.m.;
Sunrise Praise Service, under the
direction of the young people. The
pastor will speak. Breakfast will be
served at 8 o'clock for those who
attend. 10 a.m., University Bible
Class. Ted Groesbeck, leader. 11 a.m.,
Morning worship. Sermon subject:
"Something Happened."' 7:30 p.m.,
"The Hope of Glory."
First Presbyterian Church: 7:30
a.m., Westminster Student Guild
Sunrise Service and Breakfast in the
Lewis Parlor. 9:00 a.m., First morn-
ing worship service. Dr. Lemon's ser-
mon will be "The Everlasting Man."

people which were wrong, or which
created an erroneous impression,I
but I have tried to correct this aft-
However, in regard to the man in
the red house on R Street, I am sure
I made no mistake. His charm, his
energy, his mental adroitness, espe-
cially his contacts with officers, are
legitimate matters for public com-
Dinner Partties (Oflinue
He is still carrying on and, in re-
cent months, has ensconced himself
in the home of Admiral Ernest King,
Commander of the U.S. Fleet and
highest ranking officer in the Navy.
I am sure that Admiral King does
not know it, because the Admiral
spends his nights aboard his yacht

on the Potomac, but Mr. Monroe has 10:45 a.m., Second morning worship
been known to call up prospective service.
clients and have them meet him at
Admiral King's home, where they Memorial Christian Church (Disci-
are received by Mrs. Eleanor Hemp- ples): 11:00 a.m., Morning worship.
stead, the Admiral's daughter. The Rev. Frederick Cowin, Pastor
Also, Monroe's dinner parties ap- Emeritus, will bring the Easter mes-
pear to be as successful as ever. A sage. 5:00 p.m., Guild Sunday Eve-
recent guest list included Miss Flor ning Hour. Students, servicemen and
Trujillo, daughter of the dictator their friends will meet atrthe Guild
of the Dominican Republic, Senator House, 438 Maynard Street, for a
and Mrs. Dennis Chavez of New Mex- service of worship led by Seaman
ico, broad-gauged Congressman and Walter Scott, an open house with
Mrs. John Coffee of Washington, who recorded music and refreshments.
came because they were curious,
Congressman Compton White of Unity: Easter services at the Mich-
Idaho, a member of the Brazilian igan League, Sunday morning at 11
Embassy, the society editor of the o'clock. Subject: "Life and Immor-
tality." Young People's Meeting at
Washington Times Herald, a meat Unity Reading Rooms, 310 S. State,
packer from New York, a member of Sunday morning at 7 o'clock.
the War Petroleum Administration
and several others. University ]utheran Chapel will
Monroe opened up a conversation have its Easter service Sunday at the
by calling attention to the speecn regular time, 11 o'clock, with the ser-
delivered that day by Senator George, mon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips,
calling this columnist a "liar." "What Is Easter?"
"Good speech," commented the man
on R Street, "I wrote it." First Church of Christ, Scientist:
"Well, if you did write it," shot 409 5. Division St, Sunday morning


ipmm }

, .--

Well, however Congressman O'Malley managed M
to do it, getting that power dam approved has G,
mie, imn or i hi fw.he e r lrv , ..

ur. O'Malley, my Fairy
3odfather? Gosh! How
""r h-c _-^-9

By Crockett Johnson
Mr. O'Malley! .. .You
haven't grown at all!

Do you think Mr. O'Ma~ley
has grown too big to get
fhrn#r _.m -;- -uiA,.

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