PAE WO - -S. ~ a44a a~ 4 4 a,.aa.~THE MICHIGAN DIAILY FUWAX, AP 7, 1944_ 1 U w s IyaI?.aaa IL 'a 1944 Fifty-Fourth Year I'dRahBrL BAFRight By SAMUEL GRAFTON Holy Week Message Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. - Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitlel to the use for republ cation of all news dispatqhes credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- ,er $4.25, by mail $5.25. REPRESENTD FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advetising Service, Inc. Colege Publisbers Representative 44 9M cstoWN AVE. NgEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO *"BOSTON * Los ANGE LES .SAN FkANCISCO Membgr, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 Editorial $>Igff Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Stan Wallace E veyn Phillips Harvey Frank Bud Low. Jo Ann Peterson Mary Anne Olson Marlprie Rosmarin . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director * . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor . -. Associate Sports Editor . . Associate $ports Editor * . . .Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Eitor Biness taff . ana $IlitnPv,R an~ fo~ar Bu Miaet a.vart Marigery Batt . Wer . s Jess i nge Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: RAiY DIXON Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staf and represeut the views of the'writers oraiy. SWAN SONG-: Willie W thdrawa4 Por~tds GOP End TESIY in Wisconsn, the Republican party signed its own death warrant. It forever closed the possibility of its contin- uing as a major party on the national scene. This is not to say that beginning tomorrow there will be no Republican party, but the primary results at Wisconsin are surely the beginning of ,the end. With Wendell Willkie went the last remaining shred of any pretense of social con- science within the Republican party. *a tine when the nation is desperately in need of moen with ideas, ideals, awareness, ,tatesmanship, the Republians have offered noting but petty bickering, secnd rate clock- room politics and a selection of fourth rate candidates. For even those of us who never supported Willkie were willing to admit that he was the only man in the Republican party who had suf- ficient stature to run against President Roose- Velt. Instead, the Republicans have chosen to favor such twentiteth century "knw-nothings"' as Thomas E. Dewey, Gen. Douglas MacArthur and Minnesota's Harold E. $tassen, all of whom have uttered such wise pronouncements on the present and post-war world as to yield a sum total of practically nothing All three of these "favorite sons" have the lhearty support of Hearst, McCormick and our own local Gerald L. K. Smith. Any one of these three will have the added support of a Repulici.n party of Clare Hoffman, Ham Fish, Curly Brooks, Anerica Firsters and any other home grown fascists lying loose. The Republican party of 1944 has the over- whelming indictment against it of having voted against the tax bill, the soldier's vote, subsidies. It has, in short, shown that it doesn't give one damn about anything wfth a scope higher than making more profits or beating the adminis- tration. T[ERE are several immediate possibilities aris- ing from Willkie's withdrawal from the Re- publican race: 1. He can remain a "good Republican" and Jnd spport to whatever Republican is nom- ipated. 2. .e may make use of his influence and throw support to President Roosevelt. . . e ,may form the nucleus of a new third prty. Of the three, the most positive and certainly 4he most helpful to the liberal cause in this country would be his support of Roosevelt. On the other hand, his choosing either of the other two alternatives will have a definitely neg- ative and far-reaching effect on all, Republicans And Democrats alike. Should Willkie lend support to Dewey the probable Republican nominee, it will mWale ,an Jpoing enough array against the President so that even he will be forced to align himself NEW YORK, April 6.-We are winning more victories in the Pacific than in Europe. We are als.o, at the moment, and perhaps only for the moment, fighting a bolder and more imaginative war in the Pacific, with greater use of surprise, greater dash and derring-do, and maybe ,also, a firmer sense of the connectedness of places and events. There is high intellectual achievement in our new ability to starve out sections of Japanese soldiery .by remote control, from distant islands, by pushing appropriate strategic buttons five hundred miles away. We are here, there and everywhere in the watery spaces of Oceania. We are clearly riding the express in the far est, wyppras in the west we seem, for the time being, to be on a local train. There is small doubt that this situation will change, for General Eisenhower is not spending the spring in England just so he can go down to Kew in lilac-time. However, a ripple of controversy has begun over our European operations. The Army and Navy Journal has questioned our Italian experience, pointing out that no- where in this war has there been a sound prece- DREW PEARSON'Sa MERRY-GO-ROUND WASHINGTON, April 6.-It hasn't leaked out yet, but Lauchlin Currie, hard-working deputy chief of the Foreign Economic Administration under Leo Crowley, has been urging that we do a little cracking down on neutral Sweden. Reason for ,Currie's urging is that the Swedes off Jia( av stuck their necks out unnecessarlly to heiwl the Nazis. While it is recognized that the Swedes are in a tough spot, nevertheless no We ,can forgive them for sending SKF ball-Bearing experts to Schweinfurt to build up tUe bMl-ear g works there which U.S. oabers, at a cost of 60 planes and 600 men, " ilnockd out. The SKF company of Sweden did not own the Schweinfurt plant, was under no obligation to the Nazis, and had no material interest in the factory. Nevertheless, word has trickled back to Washington that the Swedes sent men to Germany to rebuild the plant. Washington indignation has centered on the SKF Iball-bearing company in the U.S.A., whose president, William Batt, is a vice-chairman of the War Production Board. Of course, the SKF in this country is an American corpora- tion, therefore probably not subject to seizure or retaliation. Nevertheless, as it is largely owned by the Swedes, resentment here is strong. Chief opponent to Currie regarding Sweden is Winfield Riefler, FEA representative in Lon- don. Recently returned to the United States, he has urged the President to continue to cooperate with the Swedes by sending them strategic ma- terials. It is now up to the President. National Vote Slump.. .. The Gallup Poll people have made a so far off-the-record survey which shows that only paout 37,000,000 civilians will vote next Novem- ber This is due to two factors. One is that around 10,000,000 young men are in the armed forces. The other is that millions of war workers have migrated away from their homes and either have not registered, or else cannot register, where they live now. This ,Gallup survey is one of the most dis- .turbing factors haunting Roosevelt political supporters.. The figure that, if only 37,000,000 people vote, the President cannot win. In 1940, around 50,000,000 people voted. If 13,000,000 of these are missing this year, brain- truers figure that most of those failing to vote would be workers or soldiers who ordinarily would support the President. Here is the tabulation worked out by some of Roosevelt's political friends as to how the voting would help or hurt him. If 40,000,000 vote, the President would lose. If 45,000,000 vote, he might win. if 50,000,000 vote, he is sure to win.' If 55,050,000 vote, he not only would win but would carry Congress. That is one reason behind the Democrats' urge to get people to register and to get the soldiers to vote. Army Farloughs'... Young Congressman Henry ("Scoop") Jackson of -Washington has just been mustered out of the Army to go back to Congress. One' of his first acts after getting into civilian clothes was to call on Lt. Gen. McNair, head of Army Ground Forces, and effect a major change in handling men about to go overseas. He told McNair that one big gripe of the boys was that they often got no chance to visit their homes before being shipped abroad. All men were given seven-day furloughs regard- dent for a desperate, pitched battle at one fixed point, such as the battle at Cassino. The Army and Navy Journal seems to be asking for a less constricted and more far-ranging form of European warfare. It specifically cites the Russian example. The Russian strategy might be described as one of never letting the enemy settle down in one place for a slugging match; the German soldier in Russia always has a date with battle two hundred miles away, and he is always run- ning to keep it, while holding his trousers up with one hand. It is. not for laymen, perhaps, to judge this debate, but laymen may notice, under the head of trend-spotting, that a debate is going on. AND THAT reminds us, only a few months ago a big public debate was going on over the question of whe.ther we should not do more in the Pacific. A number of Senators and pub- lishers, all of whom professed unmitigated scorn for any layman who could so far forget his place as to advocate a second front in Europe, were advocating their heads off about directing our major military energies into the war in the far east. Well, now, without rancor, but without dodg- ing facts, either, it could be noted that the Colonel McCormick, or Pacific First, side of the argument, has actually done a little better for itself than has the Europe First side. The initial flare-up of truly grand-scale American warfare has occurred in the far east. The Pacific drive is not ineldental; it is big, and basic. While it could be argued that the opening of a second front in Europe would have been costly, no one will ever be able to prove to the Marines that Tarawa was cheap. If you just take the facts as they are, without engaging in any smart interpretative work on them, you have to admit that a small group of Americans, mainly isolationist, demarded that we hit it hard in the Pacific first, and shortly thereafter we hit it hard in the Pacific first. This is no attempt to float a crude innuendo to the effect that Mr. Roosevelt and the mili- tary have gene back on themselves and are taking their strategy from Colonel McCormick. Something richer, more complex is suggested. Say that big noises make big echoes. Or that an"y" ressure of whatever type, in a democracy, has some effect on total policy. Or that quite different persons, for quite different motives, may fipd thenselves following the same line, if it be the line of least resistance. No doubt the whole picture will change with the coming invasion of Europe. Call it just a shorttem trend, so far. No bigger than a man's hand. Probably nothing to it. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) less of where they lived-even if their homes were on tie West Coast and they were in camp on the East Coast. So the Army has now agreed to the following: 1. No man will be sent overseas without get- ting a ten-day furlough. 2. This furlough provides that he will actually get ten days at home, plus time to travel from his base and back. War Planner Nathan..* Most people have forgotten about it, but the man who did more to straighten out the Army regarding its extravagant over-ordering of trucks, tanks and shells was Bob Nathan of the War Production Board planning .committee. For months, Nathan battled Lt. Gen. B. B. Somervell, told him he was getting too many tanks, too much artillery, too many trucks, and that this over-ordering of ground weapons was hurting the more essential air program, plus the production of high-octane gas and escort vessels. In the end, Nathan was proved right but, during the battle, the Army, bitter and vindic- tive, drafted him. In no other country would the Army have been permitted to draft such a key planner. It was especially ludicrous in view of the fact that Nathan has had a spinal ailment for years. Nevertheless, the Army was so anxious to get him out of the War Production Board that they took him despite his physical condition After donning a uniform, Nathan spent most of his time in a hospital at the taxpayers' expense, finally was discharged by Army doctors. However, one good thing has come out of } Nathan's brief military service. While sitting in the hospital, he had time to write a book, "Mobilizing for Abundance." It outlines a lot of important lessons the nation has learned from the war, or shotild have learned, and is a vitally important contribution to post-war planning. Brother and ,$ster Kellems .. One thing which most people have overlooked about Miss Vivien Kellems is the political oper- ations of one of her brothers. The lady has a brother who is just as rabid _ against Roosevelt as his anti-tax sister. He is Dr. Jesse Randolph Kellems of Los Angeles, reactionary, isolationist Republican. Like his sister, Dr. Kellems has Congressional ambi- tions. He is running as the Republican candi- date for the seat of Congressman Will Rogers, Jr., of Los Angeles, who is returning to the Army. Ex-Lieutenant Governor Ellis Patter- GRIN AND BEAR IT - j 7" , 1 SC q_ 7 1a 1 Chcag TiesInc "One more little matter, gentlemen . . . do any of your wives, by chance, still have any relatives who would like a soft job with the company,?" WHY will you go to church today to hear again the story and mean- ing of the Crucifixion? Some of you , will go out of curiosity, others because of habit, still others as an escape from troubles and anxiety. But some will go in order to know better what God does for man, to live more nearly as God desires of man. The Crucifixion stands as the focal point of the Christian religion. With- out the Easter Resurrection, however, the Crucifixion means nothing but that ignorance, brute force and evil obliterate whatever good is in man. It takes Easter to apprehend the meaning of Good Friday; it takes Good Friday to understand Jesus' life. As Christians, as followers of Je- sus Christ, our lives-individual and' corporate-are inextricably bound to His life, death and resurrection. Therefore, to understand the mean- ing of our lives, we must first try to understand the meaning of His. Here are but three of the inexorable truths in His life and death we know must be necessities in ours. Christ forgives; so must we.- Now this is not milk-and-water, or sweet perfume, or patting-on-the-back and pretending that nothing really hap- pened. Jesus was spat upon, beaten, mocked and finally killed. Yet he could say, "Father, forgive them." Fortunately most of us have not been subjected to such treatment, but we do have irksome roommates and pet peeves. We can well learn to forgive Germany and Japan by beginning with the smaller aspects. Christ loves; so must we. Again, this is not sentimental and maud- lin. Too often we forget that jus- tice is linked with love; that love is an aggressive and motivating force, a healing power, an attitude. Jesus did not for a moment hesi- tate to inflict punishment upon those who willfully abused their functions in Society. Such is the Christian aim in the peace, to pun- ish in hopes of leading our enemies to take their rightful place in the family of nations. Christ suffers; so must we. We would all like an easy patriotism or an easy religion. But Christianity is not like that. Forgiving involves suf- fering; love involves suffering-for to forgive is humiliating and to love God and man often leads to the Cross. Many of us can bear humili- ation and pain - but the eternal Christ suffers for humanity. The Christian's first and highest duty is to suffer with and for God and men, knowing that God is bringing men through Good Friday to joyous East- er. This Good Friday' and always, 'Grace be unto you and peace." The Rev. Robert Muir Chaplain to Episcopal Students St. Andrew's Church' By Lichty I DAILY OFFICIALI I JLI.E :JN I FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 113 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Group Hospitalization and Surgical Service: During the period from April 5 througl April 15, the University Business Office will accept new ap- plications as well as requests for changes in contracts now in effect. These new applications and changes will become effective May 5, with the first payroll deduction on May 31. After April 15 no new applications or changes can be accepted until October, 1944. Faculty of the College of Litera- ture; Science and the Arts: The five- week freshman reports "will be due Saturday, April 8, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason ;Hall. May Festival Tickets: A limited number of season tickets (6 con- certs), and also for individual con- certs, are now on sale and will con- tinue on sale so long as the supply lasts, daily from 9 to 12, and 1 to 5 (Saturdays 9 to 12 only) at #the offices of the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Memorial Tower. Seniors and Graduate Students, who have been invited to be guests of honor at the Twenty-first Annual Honors Convocation, are requested to order .caps and gowns at the Moe Sport Shop immediately. They must be ordered no later than April 11 to be delivered in time for the Convoca- tion. Biological Station: Applications for admission to the 1944 summer ses- sion are now being received. An An- nouncement describing the courses offered can be obtained at the Office of the Summer Session, or at Rm. 10.13, Natural Science )uilding. Dancing Lessons: There will not be a dancing lesson class Friday, April 7, at the USO Club. Dancing lessons will be resumed Friday, April 14. Duplicate Bridge: The uplicate ridge Tournements held at the USO Clu W11ill be discontinued until fur- ther notice. These tournaments were formerly held at the Club on Sunday afternoons. No Women's Glee Club rehearsal Friday. Good Friday Organ Recital: Pal- trer Christian, University " Organist, will present his annual Good Friday program at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. The program will 'in- clude Two Chorale Preludes by Bach and Wagner's Good Friday Music frome "Parsifal." 'The public is invited. Percival Price, University Carillon- neur, will present a program of Eas- ter music on Sunday afternoon, April 9, at 3 o'clock. It will consist of three Easter hymns, the Norwegian Na- tional Anthem, Sinding's Rustle of Spring, Sonata for 35 bells by Profes- sor Price, Peasants' Easter Chorus by Berlioz, and Gounod's Sanctus from the Mass to St. Cecelia; Events Today University Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw, will have a Good Friday Service this afternoon at 1:30, with celebration of the Lord's Supper. The pastor will preach on the subject, "Jesus-Bruised Burden-Bearer." Wesley Foundation: Bible Class to- night at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. C. W. Brashares, leader. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet today at 4 p.m. in Rm. 319 West .edical Building. "Some Aspects of Protein in Nutrition" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. Zion Lutheran Church, E. Wash- ington St. and S. Fifth Ave., will have a Good Friday afternoon ser- vice at 1:30 o'clock and the H~oly Sacrament will be administered at the Holy Communion Service on Good Friday evening at 7:39 o'clock. Trinity Lutheran Church, E. Wil- liam St. and S. Fifth Ave., will hold a Good Friday afternoon service at 1:00 o'clock with a Holy Communion service following the regular service at 3 o'clock for those who wish to receive the Sacrament. There will be a Music School assembly featuring original student compositions today at 11 a.m. All Music School classes and lessons will be dismissed. Students are urged to attend. Friday Night Dance: The Friday Night Dance will be held as usual this Friday. Dance starts at 8:00 son is the Democratic candidate against Kellems and, to date, has the best chance to win. Reply to Jesse Jones... Jesse Jones has been griping to editors again about the efforts of this reporter to keep the public informed about his various public activities. Jones now calls not only me, but the Truman Committee a liar, when it comes to reporting his lending a lot of U. S. taxpayers' money to the Aluminum Company of Canada for construction of the giant Shipshaw project now running full blast in Canada, while some U.S. aluminum plants are closing down. However, the Truman Committee is pretty good at keeping track of things and has a pretty good reputa- tion- for being fair, yet tightening up war efficiency. The Army denied their expose about cracked Wright airplane engines, and the Navy rais- ed hob over Truman's criticism of tank landing boats. Yet each time the Truman boys turned out to be right, and if the Navy had listened earlier about tank landing boats we would have a lot more troops at the Anzio beachhead. Score Card.. . Here is the score card of Jones's latest gripes: PEARSON: "Jesse advanced to Aluminum Company of Canada $68,- 500,000 of the taxpayers' money with- out interest or security, but with the understanding. Aluminum of Canada would repay the loan by shipping aluminum to the U.S.A." JONES: "Interest was charged on all advances or specifically deducted from the price." TRUMAN COMMITTEE: "Alum- inum Company of Canada receivedl $68,500,000 without interest and asI Jut 1 at ,on ary F , A PLAN for limiting price control to some 45 essential commodities is reported to be receiving serious consideration in the Senate Banking Committee. Republicans supporting the proposal argue that there can be no justification for controlling prices on items for which there is no criti- cal need. Actually, an acceptance of the plan would not only imperil the entire stabilization program ,but play havoc with the production of essential civilian commodities. In- flation, as the President has repeat- edly pointed out, must be controlled pn every front if it is to be success- fully controlled at all. A creeping inflation in non-critical- items would create additional buying power which ultimately would swamp all efforts to hold down the prices of essential items. But that is not the worst of it. An increase in the prices of luxury items would inevitably divert labor and capital from the production of essentials into the luxury trades, thus causing shortages of the price-con- trolled items and surpluses in non- essentials. Experience has shown that direct control, particularly of man-power, is much less effective and arouses much more opposition than over-all price-stabilization. --The Nation prepayment for aluminum to be de- livered later." PEARSON: "Jones justifies things by contending that he has reduced the price of Shipshaw aluninum from 17 to 15 cents a pound. But there is' a joker in this because the contract, secretly negotiated, contains two es- calator clauses on labor and trans- portation. Thus, if labor costs. go lup, Shipshaw can charge Jesse more. Or if transportation rates go up, Shipshaw can also boost the price. The price is estimated around 20 to 22 cents a pound-not 15 cents. JONES: "All contracts were ap- proved by the President." :I BARNABY Hello. By Crockett Johnson x t 4.7 Tell me al and Conar Il about it! How you rremnn O'Malle not I I 11 Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, anot t ased, Mom RvBmitake- 11 For all t know, Ellen, Barnaby's exolanation is as good as any- I I 1