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April 06, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-06

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Local Churches Hold Services for Holy Week Obse


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Special Programs To 1k
Given on Good Friday
Crucifixion of Christ at Calvary Is
Solemnized by Protestants, Catholics
Good Friday, the day that is marked by all Christian churches through-
out the world in memory of the crucifixion of Christ, will be celebrated by
special union services and church programs planned for tomorrow.
The three-hour all-denominational service at the First Methodist
Church will begin at 12:10 p.m. with the choir from the Second Baptist
Church furnishing the music. A word-pageant, presenting the events of
Jesus' last week, will be given with readings, music and a sermon. Dr. W. P.

Passover Will
Be Celebrated
At Foundation
Passover, a traditional Jewish holi-
day, celebrating the sparing of the
Hebrews in ancient Egypt, will begin
tomorrow night.
A Friday evening Seder will be held
both at the Hillel Foundation and at
the Beth Israel Synagogue; the latter
Is located at 538 N. Division. A Seder
will also be held at Beth Israel Satur-
day night, and Passover meals will
be served there throughout the week.
Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen will con-
duct the Seder at 715 p.m. tomorrow
at Hillel, which will be in both He-
brew and English and will include
the singing of traditional songs con-
nected with this festival. Reserva-
tions for the Hillel Seder, Friday
night, are already closed, but stu-
dents may attend the Seder at Beth
Israel, where Rabbi IsraelrGoldman
will preside. Both Israel Seders begin
at 8:15 p.m., Friday and Saturday,
April 7 and 8.
Special arrangements will be made
for those who will not be in Ann
Arbor on Friday and Saturday but
who wish to eat Passover meals dur-
ing the week at Beth Israel Syna-
gogue. Applications for Seders and
meals should be made through the
Hillel Foundation, and those wish to
eat Passover meals throughout the
week are requested to submit their
ration books along with their reserva-
tions and check.
YPsi Bartender
Finted for Sale
Charged with selling intoxicating
liquor to minors, Quentin Hensle, bar-
tender of the Recreation Tavern in
Ypsilanti, was found guilty yesterday
by the Ypsilanti Municipal Court and
fined $50 plus $15 court costs.
Hensle's arrest followed an auto-
mobile accident two weeks ago in
which two intoxicated youths un-
lawfully took possession of a car and
swent on a wild ride through Ypsi-
lanti which ended when the careen-
ing vehicle struck a guy wire, thereby
disrupting communications.
Investigation showed that the
youths had purchased beer from Hen-
sle at the Recreation Tavern. Hen-
sle was subsequently arrested and
convicted on another complaint in-
volving a similar offense.
On Campus **
Coffee Hour Is Friday.. ..
The Student Religious Association
will hold its weekly coffee hour from
4 to 5:30 p.m. Friday, in the library
of Lane Hall. All students and serv-
icemen are invited.
* , : * *
French Club To Meet ...
The Cercle Francais will hold a
social meeting at 8 p.m. today in
the Union.
Students of French and also for-
eign students who speak French are
Invited to attend the meeting, Prof.
Charles E. Koella, faculty adviser to
the club, said.
USO Positions Are Open
Sophomore and juniors may peti-
tion for the positions open on USO
Council, Marilyn Mayer, '44, head of
Judiciary, announced yesterday.

Deadline on petitioning for these
positions and the remainder of those
on the Women's War Council is to-
morrow. The petitions are to be
turned in at the Undergraduate Of-
fice of the League.
Junior Dues Called for. .
Several houses have yet to turn
in junior class. dues, according to
Mary Ann Jones, '45, who urges all
juniors to pay their 50 cents today
to finance Junior Girls Play, junior

Lemon of the First Presbyterian
Church will preach the sermon.
Unsigned Prayers To Be Written
Those who plan on attending the
service may bring written unsigned
prayers and leave them in baskets
by the entrance so that they may be
presented. This is in the remem-
brance of the Monday when Jesus
said "My Father's House shall be
called a House of Prayer."
Three speakers will highlight the
service at the Wuerth Theatre which
will also be held at the same time.
Major Robert Hill of the Salvation
Army will have "The Humiliation
and Exaltation of Christ" as his top-
Two Ministers To Speak
Rev. David Blake, presiding elder
of the African Methodist Church will_
talk on "Born for a Purpose" with_
Rev. Lawrence Neff of the Pilgrim
Holiness Church concluding with his
address on "Supreme Sacrifice."
Special music will also be furnished.
Mass of Pre-Sanctified will be held
at noon in the St. Mary Chapel for
all Catholic students. Devotions will
follow until 3 p.m.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church will
hold a three-hour service starting at
noon tomorrow. The Rev. Henry,
Lewis will give three addresses on the
subject, "Challenge of the Cross in'
Our Day."
Lutherans iold Services
A Community Lenten service is
planned by the Rev. E. C. Stellhorn
for 1:30 p.m. at the Zion Lutheran
Church. Holy Communion will be
held at 7:30 p.m.
Gamma Delta (Missouri Synod)
will meet for a religious service and
communion at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow in;
the' Lutheran Student Chapel.
The Rev. Henry Yoder will deliver
the sermon, "Prayers at Our Lord's
Death" at the Trinity Lutheran
Church service from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Holy communion will be held after;
the special service.
OrganRecit al
To Be Given
Selections by Dupre, Bossi, Mall-j
ing, Karg-Elert, as well as two Bach
"Chorale Preludes" and thetthird act
from Wagner's "Parsifal" will com-
prise the hour of Good Friday music
which Prof. Palmer Christian, Uni-
versity organist, will present at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
The fifty-ninth annual concert,
sponsored by the School of Music, is
offered to afford opportunity to
many, especially those who may be
unable to attend church services to-
morrow, to give attention to the sig-
nificance of Good Friday.
Allen To Aid State Group
Prof. Shirley Allen of the School
of Forestry and Conservation has
been appointed to serve on a state
commission which will have statutory
powers to study state drainage laws
and policies. The results will be used
in the selection of land for the pro-
posed new state office building west
of the capitol.

Legion Plans
Reception for
Latin Students
Celebrating Pan-American Day, the
Second District Post of the American
Legion and Auxiliary will hold a re-
ception and musical program for
Latin American students at 8 p.m.
Saturday in the International Cent-
Mrs. Lenore Shirtliff, Auxiliary
Pan-American chairman, said that
the program is intended to provide an
opportunity for people here to "get
acquainted with our South American
neighbors," and that all students from
Latin America are urged to attend.
Leigh Young, mayor of Ann Arbor,
will welcome the Latin American
students to the city, and Dr. Esson
M. Gale, director of the International
Center, will outline the program of
exchange students and professors
which is now in use.
Robert Klinger, assistant counselor
to foreign students, and George Hall,
assistant to the director of the In-
ternational Center, will outline the
activities of foreign students at the
Center and on the campus.
The musical program consisting of
selections from Latin America will be
under the direction of Miss Rose
Marie Grentzer. Miss C. E. Vlisedes
from Goloubia will present a group
of Spanish songs.
Refreshments and a social hour will
follow the reception and program.

Bomber Petition
Blanks Must
Be in April 12
Union and League members must
turn in petitions for the 1944 -45
Bomber Scholarship co-chairmanship
by Wednesday, April 12, to the
League Undergraduate Office, ac-
cording to Jean Bisdee, '44, chairman
of Bomber Scholarship.
The new Bomber Scholarship Com-
mittee, Miss Bisdee said, will be head-
ed by one Union and one League
member. Both men and women may
secure petition blanks from the
League social director. Interviewing
of applicants will be announced later.
The purpose of the Bomber Schol-
arship Committee is to raise a fund
of $100,000, which will be put into
war bonds to buy a bomber now and
to aid returning servicemen with
scholarships after the war.
A functioning committee composed
of students from the League and
Union this year brought the Bomber
Scholarship Fund to approximately
one-fourth of its goal.
Among the projects undertaken by
the Committee were the Fall Prom,
featuring Glen Gray, the "Symphony
and Swing" program, which brought
together the University Concert Band
and Earl Hines and his orchestra, the
New Year's Eve "Final Spree of '43,"
the acquaintance bureau, where some
700 students registered, and the
"Michibomber" all-campus carnival.

Churehes Will
Hold Maundy
Thursday Rites
Maundy Thursday will be celebrat-
ed by inter-denominational services
at the Congregational Church and at
the Wuerth Theatre from 12:10 to
12:50p.m. as well as at several ser-
vices in other churches.
Holy Communion will be given at
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church at
7:15 a.m. to 10 a.m. and at 8 p.m.
today with music by the men and
boys choir at the latter service.,
Trinity Lutheran Church will have
a communion service and meditation
at 7:30 p.m. today. The Rev. Henry
Yoder's topic will be "From Indecisive
to Decisive Followers."
Zion Lutheran Church will hold
communion at 7:30 p.m. today.
Mass will be said at 7 a.m. today in
the St. Mary Student Chapel with
Holy Hour to be held at 7:30 p.m.
A 'reception of new members will
be held at the Presbyterian Church
at 7:15 p.m. today with communion
following at 8 p.m.
A candlelight service will be held
at 8 p.m. in the Baptist Church with
the choir furnishing the musical
background. R3ev. C. H..Loucks will
preach on "Who Crucified Jesus?"
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran
Church will hold services and Holy
Communion at 7:45 p.m. with the
Rev. Richard Bierlein preaching.

AN AMERICAN MARINE-wounded in the invasion of Empress Augusta
Bay on Bougainville Island in the Solomons, is hoisted to a Coast Guard
transport. Earlier in the day this Marine and his comrades had been
carried by landing craft onto the beach where he was injured.

Honor Dinner
Held at Jordan.
Awards Presented for
Freshman Achievents
Jordan Hall held an honor dinner
and presentation of awards for the
first semester yesterday.
Helen Alpert presented awards to
three Hopwood winners, Margie Rob-
inson made the athletic presenta-
tions, and rewards for outstanding
efforts in war work were given by
Phyllis VanBrocklin.
Academic awards were presented
by Ruth Burn, chairman of Jordan's
scholarship committee, to 36 girls
who had a three point average or
above for the past semester.
Dean Walters presented the schol-
arship cup to Ann Robinson and May
Risch, who tied for first place with
a 3.8 average. Tied for honorable
mention -with 3.73. were Catherine
Verschoor, Sema Orgayevsky and Lila
The Dohfan Deming Scholarships
were awarded to May Risch and Bar-
bara Fox by Dean Byrl Bacher.
Other guests for the occasion were
Mrs. E. A. Walter, Dean Jeanettej
Perry, .Miss Marie Hartwig, Mr. and'
Mrs. Woodrow Ohlsen and ProfessorI
George Stanley.

Music School
Plans Program
Student Works Will
Be Featured Tomorrow
All music school classes and lessons
will be dismissed to hear a program
of original music, written and per-
formed by students of the School of
Music, at 11 a.m. tomorrow . in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, accord-
ing to Phyllis Crawford, '45SM.
The program, first of its kind ever
presented here, will open with "Heav-
en Haven," by Mary Evans Johnson,
sung by Charlotte MacMullan. Jean-
ette Haien's violin and piano sonata
will be performed by Elizabeth Ivan-
off and Miss Haien, and Harriet Por-
ter will sing a group of four children's
songs by Marguerite Palmer: "Good
Eating," "Why," "Have You a Wish,"
and "Time Will Tell."
The jirformance, which is opeu to
the public, will close with "Nocturne"
and "Short Prelude," composed and
played by Herb Aidemiller.
Rugen Named to Post
Prof. Mabel Rugen of the depart-
ment of physical education for wo-
men has been appointed to serve on
a special committee which will con-
duct a state-wide safety education


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