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April 05, 1944 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-04-05

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Dr. F. G. Gustf son Predicts
Desolate Future for Campus

A desolate future for the University
of Michigan campus was forecast to-
day by Dr. Felix G. Gustafson of the
botany department, if students con-
tinued heedlessly to make shortcuts
across the grass.
"In a few years, the campus
would resemble a desert in the sum-
mer, dry and dusty, and in the
rainy seasons, it would be swampy,
if all of us do not cooperate to pre-
serve the grass we have left," Dr.
Gustafson said.
"If more people realized the injury
they do by walking on the grass at
this time of year, they would be more
careful," he continued.
Vital Region Destroyed
"During the winter and early
spring, the part of the plant from
which new grass develops is at the
surface of the soil," Dr. Gustafson
explained. "By walking on the
ground,, we crush and destroy. this
region, and no more grass will grow."
"Furthermore, walking churns up
the soil, and if we do it frequently,
WPB Official Says Shoe
Supply Will Meet Needs
WASHINGTON, April 4.-- (AP)-
Despite a cut in civilian shoe produc-
tion ordered into effect this month,
War Production Board officials said
today that the 1944 supply would
meet home front needs without
tighter rationing.
C. Spencer Love, director of WPB's
Textile, Clothing and Leather Bur-
eau, said that shoes would be "more
restricted" but that "there is nothing
serious about the outlook."

we break up the structure of the soil,
making it non-productive."
Manpower Problem
In former years, Dr. Gustafson
said, the University was able to re-
seed the campus each spring, but
during the war emergency, the man-
power is no longer available, and
the seeds are difficult to obtain.
"There is no need for our campus
to become a desert," he added. "The
campus belongs to all of us, and we
need only to be thoughtful and take
pride in it if we wish to make it
as beautiful as it is capable of being."
TU' Broadcasts
Are Announced
"Community Education for Toler-
ance" will be the topic of tomorrow's
Community in Action Series of broad-
casts from the University studios, to
be heard at 2:15 p.m. today, over sta-
tion WKAR.
Mr. Bonner M. Crawford and Mr.
William C. Morse, both of the Adult
Education Program staff, will take
part in the discussion of the problem.
Sarah E. Hanby, '44, will be the
soloist on the weekly broadcast spon-
sored by the School of Music, to be
heard at 2:30 p.m. over station
WKAR. She will play three piano
sonatas by Cimaraso, the G Minor,
A Major and the B flat Minor. Miss
Hanby is a pupil of Dr. Brinkman at
the School of Music.
Dr. T. L. Purdom will deliver some
notes on "What Should Be Known
about Every Child Today," at 2:40
p.m. over the same station.

Art Student Is
Given Higbie
Award of $50
Harry B. Smith, Jr., NROTC, has
been awarded the Jane Higbie Award
of $50 for work in the field of decora-
tive design, according to an an-
nouncement made yesterday by Dean
Wells I. Bennet of the College of
Architecture and Design.
Members of the decorative design
faculty who selected the recipient of
the award gave honorable mention to
Elizabeth Perry, '46, and Joan Portz,
The award, given annually to a
freshman or sophomore enrolled in
the School of Design on the basis of
originality and promise, was estab-
lished by Prof. and Mrs. H. H. Higbie
as a memorial to their daughter, a
member of the Class of '38.
Other students considered for the
honor were Catherine Sauer, '46A,
Sue Whitman, '46A, Shirley Makima,
A, Edith Dines, '46A, and Betty
Smith, '46A.
Work done by these students will
be on display on the fourth floor of
the Architecture Building through
Debate Teams
To Meet Wayne
Eight varsity debate teams will
meet Wayne University in two rounds
of non-decision debates at 3 and
4:15 p.m. today in Angell Hall.
The question for debate is "Re-
solved: That the United States
should cooperate in establishing and
maintaining an international police
force upon the defeat of the Axis."
All debates are open to the public.
In the first round George Sim-
mons, USNR, and Harvey Weisberg,
USNR, will be in Room 4003 and Fay
Lorden, '46, and Barbara Levine,
'46, in Room 4203, will debate on the
affirmative side of the question. Mar-
garet Farmer, '46, and Dorothy Mur-
zek, '46, in Room 4203, and Betty Lou
Bidwell, '47, , and Sheldon Selesnick,
'46, in Room 3209 will uphold the
Affirmative teams in the second
round will be John Condylis and
Martin Shapero in Room 4003; Doro-
thy Servis, '45, and Joyce Siegan,
'46, in Room 4203; Howard Cole and
Richard Scatterday in Room 4208.
Edgar Hughes, '45, and Doris Peter-
son, '44, will debate for the negative
in Room 3209.
(Continued from Page 4)
sohn Theatre, when she will play
compositions by Ravel,hBeethoven,
Kabalewsky and Mendelssohn. Given
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music, the recital will be open to the
Phi Beta Kappa: Annual meeting
on Thursday, April 6 in Rm. 1035
Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m. Members
of Phi Beta Kappa are urged to at-
All students interested in sailing
this spring are invited to attend a
meeting of the Michigan Sailing
Club, Thursday, April 6, at 7:15 in
the Union.



P o P p Y C I R L-Alexis Smith, movie actress chon "buddy
poppy girl" of 1944 for the annual Veterans of kfr an Wars
poppy campaign, pins a poppy on Petty Officer 3/C Wili--iam Lei-
man of Ft. Worth, Tex.

B A Z OOK A B L A S T-Hal Boyle, Associated Press war
correspondent, gives a Hollywood toot on Comedian Bob Burns'
bazooka, for which the famous Army gun was ramed.

New Beauty for Easter



Lipsticks--Face Powders
Max Fac tors--Models'
Revlon--Coty--Hewi tt
Evening in Paris--Houbigant
Solitaire-Louis Phillipe
Next to State Theatre

H I D 0 E N -Marine Pvt. Or-
'len Silcox of Indianapolis models
a textured camouflage suit de-
veloped by instructors at the
Camp Elliott 't'raining Center at
Sari .Diego, Calif.

R E A D Y T 0 S E R V E-Ensign Ernestine Hess, Navy nurse
from Charleston, W. Va., poses in front of the funnel of the Navy's
newest and biggest hospital ship, U. S. S. Refuge, as the vesseJ
is readied for service.

Dae, vocalist with Fred Waring,
has been chosen sweetheart of
the regiment of midshipmen.at
the United States" Naval
Academy at Annapolis, Md."-

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C I VV I ES FOR SOLD I E R S-Evelyn Walkden, M. P. P L A NE - L A U N C H I N G G U N-Clifford Frew, work-
(left), helps a soldier into the coat of one of the sample outfits man at the U. S. naval ordnance plant at Canton, 0., operated by
of civilian clothing which British Tommies will receive when they Westinghouse, pushes a shell into a plane-launching catapult gun
re-enter peacetime pursuits. to test the breech which seals the shell inthe gun.

Sparkling and vivacious
.. . ready for
anything that comes
in a swish spring formal.
Priced from

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$9.95 to


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