E--~l-CH~ANr-41AkLY WEDNESDAY, APRIL ., 94 I -- ~ -----.- - . - l L~a/ aF-2'i _ _ _. _ ,. , _ Plan To Cross Channel May- Prove Difficult Veteran Says Invasion Via Water Possible. With Heavy Losses By The Associated Press BATTLE CREEK, Mich.-Amateur military strategists who have spent restless nights trying to figure out the easy way to cross the English Channel can turn out the lights and go to sleep. But be ready for a nightmare! The Channel can be crossed, says Lt. John C. Hickson, just as we've crossed other water in this war; we know it and the Germans know it. And he's willing to bet that if the Germans allow us abbeachhead 10 miles deep all the king's legendary horses and men-and then some- vill be needed to drive us back into the sea. Foresees Heavy Casualties "We're expecting tremendous cas- ualties. There isn't any other way because Jerry, remember, is a real fighter. He's. just as good a fighter as we are in nearly all respects and he's better in some. We must never forget that." This newly-arrived patient at Per- cy Jones General Hospital, a lanky, 28-year-old infantry officer who was injured when struck by a truck near Oran, ranks as something of an ex- pert on invasions. The young lieutenant who now calls Lansing home-his wife, Bar- bara, and two-year-old son have been living there during his stay overseas -believes that the Channel crossing is at once the important, and the easiest, part of the coming operation. 'Possible in Spite of Bombings' "We won't have much trouble crossing that water. We'll catch a lot of bombing, but we can do it." "When we were getting ready to go to Sicily, the Jerry saw our ships around Gran and Bizerte and Tunis .and sent the planes over. We lost several LST's at Bizerte, but we kept right on filling up others and then we spent three days at sea before we finally met at rendezvous and went in. "Jerry is going to see us this time, too. We'll lose a lot of stuff and a lot of men before we even getsstart- ed." Is it feasible to move across the Channel during the short nights we know that summer will bring? "There's plenty of time. All we need is a few hours. I think that when we decide to go we can put the boys in France easily in eight hours. If things go right, we'll have airfields in 'operation in three hours after we hit the French coast," he prophesied. 'Odds Are with Us' "The odds are with us, ind for a couple of good reasons. We know now how to cross water and put up a fight. We went into North Africa, Sicily and Italy. You learn a lot in three excursions like those. "I figure we're going to make a good landing and hold on. It may be tough, but we'll. hold on. With a summer ahead of us we should ,have the beachhead sewed up by fall when cold weather will bog down the entire front. We should be able to win by the middle of 1945. "Yeah, I figure that with luck on our side we can whip the German Army a year from the day our beach- head is ten miles into France." Villegas Will Give Fourth Sociedad Hispanica Talk Francisco Villegas, Spanish depart- ment instructor, will give the fourth lecture in La Sociedad Hispanica series at 8:00 p.m. today in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Speaking on "La Vida Academica de un Estudiante en Costa Rica," Mr. Villegas will compare educational methods used in Costa Rica to those of the United States. WAR BONDS ISSUED HERE! - Day or Night - Continuous from 1 P.M. Weekdays 30c to 5 P.M. TS . E §ANN ARBOP'S NEWSTTT Last Times Today "GOVERNMENT GIRL" - Coming Thursday - Discovery of - New Vitamins Is Announced By The Associated Press CLEVELAND, April 4.-Two new1 B-complex vitamins - without one,j chickens' feathers fall off, without the other, chickens die-were describedj to the American Chemical Society today. Both vitamins have been found necessary, also, to dogs, monkeys and white rats. This makes it fairly cer- tain that both are important to hu- man beings, but what they do for them is not yet known. Both vita- mins are found in liver and probably exist also in leafy vegetables. Experiment4 indicate that these two may be the last of the unknown vitamins forming the B-complex. The pair raises this B count to 11 vita- mins and are named merely B-10 and B-11. Both were extracted from liver at the University of Wisconsin by fil- tering a liver extract through cello- phane.EThe report was made by C. A. Elvehiem, E. B. Hart, G. M. Briggs and T. D. Luckey. A liver extract added to the sup- posedly complete diet resulted in per- fect growth of the chicks. r _ _ _ .._-...n. .Y .w T. .__ .. _ _ _ _ . -- -- HOLY WEEK PRODUCTION:.. Van Deursen, Methodist Choir To Present Haydn's Creation' AMERICAN TROOPS IN ITALY-The men clean up debris at an American evacuation hospital at the, front on the Anzio beachhead after a German bombing attack which killed two persons and wound- ed 56. -AP Photo. Position of Trkey... Hayden's oratorio, "Creation," willI be presented by the senior choir of# the First Methodist Church and three guest artists under the direction ofc Prof. Hardin Van Deursen, acting conductor of the University Musical Society and voice instructor in the Club To Discuss International Police Force Sigma Rho Tau will hold the first in a series of discussions on the machinery of an international police force at 8 p.m. today in Rm. 318 of the Union. Through this series the Engineer- ing School debate society aims to determine the best method and ma-j chinery the United Nations might use in organizing an internationalpolice force. "The group is not interestedj in whether or not we should have such a body." Professor Arthur H.I Brackett, faculty advisor to the group, stated last night. The form of debate of tonight's discussion will bedbased on the Rules of the Oxford Union. The resolution under debate will be stated as: "This House favors an International Police Force organized on an air power basis." After the acceptance of the1 resolution by those attending the meeting, there will be several speech-s es made from the platform on the1 resolution. Prof. Ferdinand N. Menefee, Prof. Jacque Hourer, Barbara Fairman, '47E, Patricia A. Ryan, E, Donald H. Vance, '45E, and Robert Dangl, '44E, will deliver prepared talks. Follow- ing this there will be discussion from the floor, and then a vote will be taken of all those attending and the group will go on record as favoring or denying the resolution. All faculty members and students are invited to attend the meeting. School of Music, at 7:30 p.m. today in the church. For the past five years the choir, composed of 55 members, under the direction of Prof. Van Deursen, has performed some famous oratorio dur- ing Holy Week. Former selections have been Bach's "St. Matthew's Passion," "Elijah," "Crucifixion" and Verdi's "Requiem." Carlton Eldridge, distinguished blind tenor from Lansing, Agatha War Casualties- Announced for British Empire LONDON, April 4.-R)- British Empire casualties in the first four years of World War II total 667,159, approximately one-fifth of those in the first World War, it was disclosed today by Prime Minister Churchill. He said British casualties up to Aug. 31, 1943, included 158,741 killed, 159,219 wounded, 78,204 missing and 270,995 prisoners of war. Churchill said civilian casualties in the United Kingdom during the first four years of the war were 109,101. American Army and Navy casual- ties for the 27 months since Pearl Harbor total 173,239, including 40,657 killed, 64,098 wounded, 36,321 miss- ing and 32,163 prisoners. Associated Press Correspondent Taylor Henry, who was interned at Baden-Baden in Germany, said con- servative estimates placed Germany's total losses at a minimum of 4,500,000 to 5,000,000. Moscow's announce- ments of Nazi casualties gave a total of more than 9,000,000. The United Nations Information Office last year said Russian Army casualties were estimated as 4,500,000 killed and missing. Berlin claimed 18,200,000 Russian casualties a year ago. Italian casualties have been esti- mated at about 1,000,000. Conference Probes Secret Youth Society JACKSON, April 4. -'OP) - State, county and school officials in a con- ference here today sought a means of undoing the harm caused to youth- ful minds by a secret society of high school youths studying subversive plans with the avowed purpose of "seizing the government" in 15 or 20 years. Among effects of the group which were seized by detectives was a well- indexed booklet entitled "Sabotage Wholesale." "Sabotage Wholesale" contained under its various headings plans for various means of attacking individ- uals and of disrupting transporta- tion. f (Continued from Page i) that of having aii- bases in Turkey to bombard vital Balkan targets like Hershe power. Therefore, it did not apply the Rumanian oil fields and other y 0 0 * when Germany and Italy were the strategic points in the east, the Rus- attacking powers. A Balkan pact to sian front at the present is at a (continued from Page 1) apply in such instances was being closer distance than any Turkish air considered when the Rumanian pre, base would be. gressively less strict as the ages in- mier, well-dressed, black-monocled My point of view is that the time a crease." Calinescu, was assassinated. It was for Turkey to enter the war is past 3. In drafting farm workers under then dropped. because of the present rate of the 26 local boards must interpret the ' In 1939 Turkey made a mutual as- Russian advance. The Russians Tydings* Agricultural Deferment A- sistance pact with Great Britain and would feel simply insulted to have mendment "in the light of the de- France. This was to be effective in another army to control the Bal- mands of today." case of attack by any Mediterranean kans as if they were not trusted to 4. Men physically unfit, or fit for power and was made in consideration proceed toward the Adriatic. limited service, will remain in occu- of Mussolini's growing military force. If Soviet armies pass by the Turk- pationally deferred classes if they ish frontier deeper into the Balkans, stay on the jobs, and if they do not, France Near CollapseisfrnirdeeitoheBla, "the indications are that means will a Th teat was.no n ithe only thing that both armies, This treaty was not invoked in theTurkish and Russian, could do would be found to insure that they do case of France for when Italy at- be to smile and salute one another, necessary work." tacked France and Britain asked Tur- For we in Turkey recognize the im- Saying many have used their 4-F key to declare war against Italy the portance of Russia's part in this war classification to quit work or to work Turkish reply was that she felt the --ance o Rmimspr thi wr in unimportant jobs, Hershey assert- French resistance had already failed gi e uso temoetUnnurnged that Selective Service "will use all and that therefore, one of the coun- given us by the Soviet Union during means in its power to stabilize the tries which had agreed to the pact the Turkish war of independence in positions of men who are liable for was no longer in existence. .'This the 1920's. Furthermore, there is a military service, under the law, in was o lnge inexitene. hisfriendship and non-aggression pactjoswihaecnrbtgmtral may well have been the reason that between Russia and Turkey which j bs which are contributing material- Italy waited to attack France until a e ly and ubstantially to the winning she was so nearly collapsed. For asWethiredornot1urky9 wllhav f _the____war."__ Italy had ambitions in Albania and aWaeathe peaceotablre, will dae- UTU Greece and preferred not to haveaeadatthe point of view taken at Turkey against her before these am- trend on the bon fvewtkna elma SlHhlth Will bitions were realized, that conference. Since the Turkish Give Republic has had no territorial Piano Recital Since the Balkan pact did not claims, and will cling to her inde- call for assistance in case of attack pendence and her present frontiers Selma Smith. '44SM, will present a by a non-Balkan power, Albania, under any circumstances, she would piano recital in partial fulfillment of Greece and Yugoslavia fell one aft- only participate on such questions as the requirements for the B.M. degree er the other and with the fall of the reorganization of the Balkans or at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men- Greece, the German armies were the establishment of an international delssohn Theatre. near the Turkish border. Turkey organization. She will play "Sonatine" by Ravel, was reassured that Germany would Anti, as for the United States, the Beethoven "Sonata, Op. 53," not attack her, but she did not de- Turkey has no known agreements "Sonatine, Op. 13, No. 1" by Kaba- mobilize her armies and all the with this country. However, Turk- lewsky, and "Variations Serieuses, bridges along the border were a ish sympathies are more friendly Op. 54" by Mendelssohn. blown up. toward the United States than to- Miss Smith, a member of Mu Phi During the two tense months which ward any other nation. Epsilon, honorary music society, followed many people wondered if ------- -studied under Madeline Hoffman of Germany would try to pass through Board Bonville, N.Y.,nbefore entering the Turkey and attack Egypt from theBor Approves Bill To University. Since then she has east while the fighting continued in Improve State Institutions studied with Mary Fishburne and Ava Libya. But Germany apparently felt Comin Case and is now a pupil of this move unnecessary, that the Nazi LANSING, April 4.--(P)-The State Joseph Brinkman. front in Libya needed no assistance. Administrative Board today gave a ---- Germany Offers Pact green light to a $1,517,635 delayed SurpisiglyenoghGeranyof-maintenance and fire ,Hazard elim- C A S F E Surprisingly enough, Germany of- nation program in the state institu- fered a friendship and non-aggres- sion pact to Turkey. Britain was in- gene C. Keys' objections to one part D IR ECT OR formed of the pact and Turkey sign- of the plan. ed it. This pact, although it seemed Auditor General Vernon J. Brown absurd to the Anglo-Saxon world, was and Governor Kelly emphasized that a turning point in the war of Egypt. no work will be started which would CLASSIFIED For now that the forces ready to compete with the war production help Turkey were longer needed for prograni for either labor or materials.RE that, they could be moved to Libya. The grant of money approved by the RATES Turkish independence is the board will allow plans to be made for most important thing to Turkey. the projects. $ .40 per 15-word insertion for If Turkey were attacked, she would'- one or two days. (In- fight even if she had no help from Eden Ex>ected To Resign crease of 10c for each the Allies. But if Turkey were to additional 5 words.) enter the war now, in order to be of In Favor of Other Work Non-Contract any great assistance, she would need NnCnrc more supplies than she has received LONDON, April 4.-(/P)-Foreign $1.00 per 15-word insertion for until now-maybe an entireAllied Secretary Anthony Eden is expected three or more days. (In- air army. And that Allied air army to resign this week so that he can crease of 25c for each air army. BAan tt Ald air ary fdevote full time to goverhment lead- additional 5 words.) on a Balkan front would not be of ership in the House of Commons, a; the amgreat help s it would were step in accordance with the Conser- Contract Rates on Request it placed in the western front against vative Party's program to groom him more vital enemy installations, to succeed Prime Minister Churchill. Fewer Fronts Better An immediate explanation for Ed- LOST and FOUND Furthermore, because every new eh's probable shift was that the for- LOST-Black Sheaffer life-time pen front means a new situation involv- eign secretaryship and the House with gold trim. Please return to ing many unknown factors and at leadership together were too burden- a Diana Kamburoff, 4558 Stockwell. the same time the necessity of new some. With his preoccupation with Reward. supply routes, few fronts and con- foreign affairs Eden has had little centrated supplies would work for chance to keep acquainted fully with LOST-Parker man's pen. Old style. greater efficiency. If the question is home affairs. Orange trimmed with black. Be- - longed to deceased father. Sub- stantial reward. 22543, M C H IGA NPlaying through Wednesd ay [LOST - Waterman sterling silver w_ _fountain pen. Call Ruth Klein, < >,; <> s n25232. Reward. _j t r ,, !!! I I r 1 _ 7 7 {+ } f e 1, _ j l I' f e s f ii BEVERLY BARKSDALE . . . guest soloist. Lewis, soprano, of Chicago and Bev- erley Barksdale, bass, from Toledo, 0., guest soloists will be assisted by the church choir, directed by Prof. Van Deursen. Mary McCall Stubbins, former mu- sic school faculty member, will play the organ accompaniment- for the oratorio performance. The performance has had a large attendance in past years, according to Prof. Van Deursen, and therefore he urges everyone to come early to obtain the best seats. Members of the mixed choir in- clude townspeople as well as students from the University. I I I i i I -. . .. . . : . s "" ." . ". .:. . : ... .. . .. . ..{.. .... : i4":.:::-av. .}::}n' :ii:}":}i:^::-Y$AfT.:::::::.~v}$:{X:" I . I LOST-Sport glasses in red case in- scribed "Perrin & Dinapoli, Al- bany, N.Y." Please return to Mary Baker, 2039 Stockwell. Reward. HELP WANTED a STUDENT-Men and women. Good pay. Excellent meals. University, Grill. 615 East Williams. Phone 9268. MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding. Maybe you've never had to call the fire department - maybe you never will. But it's a mighty comforting thought to know that it's there, ready night and day to save you and yours from one of man's most treacherous and terrifying enemies. The heroic work done by fire fighters in so many of the towns and cities of our Allies, which have been showered with incendiaries and explosives, is drama itself. The job of our own fire- men right here at home in Michigan may be less spectacular but it's no less important-particularly to us. Yet most of us give little thought to this vital safeguard of our everyday life - until an emergency comes along. There are 3,438 men in Michigan whose full-time job is the protection of lives and property of the citizens of this State. These are the regular firemen-- but there are thqusands more who are ready to do their share at a moment's notice, the volunteer firemen. To all of these valiant men, we of the Greyhound Lines pay sincere tribute. We're proud of these fellow-citizens- thankful 'for them, too. And we feel we have at least one thing in common with them, They're fighting hard to improve the safety record of our State and so are we. In'these tense and busy days, we feel that Greyhound, in providing safe, convenient transportation between this community and its good neighbors, is also playing its part in making Michi- gan a safer, ha ppier place to live. I c ,. _ I ~ ~m ~,. I LI c..pA.,p.- .:.~--. - B