_U THE MICHIGAN DAILY PME Easter Problem of Servicewomen Is Solved by GI Uniforms ., influence of Oriental Mystery Affects New Spring Fashions liy MARION SIPES Chinese women have always had in edge on the mystery and allure market, but this spring the occident- als have all the tricks of the orientals plus their own ingenuity for fashion ideas. New prints entering the retail mer- ehants shelves are in the bright crim- sons, yellows, pink purples of lotus blossoms, and jade greens, with de- signs of brush strokes and mandarin- like objects traced over the colored materials. Lowered Waistline Chinese The lowered waistline, that means an almost indiscernible waistline, blending into the pencil slim skirt, is another of the manifestations of the Chinese trend in clothes - it's not all OPA regulations. Pretty arms, once destined to be shown only in formals and bathing suits are brazenly peeking out from miniscule sleeves, drawn up as far as possible; and throats, too modest to delight in the low round necklines, are playing peek-a-boo behind the high, straight slit neckline common to Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek's people. Brilliant Colors Employed A suit, shown in an Ann Arbor store, has Chines' colors employed in a crazy quilt design, with a straight American job of suit tailoring. The jacket's front is composed of four or five large rectangles, placed unevenly over the whole face - one a vivid purple, one a warm crimson, one a jade green, and one a yellow gold- all superb wool. The back, long sleeves, and straight skirt are black. Black lacquered cubes with tWo brush strokes in gold are buttons. It's as clever a mixture of Yank and Chi- nese as Burma, the hip swinging, wise-cracking character in Terry and the Pirates- and just as good-look- ing. Smooth hairlines, with flowers ov- er each ear are faintly reminiscent of dancing girls of the old China, al- though the bangs of last year have taken a back seat to let the bare brow be prominent. But the lacquered look in hair styles is still good, and the one most desired by the publishers for their smoothest cover girls. ANOTH ERORIGINAL. Winter Wools Are Replaced By Cool Cottons WAC, WAVE, Marine To Wear 'Washable Fabrics for Summer An ever-increasing number of Am- erican women will this spring find themselves free from concern over finding a hat to match the new spring suit, for the Army, Navy and Marine Corps have done all the shop- ping . . . and have picked out com- fortable, practical and attractive clothing for the women's services. Servicewomen, who have lived and worked for some eight months in trim navy, khaki and forestry green winter uniforms, will soon be seen in cool, easily-laundered summer clothing. Women Marines Wear Seersucker Women Marines will be wearing green and white-striped seersucker, cut in a fitted jacket with short sleeves, notched lapels, epaulets and four pockets with curved flaps, over a flattering six-gored skirt. Acces- sories are a light green cotton "fa- tigue" hat and white gloves. The over-the-shoulder bag, roomy, dura- ble and lined in khaki, will be cov- ered with light green cotton gabar- dine, with a strap of the same mater- ial. Marine dress uniforms are white with gold buttons, in the same style as the work uniform. The cap is always worn with the dress uniform . it is visored, with softly-flaring crown and snug-fitting pointed back, made in light green cotton gabardine with white cord and brass insignia (gold and silver for officers). The cap is covered with a waterproof havelock during rainy weather. The Marine wears medium-heeled pumps with silk or rayon stockings for dress, and dark brown oxfords for work. Insignia Used for Jewelry The eagle, globe and anchor of the Marine Corps is the woman Marines most important jewelry. It can be supplemented by plain rings, watches, wedding and engagement rings, and identification bracelets. Gold buttons and flashy white will be the WAVE's and SPAR's summer dress. The uniform is cut in the same way as the winter navy blues: six-gored skirt, and jacket with slightly built-up shoulders, rounded collar and pointed lapels. The soft, rolled-brimmed hat is carried over from winter for summer wear, as are the black and reserve-blue seaman's ties and the over-the-shoulder leather pouch bag. WAVE service uniform for the summer is in cool, gray-and-white pin-striped seersucker. Accessories are white gloves, beige hose and black oxfords or pumps. WAVE's Work in Denims The WAVE's also have blue denim work coveralls, slacks and reserve- blue smocks, in addition to rain- proof havelocks and raincoats. WAC summer uniform is a cotton khaki shirt and skirt, cut like winter uniforms, with cotton khaki cap, cotton hose and tan oxfords. The WAC's also have a seersucker 6work dress. Fabric Glove Adds zest to Spring Suits "Just the right accent for my East- er suit," cries the coed, as she sees the striking array of spring gloves available this year. All colors and textures are repre- sented, with textiles running a close second to leather. In fact, fabrics, long scorned as an unsuitable glove material, have this year really come into their own. The fabric gloves are available in all colors . . . rang- ing from the most subtle dove-gray to the most brilliant shocking pink. 1 t C ti 1 A 7f J This glove comes in all major colors Drawstring Gauntlets and white. The government has, limited the As Always-White length of the gloves now being man- That traditional favorite for East- ufactured . . . but the three lengths er, the white shortie . . . is with US stipulated are adequate for any oc- again. Newer versions have a wrist casion . . . and what the glove mak- length cuff, with a small vent and ers may have lost in length . . . they hand stitched edges. Most fashion have made up in color, experts agree that there is nothing One versatile company has put out so "suitable" for a suit as the final a glove that will conform to any touch of elegance . . . the white length desired . . . reason? . . . a shortie glove. Suede, capeskin, wash- drawstring concealed in the cuff that able doeskin, and double weight Cot- may be adjusted to the desired size. ton are used. StJMMIEn PRESS AND WORK UNIFORMS of the Marine Corps Wo- nmen's Reserve are worn by Lieutenant Kathleen Hogan, left, and Sergeant Donna Case. Fashioned alike with short sleeves, turned down collars and flared skirts; the dress uniform is made of white cotton gabardine, while the work uniform is of green and white striped seersucker. M AKEUP IOR MORALEI Uniform-Matchin Cosmetics Created for Servicewomen Low-Cost Dresses To Be Increased The supply of women's low-cost dresses, hard hit by the shortage of cotton textiles, will be increased by late spring, Chester Bowles, Price Administrator, predicted recently. Mr. Bowles declared that the cloth- ing sold in many stores today is "ac- tually shoddy" and that the quality has deteriorated very much in the last two years. Both the War Production Board and the Industry Advisory Commit- tee have been aiding the Office of Price Administration on this prob- lem of maintaining supplies of low- cost clothing. a~Ih4:, T S A OFA HAT! . TRADE MARK REGISTEREO in gold, aqua, purple, gray, rose, airman s blue, coffee, kelly, red, turf, beige, black, brown and navy. Cosmeticians have filled the last gap in the toilette of women in theI armed services by designing makeup to match their uniforms. Solving' the difficulties of finding the fitting cosmetics for Marine green, a noted house has created a coiplete makeup kit for the femi- nine branch of the Leathernecks. The line covers everything from lip- stick to eye-shadow with a Monte- zuma Red lip rouge to match the red in the shoulder stripes, cords and mufflers of the smart Schiaparelli designed uniforms. The eye-shadow reflects the tone of Marine green. The WAVES pass inspection in their Navy blue uniforms with the final touch of Victory Red lipstick and complement their crisp white dress uniforms with Radish Red. The Navy Nurses share the supply of Vic- tory Red. For the WACs Stop Red is the order of the day, and the second lieutenant's bars of the Army Nurses' Corps reflect Redwood and Red Fea- ther. Grandma would have called it car- nal, but the authorities call it morale, and the women in uniform are en- thusiastic about this latest tribute to them. Qe edrbal preA for ddt¢r *s ; s 3951 ROBERTS MILLINERY 604 East Liberty r I '1 Your Laste, Suit'. You'll lead the Easter ego 4log /' - Crisp checks, perky little bows and flattering ruffles announce Spring and these delightfully young frocks. Each one is a love. Each one was meant to enhance the loveli- ness of a believer in youth. NI Sri S tU / S :5;: i 4 :;Y t : i 's. Oh, what a beautiful out- fit! The timeless beauty of a matching suit and top- coat, companions or sep- arates. t I'V TORTOISE ShELL COM PACT for Gift Giing- They have been selling for more than double the price. Rich glowing tor- toise shell with a sterling silver inner frame. Forrnerly 15.00 NOW .5-* Parade in a super-smart CLD~r (fcc cant ing iragra nice anl ily - IwrIulm-, lol let 1.00 each - iUt~ie ... 1.10 - (Il'ahurn . ..500. two-piece suit. Look and feel right in a soft dressmaker suit of gabardine, in sizes 9-20 $16.95 to $49.95 -> I 90y #')%1 e . W~1~CLHI I