'FACE roii TIlE M1ICH IGAN DAILY SUNTAY, APRIL z' 1944 Fifty lourth Year I' RSatME BeGRih ByS) AMUEL GRAFTON Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning xcept Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann-Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. NEPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI31L:J UY National Advertising Service,I1c. College Pablisbers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. cHiCAG * aoOSToN *"Los ANGELES *"SAN FRANCISCO ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943.44 Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Stan Wallace Evelyn Phillips Harvey Frank Bud Low . Jo Ann Peterson 'Mary Anne Olson . IMarjorie Rosmarin Editorial Stdfff Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . . . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . . Associate Sports Editor . . . .Women's Editor . . Associate Women's Editor siness Staff Business Manager Bu Elizabeth A. Carpenter Margery Batt . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: JENNIE FITCH Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are writ /en by 'members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. 'STATES' RIGHTS?' Soldier Hill Destroys Spirit of Constitution RUTH, who is now working for her Ph. D. in political science, emphatically symbolized to me the dangerous trend of conservative, Re- publican thought of yesterday. She, appeared thoroughly satisfied. "Well, I see my bill be- came law this morning," she said. Her principal argument was that that un- comparable measure which will prevent soldiers from voting by enveloping them in reams of red tape-that this bill in constitutional and will erase the 1942 law, "which was unconsti- tutional." It's strange thinking that sees an argument for a poll tax in a constitution which specifically outlaws discrimination on the basis of color. She also told me that the soldiers probably aren't interested in voting, anyway. Besides, if she were a soldier she would be the first to object t; a law that was unconstitutional. She told me so. Even if I could imagine Ruth as a typi- cal GI Joe, I still should find it extremely dif- ficult to understand how a soldier could be so interested in the constitutionality of a bill and still not be interested in voting. She is sorry that the issue was ever brought up in the first place and offered the information that the President's interest in it was only political. Of course, everything the President does is a political move-even to his well-known concern over how high our casualty lists go. Let us, above all, strictly follow the consti- tution to the letter. The spirit of it can go to hell. -Barbara Herrinton NEW YORK, April 1.-Our admiration for air power has been our own apocalyptic vision in this war, our own variant of Hitler's oversized. dreams of victory won in the laboratory and at the factory bench. We took the vision from him, and also the second rate poetry of blitz, shmitz, crash and bang that goes with it. Hitler it was who first was going to win because of devilishly smart ideas, in a war directed by some Svangali of the internal combustion en- gine. We took high-octane strategy away from him, and while no layman has any right what- ever to suggest that the military is oversold on it, there is no question but that the public is. Whether air power fitted the needs of vic- tory or not, it has certainly fitted the needs of publicists, miltary analysts, movie script writers, contrivers of radio shows and press photograph- ers. Air power is by all odds the favorite weapon of those who are not in the war, because it is clean, shiny, high, remote and lacks cooties. The fatal weakness in all thinking about war by those who are not in the war is their lust for pat answers and easy solutions, and DREW t PEARSON'S MERRY-CO-ROUND WASHINGTON, April 1.-Mrs. Evyn Walsh ("Hope Diamond"') McLean had three radios turned on full blast during her last Sunday night dinner in order not to miss her friend Martin Dies' reply to Walter Winchell. What the guests didn't realize is that Dies faces the toughest re-election campaign of his life. Trouble is that he was over-zealous in ' getting war contracts for his district, now faces about 70,000 labor voters, all registered and their poll tax paid. So Martin needs some good publicity, and attacking Winehell on the air is one of the best ways to get it. Dies recently has been accused of being anti- Semitic. That is not true. Dies is no more anti- Semitic than he is anti-Catholic. Most people don't remember it, but he made a much worse attack on Justice Frank Murphy when Murphy was running for re-election as Governor of Michigan. Though the sit-down strikes had been over for a year and a half, Dies suddenly called a meeting of his un-American activities investi- gating committee to probe the sit-down strikes and Governor Murphy's handling of them. This revival of a dead issue, during the psy- ciological two weeks just before elections, was calculated to hit Murphy hard, and it did. Probably it was the chief factor in defeating one of the most efficient State Governments in the nation. However, Dies did not mean to be anti-Catholic when he so effectively slashed up Frank Murphy. Actually, he is not anti anything except anti- progress. Mainly, he is just pro-Martin Dies. Taf's nflait.-- Erudite Eric Johnston, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, testified on Capitol Hill this week that he was against any amendments to the price stabilization act if such amendments would permit price increases. Whereupon Senator Bob Taft of Ohio burst forth with the statement that there ought to be some increase in prices, astounding his col- leagues. "Also," said Taft, "I think there should be some increase in wages. A little increase all along the line isn't going to do the country any harm." nothig has ever been more pat than victory through air power. Its seductive, diagram- .matic trimness exercises a paralyzing fascina- hin on many minds, akin to the grip exerted on 'the imagination by monetary theories and pension schemes. In the almost perfect world, victory is won through air power, peace is then preserved through a world police force, and prosperity is made to endure forever by reducing the gold content of the dollar. The great campaign to convince the American public of the importance of air power was a pushover, because the American public was more than eager to be convinced, as it would naturally be eager to believe in any theory that promised a ready grid easy victory. Its optimistic faith in air power was exaggerated, and so its cur- rent mood of disappointment because of the collapse of a single air power experiment at Cassino is also exaggerated. It is not crying because we failed to capture a town, but because its toy has been broken. WVE WERE so sure air power could do it, that we would appear to have told each other Cassino was utterly "pulverized," "smashed," "destroyed," "obliterated" before we took a good look to see whether it really was, or not. There was something almost naughty in Mr. Homer Bigart's report to the New York Herald Tribune, written from a hill-top by Cassino, to the effect that he could see all manner of buildings still standing. The remark seems in bad taste, like a whisper that the bride isn't good-looking, or any other realistic comment which scotches a dream. And now a bitter, disappointed, equally ex- aggerated, anti-air power trend sets in. One correspondent remembers that at Medjez-el-Bab, we attacked a German hill position for a day and a half with relays of bombers and then had our trousers shot off when we tried to go in. A London wire says we shall have to use naval guns to soften European coastal defenses, be- cause high-velocity armor-piercing shells are so vastly superior to bombs. It is recalled, with a comic air of surprise, that London was bombed by the Germans, but not conquered. The lady has lost her virtue; suddenly all sorts of discreditable anecdotes are remembered out of her past. These are but the pains of growing up. We now have a tough public relations job on our hands, to convince the people that there is no special, pat, neat and easy way to win the war, after having spent two years convincing them that there was. Public morale will be the better for it, in the end, with a truer appreciation of our need for sticking with and fighting with our allies. When the morale story of our time is told, a chapter ought to be devoted to the question of whether the air power theory, which indisput- ably brought the facts of life home to the Ger- man people, didn't sort of keep them from our own. (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate) The lady who almost found herself on the receiving end of a Hoffman punch was Mrs. Edith Ridgely, an employe of the House res- taurant in the Capitol. Here's a blow-by-blow summary of the encounter. Representative Hoffman called up the House restaurant and reserved a table for himself and several constituents. Mrs. Ridgely promised to accomodate him. However, when the Michi- gan Congressman showed up with several ex- tra guests who had joined the party, there wasn't a table big enough for all of them in the crowded restaurant, with the result that about seven people had to be wedged in at one inadequate table. Mrs. Ridgely, a widow with a son in the Army, apologized but this didn't satisfy Hoffman. Fu- rious because he and his guests didn't receive special treatment, he followed Mrs. Ridgely out into the corridor and there accosted her in a manner that surpassed any of his violent dia- tribes on the floor of Congress. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) S i Doinic Says R ELIGION at the university level presents a major problem to every student. How keep both the subjec- tive area and the objective world in healthy condition at every step in the learning process? Religion asks that one focus attention consistently upon the feelings, reactions and impulses. The unconscious and the habitual self has attention. Progress in re- ligion requires that one struggle to integrate the drives and aspirations within Also, religion sets up social ends and specific means for those drives. If you are a Jew, you will store the mind with the idea of God and become sensitive to the laws by which that great heritage disciplines the soul. If you are Christian, you will seek to know the idea of God and become sensitive to the purpose dis- covered through the teachings of the New Testament. If Buddhist, you will seek to orient your impulses and feelings about that specific body of doctrine ,including virtue for its own sake. In any case, the subjective world is the province of religion. Science requires that one focus attention on objects usually beyond the self. The first principle of the young scientist must be to keep feelings, wishes and desires out of every transaction. Unlike religion, science observes objects disassosiat- ed from the inner man. Even though the conclusions reached seem to go against feelings or con- tradict wishes or call desires into questions, as a scientific person, you will be objective and state the case as you observe it to be. Not until you can do this candidly and with enthusiasm dare you call your- self even a beginner at the scien- tific method. Of necessity, there- fore, physics, chemistry and geolo- gy, being remote from the person, present fewer conflicts than sociol- ogy, anthropology and psychology which function close to the person. The university man who would be religious, by the very nature of these two fields, religion and science, must move in two difec- tions at once. The wording is inaccurate to ex- press what we mean, for in the mind we combine various directions and virtually can go in two directions at once. We confront problems and may even posses tensions and suffer neuroses. For this reason, the man with a well-disciplined mind can be very objective about his own inner feelings. This is to say that the scientist should or could become the most religious of men. There are many men who illustrate this fact. It is here that being religious and being scientific are fused. The sig- nificant process for the student to watch is the distribution of atten- tiveness. He should ask, "Am I giv- ing attention to the religious atti- tude and learning to mature my re- ligion while in the university?" The courses assigned which are based on the scientific method will drive him to sufficient attention to the scien- tific field. Also, he should ask, "Am I neglecting the religious field?" It is the function of art, philosophy, psychology, the church, daily devo- tions and his religious fellowship to prompt him to work at his religious- ness. Counselor in Religious Education Edward W. Blakeman DAILY OFFICIAL _BULLETIN SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 109I All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.mn. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, April 5, from3 4 to 6 o'clock. Automobile Regulation: Students possessing driving permits who have not reported the 1944 license num- bers of their cars to the Dean of Students' Office must do so at once. Failure to comply with this request will result in the loss of driving privileges. qty A: ,. r. ' 1 °X :: i , t y .\ Y 3 a t ~ ' 4 _ t } ,. " r : a 1 _ +'^s ;( s - : ' .. _ Holy Week Message rODAY is Palm Sunday. It should mean more than the Sunday be- fore Easter, or the day on which churches are decorated with palms. It is a triumphant day, a day of celebration, a day of joy. It is the day that Christ entered the Holy City of Jerusalem, and it marks the open- ing of the most eventful week in the life of the Saviour. We call this week "Holy Week." One might ask how any last week of a person's life could be called holy. Let us look. Jesus, who is the perfect Son of God, the Lamb of God, was sent to take away the sins of the world. He becomes obedient to His Father's will to save man. God, who knew that any ability of man would never save him from his sins, acts in love to bring man back in face with Him. He sent His only begotten Son through spontaneous, unmerited, creative and redemptive love. Christ, in His obedience to His Father's will and His Sacrifice on the Cross, consummated this recon- ciliation. Holy Week has a reality, a mean- ing for us. We have only to look at this world in itsbitter struggle to realize that there is no hope to be found in man alone. We can find our only hope in Him who first loved us and gave Himself for us. There is the peace of soul this proud, bleeding world can confide in and trust eternally. What dig- nity God has given man that He would love sinful man to the extent of sacrificing His only Son! Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy Cross I cling. -Rev. H. 0. Yoder, Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, and adviser to the Lutheran Student Association GRIN AND REAR IT By Lichty r -77777 .r -'- J!lt i j i 144, cwedgt0 Time,. Tne. "We might as well get married now! After the war I may not be earning $50 a month." Hoffman ados It Again-... Rabble-rousing Representative Clare of Michigan last week added another ment to his sulphuric record. He threatened to slap a lady. permission of the academic counsel- lors or mentors. All other students who are not on probation or the I warned list are eligible. Anyone on PROBATION or the WARNED LIST is definitely ineligi- ble to take part in any public activity and a student who participates under these circumstances will be subject to discipline by the authorities of the school or college in which he or she is enrolled. Participation in a public activity is defined as service of any kind on a committee or a publication, in a public performance or a -rehearsal, holding office -or being a candidate for office in a class or other student organization, or any similar function. In order to keep the personnel rec- ords up to date in the Office of the Dean of Students, the president or chairman of any club or activity should submit a list of those par- ticipating each term on forms ob- tainable in Room 2, University Hall. These records are referred to con- stantly by University authorities, governmental agencies and industrial concerns throughout the country and the more complete they are, the more valuable they become to the Univer- sity and the student.j Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: There will be a meeting of the Faculty in Rm. 1025, Angell Hall, April 3, 1944 at 4:10 p.m. Notices of this meeting and the proposed agenda and reports have been distributed through campus mail. Faculty of the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts: The five- we'ek freshman reports will be due Saturday, April 8, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. Lclares Sigma Xi: The Michigan Chapter brings to the campus for a public lecture, Professor Walter R. Miles, Yale University, who is one of the Sigma Xi National Lecturers this season. "Psychology and Military Aviation" is the timely title. This is our only off-campus speak- er of the year. The public is cordially invited to attend this meeting, which will be held in the Rackham Amphi- theatre at 8:00 p.m. on April 3, 1944. Hoffman achieve- A cadeIic Notices Preliminary Examinations for the Doctorate in English: Those intend- ing to take the examinations this spring should notify Professor N. E. Nelson by April 3. Dr. Litchfield's Class will meet on April 8 at 10:00 a.m. in the same room. This is in place of the class that was to meet on Thursday. Events Today The Graduate Outing Club will meet for the first spring hike today at 2:30 p.m. at the club quarters, Rackham Hall, northwest corner en- trance. There will be a discussion about further programs and indoor games in case of unfavorable weath- er. All graduate and professional students and alumni are cordially invited. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 5 p.m. Mrs. Welthy Honsinger Fisher will speak on the subject: "America Faces East." Supperpand fellowship hour at 6:15. A program of dramatic sketches on the theme "The Church Marches On" at 7:30 p.m. The Lutheran Student Association will meet at 5:30 p.m. today in the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Supper will be served promptly at 5:45, after which the group will have the privi- lege of hearing the Rev. Fredrik A. Schiotz, Executive Secretary of the Student Service Department of the American Lutheran Church. Stu- dents and servicemen are cordially invited to hear his worthwhile mes- sage. Michigan Christian Fellowship will hold its regular weekly meeting this afternoon at 4:30 in Lane Hall. The speaker will be Rev. Douglas Hine, who is the director of the Victory Center at Fort Custer, Mich. There will be special music. A cordial invi- tation is extended to all students and especially to the servicemen. Come out for an .afternoon of Christian fellowiship. See you there-4:30 this afternoon-Lane Hall. Roger Williams Guild: This eve- ning a discussion on "The Responsi- bilities of a Church Member" will be led by Reverend Loucks. The meet- ing begins at 5:00 and will be fol- lowed by a fellowship hour and re- freshments. BUSINESS AS USUAL' PRESSURE GROUPS: Congressmen Depend upon Lobbyists for Advice 0UR CONGRESS, though elected by the peo- ple and supposedly following the dictates of the people, is in reality subjected to a maelstrom of pressures from special interest groups in the form of lobbying. There are a number of good arguments on both sides of the question of whether this is beneficial to the country's best interests or not. It cannot be denied, however, that lobbyists in Washington are now operating in full swing and wielding more influence with Congressmen than ever before. The reason for this is plain. Congress is at odds with the administration and most of the executive bureaus. The men in Congress cannot possibly know enough about the bills they are required to consider in committees or vote upon on the floor of the House and Senate to judge them on merit alone. They are forced to turn to someone "in the know." The only groups who have the facts in a specific case are (1) government bureaus and (2) the special interest groups that will be af- fected by pending legislation. Since Congress is currently resisting any attempts hy the ad- represents a sizeable portion of the larger agri- culturalists. I I ABOR groups also have their share of preju- diced representation in Washington. Most Congressmen, however, feel that labor has had enough favorable legislation in the last decade and that it is time to stem the influence of unionism. Consequently they have enlarged the already well-worn welcome mat at the door of the "legislative interests" of Big Business. This is a sad situation. There is no indication that powerful pressure groups represent the best interests or the wishes of the people. For ex- ample, the country as a whole will suffer because of the short-sightedness of the recently passed inadequate tax bill, a bill that was based on the demands of industrial pressure groups. And yet Congressmen cannot turn to the people who put them into office. They are elected from states and districts whose bound- aries are arbitrarily drawn without any consid- eration of the interests of the people who re- side in them. It is impossible for him to rep- resent the views of all his constitutents at the same time. He must make a choice. He gen- erally chooses to listen to the side that has the strongest lobby. TIHE ONLY solution for this unfortunate state of affairs is to strengthen the influence of the people themselves, by letting all walks of life be represented equally. Thus labor should have its own Congressmen, business interests and farmers should have theirs. The whole election system should be revised to allow for some system of proportional representation. Only then can we have a Congress that respects the wishes of the- people. Only then can we mini- nize the influence of pressure groups. Eligibility Rules for the Spring ferm: First term freshmen will be allowed to participate in extra-cur- ricular activities but will have their grades checked by their academic counsellors or mentors at the end of the five-week period and at niid- semester. Continued participation after these checks will depend upon By Crockett Johnson npossibfe? Remember ray coup was erfectly TIMED! . Friday! 3 p.m.!' -Ray Dixoi BARNABY Just in time, m'boy. . I am explaining to my three invisible constituents here how I maneuvered theM n p . i F r .I E Concerts Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, The Congregational-Disciples Guild University Organist, will present the Till meet at the Cngregational annual hour of music on Good Friday whurch tat5 thpmCo r ea tudn t afternoon, April 7, at 4:15. The pro-Church at 5:00 p.m. for a student gaamnon il 7, mp41.Tho- led program on the subject "Building grmwill include compositions bya Frescobaldi, Bach, Karg-Elert, Wag- a Personal Christian Philosophy of ner, Malling, Bossi and Dupre. (Continued on Page 6) TPh e L rpnpr~al iihlittir. jo rvlin~l~v I appended the proposed drawings, description, estimates-all of which l 1