_________*~TIE MC~GA DAILY M 11 The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By Dknnw PEARSON .1 Editorial Staff. Jane Farrant . . . . . , Managing Editor Claire Sherman . . . Editorial Director Stan Wallace . . . . City Editor Evelyn Phillips . Associate Editor Harvey Frank . . . Sports Editor Bud Low. Associate Sports Editor Jo Ann Peterson . Associate Sports Editor Mary Anne Olson . . Women's Editor Marjorie Rosmarin . Associate Women's Editor BIusiness Staff Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . Business Manager. largery Batt . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: STAN WALLACE Editorials published in The.Michigan Daily are written by enmbers of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. VALESTINE-:. Military Needs Justify Great Britain's Policy IN CRITICIZING Great Britain for not having revoked the White Paper and reinstated the Balfour Declaration of Nov. 2, 1917, Miss Fitch in her editorial yesterday has interpreted the Zionist problem in Palestine as being primarily non-military. However, the principal arguments against the abrogation of the White Paper provisions and reinstating those of the Balfour Declara- tion are of a military essence. The fact that Secretary of State Hull, Secretary of War Stimson and Chief of Staff Gen. Marshall sponsor this view demonstrates that they re- gard the problem as important to the war. Recently, these officials appealed to Congress, to take no action on the pending bicameral reso- lutions which demand Britain to restore free Jewish immigration in Palestine. President Roosevelt in a recent statement told the Jewish leaders in this country that the United States has never approved Britain's action in 1939. "When future decisions are reached, full justice will be done to those who seek a Jewish national home," he added. His statement, it must be observed, does not reverse the 1939 decision. In fact, it dodges the problem which leaves the connotation that the President believes that for the present the White Paper provisions should remain un- altered. Another example of the military importance of the arguments against the repeal of the 1939 conditions is the fact that Prime Minister Churchill, who wholeheartedly denounced the action in 1939, has maintained complete silence on the issue. This leaves the possibility that the demands of war give Britain no other choice but to carry on the Chamberlain program. Outside of the Arabs in Palestine, the Balfour Declaration of 1917 has been wholeheartedly ac- cepted by the various nations as a humanitarian move to establish a national .Jewish homeland. ECAUSE of the turn of events in the theatre of war in 1939, the Arabs, who consistently opposed the Balfour Declaration, were in a posi- tion to make a great deal of trouble for the Allies, not only in the Middle East, but through- out the Moslem kingdom, should they so desire. To appease the Arabs and to keep them from swinging to the Axis powers, Prime Min- ister Chamberlain substituted the provisions of the White Paper for the Balfour Declaration. Their position today is even stronger than it was five years ago. With the tide of the war now favoring the Allies, it would be dangerous to incur their hostility by repealing the White Paper. Although realizing that his war of conquest is a lost cause, Hitler still has hopes of obtaining an advantageous peace. In the event of the repeal of these provisions, Der Fuhrer would not hesitate very long in taking advantage of the Arab hostility for the purpose of promoting sundry fifth columnist activity in the Middle East. This could easily result in the prolonging of the invasion, and consequently, loss of more lives. The problem narrows down to the problem of either opening Palestine for Jewish immi- gration now and thus overlooking the military arguments or continuing the 1939 policy with the outlook of opening Palestine to the Jews at the immediate termination of hostilities. The trend of sentiment both in the United States and in England appears to indicate that WASHINGTON, March 30.-Those close to Secretary of State Hull say he is not happy over the mission to London undertaken by energetic young Undersecretary Ed Stettinius. Originally, the trip was planned party to please the British, who hinted that we had sent no important em- issaries to London since Harry Hopkins' call on Churchill two years ago. However, Stettinius is on the way to turning the mission into something really important. He is scheduled to discuss five important subjects with the British. They are: 1. Stabilization of the dollar and pound aft- er the war. 2. A world bank. 3. Stabilization of commodities. This would mean the application of Wallace's ever-normal granary to all basic commodities such as tin, rubber, copper, sugar, with a system of buying and selling to keep prices stabilized. 4, Oil and the Near'East. The United States wants to avoid a cut-throat battle for oil such. 'Te Iendcun I Y DATE, Sheila, dangled a cigarette between her lips. She exhaled demurely and the smoke spiralled ceiling-wards. There was an exchange of verbal trivialities for some moments such as people employ to while away the time in a crowded bistro on Saturday nights. While I gazed at her unfurrowed brow, and marked the similarity between it and the beer jug I had been fondling, she suddenly exclaimed -as if met with a divine visitation, "You know, I think Bricker or. Dewey or anyone would do as President except-," and here her voice grew hoarse with emotion; "Roosevelt." Why this bolt out of the blue? No one had sounded her on 'the subject. But, here she .was, an im- penetrable blankness that called itself "coed," a petty, man-hunting, Redbook-reading, pleasure seeker, pontificating about politics with all the wisdom of a tree shrew, on the ground in a rain storm. I blushed; I sobbed an inward sob. And do you wonder that I had further recourse to John Barleycorn? It was not easy, you must under- stand, to search her natural state of insensibility by artificial means. Don't laugh, because Sheila typifies, too many of you on this campus: complacent, pseudo- sophistocate with a ready sneer for any but the joy boys who are her male counterparts. Not many of you, to be sure, would rub salt in the wound of my mortification, as Sheila did, by pridefully asserting her prejudice against the Negroes whose nastiness she understood so well. But, how many of you secretly believe what she openly says? How many of you can see things in other terms than those that immediately affect you? How many of you can give mental precedence to our foreign policy over your wardrobe? How many of you have stimulated your cerebral processes to the extent that an occasional thought seeps through? Who amongst you gives half a hoot in hell whether the country returns to economic free-bootery under Bricker or full production for human betterment under a wide- awake leader? Which of you cares what hap- pens to the millions facing death right now? Many of you do. Many of you who don't could claw me to pieces for denying that you do. Aren't your brothers and fathers, beaux and husbands on faraway battlefields in the midst of this abomination? Don't you dutifully write to them? Yes, of course, but that kind of interest alone won't do. So long as your concern is bounded on all sides by those whose absence detracts from your own personal happiness; you prove yourselves selfish to the nth degree. We should widen our horizons and see that others suffer infinitely worse pangs of anguish than we who sit in the ease of lecture rooms and the splendor of league houses, taking notes like au- tomatons, passing exams like automatons, and interpreting life no more usefully than auto- matons. College should make more than marriageable snobs of girls, more than fans who last year spent as much time worrying about the battle of the 50-yard line on Saturdays as on the Battle of Stalingrad, though the latter turned the tide of world history. Ah, Sheila, soft, round, blank Sheila, little did you dream your assininity would drive me to such an outburst. Numerous are the females who redeem your sex even at Michigan from such as you: the girls who have assumed the responsibility for upholding liberal education in its darkest hour. In his autobiography, Montaigne quotes Py- thagoras as having likened life to the Olympic Games. A few men struggle for the laurels; some sell things to the people; and others are just interested spectators trying to understand the spectacle. Those of us, men and women alike, who cannot fight this war or provide the means with which to fight it, must at least try to understand it. In the final analysis, that is not one whit less important a function than the other two. -Bernard Rosenberg as occurred with Britain after the last war and which is already threatened as a result of the Arabian pipe-line wrangling. 5. The future boundaries of Germany. German boundaries were tentatively discussed at Teheran, but now Dr. Isaiah Bowman, famed geographer, has accompanied Stettinius to talk details. Bowman was Woodrow Wilson's geo- graphic expert at Versailles, and some officials are critical of his chopping-up of Europe. This imposing agenda has irked Secretary Hull. Apparently, it was pretty well arranged while he was in Florida. Also, Hull was always jealous of the trips Sumner Welles took to Rio, Rome, London and Berlin, and now it looks as if his new Undersecretary might also be crowd- ing him for the limelight. Pepper Fights Alone ... Believe it or not, the GOP is pouring piles of money into one campaign to elect a Democratic Senator. Actually they're not especially coi- cerned about who the Democrat is, so long as it's not Claude Pepper. They simply want to lick Pepper in the Florida primary, which takes place May 2. The Pepper opposition will probably con- solidate behind youngish Ollie Edmunds, Jack- sonville judge, whose chief support seems to come from the Asssociated Industries of Flori- da, the political action front of the State Chamber of Commerce. Edmunds appears to be the most likely candidate among those will- ing to run against Pepper. So desperate is the Florida hate-Roosevelt crowd for a strong candidate that they even asked former Ambas- sador Joe Davies, whose foreign policy is an- athema to them, to run against Pepper. In addition to the Associated Industries, Pep- per is opposed by the Byrd-for-President clubs in Florida and by the insurance companies. The insurance lobby here in Washington gave him an ultimatum-either support their bill to exempt insurance companies from the anti-trust laws, or be opposed in Florida. Pepper chose opposi- tion. A key man in Administration strategy in the Senate, Pepper has decided to forego proffered support from his friends in Washington. Harry Truman of Missouri, Harley Kilgore of West Virginia and several other Democratic Senators have offered to speak for him in Florida, but Pepper prefers to fight single-handed. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) 'ANY CIILDREN?' Patriotism Not Applied In Local Housing Corse SIX FAMILIES will be asked to move from a local apartment building within the next 90 days because they have committed the "crime''" of having children or pets. While we recognize that this situation is neith- er rare nor unprecedented, we dlso feel obligated to point out that circumstances *in this case place the managers of the apartment in a some- what unpatriotic light. Here are the facts: the management of the apartments changed hands on March 15. Shortly after that date six families were told they would have to move within 90 days since there were rules stating that no children or pets would be allowed. The rules had existed before, but the former managers had made exceptions to them in certain cases. The children in the families who have been asked to move are from one to 12 years in age. One of the families has lived in the apartment for three years, another for eight. In one par- ticular case, the mother whose husband is in the Army is working at a war plant to support herself and her year-old daughter. Legally the managers of the apartment are "in the right." The rules existed before April 1, 1941, and the OPA can do nothing since the families are being given sufficient notice to move. But it seems somehow that there should be something more than legality considered in this case. There are such things as honesty and fair play. There are some situations where rules and regulations should be waived. To be considered truly patriotic, especially in these days, is an end much to be desired. But patriotism involves more than buying war bonds, or conserving gasoline, or playing "square" with the ration program. ,ft meads a genuine concern for the happiness of other individuals. It seems obvious that the managers of this apartment are neither interested in, nor con- cerned about, these six families. Perhaps in peace time these evictions would not be of great importance. But anyone who has at- tempted to find living quarters in Ann Arbor that are decent, fairly well located and rea- sonably priced will realize the seriousness of being forced to move at the present time. Perhaps it is too much to look for, but possibly the managers might take the word "patriotism" from the Bond Drive posters, the newspapers, the radio programs, and put it into action. --Virginia Rock i .1 -I 27 ihe &L1or Lord Vansittart . . To the Editor: Recent references in The Daily to Lord Vansittart's views concerning the Germans indicate that The Daily writers have not taken the trouble to get their information about Vansittart's position directly from his own writings rather than from secondary sources which distort his views. The latest such reference is in an article in The Daily of March 28 by A. J. Kraft, who speaks of "such rabid Hun-haters as the Brit- ish Lord Vansittart." Lord Vansittart's position is clearly stated in his own book, "Lessons of My Life." This book is available in most libraries and can be read by anyone interested in getting a defini- tion of so-called Vansittartism from the most direct source. Although Vansittart's name has become syno- nymous with the doctrine of exter- mination of Germans, that is not at all what he advocates. He simply views the Germans in the light of their history and past performances and judges them objectively on that basis. Nowhere does he come to the conclusion that there must be an end to Germans as a people. We have become accustomed to the fact that the daily press is guilty of misrepresentations either wilfully or through sheer ignorance. A paper run by students who are supposedly taught to think clearly and to read should not be guilty of the same charge. There are probably many points on which there can be honest disagreement with Lord Vansittart but his critics should acquaint them- selves first-hand with his views be- fore they take issue with him. -Samuel Sass t3 'LA "Rocket planes, helicopters, streamlined kitchen gadgets! Can't you see anything else?--a man, maybe?" GRIN AND REAR IT made by the women was shameful and that it topped the men's quota by only $100. In the first place, she failed to get her figures straight, for in the same Daily, a news story appeared which reported that more than $2,250 had been turned in by the women. At that time the men had contributed approximately $1,550 to the drive, and $1,550 from $2,250 does not re- sult in a difference of $100 if the rules of subtraction taught in the fourth grade can be believed. Moreover, she failed to investigate the records compiled by University men. If she had done so, she would have found that although one-third of the civilian population on campus' are men, little more than $500 of the $1,550 was contributed by them. The majority of the men's contributions! came from Army and Navy personnel stationed on campus. No woman's residence house was obliged to turn in a report of Red I Red Cross.. . By Lichty If Miss Peterson had taken the time and trouble to learn about the functioning of the Women's Red Cross Drive as it was being carried out on this campus, she could never have come out with the statements that appeared in Wednesday's Daily in which she stated that the amount of contributions to the Red Cross - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 107 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- leti are to >e sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts: There will be a meeting of the Faculty in Rm. 1025, Angell Hall, April 3, 1944 at 4:10 p.m. Notices of this meeting and the proposed agenda and reports have been distributed through campus mail. Ficulty of the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts: The five- week freshman reports will be due Saturday, April 8, in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall. Lc tres Music Lecture: Dr. James Francis Cooke, editor of "The Etude," will speak on "The Fifth Freedom," at 8:30 tonight in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. The lecture is sponsored by the School of Music and is open to the public. Aca.d emtc :Notices Speeded Reading Course: The spe- cial short course in speeded reading will be given for students wishing to improve their reading ability. Those interested call Mr. Morse, Ex. 682. The course will meet twice a week for eight weeks. There will be no charge for this non-credit course. Students who had eye movement pictures tak- en last term may obtain their prints, Rm. 4205 UHS.I Make-up examination in Psychol- ogy 31, will be held today, 4-6, in Rm. 1121 N.S. Geology 12 and 65: Final Make-Up Examinations for fall term will be given Saturday, April 1, in Rm. 2054, Natural Science Building, 8:30 a.m. Events Today The Faculty of the School of For- estry and Conservation will hold a social meeting for graduate and un- dergraduate forestry students in the School at 7:30 this evening in the West Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building. Contest on Inter-American Affairs: At 8 o'clock this evening in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre will be held the Central Regional Contest on Inter- American Affairs. Students from col- leges and universities in Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsyl- vania and West Virginia will speak on the topic: "Bases of Cooperation among the American Republics." The Department of Speechuis sponsoring this contest. The public is invited. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet today at 4 p.m. in Rm. 319 West Medical Building. "Proteolytic En- zymes" will be discussed. All inter- ested are invited. The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public from 8:30 to 10:30 tonight if the sky is clear or nearly so. The moon and the planetI Jupiter will be shown through the telescopes. Children must be accom- panied by adults. The Hillel Foundation Friday night services will be conducted at the Foundation at 7:45 by A.S. Harvey Weisberg and Elliott Organick, '44, assisted by Rabbi Jehudah Cohen. Dr. Mentor Williams will speak on "Labor and the Post-War World" during the latter part of the service. Refreshments and a social hour will follow. Wesley Foundation: Bible Class with Dr. Brashares tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Subject for study: Matthew 7. Coming Events Michigan Youth for Democratic Action will hold an Executive Board meeting at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the Union. All members must attend. Junior Research Club: The April meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 4, in the Amphithea- tre of the Rackham Building. Tha program will be given by Elmon L. Cataline of the School of Pharmacy and by Frederick H. Test of the De- partment of Zoology.- Michigan Youth for Democratic Action will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday in Rm. 316 of the Union. Dr. Francis Skillman Onderdonk, author and lec- turer, will discuss "From United Cross contributions until March 29 -Wednesday. There should be no grounds for criticism until the amount of money contributed by women fails to reach its quota after that date. As I write this letter, I have figures before me which reveal that Univer- sity women have more than filled -their $3,500 quota. It all adds up to the fact that civilian men-comprising, as Miss Peterson says-one-third of the cam- pus civilian population-reached a goal of $1,500 but not without the help of men from the armed services, and civilian women-who comprise two-thirds of the civilian personnel on campus-almost tripled the quota set for the men. It certainly is a "shameful record," as Miss Peterson points out. Would that there were more of the same! -Marjorie Hall Chairman, University Women's Red Cross Drive I'd Rather Be Ri*gh t NEW YORK, March 30.-Some day America will be proud of its administrative agencies. There was a suggestion of this recently when Joseph B. Eastman died. He had spent twenty-five years on the Inter- state Commerce Commission, nudg- ing the railroads where it hurt the most, in their sensitive rate and fin- ancial structures. He was a great bureaucrat. It is possible to be a great bureaucrat, just as it is possible to be a great Con- gressman. At the start of his career, he drew the standard "we hate you" treatment from a number of legis- lators. He was accused of being a social worker, which was true, and of being a "radical," which was probably also true, at least at the beginning. lie fought off all at- tackers by adopting the unfair technique of making sure to know more about railroading than any- body else in the country. This was hitting the bumblers below the belt, but it worked, and they bum- bledthemselves out. I pin the bouquet on Lilienthal for a reason. Lilienthal has just been the target of a charging-bull attack by Senator McKellar of Tennessee. Senator McKellar hates Lilienthal's administration of the Tennessee Val- ley Authority. His idea for fixing up the Authority has been to "restore control to Congress. Congress, as Congress, would be running an electric power operation, in detail, and that, I think, is a curi- ous way to keep the government out of the power business. The reason I am excited is that so much support has been generated for Lilienthal that he has turned put to be more popular, on the whole, than McKellar. The Tennessee Valley has risen to his defense, if letters to Congressmen are a sign. The Senate has obligingly voted McKellar's way, as it did two years ago, but that doesn't settle the issue now, any more than it did then. The fight goes to the House and then to the Presi- dent's desk. The important point is that so much support was generated for TVA that even conservative sena- tors like Wheeler and Bankhead vot- ed to defend it, and McKellar was forced to drop at least part of his program." What does popular support of TVA do to such thinkers as Mr. Thomas E. Dewey, whose attack on the agen- cies is wholesale; men who want to return everything to the states; men BARNABY I've spent a week going from office to offrce explaining how badly our city needs that power dam. I've gotten no place!.... If -By Crockett Johnson Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather, said Congress would pass on his bill for a dam today, Pop. And- ( .. i i "Congratulations to you and to Congressman O'Malley ... Never dreamed Congress would approve our dam so soon" ... It's from my Copyrghr 1944 . o,.-. Of course! It's an April Fools' gag of some kind. It must be- -7- I I II I