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Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $+.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 rt"itorial Staff Jane Farrant. Claire Sherman stan wallace yolyn Phillips l torvey Prank ~Tu' Low . jo Ann 'et(rson Mary Anne Olson. Mai'joric Roxrain Managing Editor Editoral Director .. City Editor Associate Editor Sports.Editor * . Associate Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor Associate Women's Editor TOMORROW, under the provisions of the British White Paper of 1939, Jewish immi- gration into Palestine, still 27,000 short of the five-year quota of 75,000, will cease except for the small trickle which may be allowed to fill out the number. This action of the British government is hard to explain in the face of mass persecution and slaughter of European Jews and the unquestion- able legal right of Jews to migrate into Palestine. The Zionist movement and consequent claim of Jews for a homeland in Palestine is firmly established in history. Zionism, which, according to the Basle Plat- form "strives to create for the Jewish people a home in Palestine secured by public law" was officially established in 1897, as the result of a spontaneous growth in Germany, France, Aus- tria and Russia. It received international recog- nition with the British Balfour Declaration in 1917, which stated: "His Majesty's Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish People, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object." Thus British support opened the wa~y for ful- fillment of an age-old dream of the Jewish people, return to their spiritual and cultural homeland. The United States gave official support to the Declaration in 1922. With the aid of Keren Hayesod, the central pioneering instrument founded in 1920, Jewish refugees, most of them of an urban upbringing, became peasants and tillers of the soil, estab- lishing small holdings and collective villages- the foundations of a secure rural economy. In 1935 the Jewish population had reached the number of 300,000 and since that time nearly as many more have entered Palestine. AS A LOGICAL sequel to the Balfour Declara- tion, Palestine was mandated to Great Britain by the League of Nations in 1922 on the condi- tion that Britain establish a Jewish national hompe there. In 1925 the United States recog- nized the mandate with the understanding that the administration of Palestine "facilitate Jew- ish immigration under suitable conditions" and "encourage . . . close settlement by Jews on the land." No change was to be made in the terms without the consent of the United States. The White Paper of 1939, called by Winston Churchill "plainly a breach and. repudiation" of Britain's obligations, was the fruit of the Cham- berlain policy-an attempt to appease Hitler by the conciliation of the Grand Mufti, fascistic spiritual and temporal leader of the Arabs, who was then residing in Berlin. It set an immigra- tion quota of 75,000 for a five-year period, im- posed land restrictions on the Jews and pro- vided that immigration should cease March 31, 1944. The position of the United States on the abrogation of the White Paper has been vacil- latory. A sympathetic Congress was prevented from passing the Wagner-Taft Resolution, which would reaffirm the 1922 U.S. approval by the intervention of General Marshall, who .pleaded "military" reasons. Other arguments which have been advanced against continued Jewish immigration include those of Palestine's limited absorptive capacity and friction with the Arabs. While we are not in a position to judge the degree of military necessity, it is certain Athat Palestine could ab- sorb niany more Jews, perhaps a maximum of six million. Moreover, within a period of 25 years there has been an increase of 50 per cent in the Arab population and a decided benefit to the Arabs from the increased economic wel- fare of the country as a result of the efforts of Jewish settlers. THE CRIME of the British government in clos- ing the doors of Palestine to European Jewish refugees and the tacit approval of the United, States, which is what our inaction amounts to, can be explained only in terms of Arabian oil and the frantic if polite race between the two allies to get their respective fingers in the pie. Britain, a past master of the game, has concili- ated the Arabs by refusing to abrogate the White Paper and the United States has discreetly kept it official mouth shut' Meanwhile, Secretary Ickes has made a deal with Standard Oil of California and the Texas .Company for a Saudi Arabian pipeline with a view toward the establishment of an estimated billion-barrel military oil reserve on the Med- iterranean. Once again our moral platitudes, our high- sounding belief in free access to the world's re- sources, our oft-expressed yearning for "justice" have failed to ring true. Humanitarianism has been sacrificed to economic imperialism. Com- mon human decency demands that we press Britain to open Palestine again to the Jewish people by. a reaffirmation of the Balfour Declar- ation and removal of the quotas and restrictions imposed by the White Paper. -Jennie Fitch Business Staff Eizabeth A. Carpenter . . . . Business Manager Margery 3Att . . Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: KATHIE SHARF.AN Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and refresent the views of the writers only. DIPLOMACY: /tlies Coiul ene fit by fieahing wilh de Gaualle I IT POSSIBLE that we are afraid to recog- nize de Gaulle-afraid because we feel now that when we get to France it may be more ex- pedient to deal with some other group-even Vichy, perhaps? We cannot speak of Roosevelt's "personal dibtaste" for de Gauile and think we have found sufficient reason for our attitude. If we want to think in that manner, we should remember that de Gaulle has suffered enough personally because of the Germans to dispel our doubts as to his sincerity. A reason-a bit more reasonable, by the way --that is sometimes advanced is that de Gaulle has only a small following inside France. Re- ports from the French underground indicate, however, that that organizatio is very strongly behind de Gaulle. It was not mere coincidence that French students, when the Germans en- tered Paris in 1940, carried two sticks, signify- ing de Gaulle's name. So now the President is considering a plan to recognize the French Committee-finally. Some time ago the Committee would have been helped a great deal had we recognized it. But no, ex- pediency came first. Now the Committee has grown to have a good deal of power in spite of us. Now, if we recognize it, it is only because we can ignore it no longer. Now it will be because it is to our interest to do so, because it is ex- pedient. F WE MUST, consider it from that angle. De Gaulle has repeatedly said that any govern- nent he sets up in France will be only tempor- ary-devised to last only until France can get back on her feet a little and can decide what type of permanent government she wants. ShouldJ we object to that? Frenchmen here and in France ask for arms and tools, something with which they can fight and can build up their country. But they are definitely opposed to a governing body set up by foreign powers. The French will be very glad when the Am- ericans invade their country, for it will signify the end of Nazi domination. And they will cooperate with us. BIut should we deal with fIactions which do not represent these people or- which represent in any way collaboration with the Germans, we may find our task dif- ficult. It is not reasonable to think that the French would be willing to accept a less de- sireable group when a representative one does exist. Knowing that post-war cooperation with Fraaance will mean a great deal to the United States, and that this cooperation will be achieved only if we deal with the right people, it is dif- ficult to grasp the "expediency" of ignoring de Gaulle.-Ba Barbara Herrinton Post-War Plannig.. Senators Elbert Thomas of Utah, Kilgore of West Virginia and Thurman of Missouri have introduced a Joint Resolution in the Senate which may make our next step forward on post- war foreign policy. The resolution of the three senators calls on the President to take the ini- tiative in calling a United Nations conference tn talk over ways of developing world resources NEW YORK, March 29.- Not everybody who is talking about "in- ternationalism" is going there. You take Mr. Willkie's remark that our government is letting Poland down by not insisting on an "inter- national" solution of the Polish- Russian border thing. But suppose Russia doesn't want that argument settled by a committee consisting of Guatemala, Ecuador and Saudi Ara- bia? What do we do then, break with Russia? And would that be "internationalism"?- Or, you take JVIr. Dewey, who is making a thing about "personal deci- sions" at Teheran; Mr. Dewey wants our decisions to be truly interna- tional, reached at full, formal inter- national conclaves; he is against pri- vate and personal talks among lead- ers. But there were two other great powers involved with us at Teheran. Britain and Russia. Suppose that these two powers don't want full, formal international conclaves just yet; what do we do, then? Do we break with them, in order to promote true internationalism? It is a strange "international" mood which so often gives the rest of the world just twenty-four hours to get out of town. Or that wil- fully proposes that we do just what out allies don't want;, to promote a broader international under-C standing. There is a certain logical fallacy which might be called jumping out of the window to prove you're in favor of fresh air. Some of our ly oshi, lio's Rel. HAD somehow got the idea that Governor Bricker didn't exist. The feeling had arisen that he was just the -figment of someone's imagina- tion. But I have been listening to him in the National Press Club and gosh, folks, he's real. He is a big-framed, handsome, God- fearing man. He has good platform presence and a fine radio voice. He utters platitudes with an air of un- compromising conviction. He has a rugged charm, and his mental hori- zon is bounded by the year 1900. Mr. Bricker is against bureau- cracy. Mr. Bricker is against food subsidies. Mr. Bricker is against the federal ballot. Mr. Bricker is against a Super-State (but for co- operation and collaboration). Am- erican isolationism is no problem for Mr. Bricker - "because it no longer exists." Mr. Bricker is against civilian meddling in the military conduct of the war. Mr. Bricker didn't say so specifically, but I'll bet anything he is for American Motherhood. When the war ends Mr. Bricker would immediately stop all wartime controls, end all rationing, cut taxes, balance the budget. Yes, folks, he's real. Spangler said the Republicans could win in 1944 with anybody; and this is anybody. This is the "honest Harding" to take us back to sub-normalcy. If a Brick- er didn't exist he would have had to be invented. This column plumps for Bricker 100 per cent. He is our man. We are going out now to get our button. -The New Republic "Now, don't worry the war-your about him being footloose and restless after father was that way after the last war!" - "internationalists" appear to be go- ing through this exercise in droves. THE THREE great powers, Amer- ica, Britain, Russia, meet at Te- her~an. Tihey come to agreement on certain points. This is surely promis- ing, even exciting. But some of our internationalists are so ,desperately international that they look down their noses at it, they want to throw it out, because it isn't quite the final parliament of man. They are so firm on the point of bringing about a true world understanding, which must, of course, embrace Premier Mikolajc- zyk, of the Polish government-ini- exile, that they don't mind if we break with Britain and Russia to do it. They are forever willing to punch any of our allies in the nose to prove that this is one world. True internationalism means that we have to be willing to get along with other countries, but to some of our internationalists (especially to those who have made the conversion in one jump from isolation) it means that they are reluctantly willing to have their own way. We all of us know the type of politician who goes very left, a mile a minute, in order to avoid traveling a safe and possible two inches. Most of us working newspapermen have met the kind of mayor who bats down a request for aynewplayground, back of the gashouse, by proposing that a Committee of Fifty shall spend seven years studying the locations of at least forty-one new playgrounds. He is so progressive that nothing less will satisfy him. He sneers at timid souls who want just one lousy play- ground. He thinks the issue ought to be broadened out. le invariably broadens it out until he loses it, which is perhaps what he wanted in the first place. It is this lad's cousin who is today weeping into his beer over our miser- able little conferences of just three or four countries. And the biggest countries, at that. What, he asks you, what about all the li'l countries? You going to leave all the li'l coun- tries out? What we need is more harmony around here, lie says, and less of this darn getting along with Britain and Russia. (Copyright, 1944, N.YX Post Syndicate) - ~1 The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 'I .I WASHINGTON, March 29.-Of the 24 fresh- men GOP Congressmen- who met with Cordell Hull privately, three led in trying to draw the Secretary of State out regarding future foreign policy and plans for peace. They were: Brilliant, beautiful Clare Luce of Connecticut, who knows more about foreign affairs than many in the State Department; Dr. Walter Judd of Minneapolis, who for many years was a medical missionary in China and is a Congressman of broad vision; and Frank Barrett of Wyoming, a trustee of the University of Wyoming. Politely, firmly, they cross-exained cautious, cagy Cordell Hull. At the end of two and a half hours, they had gleaned two tangible facts: 1. The United States and Great Britain were caught flatfooted by Marshal Stalin's recognition of the Badoglio Government in Italy. 2. The State Department is pursuing a more secret policy regarding international affairs than Great Britain or Russia. "Mr. Secretary," Hull was told, "All of the Republican members of Congress who are with you today have supported the Administration's war policies, but we cannot understand why you have not been franker with the American public. The British and Russian people are kept much better informed regarding foreign affairs. Both Churchill and Stalin frequently speak out on matters which you seem to consider confidential." Iull's Explanation .. . "Well, that's what causes all the trouble," re- plied the Secretary of State. "But gentlemen, I want you to understand that, if it sometimes appears that this Government is cautious about information it gives the public, it is because we want to keep our enemies, not the American people, in the dark. "We have charted what we believe is the best path to quick victory in a diplomatic as well as a military sense," continued the white-haired 72-year-old Secretary of State.- "That path leads up into the mountains, with precipices at every turn, and if we don't keep to the path, we are likely to fall from the precipices. But if we follow the path, we will reach our destination." "But it might be easier," Hull was reminded, "if you sometimes took the public into your confidence. And our troops would fight better if they were given a clearer perspective of what they are fighting for." However, the Secretary of State went no furth- er than vague generalities. Afterwards, the Congressmen described him as seeming old and tired. He coughed a great deal, seemed to grope for words, and had difficulty in speaking. During the conference, Mrs. Luce remarked: "Mr. Secretary, you should speak out and tell the public what your foreign policy is, because silence is the workshop of ugly rumors." After she left the two-and-a-half-hour ses- sion, Mrs. Luce concluded: "Silence is still the policy of the State Department." Lush Expense Account.. . Congressman Clarence Lea of California had a secret reason for easing Jim Farley's friend, Eugent Garey, out as counsel of the Special House committee investigating the Federal Com- munications Commission. Public reason was Garey's close friendship with Congressman Eugene Cox of Georgia, original chairman of the most biased probe recently seen in Washington. The additional secret rea- son was the expense account which Garey sub- mitted to the House Interstate Commerce Com- mittee. This expense account included a $10-a-day suite at the Mayflower Hotel. It also included a fancy expense account for "entertainment." Garey kept the stylish lodgings for eight months, at a cost of about $2,400 to taxpayers. This apparently was a secret between himself and Eugene Cox, for other members of the in- vestigating committee knew nothing about it until Cox was forced to resign as chairman. Then new chairman Lea looked over the ex- penses, called Garey in, and angrily demanded an explanation. Garey came forward with the excuse that he used one room of his Mayflower suite as an "office" where he could contact "in- formers" who didn't want to show their faces on Capitol Hill. Presumably they were individ- ual employees of the FCC, though Garey didn't identify their sex, names or status. Whoever they were, Garey saw to it that his visitors were well-fed, for he turned in a bill for "meals for informers" averaging between $75 and $100 a month. The taxpayers also paid for this. California GOP Re lt .. . It looks as if California may be in for the same sort of Republican civil war which threw the State of the Democrats in 1919 and re-elected Woodrow Wilson. Liberal Republican forces are see- thing mad at GOP conservatives, largely inspired by Herbert Hoover, for putting across a reactionary, un- instructed delegation to the Chicago convention. The plan of the die- hards is to "bargain" for a Cabinet job or a western Supreme Court ap- pointment in return for California votes at Chicago. This has caused liberal GOP lead- ers, including Senator Jerrold Sea- well and Bruce Johnstone, former di- rector of Standard Oil of Indiana, to protest publicly. According to John- stone: sIt is difficult to imagine a low- er standard of ethics, patriotism or statesmanship. No intelligent vot- er would consider entrusting his country to a party avowing such principles. It makes the national convention a mere gathering of hucksters, ready to sell delegates at so much on the hoof." Note-Liberal GOP voters in Cali- fornia, bolting the Republican ticket in 1916, defeated Charles Evans Hughes after he had gone to bed on elecetion night thinking he had been elected President of the United States. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.) ' 1 7 f f THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 106 All notices for the Daily Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Mentor Reports: Reports on stand- ings of all civilian engineering fresh- men and all engineers in Terms 1, 2, and 3 of the prescribed V-12 curricu- lum will be expected from faculty members at the end of the fifth week and again at the end of the tenth week, April 8 and May 13. Report blanks will be furnished by campus mail. Please refer routine questions to Emalene Mason, Office 9f the Dean, (Extension 575), who will han- dle the reports; otherwise, call A. D. Moore, Head Mentor, Extension 2136. Lectures Dr. James Francis Cooke, Presi- dent of the Presser Foundation, and Editor of "The Etude," will speak at 8:30 p.m., Friday, March 31, in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build- ing, on "The Fifth Freedom." The public is cordially invited. French Lecture: Miss Helen Hall, Curator, Institute of Fine Arts, will give the sixth of the French lectures sponsored by the Cercle Francfdis today at 4:10 p.m. in Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The title of her lec- ture is: "Daumier et d'autres artistes de la vie francaise." Miss Hall will show slides. Admission by ticket. Servicemen free. Sigma Xi: The Michigan Chapter brings to the campus for a public lecture, Professor Walter R. Miles, Yale University, who is 'one of the Sigma Xi National Lecturers this season. "Psychology and Military Aviation" is the timely title. This is our only off-campus speak- er of the year. The public is cordially invited to attend this meeting, which will be held in the Rackham Amphi- theatre at 8:00 p.m. on April 3, 1944. Academic Notices given Saturday, April 1, in Rm. 2054, Natural Science Building, 8:30 am. Events Today Tea at International Center is served each week on Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:30 pman. for foreign stu- dents, faculty, townspeople, and American student friends of foreign students. The AIE.E. will meet this evening at 7:30 in the Michigan Union. Mov- ies, from the General Electric Co., will be shown on the "Electric Eye" (phototube) and "Steam Turbines." Our vice-chairman has left with the A.S.T.P. units, so an election will be held to fill the vacancy. Come and vote for your friend! Refreshments will also be served. Varsity Debates: This afternoon at 3:30 p.m. there will be two varsity debates with Albion College on the "International Police Force" question. Rooms 4003 and 4203, Angell Hall The public is invited. Hillel Surgical Dressings Unit will be open today from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Hillel Foundation. Please wear wash- able blouse or smock. ConngoEvents Michigan Youth for Democratic Action will hold an Executive Board meeting at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the Union. All members must attend. Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Friday, March 31, at 4 p.m., in Rm. 319 West Medical Building. "Proteolytic Enzymes" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. Contest on Inter-American Affairs: On Friday, March 31, at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre will be held the Central Regional Contest on Inter - American Affairs. Students from colleges and universities in In- diana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia will speak on the topic: "Bases of Co- operation among the American Re- publics." The Department of Speech is sponsoring this contest. The public is invited. BARNAB 3 i Mr. O'Malle ! I know howl By Crockett Johnson C~~ppighi'1944 P4 I lrrzin. Such a method would be I No time to lose, m'boy ... The -'1 Ili I