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March 29, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-29

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.. . - .

ft Fu tYear
Fifty-Fourth Year

I i

d Rather Be Right



By Lichty


" %


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to itor
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptionsduring the regular school year by car-
rier $425, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Stan Wallace-.
Evelyn Phillips
Harvey Frank
Bud Low . .
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin




. . Managing Editor
. Editorial Director
- . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
* Associate Sports Editor
* Associate Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
Wlizbeti A. Carpenter. . . Business Manager
Uargery Battarn. . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Women's Response to
Drive Is Discouraging
University men have already topped their Red
Cross quota, but coeds are once again demon-
strating that they think a minimum donation
is sufficient.
More than two-thirds of the civilians on cam-
pus are women, yet to date they have contrib-
uted only about $100 more than the men. This
is a shameful record.
The women on campus have only two more
days to prove that they are keeping faith with.
our fighting men by contributing more liberally
to the Red Cross. Their reward will not be
a recognition night, or anything of that sort;
the Red Cross is not that type of a drive. It will
lie in knowing that the funds, 90 per cent of
which go to the armed forces, are guaranteeing
comfort and safety to the men overseas.
-Doris Peterson
Correction of University
Lighting Is Necessity
W ITH THE airing of the facts about the bad
lighting conditions in the General Library
most students who have been squinting over their
bopks for years heaved a sigh of relief.
$40,000 of the Legislature's recent $175,000
appropriation has been earmarked for lighting
improvements and Walter Roth, assistant super-
intendent of the Buildings and Grounds Depart-
ment, has stated that lighting improvements in
the General Library study halls have been placed
at the top of the list.
During war-time, of course, shortages of ma-
terial and men will prevent the undertaking of
extended improvements. But the facts revealed
prove that every opportunity should be utilized
to alleviate the bad lighting conditions.
-Kathie Sharfman
Soldiers' Views Should
Be Given Consideration
With the question of the President's action
on the Federal Vote Bill still up in the air, it is
interesting .to note the comment of a U.S. Army
man overseas-with an artillery battalion in
"Here's my opinion on voting-I want to
Wse my privilege, of course, and so do many of
the other soldiers overseas, if they can let us
do it without making us go through a mess of
rd tape. It seems as if they want to discou'r-
age us the way they're going at things at
It is not the governors in 42 states or news-
paper columnists or governmental officials who
are primarily concerned about a federal ballot,
it is the men who will be assisted or hampered
in voting.
-Dorothy Potts
Test of Democray - -
"But the election, along with its incidental and

NEW YORK, March 28.-Mr. Dies gets on the
radio and trades verbal punches with Mr. Walter
Winchell, taking advantage of Mr. Winchell's
Crossley rating of 99.9 or thereabouts. Then,
having slugged it out with Mr. Winchell, in mike-
to-mike combat, Mr. Dies removes his boxing
gloves and purple trunks, puts on his quasi-
judicial robes as head of a Congressional com-
mittee, and investigates Mr. Winchell.
These is something a little askew in this pic-
ture of one and the same man acting as both
gladiator and judge. When Mr. Dies demanded,
and obtained, radio time to answer Mr. Winchell,
he made the issue between himself and Mr.
Winchell a personal one, and, I think, made it
necessary that a third party investigate the feud.
I do not believe the point needs laboring.
Mr. Dies cannot aim a right to Mr. Winchell's
chin, and a left to his mid-section, then swing
around, change neckties, and hand in an im-
partial report on the merits of the fight.
Mr. Dies makes the amazing charge that there
is an actual, deliberate conspiracy of abuse under
way against the Congress of the United States,
a kind of verbal Guy Fawkes plot against our
parliamentary body. He calls the conspirators a
"smear bund." He charges that Mr. Winchell
is being used as a transmission belt by these
low-lifes, whoever they are.
This is an interesting extension of the "dignity
of Congress" issue, which has arisen this year
OThe Pe n9dan
FM ALL FOR dis-interring the bones of the
New Deal and breathing political life into
them. Mr. Roosevelt has pronounced the death
of his advisers' brain child, but Mr. Wallace may
yet live to revive it and behold this organism
burst forth from its ashes with the fresh vigor
of surpressed energy. "Only where there are
graves," wrote Nietzsche in Thus Spake Zara-
thrustra, "are there resurrections."
President Roosevelt's absorption with the war
has caused him oftentimes to forget, and some-
times to betray, the cause of liberalism. Rarely,
within the precincts of Washington, will a man
stand up and denounce the forces of reaction
these days. The fate of men like William Morse
Lovett against whom a bill of attainder was
leveled by Congress and the dismissal of Malcolm
Cowley from the old OFF and the intimidation
by the Dies Committee of government officials
who show any markedly zealous anti-fascism
have served to make liberals relapse into an un-
wonted timidity that forces them to cower from
one end of Pennsylvania Avenue to the other.
Vurthermore, a regular exodus of professors,
idealists, thinkers and "visionaries" has taken
place. These men were driven or have fled
from our government into obscurity at a pace
which can but dishearten and amaze progres-
sives even as the poll-tax-Rightest bloc cackles
with glee.
Thurman Arnold got gently "kicked upstairs"
to a judgeship because he threatened to make
the anti-trust laws a real weapon of the people.
But, one trust was smashed to bits: the Brain
Trpst. And what unbounded delight did the Old
Guard exhibit at this reversion to Hooveristic
idea hatred. So, the compliant Mr. Roosevelt sub-
stituted a business man monopoly. This group
has' a strangle hold on our government today.
They must be given due credit for a good job
on arms production. but, if they should become'
too firmly entrenched in office, they will danger
ously imperil our democracy.
IT IS CERTAIN, in any case, that the spirit of
reform-without which advancement is im-
possible-has, for the time, by-passed the United
States. From 1933 to 1942 we put one hesitant
foot on the first rung of a dimly apprehended
ladder, in an unsuccessful attempt to climb up
out of the sloth that smiled upon social inequity,
vice, wanton abuse of liesure, malnutrition and
scarcity. But, lo! this little governmental step
upwards turns out to be the culmination, not
just the beginning, of our ascent. And now,
happy day, it is time to go down again.
The fast disappearing ladder needs to be
shaken and chopped up lest it tempt us to
mount another rung. Or better still, we need to
whack fiendishly at that one foot-drub it and
hatchet it-till, by an attrition, it slips off and

backs away. Undo the good. All hail King
Chaos and his courtier, Laissez Faire.
Conservatism, tempered by Harold Ickes, is
in the saddle, and liberals stand apathetically
by. This comes from a fundamental error they
have made in identifying the New Deal insep-
arably with the President. The personality of
this great man does, to be sure, exemplify a
tremendous movement of which he was the
However, New Dealism, or the notion that our
government should labor for the betterment of
society as opposed to Stand-Patism or the notion
that we should do nothing at all, transcends
any one man or group of men.. It is the upsurge
of popular will. Inattention to that will calls for
a greater upsurge. The times, in fact, call for a
whole re-consolidation of lines calculated to
increase the support of men like Henry Wallace.
This we must do; for, when progressives retreat
(the very terms are contradictory) they cease to
exist. -Bernard Rosenberg

as a new, separate, distinct issue in American
life, like the tariff. The "dignity of Congress"
issue was raised by Senator Barkley when he
broke with the President for ten minutes last
month. The "dignity of Congress" issue flared
up again last Friday, when Vice-President Wall-
ace let drop an unfortunate remark to the Sen-
ate about "parliamentary trickery," whereupon
the Senate rose in its wrath and voted to beat
out the brains of the Tennessee Valley Authority,
just to show him.
if the the "dignity of Congress" is a real
issue, there is only one way in which Congress
can meet that issue, and that is with dignity. I
am glad Congress is beginning to think of itself
in an institutional sense. Congress, as Congress.
suffers from a lack of the institutional feeling
about itself. It doesn't bother, for instance, to
tell its story to the people, who have only the
sketchiest idea of the prodigies of hard work
performed by a number of the committees. Self-
consciousness may lead to pride, and pride may
lead, in time, to self-discipline.
A Congress conscious of its dignity, and of its
institutional importance, may someday rebuke
a Rankin for using words like "kike" on the
floor of the House. Such a Congress could rise
as one man against an occasional loose-lip com-
ment, such as Mr. Winchell's shocking reference
to the "House of Reprehensibles."
Yet Congress must ask itself if the road to
dignity lies in letting one man, Mr. Dies, race
to the radio, as a personally aggrieved plaintiff,
to plead his own case on commercially-spon-
.sored time; then change his clothes, put his
finger-tips demurely together, and act as
judge, on behalf of the whole House. Con-
gress must ask itself if it wants its dignity to
stand or fall by Mr. Dies' fancy story of a
"censpiracy"; whether it wants to risk the
public laughter that must follow failure to
prove that eerie midnight tale.
Let us have a committee on the dignity of
Congress. It should be a committee of dignified
Congressmen, to hear both Mr. Dies and Mr.
Winchell. At present Mr. Dies stands for "Con-
gress" and Mr. Winchell stands for "the Press,"
and a public issue is being settled in a private
war between them, in which most of Congress
and most of the press have no part. It is time
for third parties to take over, reducing both these
men to what they are, feudists and witnesses,
not institutions.
(Copyright 1944. New York Post Syndicate)
WAHINGTON, March 28.-It hasn't been offi-
cially announced, but U.S. Amiassador W. Aver-
ell Harriman is coming back from the Soviet,
perhaps for good.
He has not been the success that was hoped.
That is not necessarily a reflection on Harriman,
because being a successful ambassador in Moscow
is the toughest, diplomatic assignment in the
world. However, an ambassador is like a news-
paperman. He is supposed to report on what
is going to happen in the country to which he
is attached and he is not supposed to get scooped.
Harriman, however, has been badly scooped
on six different occasions. He has failed to
notify the State Department in advance re-
garding six resounding Soviet slaps.
Slap No. 1 was against the British when Prav-
da, reported rumors of separate British peace
talks with German Foreign Minister Ribbontrop.
No. 2 was the Izvestia slap at the Vatican.
After this, the President couldn't help com-
menting sorrowfully that there are several mil-
lion Catholic voters in the U.S.A., and that the
Russians couldn't have thought of a better way
to alienate them from FDR.
No. 3 was Russia's rebuff of Poland's Govern-
ment-in-Exile, and the refusal of Allied inter-
vention. Here again, there are some 3,000,000
Polish voters in this country, most of whom
went down the line for FDR from 1932 to 1940.

Other Russian Slaps .. .
No. 4 was the Pravda slap at Wendell Willkie,
who had fought for more Russian lend-lease,
raised the roof because the Red Army wasn't
getting enough planes, and was one of Russia's
best friends in the U.S.A.
No. 5 was the announcement of 16 autonomous
Soviet states, interpreted by the Chicago Trib-
une and other isolationist enemies of the Presi-
dent as being a move to outvote the Allies at
the peace table..
No. 6 was the recognition of the Badoglio gov-
ernment in Italy just two days after we had
made up our minds to ditch Badoglio..
None of these incidents was reported in ad-
vance by Harriman.
However, the future of Mr. Harriman is not
considered nearly as important as the question
of why Russia slaps down her friends. Best ex-
planation in diplomatic circles is that the Rus-
sians wage a new type of aggressive diplomacy


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I6h3 1.~*.chicav Time. Inc. 3 -'

"Oh, that's a congressional committee-studying our methods for a
new simpler income tax form!"

._..,_ ;



VOL. LIV No. 105
AK notices for the Daily Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Detroit Armenian Club Scholar-
ship: Undergraduate students of
Armenian parentage residing in the
Detroit area who have earfied 30
hours of college credit are eligible to
apply for the $100 scholarship offered'
for 1944-45 by the Detroit Armenian
Women's Club. Applications must be
made by May 15. For further details,
inquire of Dr. F. E. Robbins, 1021
Angell Hall.
Mentor Reports: Reports on stand-j
ings of all civilian engineering fresh-
men and all engineers in Terms 1, 2,
and 3 of the prescribed V-12 curricu-
lum will be expected from faculty
members at the end of the fifth week
and again at the end of the tenth
Seek, April 8 and May 13. Report
blanks will be furnished by campus
mail. Please refer routine questions
to Emalene Mason, Office of the
Dean, (Extension 575), who will han-
dle the reports; otherwise, call A. D.
Moore, Head Mentor, Extension 2136.
Martha Cook Building: Women in-
terested in residence in the Building
for the academic year 1944-45 are
asked to complete their applications
or to call for appointments at once.
Mrs. Diekema. Phone 6216.
Dr. James Francis Cooke, Presi-
dent of the Presser Foundation, and
Editor of "The Etude," will speak at
8:30 p.m., Friday, March 31, in the
Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build-
ing, on "The Fifth Freedom."
The public is cordially invited.

French Lecture: Miss Helen Hall,
Curator, Institute of Fine Arts, will
give the sixth of the French lectures
sponsored by the Cercle Francais,
Thursday, March 30, at 4:10 p.m. in
Rm. D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The
title of her lecture is: "Daumier et
d'autres artistes de la vie francaise."
Miss Hall will show slides. Admission
by ticket. Servicemen free.
Academic Notices
Speeded Reading Course: The spe-
cial short course in speeded reading
will be given for students wishing to
improve their reading ability. Those
interested call Mr. Morse, Ex. 682:
The course will meet twice a week for
eight weeks. There will be no charge
for this non-credit course. Students
who had eye movement pictures tak-
en last term may obtain their prints,
Rm. 4205 UHS.
Biological Chemistry 111: Refund
slips are now available. Non-medical
students may obtain their refund
slips from the departmental store-,
keeper today between 2 and 5 p.m.
Medical students will receive their
refund slips through their class offi-
Geology 12 and 65: Fina-Make-Up
Examinations for fall term will be
given Saturday, April 1, in R9. 2054,
Natural Science Building, 8:30 a.m.
Make-up examination in Psychol-
ogy 31, will be held Friday, March 31,
4-6 in Room 1121 N.S.
History Make-Up Examinations for
the fall term will be held at 4 p.m.,
Friday, March 31, in Rm. C, H.H.
Events Today
President Ruthven will speak for
the Post-War Council on Post-War

Record Concerts . . .
To the Editor:
The facilities of the Horace J.
Rackham Building are traditionally
reserved for the use of graduate stu-
dents and servicemen. For obvious
reasons its study halls are barred to
undergraduates. Every Thursday
evening a record concert is given in
the spacious men's lounge, to which
only graduate students and service-
men are invited; all undergrads are
decidedly unwelcome.
I believe that this restriction is
most unfair for these reasons: First
of all, very few grads have attended
the concerts of late, so that the
Thursday evening audiences have
been largely composed of servicemen,
Imany of whom are now leaving cam-
pus. Secondly, it is undemocratic to
deprive any. Michigan student of the
privilege of listening to a record con-
cert of symphonic music in a build-
ing of such ample facilities.
The last few years have seen many
inovations and concessions on the
part of the University administra-
tion. The opening of the Rackham
record concerts to all students would
be just such a wartime adjustment,
a generous gesture that would win
the hearty appreciation of many
music lovers.
-Madeleine Levenberg
Education at 7:30 this evening in the
Professor Clarence H. Graham of
Brown University will speak at 4:15
today in the amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building. He will discuss
"Some Problems in Visual Psychol-
ogy." Professor Graham, in coopera-
tion with others, has conducted a
number of experiments on visual
A.S.M.E.: There will be a meeting
of the Student Branch of the
A.S.M.E. tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Rm.
302 of the Michigan Union.
Col. H. W. Miller will speak on
"Fighting Equipment of This War."
Inter-Guild will have its luncheon
today at Lane Hall at noon. Dr.
E. W. Blakeman, Religious Counsellor
at the University, will speak and
lead a discussion.
The Association Music Hour, con-
ducted by Mr. Robert Taylor, will
present the last part of Verdi's
"Manzoni" Requiem and Giovanni
Gabrieli's "Processional and Cere-
monial Music" at Lane Hall this eve-
ning at 7:30. Everyone interested is
cordially invited.
Coming Events
Tea at International Center is
served each week on Thursdays from
4:00 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign stu-
dents, faculty, townspeople, and
American student friends of foreign
The A.I.E.E. will meet Thursday
evening at 7:30 in the Michigan
Union. Movies, from the General
Electric Co., will be shown on the
"Electric Eye" (phototube) and
"Steam Turbines." Our vice-chair-
man has left with the A.S.T.P. units,
so an election will be held to fill the
vacancy. Come and vote for, your
friend! Refreshments will also be
Michigan Youth for Democratic
Action will hold an Executive Board
meeting at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in the
Union. All members must attend.
Spies in Fire ..

PEOPLE in the democracies which
are at war find it difficult to
understand the attitude of the Euro-
pean neutrals. If Americans would
think back to the attitude large num-
bers of them displayed before Pearl
Harbor, when this was just as much
a war for civilized priciples as it is
now, and was going even more badly,
they might be able to understand.
Particularly hard to forgive, how-
ever, is the attitude of the Irish gov-
ernment, which shares so completely
in Anglo-Saxon culture and would
certainly have been overrun and de-
stroyed by the Germans long ago if
it were not for the defensive struggle
of. the British. Eire's attitude is
probably dictated by the Catholic
Church, and by their centuries of
hatred for the British, a hatred
which caused them to attempt to
rebel in the middle of the First World
On the eve of invasion, the British
and Americans have demanded that
Eire shall send home the German
and Japanese spies who take advan-
tageof their diplomatic status in
Dublin. The Eire government has
refused, as it was expected to do.
".h Allp x-himn isc~nnn

completely unfamiliar to genteel
U.S.-British diplomats.
The Russians know exactly what
they want and keep after it. For
two years, their chief aim has been
the second front. And since Teh-
eran, where a definite pledge was
given, the Russians have been dis-
turbed over rumors that the sec-
ond front might not materialize
after all. So they have hammered
home an aggressive, needling diplo-
macy, until they get what they
This is one of the things Amebas-
sador Harriman will be asked to re-
port on-if he can.
Monarchist Servants . .
The Peruvian Ambassador in Wash-
ington, erudite' Don Manuel de Fre-
yre y Santander, is dean of the diplo-
matic corps. As such, he enjoys great
distinction among his colleagues.
The butler of the Peruvian Am-
bassador, a Spaniard named Jose
Escribano, is conscious of his mas-
ter's distinction and serves him
faithfully. Yet he has a distinc-
tion in his own right. He is a lead-
er among Spanish Republicans in
Washington, and an ardent foe of
Escribano's political activities came
to the attention of the Spanish Am-
bassador, Don Juan Francisco de

Cardenas. He scowled and resolved
to speak to his colleague, Ambassa-
dor Freyre.
"Why," he said to the dean of
diplomats, "do you countenance these
republican activities in your Em-
With only a trace of a smile, the
Peruvian Ambassador replied, "And
what would you have me say to
Jose? Must one expect one's butler
to be a monarchist?"
Small Business Organizes
A lot of mystery has surrounded
the question of who paid for the radio
recordings of Vice-President Wall-
ace's speech before the American
Business Congress. The big radio
networks were unwilling to give him
network time to broadcast his speech,
so more than 500 radio records were
made, at considerable expense, and
air-expressed all over the country.
Who paid the bill has been the sub-
ject of considerable speculation. Most
people have concluded it- was a labor
However, here is the answer. The
bill was paid by A. L. Blinder, a Chi-
cago furniture manufacturer.
Incidentally, Wallace's speech be-
fore the American Business Con-
gress climaxed the most successful
small business meeting ever held in
the U.S.A. It marked a long dis-
tance from the fumbling, frustrat-
ed convention of small business-
men called by the Commerce De-
partment during the early days of
the New Deal-which got absolute-
ly nowhere.
Since then, small business has been


The Great O'Malley Dam may
never be built, Barnaby. And
my nnlitical future hans in

By Crockett Johnson

Besides, I've already dined. At
the home of an old Washington
family on Pennsylvania Avenue.

One member of the household
is named Fala. He's a Scottish
Terrier . .. None of the others

Yes. Run along and enjoy
your repast, m'boy. Leave
your old Fairy Godfather

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