THE- A.1-4C'--iii-AYt DAILY t: j7,1D - 7 A 7Z 2, 94 Fifty-Fourth Year I'd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON POST-WA R (GERMANY: Li uidation, What Then? HE hushed silence of tiw theatre military policy since Bismarck, is, caused by several factors: economic, Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regularU rversity year, and every morning except Mon- day andTuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rter $4.26, by mail $5.25. 06PRESONTEO FOR NATiON.L ADVIRTIJI.4G Bv National Mvertising Service, Inc College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. EHICAGO *-BOSTON *"Los ANGILS - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44 Editorial Staff Jane Farrant . , Claire Sherman Stall Wallace . Evelyn Phillips lfarvey Frank Boud LoUw . ito AnnPeterson MAiry Anne Olson Marjorie Rosmarin Business Einzabeth A. Carpenter . Margery Batt. . . Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor .Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Women's Editor Associate Women's Editor Staff . Business Manager Associate Business Manager Telephone 23-24-1 NIG'HT EDITOR: DORIS PETERSON I-ioriaL published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. AT IT AGAIN: McCormick Ignores Facts About Aussies rfHE CHICAGO TRIBUNE and McCormick are at it again. At a loss for something better to print of late, McCormWick decided to attack Australia. So he states, "Rather than carping about the pay of American soldiers, the Australians had better be getting into the Pacific war themselves. They still retain severe restric- tions against sending drafted troops beyond the area of Australia's direct interest." Australia's war record, however, (to enlighten McCormick) shows that out of a population of little over 7,000,000, it has 858,960 men in its fighting services-practically two out of every three males between eighteen and forty years. The equivalent figure for the United States would be more than 16,000,000, and we are a long way from reaching that total. T IS TRUE, however, that drafted men may not be sent outside the Commonwealth unless they volunteer. Yet, no fewer than 86 per cent have volunteered for service outside the Com- monwealth. Up to the end of 1943, the Australian Army suffered 65,890 casualties. This figure excludes the air force and navy. An equivalent figure for the American Army would be around 1,200,000. Our actual total, as reported by Secretary cif War Stimson, is 121,458, General MacArthur, although the American public is not aware of it, knows that a large part of the burden of the campaign in the New Guinea jungles has been borne by Australians, who far outnumber the American troops en- gaged there. Although most people realize that the Chicago Tribune blows just for the sake of filling up space, nevertheless, it would be wise for the Tribune to investigate the facts, and to interpret the facts without -distortion. - Aggie Miller NEW YORK, March 27.-I have 'a feeling we must grope, our way toward something better than the "uncondtional surrender" demand, something rounder, with more than two dimen- sions to it. That demand has had some usefulness, politi- cal, if not military. It was born at the Casa- blanca conferences, during the stupendous row over bur poor treatment of the de Gaullists in North Africa. "Unconditional surrender" may have been decided on, in part, to offset the im- pression created by the Darlan episode. It was a kind of pledge to the people in the democracies, as well as a threat to the leaders of the axis. It has been called a political miss, as regards the people of Germany; a flat, brusque, peremp- tory pronouncement which "drives them into Hitler's arms." But it is not quite so one-sided as all that. If it drives the German people into Hitler's arms, it at least tells them they will find no peace there. It may make the German people desperate, but it also washes out any illusions they may have of a soft end to the war, with Hitler still in power, or a partial end, or a stalemate. Illusions may keep a people fighting as long as desperation can. Yet I wonder if we could not preserve the robust values of the unconditional surrender demand, while purging it of its defects, by DREW - PEARSON'5 MERRYGO-ROUND WASHINGTON, March 27.-With more and more fathers being drafted, the Senate Military Affairs Committee has dug into some amazing facts regarding loafing in war plants. In a secret quiz, behind closed doors, they have heard witness after witness testify how war plants were hoarding labor, how men who loafed more than they worked were being deferred, and how the surplus of labor in some plants only gummed things up and decreased efficiency. The secret testimony is so astounding that some Senators, hitherto opposed to a national service act, are beginning to wonder whether that is the only solution. Here are samples of the testimony which has amazed them: H. R. Gibson, machinist, in the Mobile yard of the Alabama Drydock and Shipbuilding Company, said he quit his job because "I wasn't allowed to work." On one occasion, Gibson said, he and three other machinists sat for tAree days doing nothing because a welder wasn't assigned to help repair a motor foun- dation, though there were a number of un- engaged welders in the yard. Workers Told To Hide... "Does that run down from the foreman to everybody?" asked Senator Homer Ferguson of Michigan. "It runs down to the lowest paid employee," replied Gibson. "Is there any talk about the Government pay- ing the bills 'so why worry?' " inquired Ferguson. "Oh, sure, everybody knows that the Govern- ment is footing the bill," was the reply. Gibson said that Maritime Commission in- spectors, who were supposed to check on pro- duction, "stayed in the office" most of the time. When asked if the inspectors witnessed the loafing, the witness replied: "Sure-I have discussed it with lots of them." Gibson said that a plan he had submitted to the management, whereby half of the com- pany's 34,000 workers could complete ship con- tracts in less time than the present force, had been scoffed at on the ground that speeding up production would "demoralize the whole plant." He said an official told him: "We have to look out for a lot of guys who would lose their jobs." WSA Man Testiies... Harry Finck, War Shipping Administration examiner, said that time saving could be ef- fected in the Brooklyn yard of the Bethlehem Steel Company and in other shipyards in the altering it slightly to read: Unconditional sur- render of the Nazi party, and its thousands of leading functionaries; automatic exile, or other means of political liquidation of these men, without trial, as an "unconitional condition" of the armistice; a democratic future, under surveillance, for the rest of the Germans. 'HAT would not be soft. It is approximately the position Russia has taken through the pronouncements of the "Free Germany" com- mittee, functioning in Moscow. And Russia is not a spectacularly soft country. It will be no- ticed that Russia is avoiding the "unconditional surrender" line everywhere. She did not demand it of Finland, perhaps feeling that her terms for Finland would be regarded by Germans as a fore- cast of her terms for Germany. (The issue is wrapped up, to a certain extent, in Russia's recognition of the Badoglio govern- ment. We have avoided granting full recogni- tion, perhaps as a way of keeping the legal fic- tion of the unconditionality of Badoglio's sur- render alive. But Russia, to which Badoglio also surrendered, seems to have no interest in the "unconditional surrender" theme.) Of course there are certain dangers in giving up the simon-pure unconditional surrender de- mand. But it should be our melancholy re- flection at this point that there are certain dangers in any "line." The danger of confu- sion, for example. At the moment, we are proclaiming unconditional surrender of our enemies as our minimum demand. At the same time, we are, for practical reasons, de- fending "expedient" deals, and expediency is always conditional, like any other contract. In fact, we keep saying that "we have to deal with somebody" at the very same time that our unconditional surrender policy announces that we intend to deal with nobody. Wouldn't it be better to systematize the thing, and make clear announcements as to the kind and type of people we would be willing to deal with? That involves the difficulty of selecting demo- crats from among fascists. But since we invari- ably pick people to deal with, anyway, we might is well get some principle into it, and state what criteria we propose to use in doing the picking. Then we might be in a position to tell the Ger- man democrats that if our bombs seem to be falling on them, that is due to their own pig- headednes in persisting in mingling themselves with the fascists." (Copyright, 1944. New York Post Syndicate) New York City area by laying off two-thirds of their employees. He said that, of 60 men assigned to deck work on a dry-docked steamship, "At no time could I find more than five or six working." They spent most of their time drinking coffee in the crow's nest mess hall, he added. One night, about midnight, 16 riggers walked into the mess hall and sat down, he said. When Finck inquired what they were doing, one re- plied: "We have to haul some lumber up from the dock, but we've got till 7:30 this morning, so we can take it easy." The riggers finally left at 6:30, hoisted 180 pieces of lumber to the ship's decks, and lashed it. The whole operation required only 45 min- utes. Yet the 16 workmen wasted about seven hours on it. Finck testified that 60 other workers were assigned to repair some damaged plates on an- other steamship, but only five worked on the night he dhecked on this job. Senator Ferguson asked Finck if he actually meant that "forty- five men loafed and five worked." He said, "Yes." WSA examiner Finck also told the shocked committee that employees of Bethlehem sub- contractors had worked on two ships at once and billed the Bethlehem Company for double pay. This extra expense was, of course, borne entirely by the Government under a cost-plus contract. Finck said he had reported this and the loafing to his superiors and to the management, but nothing came of it. Deferment for Idlers ... WAC private Faye M. Goldware, former em- ployee of the Kearny, N.J., plant of Western Electric Company, told the Senate committee she knew of a number of cases of young em- ployees for whom the company obtained defer- ments "when they had nothing to do." "We had unmarried men in their 20's who got deferment after deferment while they were standing around in the plant," she said. "There was one boy 24 years old who became disgusted with loafing and tried to get into the Army as a flyer. He passed all the tests and was ac- cepted, but the company refused to give him a release." "I gather that main business at that plant was to increase the cost of production to the Gov- ernment," observed Senator Murray of Montana. "It seems to me they could have accomplished that by merely raising wages." "No," replied the WAC. "The policy of the company seemed to be to hire two people for a job rather than make one person's salary twice as high. My own impression was that the company wanted to set a precedent so it would have lower salaries tfter the war." "You mean they wanted to keep wages down for the post-war years," suggested Murray. (Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate) was broken by enthusiastic whist- therefore the cause of European con- ling and handelapping as Ralph Bel- flict. From this false assumption almy dramatically ejaculated that the they conclude that the eradication of Germany as a military power will Germans should be wiped off the automatically eliminate European earth. Such was the reaction of at wars. It is to be deduced that the least one night's audience to this same policy operating on Japan will statement from Tomorrow the World, eliminate war throughout the world. the provocative drama on the post- Adherence to this idea is not only war German problem, now playing on incorrect, but extremely dangerous as it will certainly lead to com- Broadway. placency, which has helped to bring This attitude is by no means cot- on this war. It is a common fault fined to theatre audiences, for it of humans to over-classify by the has been spread throughout the oversimplification of extremely western world by such rabid Hun- complicated problems. It is wish- haters as the British Lord Vansit- ful thinking to believe that war, tart and it has been crystallized by poverty and evil are caused by dis- Louis Nizer, authority on interna- tinct groups and that the elimina- tional law, in his new book, "What tion of those groups will forever To Do with Germany." abolish war, poverty and evil. Perhaps Germany deserves military For what if Germany were wiped liquidation even in view of its conse- off the map? Would that destroy quences. It is not my interest, how- the causes of fascism, which Ger- ever, to discuss whether such a fate many merely personifies? Germany should be meted out to Germany or did not begin her history as a fascistic to Japan. It is my interest to correct country, and Germany did not parti- a certain popular misconception in cipate in all the wars of history. regard to what the consequences of Militarism is a fairly recent devel- the military liquidation of Germany opment in German history, and fas- would be. For there are those, who cism is even newer. Yes, Germany with considerable historical support, is a warlike country, but Germany maintain that Germany, having been is not the cause of war. the aggressor in the two world wars We must look for something else, and having sustained an aggressive something more profound. War is G;RIN ANI) IBt;A" ril By Lich/y ---, !V ) i P \ political, racial, nationalistic and re- ligious. The latter three can be classified as sociological factors, and it is these three that seem to me the most fundamental factors in- volved in the reasons for war. They can be traced to human nature where- in lies the basic cause for war. People throughout the history of the world have been, and still are, gullible. We would rather accept an assertion, no matter how false, than investigate it. We are intellec- tually lazy. Because of this human failing partisan groups throughout history have been able to turn race on race, creed on creed, and nation against nation, using the most ludi- crous lies as weapons. Goebbels' most effective weapon has been the lie. Nazi propaganda has been built on the correct assumption that the bigger the lie, the greater its success. Tell the people that the Jews are the international bankers and that the international bankers are draw- ing Germany into war: Nes, and si- multaneously tell the people that the Jews are the bolshevists, advocates of a diametrically opposite economic philosophy, and people, not only in Germany, but throughout the world believe these lies and act accordingly by discriminating against and perse- cuting Jews. The American Negro finds himself bound to a lower econ- omic and social level than white citi- zens because of unfounded lies that have insinuated themselves into the minds of people who are too intellec- tually lazy to investigate, too willing to blindly accept lies. Under the Ro- man emperors Nero, Domitian and Diocletian the early Christians were murdered because it was rumored that they drank human blood at re- ligious services. Absurd! Of course it is absurd, but it went unconfirmed, was accepted and was acted upon. War will come to an end only when peoples, through increased so- cial, economic and political under- standing, learn to know and appre- ciate each other. Such contact is now forcing, and will, in the future, force us to discard misconceptions which our intellectual laziness lets us accept as true. Americans, now in China, have dis- covered that the Chinese are not all laundrymen or pigtailed philosophers. Amazing it was to most Americans that Japan is able to wage modern warfare in the style a-la-western hemisphere, .and equally amazing it must be to them, that American sol- diers are not morally and physically as soft as they were told they were. When all the races of mankind get to know each other, we will find out that we are all essentially the same, physically, and psychologically if not culturally. When we realize this fundamental truth we can no longer fall prey to false assertions aimed at dividing us. As one human broth- erhood we will be able to work out our problems without resort to war. That this day is far off is fairly certain, for historical change comes slowly. Only a tremendous stimulus can hasten the pace of progtess. Whathcourse humanity follows after this war will determine whether this war is a sufficient stimulus to hasten the day when war will disappear from the world. S -Arthur 3 Kraft t . , w ....._ .. U..,.,4., .... ., G '5 h "~. .. "Us 'Seabees' oughta make a fortune after the war! how many rooftops will need landing repairs with; helicopters they'll be using!" You realize all them DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN NEGATIVE CAMPAIGN TACTICS: Dewey' s Do Nothing' Policy Asks a Little Too Much of Intelligent American Voters TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1944 VOL. LIV No. 104 All notices for the Daily .Official Bul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the clay preceding its puiblica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices If you wish to finance the purchase of a home, or if you have purchased improved property on a land con- tract and owe a balance of approxi- mately 60 per cent of the value of the property, the Investment Office, 100 South Wing of University Hall, would be glad to discuss financing through the medium of a first mort- gage. Such financing may effect a substantial saving in interest. Registration will be held throughI this week for all those who are in- terested in camp work and summer work of all kinds. There are many calls on hand at present. Early regis- tration is advised. Call at the UNI- VERSITY BUREAU OF APPOINT- MENTS AND OCCUPATIONAL IN-I FORMATION, 201 Mason Hall. Of- fice hours are 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. The office closes at noon on Saturday. Mentor Reports: Reports on stand- ings of all civilian engineering fresh= men and all engineers in Terms 1, 2,1 and 3 of the prescribed V-12 curricu-I lum will be expected from faculty members at the end of the fifth weekI and again at the end of the tenth week, April 8 and May 13. Report blanks will be furnished by campus mail. Please refer routine questions to Emalene Mason, Office of the Dean, (Extension 575) who will han- dle the reports; otherwise, call A. D. Moore, Head Mentor, Extension 2136. Martha Cook Building: Women in- terested in residence in the Building for the academic year 1944-45 are asked to complete their applications or to call for appointments at once. Mrs. Diekema. Phone 6216. Lectures Dr, James Francis Cooke, Pres.i- dent of the Presser Foundation, anc Editor of "The Etude," will speak at 8:30 p.m., Friday, March 31, in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham Build- ing, on "The Fifth Freedom." The public is cordially invited. French Lecture: Miss Helen B. Hall, Curator, Institute of Fine Arts will give the sixth of the French Lec- tures sponsored by the Cercle Fran- cais, Thursday, March 30, at 4:10 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The titles of her le'cture is: "Daumier et d'autres de la vie Fran- cais" (illustrated). Admission by ticket. Servicemen free. Academic Notices Speeded Reading Course: The spe. cial short course in speeded reading will be given for students wishing to improve their reading ability. Those interested call Mr. Morse, Ex. 682 The course will meet twice a week foi eight weeks. There will be no charge for this non-credit course. Students who had eye movement pictures tak- en last term may obtain their prints, Rm. 4205 UHS. S e t. Y a i t r T t r 7 r s 'r slips from the departmental store- keeper, on Tuesday and Wednesday between 2 and 5 p.m. Medical students will receive their refund slips through their class offI- -cers. History Make-Up Examinations for the fall term will be held at 4 p'm., Friday, March 31, in Rm. C, H.H. Events Today Unity: Dr. Herbert J. Hunt, au- thor, Bible scholar and present Spir- itual Director of the Detroit Unity Association, will speak at the Unity Reading Rooms, 310eS. State St., Rm. 31, at 8 o'clock this evening. His subjects will be 'Keeping Both Feet on the Ground.' Bacteriology Seminar will meet today at 4:30 p.m. in Rm. 1564 East Medical Building. Subject: The ap- plication of certain methods for the identification of respiratory viruses. All interested are invited. The Hillel-Avukah Study Group will meet at 8 p.m. today at the Hillel Foundation. The topic for discussion ! will be "Jewish Self -Hatred" The public is welcome. Coning .Events Inter-Guild is starting its weekly lunches again. The first will be this Wednesday at Lane Hall at 12 noon. All students that are interested are invited to come. If possible make reservations with Doris Lee, 3470, by THOMAS E. DEWEY blasted the President Friday night because the people know "far too little about our own foreign policies and practically nothing about our diplomatic com- mitments." This is an interesting statement coming from a man who has refused to commit himself on any national issues. It used to be that presiden- tial candidates would (1) announce their candi- lacy (2) state what they would have done if they had been President (3) state what they will (Io when they become President. Silent Tom has done none of these things. Je vreters to pretend not to declare his inten- tions so he can back out at the last minute if he needs to. He would rather sit in his own back yard and take pot shots at FDR with his .w atter-gun. never making any con- object for the sake of objecting. That's the least objectionable thing to do. His supporters have expressed the belief that Dewey will win the nomination easily. They state that he is the logical recipient of the anti- Willkie sentiment and feel that this, added to the support Dewey has generally on the grounds of availability, will be sufficient. It's very possible that this will happen. And we can't picture Dewey saying "no" when the nomination is handed him. But we also can't picture the American people electing a man who says nothin.g - Ray Dixon i BARNABY By Crockett Johnson Representative Rumpelstilskin Stuff his gagman clips from old I tried to explain cultural I can't be bothered with the I