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March 24, 1944 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-24

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AZr 4 1844


210,000 Occupational Draft Deferments Hang in B


Only Key Men
Under 26 To
Evade Draft
Steel Plants Removed
From Essential List
By 'Tough' WPB Policy

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Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, March 23. -
Whether any substantial number of
men under 26 in railroading, coal
mining, lumbering and other essen-
tial non-munitions industries will
keep their occupational draft defer-
ments hung in the balance tonight.
The Army, Navy and War Produc-
tion Board, it was learned, have ten-
tatively agreed to set up machinery
under which they would recommend
deferments for young technical men
in a highly-select list of industries,
all producing military supplies for in-
vasion purposes.
The plan may mean continued
deferment for about 40,000 of the
250,000 men under 26 now defer-
red because of their occupations.
WMC Objects
But this plan, which leaves out of
consideration young men in indus-
tries not related to the invasion pro-
gram, was reported to have run into
objections from Selective Service and
the War Manpower Commission.
Draft Director Lewis B. Hershey
objected, it was learned, on the
ground that when he is supplied a
list of industries he wants it to be
compete. He wants reconuenda-
ions for deferments to be handed to
his state draft diectors under a single
unified plan, and believes confusion
would result from having recommen-
daltions come from several different
Army Position Doubtful
Manpower officials, who also favor
unified machinery, were understood
to be concerned about some of the
vital industries omitted, such as
transportation, and to be proceeding
to query all claimant agencies such
as the Office of Defense Transporta-
tion and the Coal Mines Administra-
tion, on what their minimum defer-
ment needs are for men under 26.
But' whether the Army will go
along on including those industries
in their deferment recommendations
or will insist on concentrating on the
few urgent munitions programs was
The Army, the Navy and the War
Production Board has agreed appar-
ently on a "tough policy" limiting de-
ferments for skilled personnel in a
highly select group of industries.
WLB To Retain
-Wae Fornula,
Davis Reveals
WASHINGTON, March 23.-(')-
The War Labor Board intends to ad-
here firmly to the "Little Steel" For-
mula, its chairman assured assured
Congress today, unless the members
become convinced it causes "gross
inequities and injustice."
WLB Chief William H. Davis
told the Senate Banking Commit-
tee emphatically, however, that this
measuring rod for allowable wage
increases would have to be dis-
carded if Congress abolishes con-
sumer food subsidies.
"We couldn't hold present wage
scales," he said.
The committee is considering ex-
tension of the price and wage stabil-
ization act, now due to expire June
30. Foes of subsidies have talked of
writing a ban on them into the meas-
The Little Steel Formula is under
attack by labor unions. Originated
by the Board it has been incorporated
into an executive order by President
Roosevelt and the Board has no auth-
ority to change it. The Board could,
however, recommend a change.
Davis appeared before the commit-
tee in behalf of the administra-
tion's position that the stablization
act should be continued without any
change in the provisions dealing with

WASHINGTON, March 23.-{A')-
The airmail postage rate to Canada
will be increased from 6 to 8 cents
an ounce at midnight Saturday, when
an identical domestic airmail rate
increase goes into effect, the Post Of-
fice Department announced today.

L A R C E S T H 0 S P I T A L S H I P-Recently commissioned at Baltimore, Md., the U.S.S.
lefuge is U. S. Navy's largest hospital ship. It was built as luxury liner, President Madison.

Tricky J
Associated Press Correspondent
LANDS, Feb. 21.-(Delayed)-"After
four years in the Army," said Sgt.
William A. Forsyth, "I've got some-,
thing to tell a story about."
Whereupon the ex - armaments
worker, whose wife and three-year-
old daughter live in West Haven,
Conn., pulled a shining Japanese
sword out of the scabbard.
"It was last night," he began,
"and cur gang-platoons mostly
from Herkimer, N.Y.-was working
up through the trees. We had a
lot of trouble and we couldn't see.
Finally at dawn, we came up to
this spot and looked ahead.
"We saw something move there
and one of our men stood up. He
.said, 'Don't shoot, it's our own boys.'
Just then three Japs stood up right
where he was pointing. Somehow we
didn't believe him after that so we
all let them have it. We got them all
right and then charged where they
"It was a big trench or hole and
there were about 30 Japs in there.
Most of them were dead but we could
tell some were alive because they hats
two machineguns s.et up. We gre-
naded the place and right away a lot
of these eager guys jumped down to
get souvenirs.
"One of the officers said to go
on, that there was nobody alive
baut I didn't agree with him. So I
made the guys get out of t'he hole
and looked dawn myself. Just as I
stooped I looked right into the
round eye of a Jap rifle. I don't
know why he didn't shoot me first
but he didn't.
"I shot him and the other boys got
two more live ones down there. They
were really alive and kicking and
they'd have shot hell out of us from
the back if ewe had gone on ahead.
The man I shot was wearing this
sword. Boy, it's sure sharp."
Like most home town companies in
this war, the Herkimer outfit has
FDR Head Cold Is
Described as 'Better'
WASHINGTON, March 23.-A')-
The head cold which has kept Presi-
dent Roosevelt within theresidential'
quarters of the White House for four
successive days was rescribed as "de-
cidedly better" today by Vice-Admir-
al Ross I. McIntire, Presidential phy-


boys from all over in it. One of the
few Herkimerites in the platoon with
Forsyth is tall Sgt. Paul Babinec who,
says nothing really happened to him
yet, "We did run into a mess of about
20 Japs earlier last night."
"But there is nothing very exciting
about it," Babinec said. "We just
killed them all. They came out of
big tunnels which go under the island
from the beach. You look on the
beach, see just a little hole but when
you look in you find a long tunnel
maybe 20 feet under the island.
They've been giving us lots of trou-
The company's executive is Lt.

Pierre J. Font, Grosse Pointe,
Mich., who says the only thing
which will get the Japanese out of
the tunnels is mop-up squads with
their flame throwers, TNT charges
and plenty of grenades.
"We're sure getting tired of being
shot at from tunnels," he says.
In the same outfit is P.P'.C. Morris
D. Adelman, who wanted the folks to
know he had two swords and a half
dozen pistols and bayonets which
front line men in the company left
at his telephone post forsafekeeping.
"If Ma reads about me being out
there, she'll have a fit," he said.


Contests To Be Held Today

The Kothe-Hildner Annual Ger-
man Contest will be held in Rm. 229"
Angell Hall today and the Bronson-'
Thomas Contest is temporarily sched-
uled to be held in the Departmental
Office, Rm. 204 University Hall, ac-;
cording to Dr. Henry W. Nordmeyer.;
The Kothe-Hildner contest is open

to students in German courses 31,
32, 35 or 36, and offers two awards
of $30 and $20 respectively. Dr.
Nordmeyer stated that only seven
students had registered thus far and
stressed the need for more partici-

I . .

Prove Tough To Kill

Spanish Students To Give
Popular Comedy April 19
< '

The Latin American element is
evident in the cast of the Spanish
play, "Sueno de una Noche de Agos-
to," to be presented by the Sociedad
Hispanica April 19.
Although written by a Spanish
dramatist, Martinez Sierra, the com-
edy has enjoyed wide acclaim in this
country as well as in Spain. The
English version, "A Romantic Young
Lady," ran on Broadway for several
The cast includes many experi-
enced performers versed in the ways
of Spanish-speaking people. Angela
Pons, '47, who will star as Rosario,
has lived in Cuba for twelve years,
and has had varied experience in
radio dramatics, having starred in
productions by the Colonial Players,
originating .from Station WSNY in
Schenectady, N.Y.
Wants To Return to Cuba
Miss Pons is studying speech and
Spanish at the University and plans
to combine them for a career in
radio. Her ambition is to return to
Cuba and broadcast Spanish pro-
Francisco Villegas, Glad., who
plays opposite Miss Pons and enacts
the role of a suave novelist, is an
instructor in Spanish and is working
for his doctor's degree in education.
Starred in Costa Rica
In Costa Rica and the United
States, Villegas has starred in major
romantic roles similar to his present
role. He is also known as a lecturer
and is scheduled for a talk on student
life in Costa Rica in the Sociedad
Hispanica's series later in the season.
His plans for the future are to return
to his native country and resume
teaching in the elementary schools.
Amalia, the glamorous stage beau-
ty, played by Betsey Hartsuch, '45, is
Corio'inal Skit
To Be Giveti
'U9 High S !.oplis To
Hold Assembly Today
The sophomore class of University
High School will present a musical
skit written by two of its members
at the weekly assembly today at 3:30
The purpose of the project is to
encourage the continuous purchase
of war bonds and stamps by the high
school students. Each pupil is expec-
ted to purchase a bond or stampas
admission to the program, and the
same charge will be exacted from
the general public.
The program was written by two
sophomore girls, Gail Huntington
and Ann Husselman. These girls
are alsohdirecting the production,
along with John Eoyang. Each one
of the 70 students in the class will
have some part in the skit, either in
the acting line or as stage workers.

involved in a triangle with Rosario
and the novelist. Miss Hartsuch
studied Spanish in Mexico last sum-
mer, having received one of the
scholarships given by the Sociedad
Hispanica. Her main interests being
Spanish and music, she has combined
her talents to compose a tango, "Son-
risa Triste," popular in the Latin
American circles here. Teaching
Spanish and traveling in Colombia
and Chile are her future ambitions.
Seven C'omops
In ICC Be tcome
I ncorporated
In order to obtain legal status and
more stability, the seven cooperative
houses on campus in the Inter-
Cooperative Council have become in-
corporated under the laws of the
State of Michigan.
Incorporation will affect 120 stu-
dents in five women's and two men's
The action means that the Council
may invest money and buy property.
The ICC has already bought one
cooperative house through this ac-
tion. It guarantees that the co-ops
will be incorporated and will exist for
at least thirty years in the future.
The state may audit their books and
thus give more financial stability.
The ICC will now have.additional
power over individual houses as
much of the financial and personal
business will be done through the
Council. Students will join coopera-
tives through the Council, and books
containing the financial status of
the houses will go through the ICC.
Alice Palmner Coorerative
To Hold Tea Tomorrow
As an introduction to cooperatives
for those students who aro interested
in becoming members, a tea will be
Iheld at 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Alice Palmer Cooperative House, 912
Monroe Street.
Any student who is interested in
joining the cooperatives during the
next summer or fall semester is urged
to come.
I - -

N' Ce+ ourse To
Take Up Study
Of Rare Books$
An eight-session non-credit course
designed to instruct in the collecting
and appreciation of rare books will
be begun March 27 in the Clements
Library under sponsorship of the
University Extension Service, it was
announced yesterday.
For the first time in history, the
facilities of the world-famed histori-
cal library will be opened to the
public for purposes of instruction.
The informal lectures will be devoted
to topics which include rare books,
Americana, collecting and collectors
and manuscripts.
Classes will be conducted by library
staff members Colton Storm, curator
of maps and current editor of "Am-
erican Book-Prices Current," and
Howard Peckham, curator of manu-
scripts and author of the "Guide to
the Manuscript Collections in the
Clements Libary." Storm has been
advisor to a number of the great
modern book collectors and is a
book collector in his own right while
Peckham holds the position of Uni-
versity War HIistorian for the dura-
Registration for the course will be
made in the Clements Library at the
meeting of the first class at 7:30 p.m.
Union Social To Feature
Funnies, Bridge, Records
Strictly a date affair, the Sunday
Social will be held from 3 to 5 p.m.
Sunday, in the north lounge of the
" Funnies, bridge games and a col-
lection of records will be included in
the entertainment, Refreshments
will be available.
339 South Main
Phone 2-4832 '
--- - -

for the
There will be a meeting for TRYOUTS for the
outs who wish to learn the basic principles of
Michigan Daily style and gain first hand ex-
perience in journalism should be present at
this meeting.




by rubber stamping them with block or white
No Waiting! Get Your Stum p Today!
We also have a complete stock of


F R o clear and convincing icture of the course
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.n'.on Merry-Go-Round. Youll find n thi colun
of report, interpretation and character-sketch the
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to know-and, in these days, need to knoa. You'll
find out who's who back of the ballyhoo, the influ-
ences underlying issues, previews of news in the
making, diagnoses of developmernts. The Washington
Merry-Go-Round appears

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