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March 24, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-24

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i rtiA , Cri 24, 1944

I'd Rather Be Right

Edited and managed b' students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press isexclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
motherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

NEW YORK, March 23.-It is Mr. Hull's cus-
tom, when questioned on the absence of an Am-
erican foreign policy, to get out his scrap book
and show that at some time in the past an of-
ficial remark or two has been made on each
subject at issue. He can always prove it, for it
is true, that we have said the proper things
about world co-operation, democracy in Europe,
This collection of previous utterances and
pious wishes is then struck lightly with a paper-
weight and dubbed a foreign policy.
The intellectual vigor of most American
critics of foreign policy being approximately
equal to the intellectual vigor of those officials
who hailed and cheered the discovery of a
Giraud in North Africa, this process usually
silences the major critics. Sometimes it even
brings down a fleck or two of abuse on the
heads of those who, like your subscribed, may
have helped to raise the issue in the first place.
And so, about twice a year, a ripple of doubt
stirs the pundits. A press conference at the
' State Department results. The pundits relax,
with the air of men ashamed to have been
caught prying.
Mr. Hull can always prove that on such-and-
such a date he said so-and-so; and that he said
it with all the force at his command. It is quite
true. On the level of belief, we have a foreign
minister to be proud of. I doubt if there is an-
other in the world so deeply, so personally com-
mitted to so many splendid abstractions and
impressive ideals. Mr. Hull's 17-point enunci-
ation of a "foreign policy" this week is actually
a kind of credo. It tells us what the man who
wrote it thinks, and his thoughts are fine
thoughts. He is for peace, he is for interna-
tional co-operation; he is for an accord among
the four great powers; he is for adjudication of
international disputes; he is for a world in which
there will be more trade and fewer weapons. If
there is anything good possible, Mr. Hill is
willing for it to happen. And he really is.
B UT A FOREIGN POLICY is not a credo. It
is not a scrap book, not an intellectual diary,

not a catalog of wisdom and wishes. It is either
a sword, or it is nothing. (Mr. Walter Lipp-
mann calls it a "shield," but I prefer "sword,"
a sword being a better shield than a shield is.)
A foreign policy is that which makes the things
a nation wants to happen, happen. It has a
functional meaning, or it has no meaning.
A foreign policy is not a set of hopes; it is
an instrument for fulfilling hopes. It is a
mobilization of all of a nation's resources, in a
system of threats and promises, for bringing
about desired political ends. It is a combina-
tion of political gardening and dry war.
But Mr. Hull's patch of paper has very little
functional meaning, either as sword or shield.
It is not a foreign policy. It is, largely, a state-
ment of Mr. Hull's hopes for the future. These
actually require a foreign policy to bring them
Let me clarify the point with just one illustra-
tion out of a possible many: Both we and Russia
want a Europe free of Hitler. If you will look
toward the East in Europe, you will see guerrilla
activity almost everywhere, popular movements,
in Yugoslavia, in Poland, in the Baltic states,
even in Hungary and Rumania, movements en-
ergized by Russia, sometimes mobilized by Rus-
sia, recognized by Russia. That is policy; not
merely a wish, but an instrument; hope with
shoes on its feet and a gun on its shoulder. .
Now, if you look to the West, in Europe, you
see almost none of this activity. Guerrilla war-
fare fades out as you come toward "our" ter-
ritory, and is replaced by individual sabotage.
Where a flare of guerrilla action occurs, as in
France, we have no organizational contact with
it, and are, often enough, on bad terms with
its leaders. We and Russia may have similar
hopes for Europe, but on one side these hopes
are implemented by a policy; on the other side
there is tentativeness, timidity, delay, no policy.
It is not what you hope for a nation that
makes your foreign policy in regard to it; it is
what you do about your hopes. There is our
vacuum. There is our lack.
(CopyrIgh~t, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)

Jane Farrant
Chire Sherian .
-Stan Wallace:
Evelyn Phillips ,
flarvey Frank
Bud Low..
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson .
Marjorie Rosmarin

Editorial Staff
. .Managing Editor
. . .EditorfilDirector
. City Editor
.Associate Editor
. . .Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . Associate Sports Editor
" 'Women's Editor
Associate Women's Editor

Business Staff
Elizabeth A. Carpenter . . . Business Manager
Margery Batt . . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by in embhers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Manpower Needs Call
For Draft of Women
ASTP UNITS are leaving college campuses all
over the country because the Army needs
more men in active service. Dastic slashes are
scheduled in deferments for industrial workers,
farmers and fathers. Men slated for air service
-36,000 of them-have been transferred to
ground duty.
And still the women of the country are al-
lowed, to do whatever they wish. Many, it is
true, are making valuable contributions to the
war effort. But we all know that many women
are doing little or nothing.
Few would suggest that women be drafted for
combat duty. However, by doing work behind
the lines, women could release a great number
of men for combat. Women have had equal ed-
ucational opportunities with men for many
years and would be able to fill many positions
\with little further training.
Congress has steered clear of drafting women.
It is probable, however, that even Congressmen,
if they disregarded political considerations,
would agree that a draft of women is necessary.
-Barbara H-Ierrinton
Hoffman Jo ins Fight
Between Dies, Winchell
THE LATEST battle for freedom of speech
received two more contestants this week as
the fight of Rep. Clare Hoffman vs. the news-
paper PM was added to the squabble of Rep.
Martin Dies vs. Walter Winchel.
Shortly after the Jergens Company, sponsors
of the Winchell broadcasts, announced that Rep-
resentative Dies would speak for 15 minutes
following Winbhell's Sunday program, Repr
sentative Hoffman joined the free-for-all. In a
speech before the House, Representative Hoff-
man, who has himself been associated with some
of America's most dangerous home-grown fas-
cists, attacked Winchell's sponsors.
Engaging in a three-sided attack, Represen-
r tative Hoffman sought to discredit Winchell,
PM and the Jergens Company by suggesting
that Andrew Jergens has had in his employ
persons suspected of "disloyalty." This charge
seems to be just another of those becloudirfg
issues which Hoffman frequently employs to
sidetrack the people about questions of public
In a number of broadcasts during the past
few years, Winchell has informed the American
public of the activities of certain public figures
who were, and are, betraying their trust to the
people or else using their positions to promote
selfish interests. One of those Winchell has
exposed is Representative Dies. And Dies, in an
effort to silence this criticism, is picturing Win-
ehell as a part of a conspiracy to discredit Con-
Now Representative Hoffman has joined the
Dies forces. If Hoffman and Dies should be
successful in muzzling Winchell, this incident
may prove as black a mark on freedoms during
the Second World War as the sedition acts were
during the 1917-1919 affair. Both these fright-
ened Congressmen seem very sure that all op-
position to them is bad, therefore should be
suppressed. -Betty Hoffman




VRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1944
VOL. LIV No. 101
All notices for the Daily Official flul-
Tetin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by :30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Protection of University Property
Against Theft: Whenever it becomes
known that property has been stolen
or is missing, notice should be given
with utmost promptness at the Bus-
mess Office, Room 1, University Hall.
This applies to articles owned by the
institution 'or owned privately.
For the protection of property it is
important that doors and windows
be locked, inside doors as well as
outside doors, when rooms are to be
left unoccupied even for a brief peri-
od. The building custodians cannot
be responsible for conditions after the
hours when they are on duty or when
persons with keys to buildings unlock
doors and leave them unlocked. It is
desirable that department heads
make a careful check two or three
times a year of all keys to quarters
under their charge, to make sure
that keys have not been lost and are
not in the hands of persons no longer
requiring their use. It is strictly con-
trary to University rules to have
duplicate keys made or to lend keys
issued for persohal use.
A reward of $50 is -offered to any
person for information that directly
or indirectly leads to the apprehen-
sion of a thief or thieves on Univer-
sity premises. Shirley W. Smith
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the faculty
of this College on Monday, March 27,
at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 348, West Engi-
neering Building. The purpose of
this meeting is the consideration of
recommended procedure for return-
ing veterans as presented by the
Committee on Veterans' Service.
Identification Cards will be given
out at the Office of the Deanx of Stu-
dents on Thursday, Friday and Sat-
urday, March 23, 24 and 25.
Martha Cook Building: Women in-
terested in residence in the Building
for the academic year 1944-45 are
asked to complete their applications
or to call for appointments at once.
Mrs. Diekema. Phone 6216.
Civilian Men having fall term lock-
ers at Waterman Gymrtasium must
workers over 25, and permit defer-
ment of only 40,000 skilled war work-
ers in the 18 to 26 age bracket.
Alcohl S(botge .. .
Senator Mon Wallgren of Wash-
ington, tough-spoken member of the
Truman Committee, has prepared a
report burning up WPB moguls for
hamstringing U.S. production of in-
cdustrial alcohol because they don't
want their own investments in mo-
lasses-processed alcohol to be en-
dangered after the war. For this
reason, Wallgren charges, WPB mo-
guls have side-tracked the new Ger-
man process of producing alcohol
from sawdust and wood waste.
Among other things, Wallgren will
(1) that we will still be 29,000,-
OOO,gallons short of war alcohol in
1944 even if we produce up to the
maximum estimate of 609,000,000
gallons announced by the WPB.
(2) in the six months following
last ,July, our industrial alcohol
stockpile dropped from 138,000,000
gallons to only 80,000,000-a loss of

42 per cent in half a year.
Wallgren charges that the 400,000,-
000 gallons of alcohol we hope to
produce from grain would require
170,000,000 bushels, or five times more
grain than we used for alcoh9l in
"This might be all right if we knew
we were to have the grain," Wallgren
adds. But the Department of Agri-
culture expects grain reserves to be
lower by midsummer than they have
been in five years. There isn't feed
enough to maintain our present live-
stock population, plus the fact that
demands for food in 1944 and 1945
will be heavier.".
Meanwhile, Wallgren clains "it
is possible to produce all our alcohol
from one source"-wood waste.
"Why," he asks, "have months and
years slipped by with virtually noth-
ing done? Why do we continue to
plunge blindly toward a crisis that
may even jeopardize the success of
our war effort. The real reasons are
lost in the maze of problems within
the War Production Board and in
the conflicting attitudes of its execu-
tives, some of whom seem trained to
the belief that existing production
methods are always best."
(copyright, 1944, United Features Synd.)


By Lichty

C) 19 ') h gT~ IC8 C . _
"Maybe that dripping water faucet won't make any
our water bill--but a nervous breakdown will run into

difference in
r~eaI moniey!"

real money!"



WASHINGTON, March 23.-It hasn't leaked
out, but the first real test in post-war planning
has been going on backstage, and it looks as if
the decision was going against the veterans.
After all the talk about helping those who
are making the big sacrifices on the war fronts
and giving them an opportunity to reestablish
themselves when they come home, newly ap-
pointed war liquidator Will Clayton is fight-
ing hard against the veterans.
The issue came up when broad-gauged War
Food Administrator Marvin Jones backed a
proposal to take all the Army and Navy camps
Reactionaries Must Not
Bock Anti-Poll Tax Bil
T HE RIGHT of all citizens to vote in elections
for the men who are to represent them is a
cornerstone of democracy. j
Battlecry of our Revolutionary War, "Taxa-
tion Without Representation Is Tyranny," re-
ferred to the injustice of the British Parliament
making laws for the colonists who had no way
to make their needs and wishes known to it.
The founders of our nation fought and won a
great battle against this form of tyranny.
Yet in our great democratic nation today
approximately 10,000,000 Negroes and poor
whites are being denied the same opportunity
to participate in the governing of their nation
because they haven't the money to pay a poll
tax. It amounts to this:.- more than one-
fifteenth of the population disfranchised be-
cause of poverty.
Last year the House, recognizing the anomaly
of a, tax restriction to voting in an enlightened
democracy, passed the Geyer Anti-Poll Tax
Bill with the overwhelming vote of 265-110.
Since the time the issue was brought to the
Senate, however, threat of a filibuster by the
Poll-Tax Senators has prevented a floor debate.
A recent dispatch revealed, though, that the
advocates of the measure are becoming restive.
"Cloakroom strategists for the. past week have
been urging. a showdown, which now appears
likely within the next fortnight," the report said.
Another filibuster attempt by the Southern
Senators whose almost assured reelections may
be threatened by the passage of the bill is likely.
This time we cannot permit a bloc of reaction-
aries to halt the passage of a measure which
would make our democracy more complete.
10,000,000 citizen-soldiers fight for democracy
against our enemy, fascism. Can we permit
10,000,000 Southern citizens to be deprived of one
of the basic rights for which those soldiers are
giving their lives? -Kathie Sharfman

purchased during the war and turn them into
farm developments for veterans after the Arm-
istice. Both Marvin Jones and Franklin W.
Hancock, Farm Security Administrator and
former Congressman from North Carolina, are
urging the idea.
But Will Clayton, until recently right-hand
man to Jesse Jones and the biggest cotton
broker in the world, argues that the land
should be sold, with the former owners getting
first crack at at. While Marvin Jones and
Hancock don't,. oppose the theory of letting
former owners buy the land back, they point
out that, in actual practice, the former owners
will not have the money, so that the land
would go to the big land syndicates and insur-
ance companies, thus increasing the concen-
tration of farms into big estates.
Dies' Slap-down...
Wily old Congressman Adolph Sabath of Illi-
nois, veteran Chairman of the House Rules Com-
mittee, came through last week with a suggestion
to which hard-boiled, brazen Martin Dies, John
Rankin and Clare Hoffman had no comebacks.
These three have been guilty of more per-
sonal attacks on citizens of this and other
countries than any three members of Congress
in recent history. Hiding behind Congressional
immunity, they have never hesitated to call
anyone who has incurred their displeasure the
most insulting names they could think of.
Their statements have been preserved for
posterity by the Congressional Record at the
taxpayers' expense.
When, therefore, they arose this month to
demand that broadcasters be forced to permit
members of Congress "unjustifiably attacked"
on the air an equal amount of equally good time
to reply to their attackers, Sabath took the floor
and declared that the idea was a good one.
He would extend the privilege of reply to any
citizen unjustifiably attacked on the air, he con-
Skillel Workers ...
Inside fact about the hot debate on deferring
industrial workers is that the President first
signed an order for their non-deferment without
even consulting his War Manpower Commis-
sioner Paul McNutt, or his Director of Selective
Service General Hershey, or the head of his War
Mobilization board, Justice Jimmie Byrnes. To
these three men, supposed to coordinate man-
power problems, the President's first decision to
ban all deferments of skilled war workers came
as a bolt out of the blue.
Then ensued a tug-of-war between the Army
on one side and Donald Nelson, rubber czar Brad-
ley Dewey et al, on the other. From this came
the compromise to permit deferment of essential

vacate or renew them by Monday,
March 27.
Attention Blood Donors: The April
Blood Bank will be held April 13 and
14. Register for an appointment this
Thursday or Friday from 1-5 p.m. in
Miss McCormick's Office in the
Michigan League.
Professor Clarence I. Graham of
Brown University will speak at 4:15
Wednesday, March 29, in the amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building.
He will discuss "Some Problems in
Visual Psychology." Professor Gra-
ham, in cooperation with others, has
conducted a number of experiments
on visutal phenomena.
School of Education Students: No
course may be elected for credit after
Saturday, March 25. Students must
report all changes of elections at the
Registrar's ffice, Rtm. 4, University
H=ail. Membersip in a class dos
not cease nor begin until all changes
have been thus officially registered.
Arrangements made with the in-
structor are not official changes.
Collecting of Rare Books. A non-
credit course on this subject will be
off ered by the Extension Service,
starting Monday, March 27, at 7:30
p.m. Classes will meet for eight suc-
cessive Monday evenings at the
Clements Library. Anyone interested
in collecting rare books or in rare
book libraries may enroll. A fee of
$3.00 will be charged. The course
will be taught by Colton Storm and
Howard Peckham of the Clements
Library Staff.
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after the end of
the third week of the spring term.
March 25 is therefore the last date
on which new elections may be ap-
proved. The willingness of an indi-
vidual instructor to admit a studicent
later does not affect the operation of
this rule.
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they
are approved by Assistant Dean Wal-
Students, College of Literature,
Science andtthe Arts: Students who
fail to file their election blanks by
the close of the third week of the
spring term, even though they have
registered and have attended classes
unofficially, will forfeit their privi-
lege of continuing in the College.
German Departmental Library
hours, spring term 1943-44 (204 Uni-
versity Hall) : 1:30 to 4:30 Monday
through Friday; 10:00 to 12:00 Times-
day and Saturday.
Room Assignments for Kothe-
hildner and Bronsona-Thomas Prize
Competitions, to be held Friday',
March 24: Kothe-Hildner, 229 Angell
Hall, 2 to 4 p..; Bronson-Thomas,
204 University 13al, 2 to 5 p.m. Any
junior or senior in German who is
interested in competing for the
Bronson-Thomas prize in the amount
of $38 should register at the depart-
mental office, 204 University Hall
immediately; students in German 31,
32, 35 and 36 arc ligible fr the
Kothe -Hidner competition (awards
of $30 and $20), but all registrations
must be made aU the (departmental
office by Thursay, March 23, at the
Make-up Examinations in history
for the Fall Term will be held on
Friday, March 31, in Rm. C, HH.
Students wishing to take these exam-

Sociology 62: lake-up final exam-
ination will be given Saturday, March
25, at 10:00 a.m. in my office at 1027
E. Huron.
Exi, jatons
University Museums: a) Penicil-
liu notatum, the fungus from
which the drug penicillin is derived,
b) Th'e Beginning of Human Indus-
College of Arhitecture and Design:
"Brazil Builds," consisting of mount-
ed photographs and wooden panels
showing Brazilian 'architecture; cir-
culated by the Museum of Modern
Art, New York City. Open daily 9 to
5, through, March 27; ground floor
corridor, Arch it t re Building. The
putblic is invited.
Co-operatives hold Tea: All girls
interested in living in a Co-op for
either the summer or fall semesters
are invited io a tea at Palmer Co-op,
912 Monroe, fronm four to rive-thirty.
Saturday, March 25.
The Executive Board of the Michi-
gan Youth for Democratic Action will
hold a meeting Saturday at 2:30 pm.
at the Unrion. Everyone on the Board
must attend, and all members are
Events Today
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet at 4 p.m. in Rm. 319 West Medi-
cal Building. "Biochemical Aspects
of Some Anti-malarials- Quinine
and Atabrine" will be discussed. All
interested are invited.
Recreational Leadership Class-
Women Students: The recreational.
leadership class will meet in Barbour
Gymnasium instead of the Womrien's
Athletic Building today. Students
are to come dressed for activity as
Hillel Foundation: Conservative
religious services will be held in the
chapel starting promptly at 7:45
p.m. today. Services will be con-
ducted by AS Harvey Weisberg, El-
liott Organick, '44E, and Rabbi Jehu-
dah M. Cohen. Immediately follow-
ing the services, Prof. Richard Ett-
inghausen, Professor of Islamic Art,
will present an illustrated lecture on
"Islam and the Old Testament." The
public is invited.
Phony Food Scare. .
For weeks now, delegations from
New York State have been besieging
Washington officials, demanding ac-
tion against what they described
as 'a plot by Gov. Thomas E. Dewey
to discredit the administration
through a phony food scare. Now,
finally, Sen. Joe Guffey (Dem., Pa.),
specialist in handling political fire-
crackers, has blasted the Dewey forc-
es, accusing them of Jnmaking food
and farm problems a "political foot-
"There is no shortage of feed sup-
plies in New York, and the North-
east," Guffey charges. "Yet Gov-
ernor Dewey, through his Food Com-
mission and its allies, aid and abetted
by Frank Gannett, has stirred up
farmers and city consumers with
stories of impending famine and loss
of dairy herds. It is demoralizing
to the home front, a disgrace to the
great State of New York, and a blot
on the record of the governor."
--The New Republic
raitttc> Prsirress . .
A year ago everyone was concerned
about the impending annihilation of
small business, but like so many ex-
pected calamities, this one hasn't
hapnencd. An investigation reported

You don't know what it means to a congressman
in this big cold city of Washington! A voice from
home! A familiar face! What do you boys want?,
-_---Where's that dam,

The damnfar the brook? Friends
I can report great progress! 1'm
calling a caucus on the subject ofl
the Great OMallev Dam. Andj

By Crockett Johnson
And when you
return home, We ain't retainin .
tell my many Without that dam.
de' idends - , , / f__ _

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