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March 22, 1944 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1944-03-22

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)j t
Fifty-Fourth Year


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular -University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associatedl Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
qtherwise Credited in this newspatper. All rights of repub-
11Cation of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptiohs during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
4, ColltegePFudlisbers Rep resetative
CHICAGO * os ow .'Lou SAO au.hs * SA F AscsCO
T4nmber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44

I'd Rather Be Right
NEW YORK, March 21-Mr. Sumner Welles ance of sober thoughtfulness, that the Argen-
is upset because he thinks that, by opposing Far- tinian people have a sacred right to a govern-
rell, we are interfering with the freedom of Ar- ment not of their own choice.
gentina to. manage her internal affairs as she Or, to put it another way, he proclaims that
pleases. we must respect the right of the Argentinians
But President Farrell of Argentina is a fascist, to have a government they don't want, if they
and he has usurped power, as fascists do, for the want it. But they don't want it. Well, if they
express purpose of interfering with the freedom want it. But they don't want it. Wheeeee!
of Argentina to manage her internal affairs as But this is only ore corner of the wonder-
she pleases. land into which Mir. Welles has wandered.
tThe lasts thing in the world that Fuehrer -Ie says also that L. tin Americans will resent
Farrell wants is to let Argentina manager her oe saysposotot Latn A Ferrellrsewil
. our opposition to Fuebrer Farrell, and will
internal affairs as she pleases. That is why he begin to distrust us, and that Pan-Amercan
heads a Thovement which suppresses news- harmony will break down into "blocs." in ot i
papers, dismisses pro-democratic college pro- hrworyw e nt e rfu lacc.pt th -
fessors, jails liberals and manufactures "pres- er wosfwecmstbcefulyacceptAteem-
idents" without the formality of elections.) ergence of a fascist bloc in Latin America, as
idens" ithut he rrrrxaityof lecion. }the clever way. to prevejit the emnergen~ce of'
So now we get into the wonderful metaphysical cein Lat A r et he rn
question of whether, in interfering with a man blocs m Lati America. Neat, hey?
who is obviously interfering with the freedom of If we followed Mr. Welles's suggestions, we
Argentina, we are interfering with the freedom would indeed be in a wonderland, for we would
of Argentina. be busy recognizing a usurper in the Argentine,
I don't know how long Mr. Welles sat and on the theory that we were protecting the right
brooded on his legalistic egg before hatching it, of self-determination; we would be cheerfully
but in objecting to our opposition to Fuehrer tolerating the rise of deadly enemies in this
Farrell, he has got himself into the most des- hemisphere, on the theory that we were pre-
perate philosophical trouble. serving hemispheric unity; and we would let
He says the Argentinian people alone have the Farrell go on using force against his own people
right to decide by whom they shall be governed. on the theory that we hate coercion, and that
But the whole point and purpose of the Farrell might does not make right.
movement is to take that right away from them. This is the wonderland into which every
Mr. Welles's position, therefore, is that in order man wanders who is unable to perceive that
to protect the right of the Argentinian people fascism is never a government, always a con-
to decide by whom they shall be governed, we - spiracy. Just make that one basic mistake,
must recognize a government which refuses to and from then on you will live in an upside-
let them decide by whom they shall be governed. down world, in which turnkeys are the tribunes.
of the people and jailers the custodians of
Y THIS TIME Mr. Welles is indeed in the their inalienable rights.
clouds, for he is arguing, with every appear- (Copyright, 1944, New York Post Syndicate)


By Lichty

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L ?ffer~i


3 2i . 1 9a ti. ChIEago 'rim e n.

"All this rosy post-war planning has a faintly familiar sound to me
-reminds me of the promises Wilbert made before we were married."

*'a Tarrant
Claire Sherman
St'an Wallace .
Evelyn Philps .
flarvey Frank .
Bud Low. .
Jo Ann Peterson
Mary Anne Olson .
Marjorie Rosmarin


al Staff
Managing Editor
.Editorial 1Director
. . City Editor
. Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
. Associate Women's Editor
sS Staff
Busintess Mianager


Elizabeth Carpenter
Marge Batt . . .


Ass't Business Manager

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Student Body Urged To
'Give Grass a Chance'
PJHROUGHOUT the past few semesters the
campus has become increasingly rutted with
heterogenuous paths zigzagging in all directions.
University authorities Have issued plea after plea
in an effort to keep the trampling feet of stu-
dents within the limit of sidewalks but apparent-
ly to little avail.
No one can have failed to notice that the
grass which once covered the Diagonal is be-
coming more and more sparse all the time. Now
that spring is generally conceded to have ar-
rived, the struggling grass will have a fighting
chance-but only if we, the student body, keep
off it.
The temptation to take a shortcut is sometimes
almost irresistible, but the saving of a minute's
time is hardly worth the detriment to the ap-
pearance of the campus. Moreover, the side-
walks, in most instances, have been generously
and logically constructed.
So this spring, let's give the grass a chance.
-Jennie Fitch
Workers' History Told
In Labadie Collection
IN THIS period of history, when the people are
doing the real fighting against fascism on all
the war fronts of the world, it is well to know
who the people are, where they came from, what
they, are thinking.-
It is the people of Yugoslavia who chose Tito
fore their leader, who are now defeating the
Nazis. It is the people of Italy who are demand-
ing that Badoglio and Victor Emmanuel, fas-
cists, be ousted from the government, and that
they be replaced with democratically elected
It is the people of China who have been fight-
ing these many years against the tyranny of
JapIanese aggression; it is they who originally
forced Chiang Kai Shek to stop his internal war
against the Chinese Communists in order to
concentrate against Japan. The people of Spain
fought to preserve democracy, and to show the
rest of the world the true nature of fascism.
The people of the Soviet Union are working,
fighting,-dying to defend their country and their
social system. So with the peoples of Great
Britain, South American, the United States.
For this reason, the current Library display
taken from the Ladadie Collection is of par-
ticular importance. At this time, when mil-
lions of trade unionists are serving in the
armed forces of the United States, and millions
of trade unionists are serving in the nation's
factories; when Labor has temporarily given
up its nly effective weapon-the right to
strike-in the interest of national unity .. .
1944 is a good time for all of us to learn
WHAT Labor has fought for, and will go on
fighting for after the war.
The Labadie Collection, on the eighth floor of
the General Library, tells the story of the strug-
gles of American workers, for the eight-hour
A'a, ftor rkmxn'c nmncnaninn fr. th ri-ht

Legi on Ve tran Plan
T HE LEGION has come through and proposed
an admirable "G.I. Bill of Rights," which is
to come up in the Senate this week. Already
81 Senators hake announced that they plan to
back it and the Senate Finance Committee has
stated that it "represents the very least that
should be done at this time."
The plan and the Committee's praise of the
plan both are evidences of far more practical
thinking on the subject than was shown in
previously proposed bonus measurers. The flat
bonuses suggested by Senate and House con-
ferees and the bonuses based on a rate of
$3 a day for service in the stats and $4 a
day for service overseas, which were Proposed
by five other veterans' organizations, went only
half way. They would be better than noth-
ing, but such aid would be too temporary to
be of real value.
The Legion plan ensures basic and longer
lasting aid for the veterans. It provides for fed-
erally financed education or vocational training,
for loans up to $1,000 for the purchase of homes,
farms or small businesses and for credit in the
form of special unemployment compensation for
time spent in service. In this way the veterans
would not have it easy for a month or so and
then wonder what to do with themselves.
The cost of such a plan is estimated at $3,000,-
000,000. But, "We view it as true economy, the
best money that can be spent for, the future
welfare of the nation," the Committee wisely
By not considering the proposal as a final
settlement, the Committee has left the way
open for whatever further benefits might be
It is to be hoped that the Senate will consider
this plan carefully, not in the light of political
considerations, but in view of what would be
of most value to the veterans and to the coun-
try, and that they will agree on measures which{
will ensure at least some degree of stability.
-Barbara Ilerrinton

WASHINGTON, March 21.-The President has
had what Louis Howe used to describe at "the
old'Dutch up" against General de Gaulle and the
Army's plan for using him in the liberation of
France. For two months the plan lay on the
President's desk while he delayed in acting on it.
In January this column reported that Gen-
eral Eisenhower had completely revamped any
earlier ideas about de Gaulle, had found that
he was overwhelmingly popular inside France
and that, when the second front invasion came,
the Allied Aries would get more support in-
side France if it was known in advance that
they were cooperating 100 per cent with Gen-
eral de Gaulle.
Accordingly, a plan was worked out whereby
immediate French elections and other political
matters would be under de Gaulle's Committee
of National Liberation when and if France was
Note-The President has now finally ruled
against a firm handclasp to de Gaulle and
decided in effect that General Eisenhower, not
de Gaule, should handle political questions
when and if he invades France.
Rickenbacker on Rwssia . . .
Captain Eddie Rickenbacker did some bare-
knuckled sermonizing about the attitude of the
average American toward Russia during a con-
fidential talk on Capitol Hill the other night.
Addressing a closed-door meeting of the "76th
Club" (third-term Republican Congressmen),
the World War I ace declared that the minds
of most Americans were cluttered up with "too
much propaganda and too little real informa-
tion about our Soviet allies."
Rickenbacker, who recently returned from a
War Department sponsored tour of the battle
fronts, also got in a few political licks against
the New Deal, plus some kudos for his friend,
Lt. Gen. George Patton.
"The trouble with our thinking about Russia
is that we are 20 years behind the times," Rick-
enbacker asserted.
Actually, the Soviet Government is encour-
aging greater respect for family life, he said,
and the employment of women in war factories
is only a temporary expedient that has not in-
terfered with their duties in the home."
During the earlier Finnish campaign, every
Russian general had a political commissar be-
side him, Rickenbacker said, with the result
that military discipline suffered. llowever,
since the withdrawal of the political comis-
sars, there has been a marked improvement in
the efficiency and morale of the army.
It required little coaxing by his GOP listeners
to elicit Rickenbacker's views on the New Deal.
Rickenbacker, a rock-ribbed conservative fre-
quently criticized for his anti-labor utterances,
also declared that American business itself was
partly responsible for "all this regimentation" by
"American business men should come out of
their foxholes and fight for their rights," he
declared hotly, amid loud applause from his Re-
publican audience.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

VOL. LIV No. 99
AHlnotices for the Daily Official ail-
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. o[ the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when txe Io-
tices should be submitted by 130 a.m.
Notice in re University Property
Removed from the City or off Uni-
versity Property: Any University rep-
resentative having charge of Univer-
sity property should give notice in
advance to the Inventory Clerk, Bus-
iness Office, University Hall, when
such property is to be taken outside
the City of Ann Arbor or off Univer-
sity property for use in any Univer-
sity project. A loss recently occurred
on which the University had no in-
surance because of the fact that no
notice had been given to the Inven-
tory Clerk that such property had
been taken to the' location where it
was in use, and the property was
therefore not covered by the insur-
ance policy. Shirley W. Smith
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the faculty
of this College on Monday, March 27,
at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 348, West Engi-
neering Building. The purpose of
this meeting is the consideration of
recommended procedure for return-
ing veterans as presented by the
Committee on Veterans' Service.
Attention: June Graduates & Pr,-
fessional Fraternities: All pictures of
June graduates intended for publi-
cation in the June issue of the 'En-
sian must be turned in to the 'Ensian
office before April 1. All pictures of
professional fraternities must also be
turned in to the 'Ensian office on or
before the same date. No pictures of
seniors or professional groups will be
accepted for publication in the June
issue after April 1.
Martha Cook Building: Women in-
terested in residence in the Building
for the academic year 1944-45 are
asked to complete their applications
or to call for appointments at once.
Mrs. Diekema. Phone 6216.
Forestry Assembly: There will be
an assembly of the School of Forestry
Groceries and Freedom. .
An ASTP cadet asked Stuart Chase
after a lecture if he hadn't better
reconsider his statement that Ameri-
cans want groceries first and free-
dom second. Chase replied that the
law of survival still held. Both Chase
and the cadet were right, for they
were talking about different free-
doms. Chase meant economic free-
domn; the cadet, political freedom.{
We are sure Chase meant only1
that we, as American citizens, are
willing to let the government direct
our economic system to eliminate
unemployment and depressions.
The cadet questioned, and rightly
so, the wisdom of Chase's statement.
Economists tell us that the system of
free enterprise, contrary to the opin-
ion of businessmen, is no longer
effective in preventing economic
troubles. No one has told us, and no
one dares tell us, that the Bill of
Rights and the Constitution are out-
dated. -Indiana Daily Student

and Conservation at 9 this morning
in Rm. 3056, Natural Science Build-
ing. All students in the school are
expected to attend.
Detroit Armnenian Club Scholar-
ship: Undergraduaterstudents of
Armenian parentage residing in the
Detroit area who have earned 30
hours of college credit are eligible to
apply for the $100 scholarship offered
for 1944-45 by the Detroit Armenian
Women's Club. Applications must be
made by May 15. For further details,
inquire of Dr. F., E. Robbins, 1021
Angell Hall.
L~c tres
Dr. George Shepard, adviser to the
New Life Movement of China, will
speak upon "Chiang Kai - Shek,
Statesman," at the Rackham lecture
hall this afternoon at 4:15 under
auspices of the Committee on Reli-
gious Education and Companies A
anc D of the armed forces. Open to
the public.
A cademnic Notices
School of Education Students: No
course may be elected for credit after
Saturday, March 25. Students must
report all changes of elections at the
Registrar's Office, Rm. 4, University
Hall. Membership in a class does
not cesse nor begin Until all changes
have been tus officially registered.
Arrangements made with the in-
structor are nat official changes.
t.Cllege of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schols of Education, For-
estry, Music, and : Public alth: tu-
dents who received marks of I or X
at the close of their last semester or
summer session f attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses .unless this work is made up
by April 6. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
order to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Rm. 4, U.L, where it will be trans-
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after the end of
the third week of the spring term.
March 25 is therefore the last date
on which new elections may be ap-
proved. The willingness of an indi-
vidual instructor to admit a student
later does not affect the operation of
this ile.
Make-tip Examinations in History
for the Fall Term will be held on
Friday, March 31, in Rm. C, HH.
Students wishing to take these exam-
inations should obtain a written note
from the instructor to present at the
time of the examinations.
Rioom Assignments for Kothe-
Hildner and ronso-Thomas Prize
Competitions, to be held Friday,
Marci 24: Kothe-Hildner, 229 Angell
Hall, 2 to 4 p.m.; Bronson-Thomas,
204 University Hall, 2 to 5 p.m. Any
junior or senior in German who is
interested in competing for the
Bronson-Thomas prize in the amount
of $38 should register at the depart-
mental office, 204 University Hall
immediately; students in German 31,
32, 35 and 36 are eligible for the
Kothe-Hildner competition (awards
of $30 and $20), but all registrations
must be made at the departmental
office by Thursday, March 23, at the
Hopwood Contest for Freshmen:
Students who entered the contest

lr TCreaures ati ' . .
To the Editor:
Miss Fitch's editorial on the "De-
struction of historical treasures" is
all right as far as it goes. But it does
not go far enough. Let us get some
cheer out of all this. There is likely
to be more devastation. But much
has been saved, and a large part of
the credit for that should go to the
American connoisseurs who have
been bringing rare books and art
treasures from Europe to America in
the last hundred years.
Long before this war started the
Pierpont Morgans, consciously, con-
sistently, and systematically began
moving such treasures across the
Atlantic. There are quantities of
them within a quarter mile of the
Student Publications Building. There
is no use wringing our hands about
what the Army has to do. But we
could do worse than devote some
thought to the intelligence, purpose
and foresight of Americans who saw
this thing coming. More than fifteen
years ago there was a shipment of
such treasures from Chancery Lane,
London, to this campus. At the time
the University Regent who was re-
sponsible remarked that these treas-
ures wouldbe safer in America. Brit-
ishi officials who participated iA the
deal were wistful, but they agreed-
quite sincerely. There has been a
good deal of bombing around Chan-
cery Lane.
-Randolph G. Adams
25, at 10:00 am. in my office at 1027
E. Huron.
Frances Griffin, violinist, will pre-
sent a recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree
of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 tonight
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. She
will be accompanied at the piano by
Dorothy Ornest Feldman in a pro-
gram of works by Handel, Bach,
Bruch, Brahms, Granados and de-
Falla. Miss Griffin is a pupil of Gil-
bert Ross.
The public is cordially invited.
University iuseums: a) Penicil-
Iium notatum, the fungus from
which the drug penicillin is derived,
b) The Beginning of Human Indus-
College of Architecture and Design:
"Brazil Builds," consisting of mount-
ed photographs and wooden panels
showing Brazilian architecture cir-
culated by the Museum of Modern
Art, New York City. Open daily 9 to
5, through March 27; ground floor
coiridor, Architecture Building. The
public is invited.
Eventi~s Todaly
Botanical Seminar: Professor C. A.
Arnold will speak on the subject
"Some Fossil Ferns from the Western
States" at 4:00 o'clock; Rm. 1139.
Anyone interested may attend.
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
at 4:15 this afternoon in Rm. 303,
Chemistry Building. Prof. Kasimir
Fajans will speak on "The Quanti-
cule Theory of Molecular Structure."
All interested are invited.
The Association Music Hour, con-
ducted by Mr. Robert Taylor, will
present the first part of Verdi's
"Manzoni" Requiem this evening at
7:30 at Lane Hall. Everyone- inter-
ested is cordially invited.
La Sociedad Ihispanica presents Dr.
Mariano Molas, who will lecture on
"Paraguay-Historical, Geographical
and Economical Data" tonight at 8
o'clock in the Rackham amphithea-

tre. Admission by ticket and uni-
"A Homeland for the Jews?" is the
topic of the Post-War Council's panel
discussion this evening at 7:30 in the
Union. Dr. Klee, Rev. Redman, Rob-
ert Plotkin, Sylvia Savin and Netta
Siegel will be the speakers and every-
one is cordially invited to attend.
Michigan Alumnae Club will meet
at the International Center this
afternoon at three o'clock. Nelson
Sampaio of Sao Paulo, Brazil will
speak.There will be tea and a social
hour following the talk. Foreign wo-
men students are especially invited
guests. Anyone interested in attend-
ing is welcome-men or women.
Date Bureau Committee of the
Freshman Class: There will be a
meeting this afternoon at 4:30 in the
League for all women who are inter-
ested in working on, or signed up to
serve on the Bureau.
Corning Events
Tea at International Center is
served each week on Thursdays from
4:00 to 5:30 p.m. for foreign stu-
dents, faculty, townspeople, and
American student friends of foreign

I s

Th e
/-0iN ted


' !



No, I am not prognosticating. That little de-
tail I left to Henry Ford of Dearborn.
Newsmen caught him in Georgia Monday
and he made his statement to the press, and
in true Ford style gave no reasons.
I wouldn't advise cashing in your war bonds
or betting enormous sums, but then Mr. Ford
is an authority, according to him.
If he is right, it will be a million to one
lucky guess. If he is wrong (and I would
be the last one to say it), it won't be unusual.
Yes, Mr. Ford builds automobiles
-Stan Wallace


By Crockett Johnson

Jvst look at the .
mail! The door's
r lalocked, of course.

The big box? Books
or something. From
Congressman Bloom.

; i

When people learn
about Congressman
SO'Malley and this

But when MR. O'MALtEY
..learns about this opf e!



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