. - 10, 1!4A+ " ,..- - __._ s 11_ -a-r- - Y----.- -- __ __ _-.----\Y1------..--------1- . . _ . v WAAC Leader Will Conduct I nterviewing Appicants To Be Informed Of Qualificationsand Work At League Meeting Tomorrow An opportunity to gain first-hand information about the WAAC and to enroll in the Corps will be provided from 10 a.m. to noon tomorrow at the Armory, 223 E. Ann St., and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the League, when Lieut. Sarah S. Hudgens, WAAC re- cruiting officer from Detroit, will Interview applicants for the corps. If you are a United States citizen, age 21 to 44 inclusive, of good repute, 4t any race, color or creed, married (provided you have no children under 14 years of age) or single, and can meet the physical requirements, you are eligible for the WAAC College women meeting the above qualifications may enroll in the WAAC and, upon request, may be placed on inactive status until com- pletyion of the current school year or the school course in which they are enrolled, if such course can be com- pleted in less than one year. Members of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps are entitled to a total of thirty days' leave, or furlough, per year. They receive medical and dental services at government expense. The government supplies board androom, and in addition grants a monthly al- lowance, the amount of which de- pends upon the rank of the WAAC. There is a special need for linguists aid musicians although women with all types of training can be used. Cashiers, accountants, clerical work.: ers, cooks, cryptographers, dental as- sistants, drivers, hospital and labora- tory assistants, library aides, messen- gers, pharmacists, printers, radio operators, technicians, secretaries, statisticians, stenographers, tele- graph, telephone and teletype opera- tors, typists and X-ray operators are needed also. Once an applicant for the WAAC is accepted, she is enrolled as an auxiliary and sent to one of the basic training centers in Des Moines, Iowa or Daytona Beach, Fla. 'here her training includes Army orientation, drill, physical exercise and instruc- tion in subjects such as mess man- agement, property accounting, map reading, and military sanitation and first aid. After basic training is completed, the auxiliary becomes eligible for spe- cialist training and may later enter Officer Candidate School upon the recommendation of her Company Commander. Last Chance To Join Red Cross First Aid The last opportunity for registra- tion in the Red Cross First Aid course will be from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. today, in the Union for men students and at the League for women students. Mixed classes are being held this semester because of the lack of in- structors' time. The instruction will continue to be given by approved Red Cross instructors. The first class for1 both beginning and advanced stu- dents will be held 7:30 p.m. Tuesday1 in the League's Grand Rapids Room. 'Sweater-girl' Will Be Picked At Dance Tonight Sawyer's Band Will Feature Youthful Trumpeter as One Of Many Musical Surprises Official judges of the sweater girl contest to be held at the big Sweater Swing from 9 p.m. to midnight today in the Union Ballroom as announced by the committee in charge of Union dances are: John Erlewine, '44, Edi- tor of The Daily; Charlotte Thomp- son, '43, President of the League, and Norton Norris, '43, President of Congress. Bill Sawyer will introduce his new trumpet find, Dave Mulholland, .who is a sensation at the ripe old age of 16, but is only one of the musical surprises arranged by Sawyer and the band for the affair, according to Harry Miller, '45, Union Publicity Chairman. Chuck Dotterer, '44E, Union Social Chairman, will be Master of Cere- monies for the dance, and for the sweater girl contest which will be one of the evening's special features. The best-looking sweater girl will receive "a genuine cashmere sweater that is the best and most beautiful all-wool sweater on the market." Any girl at the dance may compete for this grand prize, according to Dot- terer. Everyone attending the dance must wear a sweater, and even the band members will be rigged out in their snappiest cardigans and pull-overs. This required attire is for the express purpose of giving everyone a chance to relax, in public, and enjoy dancing to the smooth music of Bill Sawyer's band, according to the committee. Tickets may be purchased at the Union desk at regular dance prices. Ball Mass Meeting Of Pan-He! Members To Be Held Monday There will be a mass meeting at 4 p.m. Monday at the League for all women in the Panhellenic Association to help work on the committees fo the annual Panhellenic Ball, accord- ing to Sue Wood, '44, general chair- man of the Ball Committee. The committees requested to come to the meeting are the ticket com- mittee, headed by Phyllis Present, '44, the publicity committee, under Mary Lee Grossman, '45, the patrons com- mittee, headed by Betty Rosa, '45, as well as the music, programs, and' finance committees, headed respec-1 tively by Peggy Laubengeyer, '45, Peggy Ross, '44, and Jane Shute, '45. All women with artistic ability are urged to help the committees in the1 decorations for the dance. Also, per- sons with talent for writing and di-1 recting skits will be welcome to help1 with entertainment during the course of the ball. The ball this year will' take the place of pledge formals for most of the houses on campus, a plan set forth to cut down on house expenses.E The pledges from every house, however, will be honored at the event, and although the decoration theme has not been revealed, it will repre-1 sent a tribute to the new pledges. Coeds' Beams Predict Dance Success Marjorie Leete, '44 (center), and steps of Angell Hall to give them Mickey Johnson, '46 (right), wear tickets to Sweater Swing. They're those pleased expressions because looking forward to the dance where 'Harry Miller', '45, Union publicity informality is the thing tonight at chairman, stopped them on the the Union. Preferentials Are Due Today All those who have been partici- pating in rushing this semester are reminded by Jane Graham, '43, rush- ing secretary, to turn in their pref- erence slips by noon today at the office of the Dean of Women. The preference slips were inclosed with the first open house invitations and were to be retained by the rushee until today. Anyone who has lost her slip is advised to obtain another from the rushing booth as soon as possible. Then she should fill out the slip as instructed thereon and place it in the designated box at the Dean of Wo- men's Office at Barbour Gym. This should be done by the rushee well before noon, according to Miss Graham, because slips turned in later than that time will not be accepted. Every perso.n who turns in a pref- erence slip should return to the rush- ing booth in the League between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Saturday to call for their bids to membership. Every per- son who calls at the booth will re- ceive a white envelope whether she is bid to a sorority or not, adds Miss Graham, so no girl should feel reti- cent about asking for her bid. The rushing season will come to a close with house pledging ceremonies to take place at 3 p.m. Sunday. Junior-Senior Night Will Represent Work Of Over 100 Juniors Over 100 junior women signed up to participate in the Junior-Senior Night scheduled for March 24 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at the mass meeting held yesterday in the League Ballroom. General plans for the entertain- ment were disclosed at the meeting and will be withheld from the senior women until the night of the actual performance. Four skits will be given, however, and will be under the direc- tion of Dorothy Darnell, '44, Kay Clawson, '44, Nancy Upson, '44, and Ila Smith, '44. Separate acts will be given between the skits and Rae Larson and Lucy Chase Wright will be in charge of these. In addition, a surprise feature awaits the seniors, who will be garbed in their caps and gowns for this tra- ditional affair. Sleepy Student Jumps the Gun By NANCY GR OBERG An anonymous-looking characer managed to drag himself into a nine o'clock Ec section, the other morning. at about nine-fifteen. The professor was reasonably calm about extending his welcome. "Well, hello, what are you doing here?" The character sat New officers were recently elected at the Robert Owen Coop House. They are Lyle Albright, '43E, Presi-, dent; Donald Aldrich. '45E, House Manager; and Marvin Weinberg. '43P, Sec. and Treas. monsommummmmw WAA Rec Rally Is Tomorrow All Students, and Soldiers Too Are Invited To Attend Event From 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. to- morrow the Physical Education De- partment for women and the WAA will throw open the doors of Water- man and Barbour gymnasiums for the annual "Rec Rally," to which all men and women students and the soldiers on campus are heartily inr vited. Guests, who may come singly or in couples, are promised many varieties of fun during the evening. The first hour and a half will feature badmin- ton in Waterman gymnasium under, the supervision of Marge Giefel, '44, and ping-pong in the Barbour cor-' rectives room, managed by Marion Ford, '44. Shuffleboard will be played .in the Barbour fencing room with Marcia Sharpe, '45A, in charge; duckpin bowling in Barbour; darts in Water- man with Sybil Graham, '43, manag- ing; strength-testing in Waterman with a men vs. women weight-lifting contest conducted by Ruth Asness, '44Ed, and mixed volleyball directed by Marie Cassettari, '44Ed, on the Barbour courts. During the second half of the eve- ning the guests, including those who have come late, having attended the basketball game, can shake a lively leg in the square dancing which will take place in Waterman gym. A small band and a good leader will assist the dancing proceedings, says Helen Willcox, '44, vice-presi-' dent of the WAA Board and general chairman of the "Rec Rally." Sev- eral faculty members, adds Miss Willcox, are planning to attend so one of the partners you blithely swing with may turn out to be your favorite professor. Dress can be just as informal as you please. Comfort is the one rule to follow for this co-recreational eve- ning. Tennis shoes must be worn for volleyball and badminton but street shoes are permissible for square dancing. All members of the WAA are to act as hostesses to see that those at- tending get well acquainted and that no one need fear being left out of anything. A door committee com- posed of Nancy Filstrup, '43; Helen Garrels, '44; Ruth Tarbell, '45; Shel- by Dietrich, '45; Pete Petosky, '44; and two of the soldiers studying at Michigan will welcome new arrivals and begin the introductions. There will be a very small admis- sion charge and tickets may be ob- tained at the door or from WAA members. The purpose of the Rally, according to the Board, is to demon- strate the fun than can be had from co-recreation. An important WAA meeting will Ibe held at 5 p.m. today in Barbour gym. All athletic managers and exercise leaders are required to attend. Eligibility cards will be signed for the last time in the Under- graduate Office in the League be- tween 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. today. Nancy Upson Finds Practice Makes Perfect "Strong ankles are not an essential to one aspiring to be a figure skater but practice is," says Nancy Upson, '44, winner of several lower Michigan amateur titles in both ice-dancing and figure skating.', Miss Upson will be a soloist in the "Carniva' International," to be spon- sored by the Ann Arbor Figure Skat- ing Club at 8 p.m. Sunday, at the Coliseum. She will present her well known top-hat number and will lead the WAA Figure Skating Club in a sailor number in the finale, also. She began to figure skate five years ago, having never been on even plain skates before then, but Miss Upson made up for lost time. She practices 12 to 15 hours a week while in Ann Arbor, and this summer at Sault Ste. Marie she worked eight to ten hours a day for five weeks. Besides practice Miss Upson might owe her success to a love for music and dancing, and she is a music major in the literary school now. "Figure skating embodies everything all in one-it's dancing, a sport, mu- sic, and art," claims Miss Upson, "there's nothing like it." She has skated in carnivals all over this country and has solded in several recently, besides having been in one in Windsor, Ontario. At this point, Miss Upson has passed four United States Figure Skating Association tests, and is working on her "Gold Dance test." For the past three summers she has studied at Lake Placid, N.Y. and Sault Ste. Marie under renowned teachers including her present ad- visor, Pierre Brunet, four times world champion an~d twice Olympic cham- pion for figure skating. Miss Upson, who intends to do ex- hibition work and then some day go into competition, mentioned that she enjoys her dancing numbers much more than executing ordinary figures. An "Ann Arbor girl" until just re- cently when her parents moved to Pittsburgh, Pa., Miss Upson has been active in many activities on campus. down without reply. The professor tried again. "What's the matter- couldn't you make the ten o'clock section today?" The anonymous face lit up in a sort of vague recognition. "Oh. isn't this the ten o'clock sec- tion?" The professor was gentle. "No, this is the nine o'clock" The charac- ter made his way out. As he reached the door, he was halted by the profes- sor's vcice. saying this time, "You can stay if you want to." He didn't stay. "I know I have a class some- where this hour." He left to find out which one it was. ON Y19 /f Perfect-fitting halter-backS Huaraches of soft woven leather! Leather sole! Flat built-up leather heel! In NATURAL! All sizes. / F, l Two Will Organizations Sponsor Dances Two prominent organizations on campus have made plans for dances to be held today. The Latin American Society will hold a dance from 9 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. today in the Rackham Building. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Peschiera and Mr. and Mrs. Blume will chaperon the affair. Members of the Chi Phi fraternity will sponsor an informal dance Sat- urday featuring the orchestra of Ralph Wilson. Chaperons for the oc- casion will be Mr. and Mrs. Hessel Yntema and Dr. William Brace. Fraternity Will Hold Radio Dance Today Alpha Tau Omega fraternity is planning a radio dance today at the house. Chaperons for the affair will be Mr. Donald Ephlan, an alumnus of the Ann Arbor chapter, and Mrs. Ephlan; also, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roth and Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Wical, all of Ann Arbor, will be present. F J CoL on -- 4" p h IN c / y9 Footwear in step with the times... to keep you looking smartly well- gromed and perfectly comforts ble. These quality-made shoes are first choice for thebusy woman of the day. 9 F L UFF $6.95 ,;1 l l t 1 S '1 1 I c C t,,. I y /ti /._ X :X 4 SPRING It's almost here! YES, and now's the time to re- plenish your wardrobe. You'll want a lovely spring dress ir print or solid crepe. Or get a tailored suit. You'll live in it. Come in and look over our selec- ><.::tion. - /r,:lr ti . +i ,. . ti Teen-sAers are Keen for '"PERK Yf A rollicking felt bumper topped by a pert cigarette stem! The youngest, newest, gayest hat to catch the sparkling teen-age spirit. Such a zippy selection of colors, too! Black, also. GABARD INES PLA I DS TW I LLS FLANNFLS Navy Black Brown Beige Red ,..