' F. ' 1 171 t., it IL A i ELL. mA Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT3iNG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. .e College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSoN AVE. NEW YORK.-N.Y. CNICAGO * BoSTON . Los ANaELES * SAN FRANCISCO Editorial Staff John Erlewine. . . . . Managing Editor Bud Brimmer . . . . . . City Editor Marion Ford . . . . . Associate Editor Charlotte Conover . . . . Associate Editor Eric Zalenski . . . . . . . Sports Editor Betty Harvey . . . . Women's Editor Too 'igh f or so'.li ttl e 1 MUSIC -I ANY CONSIDERATION of Mr. Templeton's concert last night in Hill Auditorium, by the nature of the program itself, must take account of its two distinctly contrasting sec- tions: the classical first half and th second half's "varieties." The former, a conglomerate of classical pieces more vaguely remin- iscent of a music student's repertoire than that of a virtuoso and concert pianist, was done spotty justice. Beginning with Bach's "Prelude Arioso" and continuing through his rendition of Schumann's "Warum" and Beethoven's "Sonata in F- sharp major," Templeton's harsh- ness of tone and lack of adequate dynamic change marred and dis- torted the seriousness of the in- terpretation he attempted to con- vey. With the exception of Brahm's "Intermezzo in E-flat," these two flaws together with his tendency to "Templeton-ize" his renditions ap- peared throughout the remainder of the classical section. A JUDGMENT of the success of his concert must be in terms of how well he achieved what he attempted to do, the first numbers, while they showed feeling for the classics, were unconvincing in that they were far from the artistic concepts their com- posers intended to convey. The Bee- thoven sonata, one of his later works, evidenced a light Mozart touch in- appropriate to the latter but typical; of Templeton's tendency to read his own impressions into the music. Yet, as a concert pianist it was his obli- gation to render the music as the author wrote it, and in a manner satisfactory to the music itself- which wasn't done. Mr. Templeton is possessed of a fine technique and at times does excellent playing. Yet it is obvious that he is far from a first-rate con- cert pianist; his forte appeared in the second half when he found himself in an informal element more conducive to his talents. By use of a remarkable ability to mim- ic and improvise the pianist de- lighted both his audience and-we readily concede-his reviewer. M. F. B. A Milwaukee utility has electric meters read every three months in- stead of monthly to save tires, gaso- line, and manpower. SCu WASHINGTON W4RRY GOR EEROUND By DREW PEARSON Business Staff Edward J. Periberg . Fred M.' Ginsberg M(ary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager WASHINGTON - Gradually more details of the State Department's policy of cooperating with Vichy ap- peasers is leaking out, and unfor- tunately it does make good reading. Latest untold chapter is how the big bankers in Paris knew in advance all about the American landing in North Africa and transferred their funds there to the tune of 25 billion francs or $350,000,000. Then, after sneaking this sum out of France, the French bankers, with the aid of their friend, U. S. Minister Robert Mur- phy, brought pressure to raise the exchange rate on the franc. Finally they succeeded. This sim- ple transaction increased the hold- ings of the State Department's bank- ing friends to $525,000,000. The story seems almost unbeliev- able, but here are the sordid details. . Ever since the fall of France, Ger- many has been taking over valuable French property from the Jews, la- bor unions, and refugees who had fled from occupied countries. In do- ing this, the Germans obviously were preparing for a long-term, throttle- hold on France. so they went about it very carefully. Apparently they wanted to avoid litigation in French courts after the war so they arranged these deals through certain French banks. The Jewish, labor union and refugee property was ordered taken over and given to the banks. Then the Ger- mans bought the property from the banks, paying in francs. However, the francs were taken out of the "Occupation Francs" which the Bank of France paid to Germany every day, for the cost of occupation; so actually these deals did not cost the Nazis anything. Huge French Profits The French bankers were per- mitted to keep the purchase price of the property, so they amassed huge profits, and it was these profits which were transferred to North Af- -ica before the American landing. The banks doing business with the Germans were: the Banque de Paris et de Pay Bas, the Banque de l'Indo- China and the Banque Wurms. Despite their close cooperation with Germany, apparently these bankers knew in advance that U.S. troops were going to land in North Africa. How they knew this military secret in ample time to send their money to Algiers-though the U.S. Cabinet did not know it until a few days before- has not been definitely established on this side of the Atlantic. However, certain circumstantial facts are sigificant. The charming and naive Robert Murphy, had as his close friend Jacques Lemaigre-Du- breuil, head of the French Associa- tion of Taxpayers, a big business lobby--financed by many of these bankers. Lemaigre-Pubreuil worked hand in glove with the Comite des Forges, or Steel trust, which had property in Austria and Axis coun- tries. He had led the fascist disturb- ances in Paris in 1934, shared the same political philosophy as these German-collaborating bankers, and was close to them. Strangely enough it was Lemaigre- Dubreuil whom Murphy chose to handle his contacts for the invasion of North Africa. It was he who picked General Giraud, arranged to get him to North Africa in disguise, and who was Murphy's key man in this vitally important operation. How much Lemaigre-Dubreuil told his banker friends in Paris about our military plans is his secret, but it is an incontrovertible fact that they moved their 25 billion franc profits, wrung from unfortunate Jews and labor unions, to North Africa shortly before the U.S. landing. French Banking Lobby After U.S. troops landed, the State, War and Treasury departments had agreed to keep the exchange rate at 75 francs for one dollar. Whereupon the French bankers immediately launched a lobbying campaign to peg the franc at 50 to the dollar. Obviously this would greatly enhance the 25 billion franc nest-egg they had sneaked out of Paris. Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY RONAY~ Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. -- c- NO HELP TO WAR: Congress Plays Politics In Crippling Commission HE CONGRESS of the United States has often accused the President of playing poli- tics. They point out that political games will jeopardize our national war effort. But the recent actions of these legislators provesbeyond any doubt that they are the ones indulging in playing politics. In fact their inter- lference with Presidential policies is endanger- ing the chances for an Allied victory. When one considers the serious repercussions gnd complications that will result because of the douse refusal to grant $2,454,000 to the War Manpower Commission, it is easy to anticipate the effect on American industry. LABOR and Management have recently pointed out that "absenteeism" is one of the major problems in the defense plants. Yet the House appropriations committee refused to allow the Secretary of Labor the money to make the proper investigations in order to solve this situation. The legislators also took it upon themselves to squelch the National Resources Planning Board. The planning board sought money to continue work until next June 30. Congress had previously refused to appropriate the $1,400,000 that would finance the board for the next year. Editorials and presidential proclamations have declared that the board will have to sus- pend operations and so a board that might have been able to save billions will be sacri- ficed to save a million. SOME Congressmen admit that the real reason for their action is to defeat the administra- tion. This must be true in the case of the House refusal to appropriate money for the care of children of employed mothers and the refusal to allow emergency grants for the maternity and infant care in enlisted men's families. How inspiring it must be to a soldier on the battlefield to know that the country for which he is fighting has no intention of caring for his new born child. These actions on the part of the Congress of the United States show a deliberate effort to sabotage the country's war effort when every moment is needed to consider important vital war legislation. If the trend continues-the war can only last longer, the final peace settlement be less satis- factory and the nation socially and econom- ically poorer. - Margaret Frank CONFUSION: Michigan's Time Mix-Up Blocks U.S. Efficiency ICHIGAN is now operating under two time schedules, with Detroit and Ann Arbor dif- ferent from the rest of the state. This mix-up in the middle of America's war effort dates back to long before Dec. 7, 1941. Michigan was on Daylight Saving time before Pearl Harbor was dreamed of, and thus was an hour ahead of herself. So when the United States went on "war time" last spring, moving all clocks an hour forward, Michigan ended up two hours in advance of her normal time. This meant that while days here were longer in daylight, the mornings were ,nka nd tl, nn annrecabla svine in ele,- CENSORSHIP: OWI Activities Hindered By Lack of Coordination DESPITE the energetic work of the Office of War Information under Elmer Davis, which has brought a great improvement in the coordi- nation of information releases to the public, there are a lot of things which people don't understand, actions and statements which make the public wonder exactly what is going on in Washington. First Paul V. McNutt, head of the then newly organized War Manpower Commission an- nounced that it would probably be necessary to draft labor, and later he urged that there be mass exemption of certain workers, a plan for- bidden by the Selective Service Act. Immediately labor leaders and Selective Ser- vice officials were on his neck. When he had aroused more opposition than he could handle,j he got worried, retracted these announcements, and handed the public a new line which only made matters worse. And the public demanded that the OWI let them know what the officials were doing, when even the officials didn't know. SIMILAR to this was the rubber situation. A series of contradictory statements made it uncertain whether or not there is actually a sufficient supply of rubber. This made the short- age of tires and gasoline rationing harder pills to swallow than ever, because the public is will- ing to make sacrifices, but not when they are unnecessary, as some officials insisted. And still people blamed the OWI Not all, however, of the confusion has resulted from conflicting statements of government offi- cials. Many contradictions may be seen in the lives of those who are fighting the war. The public heard about the "Four Freedoms," and then watched a group of Senators filibuster equality away on the anti-poll tax issue. Winston Churchill made a statement that he wasn't made England's first minister in order to preside at the liquidations of the British Empire, which just didn't jive with Wallace's "century of the common man" ad- dress. And the situation in India causes Gan- dhi to go on a hunger strike which meanwhile is bringing him precariously near death. THE OWL has done a lot to clear up confusion where it has had facts, or at least a positive policy upon which to base its pork. This was shown about the time Army and Navy officials couldn't get together on exactly what had hap- pened in the Pacific, and also when the OWI managed to inform the public on the progress of the trial of the eight saboteurs. If however, the public is going to know what is going on, and in a democracy the public has a right to know, more will have to be accom- plished than what the OWI has the power to do. The root of the problem is the failure of officials to determine definite policies and then to stick to them. Only when this has been done can facts, instead of confusion, be re- ported to the American public. - Jean Richards time, due to the number of war plants in that city. Ann Arbor elected to remain with Detroit. THE SITUATION now is much more confusing than it was before the legislature took mat- ters into their own hands. The greater part of the state is now an.hour away from the rest of the country. The confusion arising from the different times within this state is one example of why I'd Rather Be Right_ By SAMUEL GRAFTON GET an overpowering feeling of stately irrele- vancy from the news these days. India is being allowed to slip into a new crisis, as Gandhi dies, while everybody concerned observes all the proper formalities. A magnificent exercise in punctilio goes on; our own government carefully refrains from interfering, from asking for a compromise, as if its chief duty were to show that it is well-behaved. But the moment cries out that our chief duty is to win the war, and victory is not awarded as a prize for politeness. And so we announce that Indian affairs are internal affairs, for the British to settle; even an Indian revolution, under this theory, becomes an internal affair, though our troops would be in the center of the whirlpool. And everybody is right and proper and formal; we are behaving circumspectly and legally; only India begins to break loose from our world and to float away. No matter; everybody observed the proprieties, and in the lexicon of diplomacy, that is accepted as an excuse for any disaster. HOW MUCH DO YOU TIP A REVOLUTION? VEN a sort of moral case is made against Gandhi; he is fasting, say the British, by his own choice; the responsibility is his; there is even "an element of coercion" in fasting, says the Viceroy. It is, of course, improper to exer- cise coercion, and it would be improper to yield to it, and so that settles that. The problem is propriety. But it is not; the problem is India. I do not know how to judge Gandhi's behavior; I would not dare to say; I do not believe the rules of etiquette are applicable for judging the end- results of two hundred years of colonial vexa- tion, irritation and, finally, exasperation. What is correct form for a man who has spent a life- time trying, to win freedom for his country, and who finds himself in jail during a war for freedom, his movement being smashed? I have consulted the authorities on proper be- havior. They are silent on the point. Correct form will tell you how much to tip a chamber- maid. It is not applicable to the social emer- gency of saving one's country. THEY CAN ONLY SAY PLEASE THROUGH the proprieties there now begins to run a panic note of incoherence; the official stories conflict with each other. We hear that the India independence movement has settled down, it amounts to little. We hear also that it is so huge that it menaces the war. We hear that Gandhi is without real power. We hear he has so much power that his fast threatens the coun- try. We hear that he has no hold on a splintered India. We hear that he has so much hold on India that all India has settled down to watch him with anxious eyes. Gandhi is nothing. Gan- dhi is everything. But all concerned continue to be so proper and circumspect that it hurts. We are con- ducting private conversations with our British allies, but on the basis of the public theory that we have no concern in the matter; that is proper, too; only it makes our private con- versations ineffective. Indian moderates, such as Sapru and Rajagopalachari are trying to DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, FEB. 26, 1943r VOL. LIII No. 99d All notices for the Daily Official Bul-, letin are to be sent to the Office of the f President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices If you wish to financethe purchase of a home, or if you have purchased improved property on a land contract and owe a balance of approximately 60 per cent of the value of the property, the Investment Of- fice, 100 South Wing of University Hall, would be glad to discuss financing through the medium of a first mortgage. Such fi- nancing may effect a substantial saving in interest. Public Health Assembly; Doctor Albert McCown, Medical Director of the Ameri- can Red Cross, will speak before a Public Health Assembly at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, March 1, in the Auditorium of the Kellogg Foundation Institute on "The Red Cross and the war." The public is invited to attend the lec- ture. Faculty, College of Literaturg, Science, and the Arts: The regular meeting of the faculty will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall on Monday,March 1, at 4:10 p.m. The reports of the various committees have been prepared in advance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the March meeting. Edward H. Kraus AGENDA: 1. Consideration of the minutes of the February meeting, pp. 932-935, which have been distributed by campus mail. 2. Consideration of reports submitted with the call to this meeting. a. Executive Committee-Professor L. I. Bredvold. b. Executive Board of the Graduate School-Professor C. S. Schoepfle. c. University Council-Professor H. H. Willard. d. Deans' Conference-Dean E. H. Kraus. 3. New Business. 4. Announcements. Students who plan to enter one of the following professional schools: Law, Busi- ties because it is filled with people who want their freedom. WHY NOT AN OFFER? AND PERHAPS there runs through Gandhi's mind some such phrase as: "I was not called to be the first minister of my people in order to preside over the liquidation of their hopes." Our duty is to resolve the Indian question as it is, including Gandhi as he is. We cannot take refuge in ness Administration, or Forestry and Con- iervation at the beginning of the summer term on the Combined Curriculum must file an application for this Curriculum in the Office of the Dean .of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, 1210 An- gell Hall, on or before March 1, 1943. After this date applications will be accepted only upon the presentation of a satisfactory ex- cuse for the delay and the payment of a fee of $5.00. Students planning to petition the Hop- wood Committee should read paragraph 18 on page 9 of the Hopwood bulletin. The deadline for such petitions is March 1. R. w. Cowden German Table for Faculty Members will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Found- ers' Room, Michigan Union. Members of all departments are cordially invited. There will be a brief talk on "Soziologie in der Praxis" by Mr. Hanns Pick. Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships: The Na- tional Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society each year awards a certain number of Graduate Fellowships with stipend of $500 to be devoted to study in some American Col- lege or University. In addition the Na- tional Fellowship Committee is able to secure in some uriiversities tuition fellow- ships for the successful candidates. Un- dergraduate members of Phi Kappa Phi elected during the fall term of the present year are eligible to apply. The closing date for applications to be received by the kccal chapter is March 11. Further infor- mation and application blanks may be se- cured from the Secretary, Mary C. van Tuyl. in Room 3123 N. S. Bldg. Lectures University Lecture: Professor R. S. Knox, Department of English, University of Tor- onto, will lecture on the subject, "Recent Shakespearian Criticism," under the auspi- ces of the Department of English Language and Literature, on Monday, March 1, at 3:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is invited. French Lecture: Mr. Alphonse R. Fav- reau of the Romance Language Depart- ment will give the sixth of the French Lectures sponsored by the Cercle Fran- cais entitled: "La Jeunesse d'Alphonse Daudet" on Wednesday, March 3, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Open to the public. Academic Notices Students, College ofuLiterature, Science, and the Arts: No course may be elected for credit after Saturday, February 27. E. A. Walter Make-up examination for Psychology 31, Lecture Sections I and III, will be given Tuesday, March 2, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1121 N.S. elementary examination for those absent. from final will be held in Room 3089 N.S. on Saturday, Feb. 27, at 9:00 a.m. $ History 12, section 24 (WS at 9 o'clock) which formerly met in Room 2016 Angell Hall will now meet in Room 2014 Angell Hall. H-.Harry DeVries The Statistical Laboratory, 3003 Angell Hall, will not be open Friday evenings, as it has been in the past. Instead, the small laboratory, 3201 Angell Hall, will be open on Saturday mornings, from 9 to 12. Exhibitions Exhibit: Museum of Art and Archaeol- ogy, Newberry Hall. Photographs of Tu- nisia by George R. Swain, Official Pho- tographer to the University of Michigan Expedition to North Africa in 1925. Tunis, Medjez-el-Bab, Tozeur, Tebessa, Sfax, Matmata country. Exhibition: Metal Work from Islamic Countries (Iran, Egypt, and Syria). Rack- ham School, through March 11. Every afternoon, 2:00-5:00. Events Today The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public tonight from 8:00 to 10:00 to observe the planets, Saturn and Jupiter, the nebula in Orion, and Whip- ple's Comet. In case of a cloudy or nearly cloudy evening, the Observatory will not be open. Children must be accompanied by adults. All house athletic managers and those who lead exercises in their houses will meet today at 5:00 p.m. in the Dance Stu- dio in Barbour Gymnasium. Please wear slacks or shorts and gym shoes. Be sure to bring exercise participation sheets for Feb. 15-28 to turn in. New exercises will be presented and new participation sheets handed out. Eligibility cards will be signed the last time this semester for League activities today between 3:00 and. 5:00 p.m. at the League Undergraduate Office. The Dorm Committee of the Junior Project will meet today at 5:00 p.m. In the League. Rehearsal of the Women's Glee Club, this afternoon at 4:00. Attendance com- pulsory. Bring eligibility cards and dues. Presbyterian Students are welcome at the Church for a social evening tonight beginning at 8:30. Episcopal Students: Tea will be served for Episcopal students and their friends this afternoon by the Canterbury Club 4:00-5:30, in Harris Hall.