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February 26, 1943 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-26

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. Gam , ' Dr 4 1197

It 1 1 .

French Club
Will Give Play
Comedy in Three Acts
Scheduled for April 27
Prof. Charles E. Koella of the
French department announced yes-
terday that "Le Monde ou l'on s'en-
nuie" by Edouard Pailleron has been
chosen for the French club produc-
tion April 27 in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
The three-act comedy, a light satire
on salon society in France in the 18th
century, was first played in 1881 at
the Comedie Francaise, and is one
of the classics of the French reper-
tory. It concerns a young girl who
falls in love with her guardian. In
spite of the intrigues 'of the mother
of the hero, and with the help of the
Duchess de Reville, the heroine's
grandmother, all ends well.
Pailleron, a member of the French
Academy, has often been compared
to Moliere for his spirit and manner
of social ridicule as shown in this
play, which is generally considered
his masterpiece.
Last year the French club gave a
successful production of "La Belle
Aventure" by DeFlers, Caillavet and

UniversityjGrad Named Capital's
Leading Secretary by Magazine

Washington's number one secre-
tary, according to the current issue-
of the Woman's Home Companion,
is Iona Thornton, daughter of Prof.
and Mrs. Thornton, and graduate of
the University in 1937.
Her claim to this number-one spot
has resulted from her work as secre-
tary to Donald Nelson, and the arti-
cle points out that the nation's most
important industrialists have to get
past her to see the WPB boss. The
article, written by Miss Thornton,
follows her typical day starting at
6:30 a.m. and continuing through
until her waking day is finished.
While on campus Miss Thornton
was a Phi Beta Kappa and was alsoI
affiliated with Alpha Gamma Delta.
Before coming to the University she
attended the University high school,
and she got her master's degree in
1938 from Columbia University where
she majored in history and political
From Columbia she went directly
to Washington and took a position in
the Department of the Interior. In
1940 she became the assistant secre-
tary to Mr. Nelson and the next year
she became his secretary.
The April issue of The Independent
Women, the Business and Profes-

sional Women's magazine, published
by their clubs, recognized her abili-
ties in the business world and de-
scribed the particular duties con-
nected with her job.
In an interview yesterday, Mrs.
Thornton said that her daughter en-
joyed being in the midst of things in
spite of the long hours and her many
diversified tasks. "She knew last
September that the Companion in-
tended to feature her and she fin-
ished the article in December."
Her Day
The pictorial features shows the
sleepy Miss Thornton awakening at
16:30 a.m., entering the building while
it is still dark, breakfasting at the
WPB cafeteria, meeting Mrs. Roose-
velt and Ruth Mitchell, the General's
sister at tea, working, taking a Span-
ish lesson, bowling and attending to
a late call for Mr. Nelson.
Miss Thornton comments that the
Washington secretary is called upon
to summon all her knowledge, judg-
ment and tact in handling matters
that are brought to the office for the
attention of her superior. "Here a
secretary is not a barrier between
callers and the inner office, but a
person who can understand their
problems and make decisions on be-
half of the man she works for."
Average Life
While Miss Thornton is one of the
outstanding government employes,
her story reflects the average working
woman's day in Washington. She
reports the crowded condition of the
buses, the excellent food in the gov-
ernment restaurants, the typical
pleasures of women in a woman-
populated world.
Miss Thornton's father is a pro-.
fessor in the engineering English de-
County ClockIssue


$ .40 per 15-word Insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.
Contract Rates on Request
LAUNDY - 2-1044. .Soxdarned.
Careful work at low price.

MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S; Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
Continuous from 1 P.M.

ment only. Phone 2-4726.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7112.
TYPEWRITERS of all makes. Of-
fice and portable models. Bought,
rented, repaired. Student and Of-
fice Supplies. OQ D. Morrill, 314
South Stat.e St. Phone 6615.
FOR RENT-Large suite for 2 or 3
boys. One block from campus. 520
Thompson. Phone 7758.
WANTED-Boy who can drive, to
work for room and board. 343 Fifth
Ave. Phone 6018.
switchboard from midnight until
8 a.m.-Phone 4244.
SHELL-RIM GLASSES with straight
bows. Lost on campus about Feb.
15. Call Kaywood, 2-3225.
c at your

Ann Arbor+
By Conflict

Maier and Parr
Will Speak on
Hate in Wartime1
j illel Friday Forum
To Feature Minister
And Local Psychologist
Rev. Leonard A. Parr and Prof.
Norman R. F. Maier, of the psychol-
ogy department, will discuss one of
the psychological problems arising
out of the war at 8:30 p.m. today at
the Hillel Foundation.
The question, "Will Victory Come
Through Hate?" was considered re-
cently in two articles in the New York
Times Magazine Section. Ehlya Ehr-
cnburg, noted Russian war corre-
spcndent, posed the problem in an
article entitled "Hate Is Russia's Am-
munition," and Rex Stout, American
novelist, also wrote on the subject,
"Must We Hate the Germans?"
Prof. Maier is the winner of the
American Academy for the Advance-
ment of Science Award for the best
contribution to science in 1937 for his
work on neuroses in rats. Rev. Parr is
pastor at the Ann Arbor Congrega-
tional Church.
The forum is the second of the
semester in Hillel's regular series of
Friday evening discussions. It was
arranged by the Hillel Forum Com-
Imittee under the direction of theJ
new chairman, Hannah Katz, '44.
The forum will be followed by an
informal question and discussion pe-
riod. Refreshments will be served.
The meeting is open to the public.
Preceding the forum, conservative
religious services will be held in the
chapel of the Foundation starting
promptly at 7:45 p.m. The services
will be conducted by Lewis Singer,
'46, and Elliott Organick, '44E.
Colleg~es Able
I Cut Staffs
Teacher Surplus Is
In Liberal Arts Field
Because surveys show that Ameri-
can colleges are suffering from a
shortage of teachers in war-essential
subjects and a surplus of teachers in
the liberal arts field, many of the
colleges and universities have offered
to cooperate with the Government
by releasing staff members if neces-
sary, Office of Education officials
At the same time, however, that
some schools are unable to fill va-
cancies in technical fields, other
schools have chemistry, enginee'ing
and physics staff members who are
idle because of sharply whittled-
down enrollment in their colleges.
In all, there are about 90 idle
teachers in the strictly technical
fields, a surplus of over 100 in the
professional fields, and about 270
extra instructors in the liberal arts
Because of the tremendous num-
ber of doctors who have joined the
armed force, medicine is the most
seriously understaffed field.

in Time

Malcolm A. Beers, 21, of Arling-
ton, Mass., shown In civilian
clothes, set what army authorities
at Fort Devens, Mass., believe is a
national record in the intelligence
tests given all recruits when he
scored 159 points out of a possible

Meet Scheduled
For New Mixed
Debating Squad
The men's debating teams and the
women's debating teams are no long-
er separate organizations but have
been combined into one squad, Prof
Arthur Secord of the speech depart-
ment announced yesterday.
Since both will be working on the
same question which is, "Resolved:
That the United Nations should es-
tablish a permanent federal govern-
ment," they will be handled as a sin-
gle squad under the direction of Pro-
fessor Secord. Mixed debating teams,
already common to some of the other
institutions in the area, will probabl3
be used.
Four separate Michigan teams wil
meet Wayne University here nexi
Thursday on the fourth floor of An-
gell Hall. Two of these debates wil
be held at 3 p.m. and two at 4:30 p.m
The University of Michigan will
also meet the University of Detroit
in a demonstration debate which will
open the experimental debate tour-
nament March 12 and 13 at the Uni-
versity of Detroit. Other institutions
xhich are registered for this contes'
are Wisconsin, Chicago, Western Re-
serve, Notre Dame and Marquette.
Any student wishing to participate
in future debates who has not yet
joined the squad is urged to see
Professor Secord, Room 107 Haven
Hall, immediately.
University Medical Club
Gives Weekly Broadcasts

Ann Arbor's County Courthouse
clock jumped to War Saving Time
yesterday, but action on Attorney
General Herbert J. Rushton's deci-
sion that County property must
change back to slow time apparently
was hanging fire.
What time the four-faced Court-
house clock in downtown Ann Arbor
should read has been a bone of coi-
tention between the "Saving Timers"
and the "Slow Timers" ever since
the State Legislature's decision to
move Michigan clocks back an hour,
Ann Arbor voted, with Detroit,
to keep on with War Saving Time,
but County Prosecutor George Mea-
der felt law-bound to have the
Courthouse clock switched back an
Such abundant confusion was
raised by this time difference in Ann
Arbor that Prosecutor Meader took
the issue before Attorney General
Rushton. County offices, the opinion
said, must open and close on Central
War Time.
The Prosecutor ruled yesterday
that each County official may decide
on his own time schedule-which
action most officials discovered
leaves the correct time still a major


Sets Record

Property Taxes
Show Sight Rise
LANSING, Feb. 25.-(AP)--Michigan
property owners paid local 'real and
personal property taxes totaling
$183,197.19 in 1942, an increase of
seven per cent over the previous
year, the State Tax Commission re-
ported today.
It said schoolhtaxes were $7,763,-
363.42 higher than in 1941, while
county taxes were up $961,256.91 and
city taxes $4,159,360.45 above the
previous year. Village and township
taxes were $384,991.75 and $219,348.17
lower, respectively.
The commission said the 1942 as-
sessed valuation of $6,625,018,825
was the highest since 1932, while
the average tax rate of $27.65 per
thousand dollars of assessed valua-
tion was 37 cents higher than the
1941 rate.

swimming team, and of Psi Upsilon
Mr. Muir was graduated this month
from the Episcopal Theological
School, Cambridge, Mass., and was
ordained to the Diaconate by the
Rt. Rev. Frank W. Creighton, Bishop
of the Diocese of Michigan, Feb. 17
at Christ Church Parish, Detroit.
Prof, and Mrs. Arthur Secord are
the parents of an 8 pound, 14 ounce
baby girl who arrived at 2:15 p.m.
yesterday at the University Hospital.
This is their second child; they also
have a seven-year-old son.
Bought, Rented
314 S. State St. Phone 6615

Dr. Brown Predicts Change in
Type of Student Body Next Year
Next .year's fresluan classes in phyvsically unfit in the first draft
some colleges will probably include while 401 of 18- and 19-year-olds
a larger number 01 17-year-old boys throughout the country will probably
and girls w.ho have not finished high be found unfit for military service,
school, it was announced last week official sources say.
by Dr. Francis .J. Brown, consultant I 3. Pre-professional and profes-
to the American Council on Educa- sional groups given occupational de-
tion. ferment.
"Higli school juniors have been ac- 4. Students in contract training
cepted at a few colleges for some under industry. Included in this
time," Dr. Brown said, giving the category are such groups as the
University of North Carolina as an Curtiss-Wright trainees, the group
! example. "Of the 300 high school that RCA will have in training by
juniors tested at North Carolina last April, and the women the Vought
year, 140 of them were admitted to Sikorsky aircraft manufacturers plan
t the freshman class." to send to college.
V-1 Involved Different Schedules
Dr. Brown pointed out that the 5. Men and women taking exten-
increased number of non-graduate sion courses while working in indus-
high school students in freshman try.
classes will reflect "a liberalization 6. Men and women under the
and expansion" of this policy in col- Army and Navy Specialized Training
leges which already practice it, rather Programs.
than acceptance of the policy by To accommodate these varied
colleges which have resisted it to groups, the larger colleges will be
date. The Navy refuses to accept forced to operate on as many as
men in its V-1 program unless they three different schedules-quarter
have a high school certificate, which periods for the Army, semester perl-
is a setback to a larger college enroll- ods for the Navy and their regular
ment of 17-year-olds. schedule for their civilian students.
Dr. Brown predicted that students
who will make up the rest of next
year's college group will fall into the rev. Muir Acts
following categories:
Younger Women AsNew Curate
1. Women-particularly freshmen
and sophomores. There will be a A new curate, the Rev. Robert
sharp enrollment drop among juniors Muir, has been called to act as stu-
and seniors except among those wom- ,d
en studying subjects necessary to the dent adviser and to assist the Rev.
war effort, such as nursing, engi- Henry Lewis and the Rev. John Dahl
neering, and physics. in the work of the St. Andrew's Epis-
2. Men not physically fit for the copal Church.
armed services. Dr. Brown pointed
. out that college men have a good Born in Detroit, the Rev. Mr. Muir
physical record in proportion to the was graduated from Trinity College
country as a whole. Due mostly to Hartford, Conn., in 1939, \where he
bad eyes, 15%~ of college men were was president of the student body in
his senior year, a member \of the


The University of Michigan and
the Joint Committee on Health Edu-
cation of the Michigan Medical Soci-
ety are collaborating in the presen-
tation of weekly radio talks by Dr.
Herman Rieker, associate professor
of internal medicine in the University
Department of Postgraduate Medi-

Drug Store
5c Listerine . ..59c
1.00 Bayers
Aspirin .....59c


35c Vicks
Vapo Rub.



50c Ipano
Tooth Paste .43c
50c Williams
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served at our
soda fountain



Extra Added
"Eatin' on the Cuff"
Conquer by the Clock
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