PAGR lOtTE TH~E MIICHIGA:N.D-BLY[ T!WRSBfMAlt - 25., .... s as i. i # . 1.t !A1 .E V A-i L 1" 1r 1' 1 y 1' Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub- lication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.25, by mail $5.25. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIaMNG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisbers Representative 420 MlASON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO " BOSTON " LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO i I i i !- i {.. {'. . . .. F'. " - Problem Child -6p - 47 d {- 4.r ;;:4 Editorial Staff John Erlewine . Bud Brimmer. . Marion Ford. . Charlotte Conover . Eric Zalenski betty Harvey . . . Managing Editor . . . . City Editor . .. . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor LERRY-Go- ROUND Cl By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-The State Depart- ment isn't announcing it, but sev- eral diplomats from the smaller Eur- opean states-in addition to Finland -are coming in to express worry over Russian victories. These have-their- cake-and-eat-it-too diplomats want Hitler to be defeated, but don't want Russia to win. Some of the State Department boys, among them Assistant Secre- tary Adolf Berle, secretly agree. Best answer to this fear was ex- pressed inadvertently by Soviet Am- bassador Litvinoff in talking with a prominent businessman from the mid- dle west. Litvinoff asked him what people in that part of the country thought about Russia. "I'm going to be perfectly frank with you," replied the mid-westerner. "People in my part of the country ad- mire the great fight Russia has made against Germany and they have the highest praise of your Army. But they fear the spread of communism after the war." Ambassador Litvinoff replied thoughtfully that there was no ground for such fears, that all Russia wanted to do was to defeat the Axis as quickly as possible, then live in peace within her own boundaries. "However," added Litvinoff, "if the fear of Russia intwestern Europe really wories you, there is one very easy way to dispose of it." "What is that?" asked the gentle- man from the west. "The American and British armies should march into Berlin first." Capital Chaff BEFORE Connecticut Congresswo- man Clare Luce delivered her maiden speech panning the British on future air routes, her text was carefully blue pencilled by the State Department. They did not object to criticism of the British, figuring that hands - across - the - sea policy was strong enough to take it. But they did cross out some of Clare's caustic words about Russia not giving us more cooperation on airplane routes. Business Staff Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . AS OTHERS SEE IT Reform of Education . . . . Business Manager Associate Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager f . ° . .,r Telephone 23-24-1 NIGHT EDITOR: PAUL HARSHA Editorialsepublished in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Dailystaff. and represent the views of the writers only. ~ A %. ~ cii 1943. Chicago Times Ii iI WASHINGTON - Beginning this month the lowering of the draft age to 18 willreally take effect in the colleges. It will not be long before there will be no more able-bodied men students who receive what is called a liberal or a general educa- tion. A certain proportion of them will still be found studying in the col- lege buildings. But their studies will be those which the Army and Navy decide are needed to fit them to be officers and technicians in the armed forces.-Therefore, it is generally taken for granted that for the dura- tion of the war a liberal college edu- cation can be offered only to women and the physically unfit men. Must it be taken for granted? The question has been raised by Mr. Stringfellow Barr, the president of St. John's College. The fact that he has raised the question, and his rea- sons for raising it, should at least in- terest parents and teachers through- out the country. We think we cannot give our able-bodied men a liberal educa- tion because 'on the average they enter college when they are seven- teen and a half years and the Army inducts them when they are 18. But, says Mr. Barr, why do we think that a student must be nearly 18 before he begins to study the liberal arts? Why do we so readily take it for granted that 15 would be too young if a suitable course of studies were set up by the colleges? Is it because parents think 15 is too young for boys to have the social freedom of college, life? That ob- jection could easily be taken care of by college discipline. Or is it because the faculties think boys of 15 are intellectually unready for a college education? Mr. Barr, who is a teach- er of long and wide experience, says he does not believe so, and to test his belief his college, St. John's, has an- nounced that it will now admit boys after their second year in the high school. THESE BOYS will be able to have a somewhat modified and short- ened liberal education before they are called into the Army. Mr. Barr thinks that the colleges can make better use of the boy's time when he is 16 and 17 than the high schools now make of it. The proof of Mr. Barr's pudding will, of course, be in the eating But there are very strong reason for thinking that his experiment, which is an adjustment to the draft act, may start currents of though which will have a permanent effect upon American education. For nearly everyone is dissatisfie with the results of modern educatio and increasingly men and women a, beginning to feel that it has bee teaching a little about too ma things without teaching enoug about anything. More specificall the conviction is growing tlfat t schools and colleges are very "liberal in the sense that they offer innum erable courses on no end of subject but that they are failing to educat their students efficiently in those dis ciplines which underlie all the liber arts-namely, in the ability to rea. with understanding, in the ability t write and speak so as to be under stood and in the ability to use figurei * * * HERE are many who are comin. to feel that if the schools and col leges had to shorten their courser they would be forced to improve ther by concentrating on the fundamenta disciplines. There would be less abou the anthropology of the cavemen an< the sociology of the Hottentot anc the psychology of the streetcar em ployees in Omaha. With less subjects and more at tention to the elements of education we might not be hearing from th~ training schools that so many colleg men cannot, as Mr. Barr reports thei complaints, "read well enough o write well enough or handle simpl mathematics well enough to mak good officer material." And we shout have a good deal less administrativ trouble in Washington if those wh write the directives had learned t say what they really mean, and if al those who read directives had learnet to know what they had read. So what we call the crisis in American education may prove to be a crisis not in the sense of a disaster but in the original sense of the Greek word from which it comes, which means "to decide." We may find ourselves perforce de- ciding on a reform of education. --Walter Lippmann NO EXCUSE: Representatives Misuse Power by Absenteeism THE HOUSE of Representatives, which has complained so bitterly of the attempts of the Executive to seize its powers showed just how much it valued its law-making authority when it was revealed by a special article in the news- paper PM that Congressional absenteeism is now running rampant. In his Tuesday dispatch from Washington, Nathan Robertson indicated on the basis of a study of the House's voting records for the past three weeks, that absenteeism is now averaging about 45% on the regular day-to-day vote and 13% on the formal roll calls when absentees are recorded by name. While there is a strong element of humor in this situation in view of the fact that this august body, so enraged over an industrial absenteeism of 4/2% to 6% that it is now, through its Naval Affairs Committee, consid- ering the enactment of work-or-fight legisla- tion, the tragedy lies in that it is enabling mi- nority and "group interest" elements to con- trol legislation. Since, according to Robertson, the "keep away from work" policy has been particularly strong among members of the Democratic faction, a large part of the goings-on of the House in the last few weeks can be explained in the light of this information. We can find, for example, that while the House passed legislation providing for the repeal of the SEC regulations on the sale of oil stock by a vote of 161 to 98, an action which incidentally was condemned by Republican Sen- ator Taft of Ohio, the number of members not voting came to 176. The same is true, but even more so, in the vote on the $180,000 cut in appro- priations for the vital Bureau of the Budget; 84 yes, 36 no, 315 absent. Much has been said from many quarters of the vital necessity of the Democrats raintain- ing control of the House of Representatives if we are to have a successful prosecution of the war. All indications now would indicate that in spite of party whips, in spite of special bells summoning them to vote, the greatest disbeliev- ers in this thesis seem to be the Democratic ma- jority itself. The habitual absentees in Congress had better watch their step lest the American people present them with the ultimatum, Work or Fight! - Monroe Fink A STEP FORWARD: World Food Conference Proposed by Leaders ANOTHER step forward is the proposed meet- ing of the representatives of the United Na- tions to take up the question of post-war food supplies. This was disclosed by President Roose- velt, who said that this would be distinct from relief problems at the close of the war and em- phasized in a press conference that it will deal Vith the permanent food supply of the world. No matter how vociferously the "win the war and then worry about the post-war world" advocates may decry such a move, it is indica- tive of a healthy and growing concern for a problem that is swiftly reaching immense pro- portions. Starvation deaths are mounting every day in occupied countries as all available fnnA is hni w t ~4n fnA a m; ..: h:ar BLACK MARKET: Legislation Is Necessary To 'Combat Profiteering HE COUNTRY, and the officials running the country, have been talking more and more of late concerning the proportions now being reached by the black market. Where this "Mar- ket" deals with meat, the talk is ominous. The Chicago Daily News has reported a death due to poisoned meat,' and it was not long ago that a dealer in Detroit was arrested for possess- ing uninspected meat that was spoiled. In order for meat to be placed on the Black Market, it must be sold without the stamp of approval of public health officials, and the increasing supply of such meat now invading the meat stores of the country can be nothing but dangerous tb the health of the nation. Great Britain, faced with the same difficul- ties at one time, has solved the problem by the use of important and effective controls, con- trols place'd upon the animals before they are slaughtered and all along the route followed by the meat, until it reaches the consumer. Stringent fines and prison sentences are im- posed upon the offenders, and effective police enforcement is ending the menace. While rationing of food is abhorrent to most Americans, it is a measure that wil speed the prosecution of the war. Enforcement of the ra- tioning program, however, cannot be accom- plished in a country of this size without the cooperation of all concerned. Legislation has been urged which would elimi- nate, materially the black market, legislation patterned after that now in effect in Great Bri- tain. This legislation is not planned so that meat would become harder to get, but so that there might be an equitable distribution of the meat among the dealers, consumers, soldiers and lend- lease partners. Reports of bribes as high as $450 have been prevalent in Chicago, where the black market seems to have reached immense proportions. Dealers, in order to obtain meat, have paid enormous sums to unknown profiteers, hoping in this way to assure their solvency. With no meat, dealers are faced with closing their bus- iness. And housewives, unable to buy meat in one store, go to the store where they can be supplied. It is this unequal distribution, with its crooked dealings, that subsequent legislation is calculated to combat. Through no fault of the dealer, his stock is depleted to such an extent that he is faced with failure. Through no fault of her own, the housewife is unable to buy her meat. The re- sult is a black market, dealing to the troubled parties. Hoping to end such unfair practices, and hoping to arrive at some basic system whereby each and every ealer, each and every con- sumer, is satisfied, remains the duty of any rationing plan. True, the plans now in the offing will entail some sacrifice, some hardship, and will result in some cheating, but if the country will realize that winning the war is of paramount importance, petty desires will be tossed aside. Meatless days offer a genuine contribution to the war program, and self-imposed restrictions another. It is not until the public becomes conscious of the dangers in dealing with the black market that any legis- lation can become effective. Thus it is education we need, and then legis- lItion. Legislation first, and laws enforced with an iron hand, only result in larger black markets. An informed public will help win the war, through their enthusiastic cooperation n~7 a m isa .f e i ,n1 _ ...At. . r,, I'dI Rather Be Right_ By1SAMUEL GRAFTON. Hitler may be engaged in the gigantic opera- tion of shifting his war to the west again. Is that impossible? He struck at ou forces in Tunisia, and at once the whisper went up that our troubles there might postpone the second front for weeks or months. If Rommel's small- scales actions in Tunisia have had anything like that effect, then they have been brilliantly suc- cessful. Hitler much prefers to fight the battle of Eur- ope in Tunisia than"in Europe. To enlarge this process, perhaps by a German invasion of Spain from France, then Africa from Spain . . . why not? Is it really too late for Hitler to shift his war to the west again? Only one cir- cumstance could make that impossible. That is if he were suffering utter rout in Russia; if he had lost control of events in Russia; if he were being swept along in formless defeat. THE LIMITED OBJECTIVE Then Hitler could not shift his war to the west. But there is no real indication that he cannot hold Russia along a shortened line. The stage of rout has not been reached in the east. The end is not yet. The struggle is "only devel- oping and flaring up." The German army may yet recover in Russia. Those are Stalin's words. A shift of the war to the west would not have to defeat England and America to be worthwhile. If it merely achieved the limited objective of preventing a second front it would be worth- while. Hitler's chief military problem is to -pre- vent combined action of the forces of Russia and the west. His chief political problem is exactly the same. So long as there is no second front, it can fairly be said that Hitler's policy is succeeding, and that ours is not, in spite of all side-shows, in spite of all ever-loving references to Russia, in spite of all staggering German losses of territories, which are not German terri- tories. FESTUNG EUROPA In this struggle, Hitler seeks alternately to un- sell the west on Russia, and Russia on the west. In September, when his blitz flooded through the Caucasus, he twigged Russia on the west's failure to open a second front. In January, when the Russian blitz-grinder made a mess of the blitz, he turned his attention to the west, and tried to stun us with a vision of Russia over- running Europe. If now he halts second-front plans, he can turn his propaganda back toward Russia again, and tell the Russians that there will be no second front. That is the "festung Europa," or "European fortress," policy in action. There are possibilities present of long delay in cracking the "fortress." The longer the "European fortress" lives, the I better its claim to permanent life. Each year that passes inconclusively gives it another leg on the cup. Hitler may have abandoned already, - the unlimited objective of defeating Russia, and of defeating us, for the limited, but still trium- phant-enough objective of maintaining the "fortress." A holding operation in the east, a shift of the war to the west, might do that. Hitler's policy, in the large, must be considered successful unless and until a second front is established, to blast down a wall of the "fortrso." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1943 VOL. LIII No. 98 All notices for the Daily Official nul- letin are to be sent to the Office of the President in typewritten form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publica- tion, except on Saturday when the no- tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m. Notices Faculty, School of Education:, The reg- ular meeting of the faculty will be held today in the University Elementary School Library. The meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m. Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The regular meeting of the faculty will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall on MondayMarch 1, at 4:10 p.m. The reports of the various committees have been prepared in advance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the March meeting. Edward H. Kraus AGENDA: 1. Consideration of the minutes of the February meeting, pp. 932-935, which have been distributed by campus mail. 2. Consideration of reports submitted with the call to this meeting. a. Executive Committee-Professor L. I. Bredvold. b. Executive Board of the Graduate School-Professor C. S. Schoepfle. c. University Council-Professor H. H. Willard. d. Deans' Conference-Dean E. H. Kraus. 3. New Business. 4. Announcements. Public Health Assembly: Doctor Albert McCown, Medical Director of the Ameri- can Red Cross, will speak before a Public Health Assembly at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, March 1, in the Auditorium of the Kellogg Foundation Institute on "The Red Cross and the War." The public is invited to attend the lec- ture. The American Association of University Women Fellowship: The Ann Arbor-Ypsi- lanti Branch of the A.A.U.W. is, again offering a fellowship for the year 1943- 1944 in honor of Dr. May Preston Slosson. This fellowship is open to women students for graduate study in any field. Applica- tion blanks may be. obtained now from the Graduate School Office and must be returned to that office no later than March 15 in order to receive consideration. Notice: Identification cards may now be called for in Room 2, University Hall. Office of the Dean of Students the lengthy statement of the :nearly German Departmental Library, 204 Uni- versity Hall. Open from 2 to 4 p.m. Tues- day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week; Saturdays from 9 to 12 am. Books may be returned at any time. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Students yho fail to file their election blanks by the close of the "hird week of the term, even though they have registered and have attended classes unoffically, will forfeit their privilege of continuing in the College. E. A. Walter Clements Library Hours: For the dura- tion, the hours of opening of the Clements Library are as follows: For readers, weekdays 8:30-12, 1:30-5; for casual visitors, weekdays 2-5 p.m. N.B. The Library will be closed Sunday afternoons for the duration. Academic Notices ROTC Drill: Thursday Section (Company D) will report to the I-M Building in uni- form with gym shoes. Be prepared for in- spection. Cadet Officers will be prepared to give instruction in Manual of Arms, Squad and Platoon Drill. Ref.: FM 22-5. Math. 348, Seminar in Applied Mathe- matics, will meet today at 3:00 p.m. in 319 West Engineering Bldg. Dr. Civin will speak on "A Non-Linear Boundary value Problem." Hereafter the meetings of this seminar will be held at the regular time, Mondays at 4:00 p.m. Physics 25 Final: The final examination in this course will be given Friday, Feb. 26, beginning at 2:00 p.m. in the West Lecture Room. Make-up Final Examination in Geology 11 will be given. Friday, February 26, at 1:00 p.m., in Room 3053 Natural Science Bldg. Organic Evolution (Zoology 31): Sup- plementary examination for those absent from final will be held. in Room 3089 N.S. on Saturday, Feb. 27, at 9:00 a.m. Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: No course may be elected. for credit after the end of the third week. Saturday, February 27, therefore, is the last date on which new elections may be, approved. The willingness of an individual instructor to admit a student later does not affect the operation of this rule. E. A. Walter Students planning to petition the Hlop.- wood Committee should read paragraph 18 on page 9 of the Hopwood bulletin. The deadline for such petitions is March 1. R. W. Cowden Exhibitions Exhibit: Museum of Art and Archaeol ogy, Newberry Hall. Photographs of Tu' uisia by George R. Swain. Official Pho~ tographer to the University of Michga Expedition to North Africa in 1925. Tunis Medjez-el-Bab, Tozeur, Tebessa, Sfax Matmata country. Exhibition: Metal Work from I lami Countries (Iran, Egypt, and Syria). Rackr ham School. Feb. 25 through March 11 Every afternoon, 2:00-5:00. Events Today Varsity Glee Club: Regular rehearsa this evening at 7:30. All members mus make a deposit on music folders at thi time. Bring eligibility cards. Rehearsal of the Women's Glee Cli this evening at 7:15. Attendance compul sory. Tryouts for all interested in joining tho Glee Club this afternoon in the Kala~ mazoo Room of the League from 4:0 to 5:30. Freshman girls especially invited! Mortarboard will meet tonight at 7:1 in the council room of the League. Phi Tau Alpha will meet tonight at 7:3 in the East Conference Room of the Rack. ham Building. All students of Latin anc Greek are cordially invited. interviewing for the four new position; as aides to the Judiciary Council will tak( place today from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in thE Judiciary Office of the League. The Regular Thursday Evening Recorder Program in the Men's Lounge of the Rack, ham Building at 8:00 p.m. will be. as fol lows : All Sibelius Program consisting of Con certo in D minor for Violin, Symphony No 3 in C major, and Symphony No. 7 in ( major. First Aid Course: Mixed classes will b given at the League starting Tuesday March 2, at 7:30 p.m. Registration fo both the "Beginner's Course" and tha "Advanced Course" will be from 1 to today at the Union and the League. La Sociedad Hispanica Mdatures Mr. Ralpi Stephens Gerganoff, Arch. '17, who wil lecture on ecuador, illustrating his tall with colored movies, today at 4:00 .p.m Room D ,AlumnihMemorial Hall. Thi lecture will take the place of they one b: Dr. Aiton as originally scheduled. There will be a program meeting of th Spanish Club tonight at 8:00 at the Mich igan League.