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February 25, 1943 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-25

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Ca mo uflage




Michigan Farm Leaders To Fight
Sale of Meat on Black Market

Detroit Stockyards
Suffe 50 Per Cet
Loss of CansignMein
LANSING, Feb. 24.- (A- Leaders
of Michigan farm, packer and live-
stock groups today proposed to com-
bat "black marketing" of meat
through legislation requiring state-
wide meat inspection and licensing
of slaughter houses.
At a meeting of the Michigan
Packers and Sausage Manufacturers
Association, attended by state and
federal officials, representatives were
warned that consignments to the De-
troit stockyards had dropped 50 per
cent due to recent black market ac-
tivities in the state.
Maynard E. Beukema, food price
specialist for the Detroit Office of
Price Administration, said the OPA
was clamping down on violators and
had" assigned 90 per cent of its in-
vestigative staff to the task, but that
cooperation of packers and farmers
was needed.
Jllonr Foss of Bay City, meeting
chairman, appointed a special com-
mittee to recommend to the legiS-
lature passage of a law requiring
Counties Stay
On Slow Time
Statute Is I terpreted
By Attorney General
LANSING, Feb. 24.- (A)- Attor-
ney General Herbert J. Rushton held
today the time change law does not
allow counties to remain on "fast
His opinion, addressed to Prosecu-
tor George Meader of Ann Arbor, said
the statute alows "Any municipality
confronted by a war emergency" to
retmain on Eatern War or "fast"
time, but that a county .is not a mu-
nicipal corporation and the exemp-
tid is open only to incorporated cit-
ies and villages.
The opinion declared county offices
must open and close on Central War
Time, but the attorney general added
orally this did not necessarily settle'
the question of Whether a county
building located in a "fast time" city
should follow the time of the city or
the rest of the county. "We will an-
swer that question if it is presented,
to us," he said.I

licensing of all slaughter houses and
I state-wide inspection of meat.
Named to the cominittee were
charges Figy, State Agriculture Com-
missioner; D. ;. Stark, Michigan
State College Extension Specialist;
Frank Oberst, President of the Mich-
igan Livestock Association; W. G.
Armstrong, State Grange Master;
C. L. Brody, Secretary-Manager of
the State Farm Bureau; D'r. Bruce
Douglas, head of the Detroit Health
Department; Harley Peet, of the Peet
Packing Company, Chesaning; D. W.
Rooers of the Detroit Packing Com-
pany, and Walter Thomasma of the
Grand Rapids Packing Company.
Figy reported that regular meat
supplies were diminishing because
regular livestock growers are not fat-
tening steers in view of the present
price situation and' that Michigan's
meat shortage will be even greater
next year.
Armstrong asserted that the OPA
was responsible in some measure for
the meat problem, declaring that
black marketing of unprocessed food
had resulted because price structures
were established "in reverse." He said
ceilings should be determined at the
point of production, based upon a
fair estimate of the production costs.
Higher livestock prices in legiti-
mate channels, Oberst said, could be
borne by consumers thus eliminating
temptation to many farmers to sell
meat on the black market.
Molten Metal Fatal
To Steel Workers
KALAMAZOO, Feb. 24-(A)-- Mol-
ten metal from a heavy ladle spilled
on three Men at the Centrifugal Steel
Casting Company early today, burn-
ing one of them to' death and severely
injuring four others.
William Roe, 54, died this morning,
S10 hours after the accident, the worst
war-time industrial mishap in Kaloa-
mazoo'. The others,' who suffered first,
second and third degree burns, are
Malcolm Fitch, 25; Abraham De
Ruyscher, 38; William Truax, 26,
and George Brink.
GRAND RAPIDS Feb. 24.- ()-
Firenei fought three hours before
extinguishing a fire that destroyed
seven smokehouses of the Grand
Rapids Packing Company in subur-
ban Wyoming Park today.

Traveling Rody
Teaches Troops
Mysterious Art
Talks, Charts, Films
Illustrate lodern
Techniques of Hiding k
Associated Press Correspondent5
layed)- Ordinarily it would be a bit:
early in the season for a circus, but
Uncle Sam has one on tour in Eng-
Born of war, its properties do not
include wild animals, acrobats.
clowns or horsemen, yet it travels in
trucks and operates just like any
"greatest show on earth." And it
draws the crowds-earnest, attentive
young fighting men who know that
what they see and learn at this show
will make them better soldiers and5
may someday save their lives.
Instruction in the art of camou-
flage, not entertainment, is the bus-
iness of this circus. Lecturers, train-
ing films, charts and striking pictor-
ial displays make up some of its side-
shows. Its nearest approach to freaks
are mud and paint-smeared dough-
boys in queer looking sniper suits
which blend with the ground upon
which they crawl.
This traveling show, the Eighth Air
'Force's camouflage school, is touring
American Air Force stations teaching
the troops how to hide or disguise
themselves and their weapons from
enemy bombers.
With chicken wire, chicken feath-
ers, steel wool, seaweed, rope nets,
burlap, canvas and paint the school's
personnel of former architects, engi-
neers, artists and theatrical designers
perform some amazing tricks. For
Building Camouflaged
You are standing on what oncej
was a municipal golf course. Off to
the right a few hundred yards away
rises with gentle slopes a hill which
stretches many acres. The elevation
appears covered with dull green grass
generously sprinkled with patches of
As one walks nearer his eyes open!
wide in astonishment. It isn't a hill'
at all. It's avast canopy of chicken
wire aid colored cloth covering a
huge brick building in which men
are busy at machines -or pore over
maps and papers at their desks. This
masterpiece of camouflage is made
more amazingly realistic by trees
which seem to spring from the slopes'
of the flimsy canopy. Closeup,'
through the wine and cloth netting,
one can see the tree trunks extend-
ing on down to the level ground. '
If the casual observer only a few;
hundred yards distant is fooled, it's
quite obvious how well such covering
conceals military installations from '
aerial photographic observation.
Concealment and false work are,
types of camouflage, First Lieut.
Thomas B. Lee, assistant camouflage
officer and former theatrical design-
er of New York City, explains. Con-
cealment involves constructing cover
which merges with existing features
of surrounding terrain. False work
consists of constructing dummy air-
dromes, planes, buildings, gun em-
placements and similar military
Guns Hidden
On one section of the showgrounds,
the sergeant "ringmaster" puts a'
crew of well trained performers
through their paces before a soldier
audience. Using poles, wire and col-t
ored burlap the crew, in remarkably

fast time, throws up a "flat top"
which' simulates foliage over guns,
trucks and tanks.
Another team demonstrates the
mixing' of camouflage paints, how to
drape a single truck and how to con-
struct a dummy airplane of canvas
and wire.
Halsey Fights
Incrtease in'
Speed Limit.
LANSING, Feb. 24.- iA)- Opposi-
tion to proposals to increase. the
highway speed limit in Michigan to
50 miles an hour were expressed to-
day by Maxwell Halsey, State War
Transportation Coordinator.
The question arose yesterday when
Governor Kelly asked Capt. Donald
S. Leonard, State Defense Council
Administrator, to investigate com-
plaints that a labor shortage at the
Willow Run Bomber Plant resulted
partially from workmen having to
drive long distances to and from work
at 35 miles an hour. Truckers also
were said to be asking a higher speed
limit for their vehicles.
-- . --4---' T

W~oodenIc i ' Protects' Coti gro-ssmen'

OPA Places Price Ceilings on
SpinachLettuce; Effective Today
New 'Freeze' Applies tenteporary, with more uniform price
I regulations promised within 60 days.
To Retailers, Shippers in other actions today OPA slightl
Wholesalers, Receivers reduced sugar rations, and tightened
up on distribution of "war tires" and
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24-(A'-The non-rationed types of shoes.
Office of Price Administration to- Sugar Stamp No. 12 was made
night established emergency price good for five pounds in the 11-week
ceilings on lettuce and spinach. period beginning March 16. The cur-
Effective Thursday no retailers, rent ration is one-half pound a week.
wholesalers, terminal market receiv- "War tires," made of reclaimed
ers, or country shippers may charge rubber. were classed as grade No. 2
more for fresh lettuce or spinach instead of No. 3. This means only
than he charged in the last five days. motorists with monthly mileage ra-
Farmer prices were not affected tions of 560 miles or more may buy
The action followed a similar them. Those with lesser mileage al-
"freeze" Tuesday of the pf ices of lowances must depend for replace-
fresh cabbage carrots, snap beans, merits om used tires or recapped ones.
peas and tomatoes.
OPA tonight also gave its local of-
fices authority to increase the ceil- MUHI A N
ing prices of these vegetables and MICHIGAN
lettuce and spinach as well, wher-
ever necessary to remedy any local Today through Saturday
All of these actions on fresh vege-
tables are aimed at preventing sharp-
ly increased retail prices, resulting
both from fr~ost damage to southernS
crops and from an anticipated switch
in public demand from canned vege-
tables to fresh varieties because of
rationing of processed foods.
Today's action brought the per-
centage o cf foods under price control
to 96 per cent. The principal foods
still unregulated are apples, sweet
potatoes and fresh fish. Indications
are that apples and sweet potatoes
probobly will be regulated when theirI
prices rise to parity levels, the prices
considered by some.authorities as
giving a fair return to producers.
The authority given local OPA of- *' -*
fices to increase some prices is neces-
sary to adjust prices of frost-dam-
aged +vegetables, which have de- <
p'ressedprices abnormally in some
localities, OPA said.
All of these vegetable ceilings are

Rep. George Bender (Rn.-O.) insuects one of the wooden guns
and dummy gunners which Rllp. Harold D. Cooley (Dem.-N.C.) disclosed
in the lloure re "anti-aircraft protection" on the roofs of Congressional,
office buildings for the nation's lawmakers. This gun and gunner are'
one of the units cn the ncw House Offic Building in Washington.
Republicans Revive Bill To Shift
Control of 1ighway Department
By The AsnSOiated Pres fect. If the measure passes without
LANSING, Feb. 24. -A Republican- an immediate e:fect provision the
sponsored bill to shift control of the post of highway commissioner would
State Highway Department from go on the April 5 election ballots,



$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of A0c for each
additional 5- words.)
$1.00 per 15-word insertion for
3 or more days. (Increase
of $.25 for each additional
5 words.
Contract Rates on Reuest
-Any size. For 1-day service 'come
to 802 Packard. 6-7:30 weekdays.

FOR RENT-Large suite for 2 or 3
boys. One block from campus. 520
Thompson. Phone 7758.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Co., phone 7i12.
TYPEWRITERS of all makes. Of-
fice and portable models. Bought,
rented, repaired. Student and Of-
fice Supplies. 0. D. Morrill, 314'
South State St. Phone 6615.

Democratic to Republican hands was
revived with dramatic suddenness in
the Senate today and sponsors said
they had the votes to pass it tomor-
The measure was taken off the
table, where it had lain for a week
after once being rejected. and was
amended to give the Governor au-
thority to appoint the highway chief.
The original bill sought to have the
appointment come from a three-
man board named by the Governor.
To accomplish their purpose, Re-
publican leaders overrode Lieut.-Gov.
Eugene C. Keyes, also a Republican.
Then they found they lacked the
necessary two-thirds majority to
suspend the rules and pass it imme-
Keyes ruled that the amendments
giving the Governor the appointive
power, introduced by Senator Jerry
T. Logie, Bay City Republican, were
"essentially the same" as those re-
jected when the bill previously was
defeated by a vote of 16 to 14, one
vote short of majority. Under a Sen-
ate rule, amendments once defeated
cannot be reconsidered.
The Senate overruled Keyes by a
vote of 19 to 13.
On the motion to suspend the rules
and pass the bill immediately the
vote was 20 to 12. two short of the
necessary two-thirds poll.
Detroiters Change Votes
Senators Carl F. Delano, Kalama-
zoo, and Arthur E. Wood, Detroit,
Republicans who voted against the
measure originally, voted for it to-
day, while Senator Joseph P. Cloon,
Wakefield Republican, cast an af-
firmative vote where he previously
had not voted. At the same time,
Senator Audley Rawson, Cass City
Republican, switched to oppose the
bill and Senator Joseph A. La Fram-
boise, Gladstone Democrat, aban-
doned his previous non-voting posi-
tion to oppose the bill.
The voting was preceded by a Re-
publican caucus at which, members
said, 19 votes were counted for the
bill and 20-or two short of the re-
quirement-to give it immediate ef-

even though the selection of the' peo-
ple would be put out of office by mid-
Kelly "Uses Club"
Senate strategists said Governbr
Kelly "really used a club" to help
him line' up the additional votes re-
quired to pass the' bill. They said'
they hoped the action,' being taken
virtually on the eve of Friday's Dem-
ocratic State Convention in: Detroit,
would upset Democratic campaign
plans. Democratic leadiers said they
would nominate a highway commis-
sioner candidate anyway.
There wer'e hints in the House that
the bill as amended might not be
immediately acceptable and would'be
sent to a conference committee. If
that action is followed, the Demo-
crats might be kept in uncertainty
even longer.
The bill as amended would give
the new department head, whose ti-
tle would be Chief Engineer, a four-
year term beginning Aprif 15, 1943.
He would be required to be a regis-
tered civil engineer with 10' years
experience in highway matters and
10 years of residence in Michigan.
He would be paid $7,000, $500 less
than the commissioner.
Sunday Hunting Permitted
The Senate passed and sent to the
House a bill to permit Sunday hunt-
ing throughout Michigan, to which a
referendum was attached, and a
measure making the theft of live-
stock a felony.
The tourist and agriculture adver-
tising bill, scheduled for a final vote
tomorrow, was reduced in committee
of the whole from $290;000 to $210,-
000, eliminating an $80,000 special
grant to the four state tourist asso-
ciations for the remainder of the cui-
rent fiscal year.
A bill passed earlier by the Senate
requiring employers to supply their
employes with statements of all de-
ductions' from pay checks was adopt-
ed by the House, amended to limit
the requirement only to common car-
rier firms such as bus and- truck
lines. It goes back to the Senate for
consideration of the change.

'Wickard Asks
Farm. Program
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.- ()-
Secretary of Agriculture Wickard, re-
iterating his opposition to higher pri-
ces as a spur to farm production,
asked Congress today for a "clear
man'date" program to assure maxi-
mum 1943 'food 'output.
such a program must include as-
surances that farmers' returns will
cover' the increased costs of extra
production asked by his department,
Wickard told the House Agriculture
Higher prices, he contended, might
accomplish the' purpose but threaten
inflation "even more ruinous to farm-
ers than to others."
Instead he proposed incentive' pay-
ments on nine war crops, and pur-
chase and resale operations, particu-
larly by the Commtodity Credit Corp.
This latter method, he said, already
is' being followed for oil crops "and
we' hope to: be able to continue' it for
these products and others for which
it is' practicable."


LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Soxc
Careful work at ldw price.




Continuous from 1 P.M.

Preldci Arioso......Bach-Templeton
Chorale Prelude: Mortify Us By Thy
warum-Aufschwung .....Schumann
Sonata in F-sharp major,
Op. 78.................Beethoven
Intermezzo in E-flat....... Brahms
Interaezzo in C..........Brahms
Prelude in B miner ........... Liadov
Prelude in E flat minor...., Chasms
Introduction and Allegro......
..... ..... Ravel-Templeton
Reharmonized Harmonious' Black-
. r smIth (Handel) ........ Templeton
. ~ TAA'U




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