PAGE SICK THE MICHIGAN DAIL4Y WEDNESDAY. FEB. 24, 1943 Knox Claims Submarine Menace Continues 'Very 4 G;rave* 4 Showdown in Naval Fighting Is Foreseen Merchantman Sinks Japanese Submarine In Pacific Gun Battle WASHINGTON, Feb. 23,-(/P)- De- velopment of a showdown fight next spring between Allied naval forces and German U-Boats in the Battle of the Atlantic was foreseen in informed quarters here tonight. Secretary of the Navy Knox reported today that merchant ship losses have been great- ly reduced this winter but that the submarine menace continues "very grave." The Secretary's report was prompt- ed by disclosure of the destruction of a German submarine by an American destroyer in the Atlantic and of a Japanese submarine by an American armed merchantman in the Pacific. Merchantman Sinks Sub The destroyer discovered the sub- marine on the surface at night and sank it with a barrage of five inch shelg after dodging a torpedo which the U-Boat fired in a desperate effort to save itself. The merchantman was torpedoed at night in the South Pa- cific without warning but survived to fight and sink the sub with its deck guns. This was the first reported incident in this war in which a sub- barine has been destroyed by fire from a merchantship. Announcement of the attacks fol- fowed by less than 24 hours the dis- closure of the torpedo sinking in the North Atlantic of two Ameircan pas- senger-convoy ships with a total loss of more than 850 civilian war workers and Army, Navy, Marine and Coast Guard officers and men. Knox told his press conference he was unable to say whether the torpedoed boats were traveling in convoy or had other naval protection. Ship Losses Reduced The Secretary made clear that the two subs destroyed were not isolated cases. A percentage of others at- tacked have to be listed as only "prob- ably sunk" in the absence of positive information. Knox said that United Nations ship sinkings in the last three months- December, January and February- have-been greatly reduced. This fact, he added, might be explained by the theory that weather conditions hinder U-Boat operations and "there is nothing on which to predicate any sanguine hopes for early stoppage or cure of the menace." Summer Increases Danger Naval experts who have studied other aspects of the Atlantic situation suggested another explanation for re- duced losses might be the fact that Admiral Karl Doenitz, U-Boat spe- cialist and New German Naval Chief, probably has been conserving his forces for a smashing undersea of- fensive in the spring. Longer days and calmer weather favor U-Boat operations. Aerial rec- onnaissance on which Nazi sub com- manders rely heavily for information of convoy movements on the European side of the Atlantic can be conducted on a much more extensive scale than has been possible this winter. 'Work or Fight' Laborers Told In New Order Absenteeism Is Taking Unnecessary Toll On U.S. War Production WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.-(P)- Moved by Navy reports that ab- senteeism is causing a far greater loss to war production than strikes and shut-downs, the House Naval Com- mittee today approved a government "work or fight" policy for men who take days off without good cause. The committee made public a Navy department letter attributing fail- ures to report for work in part to "Monday morning sickness, meaning resting up from too strenuous pleas- ures the day before." Is said most ab- sences occur on Saturdays and Mon- days-especially Mondays. Sternly, the legislative body urged: "If the conditions cannot be cor- rected.. . transfer the absentee work- ers into the armed forces." The committee's position was stated in a formal report to the House, prepared by Rep. Lyndon B. John- son (D.-Tex.), on its approval of a bill requiring officers of Navy yards and stations to tell draft boards the number of days each man is absent from his job without prior authoriza- China's Leaders Salute First President More Women Army Orders May Take U' Troops To Pick Geology Course Arizona Cotton. Girls Will Receive Practical Experience At Camp Davis, Wyo. Letters received from chief geolo- gists and personnel heads indicate that jobs will be available to consid- erably more than the ten girls who have enrolled in the concentrated petroleum geology course, Prof. Ken- neth K. Landes, head of the geology department, said yesterday. Of the ten women who have started this course, only one of its kind in the country, one is a graduate student from Colby College, Waterville, Me.,. four will receive degrees at the end of the course, and the remaining five will have had three years of under- graduate work by that time. There are also two women working for Mas- ters' Degrees who will be available for employment. At the present time the girls are taking the fundamental courses in geology. Next summer they will spend 12 weeks at Camp Davis, Wyo. Here they will be given practical experience in field work, and intensive training in geological drafting under the direc- tion of Prof. Eardley. Five of the ten women have trans- ferred from other colleges to secure this special training, Prof. Landes added. Students may call for their identification cards in Room 2, University Hall. Continued from Page 1) provision, the bill would lift corn marketing quotas and set higher prices for peanuts to encourage their production for oil. The legislation had been assailed by Rep. Cannon (D.-, Mo.) among others. Cannon called it a "log rolling measure" beneficial to only a comparatively small farm group. Lieut. General Joseph T. McNarney disclosed in testimony to) a Senate Agriculture Subcommittee that the order for soldiers to help harvest the long staple cotton crop in Arizona was taken under a general program for emergency use of troops on farms. He said Secretary of War Stimson submitted the plan to President Roosevelt yesterday and received the Chief Evecutive's approval. It pro- vides for furloughing of entire mili- tary units for use, under regular of- ficers, in gathering seasonal crops. Senator Bankhead (D.-Ala.) has intrcduced legislation for the fur- loughing, as individuals, of experi- enced farm hands who are in the Army and are stationed in the Con- tinental United States. What effect McNarney's testimony might have on the attitude of Sena- tors toward Bankhead's legislation was not immediately apparent. May said he would appoint a sub- committee of five to conduct hearings with particular reference to reports the War Department has been asking deferment for many civilian employes of draft age. Positions Opetn for Historians Historical specialists with 20 semes- and developments, and recording and ter hours of college work are being describing important inter-agency re- sought by the g-overnment in connec- lationships. tion with the preservation of signifi- No age limits were specified in the cant records, the Civil Service Coin- ainouncement and no written exami- mission announced last week. Appli- nation will be given. However, those cants must have had at least 12 scm- now employed in vital war work are ester hours of history and must have discouraged from applying. Salaries done research work in that field for for the position range from $2,600 to at least one year. Teaching or gradu- $6,500 a year. ate study may, in some cases, be sub- Applications may be sent to the stit'uted for the research requirement. U. S. Civil Service Commission in The duties involved include deter- Washington. Necessary blanks and mining what records should be kept, full information may be secured at the preparation of chronological ac- post-offices, or civil service regional counts of their origins, authorizations, offices, 1rw a CAREER on theCiV,.A F R NT ? As a stIIrenyt. von e (o ubt!iss asked yourself many tites what you ought to do to help win this war. What can you study that will be of practical a'sis.ance? The Retail Bure.-_j at theC University of Pittsburgh is offering a new opportunity to college pperc assmen to b, trained for a successful career in retailing whilc ning actual working expe- rience at a steady weekly salary. You will receive regular under- gradtate credit for your work at the Butreau, you'll earn a weekly income in a Pittshur;h department store, you'll be making a definite cotr tion to cili wartime morale-at the samec time piling tip exp er iene toward a career. Pitt's Retail Bureau came into being during World War I to help retailers replace executives and junior executives lost to the armed forces and government services. In this war, we're bringing 24 years of successful store service to the problem of training new people. And we believe opportunities in retailing have never been greater than they are right now. NEW SEMESTERS BEGIN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, JUNE 28 AND SEPTEMBER 27, 1943 4pplication blanks will be furnished on request. RES EARC RUREAU FOR RETAIL TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF PITTSIBURtG H " Pittsburgh,Pa. Standing between President and Mrs. Roosevelt, Madame Chiang Kai-Shek pauses at the gate of Washington's tomb at Mount Vernon to pay China's respects to the first President of the United States. Her nephew, L. K. Kung, placed in the tomb a wreath of red roses, white carnations and greens as a tribute from her husband, China's general- issimo. U' Musical Society To Feature Concert by Alec Templeton The MICHIGAN Alec Templeton, noted concert pis anist, improviser, and vocal mimic will be heard for the second time in Ann Arbor when he appears here at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium' under the auspices of the University Musical Society. Templeton's concert will be divided between the classical and his own compositions. In the first half of the program he will present selections by Bach, Schumann, Beethoven, Brahms, Liadov, Chasins and Ravel. The sec- ond half will consist of Templeton's improvisations, mimicing of famous figures and take-offs on the masters. After touring Europe, playing the masters both seriously and satirically, Templeton camne to the United States in 1936 and soon created a sensation here, just as he had already done on the continent. In 1940 Templeton gave a series of concerts with five of the great symphony orchestras in the country, breaking several attendance records during this coast to coast tour. Templeton assimilates his reper- toire of standard and popular music entirely by ear. His list of composi- tions is long and varied and includes piano solos, songs and instrumental numbers. He is also the author of someremarkable pianistic exercises in which the accustomed is substi- tuted by sequences of refined and personal harmonies. Probably the most popular compo- sitions of Templeton are his satires of the masters. Some of these selections are "Bach Goes to Town," "Haydn Takes to Ridin'," and "Mendelssohn Mows 'Em Down." He has composed Local Drives Aid Russ in -elief As a part of a nation-wide attempt to aid the Russians, the local Russian War Relief Committee has been spon- soring two drives in Ann Arbor, the Milk Bank drive and the clothing drive. Under the chairmanship of Mrs. Otto Rainisch, the schools of Ann Arbor have already collected over $200 to buy milk for Russian children. The committee has also shipped fifteen crates of winter clothing to Russia, and additional contributions are still being accepted. The head- quarters for the clothing drive, which is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon- days, is located in Lane Hall. Con- tributors may call there and have the clothing picked up, or the contribu- tion may be taken to Lane Hall. "The clothing gets to its destina- tion for we have received notes of thanks from the Russian people," said Mrs. Kanraff, chairman of pub- licity for the Russian War Relief Committee. many serious works including a sym- phony, piano concerto, trio for flute, oboe and piano and a violin sonata. Tickets may be procured in Burton Memorial Tower today and tomorrow until 5 p.m. and at the boxoffice in Hill Auditorium after 7 p.m. tomor- row. Post-War Food Supply Meeting Bei ng Planned WASHINGTON Feb. 23.-(P- President Roosevelt disclosed today that consideration is being given to holding a meeting of representatives of the United Nations to take up the question of post-war food supplies. The Chief Evecutive said this would be distinct from relief problems at the close of the war and he empha- sized in a press conference that no decision has definitely been reached on the conference. If it is held, he said, it will deal with the permanent food supply of the world. He indicated it would consider the questions of reaching internation- al agreements among world producers and exporters of specific food stuffs aimed at preventing famines or sur- pluses, and at the same time designed to insure a profit to growers. Asked whether a permanent ar- rangement might be established, Mr. Roosevelt said the best way to put it was that the contemplated confer- ence would be exploratory. What would come next, he said, would de- pend on what was decided at the ex- ploratory meetings. Red Cross Classes Begin Next Tuesday in League Because of the lack of instructors' time, mixed classes in Red Cross First Aid will be held this semester, with registration from 1 to 5 p.m. tomor- row at the Union and the League. The first class for both beginning and advanced students will be held at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. Instruc- tion will be given by approved Red Cross instructors. Just Published NOVEMBER STORM By Joy McCormick Hopwood Winner presents NEIGHBORS NORTH AMERICA ME'ET Don't Miss the Campus to Pampcis Issue 20c Per Copy Sold All Over the Campus . . 2 ENNUI... A A m m f - -- m U - m