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February 24, 1943 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-24

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Fifty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Three men on a horse


Editorial Staff

John Erlewine .
Bud Brimmer .
Marion Ford. .
Charlotte Conover .
Eric Zalenski
Betty Harvey

. . . . Managing Editor
. ,. . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . . -Sports Editor
. . . . Women's Editor

Business Staf#

Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg

. Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

WASHINGTON-One of Washing-
ton's most closely guarded se-
crets is the detailed history of rubber
production. Reason for the secrecy
is not military. Rubber Czar Jeffers
has just released what must be com-
forting news to the enemy that we
shall have only 100,000 tons of rub-
ber by the end of this year, and
Bernie Baruch estimated we needed
a minimum reserve of 120,000.
Actually the reason is political.
With 130,000,000 Americans virtually
taken off wheels, certain high-up
individuals are anything but anxious
to have the details on rubber produc-
tion leak out. However, here is the
actual record on one of the saddest
and most inexcusable chapters in our
entire economic history.
In June, 1940, one year and a
half before Pearl Harbor, President
Roosevelt ordered an immediate
study of the synthetic rubber indus-
try to prepare for possible Jap inva-
sion of the Dutch East Indies. That
study was turned over to Edward
Stettinius of the National Defense
Commission, who on July 13, 1940,
recommended the immediate need of
building synthetic rubber plants and
reported to the President: "It is ex-
pected that before this month is over
a plan of synthetic rubber produc-
tion will have been worked out which
in the future will eliminate our de-
pendence upon imports."
What Stettinius referred to was
the fact that Emil Schram of Jesse
Jones' Reconstruction Finance Cor-
poration was negotiating with Good-
rich and the Phillips Corporation to
produce 100,000 tons of rubber. But
Stettinius did not know, when he
wrote his report, that Jesse Jones,
Schram's superior, would blfck the
This Jones did. And for seven
months, Stettinius and various other,
defense officials, fumed, fretted and
tore their hair, until finally on Feb-
ruary 19, 1941, Jones announced that
the RFC "still had under considera-
tion" plans for aiding the production,
of synthetic rubber, though he said
the need was not urgent and possi-
bly, ultimately unnecessary.
Before Pearl Harbor
1942, Secretary Jones issued a
statement which caused amazement
on the part of his cabinet colleagues.
He said that "On May 16, 1941, we
concluded agreements with some of
the leading producers of rubber,
chemicals and oil products for the
construction and operation of syn-
thetic rubber sufficient to increase
the total annual capacity in 'the


country to approximately 100,000
This statement was made after
?earl Harbor, though it referred to
action allegedly taken before Peas i
Harbor. And the reason it amazed
Jones' cabinet colleagues, was that
actually in May, 1941, he had author-
ized capacity not for 100,000 tons,
but for a mere 10,000 tons.
The four copolymer plants he au-
thorized before Pearl Harbor were.
planned with the understanding
that each would design a 10,000-ton
plant, but that actually equipment
for a capacity of only 2,500 tons
would be installed in each plant. In
other words, the four plants, oper-
ating at 2,500 tons each, would net
the nation the meagre total of 10,000
tons-against a need in 1941 which
had already risen to over 700,000
tons and which Bernie Baruch esti-
mated should be 1,000,000 tons in
As Pearl Harbor approached and
the Japanese menace which Secre-
tary Hull and President Roosevelt
for months had mentioned in cabinet
meetings increased in tension, Jones
gradually began to wake up. He or-
dered the four rubber companies to
disregard their previous limit of
2,500 tons capacity and go up to
10,000 each.
After Pearl Harbor
the genial Jesse's complacency,
delayed the program so that ground
for only three rubber factories was
broken before Pearl Harbor and one
Even after Pearl Harbor, Mr. Jones
continued his easy optimism. On
Jan. 13, when our military leaders
had reported to the Cabinet that the
Philippines and the Dutch East In-
dies probably could not be held, Jesse
estimated that with care and pru-
dence the nation could get along on
about 450,000 tons of rubber a year
for both war and civilian purposes.
Reminded that the 1941 consump-
tion had been 750,000 tons, he
pointed out that the pre-war figure
was only 600,000 tons and that the
halt on manufacturing automobiles
would reduce the civilian demand
for tires. He also made the cheering
prediction that in. about eighteen
months-or by June, 1943-there
would be enough rubber to provide
new automobile tires to the public.
We are now within four months of
June, 1943, and Mr. lef'ers has just
warned the nation that not until
after March, 1944, would we begin to
see daylight on rubber.
Again on Feb. 3, 1942, Jones opti-

mistically informed the house bank-
ing committee that we would be get-
ting "all the rubber we needed from
the Dutch East Indies by the end of
1943 despite the present Japanese
threat to that area." This was at a
time when the Japs already had
landed in part of the islands, and
only one month before Batavia, the
capital, fell.
Also on Feb. 3, 1942, Jesse stated
that 90,000 tons of synthetic rubber
would be produced by the end of
1942. In contrast, Mr, Jeffers has
now announced that not a pound of
synthetic rubber came from a gov-
ernment plant through January.
Reason for Failure
REASON for this failure was first
the fact that the rubber factories
urged by Stettinius and Schram
nearly two years before, were not
built. Making synthetic rubber is a
difficult process. It requires trial
and experimentation. That was why
Stettinius urged that the plants be
built early.
Second reason was continued pro-
crastination. Despite the optimistic
statements immediately after Pearl
Harbor, actual construction work on
only one-fourth of the Government's
butadiene plants was begun by June
1, 1942. Roughly three-fourths of
the program was not begun until
after June, six months after Pearl
This was also true of Jesse's addi-
tional copolymer plants. Three-
fourths of them were begun after
June, 1942. Most of them actually
did not get started until around Sep-
tember, nine months after Pearl
Harbor-by which time the Baruch
committee had taken rubber com-
pletely out of Jesse's hands.
(Copyright. 1943, United Features Synd.)
Scientists in India who worked on
the problem of warm clothing for
the growing Indian Army discovered
a process of treating cotton cloth
with the seeds of two native trees,
and have produced a finished prod-
uct that is warm, soft, and durable.
In the Albany, N.Y., area, where
ration banking has been in opera-
tion, the ration currency .deposited
in participating banking offices rep-
resented an average of 900,000
pounds of sugar and 3,900,000 gal-
lons of gasoline a week.
Allied troops fighting in North
Africa are familiar with rationing of
the scarcest commodity there-wa-
ter. From private to general, water
rations are identical.

.4 -:


®61943. Chicago Tres, Id

Gandhi's Death Would Be
Blow to Four Freedoms
THE CURRENT fast of Mohandas K. Gandhi
in India and its concomittant cicumstances
pose a very serious problem that the Allies-
Britain especially-have chosen to evade thus
Gandhi's fast is another indication of India's
protest to the manner in which the Allies have
handled her problem. Most of the Allied nations
have tacitly agitated for self freedom for India
while British colonial interests have maintained
their firm imperialist policy while dealing with
the internal affairs of the country.
The question resolves itself into one of Im-
Serialism on the one hand and the four free-
'oms and the idea they symbolize on the other.
Are we fighting- for a world wherein the domi-
nant powers will rule with an iron hand? Or,
are we fighting for the freedom of the human
spirit and the integrity of man-the Four Free-
This is the question that the United Nations
have ignored. Can it mean that we shall evade
other serious problems and again miss our oppor-
tunity to create the kind of peace we fervently
If Gandhi is allowed to die, if the British ignore
the situation that his fast points out, we shall
witness in India a greater catastrophe than the
"non-violence" campaign of last August.
It is not our purpose here to evaluate either
the policies of the Hindus or the Moslems. Each
group has their own ideas which have to be com-
promised. Rather, we must argue for and heartily
support a positive attitude in India. We must
prompt the British, who are in direct control, to
initiate an active policy.
Recent press dispatches bear witness that the
Indians don't want Japan to win. But neither do
the Indians desire to remain trampled under the
heel of the Western powers. They want what
our Four Freedoms imply-their own government
acting in their own best interests. It is the role
of the United Nations to make sure that diver-
gent interests are brought together.
We lay po claims to being hypocrites. If we
continue passive to the Indian problem and
maintain our belief in the Freedom for which
we fight, how else can we consider ourselves?
The Indian problem is a serious one. It will
form an important point in post-war arrange-
iients. If we act now and work out an equitable
solution, we shall have come one step closer to
providing the kind of world for which we are
fighting. - Stan Wallace
WMC Plan Is Solution
To Manpower Shortage
R. EDWARD C. ELLIOT, President of Purdue
University, has presented to the House Mili-
tary Affairs Committee a plan developed by the
War Manpower Commission for possible subsi-
dization of civilians in America's colleges and
universities. This plan would supply the need
for "a stockpile of trained manpower."
No one can fail to realize the seriousness of the
manpower shortage now facing the factories, as
the armed forces draw more men into service.
The only possible solution to the shortage remains
that of using women and deferred men in the
place of those drafted. It is evident from reports

By El Gordo
WE AMERICANS have funny gods. One of
them-Eddie Rickenbacker-has done amaz-
ing and brave things in a rubber boat out in the
Pacific Ocean.
But Eddie's a strange man because he rejects
his own worshippers. He did it the first time in
Detroit. There he gave a fiery speech charging
his friends, the laborers who produce for him
and his fellow aviators, with seriously harming
the war effort through idleness and through
their unions.
Eddie's done it again. This time he spoke before
the New York State Legislature and again gave
the same old speech about taking men out of
fox holes to double production in the plants and
sending present workers out to the fox holes. He
got a new phrase in this time, too: ". .. the inner
clique of bureaucracy is thinking only of a fourth
He varied his pattern in another way, too.
Here's what makes me sore:
"And again, I frankly prefer to break bread
with Henry Ford-the Fisher Brothers-the
K. T. Kellers of Chrysler and the Charlie Ket-
terings of General Motors-for here are men
who have come from the soil and given the
world one of the greatest gifts humanity has
ever received in history-the automobile." Then
he told about not wanting to break bread with
union leaders "who are living in the laps of
luxury at the expense of honest men and wo-
Right now I won't quarrel with the good Ed-
ward about his conception of great gifts to hu-
manity. That's something that I'll save for an-
other sour moment. But I wonder whether Eddie
has ever thought of the invention of writing and
It's much worse to hear a man who's learned
his politics floating on a rubber raft talking
about what and who is the best in the nation.
And then there's that matter of exploiting work-
ing men. Sure, sure, Eddie, only labor leaders ex-
ploit workers and pay them wages that are too
low and take their money and their health from
them. Sure, sure.
We Americans once had another god that re-
minded me of Rick. He flew the Atlantic in 1927
and came back to become a master politician.
Lindy had all the dope from his European ex-
periences and told America about them. He spoke
loud and long for the America First Committee
and said that the best thing America could do
is isolate herself from the whole world.
The best thing Charles A. Lindbergh ever
did was to go back to production and help the
United States win the war that he said we
would never fight.
That might be the best course for Eddie Rick-
enbacker to follow. His redundant speeches are
making working men sore. And those speeches
will bore the rest of America silly in another two
Come on, Captain Rickenbacker, be nice to
us and get in a factory somewhere so that you
too can double production.

I'd Rather
Be Right_
THE OPPOSITION to the administration has a
set of war aims. They are more specific than
those of the administration. The opposition wants
permanent possession of the air and naval bases
leased from Great Britain, it wants compulsory
military training in peacetime; it wants some
form of union with Canada; it wants to dominate
the commercial air lines of the world; it wants
friendly relations with Latin America but (like
George III in anothercase) no development of
Latin American industry. These are war aims so
hard you could crack a tooth on them.
Now another item has been added. The oppo-
sition wants Congress to take the entire field
of post-war planning away from the adminis-
tration and do it itself. This idea was first
broached in the Scripps-Howard press. Senator
Byrd has taken it up.
THE THEORY has a certain winning plausi-
bility; Congress is the people's branch of the
government; the people ought to do their own
planning, etc. But the theory lacks substance
and collapses under even a tentative touch of the
There is no such animal as "Congress," in the
agency sense, in the sense of a working body to
do a specific, creative job. There are two major
political parties. Each ought to have a post-war'
plan. The two plans should be presented to the
public at th next election. The party which
wins the greater public endorsement, and there-
fore the majority power in Congress, should then
carry out its plan, under the mandate thus given.
In the absence of such a presentation of clear
alternatives to the people, the proposal to have
an agency called the "administration" is, simply
and precisely, meaningless.
Yet it is a kind of meaningful meaningless-
ness, for the men making the proposal that
Congress do the planning are, by and large,
opponents of economic planning. Senator Byrd
has long sniffedat the "planners," and "plan-
ning" has long been an amusing word to the
Scripps-Howard newspapers; they have got
off some of their best anti-administration
jokes on this theme. When, therefore, those
who are not, by and large, fond of planning
ardently propose that Congress do it, are we
not entitled to ask whether that proposal does
not lead us up the garden path, away from
planning toward no-planning?
When, instead of a clear choice between plans,
we are offered an obscure choice between agen-
cies, we must ask whether the effort is not de-
signed to stop long-range planning. And, in fact,
the effort to stop long-range planning is actually
one of the opposition's plans: it is implicit in the
word "globaloney;" it is inherent in the jokes
about milk for Hottentots.
THE IMPORTANT thing is to note how firm
the opposition's program now is. It has ma-
tured more rapidly than the administration's
program. It distrusts planning and it has found
a device (let Congress do it) by means of which
to express that distrust. It distrusts international
reciprocity, and has found a number of methods
for expressing that distrust, as outlined above.
Its program may not be good, but it is clear; and
where it is unclear, it is brilliantly unclear.


WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24, 1943
VOL. LIII No. 97
AU notices for the Daily Official Bul- I
letin are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica- S
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Not ices
If you wish to finance the purchase of a
home, or if you have purchased improvedE
property on a land contract and owe at
balance of approximately 60 per cent of thet
value of the property, the Investment Of-t
fice, 100 South Wing of University Hall,t
would. be glad to discuss financing through
the medium of a first mortgage. Such fi-
nancing may effect a substantial saving in
Faculty, School of Education: The reg-
ular meeting of the faculty will be held
[on Thursday, February 25, in the Uni-
versity Elementary School Library. The1
meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m.t
The American Association of Universityj
Women Fellowship: The Ann Arbor-Ypsi-
lanti Branch of the A.A.U.W. is again
offering a fellowship for the year 1943-
1944 in honor of Dr. May Preston Slosson.
This fellowship is open to women students
for graduate study in any field. Applica-
tion blanks may be obtained now from r
the Graduate School Office and must be
returned to that office no later than
March 15 in order to receive consideration.
Notice: Identification cards may now
be called for in Room 2, University Hall.
Office of the Dean of Students
Students: A list of graduates and former
students now in Military Service is being
compiled at the Alumni Catalogue Office.
This list already numbers approximately
6,000. If you are entering Military Service,
please see that your name is included in
this list by reporting such information to
the Alumni Catalogue Office. This cour-
tesy will be greatly appreciated.
Lunette Hadley, Director
Alumni Catalogue Office
German Departmental Library, 204 Uni-
versity Hall. Open from 2 to p.m. Tues-
day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
each week; Saturdays from 9 to 12 a.m.
Books may be returned at any time.

University Lecture: Professor R. S. Knox,
Department of English, University of Tor-
onto, will lecture on the subject, "Recent
Shakespearian Criticism," under the auspi-
ces of the Department of English Language
and Literature, on Monday, March 1, at 3:15
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The
public is invited.
University Lecture: Sir Bernard Pares,
English historian and diplomat, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Russia Now," under
the auspices of the Department of His-
tcry, on Tuesday, Marcht 9at 4:15 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Academic Notices
La Sociedad Hispanica features Mr. Ralph
Stephens Gerganoff, Arch. '17, who will
lecture on Ecuador, illustrating his talk
with colored movies, on Thursday at 4:00
p.m., Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. This
lecture will take the place of the one by
Dr. Aiton as originally scheduled.
There will be a program meeting of the
Spanish Club at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday,
February 25, at the Michigan League.
The Botanical Seminar will meet in
'boom 1139 Natural Science Building today
at 4:00 p.m. Mrs. Betty Robertson. Clarke
will present a paper entitled "The Aquatic
Flowering Plants of Michigan." All inter-
ested are invited.
Math. 348, Seminar in Applied Mathe-
matics, will meet Thursday at 3:00 p.m.
in 319 West Engineering Bldg. Dr. Civin
will speak on "A Non-Linear Boundary
Value Problem." Hereafter the meetings
of this seminar will be held at the regular
time, Mondays at 4:00 p.m.
Physics 25 Final: The final exami ation
in this course will be given Friday, Feb.
26, beginning at 2:00 p.m. in the West
Lecture Room.
Make-up Final Examination in Geology
II will be given Friday, February 26, at
1:00 p.m., in Room 3053 Natural Science
Organic Evolution (Zoology 31): Sup-
plementary examination for those absent
from final will be held in Room 3089 N.S.
on Saturday, Feb. 27, at 9:00 a.m.
ROTC DRILL: Cadets in Wednesday
Section will report to the I-M Building in
uniform with avm sh . enrenar efor'

Students planning to petition the Hop-
wood Committee should read paragraph 18
on page 9 of the Hopwood bulletin. The
deadline for such petitions is March 1.
R. W. Cowden
Alec Templeton in special piano recital
cn Thursday, Feb. 25, at 8:30 p.n. in Hill
Auditorium. Reserved seat tickets, tax in-
cluded, $1,.10, 90c and 60c, on sale at Of-
fices of the University Musical Society
daily, except Monday, until 5:00 p.m.-on
the night of the concert after 7:00 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium box office.
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibit: Museum of Art and Archaeol-
ogy, Newberry Hall. Photographs of Tu-
nisia by George R. Swain, Official Pho-
tographer to theUniversity of Michigan
Expedition to North Africa in 1925. Tunis,
Medjez-el-Bab, Tozeur, Tebessa, Sfax,
Matmata country.
Events Today
Junior Mathemitics Club will meet to-
night at 7:30 in 3201 Angell Hall. Professor
Rainich will talk on "Mathematics in
Varsity Glee Club: The serenade orig-
inally scheduled for this evening has been
postponed. Regular rehearsal Thursday
evening. Bring eligibility cards and money
for music folders.
The Cercle Francais will meet tonight at
8:00 in the Michigan Union. Miss Helen
Hall will give an informal illustrated talk
on French paintings. All members and
prospective members are cordially invited.
The Women's Glee Club will not meet
Coming Events
The Regular Thursday Evening Recorded
Program in the Men's Lounge of the Rack-
ham Building at 8:00 p.m. will be as fol-
All Sibelius Program consisting of Con-
certo in D minor for Violin, Symphony No.
3 in C major, and Symphony No. 7 in C

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