itt 4 itt W eather Light Rain VOL. LIII No. 97 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24, 1943 PRICE FiVE CENTS Campus Elections To Be Held Today Students Will Elect Dance Committee, Board Members and Union Officers Voting in today's all-campus elec- tion will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in four campus polling places, Rupert Straub '44 of the Union staff who is in charge of the voting, an- nounced yesterday. Balloting will be conducted in the lobby of University Hall, the engi- neering arch, the lobby of the Dental School, and in the lobby of the East Medical Building. The campus will elect three student members to the Board in Control of Students Publications, six Union vice- presidents; and a freshman-sopho- more dance committee to stage a com- bined class dance. When commenting on the elee- tion, Bill Sessions, '43E, Judiciary Council Chairman, stated, "The Union vice-presidents are the stu- dents' only direct contact with the Union Board of Directors which is the policy forming group of the Union. The Union is for the stu- dents, and it is imperative that they elect the best men. "The importance of the Board elections can not be over empha- sized. These students, too, are the only representatives the campus has on the Board. This election is ex- tremely important to the student body." Voting will be by particular school and class and each school is asked to vote at the specific polling place as- signed to them. The literary college, the law school, the School of Pharmacy, the School of Forestry and Conservation, and the School of Music will vote in University Hall; the engineering school is asked to poll in the arch; while the Dental and Medical Schools will vote in their respective buildings. Nn electioneering will be allowed within 20 feet of the polls, Sessions stated, and those engaging in such practices will be disqualified. Voters will be allowed as many votes as their school and class are electing to the dance committee; three votes will be allowed each voter in the Board election; while one vote each is permitted in the Union election. Identification cards must be pre- sented for a ballot to participate in any election in any school. Four polling places will be operated for today's all-campus election. They Turn to Page 2, Col. 2 Crisper Gives Reasons for Frosh' Ruling New Scheme Adopted In Conjunction with Physical Fitness Plan By ED ZALENSKI Daily Sports Editor Herbert O. (Fritz) Crisler, Direc- tor of Athletics at the University of Michigan, disclosed yesterday that the Western Conference had a dual motive in waiving its 34-year-old freshman residence rule for the dur- ation. "The main purpose of the revolu- tionary move," Crisler revealed, "was not to keep intercollegiate competi- tion in the Midwest alive as seems to be the general impression in many quarters. The Conference authorities adopted the plan in conjunction with the trend toward fitness for the armed services. "By waiving the freshman resi- dence rule the Conference hopes to continue using the staffs and equip- ment at Big Ten universities for training and conditfoning men for later service in the Army, Navy and Marines. "The ruling will affect all men al- ready on campus who are in uniform, incoming freshmen, and all athletes transferred here by the armed ser- vices. However, since the Army has sent only medical, dental and engi- neering students here, we do not ex- pect any influx of material. Besides," Crisler added, "the Army has in- ferred that the soldiers sent here will have little time for competitive sports."1 Turn to Page 3, Col. 1 Erupting Volcano Imperils 3,000 in Mexican Town MEXICO CITY, Feb. 23.-{P)-AlI Navy Opens New Engineers' Reserve Junior and senior engineers, 18 to 28, may apply at once for offi- cer training in the United States Naval Reserve, Lieut. Comdr. D. P. Welles, of Detroit, announced to- day. The new program is similar to the old V-7 college. plan but ap- plies only to juniors and seniors working toward degrees in engi- neering, physics, mathematics, electronics, and Naval architec- ture. This group will be given an opportunity to continue their stu- dies. Those qualified for the officer training program may go directly to the Office of Naval Officer Pro- curement, Ninth Floor, Book Buil- ding, Detroit. Schools List Independents Only Four Days Remain To Get Ration Book 2 Only seven campus organizations took advantage yesterday of the Uni- versity's simplified registration plan for War Ration Book No. 2, Assis- tant Dean Walter B. Rea reported last night. He urged fraternities, sororities and cooperative houses, University groups eligible for the new plan, to register at room 2, University Hall before the deadline Thursday night. House managers and stewards may act for their organization by bring- ing to the Dean of Student's offige signatures, number 1 ration books and numbers of the books of all members, Dean Rea said. Dormitory and boarding house res- idents should register at the Ann Ar- bor school nearest their home ac- cording to rationing officials. Seven local schools near the cam- pus will be open through Thursday from 1 to 5 and 6 to 9 to handle these registrants. Rationing headquarters said last night students who were turned away yesterday from one of these schools by mistake will be pro- cessed today. The seven schools are: Bach, on Jefferson, Perry on Packard, Tappan on Welles, Angell on University, Jones on North Division, North Side on Pontiac Road, and Mack on Mil- ler Avenue. School registrants must bring with them ration book number 1, officials said. Over 35,000 registrations are an- ticipated in Ann Arbor and Wash- tenaw County during the four day signing-up period, according to C. C. Crawford, assistant superintendent of schools who is County Director. 10,100 persons signed up the first day, he reported. Feb. Garg Will Feature 'Campus to Pampas' Angle The February issue of the Gargoyle should contribute to the Good-Neigh- bor Policy, say Pat High and Bernice Galansky, acting editors. The "campus to the pampus" ver- sion will give a Latin-American twist. Army Orders Troops To Pick Arizona Cotton Move Cimaxes Series Of Acts To Alleviate Farm Labor Shortage WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.-(A)-The Army ordered troops to pick cotton in Arizona today, and President Roose- velt indicated he hoped this action would still the clamor in Congress for the Armed Services to furlough all ex- perienced farm hands. The Chief Executive commented at his press conference on the order which climaxed a series of Adminis- tration moves on the food production front, including also the lifting of marketing quotas on wheat. Not All Troops Without referring directly to the congressional controversy, Mr. Roose- velt said many people did not think through. It would not be wise, he said, to assign farm work to a division needing only four weeks more of training before going overseas. But there were some troops which could well be employed for short times at agricultural work. Every instance, he indicated, would have to be treated as an individual case. The Army disclosed that white and Negro soldiers would move into the long staple cotton fields to help har- vest this "indispensable war materi- al," and that similar action would be taken if necessary with regard to vital crops elsewhere in the nation. The lifting of the restrictions on the marketing of wheat was announced by Secretary of Agriculture Wickard. He said the aim was to assure adequate wartime supplies for human consum- ers and livestock. On the Food Situation In other actions bearing on the food situation: Wickard and John W. Studebaker, Federal Education Commisioner, an- nounced that 500,000 to 650,000 "vic- tory farm volunteers, principally high school boys and girls, would be re- cruits for farm work during the spring and summer months. Rep. Rogers (.-Mass.) introduced legislation calling for creation of a voluntary war farm corps of youths and women. The wheat provisions were met by Wickard's order today with regard to marketing quotas. In addition to this Turn to Page 6, Col. 5 Theatres Raided To Stem Nazi Labor Shortage BERN, Switzerland, Feb. 23.-()- Police squads have launched raids upon motion picture theatres in French cities in their latest efforts to conscript French workers for labor in Germany, a dispatch from Paris reported tonight. Pierre Laval's government has found it so difficult to meet a Nazi demand for 250,000 more workmen that it has threatened to refuse food cards to mhen who do not register for work, other reports said. A Paris dispatch to the Geneva Tribune tonight declared that lights are turned halfway up during motion pictures while police make rounds checking ages of men patrons, and taking those from 21 to 31 for ques- tioning and decision whether they are liable for work service. Gestapo control has also been ex- tended from cafes to hotels and rail- way stations, and even in some cases apartment houses, the dispatch de- clared. Red Army In Ukraine on 25th Anniversary; Fighting in Tunisia Has Subsided Takes Nazi Positions Allied Troops Halt Nazi Offensive in All Sectors After Three Day Battle By The Associated Press ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Feb. 23.-Hurled back in one sector and stalled in an-' other, the German armored units of Marshal Erwin Rommel relaxed their pressure along the Tunisian front today, giving the stubborn Allied de- fense forces their first rest of the bit- ter, three-day struggle to keep Nazi spearheads from cracking their lines. "The fighting has died down," said a terse dispatch from the front, and both sides apparently prepared to make the most of the lull by regroup- ing and bringing up supplies and re- inforcements. Tanks, Guns Halt Nazis In the hills north of the Kasser-. ine Gap, Rommel's most dangerous thrust had been halted by British and American tanks and infantry four miles from Thala, the gateway to the strategic Kremansa Plateau near the Tunisian-Algerian frontier. As the Germans tried desperately to gain the Thala road junction 25 miles northwest of Kasserine, British tanks and American gunners held on stubbornly in one of the bitterest battles of the Tunisian war. At the same time, Rommel's at- tack toward the west in central Tu- nisia was beaten back by Allied troops which were supported by . strong American air units. A Nazi column of 40 tanks, motor- ized infantry and mobile guns, driv- ing from Kasserine Pass toward Te- bessa, 12 miles west of the Tunisian- Algerian border, was turned back by American fire late yesterday on the winding road near Djebel Hamma. Bombers Make 20 Raids While American guns poured a stream of shells into the advancing column, American warplanes bombed it in continuous relays. The force withdrew after losing many tanks and suffering a "considerable num- ber" of casualties. Fighters and bombers of the 12th U.S. Air Force participated in more than 20 missions yesterday in an all-day attack on the Kasserine bot- tleneck. At least six tanks and 10 trucks were destroyed by Boston bombers which left many other vehicles burn- ing. Lightning and Airacobra fight- ers shot up enemy guns, trucks and troops. Crews Attempt To Lift Clipper Four Known Dead In Crash at Lisbon LISBON, Feb. 23.- (A)- Swift waters of the Tagus River today hampered work crews attempting to lift the shattered wreckage of the Yankee Clipper and recover the bod- ies of 20 missing passengers and crewmen. Four persons were known dead, and there were 15 survivors, all but two of them still hospitalized, in the crash of the plane yesterday after a flight from New York. The American Legation here said in an official announcement that "16 persons were landed alive, but one died during the night in a hospital. Three bodies were recovered yester- day during rescue work. "Twenty persons are missing and believed buried in the Clipper or washed away by the current of the Tagus. Only during the salvage work which began this morning shall we be able to identify the victims." In New York, Pan-American Air- ways said officials were hopeful that some of those missing might have been rescued by Portuguese boats known to have been in the vicinity of the crash. Army Hero Bartek Featured at Rally Sergt. John F. Bartek, one of the Byrnes Attacks Proposals for Laxity in U.S. War Effort r - -v WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.- OP)- James F. Byrnes, viewing the com- ing year as the toughest in this gen- eration, has taken issue with those "who tell us that we can win the war in 1944 as well as 1943." "If I know the spirit of America, it is that we not only must win the war, but we must win the war quick- ly," Byrnes told the American Soci- ety of Newspaper Editors. The speech, given behind closed doors Feb. 13, was made public tonight by the Office of War Information. Speech Was Second Attack Byrnes' speech was the second high-administration attack published within 24 hours upon those suggest- ing a possible slowing-down of some military aspects of the war effort in order to reduce home front strains. Vice-President Wallace, in an ad- dress Monday night, said a leading statesman of "the loyal opposition" had urged in 1917 "that we send our Allies in Europe food and munitions, but that we avoid dislocating our civilian life at home," and that this man "is giving similar advice today." Said Byrnes, the Economic Stabili- zation Director: "I must differ with the people who believe that because it may cause serious inconvenience to our civilian population, we must be careful not to try to do too much at this time and who tell us that we can win the war in 1944 as well as 1943. If any one of you saw your 19-year-old son in a fight which meant his death or the death of the enemy, you would not hold your punches in the belief that you could win that fight tomorrow just as well as today. "Your sons and your neighbors' U.S. Flyers Hit Jap Ship, Bases ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, Wednesday, Feb. 24. -(P)-Flying Fortress crews planted three 50-pound bombs on a Japanese cruiser or large destroyer at Rabaul in New Britain yesterday, while low- flying Douglas Havocs forced the en- emy to retire farther toward Mubo on New Guinea. The day saw Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur's men attacking Japanese bases and positions along an are ex- tending from Timor to New Britain. The only enemy retaliation, the noon communique added, was a light raid over the Milne Bay area which caused insignificant casualties. After dropping a number of 500- pound bombs on shipping at Rabaul, the fortresses braved intense anti- aircraft fire and dazzling searchlights to blast the waterfront area. In New Guinea allied planes made morning and afternoon sweeps over enemy territory, and "our air at- tacks are forcing the enemy back from his forward positions in the di- rection of Mubo," the war bulletin declared. sons are in that kind of fight. "While I would not postpone until 1944 fighting the enemy, I would postpone until 1944 fighting among ourselves. My plea is that we stop fighting each other and start fight- ing the enemy. Tough Year in Store "The coming year is going to be the hardest, toughest year our gener- ation has had to endure. But we can make it, if we will, one of the most glorious years in our history." Urging support for price control measures, Byrnes said "Black markets do not give the people food they would not otherwise get. Black markets hold the people's food for ransom." Finns Asked' To Qit War Welles Advises Them To Halt Aid to Nazis WASHINGTON, Feb. 23.- (AP ~ The United States advised Finland again today to withdraw from Ger- many's war against Russia. The advice was contained in a carefully-worded statement made by Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles in reply to a question at his press conference. "Do you think the time is ap- proaching," Welles was asked, "when Finland should disassociate herself from Germany's war against Rus- sia?". The question was prompted by re- cent renewed reports from Stockholm that Finland was contemplating such a step. Welles replied that he thought the position of the government and De- partment of State had been made very clear in past months. In view of the very real friendship and great measure of understanding between Finns and Americans dur- ing the past quarter century, he said. it was only natural for the United States Government to make it clear that this country hoped the Govern- ment of Finland would no longer continue the policy of giving aid- effective military aid to the mortal enemies of the United States and the United Nations. 50 Objectors Assigned To Ypsilanti Hospital LANSING, Feb. 23.-G'P)-The as- 3ignment of 50 conscientious objec- tors to relieve a labor shortage at the Ypsilanti State Hospital was an- aounced today by the National Se- 'ective Service headquarters in a no- tice to the State Hospital Commis- 3ion. Asserting the men are expected in ibout two weeks, Chairman Fred C. Striffler said he and Dr. O. R. Yoder Ypsilanti superintendent, would be riven an opportunity to select the men personally. Stalin Calls Reds Army of Avengers As German Grip Is Broken in South By The Associated Press LONDON, Feb. 23.- The trium- phant Red Army, spurred by Premier Stalin's praise and exhortation to drive the Germans from Russia marked its 25th anniversary today by accelerating its smash westward through the Ukraine, recapturing three important Nazi strnponts along the route leading from Khar- kov to Kiev. Answering Stalin's order to give the invaders no respite "the army of avengers," as he termed them, marched into Sumy, 100 miles north- west of Kharkov, Akbyrka, 42 miles to the south and Lebedin, about half- way between them and 20 miles far- ther west. More of Ukraine Freed Lebedin lies only 175 miles east of Kiev, and the recapture of the three towns, announced in a special com- munique broadcast by Moscow and recorded here by the Soviet Monitor, marked advances of from 30 to 50 miles in the Red Army's continuing offensive, freeing hundreds of square miles more of the rich, productive Ukraine. The special bulletin also an- nounced the capture of the town of Mala - Arkhangelsk, on the main Kursk-Orel railway 40 miles south of Orel, in an operation some distance to the rear of the advance forces. The Germans have continued to hold Orel despite the fall of Kursk, Kharkov and other points in their old strong defense line, and despite the fact that the Russians have closed in from three sides and stand only a little more than a score of miles away. Sumy, a provincial capital, lies "i miles east and slightly south of K n- otop and on a railway to that strong- hold which appears to be the Soviet Army's next big objective in that region. 50 Miles from Poltava Capture of Akhtyrka carried the Russians to a point 50 miles north- east of the big town and rail junction of Poltava. Soviet forces already had advanced to within 50 miles of Pol- tava from the southeast. Twice-threatened Pdltava lies just a little more than 50 miles from the wide Dnieper River, a natural de- fense line along which the Nazis may elect to try to make a stand in this region. The Russian Armies of the far south meantime reported continued advances, respectively west of Rostov and southward toward the Azov Sea in the continuing effort to throw up an envelopment of German troops in the lower Donets Basin. Gandhi Grows Steadily Worse Indian Leader Ends Second Week of Fast POONA, India, Feb. 23.-()---Mo- handas K. Gandhi completed the sec- ond week of his planned three-weeks fast tonight and all India anxiously followed reports showing the 73- year-old nationalist leader was grow- ing steadily worse. Authoritative sources said Gan- dhi's physicians were keenly Con- cerned now with the growing weak- ness of his heart and kidneys. (At New Delhi the latest attempt to end the fast, made by Gandhi's followers, combined with some Brit- ish representatives, failed when Vic- eroy Lord Linlithgow turned down their compromise proposal. (The conditions under which Gan- dhi might end his fast-which had not been yet put to the nationalist leader)-were: (First, that the Viceroy send to Poona an accredited representative bringing proof of the Viceroy's con- tention that Gandhi and his Indian Congress Party were responsible for the violence which broke out follow- DUMMIES GUARD HOUSE: Decoy Soldiers and Wooden Guns Protect' Lawmakers 'U'S LOSS-NATION'S GAIN: Prof. Sharfman Leaves School To Head New Mediation Board !: Recognized as one of the country's, outstanding authorities on railroad economics and railroad regulation, Prof. I. L. Sharfman, head of the economics department, will leave the University this week to take up his duties as chairman of the newly created Railroad Emergency Board. Professor Sharfman has applied for a leave of absence to devote his full time to this work and continue in his capacity as associate public mem- ber of the National War Labor Board and as public member of the NWLB's regional board for Michigan. On February 18, Professor Sharf- man was named to the National Rail- way Labor panel by President Roose- a dispute between practically all the railroads in the United States and about 900,000 of their employes rep- resented by 15 cooperating national labor organizations," Professor Sharf- man stated in an interview. This dispute, involving wages and salaries, was deadlocked in the ne- gotiation stage and has since been considered by the National Media- tion Board with no settlement, Sharf- man said. The order creating the special board indicates the nature of this dispute. It said, "The dispute is such that if unadjusted, even in the ab- sence of a strike vote, it may inter- fere with the prosecution of the war." WASHINGTON, Feb.: 23. - UP) -- Grim, grey, anti-aircraft "guns," which have peeked skywards for months from Congressional office building roofs to provide "protection" for the nation's lawmakers are made of wood and manned by "decoy sol- diers," it was disclosed today. His curiosity piqued over just what protection was being furnished Con- gress, Representative Cooley (Dem.- N.C.) climbed, unchallenged in ci- vilian clothes, to the rooftop of its new office building and discovered the secret. He told the House about it today during discussion of a billion dollar naval shore construction bill. Ex- pressing the hope that none of the money would be spent for the con- struction of "painted ships upon a painted ocean-or for wooden guns," sight," he complained, as the House roared a mixture of amusement and amazement. Later, he told newsmen that the guns were "as wooden as Charlie McCarthy." The War Department, in response to inquiries, said that use of dummy gun positions - moved about fre- quently-was a customary procedure in preventing enemy agents from gaining an accurate picture of ac- tual defense installations. "Dummy. gun positions, inter- spersed among the active defense ele- ments of a given area, are an in- dispensable part of the normal de- fensive measures in modern warfare," the Department said. "It is common procedure to rotate artillery units