WC: k THE -MICHIGAN DAILY ensa SadRussian Gains Raise Alli1ed Ho mes T7ide Turned' By Ales on Tunisian Front (Continued from Page 1) British patrols sparred with the foe 30 miles south in the FOum Tatahou- ihe area. Dust storms-hampered this powerful Allied arm some 65 miles inside southern Tunisia from Libya. Marshal Rommel sent a strong pa- trol against an Allied brigade in the Sbiba region, 20 miles north of Sbeit- la, and also attacked U.S. forces guarding the Kasserine gap, an Allied spokesman said, At Sbiba, the 'Ger- mans were said to have lost six tanks and 'six self-propelling guns. The spokesman said enemy losses were even heavier at the Kasserine pass. Snow,'rain and gales swept most of Tunisia,, grounding virtually all planes. U.S. combat troops were deployed on both sides of Kasserine pass when the Germans struck early Thursday. The enemy made, some small gains in the initial fighting, but by night the Yanks were back at :their original positions and the enemy had turned tail toward the town of Kasserine-. (The Germans claimed they had captured nearly 3,000 prisoners dur- ing the week, mostly Americans, and destroyed or captured 125 heavy tanks, 5.0 big guns and 40 armored cars.) Fresh supplies and materiel have " h mountains near th leinbr der of central Tunisia./ The indiffer- ent communications in this region slowed the reorganization and prob- ably will delay the coming Allied assault. The lossO of tanks, guns and trucks was viewed more seriously than the abandonment of 4,000 square miles of central. Tunisia to Rommel's numeri- cally superior troops. The territorial loss was regarded at headquarters as "incidental." to B Given "Heart of 'a City," by Leslie Storm, a drama of war-time London at the height of the German aerial assault, has been chosen by Play Production for its niext presentation. The play will be given March 3-6 in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. The play. involves a group of showe girls who carry on at their small re- vue theatre, The Windmill, during the most violent days and nights of Nazi fury. in 'an effort to catch the spirit of Londoners during the air raids, the author presents scenes luring the blitz and the peoples' reactions. In the opening scenes, in the "star" dress- ing-room, the author tries to depict this spirit of Londoners "under fire." W here Red Army Continues Push ::u -. fa , s a :----------- BEJA OU AR DA PONT DU FS OBA M KTA selTrA SO T BSSA FI KHENCHEL.A SBEITL A PASS ALGERIA NA SD Bul MAKNASSY ASA SENED REDEYEF - -GA BES:' NTA - -- --- ---TH l ChottD el- - - MEDENINE MAETH * FOUM TATAHOUINE 0 50 STATUTE MI.ES i American armored forces (black arrows) have stabilized a new line on the Tunisian mountains near the Algerian frontier as Marshal Rom- mel's violent drive (white arrows) dwindled to mere skirmishing after carrying Axis forces more than 60 miles. London heard radio reports that American tanks had broken the German thrust toward Algeria. Meantime, the menacing loom of Britain's Eighth Army grew larger in the rear of Rommel's army. Black shading shows how British units are moving into Tunisia from Libya, having penetrated (1) to Medenine and having occupied Foum Tatahouine. Broken line re resents original positions from which U.S. troops were forced back. SIMPSON'S ANALYSIS: Kharov Ame f .Rd Dr~-e Soviets Punch Germans on 500-Mile _Line (Continued from Pge 1) The enemy is havng a difficult tirme keeping a straight line in the easy terrain, hurrying up reserves, some .reported just arrived from France, but the Russians say these are being encircled in small groups by swift ski troops cuttng behnd the foe. The Germans apparently have plenty of tanks aroundOrel and the heavy snowstorms have not hampered operations West of Kharkov, the Germans are trying to throttle a new thrust whiph could be aimed straight at Poltava or be turned southwestward to bear down on Dnieperopetrovsk. This is one of the most potent points mn the Russian advance at the moment At recaptured Merefa, 15 miles southwest of Kharkov, the Russians are in an ideal tactical position. Krasnograd, a big Ukrainian city, is only 37 miles southwest. The Russians said they continued their advance overnight wiping out a German regi- ment and 16 tanks, 150 trucks and 13 self-propelled guns. Between Kharkov and Dnieperopet- rovsk, the Russians have been holding Lozovaya since Feb. 11 and are within '60 miles of the big dam site on the Dnieper River. There have been no dispatches from this sector since then and it is presumed that the Germans are making a supreme effort to hold the area. The weight of the Soviets in the Donets Basin appears to be so heavy that the Germans are reported just holding on and trying to exticate themselves. Three strongly fortified towns west of Rostov and another large place west of Rovenki were captured during the night, the Russian communique said. One of the most interesting sectors to watch next week will be the Black Sea cobst of the north Caucasus. The Russians said they broke through a new defense line and mine-fieds west of Krasnodar and "are advancing" after capturing a number of large ppulatpd places pThe Russians mopping up this are are closing in daily upon te few precious miles the Germans hold around Novorossisk. Bicycle Auction, sS uccesful High Prices Paid By N duerous Bidders The demand for bicycles far ex ceeded the supply Saturday morning when more than one hundred hopeful bidders attended the bicycle auction held by the Ann Arbor Police Depart- ment at the City Hall. Bicycles with flat tires, bicycles with no seats, bicycles with no fend- ers, all brought high prices. It was a great, day for the Police Depart- ment, for after tabulating the results, Ann Arbor was $214 richer through the sale of only 13 bicycles. While the top price in the last auc- tion ,was only $12.50, Saturday's auc- tion brought a top price of $28.00. Bicycles of all descriptions were sold with the bidding rapid and spirited No bicycle went for less than $10, and when some of the better bicycles were in danger of going for fifteen dollars or less, a mere wod from the auc- tioneer and the bidding would shoot the price to twenty dollars. With the capture of Oboyan and reported successes in other sectors, the Red Army has continued pushing westward,' narrowing Nazi-occu- pied territory, represented here by shaded area. The Russia~ have cleared the last German soldier from the Kursk-Kharkov railroad and highway. Soviet forces were 25 miles west of Kharkov and were driving toward Taganrog in the Donets Basin.. Kapln T Prsent Frs o SRA Lecture Series 'Tuesday Americans Stabilize T unisian Line a .1 TO SPRING" Newest thing ... stunning hand screened silk jersey dresses. Have 'em in Junior and Regu- lar sizes . .. gayly designed . .. beautifully fitted styles. The Jean Carol Originals a6. the Mademoiselle Shop feature na- vy dresses with crisp white lin- siscome nthe sftestwol "NDIAN LOVE SONG" Tobrighten your des Michigan. and U.S.A. wooden bookends! Also at Mr. Foster's Remewbrance Shop... loads xof Indian silver bangle brace- lets, and graceful sterling silver yo nhaven't seen ,heir, supe collection of sport and dressy earrings, you're really missing §umpin'!" Hi everybody--Dd you feel the whiff of spring in the air? The stores are goin' to town with classic new outfits. Drop in and U By KIRKE L. SIMPSON, SAssociated Press Correspondent Bad news from Tunisia underscored the past week for Americans but a war balancee struck on events there and in Russia for those seven days yields a heavy credit showing in Allied favor: American defeat in the first clash with Ropmmel's veterans in central Tunisia takes on a less ominous cast on more complete 'information. It ibecomes virtually certain, for ex- ample, that the Nazi attack was purely a limited local 'Operation. It widened the Tunisian, com'munication corridor for the foe and so crippled Franco- American forces, throwrn back 60 miles or more that a consider- able time must elapse, before the i flanking threat can be renewed. it also is now clear by delayed eye- witness reports of the four-day battle that it was in no sense an American frout but an ordered and orderly re- treat. That is highly important. It means that in its first major battle ,test an untried American army proved its mettle. Outmatched ini weight 'of j armour as well as, numbers, it fell back sullenly and unwillingly under orders intended to conserve its per- sonnel and equipment to fight againr under more favorable circumstances. Russian recapture of Kharkov was the dominant event of the week on the Eastern Front. Even more start- ling Soviet successes seem in the mak- ing all the way from Orel in the north to Tagonrog 'in the south as well as deep in enemy lines west of Kharkov. Nevertheless, the Russian Kharkov vicoryappars to the best informed Amkerican and British official observ- ers as the highlight of the current Iussian campaign for definite rea- sons. President Roosevelt and Secretary Stimson concurred that loss of that powerful bastion and othes like Ros- tov }stripped Hitler of the springpoards essential to a summer renewal of his attack on Russia. Dr. Mordecai Kaplan of Teacher's College, Columbia University will present the Jewish point of view on "The Existence and Nature of God" in a lecture to be held at 8:15'pm. Tuesday in Rackham Amphitheatre The lecture, which is under, the sponsorship of the Student Religious: Associations, is the first in a series of four on the same subject-. Dr. Kaplan, the first speaker of the series, is editor of the' Jewish Recon- structionist papers and Professor at Columbia University. From 1937 to 2939 he was viing professor of Hebrew at the University of Jeru- salem-. A leader of the Society for the Ad- vancement of Judaism since 1922,.he is the author of several books: A New Approach to the Problem of Judaism,, published in 1924; Judaism as a Ci-vl- zation in 1934; The. Meaning of Clod In Modern Jewish Religion in 1937. This same subject was dealt with in four lectures presented in' 1938-39 when Dr. Bertrand Russell, Msgr. Ful- ton Sheen and Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr made up the series. .At present arrangements have been made to bring Pather,Paul H. Furfey and Dr. Richard Niebuhr to present the Protestant and Catholic positions on The Existence and Nature of Clod. Unsettled academic conditions and difficulties of transportation have caused some difficulty in obtaining a speaker to present the Agnostic point of view; negotiations are still tinder way and when'te Agnostic speaeris arranged for, his name will be an- nounced .- i r1nH. Nip Jre.4.4ener 1 r LOAFER--Saddle finish; -tan calf,/1%$/" ,eel. 9.95 . r LAZY LACER--In tan calf, or navy suede with navy ,calf, 1%"I heel 9.95 POST BOY-Tan Dorset oxford, unlined, 2" heel. 1 Q.95 1 V SPEED LIMIT RAISED WASHINGTON, Feb. 20. - (/P) - Motor carriers making emergency de- liveries for the Army, Navy, Mari- time Commission and War Shipping Administration will be permitted to exceed the 35-mile-an-holy speed limit for a 60-day trial period begin- ning March 1. -H UTZEL'S Main at Liberty P . r 7fr ~ q Z k } f } i f " } 6 Y" Kf itz Z44 14.t4q,; -o74r 4 fBEGIN TH E BEGUlNE" Collins has a 'wonderful stock 10% w ool . ..acrdigan's, pull overs, and plenty of Sloppy Jogs! We loved the new shades ... heavenly haze, sea green, cherry,' violet, dusty rose. Add a 100% pastel wool skirt, and your outfit's complete! Plaids, plains, and plenty with pleats. K- "LOVELY TO LOOK AT'" Girls here's your golden opportunity! Calkins-Fletcher has a super sale'on.. . 'spe- cially for you. Tussy cleansing cream, in jet black jars. . . regular $1.75 Size for $1.00--$3 size for only $1.95." We also saw Emulsified Cleansing cream for era 'dry skins. lRun now . ., I is good Spring hosiery news $1 .95 'U "WAKE UP 'N SING" Scoop of the month ...the classic long-sleeved white cot- ton shirt. Only $3,,at Dillon's. We saw loads of colored shirt- waists . .. swell for-school? And to touch up your n-^rspring suit with that perky look... try a frilly sheer blouse.. Really' lovely . .. in all colors. w ",,,,x , to l M ,! l mews Make Xt More rule To Walk More Yet, for all their comfort, their smart styling is good to look upon and their rugged quality is a better-than good thought these days when quality means so much. Try these and other styles in our Adirondack Shoe Room! New shades this siring are Ulf more f lattering than ever before. Some of the new shades are chore, hearth, and cheer. Early posies to help you to boys will always remember be the girl the printed on jer- sey and rayon crepe. "REMEMBER, ME" The final touch to your outfit . jewelry. We were positively I I