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February 21, 1943 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1943-02-21

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Women s


Ensign Shea
Gives Counsel
To Fifty Coeds

WAACWAVES Standards'
Parallel Regular Army, Navy


Marine Corps
Set Up Feb* 12
Requirements and Schools
Of Corps Are Same as Waves
* * *

About fifty students took advan-
tage this week of the opportunity to
meet Ensign Helen Shea, WAVE re-
cruiting 6fflcer from Detroit, and ask
questions concerning the require-
mtents for joining, and the training
anq opportunities provided by the
The most frequently asked ques-
tion was what courses could be
taken now to better qualify the indi-
vidual for Officer Candidate School.
In answer, Ensign Shea said that
specialized courses were the best.
The WAVES will accept people with
a general background if they have
good academic records, but they par-
ticularly want people with specialized
training in accounting, dietetics,
technical work, economics and the
Many inquiries were made in regard
to the possibilities for training in
aviation. Aviation training is given
only in the enlisted ranks. No women
are trained as pilots, but they are
trained in all phases of aviation
Enlisted women will go first to one
of the general schools, Hunter Col-F
lege in New York or Iowa State
Teachers College, where they will re-
ceive their basic training -and take
aptitude tests to determine their abil-
After completing their basic train-
ing, the enlisted WAVES will be sent
to specialist schools. Yeomen will be
sent to Georgia State College for
Women or Oklahoma Agricultural
and Mechanical College; storekeepers
-accounting and b6okkeeping-will
be trained at Indiana University and
radio operators will be sent to the
University of Wisconsin,.
Link Trainer instructors will be
trained at Atlanta, Ga.; aviation ma-
chinists' mates will receive their
training at Norman, Okla., and avia-
tion metalsmiths will be sent to Mem-
phis, Tenn. Aireographers and para-
chute riggers will be trained at jLake-
hurst, N. J., while pharmacists' mates
will be trained in naval hospitals.

Applicant for Women's Army
.Must Meet High Qualifications
Upholding standards closely re-
sembling those of the Regular Army,
the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps,
better known as the WAAC, require
that each applicant for enrollment
meet a number of physical and men-
tal qualifications.
The age bracket to which an ap-
plicant must belong is between the
ages of 21 and 44 years inclusive. It
is also required that WAACS be not
less than five feet or more than six
feet tall, and that they meet the
height and weight requirements for
the various age levels. The minimum
weight of a WAAC is 100 pounds.
Previous training for the majority
of jobs in the WAACS is helpful but
not essential. The WAACS have ex-
tensive training facilities and train
many of their applicants for various
branches of service.
Gamma Delta Officers
Elected to serve as officers for
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, for the coming year are the
following: Jean Billmeier, '44, Sagi-
naw, president; Ulysses Stoeffler,
'44E, Grand Rapids, vice-president;
Marjorie Billmeier, '46, Saginaw, sec-
retary; Harry Daum, '45, Ann Arbor,

'Great Importance of Navy's
Work Necessitates Good Calibre
Requirements for women enlisted
in either the SPARS or the WAVES
are on as high a standard as those
for enlistment in the Coast Guard
and the Navy proper, since the work
carried on by both men and women
is of such great importance.
At the date of enlistmen,, women
must be at least 20 years old and
cannot have reached the age of 36.
Married women may enlist in either
service provided that their husbands
are not in the same branch of ser-
Officer candidates must possess a
college degree or else have two years
of college and two years of practical
business experience. A woman must
be five feet tall and weigh a mini-
mum of 95 pounds; eyes, ears, and
teeth must be sound.
As apprentice seamen, the women's
reserves of the Navy and the Coast
Guard receive $50 per month base
:pay with chances to earn up to $126,
plus substinence allowances if not
living in barracks when on active
service. A $200 clothes allowance is
given at the beginning of training in
addition to free medical and dental
care, good food, and comfortable
quarters. i
Enlistments are for the duration
of the war with discharge within six
,months after the war is over.

WAACs Tak(
Duties performed by members of
the WAAC are strictly non-comba-
tant in nature, but work is carried
on both at home and abroad. f
Since the principal function of the
auxiliaries is to relieve soldiers from
non-combatant work, WAACS are
stationed wherever there are units of
the Regular Army, whether in the
United States or. outside. Early in
December, 1942, the first contingent
of WAACS reached England tohassist
the Regular Army stationed there.
Once an applicant is accepted, she
is enrolled as an auxiliary and sent
to a training center for four weeks
basic training. This includes Army
orientation, drill, physical exercise
and instruction in subjects such as
mess management, property account-
ing, and map reading.
Four Weeks Basic Training.
While at the training center (cen-
ters have been established at Des
Moines, Iowa and -Daytona Beach,
Fla.) WAAC auxiliaries live in bar-
racks and are subject to military
Like regular soldiers, they are re-
quired to wear their uniforms at all
times. They are permitted dates in
their free time and are allowed 30
days leave for every year of service.
Specialist Schools
After basic training is completed,
the auxiliary becomes eligible for
entrance into one of several specialist
schools which provide instruction in
administration, motor transport,
Bought, Rented
314 S. State St. Phone 6615

cooking and baking and communica-
tions. Graduates may receive spe-
cialist ratings and increased pay.
At the schools classes must be at-
tended regularly. The type of school
to which one is sent depends par-
tially upon previous experience, edu-
cation and ability.
Auxiliary Receives $50 Per Month
An auxiliary in the WAAC receives
pay equal to a private in the Regular
Army; namely, $50.00 a month. The
rate of pay depends, of course, upon
the rank, as follows: Auxiliary 1st
Class, $54.00; Jr. Leader, $66.00; Lea-
der, $78.00; Staff Leader, $96.00;

e Duties At 'Home,

Technical Leader, $114.00; and 1st
Leader, $138.00. These include all
non-commissioned officers.
Monthly rates for commissioned
officers are as follows: 3rd Officer,
$150.00; 2nd Officer, $166.67; 1st Of-
ficer, $200.00; Field Director, $250.00;
Assistant Director, $291.67; and Di-
rector, $333.33.
All candidates for officers training
must be selected from the ranks.
However, she may be selected upon
the recommendation of her Company
Commander, without first rising
through the various ranks of non-
commissioned officers,




commissioned officers.

Watch for Announcements
about the UNION'S
Sweater Swing
Next Friday


Queries in Minds of Would-Be
Applicants Are Answered Here

For the woman who is looking ten-
tatively at the WAAC, WAVES or
SPARS as good organizations to join
in helping the war effort, the fol-
lowing questions and answers have
been prepared which may help her
make a wise decision:
As a WAVE or SPAR will I' be
etpected to serve overseas?
No, the law passed by Congress
limits your service to the continental

Sndy at the Wol erne
SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER from 12:15 to 2:00 O'clock,
Soup: Chicken Gizert or_
Choice of Tomato Juice or Grapefruit Juice
Stuffed Olives Ripe Olives Dill Pickles Sweet Pickles
Radishes Hearts of Celery
ROAST CHICKEN, Sdge Dressing, Mashed Potatoes
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Hot Rolls Assorted Bread
Dessert: Ice Cream

limits of the United States. WAACS
may see overseas duty.
After I have once joined, may I
A letter to your commanding offi-
cer, requesting discharge and stating
your reason, will be forwarded for
consideration. But, in wartime, resig-
nations are discouraged.
If I am under 20 and my parents
consent, can I enlist?
No, by law the minimum age is 20
in WAVES, 21 in WAAC.
If I should fail the aptitude test,
can I take it again?
When does my pay begin?
The day you report to training
Must all WAVES and SPARS
start as apprentice seamen?
Yes, but after successfully 'com-
pleting the indoctrination and train-
ing period, you are autoriatically
promoted to a higher rating. From
then on, your promotion depends on
your ability and length of service.
May I later change the type of
work I am doing?
Yes, you may submit a request to
your commanding officer to be for-
warded for consideration.
If I have no special training,
will I be eligible?
Yes, in addition to women with
specialized training, women of high
calibre, but po special training, are
definitely wanted.
How long will my training peri-
od be?g
The training period will average
about four months in WAVES, four
weeks basic training in WAAC.
Can an enlisted woman request

, , ~,
Only women's corps without a spe-
cial nickname, the Marine Corps is
the newest division, having begun its
recruiting drive Feb. 12.
Requirements for this service fol-
low those of the WAVES, and mem-
bers of this organization will be
grained in the schols of the WAVES.
Candidates for this newly formed
reserve may enroll at Navy and Ma-
rine recruiting offices throughout the
Service in the Marine Corps will be
restricted to the continental United
States. The Corps is headed by Mrs.
Ruth Cheney Streeter of Morristown,
N.J., who holds the rank of major.
Requirements for officer candi-
dates are the same as for enlisted
women except as follows: on the date
of enlistment, 20 to 50 years of age,
inclusive; college degree or two years
of college work plus at least two years
of acceptable business or professional
experience; somewhat better vision
and teeth.
Cut from the same material as
that of a regular Marine uniform,
the women's is a moss green color.
The cap sports a red cord, knotted in
the front and bearing a Marine em-
training in a particplar field- for
instance radio- even if she has
had no previous training in that
Yes, but it cannot be guaranteed
that the request will be granted..
Am I allowed to have dates dur-
ing training?
Yes, you may have dates during
your free time.
Will I get week-end leaves from
training school?
Yes, at the discretion of the com-
manding officer.
What about working hours,
leaves, dates after training?
All these will be determined by the
work you are doing and the post
where you are stationed.
May I request dity at any par-
ticular Naval or Coast Guard Sta-
tion, or Army Post?
Yes, but your request may or may
not be granted.

1 V Y

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- P.M.


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For both Men and Women
rE ttI srr a~swat~w't ~rwrtaI

' rTIM Will * RfINITAI VRIN liIIMI M'U' Q mU . fU IP D rrVDm flu a W an .

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