4 aitl
Nazis Repelled in
Skyline Is Backdrop for Richelieu
'Tide lurned'
With Defeat
Of Rommel
German Stab Blocked
By Eighth Army and .t
U.S. Combat Troops
By The Associated Press
NORTH AFRICA, Feb. 20.--(IP)-
Military authorities said today the
"tide has turned" In Tunisia after
American anti British troops hurled
back "Marshal Rommel's renewed'
thrust toward the Algerian base of
Tebessa in mountain passes near
Sbeitla and Kasserine.
Gen. Sir Harold Alexander, guid-
ing genius of the British Eighth
Army's unparalleled 1,600-mile ad-
vance from the approaches to Alex-
andria to the outposts of the Mareth
Line, took personal command of all
Allied ground forces In Tunisia under
General Eisenhower. He started or-
ganization of the supreme offensive
to throw the quarter-million Axis,
troops into the Mediterranean.
Gabes Useless to Axis
Reports that the Eighth Army was
about 40 miles south of Gabes and
had captured the island of Dierba, 35
miles across the Gulf of Gabes to the
east, but Allied air power and British
naval power was soclose to that port
that it was believed Gabes was no
longer of any use to the Axis as a
supply base for Nazi forces entrench-
ed in the Mareth Line.
Sfax, a good 90 miles to the north,
now is the main supply port and this
is within easy reach of Allied bomb-
ers, both from tle western side and
from the Eighth Ar my front.
Allies Retreat to West
Allied forces ih f6rward positions
of the Ousseltia valley below Robaa
were withdrawn from the eastern to
a western line of hills, because their
position became untenable after the
Americans were forced back further
The British Eighth Army sent cur-
tains of artillery shells into German
positions approaching the Mareth
Line in the Medenine area and were
in contact with the enemy there.
Turn to Page 5, Col. 1
New Technic
Goes on Sal e
This Week'
Featuring a detailed account of
"Surface Finishes," the new Technic,
Michigan Engineering Publication,
will go on sale Thursday, Bill Jacobs,
'43E, editor, announced yesterday.
Walter Mikelson, '34E, wrote the
article especially for this issue, draw-
ing upon his background as a physi-
cist working with the General Elec-
tric Corp.
Two other lead articles were con-
tributed by two students. One "Cellu-
lose Nitrate Plastics" was written by
Ed Mertz, '44E, and deals with the
various common articles made of this
new plastic material. Such articles
as. goggles and hammering mallets
play an important role in the war
Besides these feature articles, the
"Presents" columns will contain con-
tributions from Prof. Keeler of the
mechanical engineering department,
Stuart Johnson, '43E, Bill Sessions,
'43E, and John Fauver, '44E.
Avukah, student Zionist organi-
zation, will sponsor a communal
supper at 6:30 p.m. today followed
by an open meeting at 8:15.
The supper will be prepared by
students and served at cost. Reser-
vations should be made by calling
3779 before 2 p.m. today.
Miss Irene Salzman, of New
York City, member of the National
Praesidium, will address the meet-
ing. s *
Newest publication to be added to
then ~ ~ ~ . li+ o T+rri+u cl - ar- ,
On 'M' Coed Apathy
Daily Women's Editor
TO THE UNIVERSITY COED, especially the junior and senior,
whose post-graduation plans are today pretty much the same as
they would be in peacetime, who thinks that her job is to sit around
and wait for her boy friend to win the war:
This war does not distinguish between men and women: be-
cause you are a woman, you cannot declare yourself exempt from
serving your country.
During these past two weeks, your apathetic attitude toward the
women's branches of the armed services has been sharply apparent.
A WAVE and a WAAC recruiting officer each spent two days at the
League for the specific purpose of informing women as to all phases'
of their particular services.
Of the 3,125 coeds on the Michigan campus, approximately
100 were interested enough to seek information.
In a recent survey of six sororities, four dormitories and three
league houses, it was found that a grand; total of 19 junior and senior
women planned to join the WAAC or WAVES after graduation.
WE DO NOT BELIEVE that this apathy is rooted in an unwilling-
ness to do your part, for you have responded quickly and in
large numbers to the call for volunteer workers.
But we do believe that if you had the full story on the type
and the importance of the work that is being done by the
WAAC, WA VES, SPARS and Marines, if you knew how your
specialized experience could be used in the women's services,
and if you knew how badly you are needed, hundreds of you
who are not ;planning to take an essential war job would answer
the call.
Your knowledge of languages, economics, clerical skills, sci-
ences, mathematics- all of these and a great many more subjects can
be put to the best use by the government, which will be enabled to
release badly needed men to active duty. And, as a college graduate,
your chances of a commission will also be very good.
Many women are wary of enlistment because they feel it will cut
off their chances for,.marriage. Women i service can marry ex-
cept to a man in the branch of the service to which she is attached.
Already, thousands of the boys we had classes with, had
dates on can;pus with, knew from, home, have joined the armed
services. Hundreds of them volunteered. In comparison, our
record is pretty dismal. We can and must see that they do not
stand alone.
* * * * *
On the women's page today The Daily has compiled facts which
will be of help to you in deciding whether you should enter some
branch of the women's military services. We have attempted to an-
swer as many of your questions as possible. Any further information
that you desire can be obtained at the War Information Center at the
Reds Pound
Germans on
Wide Front
Russians Attack Nazis
On 500-Mile Line
Along North Caucasus
MOSCOW,Feb. 20.-W)-Springlike
weather was reported in the Rostov
region as the Russians attacked Ger-
man positions with fresh fury today
all along a 500-mile front from south
of Orel to the Taman Peninsula in the
north Caucasus and reported ad-
vances in all sectors.
The front now is almost a straight
line from the black earth country
near Orel to the industrial Donets
From this strong forward wall con-
nected with the Roar by good rail
communications, Soviet generals were
developing numerous pushes that gave
the Germans new defensive difficul-
Reds Spread Out
This time the Red Army was not
heading toward single objectives but
was spread out to hit at numerous
points with the encircling movements
which already have cost the Germans
so heavily during three months of
winter offensives.
(The German communique ad-
mitted Russian advances in several
sections between Orel and the Sea of
Azov but said counterattacks subse-
quently had repelled the Russians. A
thaw in the western Caucasus was
said to have limited fighting to local
engagements. Renewed Soylet attacks
near Lenningrad were declared frus-
trated.) -
Orel Enclosed
South of the strong base of Orel,
the Russians are drawing around the
city on three sides in heavy force.
Some troops are within 30 miles of
the city, battling outposts of the Ger-
man garrison. The noon communi-
que said Nazi counterattacks were re-
pulsed north of Kursk and that the
Red Army advanced, killing 300 Ger-
mans and capturing important booty.
Turn to Page 5, Col.-4
Talk of Third
Patty Is Heard
Split Indicated If FDR
Runs for Fourth Term
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20.- ()-
Some strong talk is being heard in
congressional cloakrooms today
about the possibility of anti-admin-
istration Democrats forming a third
party if President Roosevelt becomes
a candidate for a fourth term.
The President has, of course,
strong partisans in other democratic
quarters who contend that his con-
tinuance in office will be vital to the
country in the war and peace efforts
and to the welfare of the party itself.
But the persistence of third party
discussion, heard in a serious vein
from veteran office holders, all life-
long Democrats, demonstrates an
undercurrent of dissatisfaction with-
in the party that may figure impor-
tantly in 1944 even though a third
party may not actually materialize.
Those who are weighing the ad-
mittedly dubious chances of organiz-
ing a successful third party include
senators and representatives who
have been more or less openly op-
posed to New Deal domestic policies
in the last few years.
To Start
ByU.S. Will Choose 334
Schools To Instruct;
Uniforms and Pay Set
. For Student Seamen
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20-(1P)-A
new college training program designed
to produced Naval officers on a
wholesale basis will be started about
July 1, the Navy announced today.
Selection of candidates will begin
Ap'il 2.
A total of 334 colleges and univer-
sities have been selected by joint
Arpmy-Navy action for service classes.
Tile exact number of naval classes to
be organized, a spokesman said, will
depend on the number of officer can-
didates. Schools for these classes will
be chosen from the 334 as need arises
and that overall total may be in-
creased if it is not sufficient.
Sea Duty For Misfits
Rated as apprentice seamen, the
students will be in uniform and draw
the pay of seamen. They will e sub-
ject to naval discipline. Those who
do not make the grade academically
will be assigned to other duty, prob-
ably at sea.
After the first class beginning July
1, a second group of students will
start their studies Nov, 1 and a third
group March 1, 1944. The potential
officers-who will be trained for the
Marine'Corps and Coast Guard as
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20.- (P)-
The' Navy announced today that
students which it trains in colleges
over the country may participate
in' all college athletics provided
such activities do not interfere
with their studies.
In a policy! statement covering
the new college training program,
the Navy said that the students
would have very heavy schedules
but that there would be no objec-
tion to their playing In college
games, including, according to a
Navy spokesman, varsity contests.
Against a backdrop of New York City's skyline, the 35,000 ton
French battleship Richelieu was convoyed by tugboats down the East
River to a drydock for repairs. In the background is Brooklyn Bridge.
Rea ReveasdRationng
Plan for StulldenZt Houses
Rally Will
Salute War Workers
Talk by Member of Rickenbacker Crew
To Climax Program at Hill Auditorium
A University plan for simplifying
the rationing of canned goods to
fraternity, sorority, and, cooperative
houses was announced yesterday by
Assistant Dean Walter B. Rfea.
The plan will allow house managers
and stewards to secure Number 2 Ra-
tion Books for all the members of
their houses at once by bringing to
the Dean of Students Officp, Room 2,
University Half, the signatures and
Number 1 Ration Books qf all the
members. Registration will be held
from Tuesday through Thursday of
next week. .
(Administered by Dean Rea and
Dean Charles T. Olmstead, the plan
will apply only to houses serving 50
or less at its tables. Independent in-
dividuals will register at neighbor-
hood schools.)
After presenting a list of signatures,
typewritten names, and Number 1.
Ration Books of all who eat in the
houses-including cooks, waiters and
other employees-the stewards will
receive both the 1 and 2 books and
will be required to take inventory of
canned goods on hands as of Feb. 28.
These inventories will be handed to
the Dean of Students Office between
March 1-10 and points will be de-
ducted from the ration books for
supplies over the Government-per-
Gandhi's Health
Much Worse
NEW DELHI, Feb. 20-1)-The
British government today reiterated
its position that the responsibility for
Mohandas K. Gandhi's hunger strike
rested solely with him and that any
decision to end it must be made by
the Indian Nationalist leader himself.
As the 73-year-old Gandhi com-
pleted the 11th day of his 21-day
fast in the guarded palance of the Aga
Khan at Poona, the government is-
sued a communique in Bombay saying
that his condition had changed con-
siderably for the worse and was re-
garded as grave.
Ann Arbor will become Michigan's
third city to have its war workers
saluted by the Ariny in the day-long
Washington's Birthday war rally to-
Only in Flint and Pontiac has the
Army before paid official tribute to
Michigan's war workers.
The huge rally will climax Monday
night with a talk in Hill Auditorium
by Sergt. John F. Bartek, Chief En-
gineer of the Rickenbacker crew that
floated in rubber rafts for 22 days
in the Pacific.
From 10:30 in .the morning until
6 at night, Sergeant Bartek, a Mar-
ine, decorated for valor in Guadal-
canal, a sailor who saw action in
French North Africa, and fifty sol-
diers from Detroit with full battle
equipment, will visit 12 Ann Arbor
war production plants.
They will tell war workers of their
experiences on the fighting front and
will emphasize the contributions that
can be made by fighters on the home
The Hill Auditorium rally, open to
war workers, their families, students
Nelson so.Won't
Be Removed
Associated Press Correspondent
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20.-(P)-
Any prospects that Donald M. Nelson
might be removed from the chairman-
and townspeople, will include short
addresses by Mayor Leigh J. Young,
Col. William A. Ganoe, head of the
University ROTC, and Capt. Richard
E. Cassidy, head of the campus
Student members of both reserve
officers groups will provide a special
color guard and the University band
will furnish music.
The seven units of convoy troops
will camp on the Courthouse lawn
downtown during their stay here.
They will leave their jeeps and other
equipment for display on the Court-
house lawn and on the northwest
corner of the campus while they view
war plants.
ROTC cadets will add to the dis-
play with machine guns and mortars
of their own.
Every hero and every convoy troop
will have dinner at the Michigan
Jnion, as guests of the Ann Arbor
civic committee that has arranged
the program.
mitted amounts. A like policy will be
followed in the case of those who are
short of the stipulated amounts,
when warrant will be issued allowing
houses to bring their canned food
stocks to the allotted size.
Dean Rea emphasized that the plan
is not a University ruling and in fact
is not compulsory but has been
drawn up with the cooperation of the
Interfraternity Council, the Ian-Hel-
lenic Association, and the Iiter-Co-
operative Council for the greater con-
venience of campus house managers
and stewards. The approval of the'
Washtenaw County Rationing Board
has also been secured, Dean Rea
Thumna Indicates
M' Likely To Be,
Training, School
Michigan has every reason to sup-
pose it will be one of the 334 colleges
and universities selected by the Army
and Navy for service classes, Prof.
B. D. Thuma, campus armed services
representative, indicated last night.
This University's number of well-
qualified technical teachers should
make it one of the natural choices
for war technical training according
to Prof. Thuma.
He predicted that as the program
gains, momentum more and more
University residence halls will be
taken over for the housing of soldier
and sailor students.
Prof. Thuma listed these ready
advantages of the new training pro-
Men will be sent to school on their
merit and not on their ability to pay
for a college education.
College facilities, otherwise unused
due to lack of students, will again
be pressed into service.
Ask Stricter
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20.- M)-A
special presidential committee re-
ported today that thousands of able-
bodied men at government desks can
be released to the armed forces if
deferments are strictly limited to
holders of essential jobs and need-
less and overlapping functions and
positions eliminated.
The committee concluded that
work clearly essential to the war ef-
fort or necessary to maintaining the
indiSannahle civilian guvrnment
wellas the Navy-will be chosen by
seledtion boards composed of one.
naval officer, a representative of the
public and an educator. There will be
at least one board in each sate.
17-Year-Olds Eligible,
Entrance examinations may be
taiken by high school or prep school
graduates 17 to 20 years old as of
.next July 1 or college students in the
same age group who do not meet the
technical requirements- of a high
school diploma. Application forms will
be distributed through high schools
and colleges.
Many students also will be drawn
from the present enlisted ranks of
the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast
Guard. Each applicant already in the
service must apply through his com-
manding officer.
Students may choose the branch of
service they would like to be in. and
also the college they would like to at-
tend. The Navy will honor these
choices where possible but will not be
bound by them.
16 Months is Average
The average student officer, trained
for general duties, will go to college
for a year and four months, his course
being organized into four terms of 16
weeks each. Special students-medi-
cal, dental, engineering and'similar
officer candidates - will be given
courses varying from six to 12 terms
in length.
Students under 18 years of age
when they enlist will be placed on In-
active duty until they are assigned to
colleges. Those who a'e over the selec-
tive service minimum of 18 will be in-
ducted under regular selective service
procedure,'enlisted in the Navy's V-12
reserve, as the college group is desig-
nated, and then put on inactive duty
until assigned to college.
Pu blications, Un ion Posts To Be Filled,
Former Student Killed
All voting in Wednesday's all cam-
pus elections will be by particular
class and school according to a Ju-
diciary Council announcement made
9r'hP nami miilld. P Q.ii _+
each. All votes cannot be cast for one
candidate although voters may
choose to vote for only one, Bill Ses-
sions, '43E, Judiciary Head, stated.
In the engineering school, eligible
.-.n.r 1A Qnnhmnrp ntarc mn y
three men. The three receiving the
highest number of votes will be de-
clared elected.
Voting for the Union positions will
be particular school representatives
nnio and P arh nenn will h entitle1
Lieut. William A. Prentice, a for-
mer University student, was awarded
the Order of the Purple Heart after
being killed in action on Dec. 9, fol-
lowing an American bombing raid
over L~ille. France. his father. Clifford1